How to decorate a closet. Ideas for restoring an old cabinet with your own hands

You shouldn’t rush to throw away old polished furniture or take it to the dacha; you should take a closer look at it. Maybe your closet does not match the design of the room only from the outside, in which case you can fix it yourself. You can watch tutorials on how to restore an old cabinet with your own hands with before and after photos, and then get to work. Undoubtedly, you will succeed in making it exclusive!

Updating a polished cabinet takes place according to the following scheme: restoration plan, disassembly into components and direct repair. Let's look at each stage.

  1. Layout

Before you start restoration, think about what place the new cabinet will take in your interior. It can maintain its size and shape, or it can become creative furniture wall. Any closet can be redesigned. When you evaluate the role of the cabinet, consider its strength, the presence of defects and how to eliminate them. The work plan includes the selection of tools and the disassembly procedure. So, to restore the cabinet you need the following materials:

  • Screwdrivers of different types.
  • Hammer.
  • Stapler and stationery knife.

To replace defective components you will need a drill and a thin drill bit. Other tools are selected depending on the type of finish chosen. You will definitely need blanks to remove old coatings. It is important not to forget about personal protection when restoring furniture with your own hands.

  1. Disassembly into components.

It is recommended to restore cabinet furniture from the inside, having previously divided it into components. Disassemble the furniture very carefully so that when removing old elements, you do not touch the frame of the cabinet. Experts advise disassembling the cabinet completely to avoid minor damage.

  1. Restoration of every detail.

Thoroughly clean each cabinet element of the old coating and treat it with a primer. This is necessary for better adhesion of parts of the product with paint or glue. Puttying will also help eliminate chips and minor defects in the surface of the components. For larger damages, a mixture of glue and primer is made. All this is cleaned with fine sanding paper so that the surface is smooth.

At each step you need to wait until the previous one is completed (glue, putty, paint has dried). At the same time, the fittings are prepared and polished.

  1. Cabinet assembly

After this work, you can assemble the cabinet restored with your own hands. The assembly should be done quite carefully so that the fruit of your labors does not go down the drain. You should not use a hammer often; it is better to fasten parts with a stapler or self-tapping screws, where possible. As a last resort, you can make an adhesive mixture.

Other ideas for DIY cabinet restoration

  • Some take the easier route and simply paint the polished cabinet a matching color. Painting can be done using a roller, brush or spray.
  • You can resort to gluing tape, which also comes in different colors and textures. There are many types of self-adhesives with imitation of different coatings.
  • Covering the frame with fabric or wallpaper. Today this is the most popular type of furniture finishing.

It is worth noting that you should not choose very fragile materials for large-scale restoration of a cabinet with your own hands. Use reliable elements, then the polished cabinet will serve you for many years, only now it will be stylish, original and with a thoughtful design!

See also video: how to restore an old cabinet with your own hands

Today, many people have old furniture in their homes. It seems like a shame to throw it away, but it also spoils the look. In reality, you need to make simple restoration. How to do it? Let's find out in this article.

Work process

Let's say we have a closet like this. After the update it will be in the hallway. You could say, welcoming guests. First you need to remove everything you can. This is primarily the door. The mezzanine should be below. It will be convenient to store shoes here. Bars are placed under it along the edges, which are screwed with self-tapping screws.

The top of the cabinet must be divided using a partition. Usually any board of appropriate dimensions will do.

A crossbar should be placed on one side. It is perfect for coats and other clothes. On the other side you need to put 2-3 shelves. Again, boards will do.

In this photo you can see the switch. But it is possible to simply cut a small hole for it.

The bottom of the furniture became the top. Here you can store umbrellas and hats. As a rule, old furniture is not very attractive. But this is easy to change. It is enough just to repaint it in White color. It is almost universal. Such a miniature mezzanine will fit perfectly into the distance that exists between the main cabinet and the wall. Self-tapping screws and corners are used for fastening.

First you need to sand the entire surface. Everything is covered with putty before painting. Cover everything thoroughly with paint. Afterwards, treat the surface with varnish for durability.

The doors are painted the same color. You can use patterns from an old cabinet. Just be sure to treat them with gold paint.

Due to the fact that the door from another cabinet was small, I had to use a special insert. There are many decorative solutions. But you can additionally screw on the handles you like.

The shelves can be covered with film, and the rest can be treated with acrylic enamel, which is odorless. On the left side you can make a special decorative cutout. Look how cool it looks.

As you can see, carrying out such a restoration is quite simple. This does not require a lot of money and time. Almost anyone can do this. This way you can treat almost any furniture. Naturally, you can make some of your own adjustments. Just use your imagination.

Furniture decor is considered a creative activity that should be done slowly. Many household products look tatty after a long period of use. Many may be damaged. How to update old wardrobe? To do this, you can use one of the proven ideas, which uses improvised means.

Is every cabinet suitable for updating?

Many homes have a variety of cabinets. Over time, they lose their relevance and aesthetic appearance. Please note that the update may not be suitable for every product. For example, when working with MDF and chipboard, it will not be possible to achieve positive results, and updating will take a lot of money.

If the furniture is of good quality, for example, made of natural wood, then improving its appearance will cost less than buying a new one. You can decorate an old cabinet yourself without using the services of specialists. You just need to choose the most suitable method.

Types of decor

How to update an old cabinet? For this purpose they use original ideas and various techniques. Some types of work can be performed without special skills. But there are options for restoring the appearance of furniture, the execution of which requires a little training.

A cabinet for clothes or dishes can be updated using the following methods:

  • Photo printing or photo wallpaper.
  • Colored stained glass film and vinyl stickers.
  • Frosted glass or mirrors.
  • Vinyl or regular wallpaper.
  • Decorative plaster.
  • Updating with fabric.
  • Restoration and painting.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons. But if the work is done correctly, the cabinet will take on an original look, and then there will be no need to buy a new one.

Photo printing or photo wallpaper?

This method is used to decorate wardrobes. Large format printing has long been used in interior design. Specialists use a printer to apply a design to paper or other surface. The disadvantage is that it is expensive. Decorative panels with photo printing on glass are called “skinali”.

How to update an old cabinet in a more affordable way? To do this, you can choose photo wallpaper. They should be purchased from construction stores. The price is approximately 300 rubles. The theme of photo wallpaper can be different - landscapes, flowers, animals. For gluing, glue with starch is used, since using it, later it will be possible to eliminate the old pattern by replacing it with a new one.

Application of stained glass film or vinyl sticker

How to update an old cabinet with these products? They are simply glued to the surface to make the product presentable. are now considered fashionable. They can be purchased in specialized stores.

In addition to beautiful decor, the film protects the cabinet from damage. Removing stickers is very easy. The cost of such decoration is relatively small. The self-adhesive backing can be changed frequently as it is easy to attach and remove.

Frosted glass and mirrors

You can update an old cabinet with your own hands using matting. The method is suitable for glass and mirror structures. Industrial matting removes the top layer of the mirror or glass. It may turn out to be a multi-level volumetric product.

You can frost glass or mirrors yourself using a special paste. To work you need a stencil or a rubber spatula. The stencil should be placed on the surface and the paste should be applied to it with a spatula. Then everything must be left for the period specified in the instructions. If you use a paste with abrasive, you need to rub along the lines for about an hour. Remaining paste is removed with water.

The use of vinyl and regular wallpaper

A cabinet for clothes or dishes can be made new by covering it with wallpaper. This decor option is suitable for old wooden or “Soviet” furniture. Such products will last a very long time. Classic paper wallpapers are great because they are easily coated with glue and glued. And they are cheaper than vinyl ones. But simple wallpaper have disadvantages: they are of poor quality, and the design on them is too simple.

Vinyl wallpaper can have a paper or non-woven backing. They are considered heavier than ordinary ones. By the way, vinyl with a paper backing is easier to glue if you use glue with starch. Before gluing wallpaper, the surface must be degreased. This is done with alcohol, gasoline, acetone. Wallpaper should be straightened with a rag so that the paper does not ripple. Then you will get a neat job.

Decorative plaster

This decoration method is called stenciling. Usage decorative plaster and stencil allows you to achieve voluminous original details. They can be repainted in any color and gilded.

At work they use:

  • With a stencil.
  • Decorative plaster.
  • Flat spatula.
  • Masking tape.
  • Acrylic paint.
  • Varnish.
  • Sandpaper.

If there is on the surface old paint, then it is processed using sandpaper so that it becomes visible wooden base. If the furniture is not painted, then you need to remove the top layer and clean it of dirt. Cracks must be covered with putty. You should take a stencil made from cardboard that is attached to the door

Then you need to take a flat spatula, apply a solution of decorative plaster to the stencil, filling the recesses. Before the plaster dries, you need to remove the stencil and remove defects with a knife. After drying, the cabinet is treated acrylic paint, which has a protective effect. Then a varnish coating is required.

Fabric update

Using fabric to update a closet looks beautiful. How to remake an old cabinet with its help? Furniture is covered with material. In this way, you can decorate cabinet doors by placing foam rubber or synthetic padding under the material. The fabric is secured on the back with a furniture stapler or liquid nails.

It is advisable to choose the upholstery material in the color of the wallpaper or other interior elements. It is advisable to purchase dense fabrics so that they stretch easily and do not deform over time. This decoration can be changed at any time using another option.

Features of restoration and painting

Restoration of an old cabinet is often required to improve it appearance. To ensure that the furniture lasts a long time, you should use the following tips when doing this work:

  • In some places, the decayed wood is treated with a metal brush. This removes dead tissue. Fine dust should be washed off with a stream of water.
  • Before painting, the cabinet is dried, which takes 1-2 days.
  • If there are holes from nails, scratches and other imperfections, the surface is treated with a spatula. All layers must dry thoroughly.
  • If the furniture contains parts with rust, they are treated with a special solution.
  • It is better to choose acrylic for painting. If you use enamel, it is better to purchase alkyd, since it is of the highest quality. It is more convenient to do the work with a roller and sponge, since the paint penetrates deeper this way.
  • The varnish can be matte, glossy and silky. It is better to treat furniture with a spray.

These tips will help you get the job done right. Restoring an old cabinet helps update its appearance. You need to choose a suitable idea, and you can begin to implement it. After this, the furniture will delight you with its original appearance. In addition, successfully updating your furniture yourself will definitely lift your mood and self-esteem. The main thing is to understand that there is nothing complicated in the options proposed above!

There is no need to buy a new cabinet when the previous one is still fully functional. If the doors no longer look presentable, or you have changed the interior and the old cabinet does not fit in, change it beyond recognition! All the methods that we list below are suitable for both sliding wardrobes and chests of drawers and even shelving with alternating open and closed sections.

Cover with film

Self-adhesive film will help hide all the imperfections of cabinet doors or dresser drawers in a couple of simple steps. The range of films is huge, you can choose one color or with an interesting pattern, golden or imitating wood. Do not forget to degrease the surface before application, or even better, sand it and cover it with a layer of primer.


Wallpaper provides more options than film, since it comes in matte, textured, and generally suits every taste. If you wish, you can choose photo wallpaper that will visually expand the space. Wallpaper is applied using PVA; the surface must be prepared in advance for better adhesion. You can decorate not only the front doors with wallpaper, but also the interior shelves or the back wall of a cabinet or rack.

Cover with fabric

This method gives a smoother, more textured look than wallpaper. It is better to cover large elements such as wardrobe doors with fabric, fasten them with a furniture stapler or with glue. It is interesting to choose leatherette as a fabric for a luxurious look.

Fabrics made from pieces using the patchwork technique will make your closet more comfortable and will help you fit it into a child’s room or into styles such as Provence and country. The style can be embodied with wallpaper or film if you cover the panels of the drawers with materials with different patterns.


Paint will be a real savior in furniture restoration. Before applying paint, sand the surface and coat with primer.

You can simply paint the cabinet in 1-2 colors, or you can paint a real picture on it. If you don’t have enough artistic skills for painting, you can make a drawing using a stencil. Geometric lines and the shapes are easy to create using masking tape - it will serve as a smooth border for the paint. And for more complex patterns and pictures, the stencil will have to be made specially.

We talked about ways to transfer images to surfaces here:. And at this link detailed instructions on using stencils:

Make a slate surface

Stick rivets

To create a brutal effect for a loft or, cabinet doors can be decorated with metal rivets or brackets. Nails with decorative heads will also work. Let the chest of drawers look like an old chest, and the wardrobe look like a door to a submarine. You can use other metal fittings for decoration, and support the style by painting or covering it with fabric.

Make the doors mirror

Mirrors not only expand the space and add light to the room, but also hide surface imperfections. Any closet can be turned into a mirrored one by attaching one full-height or several small mirrors to its doors. This technique will help you create an Art Deco style cabinet.

An alternative option is a mirror mosaic, which will create wonderful highlights.

Add volume

If you want to achieve a classic look for your cabinet, all you have to do is glue on wooden slats or stucco molding and then paint it - and the effect will add up. You can paste an inscription cut out of wood with words that are meaningful to you or the name of the contents of the box.

A voluminous texture can be created with colored sawdust or other similar material: the door is covered with glue, and the sawdust is inflated on top, then everything is secured with spray varnish. Please note that such a surface is very difficult to clean.

Do not forget that the appearance of furniture is greatly influenced by fittings. In any case, it is worth replacing the handles, and maybe this will be enough. Lighting can also enliven the familiar look of a cabinet or shelving unit.


Any furniture ages over time and loses its previously attractive appearance. But don’t rush to throw away a shabby chest of drawers or a wardrobe with an outdated design - you can not only bring them back to life, but make them better, more original and more aesthetically pleasing than before. Today we will talk about how to make beautiful decor for an old cabinet with your own hands, using available materials.

1. Painting

The most reliable, simple and effective solution, which at the same time gives a lot of visual options: from the palette to the method of applying paint.

You can completely update your furniture using one color. Or cover only certain parts of it, for example, drawers, doors, handles, sides. A cabinet painted in ombre looks modern: from a rich to dull shade at full height.

Owners of antique wooden chests of drawers with rich textures should think twice before closing such a beauty. It is better to cover such items with a thin, diluted layer, without hiding the luxury of antiquity.

Acrylic paint is rightfully considered the best type of paint for such work: it mixes well, is washed off in case of errors during work, and does not leave any pungent odors. Acrylic primer is combined with it.

Of course, this type of decor does not hide imperfections in the surface of the object well, so the latter must be prepared in advance. Usually, a little work with sandpaper enough for that. But as a result, you will get a completely new cabinet!

2. Stencils and stickers

Stencils or vinyl stickers are great proof that beautiful things can be created without extraordinary artistic abilities. With their help, you can decorate your closet with geometric patterns or more complex floral arrangements. The main thing is that it will look neat.

This decor will fit well into modern design, especially if you use simple shapes. With paint and a stencil, you can turn a tatty old cabinet into a bright accent for the room.

The image is applied to a bare prepared surface or a pre-painted background. You can create straight lines by taking duct tape, which will help draw clear boundaries.

3. Wallpaper

If updating furniture is one of the stages of a recent renovation, do not rush to throw away the remaining meters of wallpaper. They are perfect for decorating an old cabinet, hiding some of its shortcomings from prying eyes. Only the frame part will have to be coated with paint in advance, since paper base does not adapt well to any bends.

However, a vintage ornament will look very appropriate in combination with texture antique wood. Wallpaper can fit into almost any interior, as it offers a wide visual variability: not only colors, patterns, but also surface textures, as they can be matte, glossy or embossed. You can decorate doors, sides, even interior shelving.

The rules for gluing depend on the type of wallpaper chosen. For some, you need to carefully level the coating, while others are able to cope with the shortcomings of the furniture themselves. For better preservation of the finished product, it is coated with a protective varnish.

It is not necessary to choose wallpaper for decorating a closet based on quality and environmental friendliness. Unlike walls, which form the “climate” in the room, they only play a decorative function.

4. Decoupage

You can decorate your closet with a pattern so that it blends firmly with its surface using good old decoupage. Everyone probably came across this method during labor or handicraft classes at school. Despite the “childish” simplicity, the finished product can look professional and even luxurious - depending on the accuracy of the work done.

You can use ordinary napkins with a design you like, fortunately today they depict anything: flowers, animals, landscapes, even paintings by famous artists. The pattern can be clear or slightly translucent depending on the style of the chest of drawers.

Make sure that when applying thin paper, bubbles and folds do not form on the coating - they must be smoothed out immediately or started over. After the napkin has dried, do not forget to coat it with varnish, as it is quite sensitive to external influences.

You can also use newspapers, letters, tram tickets as the main material - in general, anything that will look good on your furniture.

5. Fabric

To decorate an old cabinet, you can also use fabric, and even scraps are suitable - to create a unique craft look. It will not be possible to sheathe an object completely, especially if it does not have flat surface. But close some details by doing bright accents- perfect solution.

Each type of fabric has its own texture: smooth silk for a sophisticated interior or rough linen for Provence. This property lies its advantage over other materials, not to mention the wide range of colors.

A separate option is the use of lace, which will fit perfectly into the classics or complement the space of a sophisticated nature. In any case, to apply fabric to the cabinet cover, it is enough to buy regular PVA glue.

6. Mosaic

Mosaic decor looks very bright and aesthetically pleasing, especially in the Art Deco style. A wardrobe, decorated with a picture of small details, will become the main “hero” of the room and will attract the attention of guests. Especially when they find out who the author of the product is.

Pieces of “broken” ceramics or multi-colored glass are traditionally used as mosaic details. You can expand this list by adding, for example, shells, sea pebbles or other material suitable for creating artistic compositions.

You can mount the elements on the surface of the cabinet using regular glue, attaching them one by one in a given sequence. It is recommended to think through in advance not only the general design by making a small sketch, but also the location of each piece. To do this, place them “dry”, and then begin the gluing process.

7. Mirror

A mirror is a very clever object that hides what is behind it and focuses attention on the interior reflected in it. Using it to decorate an old cabinet will transform the entire space.

Wardrobe with mirror front - perfect option for small rooms, which visually enlarges it. It is best to use a wardrobe with a flat surface as a base, which will allow you to mount a full-height mirror. In other cases, horizontal inserts, curly details, or even mirror mosaics will look good.

8. Gilding

Gold can decorate not only women's necks, but also your closet. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to pay a lot of money for the sake of a luxurious look. Today there are many alternatives for decoration, one of them is gold foil.

It is good not only for its price, but also for its capabilities - completely covering an object or “looming out” in the form of sophisticated patterns. It is easy to work with, and the result can simply be sealed with varnish for reliability.

But keep in mind that the cabinet facade for such material must be appropriate. Firstly, it should be even and perfectly smooth, otherwise the foil will not stick well. Secondly, dark - to emphasize the “luxury” of gold.

9. Slate surface

“School” boards, which many people have seen in nightmares since childhood, are very popular today, especially in loft spaces. They are interactive and can be used for development creativity or planning your day. In any case, such an acquisition will never be superfluous. So why not fit it into the front of the cabinet?

The easiest way is to paint the doors with special slate paint, which gives a matte finish to the surface. The cabinet must be cleaned of dust and dirt, applied in two layers, and then wait until it dries completely.

There is also a slate film, but you still need to know how to glue it correctly, which is why this solution is inferior to the first.

10. Aging

What to do if you need to decorate your interior in Provence style, but your furniture doesn’t look old enough? The answer suggests itself - help her grow old! The process is similar to real art, and the implementation techniques range from simple to complex, from imitative to realistic.

The easiest way to give a cabinet a vintage look is to use craquelure varnish, which dries to create a distinctive antique look. For Provence, accordingly, you need to take white paint or other pastel shades.

Furniture with a facade painted with a dry brush looks good, leaving a small amount of paint that seems to have worn off over time.

For a more realistic effect, it is necessary to process the coating, creating noticeable reliefs. Then apply acrylic, on top of it - glaze, the amount of which is adjusted using a regular sponge. But for this method you will have to completely disassemble the cabinet.

11. Rivets

Sometimes all you need old furniture- these are a few accents that will make it aesthetically pleasing. Some styles love rough, brutal pieces with history and character, especially loft or steam punk. In this case, for greater effect, you can decorate the cabinet doors with metal rivets, as well as staples, which will completely change the concept of a shabby chest of drawers.

The necessary parts are easily attached using glue to wooden facade. But if you cover it with leather, you will have to use nails to secure the rivets nicely.

Video: How to decorate a closet - DIY decor

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