Intensity of labor and rationing of labor processes.

Among the factors influencing labor productivity, there are two most important ones that require special attention. This is the intensity and intensity of work.

Labor intensity

Labor intensity is the rate of expenditure of human energy and is measured by the expenditure of a person’s nervous and muscular energy per unit of working time. It is characterized by large fluctuations depending on the nature of the work and the individual qualities of the worker, as well as his attitude to work in specific conditions.

Thus, Andlabor intensity- the degree of his tension, the amount of expenditure of physical and spiritual strength of the employee per unit of time.

The intensity of work is determined by physical activity during the work process, the degree of nervous tension when performing work, the pace of work itself, the monotony of work, working conditions, etc. As labor intensity increases, the quantity of products produced or services provided also increases, i.e. The time to produce a unit of product is reduced and labor productivity increases.

At the same time, the intensity of work can change not only under the influence of external factors, but also depending on the desire of a person and his objective physiological capabilities.

The following are distinguished: types of labor intensity:

1. physiological, which corresponds to favorable working conditions, when the employee in the process of work not only does not get tired, but also improves himself and does not cause any harm to his health;

2. average, which corresponds to favorable working conditions, when during the work process the employee is allowed to become fatigued without causing harm to his health;

3. maximum, which is generally possible at least for a short time.

Labor intensity

Labor intensity is an indicator of labor intensity.

Labor intensity- this is the degree of labor intensity in relation to its maximum value, taken as a unit (as the boundaries of the maximum permissible human capabilities).

The intensity of labor can be different with equal intensity. This is due to the fact that different workers can work with the same intensity, determined by equipment and production technology, but due to lack of experience, dexterity, and skills, for some the work is more intense than for other workers.

Labor productivity indicators

The main indicators of labor productivity are:

1. Labor intensity is the cost of working time to produce a unit of output in physical terms across the entire range of products and services.

Labor intensity is determined by the amount of labor required to perform a specific amount of work or produce a specific volume of products. Labor intensity is expressed in standard hours or in actual hours worked spent on the production of a specific product.

Advantages of Labor Intensity before other indicators:

Reflects the direct relationship between production volume and labor costs;

Allows you to link the problem of measuring labor productivity with factors and reserves for its growth;

Allows you to compare labor costs for identical products in different workshops and areas of the enterprise.


1. technological complexity, determined on the basis of accounting for the labor costs of the main production workers;

2. labor intensity of maintenance, i.e. labor costs of workers serving production in the main and auxiliary workshops;

3. management complexity, i.e. labor costs of managers, specialists, technical performers and other personnel;

4. production labor intensity, taking into account the labor costs of both main and auxiliary workers;

5. full labor intensity, reflecting the labor costs of all categories of enterprise personnel. Total labor intensity is determined by summing the labor intensity of all types of labor inputs. In other words, the labor intensity of the enterprise's products as a whole is determined by summing up the labor intensity of those types of work that are spent on its production.

2. Output- this is the productivity of a worker, expressed by the mass of products produced by him. In practice, the most common is the production of products at a workplace or in a department for a specific period of time. According to the terminology accepted in the West, production is characterized as an indicator of “removal from one workplace.”

Output is defined as the ratio of the mass of products produced to the number of workers who produced them, according to the formula:

V = V/H list,

where B is output;

H list – average number of workers, i.e. working time spent on the production of a given mass of products, expressed through the number of workers.

Product output is directly proportional to the amount of time spent on its production, and inversely proportional to its labor intensity.

3. Live performance(individual) labor is expressed through the cost of working time to produce a unit of product and is calculated using the formula:

P u = V / T u

where P and is the productivity of living (individual) labor;

V - volume of products produced (work performed);

T and - costs of living labor.

4. Social productivity is labor productivity calculated taking into account total labor costs. The need to define it is due to the fact that the production of products requires both living labor and materialized labor in the form of raw materials, materials, machines, equipment, and energy.

Social labor productivity is calculated using the formula:

P o = V / (T u + T ov),

where P o - social productivity of labor;

V - volume of products produced (work performed);

T and - costs of living labor;

T ov - costs of materialized (past) labor.

5. Efficiency of useworking time fund characterized by an increase in the share of productive work time of key workers. To increase this indicator, it is necessary to reduce the loss of working time or increase the share of key production workers.

If labor productivity grows due to an increase in working time, then this is an extensive way to increase it; if its growth is ensured by a reduction in labor intensity, then this is an intensive path, since the reduction in labor costs for manufacturing products occurs due to the introduction of new technology, improvement of technology and organization of production, and intensification of production processes.

6. Labor efficiency ensures that the quality of labor is taken into account and the need for its economical use. To calculate the overall labor efficiency indicator, you can use the formula:

E = (V t / H) x k,

where E is the overall labor efficiency;

V t - volume of work per unit of time;

N - number of employees;

k is an indicator of labor quality.

Labor efficiency will be higher, the higher labor productivity and the lower labor costs with a constant volume of work.

worker labor productivity

Depending on the accepted initial indicators for accounting for productive labor costs in modern production the following may apply economic methods assessment of workers' labor intensity.

  • 1. Method for determining the occupancy rate in the process productive labor. IN general case this coefficient relative intensity labor can be calculated using the formula K = T3 / Tn, (6.32) where Kz is the worker’s employment rate; T3 - actual productive time expenditure; Tn - standard operating time. Taking into account the accepted scale of measuring working time costs, the coefficients of relative labor intensity can be calculated: active employment in operational time, operational employment in piece time, employment in a production line cycle, employment in a multi-machine service cycle, total employment (load) per shift, etc.
  • 2. Method for calculating labor costs per unit of working time. With its help, you can estimate the level of relative labor intensity when performing operations based on the ratio of actual labor costs to necessary ones or their inverse relationship. With acceptable accuracy of calculations, scientifically based standards of time, production, maintenance, number, controllability, etc. can be taken as the amount of necessary labor costs. The labor intensity coefficient when using, for example, time standards can be expressed by the relation
  • 3. A method for establishing the tempo or speed of labor actions, characterizing the level of both absolute and relative intensity of labor when performing manual operations. The labor intensity coefficient is determined by the ratio of actual indicators of the pace or speed of labor actions to normative or reference values:

Ki = Tf / Tn

where Tf is the actual pace of work; Tn - standard pace of work

  • 4. Method for determining the volume of work performed mechanical work, characterizing the level of productive expenditure work force, human energy per unit of time when exercised predominantly physical labor. The volume of mechanical work actually performed per unit of time, which determines the level of absolute labor intensity, is calculated using the formula: By comparing the actual and normative (acceptable) indicators of dynamic work implemented in the process of productive labor, the coefficient of relative labor intensity can be calculated: Standard indicators physical dynamic load for healthy men of fully working age (from 20 to 50 years) is set to 42,000 kgm per shift with a load on the shoulder girdle and up to 83,000 on the body. For women and men over 50 years of age, acceptable standards for external mechanical work are accepted in the amount of 35 to 50% of the given values. Currently, the norms of permissible loads for women are set within 10 kg when lifting and moving heavy objects up to two times per hour, and when constantly working with a load for work shift- up to 7 kg. The amount of permissible dynamic work performed during each working hour of a shift should not exceed 1750 kgm for women when moving loads along work surface, and when lifting a load from the floor - 875 kgm
  • 5. Method for calculating the level of labor consumption, human energy in the process of productive labor, characterizing the amount of human energy consumption per unit of working time. Using this method, the absolute intensity during physical exercise can be calculated. heavy work, taking into account the complex impact on its level of such factors as the mass of objects, labor effort, pace of work, speed labor movements, structure of techniques, as well as energy consumption for performing static and neuro-mental activities.
  • · the efficiency of the employee’s labor, the labor of the management apparatus, its individual bodies and divisions;
  • · efficiency of the system and the management process itself.

Determining the effectiveness of management in business structures can be carried out in the following main areas:

  • · analysis and assessment of organizational and technical measures to improve management;
  • · determination of the overall effect created by the worker;
  • · establishing the share of the control system effect in the overall effect;
  • · determination and evaluation of the performance of functional units.

When moving from one direction to another, control efficiency increases. A comprehensive set of management efficiency criteria is formed taking into account two areas for assessing its functioning:

  • - according to the degree of compliance of the achieved results with the established goals of the production and economic organization;
  • - according to the degree of compliance of the process of system functioning with objective requirements for its content, organization and results.

Efficiency criterion for comparison various options organizational structure serves the possibility of the most complete and sustainable achievement of the final goals of the management system at relatively lower costs for its operation. In this regard, assessment of management effectiveness labor resources necessary to determine the achievability of the goals facing the business structure. In this regard, the task of business structures is to organize work in such a way that it maximum degree corresponded to the needs of employees, made it possible to intensify their work and increase its efficiency, ensuring the achievement of increased competitiveness at the lowest cost.

Along with the employee's wages he may receive additional official accruals. As a rule, they are designed to encourage some kind of personal professional achievements, to compensate special conditions labor or stimulate the employee, making him want to work more fruitfully and improve his skills. One of these types of payments includes bonuses and allowances. There is also the concept of surcharge, which is somewhat different in essence. Let's consider what exactly and for what additional charges included in the salary are due.

According to Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for his work an employee receives remuneration depending on his professional abilities, the nature and characteristics of the work done, as well as the availability of additional payments depending on its conditions.

All remuneration received by an employee can be broadly divided into fixed and variable categories. The constant part includes directly the monthly salary and the coefficient established by the state for various regions.

What is variable pay includes additional payments, bonuses and allowances. All this is calculated individually for each employee, and is often determined by working conditions or the employee’s qualifications. Some of the payments are guaranteed by the government and are mandatory for specific types of institutions.

The level of others is assigned directly to the enterprise, although compliance with these additional payments is also controlled by the state. In some cases, the rights of organizations provide for the possibility of regulating the amount of this additional profit for employees.

Important! Wage employee is established upon conclusion with him employment contract, and its size, the system of additional payments and the calculation of allowances are fixed by the current regulations of the enterprise and collective agreements.

Nature of possible allowances

By their nature they stand out:

  1. Incentive payments. They are designed to encourage the employee, to motivate him to improve his ability to work and improve his professional skills. This can be either a bonus for a successfully launched project or additional encouragement for personal skills and specific merits. Additional pay for work experience or having an academic degree also falls into this category.
  2. Compensation payments. They are used to level out deviations from normal operating conditions. Such additional payments do not impose additional responsibilities on the employee other than those specified in the employment contract.

The amount of the bonus, and this is most often an incentive type of payment, is indicated in specific form in staffing table. Moreover, it can be appointed either for a specific period or on an ongoing basis, or it can be absent altogether.

The conditions for its availability must certainly be specified in the employment contract, where they may be present both in direct form, and with reference to local regulatory documents enterprises.


Procedure for additional payments

Supplements do not always have the same status. Some are mandatory for payment and are fixed in an exact numerical amount. But there is a limitation only by the maximum threshold value, and the need to accrue them rests with the employer.

Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows an organization to independently establish additional payments if they are not clearly established at the legislative level. All this must be recorded in the internal regulations of the enterprise, collective and personal employment contracts.

It is also required to describe in these documents the procedure by which the bonus is calculated for working employees, defined as percentage from menstruation tariff rate. If such additional payments are used, their size must be adjusted when the monthly salary changes.

If the enterprise has a summarized recording of labor time, then compensation for deviations from the normal work procedure will be calculated for the period that is defined as accounting. That is, when employees work in shifts, and the summation is carried out for a quarter, then the determination of the standard working time will be calculated not for a week or a month, but for this very quarter. In this case, the additional payment for overtime is determined based on the difference between normal and actually worked hours in total.

Attention! If an employee is entitled to a bonus, then he must receive it exactly in the amount and for the period that is recorded in the staffing table.

Payment of bonuses and other required additional accruals is not interrupted during the next vacation or other situations when the employee must retain his earnings.

Extra pay for difficult work

There are certain compensating or incentive bonuses that are awarded depending on the special conditions and intensity of work.

Examples of reasons for payment include:

  • intense work;
  • overtime work, work on holidays and weekends;
  • shift method;
  • night work;
  • activities in the Far North;
  • work in conditions harmful to health.

Each of these points has its own characteristics, definitions and procedure for calculating compensation. You can find out whether there will be a bonus for working until 12 midnight by looking at Labor Code. It regulates that this criterion includes the time period from 22:00 to 6:00. Each such hour must be paid at an increased rate. But how this will be expressed in monetary terms is determined by the employer’s local documents.

Important! If any additional payment is due under state labor standards, then its application should extend to organizations of any form of ownership and management.

Payments for work intensity

When it comes to setting a premium for the complexity and labor intensity of the process, you should understand what definition characterizes them. Labor intensity is the degree of intensity required to obtain best results productivity.

On this moment There are no clear standards regulated by law that regulate the premium for work that involves dynamics and the degree of complexity of the process. All this must be described in the employer’s local documents or collective agreement. If such an additional payment is due to an employee, then its amount must be indicated in the documents, most often in the form of a reference to normative act enterprises about the amount of payments.

In addition to the permanent additional payment for the special nature of the work or its intensity, the employee may also be issued a one-time bonus based on the same criteria. This will be a percentage premium or an amount of absolute value, but a one-time action for a certain period.

For example, an employee can receive an additional 15% of his monthly salary for one six-month period. Moreover, a bonus for hard work is not given to employees who receive a permanent bonus for the same reason.

Attention! If an employee is entitled to a bonus, then he must receive it exactly in the amount and for the period that is recorded in the staffing table.

Although an organization or enterprise is obliged to independently regulate the procedure and amount of additional payments possible in its state, it is obliged to focus on the standards established by state law.

Extra pay for overtime work

In the presence of written consent employee, he may be required to perform overtime work.

Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation clearly defines possible situations for this:

  • prevention of industrial accidents;
  • elimination of circumstances that negatively affect the means of communication and life support of society;
  • actions that are extremely important for the defense of the country;
  • the need to complete work that was not completed on time due to unforeseen circumstances;
  • absence of a replacement at the workplace when production does not involve stopping;
  • demand for temporary work to eliminate downtime for a large number of workers.

In all these cases, additional hours worked are entered into the working time sheet.

According to Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the premium due for overtime work, is calculated as follows:

  • the first 2 hours worked in excess of the norm give an amount with a coefficient of 1.5;
  • for subsequent hours – the minimum coefficient is 2.

To receive such payments, an appropriate order must be issued in advance.

Attention! If an employee is entitled to a bonus, then he must receive it exactly in the amount and for the period that is recorded in the staffing table.

To understand exactly how your work is paid, you need to carefully study the provisions of the employment contract and the regulations of the enterprise, because by signing the document, you agree with all the conditions described in it, including those regulating monetary bonuses.

One of the key goals of the employer is to make fullest use of the labor potential of all categories of employees by calculating and implementing a sufficient standard high level tension. One of the tension criteria is the labor intensity indicator. In this regard, the problem of determining labor intensity has a close connection with the validity of labor standards. Considering a variety of sources related to the study this issue you can find a large number different opinions regarding the definition of the essence and methods of measuring intensity levels.

The concept of intensity is simple at first glance

In most cases, intensity refers to the amount of labor (energy) expended by a worker per unit of time when performing a certain type of work. A number of sources place emphasis on the physiological nature this term, at the same time, it is influenced by social and labor relations in production.

An approach based solely on the physiological nature of this problem is not entirely justified, since the employee can spend energy on:

· productive work;

· resistance to adverse external factors;

· overcoming one’s own negative attitude towards the work process.

In this connection, not all expenditures of physical and nervous energy are associated with the creation of a product.

Intensity can also be characterized as:

· the amount of labor spent per unit of time;

· the amount of productive working time spent per shift.

Some view intensity in terms of its impact on the human body and define it as the fullest use of all physical and mental forces without harm to the body while simultaneously achieving an optimal level of performance.

In light of what has been written, it is more correct to base our understanding of the essence of intensity on the costs of labor per unit of time, and not the total costs, but only the part that is directly related to the creation of the product. When performing any, even the lightest work, labor costs are incurred, leading to fatigue. Given the constant time of daily work, its intensity is critical. Thus, it is incorrect to consider the concept of intensity solely from an economic or physiological point of view; it is necessary to use an integrated approach.

There is a fairly clear connection between labor intensity and productivity, however, these are two distinct categories:

· labor productivity is a reduction in labor costs per unit of production, in other words, the same energy consumption, with an increase in production volumes per unit of time.

By by and large a parallel can be drawn between excessive labor intensity and the increase in working hours. Parameters that determine the intensity level:

· pace of execution of work techniques;

· the number of functions performed by an employee per unit of time;

· number of simultaneously serviced machines or areas.

The factors influencing it include:

· natural - biological (climate, gender, health status);

· national - historical background;

· attitude towards work;

· general working conditions (condition of workplaces).

How does labor intensity increase? There are quite a lot of prerequisites for this, let’s highlight the most significant of them:

· changes in the pace of work movements;

· increased attention when working;

· economical use of labor (minimizing time spent, optimizing movements)

Existing approaches to determining labor intensity

Despite the apparent initial simplicity and clarity of the term intensity, at the moment there is no unified approach to the procedure for its definition. How is it proposed to analyze how tired a person is as a result of doing work? For clarity, we present a diagram of possible methods for determining intensity, the pros and cons of each of them.

The first method, based on psychophysical research, is implemented through various medical measurements and determination of energy costs. It's quite expensive in financially and in the practice of companies it is unlikely to be used, since maintaining a staff of medical workers and the corresponding measuring equipment no commercial company will. During its implementation, the actual calorie consumption based on work results, the level of muscle fatigue, and a person’s psychological well-being are measured.

The second group takes into account subjective indicators of fatigue obtained after oral conversations with workers following the results of the shift. The gravity coefficient is used as calculation indicators:

Kt = (KU-KN)/KO,


Kt – summary coefficient of severity;

Ku – the number of tired workers based on the results of the survey;

KN – the number of non-tired people according to the survey results;

KO – total number of workers per shift.

Recovery factor:

Kvr = (Knn - KN) / KO,


KVR – performance recovery coefficient;

Knn – the number of employees who do not experience fatigue the next day at the beginning of the shift;

KN – the number of workers who were not tired at the end of the previous shift;

KO - the total number of surveyed workers.

This approach is quite controversial, as it has many aspects that can negatively affect the accuracy of the results obtained. This includes the preparation of the interviewer and the interest of the respondents, their attitude to the study.

However, the main problem with this approach is that the results obtained can only be compared over certain time periods and, based on this, a conclusion can be drawn about changes in the intensity level. The main difficulty is that in such cases there is no benchmark for assessing individual results and the acceptability of their level. That is, we understand that the fatigue of workers has increased or decreased, but we cannot say whether it corresponds to a certain optimal value.

The third method is based on the study of morbidity with disability. Indicators that are calculated:

· the number of absences due to illness in man-hours per employee or in relation to the working time fund;

· frequency and severity of occupational diseases per 100 personnel;

· number of days of incapacity for work per 100 personnel;

The average or characteristic value for any industry or enterprise is used as a standard for comparison.

The fourth approach is perhaps best suited for practical activities, since it is based on the study of the work process and its results. When using it, the following indicators are studied:

· output per unit of time;

· the total amount of work performed;

· working time utilization ratio;

· pace of work.

Output per unit of time and the volume of work performed do not provide the desired objectivity, since according to different professions practically incomparable. They reflect only the dynamics of changes in labor intensity under constant conditions in homogeneous production.

The best results are obtained by comparing the actual and standard time to complete a given amount of work. However, when using it, distortions are also possible due to the use of too strict labor standards, in addition Negative influence Accuracy may be affected by a significant percentage of machine time due to the spread of mechanization.

The shift time utilization rate is more accessible and easier to determine. Formula for calculation:

Ksmf = (Sun – Pv)/Sun,


Ksmf – coefficient of use of replacement stock;

Sun - shift time;

Pw – loss of working time.

· >90% - very large;

· 51-90% - large;

· 71-80% - average;

· 61-70% - small

· < 60%-незначительная.

All of these approaches make it possible to study the intensity in only one direction. The medical option does not take into account the influence of production factors associated with technological changes and improvement of working conditions in the workplace. On the contrary, assessing only productivity or time use does not allow one to know the real energy costs and the level of neuropsychological stress.

Aggregate indicators for determining intensity

Since assessing intensity solely on the basis of one indicator does not always provide objective picture, V Lately Aggregated indicators for its calculation come to the fore. Their main difference from the above methods is that they take into account the influence of several factors simultaneously, using several indicators. One of the formulas for such a calculation is as follows:

I = Kv x Kz,


I – intensity;

Kv – rate coefficient;

Kz – employment coefficient.

Each element of the formula must also be calculated separately using the following formulas:

Kv = T n / Tf,


Tn – standard time for performing an operation or set of works;

Tf – actual time for completing the work.

Kz = Ksmf/ ​​80%


Ksmf is the coefficient of use of shift fund of working time, the formula of which was given earlier.

80% is a level of use of shift time sufficient to achieve production results.

Let's look at the procedure for applying this algorithm using an example.

Example 1

The enterprise carried out a set of measures to standardize labor, as a result of which a consolidated standard of 54 minutes was established for the entire set of operations. Later, a control measurement of the actual duration of operations was carried out using the FRD. As a result, it turned out that the actual time to complete the work was 60 minutes. Let's use the data obtained to calculate:

Kv = T n / Tf = 54/60 = 0.9

In addition, based on the working time photograph data, the following data were obtained:

Workshop number

Shift duration, min.

Losses due to the fault of the employee, min

Losses for organizational and technical reasons, min

Total losses, min




An important place in the theory of labor productivity is occupied by the question of the relationship and correlation between productivity and labor intensity. On the one hand, these are two organic categories connected with each other, on the other hand, there are differences between them.

Labor productivity– indicator of economic efficiency labor activity workers. The development of society and the level of well-being of all its members depend on the level and dynamics of productivity. Moreover, the level of productivity there is determined by the method of production.

Labor intensity– this is the amount of energy consumed by the human body per unit of time during the labor process. It is characterized by calorie consumption per hour or day.

The relationship between the categories of productivity and labor intensity is manifested primarily in the fact that labor productivity always presupposes a certain intensity and intensity of labor, since all labor, regardless of its specific form, requires the expenditure of physical, mental and nervous energy of a person. To complete any work you need to put in some effort, so production process Performance and intensity are inextricably linked.

The difference between these categories is as follows. Labor productivity shows the fruitfulness and efficiency of labor, and labor intensity represents the energy consumed by a person in the labor process per unit of time. An increase in labor productivity means that the same amount of labor is embodied in large quantities use values, and an increase in labor intensity indicates an increase in the consumption of human energy per unit of working time and, consequently, an increase in the mass of labor expended in a certain time.

Productivity and labor intensity have an impact different influence by the value of the product. An increase in labor productivity increases the number of products produced and, accordingly, reduces the cost of one product, but does not change their total newly created value, while an increase in labor intensity increases the number of products produced and the total newly created value, but does not change the cost of a unit of production. In the labor process, with an increase in its intensity, energy costs per unit of time increase and, accordingly, the amount of products produced increases. Because there is the same amount of labor per unit of output as before intensification, since the cost per unit of output remains the same. The total cost of newly created products increases as the quantity of products increases, i.e. it grows in direct proportion to the increase in labor intensity. In the case when the quantity of products produced increases without increasing labor intensity, but only by reducing labor costs per unit of production, the cost of one product decreases, but the total cost of production remains unchanged.

Labor productivity can increase indefinitely. The growth of labor productivity is determined by the improvement of technology, the improvement of the organization of production and labor, the improvement of worker qualifications, the development of science and the application of its achievements in production, i.e. there are practically no restrictions on the growth of labor productivity. As for the increase in labor intensity, it has its limit - certain physiological and social boundaries, beyond which all normal conditions for the reproduction and functioning of the labor force are destroyed.

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