Additional structural elements. Types and close-ups of plans in video shooting


noun, m., used Often

Morphology: (no) what? plan, what? plan, (see) what? plan, how? plan, about what? about the plan; pl. What? plans, (no) what? plans, what? plans, (see) what? plans, how? plans, about what? about plans

1. Plan called graphic image objects that are located inside any structure, within the boundaries of any area, etc.

Exact plan. | City plan, buildings. | Plan of apartment, school. | Underground communications plan. | Smaller plan. | Plan scale. | Show something on a plan. | Draw a plan. | Plat.

2. Plan is a sequential list of someone’s expedient actions that are pre-distributed by someone in accordance with time periods, deadlines, etc.

Detailed, specific plan. | Long-term, strategic plan. | Operational, tactical, current plan. | Production and financial plan. | Plan for overcoming the crisis. | Accept or reject someone's plan.


3. Yours plans you name your expected prospects for the development or progress of something.

Distant, grandiose, daring plans. | Creative, scientific plans. | Involve someone in your plans. | Joint plans with someone. | Make plans for the future. | Unravel someone's plans. | Realize your plans. | The collapse of someone's plans.

Design, intention

4. Business plan called short description the proposed actions and financial calculations of an entrepreneur, which are aimed at achieving a specific commercial goal.

Sections of a business plan. | Draw up a business plan. | Calculations clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the business plan.

5. Plan They call the sequence of presentation of any information.

A clear plan. | Lesson plan, speeches, dissertations. | Negotiation plan. | Before each meeting, I try to prepare a conversation plan.

6. In cinema, photography plan name a number of depicted objects that are located closer (further) in relation to the viewer in accordance with the compositional intent of the author.

Left, right plan. | Something is placed in the foreground. | Give a close-up of the actor's face. | A river is visible in the background.

7. If someone, for example, prefers to be in the foreground, this means that this person intensely draws the attention of other people to his actions, his behavior, etc.

He doesn't like to be in the foreground.

8. If something, for example, comes off to the background, then this means that something ceases to be felt by anyone as important, significant, etc.

9. If they talk about something V any plan, this means that a question is being discussed by someone from a specific point of view.

Consider an issue from a political perspective. | In practical terms, this is not feasible. | Think about the problem in everyday terms.

planned adj.

Planned task.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev.

D. V. Dmitriev.:


    Synonyms See what a “plan” is in other dictionaries: plan

    Synonyms- plan, and... Russian spelling dictionary

    - plan/… Morphemic-spelling dictionary

    PLAN, plan, husband. (lat. planum plane). 1. A drawing depicting on a plane, usually on a large scale, some object, some structure, some terrain using the method of direct horizontal projection. Building plan. City plan... ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary A word derived from the Latin word planus (smooth, flat), from which come the English plane, plain, German Plan, etc. Initially, this concept meant a plain, later it began to be used in geometry, where it began to mean a plane... Wikipedia

    1. PLAN, a; m. [from lat. planum plane] 1. A drawing depicting a terrain, object, structure, etc. to scale on a plane. while maintaining their real proportions. P. buildings. P. city. P. school. P. spaceship. Greatly reduced p.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    1) a non-motorized, heavier-than-air aircraft with a wing to create aerodynamic lift. In addition to the wing, like an airplane, it has a fuselage, landing gear and tail. In free flight, it moves with a descent (planes) along an inclined... ... Encyclopedia of technology - (Latin planum, from planus even, smooth). 1) drawing, a small image of an object on paper. 2) in painting: the distance of objects from one another. 3) figuratively: the general distribution of any work, considerations, intentions, project; plan... ... Dictionary

    foreign words Russian language

    Course of action, order, schedule, distribution, list, estimate, project, scheme, tactics, route, ceremony, rank. Outline for an essay.. Wed. . See intention to foreground, have plans, plans, stand in the foreground, make plans... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A large-scale program to rearm the German navy, adopted shortly before the outbreak of World War II. Contents 1 Background 2 Plan “Z” 3 Implementation ... Wikipedia

    Door frame - a component of the door block, used for hanging on it door leaf and the location of the reciprocal part of the fixing device in it. The door frame is rigidly attached to the doorway, forming a single whole with it.

    The presence of a frame in the door set indicates an increased degree of connection between the opening and the door, to ensure better isolation of the separated spaces.

    Threshold - the lower transverse part of the door frame. It is notable for the fact that it may not be included in the box or may have a simplified configuration.

    The ledge is a small uniform protrusion along the entire perimeter of the door leaf or frame, which serves as a limiter when closing, hiding the gaps between the door leaf and the frame and increasing the insulating properties of the door.

Platbands are special decorative strips that cover the seam connecting the doorway and the frame. In doors made of steel, they can be made integral with the frame, increasing the protective properties.

71. What is shown on a section of a building? A section is an image of a building mentally dissected by a vertical plane. If you mentally dissect a building with a vertical secant and remove its front part, and project the remaining part of the building rectangularly onto the frontal projection plane (parallel to the secant plane), then the image obtained on it will be a section of this building. Sections are made along the most structurally or architecturally important parts of the building, according to staircase, window and


. A section of a building is called transverse when the vertical cutting plane is perpendicular to the longitudinal walls of the building. A section of a building is called longitudinal when the vertical cutting plane is parallel to the longitudinal

the walls of the building. The direction of the cutting plane for the section is indicated on the plan of the first

floor with an open line with arrows at the ends, showing the direction of projection and the observer's gaze. As a rule, the direction of view on the plan is indicated either from top to bottom or from left to right. separate rooms. The imaginary secant plane of the section is located within the door and window openings. Therefore, the building plan shows window and door openings, walls and partitions, built-in wardrobes, plumbing equipment, etc.

73. Selection of optimal parameters for the location of the point of view in perspective projections.

In order for an image to look good in perspective, it is necessary to take into account the person’s natural angle of view, so the relative position of the object, picture and point of view cannot be arbitrary. When choosing a point of view, it is recommended to adhere to the following provisions:

The main line of sight should be directed perpendicular to the picture plane and divide the picture approximately in half or be in the middle third of the picture.

That's what's called a painting. what will be contained between the extreme rays coming from the viewer to the object;

The angle between the base of the picture and the structure should be 20°...40°;

the viewer must be at such a distance from the object that the object is included in the cone of clear vision or is in the field of clear vision. To do this, the angle between the extreme rays of vision must be within 28°...37°;

In the case when the vertical dimensions of a structure are larger than the horizontal ones, the viewer should move one and a half to two heights away from the structure so that the angle of view in the vertical plane is within the permissible limits; According to the location of the picture plane Regarding the object, perspectives can be of two types: central frontal perspective used for building interiors, i.e. perspectives internal view premises; angular perspective

used when depicting individual objects, in this case the picture plane is located at an angle to the object. Based on the distance of the point of view from the subject, perspectives can be divided into perspectives with a sharp, sharp angle and perspectives with a blunt, flat angle.

Foreshortening is the position of the depicted object relative to the picture plane, which results in a sharp shortening of parts distant from the foreground.

Let's say you need to tell someone how to get from school to your house. You will not draw the surrounding objects as they look in nature or in a photograph, but draw a diagram on a piece of paper, marking houses with squares, a street or road with a winding line, trees with circles, etc.

Topographic plans are used, as a rule, in situations where such a scheme is required for a not too large area. They are needed when drawing up projects and during construction. Without site plans, no work is possible. economic activity. In everyday life, it is useful to draw up a plan of your premises (house, apartment, room), your plot, yard, garden.

Conventional signs

In order to work with a topographic plan, you need to be able to read it. You can't read without knowing the letters. The “alphabet” of the plan is the symbols. , indicating objects on the plan are called topographic. Such signs are similar to the objects themselves. To each natural object corresponds on the plan specific color: forest - green, river, lake, swamp - blue. Some objects, such as fields, vegetable gardens, forests, bushes, occupy large areas on the ground. These areas are called lands and their boundaries are marked with a dotted line.

Following in the footsteps of my parents, I entered the Faculty of Construction (already in my 4th year). I learned what a terrain plan is already as a little girl. Not only surveyors and geographers need a plan; builders, agricultural workers, and even just travelers need it!

What is a site plan

A site plan is a drawing that shows a small land plot. If the area has absolutely small sizes, then you can photograph it or even just draw it. It's better to do it from the air. The most popular are aerial photographs (photos taken from an airplane). I think it is beneficial to take such photographs because there will be no distortion of dimensions. Using symbols, objects that are present in the study area are indicated.

Conventional signs, I find very easy to understand and reminiscent of the object itself. For example:

  1. Forests are indicated by green vegetation.
  2. Springs - a thin blue line.
  3. Sand is brown.

Having such a plan at hand, the work of a farmer or, for example, a geographer will go faster.

How to make a site plan

To draw up a correct graphic plan for a detailed image of a small area of ​​the Earth, in my opinion, you need to understand a little about this area or just take it with you knowledgeable person(practice will teach you faster). But the Internet and useful books will also come in handy.

First of all, you need to find a point from which the entire area being studied will be visible. Then the desired scale is selected. Be sure to take a compass with you to determine the direction north. Afterwards, you can begin to mark the main landmarks. Landmarks can be the tallest trees, pillars or corners of buildings. Then, using special high-precision instruments, azimuths are measured to each of the points that need to be depicted on the plan. You need to set aside from the main point, and draw an auxiliary line from it (mark the angle on the plan). The distance from the main point to the desired points of the area will also need to be measured. At the end of the work, conventional signs are placed.

A plan is an image in a similar and reduced form of a projection of a site onto a horizontal plane. Plans that show only the contours of terrain elements without depicting the relief of the site are called contour plans. If the plans show the terrain along with the situation, then such plans are called topographical.
When depicting large areas on paper, it is necessary to take into account the curvature of the Earth. Therefore, when compiling maps for large areas The contours of the terrain are initially projected not onto a horizontal plane, but onto the spherical surface of the earth's ellipsoid or globe. The terrain projection obtained in this way also cannot be transferred to a plane (paper) in a similar and reduced form, since it is impossible to unfold a spherical surface on a plane without folds or tears. Therefore, to move from the spherical surface of the entire or significant part of the earth’s surface, map projections are used, which can be obtained analytically, graphically, geometric ways and perspective projection.
Consequently, a map is a reduced generalized image on the plane of the entire Earth or part of it, taking into account the curvature of the level surface.
By content geographic Maps It is customary to divide them into general geographical and thematic. On general geographical maps, the subject of the image is physical-geographical (relief, soil, vegetation cover, hydrography, etc.) and socio-economic ( settlements, road network, utility facilities, etc.) elements.
Thematic maps are based on general geographic maps, on which one of the elements of the general geographic map is depicted with particular completeness and detail (relief, hydrography, settlements, etc.), while other elements are displayed in less detail or not shown at all, but additionally apply special elements (climate, economic information, etc.). General geographic maps, depending on the scale, are divided into overview (smaller scale 1:1,000,000), overview-topographic (1:1,000,000 -1:500,000) and topographic (1:200,000 - 1:10,000).
In turn, topographic maps are divided into small-scale (1:100,000 - 1:200,000); medium-scale (1:25,000 - 1:50,000) and large-scale (1:5,000 - 1:10,000). Cartographic images at a scale of 1:5,000 are classified as maps if a cartographic projection was used in their creation, in other cases they are classified as topographic plans. Topographic plans are published on a scale of 1:5000; 1:2000; 1:1000 and 1:500.
Basic properties and elements topographic maps

Topographic maps, like all general geographic maps, differ from other images of the earth's surface (globes, space and aerial photographs, etc.) in three properties: 1) the use of a mathematically defined method of depicting the earth's surface on a plane, for which cartographic projections are used; 2) the use of cartographic symbols (legend) to show terrain objects with their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, as well as to depict the relief; 3) the use of cartographic generalization in the selection and generalization of depicted terrain objects.
The elements of a map include the cartographic image itself, the mathematical basis, the legend and auxiliary equipment.
The main part of the map is a cartographic image that conveys the content of the map, i.e., a set of information about the objects shown on the map, their location, properties and relationships.
All cartographic images are built on a mathematical basis, which includes a cartographic projection and a geodetic basis (parameters of the earth's ellipsoid, geodetic reference network). The layout and graphics system of maps are directly related to the mathematical basis.
Map projection is a mathematically defined way of displaying the surface of an ellipsoid or ball on a plane. Map projections include coordinate grids - cartographic and rectangular or kilometer grids, relative to which the positions and outlines of objects, contours, etc. are shown. Cartographic grid - this is an image of parallels and meridians on a map. The kilometer grid is a coordinate grid in a system of flat rectangular coordinates, the lines of which are drawn on the map at intervals corresponding to a certain number of kilometers. The points of intersection of grid lines on the map are called nodal points.
Depending on the nature of the distortions, the following map projections are distinguished:
1) equiangular, in which there are no distortions of angles in an infinitely small area of ​​the map, as a result of which the shapes of infinitesimal figures are not distorted in these projections and the length scale at any point remains the same in all directions, although it changes from point to point. Areas have significant distortions, especially on maps covering large areas;
2) equal-area, in which there are no area distortions on the map, but on maps with large coverage of the territory, significant distortions of angles and shapes occur;
3) arbitrary, in which there are distortions of angles and areas on the map in any proportion.
It should be noted that all map projections have distortions in the length of lines and the length scale can be maintained in individual directions (lines).
An important part of the map is the legend - a system of symbols and textual explanations used on the map that reveal the content. For topographic maps, special tables of symbols have been compiled, which are mandatory for use on all maps of the appropriate scale.
Ancillary equipment of the map includes cartometric graphics and various reference information.

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