Geyser VPG 23 instructions. Domestic instantaneous gas water heating devices

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Instantaneous water heater VPG-23

1. Unconventional look on environmental and economicChinese problems of the gas industry

It is known that Russia is the richest country in the world in terms of gas reserves.

From an environmental point of view, natural gas is the cleanest type of mineral fuel. When burned, it produces a significantly smaller amount harmful substances compared to other types of fuel.

However, the burning of huge quantities by humanity various types fuel consumption, including natural gas, over the past 40 years has led to a marked increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which, like methane, is a greenhouse gas. Most scientists consider this circumstance to be the cause of the currently observed climate warming.

This problem has alarmed the public and many statesmen after the publication in Copenhagen of the book “Our Common Future”, prepared by the UN Commission. It reported that climate warming could cause the melting of ice in the Arctic and Antarctica, which would lead to an increase in the level of the World Ocean by several meters, flooding island states and the unchanging coasts of the continents, which will be accompanied by economic and social upheavals. To avoid them, it is necessary to sharply reduce the use of all hydrocarbon fuels, including natural gas. International conferences were convened on this issue and intergovernmental agreements were adopted. Nuclear scientists in all countries began to extol the virtues of atomic energy, which is destructive for humanity, the use of which is not accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide.

Meanwhile, the alarm was in vain. The fallacy of many of the forecasts given in the mentioned book is due to the lack of natural scientists in the UN Commission.

However, the issue of rising sea levels has been carefully studied and discussed at many international conferences. It turned out. That due to climate warming and ice melting, this level is indeed rising, but at a rate not exceeding 0.8 mm per year. In December 1997, at a conference in Kyoto, this figure was refined and turned out to be equal to 0.6 mm. This means that in 10 years the sea level will rise by 6 mm, and in a century by 6 cm. Of course, this figure should scare no one.

In addition, it turned out that the vertical tectonic movement of coastlines exceeds this value by an order of magnitude and reaches one, and in some places even two centimeters per year. Therefore, despite the rise in level 2 of the World Ocean, the Sea is shallowing and retreating in many places (northern Baltic Sea, coast of Alaska and Canada, coast of Chile).

Meanwhile, global warming may have a number of positive consequences, especially for Russia. First of all, this process will contribute to an increase in the evaporation of water from the surface of the seas and oceans, the area of ​​which is 320 million km. 2 The climate will become more humid. Droughts in the Lower Volga region and the Caucasus will decrease and perhaps stop. The agricultural frontier will begin to slowly move north. Navigation along the Northern Sea Route will be significantly easier.

Winter heating costs will be reduced.

Finally, it must be remembered that carbon dioxide is food for all earthly plants. It is by processing it and releasing oxygen that they create primary organic matter. Back in 1927 V.I. Vernadsky pointed out that green plants could process and convert much more carbon dioxide into organic matter than the modern atmosphere could provide. Therefore, he recommended the use of carbon dioxide as a fertilizer.

Subsequent experiments in phytotrons confirmed V.I.’s prediction. Vernadsky. When grown under conditions of double the amount of carbon dioxide, almost all cultivated plants grew faster, bore fruit 6-8 days earlier and yielded a yield 20-30% higher than in control experiments with normal carbon dioxide content.

Hence, agriculture interested in enriching the atmosphere carbon dioxide by burning hydrocarbon fuels.

An increase in its content in the atmosphere is useful for more southern countries. Judging by paleographic data, 6-8 thousand years ago during the so-called Holocene climatic optimum, when the average annual temperature at the latitude of Moscow was 2C higher than the current one in Central Asia, there was a lot of water and there were no deserts. Zeravshan flowed into the Amu Darya, r. The Chu flowed into the Syr Darya, the level of the Aral Sea stood at +72 m and the connected Central Asian rivers flowed through present-day Turkmenistan into the saggy depression of the Southern Caspian Sea. The sands of Kyzylkum and Karakum are river alluvium of the recent past that was later dispersed.

And the Sahara, whose area is 6 million km 2, was also not a desert at that time, but a savannah with numerous herds of herbivores, deep rivers and settlements of Neolithic man on the banks.

Thus, burning natural gas is not only economically profitable, but also completely justified from an environmental point of view, since it contributes to warming and humidification of the climate. Another question arises: should we protect and save natural gas for our descendants? To answer this question correctly, it should be taken into account that scientists are on the threshold of mastering the energy of nuclear fusion, which is even more powerful than the energy of nuclear decay used, but does not produce radioactive waste and therefore, in principle, is more acceptable. According to American magazines, this will happen in the first years of the coming millennium.

They are probably mistaken regarding such short periods. However, the possibility of the emergence of such an alternative, environmentally friendly form of energy in the near future is obvious, which cannot but be kept in mind when developing a long-term concept for the development of the gas industry.

Techniques and methods of ecological-hydrogeological and hydrological studies of natural-technogenic systems in areas of gas and gas condensate fields.

In ecological, hydrogeological and hydrological research, it is urgent to resolve the issue of finding effective and economical methods for studying the state and forecasting technogenic processes in order to: develop a strategic concept for production management that ensures normal condition ecosystems to develop tactics for solving a set of engineering problems that contribute to rational use deposit resources; implementation of flexible and effective environmental policy.

Ecological, hydrogeological and hydrological studies are based on monitoring data developed to date from the main fundamental positions. However, the task of constantly optimizing monitoring remains. The most vulnerable part of monitoring is its analytical and instrumental base. In this connection, it is necessary: ​​unification of analysis methods and modern laboratory equipment, which would allow economically, quickly, and with great accuracy to perform analytical work; creation of a unified document for the gas industry that regulates the entire range of analytical work.

The methodological methods of ecological, hydrogeological and hydrological research in the areas where the gas industry operates are overwhelmingly common, which is determined by the uniformity of sources of technogenic impact, the composition of components experiencing technogenic impact, and 4 indicators of technogenic impact.

Features natural conditions territories of fields, for example, landscape-climatic (arid, humid, etc., shelf, continent, etc.), are due to differences in the nature, and with the same nature, in the degree of intensity of the technogenic influence of gas industry facilities on the natural Environment. Thus, in fresh groundwater in humid areas, the concentration of pollutant components coming from industrial waste often increases. In arid areas, due to the dilution of mineralized (characteristic of these areas) groundwater with fresh or weakly mineralized industrial wastewater, the concentration of pollutant components in them decreases.

Particular attention to groundwater when considering environmental problems follows from the concept of underground water as a geological body, namely underground water is a natural system characterized by the unity and interdependence of chemical and dynamic properties determined by the geochemical and structural characteristics of the underground water, the host (rocks) and the surrounding (atmosphere, biosphere, etc.) environments.

Hence the multifaceted complexity of ecological and hydrogeological research, which consists in the simultaneous study of technogenic impact on groundwater, atmosphere, surface hydrosphere, lithosphere (rocks of the aeration zone and water-bearing rocks), soils, biosphere, in determining hydrogeochemical, hydrogeodynamic and thermodynamic indicators of technogenic changes, in the study of mineral organic and organic components of the hydrosphere and lithosphere, in the application of full-scale and experimental methods.

Both surface (mining, processing and related facilities) and underground (deposits, production and injection wells) sources of technogenic impact are subject to study.

Ecological, hydrogeological and hydrological studies make it possible to detect and evaluate almost all possible man-made changes in natural and natural-technogenic environments in the areas where gas industry enterprises operate. For this, a serious knowledge base about the geological, hydrogeological, landscape and climatic conditions that have developed in these territories, and a theoretical justification for the spread of technogenic processes are mandatory.

Any man-made impact on the environment is assessed in comparison with the background environment. It is necessary to distinguish between natural, natural-technogenic, and technogenic backgrounds. The natural background for any indicator under consideration is represented by a value (values) formed in natural conditions, natural-technogenic - in 5 conditions that experience (have experienced) man-made loads from extraneous objects not monitored in this particular case, technogenic - in conditions of influence from aspects of the man-made object being monitored (studied) in this particular case. The technogenic background is used for a comparative spatiotemporal assessment of changes in the steppe of technogenic influence on the Environment during periods of operation of the monitored object. This is an obligatory part of monitoring, providing flexibility in managing technogenic processes and timely implementation of environmental protection measures.

With the help of natural and natural-technogenic background, the anomalous state of the studied environments is detected and areas characterized by its different intensities are identified. An anomalous state is detected by the excess of the actual (measured) values ​​and the studied indicator over its background values ​​(Cfact>Cbackground).

The man-made object causing the occurrence of man-made anomalies is established by comparing the actual values ​​of the indicator being studied with the values ​​in the sources of man-made influence belonging to the monitored object.

2. Ecologicaladvantages of natural gas

There are issues related to the environment that have prompted much research and debate on an international scale: issues of population growth, resource conservation, biodiversity, climate change. The last question is directly related to the energy sector of the 90s.

The need for detailed study and policy formation on an international scale led to the creation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the conclusion of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) through the UN. Currently, the UNFCCC has been ratified by more than 130 countries that have acceded to the Convention. The first conference of the parties (COP-1) was held in Berlin in 1995, and the second (COP-2) in Geneva in 1996. At CBS-2, the IPCC report was endorsed, which stated that there was already real evidence that that human activity is responsible for climate change and the effect of “global warming”.

Although there are views contrary to those of the IPCC, for example the European Science and Environment Forum, the work of the IPCC 6 is now accepted as an authoritative basis for policy makers, and it is unlikely that the push given by the UNFCCC will not encourage further development . Gases. those that are most important, i.e. those whose concentrations have increased significantly since the beginning of industrial activity are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). In addition, although their levels in the atmosphere are still low, the continuing increase in the concentrations of perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride leads to the need to touch on them. All these gases must be included in national inventories submitted to the UNFCCC.

The impact of increasing concentrations of gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere has been modeled by the IPCC under various scenarios. These modeling studies showed systematic global climate changes since the 19th century. The IPCC is waiting. that between 1990 and 2100 the average air temperature on the earth's surface will increase by 1.0-3.5 C. and sea level will rise by 15-95 cm. More severe droughts and (or) floods are expected in some places, while how they will be less severe in other places. Forests are expected to continue to die, further altering the absorption and release of carbon on land.

The expected temperature change will be too rapid for some animal and plant species to adapt. and some decline in species diversity is expected.

Sources of carbon dioxide can be quantified with reasonable confidence. One of the most significant sources of increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere is the combustion of fossil fuels.

Natural gas produces less CO2 per unit of energy. supplied to the consumer. than other types of fossil fuels. In comparison, methane sources are more difficult to quantify.

Globally, fossil fuel sources are estimated to contribute about 27% of annual anthropogenic methane emissions to the atmosphere (19% of total emissions, anthropogenic and natural). The uncertainty ranges for these other sources are very large. For example. Emissions from landfills are currently estimated at 10% of anthropogenic emissions, but they could be twice as high.

The global gas industry has for many years studied the evolving scientific understanding of climate change and related policies, and has engaged in discussions with renowned scientists working in the field. The International Gas Union, Eurogas, national organizations and individual companies have been involved in collecting relevant data and information and thereby contributing to these discussions. Although there are still many uncertainties regarding the precise assessment of possible future exposure to greenhouse gases, it is appropriate to apply the precautionary principle and ensure that cost-effective emission reduction measures are implemented as soon as possible. Thus, the compilation of emission inventories and discussions regarding reduction technologies have helped to focus attention on the most suitable events to control and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in accordance with the UNFCCC. Switching to lower-carbon industrial fuels, such as natural gas, can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a fairly cost-effective manner, and such switches are underway in many regions.

Exploring natural gas instead of other fossil fuels is economically attractive and can make an important contribution to meeting individual countries' commitments under the UNFCCC. It is a fuel that has minimal environmental impact compared to other types of fossil fuels. Switching from fossil coal to natural gas while maintaining the same fuel-to-electricity efficiency ratio would reduce emissions by 40%. In 1994

The IGU Special Commission on the Environment, in a report to the World Gas Conference (1994), addressed the issue of climate change and showed that natural gas can make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy supply and consumption, providing the same level of convenience, performance and reliability that will be required from the energy supply of the future. The Eurogas brochure "Natural Gas - Cleaner Energy for a Cleaner Europe" demonstrates the protection benefits of using natural gas environment, when considering issues from local to 8 global levels.

Although natural gas has advantages, it is still very important to optimize its use. The gas industry has supported efficiency improvement programs and technology improvements, complemented by developments in environmental management, which have further strengthened the environmental case for gas as an efficient fuel that contributes to a greener future.

Carbon dioxide emissions worldwide are responsible for approximately 65% ​​of global warming. Burning fossil fuels releases CO2 accumulated by plants many millions of years ago and increases its concentration in the atmosphere above natural levels.

The combustion of fossil fuels accounts for 75-90% of all anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. Based on the most recent data reported by the IPCC, the relative contribution of anthropogenic emissions to increased greenhouse effect evaluated by data.

Natural gas generates less CO2 for the same amount of supply energy than coal or oil because it contains more hydrogen relative to carbon than other fuels. Due to its chemical structure, the gas produces 40% less carbon dioxide than anthracite.

Air emissions from burning fossil fuels depend not only on the type of fuel, but on how efficiently it is used. Gaseous fuels typically burn more easily and efficiently than coal or oil. Utilization of waste heat from flue gases in the case of natural gas is also simpler, since the flue gas is not contaminated with solid particles or aggressive sulfur compounds. Due to its chemical composition, ease of use and efficiency, natural gas can make a significant contribution to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by replacing fossil fuels.

3. Water heater VPG-23-1-3-P

gas appliance thermal water supply

Gas appliance using thermal energy obtained by burning gas for heating running water for hot water supply.

Interpretation of instantaneous water heater VPG 23-1-3-P: VPG-23 V-water heater P - instantaneous G - gas 23 - thermal power 23000 kcal/h. In the early 70s, domestic industry mastered the production of standardized instantaneous water heating household appliances, which received the HSV index. Currently, water heaters of this series are produced by gas equipment factories located in St. Petersburg, Volgograd and Lvov. These devices belong to automatic devices and are designed to heat water for the needs of local domestic supply of the population and municipal consumers with hot water. Water heaters are adapted for successful operation in conditions of simultaneous multipoint water intake.

A number of significant changes and additions were made to the design of the instantaneous water heater VPG-23-1-3-P compared to the previously produced water heater L-3, which made it possible, on the one hand, to improve the reliability of the device and ensure an increase in the level of safety of its operation, on the one hand in particular, to resolve the issue of turning off the gas supply to the main burner in case of disturbances in the draft in the chimney, etc. but, on the other hand, it led to a decrease in the reliability of the water heater as a whole and to the complication of its maintenance process.

The body of the water heater has acquired a rectangular, not very elegant shape. The design of the heat exchanger has been improved, the main burner of the water heater has been radically changed, and, accordingly, the ignition burner.

A new element has been introduced that was not previously used in instantaneous water heaters - an electromagnetic valve (EMV); a draft sensor is installed under the gas exhaust device (cap).

As the most common means of quickly obtaining hot water in the presence of a water supply, for many years they have been using gas flow-through systems produced in accordance with the requirements water heating devices, equipped with gas exhaust devices and draft interrupters, which in the event of a short-term loss of draft prevent the flame of the gas burner device from going out, there is a smoke exhaust pipe for connection to the smoke duct.

Device structure

1. The wall-mounted device has rectangular shape, formed by removable cladding.

2. All main elements are mounted on the frame.

3. On the front side of the device there is a gas valve control knob, a button to turn on the electromagnetic valve (EMV), an inspection window, a window for igniting and observing the flame of the ignition and main burners, and a draft control window.

· At the top of the device there is a pipe for discharging combustion products into the chimney. Below are pipes for connecting the device to gas and water mains: For gas supply; For supply cold water; To drain hot water.

4. The apparatus consists of a combustion chamber, which includes a frame, a gas exhaust device, a heat exchanger, a water-gas burner unit consisting of two pilot and main burners, a tee, a gas tap, 12 water regulators, and an electromagnetic valve (EMV).

On the left side of the gas part of the water-gas burner block, a tee is attached using a clamping nut, through which gas flows to the ignition burner and, in addition, is supplied through a special connecting tube under the draft sensor valve; this, in turn, is attached to the body of the apparatus under the gas exhaust device (hood). The traction sensor is an elementary design, consisting of a bimetallic plate and a fitting on which two nuts are attached that perform connecting functions, and the upper nut is also a seat for a small valve, attached suspended to the end of the bimetallic plate.

The minimum thrust required for normal operation of the device should be 0.2 mm of water. Art. If the draft drops below the specified limit, the exhaust combustion products, which do not have the opportunity to completely escape into the atmosphere through the chimney, begin to enter the kitchen, heating the bimetallic plate of the draft sensor, located in a narrow passage on their way out from under the hood. When heated, the bimetallic plate gradually bends, since the coefficient of linear expansion when heated at the bottom layer of metal is greater than at the top, its free end rises, the valve moves away from the seat, which entails depressurization of the tube connecting the tee and the traction sensor. Due to the fact that the gas supply to the tee is limited by the flow area in the gas part of the water-gas burner unit, which significantly occupies less area valve seats of the traction sensor, the gas pressure in it immediately drops. The igniter flame, not receiving sufficient power, falls off. Cooling of the thermocouple junction results in the activation of the solenoid valve after a maximum of 60 seconds. An electromagnet, left without electric current, loses its magnetic properties and releases the armature of the upper valve, not having the strength to hold it in the position drawn to the core. Under the influence of a spring, a plate equipped with a rubber seal fits tightly to the seat, thereby blocking the through passage for gas that previously supplied to the main and ignition burners.

Rules for using instantaneous water heater.

1) Before turning on the water heater, make sure there is no smell of gas, open the window slightly and clear the slot at the bottom of the door for air flow.

2) The flame of a lit match check the draft in the chimney, if there is traction, turn on the column according to the operating manual.

3) 3-5 minutes after turning on the device recheck for traction.

4) Don't allow children under 14 years of age and persons who have not received special instructions should use the water heater.

Use gas water heaters only if there is draft in the chimney and ventilation duct. Rules for storing instantaneous water heaters. Instantaneous gas water heaters must be stored indoors, protected from atmospheric and other harmful effects.

If the device is stored for more than 12 months, it must be preserved.

The openings of the inlet and outlet pipes must be closed with plugs or plugs.

Every 6 months of storage, the device must undergo a technical inspection.

Operating procedure of the device

ь Turning on the device 14 To turn on the device you must: Check the presence of draft by holding a lit match or a strip of paper to the draft control window; Open the general valve on the gas pipeline in front of the device; Open the tap to water pipe in front of the device; Turn the gas valve handle clockwise until it stops; Press the button on the solenoid valve and place a lit match through the viewing window in the casing of the device. At the same time, the pilot burner flame should light up; Release the button of the solenoid valve after turning it on (after 10-60 seconds) and the pilot burner flame should not go out; Open the gas tap to the main burner by pressing the gas tap handle axially and turning it to the right until it stops.

b In this case, the ignition burner continues to burn, but the main burner has not yet ignited; Open the hot water valve, the flame of the main burner should flare up. The degree of water heating is adjusted by the amount of water flow, or by turning the handle of the gas tap from left to right from 1 to 3 divisions.

ь Turn off the device. At the end of using the instantaneous water heater, it must be turned off, following the sequence of operations: Close the hot water taps; Turn the gas valve handle counterclockwise until it stops, thereby shutting off the gas supply to the main burner, then release the handle and without pressing it in the axial direction, turn it counterclockwise until it stops. In this case, the pilot burner and solenoid valve (EMV) will be turned off; Close the general valve on the gas pipeline; Close the valve on the water pipe.

b The water heater consists of the following parts: Combustion chamber; Heat exchanger; Frame; Gas exhaust device; Gas burner unit; Main burner; Pilot burner; Tee; Gas tap; Water regulator; Solenoid valve (EMV); Thermocouple; Traction sensor tube.

Solenoid valve

In theory, the electromagnetic valve (EMV) should stop the gas supply to the main burner of the instantaneous water heater: firstly, when the gas supply to the apartment (to the water heater) disappears, in order to avoid gas contamination of the fire chamber, connecting pipes and chimneys, and secondly, if the draft in the chimney is disturbed (reducing it against established norm), in order to prevent poisoning carbon monoxide contained in combustion products of apartment residents. The first of the mentioned functions in the design of previous models of instantaneous water heaters was assigned to the so-called heat machines, which were based on bimetallic plates and valves suspended from them. The design was quite simple and cheap. After a certain time, it would break down in a year or two, and not a single mechanic or production manager even had the thought of the need to waste time and material on restoration. Moreover, experienced and knowledgeable mechanics, at the time of starting up the water heater and its initial testing, or at the latest during the first visit (preventive maintenance) to the apartment, in full consciousness of their rightness, pressed the bend of the bimetallic plate with pliers, thereby ensuring a constant open position for the valve of the heat machine, and There is also a 100% guarantee that the specified element of automatic security will not disturb either subscribers or maintenance personnel until the end of the water heater’s shelf life.

However, in the new model of instantaneous water heater, namely VPG-23-1-3-P, the idea of ​​a “thermal machine” was developed and significantly complicated, and, worst of all, it was combined with a draft control machine, assigning the function of a draft guard to the solenoid valve , functions that are certainly necessary, but to date have not received a worthy embodiment in a specific viable design. The hybrid turned out to be not very successful, it is capricious in operation, requiring increased attention from the outside service personnel, high qualifications and many other circumstances.

The heat exchanger, or radiator, as it is sometimes called in gas industry practice, consists of two main parts: the fire chamber and the heater.

The fire chamber is designed to burn a gas-air mixture, almost entirely prepared in the burner; secondary air, which ensures complete combustion of the mixture, is sucked in from below, between the burner sections. The cold water pipeline (coil) wraps around the fire chamber with one full turn and goes straight into the heater. Heat exchanger dimensions, mm: height - 225, width - 270 (including protruding elbows) and depth - 176. The diameter of the coil tube is 16 - 18 mm, it is not included in the above depth parameter (176 mm). The heat exchanger is single-row, has four through-return passages of the water-carrying tube and about 60 plate-ribs made of copper sheet and having a wave-shaped side profile. For installation and alignment inside the water heater body, the heat exchanger has side and rear brackets. The main type of solder used to assemble the coil bends PFOTs-7-3-2. It is also possible to replace the solder with MF-1 alloy.

In the process of checking the tightness of the internal water plane, the heat exchanger must withstand a pressure test of 9 kgf/cm 2 for 2 minutes (water leakage from it is not allowed) or be subjected to an air test for a pressure of 1.5 kgf/cm 2, provided it is immersed in a bath filled with water, also within 2 minutes, and air leakage (the appearance of bubbles in the water) is not allowed. Elimination of defects in the water path of the heat exchanger by caulking is not allowed. The cold water coil, along almost its entire length on the way to the heater, must be soldered to the fire chamber in order to ensure maximum water heating efficiency. At the exit from the heater, the exhaust gases enter the gas exhaust device (hood) of the water heater, where they are diluted with air sucked from the room to the required temperature and then go into the chimney through a connecting pipe, the outer diameter of which should be approximately 138 - 140 mm. The temperature of the exhaust gases at the outlet of the gas exhaust device is approximately 210 0 C; The carbon monoxide content at an air flow coefficient of 1 should not exceed 0.1%.

Operating principle of the device 1. Gas flows through the tube into the electromagnetic valve (EMV), the activation button of which is located to the right of the gas valve activation handle.

2. Gas block tap The water-gas burner unit carries out the sequence of turning on the pilot burner, supplying gas to the main burner and regulates the amount of gas supplied to the main burner to obtain the desired temperature of the heated water.

There is a handle on the gas tap that turns from left to right with fixation in three positions: The leftmost fixed position corresponds to closing 18 the gas supply to the ignition and main burners.

The middle fixed position corresponds to the full opening of the valve for gas supply to the ignition burner and the closed position of the valve to the main burner.

The extreme right fixed position, achieved by pressing the handle in the main direction all the way and then turning it all the way to the right, corresponds to the full opening of the valve for gas flow to the main and ignition burners.

3. The combustion of the main burner is regulated by turning the knob within position 2-3. In addition to manual blocking of the tap, there are two automatic blocking devices. Blocking the flow of gas to the main burner during mandatory operation of the pilot burner is ensured by an electromagnetic valve powered by a thermocouple.

The gas supply to the burner is blocked depending on the presence of water flow through the device by the water regulator.

When you press the solenoid valve (EMV) button and the gas block valve to the ignition burner is open, gas flows through the solenoid valve into the block valve and then through the tee through the gas pipeline to the ignition burner.

With normal draft in the chimney (vacuum of at least 1.96 Pa), the thermocouple, heated by the pilot burner flame, transmits an impulse to the valve electromagnet, which in turn automatically holds the valve open and provides gas access to the block valve.

If the draft is disrupted or absent, the solenoid valve stops the gas supply to the device.

Rules for installing an instantaneous gas water heater An instantaneous water heater is installed in a one-story room in compliance with technical specifications. The height of the room must be at least 2 m. The volume of the room must be at least 7.5 m3 (if in a separate room). If the water heater is installed in a room together with a 19-gas stove, then there is no need to add the volume of the room for installing the water heater to the room with a gas stove. Should there be a chimney, ventilation duct, or clearance in the room where the instantaneous water heater is installed? 0.2 m2 from the area of ​​the door, window with an opening device, the distance from the wall should be 2 cm for an air gap, the water heater should hang on a wall made of fireproof material. If there are no fireproof walls in the room, it is allowed to install the water heater on a fire-resistant wall at a distance of at least 3 cm from the wall. In this case, the wall surface should be insulated with roofing steel over an asbestos sheet 3 mm thick. The upholstery should protrude 10 cm beyond the body of the water heater. When installing the water heater on a wall lined with glazed tiles, additional insulation is not required. The horizontal clear distance between the protruding parts of the water heater must be at least 10 cm. The temperature of the room in which the device is installed must be at least 5 0 C. The room must have natural light.

It is prohibited to install a gas instantaneous water heater in residential buildings above five floors, in the basement and bathroom.

As a complex household appliance, the speaker has a set of automatic mechanisms that ensure safe operation. Unfortunately, many old models installed in apartments today do not contain a complete set of security automation. And for a significant part, these mechanisms have long since failed and have been turned off.

Using speakers without automatic safety systems, or with the automatic systems turned off, is fraught with a serious threat to the safety of your health and property! Security systems include: Backdraft control. If the chimney is blocked or clogged and combustion products flow back into the room, the gas supply should automatically stop. Otherwise, the room will fill with carbon monoxide.

1) Thermoelectric fuse (thermocouple). If during the operation of the column there was a short-term interruption in the gas supply (i.e. the burner went out), and then the supply resumed (gas flowed out when the burner went out), then its further supply should automatically stop. Otherwise, the room will fill with gas.

The principle of operation of the water-gas blocking system

The blocking system ensures that gas is supplied to the main burner only when hot water is being dispensed. Consists of a water unit and a gas unit.

The water unit consists of a body, a cover, a membrane, a plate with a rod and a Venturi fitting. The membrane divides the internal cavity of the water unit into submembrane and supra-membrane, which are connected by a bypass channel.

When the water intake valve is closed, the pressure in both cavities is equal and the membrane occupies the lower position. When the water intake is opened, water flowing through the Venturi fitting injects water from the over-membrane cavity through the bypass channel and the water pressure in it drops. The membrane and the plate with the rod rise, the rod of the water unit pushes the rod of the gas unit, which opens the gas valve and gas flows to the burner. When water intake is stopped, the water pressure in both cavities of the water unit is equalized and, under the influence of a cone spring, the gas valve lowers and stops gas access to the main burner.

The operating principle of automatic control of the presence of flame on the igniter.

Provided by the operation of the EMC and thermocouple. When the igniter flame weakens or goes out, the thermocouple junction does not heat up, the EMF is not emitted, the electromagnet core is demagnetized and the valve closes by force of the spring, cutting off the gas supply to the device.

Operating principle of automatic traction safety system.

§ Automatic shutdown of the device in the absence of draft in the chimney is ensured by: 21 Draft sensor (DT) EMC with thermocouple Igniter.

The DT consists of a bracket with a bimetallic plate fixed to it at one end. A valve is attached to the free end of the plate, closing the hole in the sensor fitting. The DT fitting is secured in the bracket with two locknuts, with which you can adjust the height of the plane of the outlet opening of the fitting relative to the bracket, thereby adjusting the tightness of the valve closure.

In the absence of draft in the chimney flue gases come out under the cap and heat the bimetallic plate DT, which, bending, lifts the valve, opening the hole in the fitting. The main part of the gas, which should go to the igniter, exits through the hole in the sensor fitting. The flame on the igniter decreases or goes out, and heating of the thermocouple stops. The EMF in the electromagnet winding disappears and the valve shuts off the gas supply to the device. The automatic response time should not exceed 60 seconds.

Automatic safety diagram VPG-23 Automatic safety diagram for instantaneous water heaters with automatic shutdown of the gas supply to the main burner in the absence of draft. This automation operates on the basis of the electromagnetic valve EMK-11-15. The draft sensor is a bimetallic plate with a valve, which is installed in the area of ​​the water heater draft breaker. In the absence of draft, hot combustion products wash the plate, and it opens the sensor nozzle. At the same time, the pilot burner flame decreases as the gas rushes towards the sensor nozzle. The thermocouple of the EMK-11-15 valve cools down and it blocks gas access to the burner. The solenoid valve is built into the gas inlet, in front of the gas tap. The EMC is powered by a Chromel-Copel thermocouple inserted into the pilot burner flame zone. When the thermocouple is heated, the excited thermal force (up to 25 mV) is supplied to the winding of the electromagnet core, which holds the valve connected to the armature in the open position. The valve is opened manually using a button located on the front wall of the device. When the flame goes out, the spring-loaded valve, which is not held by the 22 electromagnet, blocks the access of gas to the burners. Unlike other electromagnetic valves, in the EMK-11-15 valve, due to the sequential operation of the lower and upper valves, it is impossible to forcibly turn off the safety automatics by securing the lever in a pressed state, as consumers sometimes do. Until the bottom valve closes the gas passage to the main burner, gas cannot enter the pilot burner.

For blocking traction, the same EMC and the effect of extinguishing the pilot burner are used. A bimetallic sensor located under the upper cap of the device, heating up (in the zone of the reverse flow of hot gases that occurs when the draft stops), opens the gas discharge valve from the pilot burner pipeline. The burner goes out, the thermocouple cools and the electromagnetic valve (EMV) blocks gas access to the apparatus.

Maintenance of the device 1. Monitoring the operation of the device is the responsibility of the owner, who is obliged to keep it clean and in good condition.

2. To ensure normal operation of an instantaneous gas water heater, it is necessary to carry out a preventive inspection at least once a year.

3. Periodic maintenance of an instantaneous gas water heater is carried out by gas service workers in accordance with the requirements of operating rules in the gas industry at least once a year.

Basic water heater malfunctions

Broken water plate

Replace plate

Scale deposits in the heater

Wash the heater

The main burner lights with a bang

The holes in the faucet plug or nozzles are clogged

Clean holes

Insufficient gas pressure

Increase gas pressure

The tightness of the draft sensor is broken

Adjust the traction sensor

When the main burner is turned on, the flame shoots out

Ignition retarder not adjusted


Soot deposits on the heater

Clean the heater

When the water intake is turned off, the main burner continues to burn

Safety valve spring broken

Replace spring

Safety valve seal worn

Replace seal

Foreign bodies entering the valve


Insufficient water heating

Low gas pressure

Increase gas pressure

The tap hole or nozzles are clogged

Clean the hole

Soot deposits on the heater

Clean the heater

Bent safety valve stem

Replace the rod

Low water consumption

Water filter is clogged

Clean the filter

The water pressure adjustment screw is too tight

Loosen the adjusting screw

The hole in the Venturi tube is clogged

Clean the hole

Scale deposits in the coil

Rinse the coil

There is a lot of noise when the water heater is running

High water consumption

Reduce water consumption

Presence of burrs in the Venturi tube

Remove burrs

Misalignment of gaskets in the water unit

Install gaskets correctly

After a short period of operation, the water heater turns off

Lack of traction

Clean the chimney

The draft sensor is leaking

Adjust the traction sensor

Gap electrical circuit

There are many reasons for circuit breakdowns; they are usually the result of a break (breakage of contacts and connections) or, conversely, a short circuit before the electric current generated by the thermocouple enters the electromagnet coil and thereby ensures a stable attraction of the armature to the core. Circuit breaks, as a rule, are observed at the junction of the thermocouple terminal and a special screw, at the place where the core winding is attached to the figured or connecting nuts. Short circuits are possible in the thermocouple itself due to careless handling (fractures, bends, impacts, etc.) during maintenance or due to failure as a result of excessive service life. This can often be observed in those apartments where the pilot burner of the water heater burns all day, and often for days, in order to avoid the need to ignite it before turning on the water heater for operation, of which the owner may have more than a dozen during the day. Short circuits are also possible in the electromagnet itself, especially when the insulation of a special screw made of washers, tubes and similar insulating materials is displaced or broken. It will be natural for the purpose of acceleration repair work everyone involved in their implementation should always have a spare thermocouple and electromagnet with them.

A mechanic looking for the cause of a valve failure must first obtain a clear answer to the question. Who is to blame for valve failure - thermocouple or magnet? The thermocouple is replaced first, as the simplest option (and the most common). Then, if the result is negative, the electromagnet undergoes the same operation. If this does not help, then the thermocouple and electromagnet are removed from the water heater and checked separately, for example, the thermocouple junction is heated by the flame of the top burner of a gas stove in the kitchen, and so on. Thus, the mechanic uses the method of elimination to install the defective unit, and then proceeds directly to the repair or simply replacing it with a new one. Only an experienced, qualified mechanic can determine the cause of a solenoid valve failure without resorting to a step-by-step investigation by replacing supposedly faulty components with known good ones.

Literature used

1) Handbook on gas supply and gas use (N.L. Staskevich, G.N. Severinets, D.Ya. Vigdorchik).

2) Handbook of a young gas worker (K.G. Kyazimov).

3) Notes on special technology.

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Gas water heater VPG 23 instructions. Download three files and get a prize! (see conditions below)

Gas water heater VPG 23 instructions

This site presents: All devices have a draft sensor and protective devices that turn off the gas in emergency situations, which ensures safe operation.. They have small sizes and low price.. Batteries need to be changed every six months or once a year.. The difference is rather in the comfort of operation and the cost of one or another type of gas water heater.. Therefore, all work on installing a gas appliance should be carried out only by specialists who have the appropriate licenses from Gosgortekhnadzor .. In two or three room apartments you can install gas water heaters with a standard power of 23-24 kW and a capacity of 13-14 l min.. Long and flawless operation of the water heater largely depends on its correct installation.. Such devices, from a safety point of view, must be replaced with new ones that have a Certificate of Conformity with the State Standard of Ukraine and permission from the State Mining and Technical Inspectorate for operation.. Most often, this element is two AA batteries.. The advantages of this solution are obvious: only cold water and gas distribution is installed in the building, hot water is always available in the apartment and does not depend on preventive and repair work at the heating plant.. The number of hot water distribution points and the plumbing used.. In one-room apartments you can install geysers with a power of 17-17, kW and a capacity of 10-11 l min.. Water pressure Italy Beretta Idrabagno, Germany bosch WR.. Geysers with piezo ignition This type of geysers is based on the piezoelectric effect.. Water flow regulator Main direction , according to which all manufacturers of geysers work, is to ensure their complete safety during operation.. It should be noted that gas water heaters must be installed by certified specialists.. Branches from the water heater to the chimney are purchased separately.. The choice of instantaneous (and storage) gas water heaters is now quite great.. Stores selling such equipment offer both imported (Ariston, aeg, Electrolux, Demrad, Vaillant) and Russian (Neva, Astra, Avangard) products.. Gas water heaters come in several types: with manual , electronic and pieroignition.. Geysers, just like any other equipment, wear out over time, exhaust their service life, and fail.. These devices do not require a stationary chimney.. When selecting a new gas appliance, it is necessary to take into account some factors that affect heating hot water: Minimum water pressure at the inlet to the device.. Praise and scold the geysers ( instantaneous water heaters) from different companies.. In houses where fluctuations in water pressure below 1 atm are possible.. Companies that manufacture geysers, both domestic and imported, are constantly improving their products and there is no longer a single modern device that needs to be set on fire with matches.. When you open the tap , the column will light up, and after a few seconds hot water will begin to flow.. What to prefer, a domestic device or an imported one, a small device or high performance, well-established service or a low price?. Gas water heaters with various types of burners The following can be used in the designs of gas burners: gas burners with constant power, where constant manual adjustment of the water temperature is required depending on its flow; gas burners with variable power, where the power changes automatically depending on the water flow; Installation of column 1.. It is better to install columns that turn on from a minimum water pressure of 0, atm.. We hope that you will find the answers to these questions in this article.. Many residents in their everyday life face this every day household appliance, like a gas water heater.. Water pressure Russia Tulachermet Proton-1m 0.5 Russia Proton-2 0, Russia Proton-3 0, Czech Republic mora.. At the same time, their operational and technical properties and capabilities are almost the same.. All devices indicated in the tables equipped with piezo or electric ignition and connected to a chimney with natural draft.. There is another group of gas water heaters in which the combustion chamber is hermetically closed; a coaxial (pipe in a pipe) chimney is used that goes out into the street through the wall (completed and purchased separately).. A thermocouple will block it supply if the pilot burner goes out and the hydraulic valve stops supplying the main burner if there is no water in the heat exchanger.. Geysers come in different types depending on how they are turned on and what type of burner is used. Geysers with manual ignition. Such geysers today are practically not used.. You can find all the models in our stores or in our online store.. They can be recommended for installation in private homes since not all apartments have the conditions for installing these devices.. The same mode occurs and turning off the gas water heater when the water tap is closed.. On electronic water heaters, nothing lights up anywhere even after the water tap is closed.

2017-03-08 Evgeniy Fomenko

Geyser Neva Transit VPG 10E comes with a passport, which contains the main characteristics of the equipment and rules of use.

The speaker model is intended for residential premises, equipped with a forced type of smoke removal (a pipe is included in the kit). It can operate from liquefied gas cylinders with a pressure of 2940 Pa and natural gas with a pressure of 1274 Pa.

Rated thermal load 20 kW, productivity 10 liters per minute (when the liquid is heated by 25 degrees). Rated power 20 W, ignition type electric pulse. Temperature range from 30 to 60 degrees. Open combustion chamber type.

Electric ignition is powered by two 1.5 volt R20 batteries and is started under liquid pressure. It is recommended to use high-quality alkaloid batteries, which will last much longer than their salt counterparts.

The column is equipped with automatic ignition, heating and switching indicators, and a thermometer. Vertical installation, mounted on the wall, lower communications connection. Dimensions 340*615*175 cm, weight 9.5 kg.

It has the ability to adjust the internal pressure, lights up at a low value from 0.02 to 1 MPa. The water heater is equipped with a water pressure stabilizer at the inlet, which protects the device components from shocks and increased load. The device is designed for one or two watershed points.

Consists of the following main parts:

The column is equipped with the following protection elements:

Gas-water column block
  • Protection device against wind pressure.
  • It is important to follow the following safety rules:

    • Before you start using you need to make sure there is no gas leak at the junction of the hose with the dispenser and the gas pipeline. To do this, apply a soap solution there and open the valve. The leak will show itself as bubbles created by the movement of gas.
    • It is prohibited to install the device in the bathroom. An exception may be a room that meets the minimum requirements, namely: a volume of at least 15 cubic meters, height more than 2.2 m and the presence of a window in the upper part.
    • If the room temperature drops below zero degrees, it is necessary to drain the water from the water heater through the drain valve so that ice formation does not damage the units of the device.
    • If you do not use the speaker for some time, turn off the gas valve.

    Geyser Neva Transit VPG 10E

    This model of water heater Neva Transit VPG 10E is universal and is suitable for both apartments and private houses with a centralized gas supply, and for dachas with liquefied gas cylinders.

    The NEVA 3208 geyser is convenient, simple and reliable. Despite the venerable age of most of the units in use, they cope with their duties of heating water quite well. But sometimes you want to clarify something in the instruction manual. And this is where the problem arises.

    The original instructions are most often lost, and downloading the operating instructions on the Internet is Neva-3208 impossible. More modern columns Neva series 4000, 5000, Neva Lux 6000, boilers Neva Lux series 8000 - please, but there are no instructions for Neva 3208.

    The search only comes up with fraudulent sites that require a cell phone number, but even there there are no instructions - just a file name. This can be easily checked by trying to find on such a site a file with a obviously non-existent name - for example, “ qwerrasdfgfgh-$%#$@$" He will find it, and even say that it has been downloaded several thousand times! I hope that you don’t fall for such tricks and don’t enter your phone number on suspicious sites. You can find the operating instructions for the Neva-3208 gas water heater here.


    NEVA-3208 GOST 19910-94

    NEVA-3208-02 GOST 19910-94

    OPERATION MANUAL 3208-00.000-02 RE

    Dear buyer!

    When purchasing a device, check the completeness and presentation of the device, and also require the sales organization to fill out warranty repair coupons

    Before installing and operating the device, you must carefully read the rules and requirements set out in this operating manual, compliance with which will ensure long-term trouble-free and safe operation of the water heater.

    Violation of installation and operation instructions may lead to an accident or damage the device.


    1.1. The household instantaneous gas water heating device "NEVA-3208" (NEVA-3208-02) VPG-18-223-V11-R2 GOST 19910-94, hereinafter referred to as the "apparatus", is intended for heating water used for sanitary purposes (washing dishes , washing, bathing) in apartments, cottages, country houses.

    1.2. The device is designed to operate on natural gas in accordance with GOST 5542-87 with a lower calorific value of 35570+/-1780 kJ/m3 (8500+/-425 kcal/m3) or liquefied gas in accordance with GOST 20448-90 with a lower calorific value of 96250+/- 4810 kJ/m3 (23000+/-1150 kcal/m3).

    When manufactured at the factory, the device is configured for a specific type of gas, indicated on the plate on the device and in the “Acceptance Certificate” section of this manual.

    1.3. Installation, installation, owner instruction, preventive maintenance, troubleshooting and repairs are carried out by gas operating organizations or other organizations licensed for this type of activity. Section 13 must contain a mark and stamp of the organization installing the device.

    1.4. Checking and cleaning the chimney, repairs and monitoring of the water supply system are carried out by the owner of the device or the house management.

    1.5. The owner is responsible for the safe operation of the device and for maintaining it in proper condition.


    2.1. Rated thermal power 23.2 kW

    2.2. Nominal heating output 18.0 kW

    2.3. Rated thermal power of the pilot burner no more than 0.35 kW

    2.4 Nominal pressure of natural gas 1274 Pa (130 mm water column)

    2.5 Nominal pressure of liquefied gas 2940 Pa (300 mm water column)

    2.6. Nominal natural gas consumption 2.35 cubic meters. m/hour.

    2.6. Nominal consumption of liquefied gas is 0.87 cubic meters. m/hour.

    2.7. Efficiency of at least 80%

    2.8. Supply water pressure for normal operation of the device 50…600 kPa

    2.9. Water consumption when heating by 40 degrees (at rated power) 6.45 l/min

    2.10. The temperature of gas combustion products is not less than 110 degrees

    2.11. Vacuum in the chimney is not less than 2.0 Pa (0.2 mm water column), not more than 30.0 Pa (3.0 mm water column)

    2.12. Ignition of the “NEVA-3208” apparatus is piezoelectric, of the “NEVA-3208-02” apparatus - with a match

    2.13. Dimensions apparatus: height 680 mm, depth 278 mm, width 390 mm

    2.14. Device weight no more than 20 kg


    3208-00.000 Device “Neva-3208”, or “NEVA-3208-02” 1 pc.

    3208-00.000-02 RE Operating manual 1 copy.

    3208-06.300 Packing 1 pc.

    3208-00.001 Handle 1 pc.

    Wall mounting elements 1 set

    3103-00.014 Gasket 4 pcs.

    3204-00.013 Bushing 1 pc.


    4.1. The room where the device is installed must be constantly ventilated.

    4.2. To avoid fire, do not place it on or near the device. flammable substances and materials.

    4.3. After stopping the operation of the device, it is necessary to disconnect it from the gas supply.

    4.4. To prevent the appliance from defrosting in winter time(when installed in unheated rooms), it is necessary to drain the water from it.

    4.5. To avoid accidents and failure of the device, consumers are PROHIBITED from:

    a) independently install and put the device into operation;

    b) allow children, as well as persons unfamiliar with this operating manual, to use the device;

    c) operate the device on gas that does not correspond to that specified on the plate on the device and the “Acceptance Certificate” of this manual;

    d) close the grille or gap at the bottom of the door or wall intended for the flow of air necessary for gas combustion;

    e) use the device in the absence of draft in the chimney;

    f) use a faulty device;

    g) independently disassemble and repair the device;

    h) make changes to the design of the device;

    i) leave a working device unattended.

    4.6. During normal operation of the device and if the gas pipeline is in good working order, there should be no smell of gas in the room.

    If you smell gas in the room, you MUST:

    a) immediately turn off the device;

    b) close the gas valve located on the gas pipeline in front of the device;

    c) thoroughly ventilate the room;

    d) immediately call the emergency gas service by phone. 04.

    Until the gas leak is eliminated, do not perform any work related to spark formation: do not light a fire, do not turn on or off electrical appliances and electric lighting, do not smoke.

    4.7. If abnormal operation of the device is detected, you must contact the gas service and do not use the device until the malfunction is eliminated.

    4.8. If you use a faulty device or if the above operating rules are not followed, an explosion or poisoning may occur with gas or carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) contained in the products of incomplete combustion of gas.

    The first signs of poisoning are: heaviness in the head, palpitations, tinnitus, dizziness, general weakness, then nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, and impaired motor functions may appear. A person who is burned may suddenly lose consciousness.

    To provide first aid, it is necessary to: take the victim out into the fresh air, unfasten clothing that is restricting breathing, let him smell ammonia, cover him warmly, but do not let him fall asleep, and call a doctor.

    If there is no breathing, immediately take the victim to a warm room with fresh air and perform artificial respiration, without stopping it until the doctor arrives.


    5.1. Device structure

    5.1.1. The wall-mounted device (Fig. 1) has a rectangular shape formed by a removable lining 7.

    5.1.2. All main elements of the device are mounted on the frame. On the front side of the cladding there are: handle 2 for controlling the gas tap, button 3 for turning on the solenoid valve, viewing window 8 for observing the flame of the ignition and main burners.

    5.1.3. The apparatus (Fig. 2) consists of a combustion chamber 1 (which includes a frame 3, a gas exhaust device 4 and a heat exchanger 2), a water-gas burner unit 5 (consisting of a main burner 6, an ignition burner 7, a gas valve 9, a water regulator 10, a valve electromagnetic 11) and tube 8, designed to turn off the water heater in the absence of draft in the chimney.

    NOTE: Due to the fact that OJSC continues to work to further improve the design of the device, the purchased device may not completely match the individual elements with a description or image in the “Operation Manual”.

    5.2. Description of the device operation

    5.2.1. Gas through pipe 4 (Fig. 1) enters the solenoid valve 11 (Fig. 2), the activation button 3 (Fig. 1) is located to the right of the gas tap switch handle.

    5.2.2. When you press the solenoid valve button and open” (to the “Ignition” position) (Fig. 3), the gas flows to the pilot burner. The thermocouple, heated by the pilot burner flame, transmits the EMF to the valve electromagnet, which automatically holds the valve plate open and provides gas access to the gas valve.

    5.2.3. When turning handle 2 (Fig. 1) clockwise, gas valve 9 (Fig. 2) carries out the sequence of turning on the pilot burner to the “Ignition” position (see Fig. 3), supplying gas to the main burner in the “Apparatus on” position ( see Fig. 3) and regulates the amount of gas supplied to the main burner within the “Large flame” - “Small flame” positions (see Fig. 3) to obtain the desired water temperature. In this case, the main burner lights up only when water flows through the device (when the hot water tap is opened).

    5.2.4 Turning off the device is done by turning the control knob counterclockwise until it stops, which instantly extinguishes the main and ignition burners. The valve of the electromagnetic plug will remain open until the thermocouple cools down (10... 15 s).

    5.2.5. To ensure smooth ignition of the main burner, the water regulator is equipped with an ignition retarder, which acts as a throttle when water flows out of the above-membrane cavity and slows down the upward movement of the membrane, and therefore the ignition speed of the main burner.

    The device is equipped with safety devices that provide:

    • gas access to the main burner only in the presence of a pilot flame and water flow
    • closing the gas valve to the main burner in cases where the pilot burner goes out or the water flow stops,
    • turning off the main and ignition burners in the absence of draft in the chimney.

    1 - pipe, 2 - handle; 3 - button: 4 - gas supply pipe; 5 - hot water outlet pipe, 6 - cold water supply pipe; 7 - cladding, 8 - viewing window

    Figure 1. Domestic instantaneous gas water heating device

    1 - combustion chamber; 2 - heat exchanger; 3 - frame; 4 - gas exhaust device; 5 - water-gas burner block; 6 - main burner; 7 - pilot burner; 8 - draft sensor tube; 9 - gas tap: 10 - water regulator; 11 - solenoid valve; 12 - thermocouple; 13 - piezo ignition (NEVA-3208); 14 - plate.

    Figure 2. Domestic instantaneous gas water heating device (without lining)

    Figure 3. Gas valve control knob positions


    6.1. Installation of the device

    6.1.1. The device must be installed in kitchens or other non-residential premises in accordance with the Gasification Project and SNiP

    6.1.2. Installation and installation of the device must be carried out by the operating organization of the gas industry or other organizations licensed for this type of activity

    6.1.3. The device is hung with holes (on the frame) on a special bracket mounted on the wall. The installation holes of the device are shown in Figure 4. It is recommended to install the device so that the viewing window 8 (see Figure 1) is at eye level of the consumer.

    6.1.4. The connecting dimensions of pipelines for gas supply, water supply and removal, and combustion products removal through the smoke exhaust pipe are shown in Figure 1

    6.2. Water and gas connection

    6.2.1 Connection should be made with pipes with DN 15 mm. When installing pipelines, it is recommended to first make connections to the water inlet and outlet points, fill the heat exchanger and water system water and only after that make connection to the gas supply point. The connection should not be accompanied by mutual tension of pipes and parts of the apparatus in order to avoid displacement or breakage of individual parts and parts of the apparatus and violation of the tightness of the gas and water systems.

    6.2.2. After installing the device, its connections to communications must be checked for leaks. Checking the tightness of the water inlet and outlet connections is carried out by opening the shut-off valve (see Fig. 4) of cold water (with the water taps closed). Leakage at the joints is not allowed.

    Check the tightness of the gas supply connection by opening the common tap on the gas pipeline with the handle of the device in the closed position (the “Device is off” position). The check should be carried out by washing the joints or using special devices. Gas leakage is not allowed.

    6.3. Installation of a chimney to remove combustion products

    The apparatus must be provided with a system for removing combustion products from the apparatus to the outside of the building. Smoke exhaust pipes must meet the following requirements:

    • must be sealed and made of fireproof and corrosion-resistant materials, such as: stainless steel, galvanized steel, enameled steel, aluminum, copper with a wall thickness of at least 0.5 mm;
    • length connecting pipe should not be more than 3 m, the pipe should not have more than three turns, the slope of the horizontal section of the pipe should be at least 0.01 towards the water heater;
    • the height of the vertical part of the pipe (from the water heater to the axis of the horizontal section) must be at least three times the diameter;
    • the internal diameter of smoke exhaust pipes must be at least 125 mm.

    6.3.3. The connection between the device and the chimney must be sealed. It is recommended to install the pipe according to the diagram in Figure 5.

    6.4. After installation, installation and leak testing, the operation of the safety automatics must be checked (clauses 5.2.5 and 5.2.6.).

    Figure 4. Device installation diagram

    1 - smoke exhaust pipe; 2 - pipe; 3 - heat-resistant seal

    Figure 5. Connection diagram for the smoke exhaust pipe


    7.1. Turning on the device

    7.1.1. To turn on the device it is necessary (see Fig. 4)

    a) open the common tap on the gas pipeline in front of the device;

    b) open the cold water shut-off valve (in front of the device);

    c) set the handle of the device to the “Ignition” position (see Fig. 3),

    d) press the solenoid valve button 3 (see Fig. 1) and repeatedly press the piezo ignition button 13 (see Fig. 2) (or bring a lit match to the pilot burner) until a flame appears on the pilot burner;

    e) release the solenoid valve button after turning it on (after no more than 60 s), while the pilot burner flame should not go out.

    WARNING: To avoid burns, do not place your eyes too close to the viewing window.

    When igniting for the first time or after a long period of non-use of the device, in order to remove air from gas communications, repeat the specified operations in items d and e.

    e) open the gas tap to the main burner, to do this, turn the gas tap handle to the right until it stops (the “Big Flame” position). In this case, the pilot burner continues to burn, but the main burner has not yet ignited.

    g) open the water tap, and the main burner should ignite. The degree of water heating is adjusted by turning the handle of the device within the “Large flame” - “Small flame” positions or by changing the flow rate of water passing through the device.

    7.2. Turning off the device

    7.2.1. At the end of use, you must turn off the device, observing the following sequence:

    a) close the water taps (see Fig. 4);

    b) turn knob 2 (see Fig. 1) to the “Device off” position (counterclockwise until it stops);

    c) close the common tap on the gas pipeline;

    d) close the cold water shut-off valve.


    8.1. To ensure long-term trouble-free operation and maintain the performance of the device, it is necessary to carry out regular care, inspection and maintenance. Maintenance and inspection are carried out by the owner of the device.

    Maintenance is carried out at least once a year by gas service specialists or other organizations licensed for this type of activity.

    8.2.1. The device should be kept clean by regularly removing dust from the top surface of the device, and also wiping the lining first with a damp and then a dry cloth. In case of significant contamination, first wipe the lining with a wet cloth moistened with a neutral detergent, and then with a dry cloth.

    8.2.2. It is prohibited to use detergents enhanced action and containing abrasive particles, gasoline or other organic solvents for cleaning the surface of the cladding and plastic parts.

    8.3. Inspection

    Before each time you turn on the device, you must:

    a) check that there are no combustible objects near the device;

    b) check for gas leaks (by characteristic odor) and water leaks (visually);

    c) check the serviceability of the burners according to the combustion pattern:

    the pilot burner flame must be elongated, not smoking, and reach the main burner (deflection of the flame sharply upward indicates clogging of the air supply channels to the burner);

    the flame of the main burner should be blue, smooth and free of yellow smoking tongues, indicating contamination of the outer surfaces of the nozzles and inlet openings of the burner sections.

    In cases where gas and water leaks are detected, as well as burner malfunctions, it is necessary to repair and maintain the device.

    8.4. Maintenance

    8.4.1. During maintenance the following work is performed:

    • cleaning and flushing the heat exchanger from scale inside the pipes and from soot outside;
    • cleaning and washing of water and gas filters;
    • cleaning and flushing of the main and ignition burners;
    • cleaning and lubricating the conical surface of the plug and the opening of the gas valve;
    • cleaning and lubrication of seals and rods of water and gas blocks;
    • checking the tightness of the gas and water systems of the device;
    • checking the operation of the safety automation, including the draft sensor, for which it is necessary to remove the smoke exhaust pipe (see Fig. 1), turn on the device and, with the gas valve fully open and maximum water flow, close the device pipe with a metal sheet. After 10...60 seconds the device should turn off. After checking, install the smoke exhaust pipe according to Figure 5.

    Maintenance work is not warranty obligations manufacturer.


    Fault name

    Probable Cause

    Elimination methods

    The igniter is difficult to ignite or does not ignite at all.

    Presence of air in gas lines.

    See paragraph 7.1 Turning on the device

    Igniter nozzle clogged

    Replace the liquefied gas cylinder

    When the solenoid valve button is released (after a control time of 60 s), the igniter goes out.

    The pilot burner flame does not heat the thermocouple

    Call the gas service

    The electrical circuit thermocouple - solenoid valve is broken

    Check the contact of the thermocouple with the solenoid valve (clean the contacts if necessary)

    Check the tightness of the connection between the thermocouple and the solenoid valve, remembering: the tightening force should ensure reliable contact, but should not exceed 1.5 N-m (0.15 kg-m) to avoid damage to these components.

    The electromagnetic plug or thermocouple has failed

    Call the gas service

    The main burner does not ignite or is difficult to ignite when opening the hot water tap.

    Insufficient opening of the gas valve on the device or the general valve on the gas pipeline

    Turn the handle of the device to the “Big Flame” position and fully open the general valve on the gas pipeline

    Low gas pressure

    Call the gas service

    Low tap water pressure

    Stop using the device temporarily

    The water filter is clogged, the membrane is torn or the water block plate is broken

    Call the gas service

    The main burner does not go out when the hot water tap is closed

    Gas or water block rod jammed

    Call the gas service

    The flame of the main burner is sluggish, elongated, with yellow smoky tongues

    Dust deposits on the nozzles and internal surfaces main burner

    Call the gas service

    After a short period of operation, the device turns off spontaneously

    No draft in the chimney

    Clean the chimney.

    The supply of liquefied gas in the cylinder has run out

    Replace the liquefied gas cylinder.

    The handle of the faucet plug turns with considerable force

    Grease drying out

    Call the gas service

    Ingress of contaminants

    Call the gas service

    Low water flow at the outlet of the device with normal water pressure in the pipeline

    Presence of scale in the heat exchanger or in the hot water outlet pipe

    Call the gas service

    Insufficient water heating

    High water consumption

    Deposition of soot on the fins of the heat exchanger or scale in the heat exchanger pipes

    Call the gas service

    When the device is operating, there is increased noise from flowing water.

    High water consumption

    Adjust the water flow to 6.45 l/min.

    Misalignment of gaskets in the water block connection

    Correct misalignment or replace gaskets.

    The main burner ignites with a “pop” and the flame shoots out of the casing window

    The ignition burner flame is small or deviates sharply upward and does not reach the main burner (the nozzle is clogged or the air supply channel to the igniter is clogged with dust, the groove on the valve plug is partially clogged with grease, low gas pressure)

    Call the gas service

    Ignition retarder does not work

    Call the gas service

    The igniter does not ignite with piezo ignition (it ignites normally with a match)

    There is no spark between the spark plug and the igniter

    Check the connection of the piezoelectric generator wires to the spark plug and to the body of the device.

    There is a weak spark between the spark plug and the igniter.

    Establish a gap of 5 mm between the spark plug electrode and the igniter.


    10.1. The device must be stored and transported only in the position indicated on the handling signs

    10.2. The device must be stored indoors, guaranteeing protection from atmospheric and other harmful influences at air temperatures from -50°C to +40°C and relative humidity no more than 98%.

    10.3. If the device is stored for more than 12 months, it must be preserved in accordance with GOST 9.014

    10.4. The openings of the inlet and outlet pipes must be closed with plugs or plugs.

    10.5. After every 6 months of storage, the device must undergo a technical inspection, during which it is checked that there is no ingress of moisture and dust contamination of the units and parts of the device.

    10.6. The devices should be stacked in no more than five tiers when stacked and transported.


    Household instantaneous gas water heating device. NEVA - 3208 complies with GOST 19910-94 and is recognized as suitable for use

    12. WARRANTY

    The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation of the device if there is project documentation for installation of the device and subject to the consumer’s compliance with the rules of storage, installation and operation established by this “Operation Manual”.

    The warranty period for the device is 3 years from the date of sale through a retail network; 3 years from the date of receipt by the consumer (for off-market consumption);

    12.3. Warranty repairs of the device are carried out by gas services, the manufacturer or other organizations licensed for this type of activity.

    12.4. Average term The device service life is at least 12 years.

    12.5. When purchasing a device, the buyer must receive an “Operation Manual” with the store’s mark of purchase and check that it contains tear-off coupons for warranty repairs.

    12.6. If the warranty cards do not contain a store stamp indicating the date of sale of the device, the warranty period is calculated from the date of its release by the manufacturer.

    12.7. When repairing the device, the warranty card and its counterfoil are filled out by an employee of the gas industry or an organization licensed for this type of activity. The warranty card is confiscated by an employee of the gas industry or an organization licensed for this type of activity. The warranty card stub remains in the instruction manual.

    12.8. The Manufacturer is not responsible for the malfunction of the device and does not guarantee its operation if the Consumer’s claim provides evidence of:

    a) failure to comply with installation and operation rules;

    b) failure to comply with the rules of transportation and storage by the Consumer, trading and transport organizations;

    Evidence can be presented either in the form of an independent Expert’s conclusion or in the form of an act drawn up by a representative of the Manufacturer and signed by the Consumer.

    The names of dispensers produced in Russia often contain the letters VPG: this is a water heating device (W), flow-through (P), gas (G). The number after the letters VPG indicates the thermal power of the device in kilowatts (kW). For example, VPG-23 is a flow-through gas water heating device with a thermal power of 23 kW. So the title modern speakers does not define their design.

    The VPG-23 water heater was created on the basis of the VPG-18 water heater, produced in Leningrad. Subsequently, VPG-23 was produced in the 90s at a number of enterprises in the USSR, and then - SIG. A number of such devices are in operation. Individual components, for example, the water part, are used in some models of modern Neva speakers.

    Basic technical specifications HSV-23:

    • thermal power - 23 kW;
    • productivity when heated to 45 °C - 6 l/min;
    • minimum water pressure - 0.5 bar:
    • maximum water pressure - 6 bar.

    VPG-23 consists of a gas outlet, a heat exchanger, a main burner, a block valve and a solenoid valve (Fig. 74).

    The gas outlet serves to supply combustion products to the smoke exhaust pipe of the column. The heat exchanger consists of a heater and a fire chamber surrounded by a cold water coil. The height of the VPG-23 fire chamber is less than that of the KGI-56, because the VPG burner provides better mixing of gas with air, and the gas burns with a shorter flame. A significant number of HSV columns have a heat exchanger consisting of a single heater. In this case, the walls of the fire chamber were made of steel sheet; there was no coil, which allowed saving copper. The main burner is multi-nozzle, it consists of 13 sections and a manifold, connected to each other by two screws. The sections are assembled into a single unit using coupling bolts. There are 13 nozzles installed in the manifold, each of which sprays gas into its own section.

    The block tap consists of gas and water parts connected by three screws (Fig. 75). The gas part of the block valve consists of a body, a valve, a valve plug, and a gas valve cap. A conical insert for the gas valve plug is pressed into the housing. The valve has a rubber seal along the outer diameter. A cone spring presses on it from above. The safety valve seat is made in the form of a brass liner, pressed into the body of the gas part. The gas valve has a handle with a limiter that secures the opening of the gas supply to the igniter. The tap plug is pressed against the cone liner by a large spring.

    The valve plug has a recess for supplying gas to the igniter. When the valve is turned from the extreme left position to an angle of 40°, the recess coincides with the gas supply hole, and gas begins to flow to the igniter. In order to supply gas to the main burner, the tap handle must be pressed and turned further.

    The water part consists of the lower and upper covers, Venturi nozzle, membrane, poppet with rod, ignition retarder, rod seal and rod pressure bushing. Water is supplied to the water part on the left, enters the submembrane space, creating a pressure in it equal to the water pressure in the water supply. Having created pressure under the membrane, the water passes through the Venturi nozzle and rushes to the heat exchanger. The Venturi nozzle is a brass tube, in the narrowest part of which there are four through holes that open into an outer circular recess. The groove coincides with the through holes that are present in both water part covers. Through these holes, pressure from the narrowest part of the Venturi nozzle will be transferred to the supra-membrane space. The poppet rod is sealed with a nut that compresses the fluoroplastic seal.

    The water flow automation works as follows. When water passes through a Venturi nozzle, the narrowest part has the highest water speed and therefore the lowest pressure. This pressure is transmitted through the through holes into the supra-membrane cavity of the water part. As a result, a pressure difference appears under and above the membrane, which bends upward and pushes the plate with the rod. The water part rod, resting against the gas part rod, lifts the valve from the seat. As a result, the gas passage to the main burner opens. When the water flow stops, the pressure under and above the membrane is equalized. The cone spring presses on the valve and presses it against the seat, and the gas supply to the main burner stops.

    The solenoid valve (Fig. 76) serves to shut off the gas supply when the igniter goes out.

    When you press the solenoid valve button, its rod rests against the valve and moves it away from the seat, compressing the spring. At the same time, the armature is pressed against the core of the electromagnet. At the same time, gas begins to flow into gas part block crane. After the igniter is ignited, the flame begins to heat the thermocouple, the end of which is installed in a strictly defined position in relation to the igniter (Fig. 77).

    The voltage generated when the thermocouple is heated is supplied to the winding of the electromagnet core. In this case, the core holds the armature, and with it the valve, in the open position. The time during which the thermocouple generates the necessary thermo-EMF and the electromagnetic valve begins to hold the armature is about 60 seconds. When the igniter goes out, the thermocouple cools down and stops producing voltage. The core no longer holds the armature; under the action of the spring, the valve closes. The gas supply to both the igniter and the main burner is stopped.

    Automatic draft switches off the gas supply to the main burner and igniter if the draft in the chimney is disrupted; it works on the principle of “gas removal from the igniter.” Automatic traction control consists of a tee, which is attached to the gas part of the block valve, a tube to the traction sensor and the sensor itself.

    Gas from the tee is supplied to both the igniter and the draft sensor installed under the gas outlet. The traction sensor (Fig. 78) consists of a bimetallic plate and a fitting secured with two nuts. The upper nut also serves as a seat for a plug that blocks the gas outlet from the fitting. A tube supplying gas from the tee is attached to the fitting with a union nut.

    With normal draft, combustion products go into the chimney without heating the bimetallic plate. The plug is pressed tightly to the seat, gas does not escape from the sensor. If the draft in the chimney is disrupted, the combustion products heat the bimetallic plate. It bends upward and opens the gas outlet from the fitting. The gas supply to the igniter decreases sharply, and the flame stops heating the thermocouple normally. It cools down and stops producing voltage. As a result, the solenoid valve closes.

    Repair and maintenance

    The main malfunctions of the VPG-23 column include:

    1. The main burner does not light up:

    • low water pressure;
    • deformation or rupture of the membrane - replace the membrane;
    • Venturi nozzle is clogged - clean the nozzle;
    • the rod has come off the plate - replace the rod with the plate;
    • misalignment of the gas part in relation to the water part - align with three screws;
    • the rod does not move well in the oil seal - lubricate the rod and check the tightness of the nut. If you loosen the nut more than necessary, water may leak from under the seal.

    2. When the water intake stops, the main burner does not go out:

    • Contaminants have gotten under the safety valve - clean the seat and valve;
    • the cone spring is weakened - replace the spring;
    • the rod does not move well in the oil seal - lubricate the rod and check the tightness of the nut. When the pilot flame is present, the solenoid valve is not held open:

    3. Violation of the electrical circuit between the thermocouple and the electromagnet (break or short circuit). The following reasons are possible:

    • lack of contact between the thermocouple and electromagnet terminals - clean the terminals with sandpaper;
    • violation of the insulation of the copper wire of the thermocouple and short circuit it with the tube - in this case, the thermocouple is replaced;
    • violation of the insulation of the turns of the electromagnet coil, shorting them to each other or to the core - in this case the valve is replaced;
    • disruption of the magnetic circuit between the armature and the core of the electromagnet coil due to oxidation, dirt, grease film, etc. It is necessary to clean the surfaces using a piece of rough cloth. It is not allowed to clean surfaces with needle files, sandpaper etc.

    4. Insufficient heating of the thermocouple:

    • the working end of the thermocouple is smoked - remove soot from the hot junction of the thermocouple;
    • the igniter nozzle is clogged - clean the nozzle;
    • The thermocouple is incorrectly installed relative to the igniter - install the thermocouple relative to the igniter so as to ensure sufficient heating.
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