Game dress up two girls online. Dress up game for two for girls

Princess Belle: Surprise date for Jack. Game for girls and girls! Today Princess Belle is in a playful mood and she decided to arrange a surprise date for Princess Elsa's boyfriend. Do not be surprised! Belle just wanted to see Jack’s reaction to the situation he would find himself in when he found Princess Belle instead of his girlfriend Elsa. Interesting?! In this case, choose the place where Belle and Jack will meet. This place could be a restaurant, a beach, or a park. And having decided on the meeting place, start choosing outfits for the princess, and also take care of the arrangement of this place. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Princess Belle: Surprise date for Jack

Disney Princesses: The main rule of today's party. Game for girls and girls! Princess Moana is a great entertainer, and her humor is all right. The princess always has ideas for her Disney friends on how and how to diversify their parties. So today Moana invited her friends Cinderella and Aurora to an unusual party. The party is unusual in that it is organized according to a special rule. The main rule of today's party is that at this party all attention is primarily focused on accessories - more precisely on the purses (clutches) of the princesses. But their outfits, jewelry and other accessories should somehow miraculously fit perfectly with them. And our young stylists, you will take care of this. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Disney Princesses: The main rule today

A collection of outfits for receiving Academy of Arts awards. Game for girls and girls! Having attended the Academy Awards ceremony, Princess Cinderella was fascinated by the outfits of the actresses present there. Inspired by what she saw, Cinderella decides to create her own collection of ideal, fashionable outfits suitable for such special occasions. And now the chic collection of dresses is ready. The day and hour for this magnificent fashion show has been set. Cinderella and her friends - Anna and Mulan - will perform as models at this show. Cinderella entrusts you, girls, with the role of their stylists. When preparing Disney princesses for the runway, start with their makeup and hairstyles. Then, having familiarized yourself with the presented collection, choose the best dresses for Cinderella, Anna and Mulan. To complete the looks, add matching jewelry and accessories to these ensembles. Use the mouse to control the game. Good luck!

Collection of outfits for receiving AKA awards

Pre-wedding bachelorette party for Princess Moana. Game for girls and girls! There's great news at Disney. Princess Moana is getting married and her friends - Snow White, Cinderella and Anna - decided to throw a grand pre-wedding bachelorette party for her for this occasion. You, girls, will help the princesses organize a bachelorette party. First, take care of the princesses' outfits, hairstyles, jewelry and accessories. Then take care of the treats for the guests, gifts for the bride and the decoration of the room in which the princesses plan to have fun. A computer mouse will be your reliable assistant in this game. Good luck!

Pre-wedding bachelorette party for Princess Moana

Disney's first college party. Game for girls and girls! These two cute girls are princesses. For some time now they have been students at King's College. During the whole month of the girls’ stay in educational institution they still haven't found any new friends here. Today the first party is planned at Disney College and if you girls help our heroines with something, then this sad situation can change dramatically. Firstly, help the princesses express themselves in at least some way when organizing a party. Let it be a poster announcing the upcoming event. And when you have completed this job, use your fashion skills and help the princesses look stylish at the party. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Disney's first college party

Disney princesses in Ibiza. Game for girls and girls! The Disney princesses - Moana, Ariel and Elsa - were tired of the long winter and everyday boring life, so they decided to go together to the most famous resort in Europe, located on the island of Ibiza in the Mediterranean Sea, which belongs to Spain. Girls dream of taking a break from winter there and having fun in youth clubs. They were also attracted to Ibiza by the bright sun, warm sea, gorgeous beaches and the opportunity to get a beautiful tan there. Of course, for such a vacation, you girls will have to help them choose the necessary set of clothes. This primarily applies to bikinis and evening dresses. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Disney princesses in Ibiza

Disney princess themed party in Lolita style. Game for girls and girls! The passion for Japanese fashion continues unabated. It didn't spare the Disney princesses either. Today, friends Moana, Jasmine, Cinderella and Elsa are going to a Lolita themed party. Girls, if you want your favorites to be among the best “Lolitas,” then try to dress the princesses in outfits of the required style so that when they appear at the party, everyone can only say “O-O-O!” and "Ah!" Good luck!

Disney princess themed party

Disney Princess: Makeup in the form of a funny picture on the face. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Merida, Moana and Elsa - go to the cool party and, of course, for such an occasion, princesses want to look something special. The idea of ​​decorating their faces with makeup in the form of a funny picture seemed to the girlfriends to be the only right option. It’s up to you, girls, to bring their idea to life. First, take care of the princesses' faces to bring their skin to perfect condition. And only after that, start creating great makeup in the form of funny painting on your face. And to make the princesses’ image complete, also help them choose outfits. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Disney Princess: Funny Makeup

Disney Princesses: Meeting New Friends. Game for girls and girls! Girls, the Disney princesses - Tiana and Ariel - are planning a meeting today with new friends whom they met in absentia and so far only communicated on the Internet. Girlfriends do not rule out that their pleasant, correspondence communication can develop into a great, true friendship. The princesses are very excited and would like to look as attractive as possible when meeting new friends. Girls, taking care of the beauty of your lovely girlfriends is your task. Start by caring for their feet. A beautiful pedicure and jewelry for your feet will come in very handy today. And of course, girls will need gorgeous makeup and elegant dresses. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Disney Princesses: Meeting New Friends

Elsa: The drama of separation. Game for girls and girls! Poor Elsa today accidentally saw Prince Jack trying it on for her little sister Anna. wedding ring. Impressed by what she saw, the desperate girl drew pictures of Jack's betrayal in her charming head - one more terrible than the other. Moreover, she even announced that she was breaking up with Jack. However, Anna revealed Jack's secret to Elsa. It turns out that the ring Jack bought is intended for her. Girls, you understand that Elsa is to blame and in order to correct her mistake, she urgently needs to meet with Jack. Ariel will now perform several necessary SPA procedures for her to care for her face. Rapunzel will do her makeup. And you will hurry to pick out outfits, accessories and jewelry for her. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa: Breakup Drama

Unicorn themed party. Game for girls and girls! Girls, do you want to know how a unicorn-themed party begins? Please! To do this, you will now need to join Princess Elsa to help her organize such a themed party for Rapunzel and Anna. Start your help by making ice cream, decorated with various tasty things, anything reminiscent of unicorns. And then get down to the main thing. Choose hairstyles and outfits for Disney princesses that are appropriate for the chosen party theme. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Unicorn themed party

Elsa and Rapunzel: Wedding Day Drama. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you will witness a wedding drama. But first things first. And so, you have your own beauty salon, which Disney princesses turn to for services. On this moment Your client is Rapunzel. Help her prepare for the wedding. Give the bride a beautiful make-up and choose a magnificent Wedding Dress and wedding accessories. It turns out that you are having a hot day today! Before you had time to serve Rapunzel, another bride immediately took the empty seat in the chair. This bride turned out to be Princess Elsa. Well, try to serve her too. top level. However, why is she so excited! And to whom does her threat concern: “This day will be perfect for me. I will ruin her wedding.” Girls, to find out, you will have to follow her to the wedding salon. Wow! Yes, a whole drama played out here. By declaring that Rapunzel's fiancé is her boyfriend, Elsa is thus trying to interrupt the marriage registration process. But wait... What is this? Rapunzel's fiancé turned out to be Jack... But he really is Elsa's boyfriend... Or not anymore... Did the recent quarrel really kill his love for Elsa? Be that as it may, at the moment you will need to move the dispute between two brides from wedding salon outside. And then, having thought over the current situation, you will have to resolve it in favor of one of the princesses. Just don't rush to conclusions...

Elsa and Rapunzel: Wedding Day Drama

Disney Princesses: Journey Through Time. Game for girls and girls! How boring today seemed to the Disney princesses - Rapunzel, Merida, Elsa, Ariel, Aurora, Anna and Moana. Having seen the time machine, they, without thinking about anything, decided to go on a trip on it, so that, finding themselves in the past or future, they could see and try on yourself in fashionable outfits of that time. Moreover, all the princesses prefer to be in different times. You, girls, will accompany them on this amazing journey. It is up to you to choose outfits for them that correspond to the desired era and time. So Princess Rapunzel will find herself in the distant year 1400, Elsa in 1945, Merida will wish to be in the future - in the year 3286. And Princess Ariel in 1953, Princess Aurora in 1967, Anna in 1977, Moana in 1994.

Disney Princess: A Journey Through Time

My avatar for the cold season. Game for girls and girls! Girls, imagine that in the game offered to you, you will create an avatar for the cold season for yourself personally. And so, summer, autumn, and even half of winter have long since sunk into oblivion, and your online avatars still do not correspond to reality. On them you are still in clothes that are out of season. Are you starting to act?! In this case, start by creating a character endowed with your traits. Ready? Then start choosing fashionable winter outfits. Don't forget the winter coat and the winter background picture. Good luck!.

My avatar for the cold season

Disney princesses want to be like elf girls. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Rapunzel, Aurora, Merida, Anna, Ariel and Elsa - inspired by the images of charming elf girls they saw in the film they had just watched, wanted to become like them at least for a while. Romantics! Girls and princesses dream, and you will be the magicians who can bring their ideas to life. Start your princess transformation by choosing chic hairstyles for them. The kind that is customary to decorate the heads of elf girls. Then choose gorgeous outfits, accessories, jewelry and shoes for the princesses - all in the same stunning style. Good luck!

Disney princesses want to be like her

Princesses love Lips Art. Game for girls and girls! Well, Disney fashionistas have finally gotten around to lip art. When applying makeup to their lips, princesses are no longer limited to applying plain lipstick. Now they create real colorful masterpieces on their sponges. Among the fans of sponge decoration, three of our friends were also noticed - Jasmine, Ariel and Mulan. Girls, be for them those creative makeup artists and stylists who will help them prepare for today's grandiose student party. Today girls want to look something special. Perhaps, lip makeup in lip art style is the highlight that will allow them to be the center of attention. Of course, choose the right outfits, jewelry and accessories to go with this makeup look. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Princesses love lip art

Disney Princess: Relaxing Day. Game for girls and girls! Moana, Merida and Aurora have a day off today. The past week was not easy, so the Disney princesses on their day off, first of all, decided to relax as much as possible. It will be much more comfortable for the princesses to relax if you, girls, take care of their appearance. Perhaps start with their makeup and pedicure. And then choose cute outfits, jewelry and accessories for them.

Disney Princess: Relaxing Day

Dressing super couples for Valentine's Day. Game for girls and girls! On Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day - you girls will have to choose outfits for two super couples - Lady Bug and Super Cat ah, Barbie and Ken. This time you will dress up not only girls, but also their boyfriends. Try to make your charges look amazing at a party organized in honor of such a wonderful holiday. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Dressing super couples for Valentine's Day

Royal Ball for Disney Princesses-2. Game for girls and girls! IN fairyland Disney big event! The Royal Ball will take place here today. Princesses Elsa, Anna and Ariel are his guests of honor. This obliges the princesses to a lot. In addition, their sympathies will be at the ball - princes Jack, Kristoff and Eric. Girls, you, of course, understand the importance of the events taking place. In this case, help the princesses look stunning at today's ball. Choose chic dresses for the princesses, add magnificent jewelry to them, decorate their heads with a tiara and don’t forget about masks. Good luck!

Royal Ball for Disney Princesses-2

Royal ball for Disney princesses. Game for girls and girls! Today, the annual Royal Ball is held in the largest palace of the Disney fairy-tale kingdom. Among those invited to the ball are your charges: princesses Elsa, Rapunzel, Aurora, Cinderella, Anna and Ariel. It is for them today that you will choose outfits, hairstyles, accessories and jewelry. As a rule, at events of this level, the prom queen is chosen. The most elegant princess becomes the queen of the ball. Now do you understand why the princesses are so excited?! So, you should try to make the princesses look stunning at the ball. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Disney Princess Royal Ball

Clothes for couples in love. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you will play the role of clothing designers for couples in love. Lovers are in front of you. These are Elsa and Jack, Anna and Kristoff, Ariel and Eric, Lady Bug and Super Cat. There are no specific instructions for creating clothes for lovers. Here, our dear designers, you will have to be guided by your own ideas about such clothes and, of course, your fantasies. And you can express your ideas through the model of clothing, its color, and the designs that decorate it. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Clothing for couples

Planning journal designs for Disney princesses. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Rapunzel and Anna - are multifaceted personalities. They are interested in everything in this life. “Where can you find so much time to do everything that interests you,” you might think. Imagine - Anna and Rapunzel have time to do everything they want. Do you know why? Everything is very simple. Princesses keep planning diaries in which they schedule the time and upcoming events for all seven days of the week. And, if you girls offer Rapunzel and Anna your design for planning diaries, the princesses will be only too happy about it. Start working on the design of diaries by designing their covers. Then work on their pages. And at the end of the game, choose hairstyles, outfits, accessories and jewelry for the princesses. Good luck! Game control: using the mouse.

Princess Planning Diaries Design

Harley Quinn is throwing a party in honor of Valentine's Day. Game for girls and girls! On Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day), Harley Quinn came up with a brilliant idea. In honor of this glorious holiday, the girl decided to organize a grand party for her friends - Elsa, Anna, Ariel and Rapunzel. The Disney princesses were not against it and accepted the offer. And now, girls, you have to take care of outfits, hairstyles and accessories not only for the hostess, but also for her girlfriends. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Harley Quinn throws a party in honor of

Princess Jasmine: Birthday best friend. Game for girls and girls! It's Jasmine's best friend's birthday and she would like to give her a special gift. Girls, soon the Disney princess decided - this gift will be a bag - made by your hands according to the design she developed. If you are ready to fulfill the princess’s instructions, then arm yourself with a mouse and hurry to her workshop. To begin, cut the fabric according to Jasmine's patterns and sew the parts on a machine. Then, using the various cute things the princess prepared, decorate the bag. And finally, help Princess Jasmine dress up for her friend’s party. Good luck!

Princess Jasmine: Birthday for the best girl

Elsa: The path from a homeless girl to a real diva. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to play the role of a stylist, designer, and makeup artist to help Princess Anna guide her sister Elsa through the difficult path of becoming - from a homeless girl to a real diva. First you will have to imagine Elsa in her most modest outfits. In this form, Anna will meet her and take her to her home to offer her a bath and clean her up. During this period of time, you will give Elsa makeup suitable for her face type. Then, together with Anna, you will change Elsa into different clothes. Anna decides to help Elsa find a job. Help the princesses send out their resumes. And when Elsa receives an invitation to an interview, you will have to go shopping with her for clothes suitable for such an event. You will not leave Princess Elsa without attention even after she finds a job. Now, following Elsa on her path to success, you can choose outfits and accessories for her that will make her look like a real diva. Good luck! Game control: using the mouse.

Elsa: The path from a homeless girl to real life

Rapunzel: Shopping on Broadway. Game for girls and girls! So Rapunzel's dream came true. She's in New York. Now the princess will go to Broadway, the longest street running through the whole of Manhattan, to do some shopping there. Of course, in this important matter the princess will need a fashion consultant. Girls, you will be this consultant. Gain strength and patience. Today you will visit several super unique, truly fashionable stores selling women's clothing and other ladies' accessories from the most popular brands. Here are their names - Fendi, Chanel, Burberry, Hermes. And you can start shopping right now. To do this, you just need a computer mouse. Good luck!

Rapunzel: Shopping on Broadway

Princess Belle will go to new school. Game for girls and girls! Today Princess Belle is going to a new school. Because of this, the girl, of course, is very worried. Girls, helping a cute beauty cope with her anxiety is your main task. Perhaps start your mission with beautiful makeup, hair care and elegant hairstyle. Then work on her manicure. To make the princess's hands look even more chic, decorate them with a bracelet and put a ring on her finger. Well, there is no more reason to worry. It's time to start choosing outfits, accessories, jewelry suitable for school and, finally, send the girl to school. Good luck!

Princess Belle will go to a new school

Disney Princesses: Grand Toga Party. Game for girls and girls! You know. Why are princesses Anna, Moana and their friend Ladybug so excited? It turns out that their college is hosting a huge toga party today. Togas are a dazzling white medieval-style robe, usually accessorized with a chic belt and headband. Representatives of high society can afford luxurious tiaras instead of headbands. Girls, calm down your friends! Help them look like real goddesses at the party. First of all, give them gorgeous makeup. Then choose suitable hairstyles for them and stunningly beautiful snow-white togas. Be responsible when choosing jewelry and accessories. They are extremely important in finalizing the chic images of girlfriends. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse

Disney Princess: Big Party

Disney style: Tips for blondes. Game for girls and girls! For you, dear blondes, some tips from the Disney princesses - Elsa, Rapunzel, Aurora and Cinderella. Who, if not them, natural blondes, beauties and first fashionistas, should know what suits blondes best. Don't miss their videos. In it, the princesses will post their tips on fashionable outfits and makeup and, with your help, demonstrate them on by example. Help them with your mouse.

Disney style: Tips for blondes

Princess Belle is throwing a party. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to help Princess Belle organize a party for Jasmine and Aurora. First of all, work on the design of the room in which Belle intends to have fun with her friends. And, of course, don’t forget to prepare some treats for the girls. Now, before the guests arrive, take care of the hostess. Refresh the princess's makeup, choose her fashionable hairstyle, stylish outfits, accessories and jewelry. Use the mouse to control the game. Good luck!

Every girl is a huge fashionista at heart and that is why any representative of the fair sex is constantly interested in the latest fashion trends, tries to adhere to a certain style or color combination in outfits that will harmoniously emphasize her taste and advantages of appearance. Today, we want to bring to your attention a trendy online game for girls called Dress Up Games for Two, where you can feel like a professional stylist.

Dress up games for girls invite you to create looks for two friends at once, and dress up the main characters of this free game you can together with your friends. Compete with each other in creative skills and find out which of you has best feeling style and fashion. Try to make sure that appearance a couple of girls turned out to be suitable for going on a summer walk along the beach of their home resort town. The site wishes you a fun and interesting time to spend your free time in the company of cute beauties!

Tips for passing:

As soon as this entertainment is loaded on the screens of your monitors, you can immediately start playing, because for this you will not even need to register on our website. Just click on the button labeled Play and you can explore the situation. Take a close look at the playing field - here on the left and right sides menu items are located, including the wardrobes of girls flaunting in the center of the playing space. Now you have to decide which of you will dress up the girl on the left side, and who will dress up the image of the beauty on the right.

Using the computer mouse, take turns selecting for your heroine beautiful hairstyle, then choose from a huge selection of outfits the most suitable for a summer walk along the embankment. After that, you can start choosing shoes that will go well with your clothes. Then it will become a matter of selecting suitable accessories, and you should not forget about the handbag, because this is the most integral detail of any girl’s image. After finishing work on the appearance of both models of this game, click on the button labeled Done to see the result of your efforts, without unnecessary details on the playing field. If you wish, you can always go back a step to correct any element. To do this, simply click on the Back button.

Clothes, fashion, style, image, taste, evening dress - all these words are well known to every girl. The love of clothes is in the blood of every fashionista at any age (even if she is only five years old). Can you also sit for hours in front of the mirror, trying on a wide variety of outfits (both yours and your mother’s)? Do you often experiment by dressing dolls or dressing up yourself? Do you like everything beautiful, bright, stylish? Then you will surely love dress up games for girls.

These games allow you to:

  • always follow fashion and be aware of the latest fashion trends;
  • learn to choose the right outfits and skillfully combine a wide variety of clothing items for all occasions (for different seasons, activities, activities, events, or just to suit your mood);
  • have fun alone or with a friend;
  • just enjoy the process of dressing.

And after you learn the art of dressing beautifully and stylishly in games, it will be much easier for you to do this in real life.

How to play dress up games

At your disposal are countless outfits and toiletries, shoes, jewelry and cosmetics. Isn't this every girl's dream? Thanks to our games, you can try on a lot of new and beautiful things on your heroes without leaving home. And it’s up to you how you can use all this wonderful diversity.

Playing princess dress up games is very simple: just follow simple instructions, which are in every game.

Depending on the task, you will have to take the heroines of the games to a gala ball, a romantic walk, a fun holiday, to work, etc. Feel like a real stylist whose task is to dress the client beautifully so that he is delighted. Everything is in your hands - create new unique images, combine, experiment, fantasize and enjoy the result.

It happens that you want to buy yourself something new, but you don’t know how it will look with jewelry. Dressing is great way dress up a mannequin and experiment on it. Of course, if you get tired of playing, you can make outfits for dolls with your own hands from paper or fabric, but before you make such an outfit, you can choose a virtual image for yourself in one of our games. For any style of clothing, a girl can choose an outfit in our catalog. Choose a dress to wear depending on the time of year. Try on clothes for different weather conditions. And also play, do makeup, decorate your nails and update your wardrobe depending on the time of day.

Huge selection of dress up games on the site

We have prepared a great selection of dress-up games for you. Here you will meet your most favorite characters - Barbie doll, heroines of the Winx animated series, Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Little Pony and many others. Moreover, you can beautifully dress not only your favorite heroes, but also real stars (singers, actresses).

Thanks to this variety, you can play a new dress up game every day, discovering more and more new and interesting things.

Are you ready to plunge into the exciting, diverse world of beauty and fashion? Then you are welcome! In this section you will be able to:

  • create new and beautiful images for your beloved Little Ponies, and then breed them;
  • help four of your favorite Disney princesses get together for the annual mermaid parade so that they are truly irresistible, choose outfits and accessories for each;
  • try on the role of a professional stylist and do stunning makeup for your client;
  • make a real beauty out of an ordinary school teacher;
  • make your beloved Barbie a real queen;
  • care for and tidy up a cute puppy who really needs your help;
  • select items for a professional model photo shoot;
  • give original makeup to your heroine who is preparing for Halloween;
  • dress Barbie for school;
  • stylishly dress up your favorite Bloom and Flora Winx;
  • choose the best wedding outfit for the heroine;
  • cut the princess and her friend's hair beautifully.

And this is only a small part of your possibilities! And you can play all dress-up games for girls completely free of charge.

You must clearly determine which style to follow:
  • classical,
  • avant-garde,
  • Art Deco,
  • bohemian,
  • country
  • and many others, your professional intuition will tell you. After dressing up dolls or celebrities, you can move on to more complex tasks. Royalty is always more demanding when it comes to outfits, accessories and jewelry. This is where all your acquired skills, rich imagination and extraordinary creativity will come in handy. In order for games to dress princesses for assessment to always lead to a positive result, you need to try very hard. You should get to know each heroine better, find out about her preferences, get acquainted with the contents of the royal wardrobes and choose the most exquisite outfits. As a rule, time in such games is limited and you need to prepare for the competition as quickly as possible. After practicing online entertainment, you will be able to help your friends in real life. It’s no secret that most of them don’t know how to dress harmoniously. Their things don't go together, but the good news is that now they have you! After playing a variety of online dress-up games for girls to be assessed by a jury, you will be able to help them competently. At the moment you can easily create the most different styles and images that will be the result of your talent and taste.

    Trees strewn with delightful flowers, leaves beginning to bloom, lawns covered with fresh green grass - spring comes into its own in gaming virtuality! The emerging beauties call people to escape the boundaries of large cities and go on a short journey around rural areas, take a walk in parks and even wild forests. This mood also captured the two heroines of the dress up game for girls. Beautiful girls go to a village filled with flowers and want to look impeccably brilliant there. Like many modern fashionistas, they strive to do this by applying bright makeup to their faces, choosing an extraordinary hairstyle, and wearing cute suits. Will you help them highlight their natural beauty?

    Consistently work on the appearance of both girls

    To transform the appearance of two game heroines, you need to gradually pay attention to each of them. When playing Dress Up for Two for Girls, you initially work on only one friend, and only when her appearance is completely ready can you begin design experiments on the second girl.

    This consistency principle is great for two reasons. First of all, because during the dress up game you will be able to focus on only one character, giving each of the girls the full maximum of your attention and creative imagination. Secondly, when you dress two girls separately, you are not comparing them or creating a beauty competition between them. And this is important for maintaining warm friendly relations, and to obtain maximum joy from any activity.

    Only when both images are completed, you will be able to admire the final results of your creativity - a pair of heroines will appear before you in all their glory against the backdrop of an enchanting landscape.

    First a beauty salon, then a dress-up shop

    Changing the appearance of the heroines in this dress-up game for two begins with applying cosmetics. You see an enlarged face of one of the girls, and at the bottom of the game screen you are offered a variety of tools: eyebrow pencil, mascara, blush, lipstick, eye shadow, colored contact lenses. You click on these items, and a palette with available color options appears to the right of the game character. You indicate the shade you like, and it is immediately applied to the girl’s face.

    Then you move on to the dressing up stage. On the shelves to the right of the figure of the game’s heroine are images of a wig, T-shirt, skirt, bow, earrings, necklaces, and shoes. Click on these items to view all items present in the game. This is how the girl’s hairstyle changes, T-shirts, shirts, blouses, skirts, shorts are put on her, light shoes are put on her feet, cute ribbons are woven into her hair, precious jewelry is tried on her neck and ears.

    Dress up game for two for girls offers a good choice various things that differ from each other in color and style. Try different combinations of these elements of appearance, and this will seriously affect the overall impression of the image of the game heroines.

    You can play alone or with two people

    This dress up game is good because it has two characters at once. This gives greater scope for creativity - you can use different things and makeup styles for different girlfriends. In addition, a dress-up game for two girls becomes good fun for a couple of participants - first, one player dresses up the first girl, and then the other does the second. In new game sessions, you can change the heroines and try to dress up a different girlfriend.

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