Do-it-yourself free energy generator with self-powering. Free energy generator circuit

You can make a generator that is powered by daylight. This is an excellent analogue of a solar panel, but the main advantage of such a generator is a minimum of materials, low cost and ease of assembly. Of course, such a generator will produce much less energy than a solar panel, but you can make a lot of them and thus get a good flow of free energy.

Nikola Tesla believed that the whole world is energy, so to receive and use it, you just need to assemble a device that could capture this free energy. He had many different projects for “fuel-free” generators. One of them, which today everyone can do with their own hands, will be discussed below.

The principle of operation of the device is that it uses the energy of the earth as a source of negative electrons, and the energy of the sun (or any other light source) as a source of positive electrons. As a result, a potential difference appears, which forms an electric current.
In total, the system has two electrodes, one is grounded, and the other is placed on the surface and captures energy sources (light sources). A large capacitor acts as a storage element. However, these days the capacitor can be replaced with a lithium-ion battery, connecting it through a diode so that the opposite effect does not occur.

Materials and tools for making a generator:
- foil;
- a sheet of cardboard or plywood;
- wires;
- high-capacity capacitor with high operating voltage (160-400 V);
- resistor (not required).

Manufacturing process:

Step one. Making grounding
First you need to make a good grounding. If the homemade product will be used in a country house or village, then you can drive a metal pin deeper into the ground, this will be grounding. You can also connect to existing metal structures that go into the ground.

If you use such a generator in an apartment, then water and gas pipes can be used as grounding. All modern sockets also have a ground connection; you can also connect to this contact.

Step two. Making a positive electron receiver
Now we need to make a receiver that could capture those free, positively charged particles that are produced along with the light source. Such a source can be not only the sun, but also already working lamps, various lamps, and the like. According to the author, the generator produces energy even in daylight in cloudy weather.

The receiver consists of a piece of foil, which is mounted on a sheet of plywood or cardboard. When light particles “bombard” an aluminum sheet, currents are formed in it. The larger the foil area, the more energy the generator will produce. To increase the power of the generator, several such receivers can be built and then all of them connected in parallel.

Step three. Connecting the circuit
At the next stage, you need to connect both contacts to each other, this is done through a capacitor. If you take an electrolytic capacitor, it is polar and has a designation on the body. The ground must be connected to the negative contact, and the wire going to the foil to the positive contact. Immediately after this, the capacitor will begin to charge and electricity can then be removed from it. If the generator turns out to be too powerful, the capacitor may explode from an excess of energy; therefore, a limiting resistor is included in the circuit. The more charged a capacitor is, the more it will resist further charging.

As for a conventional ceramic capacitor, their polarity does not matter.

Among other things, you can try to connect such a system not through a capacitor, but through a lithium battery, then it will be possible to accumulate much more energy.

That's all, the generator is ready. You can take a multimeter and check what voltage is already in the capacitor. If it is high enough, you can try connecting a small LED. Such a generator can be used for various projects, for example, for autonomous LED night lighting lamps.

In principle, instead of foil, you can use other materials, for example, copper or aluminum sheets. If someone in a private house has a roof made of aluminum (and there are many of them), then you can try to connect to it and see how much energy will be generated. It would also be a good idea to check whether such a generator can generate energy if the roof is metal. Unfortunately, no figures were presented that would show the current strength in relation to the area of ​​the receiving contact.

The high cost of traditional energy sources is forcing more and more people to think about creating an alternative energy source. As a rule, the choice is given to so-called fuel-free generators, because their operation does not require either an internal combustion engine or another device in which valuable raw materials will be burned.

During operation of a fuelless generator, electricity in the system is recirculated through the coil in the opposite direction, thereby ensuring the presence of voltage in the electrical network.

Currently, there are two ways to create a fuel-free generator, namely wet, also called oil and dry.

When creating a generator using the wet method, you will need a battery. While a generator operating on the principle of the dry method does without a battery.

Wet method

In order to assemble a wet fuel-free generator, the following components will be required: A battery is necessary to accumulate energy in it and store it.

Transformer - used to create direct current.

An amplifier is needed to increase the current supply. This is necessary due to the fact that the battery is not capable of producing the required power; as a rule, its maximum power is 12 or 24 V.

The charger ensures uninterrupted operation of the generator.

Generator assembly diagram

The AC transformer is connected to a permanent network, to a battery, and then to a power amplifier. Then you need to add a charger to the circuit. The assembly stage is completed by an expansion sensor, which is connected back to the battery.

Dry method

The operating principle of a dry fuel-free generator is based on the presence of capacitors. This type of energy production is currently the most advanced and efficient. Since it can work continuously and without recharging for 3 years.

Dry generator circuit

The generator has a simple circuit that consists of a pair of coils with capacitors, transformers and a magnet. The peculiarity of this generator is that the coils must be tuned to resonance with each other. And the model itself should be oriented strictly from north to south.

The creation of a dry fuel-free generator begins with the creation of coils. To do this, you should take a copper wire with a cross-section of 1.5 mm, it should be wound on wooden sticks, which are fixed at a distance of 500 mm from one another. It should be remembered that the number of turns on both sticks should be equal (for example, 12 turns).

The second layer of turns should be made with wire with a large cross-section (for example, 2.5 mm). This wire, like the previous one, is laid on two coils, but with six turns each. Next, it is recommended to take another wire, but of a different color and cross-section of 2.5 mm, and make another 6 turns. It is very important that the number of skeins and the winding direction be the same.

Next, the finished coils are fixed on a moving mechanism. It should be remembered that when moving, the coils should move without effort, distortion or tension. Next, you can begin assembling the entire mechanism. A magnetic resonator (magnet) is fixed in front of the coils, then you should take capacitors of at least 500 μF and place one capacitor inside the coils and two capacitors on the outside. The last thing we connect is the transformer. All parts are connected to each other using soldering.

How to check functionality?

There are two ways to check the functionality of the generator: by connecting a light bulb to it and using a multimeter. During the check, it is necessary to take into account that contact with the light bulb must be constant and good. If there is sufficient charge in the battery, the light bulb will burn with the same power; if the lamp blinks or goes out, you need to check the circuit for breaks.

To check the operation of the generator with a multimeter, switch the device to the “Ringing” state. If the device does not have this function, then set the resistance to 1 ohm. If everything is assembled correctly and the generator is working, then in the “ringing” mode, when two contacts are closed, the multimeter will ring.

The majority of people are convinced that energy for existence can only be obtained from gas, coal or oil. Atom is quite dangerous; the construction of hydroelectric power plants is a very labor-intensive and costly process. Scientists around the world say that natural fuel reserves may soon run out. What to do, where is the way out? Are humanity's days numbered?

All from nothing

Research on the types of “green energy” has recently been carried out more and more intensively, as this is the way to the future. Our planet initially has everything for human life. You just need to be able to take it and use it for good. Do many scientists and amateurs create such devices? as a generator of free energy. With their own hands, following the laws of physics and their own logic, they do something that will benefit all of humanity.

So what phenomena are we talking about? Here are a few of them:

  • static or radiant natural electricity;
  • use of permanent and neodymium magnets;
  • obtaining heat from mechanical heaters;
  • transformation of earth's energy and;
  • implosion vortex engines;
  • solar thermal pumps.

Each of these technologies uses a minimal initial pulse to release more energy.

Free energy with your own hands? To do this, you need to have a strong desire to change your life, a lot of patience, diligence, a little knowledge and, of course, the necessary tools and components.

Water instead of gasoline? What nonsense!

An engine running on alcohol will probably find more understanding than the idea of ​​​​the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen molecules. After all, even in school textbooks it is said that this is a completely unprofitable way to obtain energy. However, there are already installations for hydrogen separation using ultra-efficient electrolysis. Moreover, the cost of the resulting gas is equal to the cost of cubic meters of water used in this process. It is equally important that electricity costs are also minimal.

Most likely, in the near future, along with electric vehicles, cars whose engines will run on hydrogen fuel will be driving along the roads of the world. An ultra-efficient electrolysis plant is not exactly a free energy generator. It is quite difficult to assemble it with your own hands. However, the method of continuous hydrogen production using this technology can be combined with methods for producing green energy, which will increase the overall efficiency of the process.

One of the undeservedly forgotten

Such devices do not require any maintenance at all. They are absolutely silent and do not pollute the atmosphere. One of the most famous developments in the field of environmental technologies is the principle of obtaining current from the ether according to the theory of N. Tesla. The device, consisting of two resonantly tuned transformer coils, is a grounded oscillating circuit. Initially, Tesla made a free energy generator with his own hands for the purpose of transmitting radio signals over long distances.

If we consider the surface layers of the Earth as a huge capacitor, then we can imagine them in the form of a single conductive plate. The second element in this system is the ionosphere (atmosphere) of the planet, saturated with cosmic rays (the so-called ether). Electrical charges of opposite polarities constantly flow through both of these “plates.” To “collect” currents from near space, you need to make a free energy generator with your own hands. 2013 was one of the most productive years in this direction. Everyone wants to enjoy free electricity.

How to make a free energy generator with your own hands

The circuit of N. Tesla's single-phase resonant device consists of the following blocks:

  1. Two regular 12 V batteries.
  2. with electrolytic capacitors.
  3. A generator that sets the standard current frequency (50 Hz).
  4. Current amplifier block directed to the output transformer.
  5. Converter of low voltage (12 V) to high voltage (up to 3000 V).
  6. A conventional transformer with a winding ratio of 1:100.
  7. Step-up transformer with high-voltage winding and strip core, power up to 30 W.
  8. Main transformer without core, with double winding.
  9. Step-down transformer.
  10. Ferrite rod for system grounding.

All installation blocks are connected according to the laws of physics. The system is configured experimentally.

Is all this really true?

It may seem that this is absurd, because another year when they tried to create a free energy generator with their own hands was 2014. The circuit described above simply uses the battery charge, according to many experimenters. The following can be objected to this. Energy enters the closed circuit of the system from the electric field of the output coils, which receive it from the high-voltage transformer due to their relative position. And the battery charge creates and maintains the electric field strength. All other energy comes from the environment.

Fuel-free device for obtaining free electricity

It is known that the appearance of a magnetic field in any engine is facilitated by ordinary wires made of copper or aluminum. To compensate for the inevitable losses due to the resistance of these materials, the engine must operate continuously, using part of the generated energy to maintain its own field. This significantly reduces the efficiency of the device.

In a transformer powered by neodymium magnets, there are no self-induction coils, and therefore there are no losses associated with resistance. When using constant ones, they are generated by a rotor rotating in this field.

How to make a small free energy generator with your own hands

The scheme used is as follows:

  • take the cooler (fan) from the computer;
  • remove 4 transformer coils from it;
  • replace with small neodymium magnets;
  • orient them in the original directions of the coils;
  • By changing the position of the magnets, you can control the rotation speed of the motor, which operates completely without electricity.

This almost retains its functionality until one of the magnets is removed from the circuit. By connecting a light bulb to the device, you can illuminate the room for free. If you take a more powerful motor and magnets, the system can power not only a light bulb, but also other household electrical appliances.

About the operating principle of Tariel Kapanadze’s installation

This famous do-it-yourself free energy generator (25 kW, 100 kW) was assembled according to the principle described by Nikolo Tesla back in the last century. This resonant system is capable of producing a voltage many times greater than the initial impulse. It is important to understand that this is not a “perpetual motion machine”, but a machine for generating electricity from freely accessible natural sources.

To obtain a current of 50 Hz, 2 square-wave generators and power diodes are used. For grounding, a ferrite rod is used, which, in fact, closes the surface of the Earth to the charge of the atmosphere (ether, according to N. Tesla). Coaxial cable is used to supply high-power output voltage to the load.

In simple words, a do-it-yourself free energy generator (2014, T. Kapanadze’s circuit) receives only an initial pulse from a 12 V source. The device is capable of constantly supplying standard electrical appliances, heaters, lighting, and so on with normal voltage current.

A self-assembled free energy generator with self-powering is designed to close the circuit. Some craftsmen use this method to recharge the battery, which gives the initial impulse to the system. For your own safety, it is important to take into account the fact that the system output voltage is high. If you forget about caution, you can get a severe electric shock. Since a 25kW DIY free energy generator can bring both benefits and dangers.

Who needs all this?

Almost anyone who is familiar with the basic laws of physics from the school curriculum can make a free energy generator with their own hands. The power supply of your own home can be completely converted to environmentally friendly and affordable ethereal energy. Using such technologies, transportation and production costs will be reduced. The atmosphere of our planet will become cleaner, the process of the “greenhouse effect” will stop.

The rise in prices for fuel resources outlined the main direction for the development of energy-saving technologies and, as always, led to a lot of speculation. Today, the number of views on the Internet is dominated by videos on the topic of fuel-free generators (FTG), as well as how to make them yourself. In addition, a diagram is often provided. These devices supposedly generate electricity at no cost. Based on the law of conservation of energy, such generators are impossible in principle, but today they are offered for sale in a wide variety.

BTG device and refutation of its functionality

Energy cannot appear out of nowhere and disappear into nowhere. It only passes from one state to another - this is a scientific fact. Therefore, we will consider all possible options for BTG only from a scientific point of view.

Permanent magnet generator

The rotation of the rotor in such generators is based on the interaction of the magnetic field of permanent magnets. They can be divided into 2 types - mechanical and electronic. In both options, a disk or shaft is used as a rotor, on which permanent magnets are attached in a circle.

In the mechanical version, the rotor is also untwisted by permanent magnets, which at the right moment approach the rotor and when necessary move away. The rotation of the rotor is transmitted to the distributor, similar to the cam shaft in an internal combustion engine. When the magnet on the disc/shaft aligns with the pusher magnet, an approach occurs and the unipolar magnetic field of the pusher magnet repels the magnet on the rotor, causing it to rotate. After this, the pushing magnet moves away from the rotor, allowing it to turn with the next magnet towards

In electronic versions, the rotor is spun by electromagnets. There are coils around the disk - two of which are pushing, and 3 of which are working (generating electricity). The operating principle of such models is based on the pulsed operation of pushing coils. The pushing coils are powered by induced electrical energy in the working coils. That is, the resulting electricity is spent on rotating the rotor. Again, applying the law of conservation of energy, we can say that rotation is only possible at idle. Once you connect the load, the generator will continue to operate only until the inertia of the rotor has completely died out.

In practice, experimental permanent magnet installations were able to achieve only 7% efficiency. Despite the fact that scammers selling them on the Internet claim 97-98% efficiency and 10 kW of power. The price of such devices sometimes reaches 80 thousand rubles. But in reality, such an installation is capable of lighting up a small LED at most.

Hydraulic installations

Such systems are even more stupid. Taking advantage of the ignorance of users, some “inventors” are trying to convince the audience that it is possible to generate electricity by pumping liquid through a turbine, which is connected by a common shaft to a generator. In other words, according to them, the energy received is enough to operate the pump and there is still some left over. The question – where does this mysterious additional energy come from, as usual, is kept silent.

Electricity from the ground

You can find quite a few videos on the Internet that clearly show how you can get electricity from the ground. It’s interesting - those who shoot these videos know something about the electrical potential of metals or use something that the audience does not know. In fact, the process has long been studied and even used in practice. For example, tread protection against corrosion of underground steel structures is based on potential differences.

It is enough to carry out a simple experiment - stick two pins into the ground: one made of aluminum and the other made of copper. If you take a measurement in the DC voltage measurement mode between these electrodes, the device will show the presence of some voltage. Moreover, even when using electrodes from the same metal, their electrical potential will differ by hundredths of a volt.

It is quite possible to use such an installation to power low-power consumers, for example, for diode lighting of a yard or a private house. The main thing is to calculate the required surface area of ​​the electrodes that are driven into the ground. In this case, the anode electrodes will be subject to increased electrochemical corrosion and will last for a maximum of a year. Considering the price of copper and aluminum, and you will need a lot of such electrodes, this method is not economically feasible.

Tesla Generator

Perhaps this is the most attractive idea today. Theoretically, everything agrees here even with the law of conservation of energy. According to the scientist, there is a certain ether from which energy can be obtained. Everything seems to be clear - there is a source of energy, which means it can be transformed. The only catch is that this very ether has not yet been discovered and it exists only in theory.

Unfortunately, Tesla destroyed his developments in this direction. Whether they existed at all remains a moot point. To date, multiple experiments have not been successful, but the number of speculations and falsified videos is increasing many times over.

There is no need to rush to refute the existence of the ether and the possibility of obtaining electricity from it, because many great scientific discoveries were originally predicted in theory.

Torsion generator

A generator of this type exists only in theory and is based on the use of a hypothetical physical field. The existence of torsion fields has no scientific confirmation, and the theory itself dates back to 1922. Nevertheless, the hypothesis is being seriously considered by a number of scientists.


Is it possible to assemble fuel-free generators with your own hands? Of course, they just won’t work. Currently, there are many schemes on the Internet on how to make BTG and sometimes, to put it mildly, “senile”. Why is this being done? It’s simple, those who understand electronics, and there are not many of them, will understand that this is a fake. For most, an intricate scheme with incomprehensible explanations inspires confidence. Hence the potential buyers of “scrap metal” for big money.

Free electricity

This is not BTG, but the method is quite real and legal. The technique is relevant for the private sector and holiday villages, where the transformer substation is often overloaded during peak hours.

To begin with, a simple measurement is made. A temporary grounding electrode is installed. The soil in this place can be moistened. Connect the multimeter in AC voltage measurement mode to the grounding pin and the neutral contact in the socket. Measurements must be made during peak hours of electricity consumption. If there is at least a couple of volts between ground and zero, then free electricity is quite possible.

In this circuit, the voltage must be stabilized and raised using a transformer to 14 V, and then rectified using a diode bridge. Thus, during hours when the network is overloaded, you can remove the residual voltage from zero and charge the battery with it, and at night, use the accumulated energy for diode lighting.

Well-known classical methods of generating electricity have one significant drawback, which is their strong dependence on the source itself. And even so-called “alternative” approaches that make it possible to extract energy from natural resources such as wind or solar rays are not without this drawback (see photo below).

In addition, traditionally used resources (coal, peat and other combustible materials) sooner or later run out, which forces developers to look for new options for generating energy. One of these approaches involves the development of a special device, which among specialists is called a self-powered generator.

Operating principle

The category of generators that use self-powering usually includes the following names of original designs, which have recently been increasingly mentioned on Internet pages:

  • Various modifications of the Tesla free energy generator;
  • Energy sources of vacuum and magnetic fields;
  • So-called “radiant” generators.

Among fans of non-standard solutions, much attention is paid to the famous circuit solutions of the great Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla. Inspired by his proposed non-classical approach to using the capabilities of the e/magnetic field (the so-called “free” energy), natural scientists are looking for and finding new solutions.

Known devices, which, according to the generally accepted classification, belong to such sources, are divided into the following types:

  • The previously mentioned radiant generators and the like;
  • Blocking system complete with permanent magnets or transgenerator (its appearance can be seen in the figure below);

  • So-called “heat pumps”, operating due to temperature differences;
  • A vortex device of a special design (another name is the Potapov generator);
  • Electrolysis systems for aqueous solutions without pumping energy.

Of all these devices, the rationale for the principle of operation exists only for heat pumps, which are not generators in the full sense of the word.

Important! The existence of an explanation of the essence of their work is due to the fact that the technology of using temperature differences has long been used in practice in a number of other developments.

It seems much more interesting to get acquainted with a system that operates on the principle of radiant transformation.

Radiant Generator Review

Devices of this type work similarly to electrostatic converters, with one slight difference. It lies in the fact that the energy received from the outside is not all spent on internal needs, but is partially given back to the supply circuit.

The most well-known systems operating on radiant energy include:

  • Tesla transmitter-amplifier;
  • Classic CE generator with expansion to blocking system BTG;
  • A device named after its inventor, T. Henry Morrey.

All new generators invented by fans of alternative methods of energy production are capable of working on the same principle as these devices. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

The so-called “transmitter-amplifier” is made in the form of a flat-plate transformer connected to an external energy source through an assembly of spark gaps and electrolytic capacitors. Its peculiarity is the ability to generate standing waves of a special form of e/magnetic energy (called radiant), which propagates in the environment and practically does not weaken with distance.

According to the inventor himself, such a device was to be used for wireless transmission of electricity over long distances. Unfortunately, Tesla was unable to fully implement his plans and experiments, and his calculations and diagrams were partially lost, and some were later classified. The generator-transmitter circuit is shown in the photo below.

Any copying of Tesla's ideas did not lead to the desired result, and all installations assembled according to this principle did not provide the required efficiency. The only thing we managed to achieve was to make a device with a high transformation ratio with our own hands. The assembled product made it possible to obtain an output voltage of the order of hundreds of thousands of volts with minimal electricity supplied to it.

Generators CE (blocking) and Morrey

The operation of CE generators is also based on the radiant principle of energy conversion, obtained in the self-oscillation mode and not requiring constant pumping. After its start-up, replenishment is carried out due to the output voltage of the generator itself and the natural magnetic field.

If the product you made yourself was started from a battery, then during its operation the excess energy can be used to recharge this battery (figure below).

One of the types of self-powered blocking generators is a transgenerator, which also uses the Earth’s magnetic field in its operation. The latter affects the windings of its transformer, and this device itself is simple enough that you can assemble it with your own hands.

By combining the physical processes observed in CE systems and permanent magnet devices, it is possible to obtain blocking generators (photo below).

Another type of device discussed here is one of the oldest versions of the free energy generation scheme. This is a Morrey generator, which can be assembled using a special circuit with diodes and capacitors connected in a certain way.

Additional information. At the time of his invention, capacitors in their design resembled the then fashionable electric lamps, however, unlike them, they did not require heating of the electrodes.

Vortex devices

When talking about free sources of electricity, it is necessary to touch upon special systems capable of generating heat with an efficiency of more than 100%. This device refers to the Potapov generator already mentioned earlier.

Its action is based on the mutual vortex influence of coaxially acting liquid flows. The principle of its operation is well illustrated by the following figure (see photo below).

To create the required water pressure, a centrifugal pump is used, directing it through the pipe (2). As it moves in a spiral near the walls of the housing (1), the flow reaches the reflecting cone (4) and is then divided into two independent parts.

In this case, the heated external part of the flow returns back to the pump, and its internal component is reflected from the cone to form a smaller vortex. This new vortex flows through the internal cavity of the primary vortex formation, and then enters the outlet of the pipe (3) with the heating system connected to it.

Thus, heat transfer is carried out due to the exchange of vortex energies, and the complete absence of mechanical moving parts provides it with very high efficiency. It is quite difficult to make such a converter with your own hands, since not everyone has special equipment for boring metal.

Modern models of heat generators operating on this principle try to use the phenomenon of so-called “cavitation”. It refers to the process of formation of vaporous air bubbles in a liquid and their subsequent collapse. All this is accompanied by the rapid release of a significant amount of thermal substance.

Electrolysis of water

In cases where we are talking about new types of electric generators, we should not forget about such a promising direction, which is the study of the electrolysis of liquids without the use of third-party sources. Interest in this topic is explained by the fact that water is inherently a natural, reversible source. This follows from the structure of its molecule, which, as is known, contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

During the electrolysis of water mass, the corresponding gases are formed, which are used as complete substitutes for traditional hydrocarbons. The fact is that when gaseous compounds interact, a water molecule is again obtained, plus a significant amount of heat is simultaneously released. The difficulty of this method is to ensure that the required amount of energy is supplied to the electrolysis bath, sufficient to maintain the decomposition reaction.

This can be achieved if you yourself change the shape and location of the electrode contacts used, as well as the composition of the special catalyst.

If the possibility of exposure to a magnetic field is taken into account, then it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in the power consumed for electrolysis.

Pay attention! Several similar experiments have already been carried out, proving that, in principle, it is possible to decompose water into components (without additional pumping of energy).

All that’s left to do is master the mechanism that assembles atoms into a new structure (re-synthesizes a water molecule).

Another type of energy transformation is associated with nuclear reactions, which, for obvious reasons, cannot be carried out at home. In addition, they need enormous material and energy resources sufficient to initiate the process of nuclear decay.

These reactions are organized in special reactors and accelerators, where conditions with a high magnetic field gradient are created. The problem that specialists interested in cold nuclear fusion (CNF) face is finding ways to maintain nuclear reactions without additional input of third-party energies.

In conclusion, we note that the problem with the devices and systems discussed above is the presence of strong opposition from corporate forces, whose well-being is based on traditional hydrocarbons and atomic energy. CNF research, in particular, has been declared a wrong direction, as a result of which all centralized funding has been completely stopped. Today, the study of the principles of obtaining free energies is supported only by enthusiasts.


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