What's the best way to lose weight in the gym? How to go to the gym to lose weight

I want to lose weight. Each person puts his own special meaning into these words. For one person this simply means losing excess weight, another wants to be slim and fit, with elastic muscles and smooth skin, while others only plan to remove extra centimeters from problem areas. Of course, there are a lot of different diets, food restrictions, fasting systems, but all this is ineffective without competent, proper physical activity. Of course, walking, swimming, exercise, cycling and other active activities increase vitality and promote weight loss to some extent, but they are good as an aid to specific system losing weight, and not as an independent method. The optimal way to lose weight without eating restrictions is to exercise in gym under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Based on your physical parameters and health status, he will select an individual, most suitable set of exercises that will help you lose weight with minimal inconvenience and without food restrictions. In our article we will try to give you useful information about this type of weight loss.

Recommendations for preparing for training. Start of training

  • Sport exercises and training should be performed under the supervision of an instructor, with mandatory monitoring of execution technique. After all, an incorrectly performed exercise can lead to you not achieving the desired result, or even harming yourself.
  • Do not hesitate to ask about the purpose of the simulators and how to use them, safety rules for use. Ask your trainer to recommend a set of exercises for these machines.
  • Buy comfortable sportswear and shoes. It is better to give preference to natural, breathable fabrics. Remember, convenience is important in this case. Uncomfortable clothes will hinder movement, and clothes made of synthetic fabrics can lead to a kind of “greenhouse effect”, which will negatively affect your well-being, and, as a result, the quality of your workout.
  • Practice without fanaticism. Excessive zeal in this issue, as a rule, is typical for beginners. Remember, overload is always fraught with microtrauma to muscle fibers. This results in unbearable muscle pain, poor health, and sometimes even fever. For a beginner, 45 minutes of training is sufficient. Training should take place 3-5 times a week. Daily exercise is not recommended. The muscles must have the opportunity to recover.


In order to lose weight quickly and as comfortably as possible for the body in the gym, several conditions must be met. The main ones of these conditions are: drawing up an appropriate training program taking into account health status, balanced and proper nutrition taking into account physical activity, organizing a system of training and muscle recovery.

When making a training plan for ourselves, we must take into account General characteristics for any physical activity. Every muscle human body After intense physical activity, it recovers in an average of one week. Therefore, there is no point in intensively loading the same muscle group every day. In our case, when intense physical activity is considered as a way to lose weight, it makes sense to exercise daily (this is not a reservation), namely daily, different groups muscles. What about recovery time, you ask? And you'll be right. Recovery is necessary. To do this, the training program requires 2 days without physical activity, a kind of weekend. This weekend can be arranged on any day of the week, at your discretion. According to many fitness instructors, the 5/2 muscle working pattern is optimal for those who want to lose weight.

Subsequently, you need to determine for yourself which muscle groups you will work on a certain day. Recommended parameters are at least three muscle groups. It is preferable if these are combinations of large muscle groups with the little ones. For example, the combination of “back-legs” on one day, “chest-forearm” on another, “abdominal buttocks” on the third, etc... It should also be taken into account that each muscle group consists of several sections. You need to choose the optimal exercises for each muscle section and work them out carefully. Each exercise should be performed in two approaches. The break between approaches should be no more than five minutes. Thus, working out three muscle groups by department in two approaches will take you about an hour. If the breaks between approaches are less than five minutes, then about 40 minutes. The optimal action for burning fat reserves is to gradually increase the load. That is, every training day, the weight on dumbbells or a machine should gradually increase.

Making a nutrition plan during training

A completely natural erroneous model of behavior for many who begin to lose weight in the gym: a person begins to eat rarely and little, increases physical activity, and eagerly awaits the result. Don't dream, the result will be zero. The human body is a complex, self-regulating system with a set of compensatory functions for all occasions. Having experienced a nutrient deficiency with increasing physical activity, the body turns on its self-preservation system. Having received nutrients, it will send them directly...Where? Yes, in body fat, of course...Why? The question is logical. Yes, because he seeks to protect himself and create a reserve for the next period of shortage. Therefore, you should know that during training the body must receive proper, complete nutrition. Naturally, you shouldn't overeat. However, the process of food consumption should be subject to some adjustment. The serving on a plate should be no more than 350 grams. Eating on average every four hours.

Naturally, not all products are suitable for this type of weight loss. You should limit your consumption of flour and confectionery products. Transgenic and palm fats should be avoided. They are not absorbed by the body, creating fat ballast that is not required by metabolism, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. We also recommend paying attention to the glycemic index of the product. Ideally, for our case, it should be no more than 50. More information about the glycemic index, as well as food tables, can be found on the Internet if desired.
During physical activity, the diet should be high in protein, protein and vitamins, but less carbohydrates and fat should be consumed.

A selection of products that help you lose weight during exercise

Protein for this type of weight loss should make up half of the daily diet.
Protein-rich foods:

  • Chicken meat
  • Nuts
  • Cottage cheese
  • Ryazhenka
  • Kefir

The second part of the daily diet is healthy carbohydrates.

  • Porridges of all kinds
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Muesli
  • Dried fruits

An important factor when losing weight through training in the gym is drinking enough fluid. For men this amount is about three liters, for women on average 2.5 liters. Naturally, individual consumption depends on the characteristics of the body. There is a fairly simple way to determine whether the body consumes enough water. When fluid intake is optimal, urine is light and clear in color. If the urine is yellowish, you should increase your fluid intake. However, you should not rush to extremes. Excessive fluid intake can cause minerals to be lost from the body.


It should be noted separately for women, if there are contraindications from gynecology (prolapse of the uterus or a predisposition to it), or from a phlebologist (varicose veins, hemorrhoids), therapist (cardiac disorders, heart failure, heart disease), this type of weight loss is strictly contraindicated for you!! In men there are contraindications to physical activity the same, with the exception of the gynecologist, of course..

Exercises for weight loss in the gym

Exercises for weight loss

Naturally, you should know that the physiological parameters for strength training in women and men are different and require an individual approach. Women's muscles accumulate the resource of physical strength more slowly, so lovely ladies should start with minimal loads and weights, gradually increasing them. Below we provide exercise diagrams with brief explanations for them. Visual perception more effective than long, tedious verbal descriptions.

Weight loss exercises in the gym for women

Full body exercise

Hyperextension (muscle stretching)

Exercise for abdominal muscles

Exercise for inner surface hips

Exercise for hips

Weight loss exercises in the gym for men

Overhand grip barbell curl

Upper block pull-downs for the neck

Bench press

Dumbbell Arm Curl

Dumbbell Bench Press

Lying overhead dumbbell row

Bent-over arm extension with dumbbell

Bench curls

Seated overhead press

Vertical rods

Cross swings of arms back from lower blocks in an inclined position

Lower block rods

One-arm dumbbell rows

Upper block rows in front of you

Exercises for the muscles of the calves, thighs and buttocks

Exercises for the abs

How to lose weight in the gym (video)

How to lose weight on your own in the gym

Weight loss workouts in the gym for women

Training mistakes

Exercises for losing weight on legs

Strengthening the pectoral muscles in the gym

Gym for beginners

Exercises for losing weight on your arms


Of course, the information we have provided you is not absolutely complete. More advanced knowledge in this matter will be given to you directly by the exercises in the gym under the guidance of an experienced trainer, and on the Internet, if you wish, you can find a lot of information on this issue that interests you. We just tried to give you basic knowledge and explanations. Next, everything is in your hands. Be the sculptors of your body, because a beautiful, toned figure with elastic, flexible muscles is so great!!

Many men and women associate the gym primarily with losing weight and getting rid of fat. And most of them expect some kind of universal recipe that will suit everyone. However, such a program does not exist. But there is individual approach, with which you can create a personal program or complex for each person.

We will tell you in this article about some standards that each of you can use. And, most importantly, we will clearly show where to start when choosing individual programs for classes in the gym.

General principles for creating weight loss programs

More often people want to get rid of fat overweight who have never worked out in a gym before. If you are a beginner, you should approach the start of training very responsibly, since your body is not yet ready for the stress. To lose weight, you first need to get your cardiovascular system into working order. Standing on the treadmill for 30 minutes straight away can overload your heart.

It is necessary to use the principle of gradual introduction into the training rhythm. Start small, paying attention to your pulse, arterial pressure and breathing rate. These are very important vital signs; they should not jump to critical values. Main principle any workout does no harm.

Focus on nutrition

A good trainer must understand that complex training in the gym to save fat is only part of the success. If his client, who wants to lose weight, eats as before, there will be no result. Indeed, in most cases, completeness is precisely a consequence improper diet and bad eating habits.

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The diet of men is somewhat different from that of women. Therefore, you first need to determine the body’s need for nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Weight loss occurs due to a slight reduction in the carbohydrate part relative to the norm. A trainer (or nutritionist) will be able to offer you a specific nutrition program.

If you introduce this diet into your daily lifestyle, weight loss will depend only on the gym program and its adherence. That is, 70% of the path will be completed.

Don’t forget about the mineral and vitamin part of your diet. Vitamins, chondroprotectors, and minerals, including macro- and microelements, should be taken as food supplements.

Number of repetitions and exercises

In order for men to have an effect from working in the gym, you need to clearly understand how a set of exercises for weight loss is structured.

The first element of training is cardio. You should start with 5-10 minutes, without much acceleration. If it’s an ellipsoid or an exercise bike, you can work even more in the first workouts. If treadmill– it is necessary to dose the load.

In the presence of excess weight Exercises on a treadmill should begin with walking at a brisk pace. Then it all depends on the condition of cardio-vascular system and joints. If walking is easy for you and you do not experience any discomfort either during or after training, increase the speed a little. Gradually build up to an easy jog. Speed ​​running is not needed here. Do not forget about sneakers with thick soles, as the load on knee joints will be significant.

After the cardio comes the main part of the workout, which consists of strength exercises. Here your task is to expend maximum energy.

To burn fat, you need to do 15-20 repetitions of each exercise. Need to be done on average speed, without jerking, but also without stopping at the extreme points.

The goal is to get rid of fat over the muscles and tone them. Muscle mass will not grow at this stage. You will do it later, when you lose weight. Of course, the program will be different.

As for the weight loss program given in this article, even some exercises should not be excluded. Try to use everything: both the base and secondary elements to strengthen the muscles. All this will ensure active burning of calories and reducing your weight.

If you use another program, remember that the base is the most energy-intensive among the exercises, so it is better that they are included in your complex. Even with a little weight, they will make you work up a good sweat. All that remains is to ensure control on the part of the trainer so that you do not harm yourself by doing anything incorrectly.

Selecting weights and taking a break between sets

Burning body fat in men is not an easy task. To lose weight, you should choose medium weights in the gym. To understand whether the weight is right or wrong, do 15–20 repetitions in each exercise. There should be enough strength until the last repetition and still remain for a couple of additional ones. If so, the weight is chosen correctly.

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The break between approaches is 30–45 seconds. When losing weight, the important thing here is that you rest little and do a lot. So prepare dumbbells and the necessary weights in advance.

And don't forget about the correct technique. There's no hurry. We work intensively, but thoughtfully! No complex will help if you work incorrectly or half-heartedly.

Now let’s give an example of a program that can be used as a base program for burning fat in men.

Training program

There are various programs for men that you can use to rid your body of excess fat in the gym. Here is one complex that you can use unchanged or edit based on the characteristics of your body.

We will practice three times a week. This best option to burn extra pounds. Remember the main principles discussed above.

For convenience, we will designate each weight loss workout by the day of the week. You can study on other days, following the rule that there should be one day break between classes.

You shouldn't exercise every day - you can easily get overtired. You will successfully get rid of excess fat if you strictly follow the directions of the diet and training program in the gym developed for you.


  1. Cardio 30-40 minutes at a moderate pace.
  2. – 3 to 15.
  3. – 3 to 15.
  4. – 3 to 20.
  5. – 3 to 15.
  6. – 2 to 20.
  7. – 4 to 20.
  8. – 3 to 20.
  9. – 2 to 20.
  10. Cardio for 15–20 minutes on average, then at a slow pace.
  1. Cardio 30-40 minutes.
  2. – 3 to 20.
  3. – 3 to 15.
  4. – 3 x 20 without weight.
  5. – 2 to 15.
  6. – 2 to 15.
  7. – 2 to 20.
  8. – 2 to 15.
  9. – 3 x 20 without weight.
  10. Cardio 15-20 minutes, same as Monday.
  1. Cardio 30 minutes.
  2. Squats with a barbell – 2 to 20.
  3. – 2 to 20.
  4. – 2 to 20.
  5. Leg press in three positions: legs together in the center support platform, legs wide on the top and wide on the bottom. Repeat each position 20 times.
  6. : 5 sets of 20 times in different foot positions.
  7. Dumbbell seated shoulder press – 3 sets of 15 reps.
  8. Dumbbell lateral raises – 3 sets of 15 reps.
  9. Roman chair crunches – 3 x 15.
  10. Cardio 10-15 minutes at a moderate pace.

The complex of stress on the abs for the purpose of losing weight for men can be different - choose any elements so that the upper and lower parts of it work.

There is no deadlift in the program. But, if you have a desire to add it, this can be done on the Wednesday after hyperextension.

Your main task (if you decide to make any changes to the complex) is to plan exercises so that all the muscles of the body work.

What to pay attention to

Your goal is to lose weight. Therefore, do not chase the weights, if it has become very easy to work in any exercise - add one approach or increase the number of repetitions (for example, there were 20 repetitions, now 25 - this is acceptable). If you start increasing weight, it may become difficult for your body, and you will lose a lot of strength, and in the end you will not be able to complete the entire program.

There is no need to use weights when working on the abs and back. It's too much. To lose weight, a large number of repetitions is enough. Also, remember that there is no point in doing 100 repetitions. The result won't be the same, you'll just start losing muscle, not fat.

Keep an eye on the technology

Due to the fact that the weights you will work with to lose weight are small, you will have a lot of time to learn the correct technique. Try to watch yourself in the mirror, study the technique of each exercise, ask the trainer to watch you.

If you decide to train on your own, still take 3 personal training sessions from a trainer. Ask him to show you how each exercise in the program is done. If the coach suggests changes, carefully evaluate everything from the point of view of your goals.

Take your time

If you haven't exercised before, in the first 2 weeks of losing weight, you may only need to do 50% of the specified number of repetitions in the exercises. Gradually you will get closer to required quantities repetitions This is normal and correct. Do not overload the body.

A gradual increase in load is optimal for both beginners and experienced athletes. It’s just that the latter will have a slightly higher pace.


On the first day, you probably won't run for 30 minutes on the treadmill. Start by walking for 5-10 minutes. Periodically speed up and slow down again.

Trainers with an advanced interface are very convenient in this regard - they contain different programs, including with replaceable load. You don't need to speed up or change the pace yourself. The simulator will do everything itself.


Don't listen to those who say you shouldn't drink a lot of water. To burn extra pounds, drinking is a must.

Out of 100 people who decide to lose weight through training at home, only 10 achieve results. The situation changes if they buy a subscription to a fitness center: almost 50 out of the same hundred get into shape.

In the first case, relaxation affects a large number of distractions, lack of control and program. Regular visits to the sports complex require responsibility. Yes, and doing exercises in the gym is much more effective, since great amount inventory allows you to make optimal choice for classes.


First, measure your indicators: weight, chest, waist and hips. Set realistic goals. Set a time frame for your weight loss - this is a great motivator. And only after that proceed to implementation.

First, you need to follow the training rules.

  1. Undergo a medical examination to make sure there are no serious diseases that could be contraindications for losing weight in the gym.
  2. View information about all sports centers cities to choose the best one for training, and not the one nearby.
  3. Another criterion for choosing a gym is a good personal trainer. It is better to look for him through reviews or acquaintances.
  4. Draw up a training program and strictly follow it.
  5. Start each workout with a warm-up to prepare the muscles, and end with a cool-down to relax and restore them.
  6. Combine different types loads: aerobic and anaerobic.
  7. The first month, perform exercises exclusively for beginners. Then it is possible to increase repetitions, duration of training and select a more complex program for rapid weight loss.
  8. Learn the technique of performing each exercise.
  9. Do not drink water during training.

Secondly, you won’t be able to achieve results if you don’t follow the rules of losing weight outside the gym.

  1. Choose the right diet that contains the maximum amount of protein (for the formation of sculpted muscles) and a minimum of fat.
  2. Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Exclude stressful situations and nervous breakdowns.
  5. Provide physical activity: jog in the morning, walk to work, etc.
  6. Drink at least 1.5 liters per day.
  7. Breathe fresh air as much as possible.

It is better to coordinate each step with a personal trainer. It is worth the money spent on it. If there is no such financial opportunity, consult with friends who have been training for a long time, or look for answers on forums.

Types of exercises

This is not to say that cardio training includes the best exercises for weight loss. They will have the desired effect only in harmonious combination with the power ones. Consider Various types training to achieve good results.

  • Power

Strength exercises are anaerobic: working with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, pull-ups, planks, abs. They differ in intensity and complex technique. Equally useful for women and men. Very effective, specifically for weight loss, as they increase muscle mass by eliminating fat, and also develop strength. They burn energy by actively spending carbohydrates.

  • Cardio training

The basis of training for weight loss is cardio exercises: jumping, squats, bending, turning, working on. They are classified as aerobic. They normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increase endurance, and effectively reduce weight. Assumes multiple repetitions for combustion more calories.

According to trainers, to lose weight in the gym you must do the following energy-intensive exercises:

  • scraping - jumping rope;
  • squats and lunges;
  • interval training;
  • burpees;
  • Tabata squats;
  • from power - jerks with a barbell;
  • of the simulators - rowing and orbitrek.

Sample program

For a gym, a training program is mandatory, even if there is no trainer. In this case take rough plan, adjust it to your physical data and exercise strictly in accordance with it.

For men

It involves not only burning fat, but also building muscle mass. Therefore, her goal is not to lose weight, but to correct the figure and pump up the core muscles. There are more strength exercises and the loads are much heavier than for women.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

For women

The training program for women can be implemented not only in the gym, but also in the fitness room, specially adapted for more. Cardio loads predominate in it. Although there are also a lot of strength ones, there is no need to be afraid: for girls they are not dangerous for building muscle mass. They will simply make the figure more prominent.

An approximate exercise program allows you to understand how each lesson is structured. Training scheme: 3 times a week, every other day (usually choose Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Duration: for beginners - no more than 45 minutes. A month later: for men - about 1.5 hours, for women - on average 1 hour.

Set of exercises

The program can be designed to work on one problem area in one training session. But it is much more effective to choose a complex that will evenly distribute the load.


This important element in any complex. Warm-up prepares the body for the upcoming loads.

  1. General: jogging, exercise bike (3 minutes).
  2. Warming up the joints: swinging and rotating movements, bending, turning, squats, raising the knees, 2-3 sets of abdominal exercises (3 minutes).
  3. Stretching exercises: hanging on the bar, upright, crossover (3 minutes).

For the stomach and sides

It is much more convenient to do abdominal exercises in the gym, since you have all the necessary equipment that you don’t have at home. They help to lose weight in the abdomen, reduce the volume of the waist, and remove fat folds from the sides.

  • Leg Raising

Hang on the wall bars. Raise your straightened legs parallel to the floor. Fix the position - slowly lower it without bending.

  • Bottom twist

Performed on a horizontal bench. Lie down and grab the handrails. Raise and lower your legs rhythmically.

  • Partial twist

On an incline bench. Since the tilt of the body is more than 180°, considerable effort has to be applied. The result is a thorough study of the abdominal muscles.

  • Twisting on the top block

Stand with your back to the block, spread your legs slightly, bend your knees. Take the upper block, exhale and tilt your body forward.

Standing overhead pulley crunch
  • "Lumberjack" on the top block

Stand sideways to the simulator, bend as you exhale towards the far leg, try to reach it with slightly bent arms.

Exercise "Lumberjack"

Data can be difficult for girls. And yet, with normal physical training, they are in short time will make the waist aspen. Crunches on an incline bench are especially recommended. Abdominal pumping also successfully removes fat layers in this problem area.

For hands

Don’t forget to include arm exercises in your complex, for which gyms have all the conditions for weight loss. Use dumbbells, barbells, expanders.

  • Bicep curls

Take dumbbells, feet shoulder-width apart. Turn your palms forward. Bend your elbows slightly and raise your arms to your chest. Lower slowly.

  • Hammer grip

Take dumbbells, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows slightly. Palms facing each other. Slowly raise the right dumbbell to your shoulder and lower it. Repeat the same with the left. You cannot swing your body while helping yourself. Elbows should be pressed tightly to the body.

  • Bending with an expander

Step on the expander. Grasp its ends. Stretch the tapes as much as possible. Bend your elbows. Pull the arms towards your shoulders. Lower slowly. Keep your elbows tightly pressed to your body. Extend your arms slowly, without jerking or sudden movements.

  • Back push-ups

Sit on the bench. Place your hands on its edges on both sides. Stretch your legs forward. Bend your elbows. Slowly lower yourself to the floor. Return to full extension of your arms. To make the exercise easier, bend your legs slightly.

4-5 similar exercises per general complex will allow you to get rid of sagging fat, which shakes like jelly with every movement: women’s arms will become thinner, men will have prominent muscles.

For legs

To lose weight in your legs, choose a treadmill, exercise bike, stepper or stepper as aerobic exercise. Do not forget to dilute them with anaerobic exercises with weights: squats, deadlifts, lunges with dumbbells and barbells.

  1. Complex exercise: 25 swings with each leg, 20 squats, 15 lunges with each leg forward. Three approaches with an interval of 1 minute.
  2. Squats and bench press on a HAKK machine.
  3. Deep squats.
  4. Squats, seated and bench presses, calf raises, lunges on the Smith machine.
  5. Jump rope.
  6. Exercises on a power rack.


Change weekly to see faster results.

For the back

In the gym you can and should perform special exercises that burn fat layers and contribute to the formation of a strong muscle frame:

  1. “Plank” with deadlift (dumbbells, kettlebell).
  2. Exercises on the orbit track.
  3. Twisting into a T-pose.
  4. Working with a rowing machine.
  5. Rows and push-ups.
  6. Swimming exercise.
  7. Deadlift.

“Plank” on kettlebells with abdominal pull

Those who have problems with the spine should be careful. It is better for them to first get permission from a doctor to exercise.


  1. Hanging on the horizontal bar.
  2. Bends on straight legs.
  3. Swing your arms.
  4. Body rotations.
  5. Mill.
  6. Lunges.
  7. Squats.

Very often people give up halfway because it seems to them that there are no results. In fact, it is very difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of classes objectively. You will have to wait more than 1 month to start being proud of yourself - your persistent character and beautiful body.

Now we will look at the features of training, nutrition and lifestyle during losing weight in the gym . And also the result of such weight loss.

Finally, let's look at the three main goals of gym training and the differences that come with them.

Losing weight in the gym

Losing weight is the most common goal for the female half of those training in the gym, although it is often of interest to the stronger sex. It should be noted that different weight loss methods are effective for people with different levels of excess weight. At the same time, training for weight loss is one of the key methods.

Let’s start right away with one simple truth: the fact that we train a specific part of the body will not make you lose weight, and if you don’t start eating in accordance with your goal, you won’t lose anything.

Here questions may arise: “what about abdominal exercises and the promised flat stomach in a month,” “what about a belt from a store on the sofa,” and so on. No, all these “fairytale” methods don’t work, otherwise there would simply be no need for gyms. I’ll say right away - losing weight won’t be easy, this doesn’t happen, but if you’re ready to make the effort, then full speed ahead!


For achievement good result You need to train three or more times a week. For a good figure we need strength exercises and cardio exercises (treadmill, stepper, elliptical trainer, etc.). Alas, cardio equipment alone is not enough for a good figure. Since even if you have almost no excess weight, but no muscles, you are unlikely to like your body 100%.

The workout should take approximately one and a half hours. We start with a five-minute warm-up on any cardio machine to develop the joints and bring the body to the optimal temperature for training, in other words, you need to sweat a little. Next, we devote about an hour to strength training and at the end, for about half an hour, we return to cardio again, but to start burning calories.

Let's sort it out strength exercises . Separately, for those who are sure that they make women become pumped up monsters with arms like an athlete, broad shoulders and everything in the same spirit, I advise you to watch any “fitness bikini” competition. Believe me, all these slender girls in swimsuits squat with a barbell on their shoulders and bench press.

When choosing exercises, we should work out the largest muscle groups, namely the legs, back and chest. It is when such large muscles work that the maximum energy is expended, that is, the most calories are burned. For each exercise you need to do 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions. Rest between sets should be no more than a minute to ensure high intensity training. We adhere to this training scheme regardless of level physical training. Beginner level involves light weights rather than short workouts or long intervals between sets.

If you come to the gym for the first time, and you don’t have a more experienced friend to show you the exercises, you should contact a personal trainer. Prestigious fitness clubs usually have such an offer as introductory training sessions, during which they will show you everything, tell you everything, and even draw up a training program. If this is not the case, I advise you to buy several training sessions with a trainer, and clearly indicate to him the task - to prepare you for independent training.

I think it will be useful for you to read reviews about weight loss classes in the gym.

The best option- always work out with a trainer, if, of course, funds allow. Well, as a last resort, if there is no money or desire to seek the help of a specialist, you can watch the exercises on video; now the Internet is full of such resources. For example, you can check out our review of mobile fitness apps and services.


Perhaps at least half of success depends on nutrition. For example, all the calories you burned during a workout can easily be replenished with 100 grams of chocolate. Therefore, if you do not start eating right, your training process will follow the principle of “one step forward, two steps back.”

The main rule is that your body spends a certain amount of calories per day and, depending on how much it receives, the body grows, loses weight or remains unchanged. Of course, some people have hormonal imbalances, but 98% of people who say that they are fat only because of this have not tried to eat right and go to the gym. So, towards the “excuse”.

It’s very easy to calculate how many calories you burn per day, ask the Internet about it. Counting calories consumed is a little more difficult, but I still advise you to try - here, again, the Internet can help. If you are too lazy to do this, I will describe the basics:

  • completely remove sweets from your diet
  • We mainly replace traditional side dishes with vegetables
  • replace the frying pan with a double boiler (remove the fried food)
  • in the afternoon we try to eat only protein foods (for example, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir)

Approximate diet for one day:

  • Breakfast – oatmeal with water or milk 0.5%, tea/coffee (without sugar or with substitute)
  • Second breakfast - fruit
  • Lunch - chicken broth, fish (not fried) with broccoli or fresh vegetables
  • Afternoon snack – chicken/turkey/beef (not fried) with vegetables
  • Dinner – low-fat cottage cheese, kefir


It should be admitted that many more people come to the gym who want to lose weight than leave it properly thin. What is the problem? In the training method? In choosing a diet? No, in general everything is fine with this. The problem is usually only with ourselves. And it is that we don't do what we should do .

If everything is usually more or less normal with the frequency and intensity of training, then maintaining a regime outside the training room is much more difficult to cope with. Numerous temptations and life circumstances leave little behind the planned diet.

Probably, attributing everything to weakness would be a simplification of the problem. Although, of course, if we had shown impenetrable stubbornness, an excellent result would have been achieved. However, a fairly objective problem is that it is difficult for us to dramatically change our lifestyle; we are too firmly embedded in the system of our habits, relationships, and tastes.

Therefore for ordinary person The task of consistently changing your lifestyle, methodically giving up more and more habits and weaknesses that interfere with weight loss, is quite realistic. It’s easier to give up something else pleasant, but harmful, when in return you get an equally pleasant result in the form of lost pounds. By the way, about the lost kilograms:


In a month, with the described training and nutrition system, it takes on average from two to four kilograms your weight. When you reach your ideal, you can slow down, but it is not recommended to completely return to the couch lifestyle with regular sweets - the weight will gradually begin to rise back. However, during this time, most likely you will already make friends in the gym, integrate sports into your life schedule and it will become your new good habit.

Three main goals of working out in the gym

Arriving at the gym, you need to immediately decide on your purpose. Since all further actions in the hall radically depend on this.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Candidate of Masters in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date of: 2012-02-06 Views: 742 298 Grade: 4.9

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You can lose weight in the gym. But for this you need to comply with several conditions and follow some principles. Now let's talk about everything in order.

I am a trainer. And when a girl (or guy) tells me that she would like to lose weight, then I understand that she doesn’t just want to lose fat and become skinny. But at the same time she wants to maintain or gain a little muscle so that her figure looks attractive. This is equally true for women and men. The latter just want a little more muscle.

If you only do strength training, you will never lose weight. This is the first thing you need to understand. The second thing: training on machines, as well as with dumbbells and barbells, cannot necessarily be strength training. I hope you understand that you can swing in the gym, or you can do the same aerobics using barbells and exercise machines.

Let's move on. When you simply pump, you enhance anabolic processes in your body. In other words, you enhance muscle growth processes and subcutaneous fat. That is, you gain weight. When you engage in aerobic training, you increase catabolic processes in your body. This means that you accelerate the breakdown of muscle and fat tissue. That is, you are losing weight. In one case you get a figure with muscles and fat, in the other - without fat and without muscles. I think that neither the first nor the second option is suitable for either men or women.

It turns out that it is impossible to gain muscle mass without fat and lose weight without losing muscle? This is possible, but only to some extent. And this degree depends on how finely you learn to balance between anabolic (synthesis of fat and muscles) and catabolic (breakdown of fat and muscles) processes. If you learn this “art”, you can create almost any body you want.

To lose weight in the gym you just need to combine strength training with aerobic training!

Strength training will promote weight gain, and aerobic training will promote weight loss. As a result, you can make sure that your body weight does not change noticeably. But the quality will change! Or you can make it so that you lose weight but still maintain your muscles. In the end, this is a question not only of training, but also of diet (and).

Now, I hope you understand the basic principle of combining strength and aerobic training. It remains to consider the final question: how to combine them correctly? And there are two options here.

Option one. . That is, let’s say, twice a week you exercise and twice a week - any aerobic activity (not necessarily running). This approach will require a lot of time and effort from you (don’t flatter yourself, the second approach does too). It turns out that you come to the gym and pump up your muscles, then do aerobics and thereby force your body to get rid of excess weight.

Second option. You only work out in the gym. But you train in such a way that you perform many sets with light to medium weights and short rests between sets. This manner includes two methods of performing training: and. In addition, in one workout you can combine strength exercises and cardio equipment (cardio load). This method is called. It is worth noting that supersets are less effective for burning fat than the other two options due to their lower intensity. But this method is simpler.

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