Which is cheaper to plaster or drywall? What is better and cheaper, to plaster the walls or cover them with plasterboard? Which type of technology is cheaper?

When decorating interiors, there is often a need to level the walls. This is especially true in old panel houses. But even a perfectly executed masonry of aerated concrete blocks must be prepared before wallpapering using plaster or plasterboard sheets (gypsum plasterboard). Below we will look at both options and discuss the question of which of these materials is better to choose.

Plastering walls

This is a building material based on gypsum (from Italian. stucco-gypsum, lime) or cement used for leveling walls and finishing. Often it contains additives that impart special properties: water protection, fire resistance, abrasion resistance, mineral components to impart texture, coloring additives. Plaster is sold in the form of dry mixtures in bags or ready-made mortar in buckets.

Plaster for leveling in a bag and decorative plaster in a bucket

Advantages of “wet” leveling

  • Strength- one of its main advantages. Cement-based mortar, after setting, becomes a monolith with the strength of stone. Plastered surfaces can withstand the weight of shelves and cabinets and are not afraid of impacts.
  • Durability. Plaster covered with finishing is practically not destroyed. For example, you can re-paste wallpaper for many years without repairing the rough finishing layer underneath.
  • Well tolerated subzero temperatures , this is relevant for non-residential premises(garage, utility room, veranda) and cottages without heating.
  • Moisture resistance plaster makes it a good choice for use in bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms where high humidity is possible. If your upstairs neighbors flood you, then finishing, most likely, will deteriorate, but the walls underneath will remain intact. Made from natural lime plaster Tadelakt even make sinks and bathtubs.

Moroccan tadelakt plaster

  • Space saving. For small defects in the walls, the leveling layer of the mixture will be minimal, which will significantly save room space.
  • Universal base for any type finishing works . Suitable for ceramic tiles, decorative plaster, painting and wallpaper.

Disadvantages of plastering

  • Working hours. The layer of mortar must set and dry well before proceeding with the final finishing.
  • Dirt. When mixing and applying the solution, it is quite difficult to keep the floor and overalls clean.
  • High material consumption on curved surfaces.
  • Labor intensity of work. It is difficult to plaster smoothly without experience.

Drywall: types and applications

Drywall- a universal building material, often used instead of plaster. It consists of plaster covered on both sides with sheets of cardboard. It also contains starch and surfactants. Standard dimensions of gypsum board sheets are width 1200 mm, length 2000/2500/3000 mm, thickness 9.5 or 12.5 mm.

Depending on its operational properties, plasterboard is divided into the following types:

GKLO. Contains mineral fibers and special. additives. Resistant to fire, used in facilities with increased fire safety requirements.

GKLV. Impregnated with water-repellent components, this allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity - baths and toilets. It is worth considering that with prolonged contact with water, the material may still suffer.

Regular plasterboard. Widely used in residential premises for leveling walls and ceilings, and creating decorative elements.

Decoration of walls and ceilings from gypsum plasterboard

When building or renovating a house or apartment, the question arises: how to level interior walls before decorative finishing? After all, the surface quality of enclosing structures is sometimes far from ideal. If you are building a house for yourself, then you still have the opportunity to control the quality of the walls, but in an old house or apartment there is no such opportunity.

The classic leveling method is plaster. A solution is prepared for it based on binders, fillers and water. Although the composition changes over time, the technology remains the same for many centuries - applying the mortar to the walls and leveling it with tools or mechanisms. If previously they used plasters based on and, now mixtures have been developed that are mixed and packaged in bags at the factory. Drywall is also used instead of plaster. This material is relatively new, but safe and easy to install. What is cheaper to level the walls, with plasterboard or plaster? What are the features of using these materials? Let's take a closer look.

Pros and cons of plaster

Plaster is made from a mixture of a binder (Portland cement, lime, gypsum, clay), filler (sand, stone chips, sawdust) and additives. Depending on the composition and manufacturer, it has different properties and is suitable for different applications, but there are unifying characteristics. The positive aspects include:

  • Strength. Regardless of the composition, correctly applied plaster has sufficient strength characteristics to serve for a long time- up to several decades. It also better withstands external mechanical stress.
  • Possibility of choosing a mixture for specific operating conditions.
  • The existence of decorative plaster, which does not require puttying or painting. This makes the work cheaper, although it is quite expensive in itself.
  • Simplicity and reliability of fastening home electronics, appliances, furniture - it is enough to use standard dowels.

The disadvantages include:

  • Difficult to apply. For good result You must have sufficient skills and experience. If the mixture is prepared on construction site- it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of the components and their proportions. Ready-made plaster, although it has predictable characteristics, is more expensive.
  • If the walls are very uneven, then a large leveling layer is applied. To attach it, additional treatment of the wall is required to improve adhesion, and the use of reinforcing mesh.
  • The need to select characteristics plaster mixture under the wall material.
  • Since the process is “wet”, the floor and ceiling become more contaminated during work.
  • After application, it is necessary to comply with the temperature and humidity characteristics of the air in the room for uniform and rapid drying.

Features of leveling with plasterboard (GK).

The second option for leveling walls and partitions is plasterboard sheets(GKL). When is it better to use drywall instead of plaster on walls? What are its features? The advantages of leveling these materials include:

  • Easy to install. Despite the fact that working with drywall also requires skills, it is easier for a non-specialist to learn than plastering.
  • Speed ​​- if after applying the plaster you need to wait until it dries, then you can putty the HA immediately after fixing it.
  • The distance from the rough wall to the front surface of the sheet is allowed to be large, while applying plaster larger than 50 mm is problematic and expensive.
  • Between the rough wall and the HA sheet, you can lay a layer of insulation, which improves the thermal characteristics of the structure.
  • Possibility of use in wet areas when using sheets of the appropriate type (moisture resistant).
  • Since the process is “dry”, the room is less polluted during operation.
  • In the empty space behind the sheet, it is allowed to install utility lines without gating - electrical wiring, water supply, sewer and heating pipes.


  • The thickness of the structure takes away part of the usable volume of the room.
  • The complexity of fastening furniture and household appliances. The drywall itself is fragile, which means it must be attached to the rough wall using special mortgages and brackets.
  • The surface of gypsum plasterboard is easier to damage or destroy.
  • Domestic rodents may appear in the space between the wall and the sheet (this is more relevant for private houses).

What is cheaper, drywall or plaster walls? It depends on various factors. The cost of applying plaster on beacons is approximately equal to or greater than the cost of installing plasterboard sheets using guides. The cost of the materials themselves also depends on the conditions of their use. For a plaster layer thickness of up to 10 mm, the cost square meter surfaces treated with dry mortar or standard plasterboard are comparable. However, if the layer increases, the plaster becomes more expensive. And vice versa - if the walls are smooth and do not require a large layer of building mixture, processing with it will be cheaper.

It is advantageous to use gypsum plasterboard on uneven rough walls, when a large layer of plaster is required for leveling. If a small layer is required, then vice versa. The choice also depends on the cost of work in a particular region, the availability of materials, and the planned design of the premises. The choice is made after calculating and comparing the cost and features of both options.

Building a new house or renovating an old one, updating an apartment or restoring damaged walls invariably leads to the need to start repairs. A few decades ago, construction work on leveling walls would have been reduced to plastering them. Today this option has appeared worthy competitor- drywall. This is where the dilemma arises: which is better - drywall or plaster?

There is no clear answer to this question. In each specific case, the owner will have to decide for himself what to purchase. The choice will become obvious only after reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of each building material.

What is drywall?

This material was invented at the end of the 19th century in America. But then it did not become widespread. Over time, when choosing which is better - drywall or plaster, more and more people began to give preference to drywall. From the middle of the next century, its use spread throughout the world, and it also appeared in the USSR.

Drywall is a building material. It consists of two sheets of cardboard and an inner layer of hardened gypsum dough between them. Drywall is used for ceilings, for interior wall cladding and for creating interior partitions. Not suitable for external work and for rooms with high humidity. Of course, you can use plasterboard to level the walls, but after a few years appearance these walls will deteriorate. After a maximum of 6-8 years, the repair will have to be repeated.

Manufacturers produce three main types of plasterboard sheets: standard sizes. One width is 1200 millimeters, and the length can be 2, 2.5 or 3 meters. The sheet thickness comes in two sizes: 9.5 or 12.5 millimeters.

Responding to consumer requests, manufacturers have launched production three types plasterboard: standard plasterboard sheets (GKL), waterproof plasterboard (GKLV) and fire-resistant plasterboard (GKLO).

Waterproof sheets are distinguished by the addition of special anti-fungal substances to the gypsum core. The gypsum in fire-resistant sheets is reinforced with clay and fiberglass reinforcement. Due to the fire-resistant properties of these materials, a sheet of plasterboard can withstand open fire for an hour without spreading it and smoke. The buyer can distinguish the types of drywall by the color of the sheets: if it is gray, then it is regular drywall, green markings indicate water-resistant material, and pink marks indicate fire resistance.

What is plaster?

For a long time, walls and ceilings were leveled using plaster. This mortar, used for interior or outside walls as well as ceiling. Plaster also means a hardened layer obtained as a result of applying it to walls. Usually there are three:

  1. Regular - used to level the surface of walls and protect them from negative impact environment. It is possible to treat walls both indoors and outdoors.
  2. Special - provides by adding certain components different characteristics: heat-saving, sound-insulating, X-ray protective, waterproofing.
  3. Decorative - at the final stage of finishing walls or ceilings, it gives an aesthetically attractive appearance to the surface. There are colored, silk, Venetian, stone and others.

Ordinary plaster may have different composition: lime, gypsum or cement-sand mixture.

Lime mortar is a mass of lime and sand in a ratio of 1:4. You can add cement for strength. The environmentally friendly mixture is quickly applied and used for outdoor work. Cement-sand mass in a ratio of 1:4 can be applied to external and internal sides walls This solution will be able to level out large defects; the layer of plaster will not be destroyed for several decades. it is applied for interior work. The coating is smooth and white, suitable for finishing in any way: wallpaper, painting, tiles.

Advantages of drywall

In order to determine which is better - drywall or plaster, you need to learn about the pros and cons of each type of finishing materials. Drywall has a number of advantages that plaster does not reach:

  1. All finishing work with drywall is accompanied by a minimum of dirt, since the material is dry and does not require moisture.
  2. Leveling walls with this material does not require special skills and is done quickly. It is not difficult to use plasterboard for the ceiling.
  3. GKL sheathing provides sound insulation from external extraneous noise. The use of special fire-resistant plasterboard provides fire prevention.
  4. The ability of drywall to absorb excess moisture allows the walls to “breathe.”
  5. An empty space is created between the sheathing sheet and the wall, which can be put to good use. You can hide communications there or fill them with insulation.
  6. Drywall sheets bend well. This allows you to construct original designs on walls and ceilings from this material.

Disadvantages of drywall

Like any material, it has disadvantages. The disadvantages include:

  • decrease usable space inside the room, because the sheets are attached to the sheathing;
  • upholstering walls with plasterboard is only part of the finishing work: you also need to putty the seams and apply finishing material;
  • plasterboard walls cannot support a heavy shelf or cabinet hung on them; to do this, it is necessary to lay additional elements.

Advantages of plaster

It’s not for nothing that plaster is called an old, proven method of leveling walls and ceilings. It can compete with the visible advantages of drywall when choosing a material: what is better - drywall or plaster? The material has remained in demand for so long because the advantages of plastered walls cannot be ignored.

  1. Durability is the main advantage of plaster. The work carried out in compliance with all technologies allows you to forget about problems with unevenness for at least thirty years. Wallpaper, painting, and whitewash will have to be updated more often.
  2. A wall lined with plaster is strong, can withstand impacts, and is reliable.
  3. It can support almost any load: furniture, electrical equipment or a picture in a heavy antique frame.
  4. Keeps the same area of ​​the room without reducing it by a few centimeters on each side.
  5. Electricians allow the use of single-insulated wires on plastered walls.

Disadvantages of the material

Plaster is good, but it is not without its disadvantages:

  • Plastering walls is carried out by adding water, so it is accompanied by great amount mud.
  • Plastering is not a quick job. It takes time to apply the material and then for it to dry. And only then can you begin finishing. This may take three weeks, or even more.
  • When accepting work done from a plasterer, the customer can easily overlook the flaws. A non-professional is also often unable to check whether the technology is being followed correctly. There are many builders who want to carry out plastering work. The price depends on the level of skill and responsibility of the specialist.

Decorating a room using drywall

Plaster hides unevenness on the walls well and reliably. Drywall can do more - it can transform a space. When plastered, the result is a box with perfect smooth walls. Drywall design knows no boundaries. The most common options are: two- or three-level ceilings, zoning the room, creating arches or columns. You can transform any room, from the bedroom to the hallway. Interesting ideas They offer craftsmen for decorating bedrooms, children's rooms, and living rooms.

Cost of plaster and drywall

A comparison of the price of drywall and the components for plaster shows that the second material is significantly cheaper, almost twice as much. But you need to prepare a mixture from the starting materials, and then apply it to the wall. The drywall is ready for use and the sheet looks great. It is easy to lift and carry, it is lightweight.

Calculating the required number of sheets of drywall is easy. It is enough to measure the area of ​​the walls and ceilings in each room. Reckon with the right amount Even a master can do plaster. Much depends on the condition of the walls. If they are in poor condition, then you will have to increase the consumption of materials. Hence, to the question of what is cheaper - drywall or plaster, we can confidently answer that the second material is more affordable.

Remuneration of specialists

The cost of covering walls with plasterboard and plastering them is approximately the same. There is another problem here: finding good master. It will, of course, cost more, but the game is worth the candle.

Eat construction companies, requiring quite high prices - up to 4 dollars per processing of one square meter. However, the length of the tool is not specified. An experienced plasterer for that kind of money will only work with a one and a half meter trowel. The customer must understand that this option is preferable for him. The work of a highly qualified professional will cost much more: from $20 per square meter.

Leveling walls or ceilings with drywall will cost much less. So, on average, installation of drywall (price per sq. m) is about $5. Additional expenses will be required for smoothing the joints of sheets and for facing drywall. It's still cheaper than plastering.

Comparing these prices clearly answers the question of what is more profitable - plaster or drywall. Plaster will be cheaper.

Making a choice

Plaster and drywall have common features. Let's look at which ones exactly. It’s not called drywall for nothing. It can level walls without unnecessary difficulties. Both types finishing material are made from environmentally friendly components. Therefore they are harmless.

If we compare the speed of work, the undisputed leader will be drywall. Moreover, you can work with it already at +5 degrees. For plastering you need a warmer one. temperature regime. When comparing service life, the leadership will remain with plaster. A small caveat: if the application procedure was carried out correctly.

To quickly complete the repair, it is better to choose installation of drywall. Price per sq. m will also be lower, which is important. Preference should be given to drywall if you need to hide utility lines or large flaws in the walls. Additional insulation is also possible when installing this material.

Plaster is preferable at the dacha, since in winter there is no constant heating. A small room finished with plasterboard will become even smaller. Plaster will save the area from shrinking. And, of course, for rooms with heavy objects on the walls, this material is a win-win option.


These are the conclusions. Make your own decision about what is right for you - finishing the walls with plaster or drywall. Happy renovation!

When is drywall better?

When building or renovating a house or apartment, the question arises: how to level the internal walls before decorative finishing? After all, the surface quality of enclosing structures is sometimes far from ideal. If you are building a house for yourself, then you still have the opportunity to control the quality of the walls, but in an old house or apartment there is no such opportunity.

The classic leveling method is plaster. A solution is prepared for it based on binders, fillers and water. Although the composition changes over time, the technology remains the same for many centuries - applying the mortar to the walls and leveling it with tools or mechanisms. If earlier plasters based on clay and lime were used, now cement and gypsum mixtures, which are mixed and packaged in bags at the factory.

GKL or plaster?

A very difficult and, one might even say, philosophical question in the field of construction and finishing works: what to choose for interior decoration walls - drywall or plaster? Drywall today is very popular both in the West and in Russia, and there are many times more specialists in working with drywall than good plasterers.

Drywall is called dry gypsum plaster and, accordingly, its main analogue. This is what most Europeans and Americans prefer.

The result of using plasterboard for wall decoration is ideal Smooth surface, suitable for any finishing.

Drywall is a sheet with an inner layer of gypsum and several outer layers of cardboard. GKL is intended for interior decoration of walls and ceilings, as well as for creating wall and ceiling structures in dry rooms and in rooms with normal humidity.

However, there is also moisture-resistant drywall. Moisture-resistant gypsum board can be used in more humid rooms, but it is still not recommended to use it for finishing rooms with a swimming pool. In the bathroom, even moisture-resistant plasterboard requires replacement after 5-10 years.

1. Finishing walls with plasterboard involves only dry work. unlike plaster.

2. Drywall has good soundproofing properties. The same cannot be said about plaster.

3. Drywall is able to absorb excess moisture and release it again. That's why plasterboard walls called breathable.

4. Using drywall, you can easily create interesting, intricate curves and designs on the walls and ceiling. Drywall can be bent, so even curved lines are available.

All this can be achieved without much difficulty thanks to drywall

5. Finishing walls with plasterboard is faster and easier. than to plaster.

6. Insulation can be laid between the plasterboard and the base wall - this is especially in demand when finishing walls in cold rooms (balconies, loggias, verandas, etc.).

1. First and most main drawback– reduction of room volumes. since drywall is usually attached not to the wall itself, but to the sheathing.

2. Plasterboard on the walls is not fine finishing. Subsequent puttying of the seams, as well as finishing, is required.

3. Very heavy pieces of furniture or equipment cannot be hung on plasterboard, so plasterboard walls must be strengthened or additional lathing elements must be laid in advance in those places where the item will hang. If you want to rearrange and rehang, for example, kitchen cabinets. the issue of strengthening will have to be resolved.

1. If you need to complete the repair faster. You should give preference to drywall. It's not just that plastering is more difficult. The plaster must dry before it can be finished.

2. If you need to hide utilities, wiring, etc. Plasterboard sheathing will help do this. In this case, there is no need to resort to wall grooves.

3. If the differences in the walls are large. plastering work will be difficult and expensive. And it is not a fact that in this situation the results of the work will completely satisfy you. Thus, the worse the initial condition of the walls, the more significant the benefits of drywall.

4. If you need to insulate the walls. You should give preference to plasterboard - its installation on the sheathing allows you to lay insulation. However, due to the characteristics of drywall associated with the absorption of moisture both from inside and outside the room, it is necessary to use a vapor barrier film when insulating.

5. When finishing walls with plasterboard, it is much easier to control the quality of the work. Sometimes it's important.

6. If you prefer painting as a final finish for walls, give preference to plasterboard, since, unlike plaster, microcracks do not occur on it.

1. If you are choosing finishing for your dacha. which is heated from time to time in winter, it is better to give preference to plaster. Since this may not have the best consequences for drywall.

2. If the room is very small. choose plaster, since this finish practically does not eat up valuable centimeters, unlike plasterboard on the sheathing.

3. In some interior styles, plaster is relevant as a final decoration for walls (for example, in country style, Provence, antique, etc.). If you choose one of these styles, consider using decorative textured plaster. This is both wall leveling and finishing.

Decorative plaster on the walls

4. In those rooms where very heavy objects will hang (for example, a large water heater in the bathroom), it is better to plaster the walls. In very damp rooms it is also better to use plaster - such a finish will last much longer.

Base for flooring

Facing stone in the interior

Installation plasterboard ceiling with your own hands

And now we come to the final choice between two methods of wall decoration. But be that as it may, there is simply no clear answer to this question. Even if you ask: “What is cheaper - drywall or plaster?”, then the answer to this question will be very relative.

Although the plaster itself is cheaper than plasterboard, the work can cost much more, and this does not include its duration. Therefore, we can say that the cost of finishing is almost equal to each other.

There are no clear instructions for choosing finishing works, but I will give good advice– rely on the dimensions of the room, as well as what you want to get in the end.

Do you want to insulate your house, carefully level the walls, or even make an additional wall? Drywall will help you with this. And if you own a room with irregular heating in winter, a small area and high humidity, then best choice there will be plaster.

Pros and cons of plaster

  • The quality of the walls is of great importance. Plaster will not quickly correct serious surface defects. It is calculated that with differences in unevenness of 1.5 - 2 cm for plastering small apartment it takes 6 – 7 bags of mixture and several weeks of time.
  • Dirt. Stay indoors during plastering works It's simply impossible. And cleaning up after such a renovation is another task.

Plaster is made from a mixture of a binder (Portland cement, lime, gypsum, clay), filler (sand, stone chips, sawdust) and additives. Depending on the composition and manufacturer, it has different properties and is suitable for different applications, but there are unifying characteristics. The positive aspects include:

  • Strength. Regardless of the composition, properly applied plaster has sufficient strength characteristics to serve for a long time - up to several decades. It also better withstands external mechanical stress.
  • Possibility of choosing a mixture for specific operating conditions.
  • The existence of decorative plaster, which does not require puttying or painting. This makes the work cheaper, although it is quite expensive in itself.
  • Simplicity and reliability of fastening home electronics, appliances, furniture - just use standard dowels.

The construction of a new or renovation of an old building, in terms of leveling the walls, was reduced to plastering them. Today this technology has a worthy competitor - drywall. A dilemma arises: drywall or plaster - which is better and cheaper? We will try to understand this issue, find out the weak and strengths everyone technological process, and also determine the types of described building materials. Let's find out what is best for finishing walls.

For interior work there are two types of mixture:

  1. To level the working surface: eliminating voids, potholes, cracks.
  2. Finishing (decorative plaster): to create a decorative coating.

There are other types of mixtures that contain additional components designed to increase performance coatings like:

  1. Acrylic.
  2. Silicone.
  3. Silicate.
  4. Polymer.

There is a gradation of mixtures according to the type of binder. Let's briefly go through them and determine their purpose.

Mineral composition based on cement

This is the most common mixture based on a cement-sand composition. It is suitable for interior decoration of walls of any premises. It is sold in powder form, so the preparation process involves adding water. The composition can be easily prepared with your own hands at home.

The material, made on the basis of gypsum, is used for rough finishing of walls and at the final stage.


Gypsum mixture is used for finishing rooms where there is no moisture concentration.

Its cost with special moisture-resistant additives is unreasonably high.

Plaster made from polymer materials

It's already ready mix With high performance strength that does not need to be diluted with water. Acrylic mixture with large color scheme intended for decorative works. Ordinary plaster is cheaper than the acrylic mixture we are considering.

The mixture is made on the basis of potassium glass. It applies equally well to untreated surfaces and prepared walls.

Peculiarity: breathes well, allowing air to pass through. Therefore, moisture accumulation under silicate plaster is unlikely.

Before working with this material, the walls are primed.

Silicone plaster

The product is made on the basis of silicone resins. This type of plaster has a long service life. Water-repellent and vapor-permeable properties on high level. The material can be applied to various surfaces. In this case, you don’t have to prepare the walls. The price of the product is very high. Most often it is used when external works: facade finishing.

In addition to the above types, plaster varies in the characteristics of its application.

IN modern construction not so long ago it became possible to apply the finished solution using special machines.

Previously, the mixture was applied to the wall with a spatula, trowel and trowel.

It is necessary to understand

that the use of an automated process is beneficial when a large area needs to be processed or the speed of work is important.

Eg, average speed automatic application of the mixture is 10m2 in 60 minutes. The operational life of the composition can reach up to 20 years. Such solutions can be used to treat not only walls, but also ceilings.

Decorative plasters

This is a large group of working mixtures, which is divided into subspecies. The main thing that unites them all is their purpose. They are intended for finishing work. The product is already sold in finished form. Their cost is high, but there are mixtures in powder form, they are cheaper.

The product is made on the basis of acrylic resin with the addition of a dye of a certain shade and quartz sand. Sold as a ready-made mixture in plastic containers. Most often they are used to decorate windows and/or doorways. The advantage of the decorative solution is that there is no need for further finishing work. The disadvantage is their high cost.

Yes, there is one. It consists of traditional components with the addition of marble chips, natural stones and fine-grained malachite and granite. This material can be used to process arches and columns. Let's be honest, the stone variation is for those who love the antique style.

Used to create a coating under fake diamond. The work requires special attention and careful preparation. The plaster in question is made on the basis of cement, slaked lime and mica. The filler is quartz sand and stone chips.

Peculiarity: before applying the solution work surface needs to be moistened. A spray bottle or a regular sponge is suitable for this.

This is a special type that, after drying, forms a relief coating with different patterns. The material is applied in several layers, usually six. Each layer has its own color. The final stage is to remove some parts of the coating as shown in the figure.

This is a special type of finishing material with an imitation of natural marble. Let’s say right away that the process is labor-intensive, requiring certain skills and money. The minimum number of layers is three. The maximum is not specified, although we know examples of using eight-layer technology. The mixture contains marble chips or granite. We have dedicated a separate large article to this material.

You can familiarize yourself with Venetian plaster, its features and application technology.


Which is cheaper: cover the walls with plasterboard or plaster? traditional way, you decide. In this section we talked about the types of materials used for plastering.

We think that now there is plenty to choose from.

Plasterboard finishing materials are divided into several types:

  1. Standard.
  2. The material is moisture resistant.
  3. Fire resistant product.

It is clear that each of the finishing plasterboard materials has its own characteristics and is designed to perform specific tasks.

Let's find out their characteristics and decide on their purpose.

GKL standard

The most common product suitable for construction work and repair of any room as a facing material.

GKLV moisture resistant

The product includes special composition designed to effectively fight fungus. The material is resistant to moisture. They treat bathrooms, kitchens and technical rooms.

GKLO fire-resistant

The main property of the product is fire resistance. It can be used when decorating any premises, mainly those to which elevated fire safety requirements. The composition includes a reinforcing additive, which increases the material's resistance to fire and acts as a passive fire protection.

Whether you plaster the walls or cover them with plasterboard is up to you, but you need to know the advantages of the chosen material.

  1. By choosing plasterboard as a working material, your room during the renovation process will not be as dirty as when treating the walls with a mixture. Work is carried out exclusively dry.
  2. The work process moves faster, therefore saving time and effort.
  3. It is easier to hide large uneven walls with drywall.
  4. The material in question provides additional protection against the penetration of extraneous sounds and retains heat longer.
  5. You can give it the desired shape by first moistening it.
  6. The material is easy to process, opening up new possibilities for the imagination of designers.
  7. From it you can create different shapes, as shown in the figure below.

Now, knowing the advantages, you should not wonder whether to use plasterboard or putty to level the walls, although the decision is still yours.

Disadvantages of drywall

Having shown the advantages of drywall, it would be wrong to remain silent about the existing shortcomings.

  1. When deciding on the material, plaster or drywall, you must understand that sheets can reduce the area of ​​the room by 50-100 mm on each side.
  2. After installing the plasterboard slabs, it is necessary to perform final plastering.
  3. The material is fragile and breaks easily, so you need to work with it very carefully.
  4. After some time, a crack may appear at the junction of the sheets.

How to finish the walls, and what is better: to plaster the walls or cover them with plasterboard, is a rhetorical question. If you value working space and/or the walls of the room are flat, you should think about using a working mixture.

When is plaster preferable to drywall?

Plaster or drywall, which material to use can be decided only after we know the advantages and disadvantages of plaster. TO positive qualities the following can be attributed:

  1. The mixture, after drying, becomes very durable.
  2. Plaster is also better suited in rooms where it is necessary to hang cabinets and/or shelves. This could be the bathroom or kitchen.
  3. The material does not rot and lasts a long time.

Now, for the sake of objectivity, let’s find out the shortcomings of the plaster mixture.

Cons of plaster

  1. The disadvantages include the need to have certain experience that will help to perform the work efficiently.
  2. Involving specialists will automatically increase your budget expenses.
  3. The process is associated with constant waste, since this is “wet” work.
  4. Plastering is a process that requires applying the mixture in several layers, that is, the process is labor-intensive, requiring patience and endurance.

Now decide what to use - drywall instead of plaster or vice versa.

Drywall or plaster - what to use?

Let's calculate what is cheaper to level the walls - with plasterboard or plaster. Plastering the premises with the involvement of experienced specialists will entail additional costs. It is not always possible to carry out the work process perfectly on your own. Especially if the room has curved walls. This means that to level them you will need to apply several layers of solution. A layer that is too thick may simply fall off over time.

On the other hand, using drywall is not a cheap procedure. Moreover, in any case, finishing work surfaces will be required. Therefore, the funds spent on purchasing this or that material with the involvement of specialists are approximately equal.

And lastly

Plaster or drywall - which is better for aerated concrete? If you are making repairs in a new building, then it is better to choose plaster for aerated concrete rather than drywall. Take into account the possible shrinkage of the new building, good luck!

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