An interesting fortune telling for your future husband. Fortune telling or predicting the future on a ring with a thread

Ring fortune telling is an ancient method of learning about upcoming events. It allows you to get truthful answers to various questions that are relevant to you. The obvious advantage of this ritual is that there is no need for special training to perform it; even inexperienced sorcerers can do it.

Jewelry with a round shape was first used by the ancient Egyptians approximately 5 thousand years ago. Lovers put them on each other's fingers as a symbol eternal love and devotion.

Then the ring personified infinity and eternity, and his interior space acted as a kind of portal that separates the known from the secret, intimate.

Initially, the decorations did not last long and were quite rough, since the material for their creation was leather, glass and wood, as well as ivory.

When metallurgy began to actively develop, iron, and then gold and silver, began to be used to make rings. To improve appearance It was invented to insert various natural minerals into decorations.

For the first time the concept " wedding ring"Arose in the Middle Ages in Italy. Then the lovers began to bring this jewelry as a gift on their engagement day.

And the fashion for gold wedding rings arose already in the 18th century with the spread of the so-called “Italian idea.” It consisted in the fact that at weddings, instead of silver rings, they began to use more expensive and wear-resistant gold ones.

Rules for fortune telling by ring

In order for your ring fortune telling to be successful, you should familiarize yourself with certain rules that will help you obtain more reliable answers.

Method of fortune telling with a ring and thread

With its help you will get answers to any question you are interested in. For this, stock up on a ring, a woolen thread and a piece of paper with a pen.

The paper is divided into two halves. Write the word “yes” at the top and “no” at the bottom.

After this, the ring is hung on a thread about thirty centimeters long. The candles are lit and you tune in to the fortune-telling procedure.

You should first think through your questions, take care of their maximum accuracy and specificity. Ask only questions that have a “yes” or “no” answer.

Then the ring on the thread rises and lingers for a moment above the paper in the central part of the sheet. Freeze so that your hand does not make any movements. Say your question again and watch which way the ring is tilted. The answer will be either positive or negative; there are no other options in this fortune telling.

For one fortune telling, ask no more than 5 questions.

Check out another effective relationship fortune-telling from the following video

Divination by ring by a thread

For this fortune telling, take a glass into which two-thirds of water is poured. The ring is hung by a hair from one's head, the ends are squeezed with the fingers so that they are not visible.

The result is a kind of pendulum, which should be brought to the glass and lowered into the water for a couple of moments. Take it out and place it on the edge of the glass. It is important that your elbows are stable on the table and your hands can move freely.

Now you can start asking questions, clearly and correctly formulated. The responses will be interpreted as follows:

  • when the ring moves in a circle - a positive answer;
  • staggers from side to side - negative answer;
  • stands still - until the Higher powers can accurately answer the question you pose.

You can ask questions on any topic that interests you - about the future, about your personal life, about your career, and so on. The main thing is to formulate questions clearly and concentrate on them as much as possible when performing fortune telling.

Ring fortune telling for marriage

Thanks to the following sacrament, you will be able to see the face of your future spouse. But you can resort to this method only during the holy week.

Time: night. Pour water into a glass with smooth walls approximately one-third full. Very important point so that there are no edges on it, because this way it will be much easier for you to consider the features of your future husband.

Place the decoration on the bottom. Wait until the water calms down and say the following words over it:

“My betrothed, the mummer, show yourself to me!”

And after that, start looking at central part ring - this is where the face of your betrothed will appear. It is likely that you will need to wait for this, the image may not appear immediately, so be patient.

If you are destined to get married soon, over time, cloudy features will appear at first, gradually becoming more and more clear. In some cases, the image even begins to move and makes some signs regarding the financial status or occupation of the future spouse.

Take advantage of the easy and interesting fortune telling on a ring with a thread to find out about upcoming events. But do not violate the rules for its implementation, so that the answers from Higher powers were only truthful!

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Ring fortune telling is one of the most famous and quite simple. In addition, fortune telling with a ring is one of the most popular among. No special preparation is required to perform the ritual. You just need to remember the main rules, thanks to which fortune telling will be more accurate.

Rules for fortune telling on the ring:

1. For fortune telling, you must take a wedding ring that does not have stones or ornate details. Such a ring, especially if it
consecrated in the church, will provide more accurate data.

2. If fortune telling is performed using water, then a prerequisite is that the water is not from the tap, but from a well, which carries special energy. Tap water is “dead” and does not carry any information. Such water is unsuitable under any circumstances.

3. The room in which fortune telling will be carried out must be quiet, without any electrical appliances turned on.

4. There should be no strangers in the room: only the fortune teller and the client.

5. The most suitable time for fortune telling is after midnight.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring

For fortune telling, take a glass of water and a wedding ring.

Fill the glass a little to the brim with water. Very carefully lower the ring into the water. The glass should be placed outside in the cold. The result of fortune telling will be clear when the water freezes.

If the surface remains smooth, then the future will be cloudless, and if tubercles and pits appear, then this can be interpreted as an addition to the family: how many tubercles - so many boys, the presence of pits indicates future girls and their number.

Fortune telling on a ring with a thread

Human hair, of course, is best suited for the sacrament. But, if this is not possible, then take a thread of black, white or red. A ring is tied to a thread, making a kind of pendulum.

Water is poured into the glass, three centimeters below the rim. A pendulum is suspended above the water, at a distance of 1 - 2 centimeters above the water level.

Thus, the fortuneteller asks a question that worries him. The pendulum gives answers to specific questions: “yes” or “no”. The pendulum will also answer questions such as: “ At what age will I walk down the aisle?», « How many children will God give me?"and the like. How many times the pendulum hits the walls of the glass, this will be the answer.

Ring fortune telling for marriage

For more accurate fortune telling, you need to take a wedding ring (from your mother or grandmother, a woman related by blood) and a glass of water. IN clean water you should lower the ring and, when it calmly settles to the bottom, peer into the center of the ring. There you can see the face of your future spouse.

If you already know the names of those you are going to guess, then you should pay attention to the next option, for which you will need a pendulum (a wedding ring suspended on a thread) and pieces of paper, according to the number of gentlemen.

On pieces of paper, write the names of the candidates for your hand and heart, lay them out in a circle upside down. Point the pendulum at everyone's name.

Where the pendulum is motionless, relationships will not work out. Where the pendulum moves, relationships can begin. The name that will be on the piece of paper, over which the pendulum moves most of all, will become your destiny.

Fortune telling the gender of a child using a ring

In order to determine the sex of the child, you will need a wedding ring and a woolen thread. We make a pendulum and install it over the belly of a pregnant woman. If the ring draws circles - wait for your son, if it starts to oscillate from side to side - wait for a girl.

Fortune telling with a wedding ring for children

A pendulum with a wedding ring is used in a similar fortune telling, but this time over the palm of a pregnant woman. First, the ring must be held between tightly clenched palms by the woman being told fortunes. If the pendulum swings from side to side - expect an heir, circles - a girl.

A wedding ring is the main and iconic decoration in the life of every person. This decoration has magical power and it has been used in fortune telling since ancient times.

Many centuries ago, girls used rings to look into the future and find out whether they would get married. In some countries of that time, magical rituals with rings were used in making important state issues (when choosing a ruler, in deciding to start a war).

Even inexperienced fortune tellers can perform a ritual using a wedding ring.

This ancient method is very popular among the fair sex. With the help of an engagement ring you can get answers to many questions. Unlike many other divination techniques, this ritual does not require special preparation. Even inexperienced fortune tellers will be able to find out the truth and get answers to their questions.

Rules for fortune telling on a wedding ring

The success and accuracy of the answers depends on whether the fortune telling on the wedding ring was carried out in compliance with all the rules.

Therefore, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Concentration. During fortune telling, all thoughts should be focused on magical action. In order to put your thoughts in order, calm down and tune in to fortune telling, you need to look closely at the candle flame for some time.
  2. Silence. A person must be alone with himself. Therefore, pets should not be in the fortune telling room. It is also recommended to turn off your cell phone and turn off the lights and TV.
  3. Correct thread color. For fortune telling, you can only use black, white or red threads.
  4. Candles. For fortune telling, you need to use wax (non-church) candles.
  5. Ask the question only once. Even if the answer to the question asked was not received, there is no point in asking it again.
  6. The right days. It is best to carry out fortune telling on a ring with a thread on Friday, on the night of Ivan Kupala, on any day during the holiday week and at midnight of each full moon.
  7. The best time to do fortune telling on a gold ring is 12 o'clock at night.

To conduct effective fortune telling, you need not only to know how to tell fortunes, but also to prepare. Before performing the ceremony, the fortuneteller must remove all jewelry (including icons and crosses).

For the ceremony, it is best to choose clothes from simple materials, without metal parts, ties or fasteners. Hair should be loose in order to release feminine power. A ring used for fortune telling must belong to a close relative or friend who is happily married. After fortune telling, the ring must be given to the owner as quickly as possible.

To obtain the most accurate information, before fortune telling, the ring must be cleared of the information accumulated on it. The easiest way to get rid of negativity is to place it in a container of water and leave it overnight under the moonlight.

To clean the ring, place it in a glass of water and leave it overnight under the moonlight.

If there is no time to carry out such cleansing, you can clean the ring by heating it over a candle flame. For fortune telling, you can only use melted water. It is worth preparing in advance a list of questions (no more than five) to which you can give clear answers “no” or “yes”.

Ring fortune telling technique

This method of fortune telling can be used to get answers to any questions regarding your career, personal life, and health. The main thing is to clearly formulate questions and fully concentrate on them.

The ring is hung on a thread about 40 cm long and lowered into a container of water. To carry out the ritual, it is not necessary to use threads; you can also perform fortune telling on a ring on your hair. At this time, they ask themselves a question.

By the ring, or more precisely by its movements, you can find out the answer to the question asked:

  1. Circular movements. The answer to the question asked is negative, and in determining the sex of the unborn child, it predicts the birth of a girl.
  2. Pendulum-like movements. In the near future, everything planned will come true, and regarding the gender of the baby, it foretells the birth of a boy.
  3. The ring doesn't move. In this case, the answer is ambiguous and the question needs to be rephrased. Regarding children, this position of the ring indicates that no addition to the family is expected in the near future.

The ring does not move - a harbinger that there will be no children in the near future

You can also lower the ring into an empty glass. If it hits the right wall, then the answer is positive and the wish will come true, but if it hits the left wall, the answer is negative and the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Every girl dreams of meeting her betrothed. Many representatives of the fair sex, even on the eve of the wedding, doubt whether they chose the right life partner or not. Therefore, fortune telling for marriage is the most popular among all predictions. They carry out fortune-telling with a ring on the betrothed on Christmas night.

There are no differences between the usual receipt of answers to questions and this fortune telling. If you listen closely, you can hear the ring tapping the name of the chosen one on the walls of the dish. You can also count the number of blows and find out after so many years the girl will get married.


For such fortune telling, you need to write all the letters of the alphabet in a circle in a chaotic order. A ring with a hair (or thread) is swung over the alphabet and they remember which letters it points to. With the help of this fortune telling, you can read your future spell by letter. Girls can also find out the name of their betrothed.

Regardless of the chosen method of fortune telling and the questions that are asked, you need to be very careful. Because a ring with a thread works on the principle of a pendulum, which in inept hands can attract trouble.

Before telling your friend’s fortune, you need to remember how important it is to respect magical rituals, take a responsible approach to their implementation, and only then can you get answers to your questions without negative consequences.

Since ancient times, people have wanted to know their fate, dreamed of lifting the veil of secrecy and looking into their future. Fortune telling became a favorite way to do this. Fortune telling exists huge amount and in this sacrament various objects and magical instruments are involved. The most popular and truthful ones are on wax, on mirrors and on rings.

Great value There is also a time of fortune telling. It is believed that the most true fortune telling obtained on the night of Ivan Kupala, Christmastide, Friday the 13th, and also on birthdays.

However, it is worth noting that the church does not welcome such activities and considers fortune telling a great sin.

One of the popular and truthful ways to get answers to your questions is fortune telling with a wedding ring. There are several options, but before talking about them, we should mention the preparation for this action.

Guessing is recommended in evening time. The day of the week must also be chosen correctly. You can’t guess on Monday - this day is deceptive, and Friday is considered the most favorable day. When starting fortune telling, you need to take off your crosses, rings and let your hair down.

It is advisable to light candles, as the energy of fire helps to tune in and concentrate.

An engagement ring doesn't have to be personal. Unmarried girls can borrow a ring for fortune telling from friends or sisters. It is advisable to use smooth gold decoration, without carvings or engravings.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring. Option 1.

For this fortune telling you will need a wedding ring, pieces of fabric and four deep plates. You need to guess together. The fortune telling girl leaves the room, and her assistant puts a ring in one of the plates and covers all the plates with a cloth. Then the fortuneteller enters the room and chooses one plate. If there is a ring in it, then you can expect a wedding this year. If she guessed right the second time, she will get married next time. If a girl matches the plate with the ring the third time, she will get married in two years. If the ring was not found after three attempts, then the fortuneteller will not become married in the coming years.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring. Option 2.

This fortune telling should be done at midnight on holy days. In preparation for the action, the girl fills it halfway, it should be without edges and with a flat bottom. There should be no chips on it and it should be absolutely clean. Then the girl must place the glass in front of the burning candle and lower the ring to its bottom. Now she must peer into the water through the ring. Those who tried to tell fortunes in this way claim that they were able to see the face of their betrothed.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring. Option 3.

The most popular fortune telling using a ring is fortune telling on a ring with a thread. This method is used by girls who want to get answers to questions that are somehow related to time or numbers. This fortune telling will help you find out in how many years the girl will get married, how many children she will have, or in how many months this or that event will happen.

You will need a glass a quarter filled with water, a 20cm long black thread and a wedding ring. The girl must mentally ask the question that interests her and carefully lower the ring into the glass without touching the water. The ring should swing like a pendulum and touch the walls of the glass, making a ringing sound. It is necessary to carefully count each impact of the ring on the walls. The number of touches will be the answer to the fortuneteller’s question.

Fortune telling on the ring is one of the most reliable, but none of them will tell the truth if a person doubts them. Therefore, those who do not believe in the veracity of this action and are skeptical about this kind of ways to find out their future should not guess.

Today is January 6th, which means Christmas Eve has arrived! It gives rise to Christmastide, which means the time has come Christmas fortune telling . Christmas time will last from January 7 (Christmas) until January 19 (Epiphany). Those. During these two winter weeks, one can and should guess, especially since it is forbidden to work after dark during this period, which is why this holiday cycle has a popular interpretation of “holy evenings.”

The special intensity of Christmas time magical rituals, fortune telling, signs that come true, customs and prohibitions that determine people’s behavior, distinguishes them from the entire calendar year. Therefore, let us not neglect these days and... tell our fortunes! We will tell fortunes using wedding rings.

Wedding rings have long been used in love fortune telling. The rules of fortune telling and those warnings that are worth listening to are described. We move directly to fortune-telling on a wedding ring. Although, no, we will still mention the basic rules here:

- for fortune telling, it is better to use a wedding ring, smooth, without any stones or “wraps”;
- if water is used in fortune telling, then you need to take the key one, since tap water is considered “dead”, that is, it does not contain any information (where can you get one if there is no key nearby? You can collect and melt snow, or freeze water in a bottle in the freezer, and then melt it and buy it in a store? In general, there is options);
- when doing fortune telling, you need to be as focused as possible, try not to be distracted by anything. So turn off your computer and TV. Guess only when everyone in the household goes to bed.
- It is most effective to guess after midnight.

Fortune telling 1.
If a girl wanted to know whether she would get married, she had to take a glass of water from a stream or river flowing south, then borrow a wedding ring from a happily married woman and hang it on her own hair over a glass of water, holding the hair between big and index finger left hand.
If the ring hit the edge of the glass, the girl was destined to remain an old maid. If it began to spin quickly, the girl was destined to get married. If it rotated slowly, she had to be married twice.

Fortune telling 2.
You need to take an ordinary glass with a completely flat bottom, without any designs, pour three-quarters of water into it, and carefully lower a round wedding ring, previously cleaned, into the middle. Then you need to look through the water for a long time into the middle of the lowered ring.
With a rather rich imagination, many claim that they see the face of the future groom. And, at a minimum, you will see an item associated with the groom.

Fortune telling 3.
You need to pour grain into some deep bowl and put a ring there. Then unmarried girls One by one, in one motion, they plunge their hand into the grain and gather it into their fist. It's time to see who got the ring: she will get married this year.

Fortune telling 4.
Take a glass, fill 2/3 with water, tie a string to a ring (preferably even, without stones). Now, holding it by the thread, we immerse it in water as many times as the fortuneteller is old. Then we hold it over some water, but in a glass. When it starts to swing and hit the walls of the glass, we count. How many blows - at so many years you will get married.

Fortune telling 5.
Before going to bed, pour a glass of water and place the ring in it. Then place the glass in the cold so that the water freezes (for example, on a balcony). Later, bring the glass with the formed ice into a warm place and carefully observe how the water freezes. If she has a clean one, flat surface, without bubbles, it means good luck and success in the future. An uneven (with pits and bumps) surface allows you to find out the number and gender of your future children: bumps are future sons, pits are daughters.

After this, the ring should be taken out of the water and put on your finger, asking the question of interest. Then go to bed - in your dreams you will see answers to all your questions.

Fortune telling 6.
Fortune telling for the unborn child. A ring suspended on a thread is slowly lowered into a glass of water near the hand of the one for whom the fortune telling is being performed. If the ring begins to make circular movements, it means a girl will be born, if pendulum-shaped, it means a boy. If the ring does not move, there will be no children.

Fortune telling 7.
At least six girls must participate in this fortune telling. Take a strip of black velvet, put a ring on it and roll it one by one, repeating: “I’ll swing the ring around the city, and then I’ll go get that ring and get to my dear one.” Every girl should mark where her ring will stop. The girl whose ring stopped earlier than others will get married faster than others. The one whose ring does not roll for the longest time will give up his freedom later than the rest.

Fortune telling 8.
This fortune telling will help you get numerical answers to any of your questions, i.e. you need to ask questions with a number in mind, for example, what time will I get married? how old will my husband be? how many children will I have? etc.
Let's guess: fill the glass halfway with water and gradually lower the wedding ring into it (on a cotton thread). But it should not touch the water, let it be a couple of centimeters above its level. Now everything is ready, you can ask questions that interest you, but always out loud.
You will know the number by the number of hits the ring will make against the walls of the glass. By the same sign, you will learn about a positive answer to your question, and if it is negative, the ring will stop and will not move. Therefore, you can make a wish and ask whether it will come true.

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