How to open a confectionery shop.

Where to start opening a confectionery shop, the in-demand assortment, what documents are needed, requirements for the premises, the composition of the equipment, calculation of the initial investment.


A confectionery is a catering establishment whose main menu consists of sweets and pastries. Almost all dishes are prepared here, but some assortment items can be purchased (for example, chocolate bars). Confectionery shops are located in stationary premises, and their products are sold over the counter.

The audience should be divided into categories depending on the time of visiting the establishment. During the day and morning it will mainly be office employees, businessmen, people of traveling professions, who decided to have a snack while working. In the evening, most often those who will come in are heading home and want to buy dessert for dinner.


Example menu groups:

  • sweets;
  • bakery;
  • beverages;
  • cakes;
  • loaves;
  • cookies;
  • candies;
  • croissants;
  • cakes;
  • sweet pies;
  • buns;
  • gingerbread;
  • pies;
  • sandwiches.

The main assortment consists mainly of pastries and desserts - pastries, cakes, buns, gingerbreads, sweet pies.

Required documents

Organizing a confectionery shop will require the preparation of a number of documents:

  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of production with sanitary rules and regulations;
  • sanitary passport of the facility;
  • assortment list of manufactured products (as an appendix to the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion);
  • program of organization and conduct production control over compliance sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures in the production of confectionery products;
  • certificates of product compliance with requirements regulatory documents;
  • agreement for disinfestation and deratization of the premises;
  • conclusion of the State Fire Service on compliance with the requirements at the facility fire safety;
  • documents for the KKM - KKM registration card, passport of the KKM model version, contract for Maintenance KKM;

The optimal form of organizational and legal ownership is a company with limited liability, form of taxation - simplified tax system 15% (income minus expenses). OKVED:

  • 55.30 - Activities of restaurants and cafes (subject to availability of tables for visitors);
  • 15.81 - Production of bread and flour confectionery products for short-term storage;
  • 52.24.2 - Retail trade in confectionery products.


It is impossible to start an activity without a prepared premises, which must meet the requirements of the SES for public catering establishments.

The most preferable places to locate a confectionery shop: urban transport interchanges, metro stations, shopping and business centers, premises in close proximity to bus and railway station buildings, historical areas of large cities, popular places among tourists (if relevant for the city), busy residential areas.

The preparation of confectionery products takes place in a workshop in which all the necessary equipment will be located. Must be provided following work areas:

  • for processing eggs;
  • for sifting flour;
  • for kneading and fermenting dough;
  • pantry and refrigerator for daily food storage;
  • for cutting, proofing and baking confectionery products;
  • for washing dishes, containers, equipment;
  • preparation of finishing semi-finished products;
  • confectionery finishing;
  • pantry and refrigerated chamber for finished confectionery products;
  • expedition (in case the finished products will be sold not only in cafes).

In this case, the total number of rooms can be only 2-3.

Necessary equipment

The entire process of preparing confectionery products can be divided into several stages:

  • sifting flour;
  • preparation (kneading, fermentation) of dough;
  • cutting (molding) products, baking;
  • design (finishing) of confectionery products;
  • preparation of syrups, creams, sweets, whipped egg whites.

To complete the above steps, the following equipment is required:


Model name

Main functionPrice, t. rub.
Preparing flour 21,7
Kneading dough 51,1
Preparing biscuit dough 90,1
For proofing dough and confectionery pieces 19,6
Preparation of confectionery products 23
Mixing ingredients 22.17
Grinding ingredients 21,7
Baking products 34,8
Egg quality control 1,3
Preparing the cream 68
353,470 rubles

Optional equipment:

The final set of equipment required for opening depends on the scale of activity and may vary depending on the range of products and production volumes.


Confectioners and/or pastry chefs are required for the job. 2 per shift. The menu recipes are developed by a technologist. The optimal staff work schedule is shifts (2 after 2 or 3 after 3). The establishment's opening hours are from 10 am to 10 pm (it is worth considering the location of the workshop).

Required capital investments

To get started you will need the following investments:

  • purchase of equipment - 663.47 thousand rubles;
  • registration with the INFS, opening an account, other expenses - 50 thousand rubles;
  • renovation of the premises in accordance with the requirements of the SES - 300 thousand rubles
  • Purchase of raw materials - 50 thousand rubles.

The total starting investment in a confectionery manufacturing workshop is 1,063,470 rubles.

The confectionery business is high-margin, the average markup on products is 300-400%, net profitability is 20-25%, return on investment is 18-24 months.

It is also worth noting that this type of activity is subject to seasonality: in the summer there is a traditional decline in sales. The peak occurs before major holidays - New Year, March 8.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 6 minutes


Competition in the chocolate production industry is so high that it’s time for a novice entrepreneur to think about how to attract the attention of customers. Originality and exclusivity chocolates can be of great help in this matter. Yes, and for a natural product, without additives or impurities, consumers are willing to pay more. If you choose the right direction for business development, it will soon become profitable and promising.

Homemade chocolate business: where to start?

A chocolate business, like any other, requires official registration with the tax office. If you plan to produce chocolate or chocolate candies, selling products through a network of retail outlets or your own store, then. Wholesale customers and suppliers prefer cooperation with legal entities.
However, registration with the tax office does not end there.

The entrepreneur will need to visit:

  1. In SES and fire inspection in order to obtain an opinion on the compliance of the work premises with the standards provided for the declared activity. It must be equipped with utilities, ventilation, fire protection system. In food production, the solution this issue It is better to entrust it to experienced lawyers.
  2. In Rospotrebnadzor , where you should submit the recipe for the manufactured goods and receive a certificate of their compliance with existing standards.

Note: To work with a food group, a medical book is required.

If you plan to open a store for sale own products, then permission must also be obtained for it. In general, the cost of registering an enterprise and taxes will cost around 19,000 rubles.

How to organize the process of producing chocolates at home?

An important condition for the production of delicious chocolates is strict adherence to the technological process. The recipe for making them is easy to find on the Internet, but let a specialist do it. Complex recipes, selected by a chocolatier - for exquisite sweets. The standard technology for making chocolate at home does not require much effort or expense.

Required ingredients:

  • Flour – 1 teaspoon.
  • Cocoa – 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Milk – 150 ml.
  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Sugar – 5-7 tbsp. spoons
  • Molds for filling the finished product.

In a small saucepan or bowl, mix milk, cocoa and sugar, and bring the resulting mixture to a boil over low heat. Oil and flour are gradually added to it, with continuous stirring. When a homogeneous mass is obtained, the chocolate is ready. All that remains is to pour the filling into it (chopped peanuts, walnuts, raisins, waffle crumbs) and pour into molds.

If according to the technology you need to put whole nuts in the chocolate, then the mold is filled halfway, the filling is poured into it, and the chocolate is poured on top. After a few hours, the candies harden and can be eaten.

With proper organization production process The following conditions must be met:

  1. Maintenance temperature regime during storage finished products within 15-180C. Split systems and refrigeration chambers do an excellent job of this.
  2. Compliance with product sales deadlines – no more than 2-6 months. To prevent chocolate from losing its taste and presentation, it should be stored refrigerated.
  3. Transportation of chocolate is carried out in specially equipped vehicles.
  4. Use of a business premises with an area of ​​at least 60 sq.m. It contains 2 rooms for a warehouse for storing raw materials and finished products, a place for a production workshop, and a washing area.

Advice. When making your own chocolate, it is very important to purchase good equipment, since the taste of sweets depends on it.

True, in 99% of cases, small businesses do not produce their own chocolate, but purchase a ready-made product, process it and produce delicious candies.

Assortment of handmade chocolate products

To attract as many customers as possible, it is advisable to diversify the range of chocolates.

Current offers include:

  • Gift Baskets.
  • Chocolate figurines, postcards, portraits, sculptures.
  • Truffles.
  • Praline.
  • Milk, black, white chocolate.
  • Chocolate fountains.
  • Diet chocolate and much more.

IN Lately one of fashion trends among culinary experts is a non-standard mixture of tastes and aromas. For example, the taste of chili pepper, olives, ginger and other spices is increasingly evident in chocolate. Confectioners offer chocolate-covered bacon, candies with dried tomatoes, candied fruits, and thyme. Candy filled fragrant aromas coffee, toasted sesame and grated nuts activate the senses. The original packaging further enhances the pleasure of the exquisite taste of the sweets.

At the same time, the size of one candy should not be too large. To enhance the taste, it must be completely in the mouth. For example, the most common weight of truffles, loved by many, does not exceed 3-7 g.

Where to sell homemade chocolate products: chocolate market

There will be no problems with the sale of manufactured products if you agree in advance with retail outlets, cafes and restaurants on the supply of chocolate. True, taking into account the fact that sweets homemade They have a short shelf life; it is better to produce them to order.

You can offer chocolate treats to someone who organizes holidays. If things go well, then the opening own store will only increase trade turnover.

How much will it cost a beginner to set up a chocolate business: a sample business plan for producing chocolates at home

We offer a sample business plan for producing chocolate at home with opening your own store.

Startup costs

If an entrepreneur does not understand the intricacies of chocolate production, then he will have to send a specialist to take chocolatier courses, which means an additional expense of 15,300 rubles.

To summarize, the calculation is given for the production of dark chocolate bars:

Organization of a food production workshop

Food production project
Basic requirements for the premises
Characteristics of the premises for production workshop or factories


Microbiology and chemistry of modern food production

Product packaging in food production
Necessary permits and requirements for food production
Priority areas of food production


Financial plan.
Additional profit
Let's sum it up

The opening of any food production in Russia can be very profitable business. Despite the fact that stores offer a wide range of grocery products, the state encourages increasing the diversity of the consumer basket. In particular, we are talking about products that are consumed by Russians every day. Of course, the goal is to reduce prices and improve the quality of the entire range of food products.
If we analyze the assortment on retail shelves in Russian Federation and, for example, in Italy, it can be noted that, despite the abundance, prices in the Russian Federation are quite high and manufacturers do not strive to reduce the cost, while the products are quite monotonous. There is a variety of labels on the shelves. In practice, we can say that many Russian products do not have their own identity. And we are not talking about image decisions that are presented as part of advertising campaigns, but about the unique nutritional qualities of products.

If we consider the dynamics of development and production of products in the food industry, we note a constant and intensive growth in production. As you know, in 1996-1998 the level of production fell almost by half in relation to the volume of production in the USSR; now the industry has practically been restored, but has not yet reached the previous level in terms of production volume.

One of the directions for increasing the volume of product production, undoubtedly, is to attract small and medium-sized businesses into the industry, which are able to provide regional markets and create the necessary variety of goods included in the consumer basket. At present food production The Russian Federation is massively represented by large food factories and even their associations, which often reduces all antimonopoly measures to minimal effectiveness.

Against the backdrop of this situation with large manufacturers, the state is creating conditions for small industries full cycle- For farms or their cooperatives, which have equipment for processing products at their base. Of course, such farms face difficulties in sales and relationships with large retail chains that largely control food market. Retail chains It is more profitable to deal with a large supplier with a wide range than with small farms in the regions. This is not only due to the increased complexity of business accounting, but also to the inability to dictate the value on the market. It is also not profitable for large enterprises to “let” small regional consumers into the market, since due to the potential improvement in the quality of products from farmers or small industries, there may be a decrease in demand for factory products.

At the same time, there are always opportunities for the development and opening of small, highly profitable food production with a small initial investment. We will consider this issue in the proposed review.

While there are general principles for organizing food production, certain types of business are characterized by a number of features. If we consider the food industry, we can identify a number of areas that are most beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses. As part of the review, we will consider food production and its effectiveness using the following examples, which are highly unique.

Confectionery production: production of sweets according to unique (“old”) recipes
The peculiarity of this business will be the quality of the raw materials used: cocoa butter, cocoa powder, high-quality milk powder, which do not contain chemical ingredients, including trans fats. At the same time, manufactured products can be divided into products for children, adults - men and women, diabetic products and others. This approach will simplify the selection of products.

The main problem of large confectionery factories is that they produce the same type of products according to the same recipes, which also have a high cost and often quite low quality with chemical additives. In a small production facility, you can implement a variety of recipes for preparing chocolate and confectionery products with a short shelf life based on natural ingredients by developing your own specifications (technical conditions).

Production of fermented milk products: cheeses, yoghurts, sour cream based on French starter cultures
The peculiarities of this type of production are to offer consumers an expanded range of dairy products with a short shelf life. The main goal is to offer consumers a diverse range of national fermented milk products based on natural starter cultures.

On the shelves of supermarkets you can see mainly shelf-stable yoghurts that do not differ in original taste, from foreign and national manufacturers, who, in turn, strive to reduce the cost of production on raw materials (high costs of maintaining large-scale production). Small businesses are not burdened by large infrastructure, so they can offer small batches of fermented milk products with unique qualities. The same situation is observed in cheese production.

Here are the names of fermented milk products that can be produced in small production:
. yogurts: “Francesca” for weight loss, Greek yogurt (often used as a cream filler in confectionery), Turkish Valide yogurt, bifidoyogurt, fitness yogurt, Matsoni, Tan (Ayran), Katyk yogurt;
. curd: “Tema” curd mass, “Lactonic” curd, chocolate-covered curds;
. kefirs: bifidum, therapeutic and prophylactic, biokefir, acidophilus, acidolact turak, ryazhenka ibifidoryazhenka;
. cheeses: cream cheese “Formaggio-Fresco”, “Philadelphia”, “Mascarpone”, “Feta”, “Mozzarella”, feta cheese, shelf-stable feta cheese, “Roquefort”, “Dor Blue”, “Stilton”, “Gorgonzola Dolce” , “Jugas”, “Camembert”, “Brie”, “Cheddar”, “Parmesan”, etc.

The main problem of mass production in unified technical conditions, due to which the original taste of the product and the recipe used is lost. In addition, in order to reduce risks, factories produce only “hot” products and use substitute ingredients. Similar products from different manufacturers have almost identical prices. This situation not only does not imply competition (and therefore does not contribute to lower prices), but in general does not imply an increase in the diversity of the consumer basket. Meanwhile, dairy products belong to the category of high nutritional value.
Small production facilities are more mobile and can offer small batches of fermented milk products with a wide variety of assortments. In the given example, the possible assortment is compiled on the basis of starter cultures for the production of fermented milk products sold by BK Guilini (Germany), Sacco (Italy), Vitamax-E, Caglifitsio Clerici (Italy), Cargil (Ivory Coast), Laktina (Bulgaria), Meito.

Production of bakery products: hot and fresh bread and cookies
In the old days, bread was considered the main product in Russia. After the advent of potatoes, bread consumption decreased, but it is still the most consumed product. Opening a small bakery that bakes fresh bread is a good start for anyone who wants to open their own business. As an additional assortment, we can offer cookies made according to the original national recipes, which can attract a wide range of regular customers and provide a very decent income.

Production of canned products and fruit wine: jams, confitures, syrups, fruit wine
It is recommended to open a workshop for the production of canned products in the southern regions of Russia or regions with extensive forests, where there is an abundance of fruits or berries. In these regions, the procurement of fruits and berries is simplified. In many villages and cities of the south, pears, apples, cherries, and apricots are practically “waste” goods that can be bought at low prices for further processing.
As a rule, preserves, jams and confitures in stores do not have a variety of tastes. On the basis of a small production, it is possible to start producing jam according to traditional, national and original recipes. Berries and fruits can become raw materials for the production of berry wine, liqueurs and tinctures. Traditionally, such products are in great demand.

The food industry is one of the areas most controlled by the state. First of all, strict control concerns the sanitary and epidemiological sphere. Sanitary standards not only become more complex every year, but the number of standards in general is growing.

Perhaps this is the only thing that will be difficult for a novice manufacturer to master. But the abundance of regulations does not imply that it is impossible to understand them and comply with the requirements, receiving a fairly high profit. Sanitary standards and requirements address three components of the future food business: premises, equipment and personnel.

The premises for food production must be equipped in accordance with the approved requirements. The main supervisory authority over the design, construction and commissioning process is Rospotrebnadzor.

There are two options within which conditions for the production of food products will be created that comply with the legislation. The first is the simplest; you will need to find an empty premises that previously housed food production. Receiving documents from the owner of the rental building will greatly simplify the registration process.

The second option involves refurbishing and, accordingly, redesigning the premises specifically for food production. The project must be carried out by an architect bureau that has some experience in this direction, the appropriate permit and license for the design of public catering establishments and Food Industry.

A workshop located within an urban area may have a store; when locating a workshop in an industrial zone, planning must take into account the costs of opening a store within the city. Opening a retail outlet for selling products will cost 500,000-3,000,000 rubles.

Food production project.
A food production project must have standard sections for non-residential buildings:
- architectural and construction, which contains plans and diagrams of premises and features of redevelopment for a new production;
- technological, implying a plan for the placement of production equipment;
- section covering the power supply system;
- Ventilation and air conditioning;
- heating and water supply system;
- Fire safety;
- occupational Safety and Health.

The finished project must be submitted for approval to Rospotrebnadzor. The supervisory authority, for its part, must check whether the project complies with sanitary standards. The project must be coordinated with a number of regulatory services: fire protection, public utilities department, energy sales, city architecture department. After approval of the project, reconstruction must be carried out by construction organizations that have a license and/or are members of the relevant SRO.

Basic requirements for the premises.
Here are some existing requirements for food production premises that are valid for everyone who wants to open a workshop:
1. The premises must comply with current hygienic standards; the walls must be lined with glazed tiles at least 2.5 meters from the floor. Non-toxic mixtures are used during installation, which is reflected in the project. The rest of the surface is covered special paint for food production without toxic fillers.
2. Walls in warehouses must be treated with lime.
3. Particular attention in the project is paid to ventilation and lighting; all production premises must have a maintained level of humidity.
4. Water supply and sewerage systems in workshops are divided into three components: the main elements of production water supply, built-in elements of personal hygiene, and outlet for floor washing. The sewer system must be protected from blockages.
5. Equipment and furniture must have sanitary certificates from the SES. Equipment with metal or plastic surfaces is recommended.
6. It is necessary to take into account the parameters of electrical and fire safety and implement protection against electrical shock; cables are laid at a height of 2.5-3 meters in thermal protective casings. The production must have a centralized switch, as well as automatic system shutdowns.
7. The main requirement for food production premises is the presence of a buffer zone between the office and production parts.

Characteristics of the premises for a production workshop or factory.
As production premises for a small workshop, any object with an area of ​​200-100 square meters can be selected. meters, maximum 500 sq. meters. Of course, the size of the room depends on the needs of the production. The premises should have an office, warehouses for raw materials and finished products, and production itself. A small factory can be located on an area of ​​1000 square meters. meters. When choosing a premises, it makes sense to invite an expert from Rospotrebnadzor.

Many equipment suppliers offer their services for equipment design and installation. IN Russian conditions this project can only be taken as a basis. As mentioned, the design of food production facilities is carried out by the bureau with the appropriate permission for these types of work. If a package of equipment with specific requirements is installed at a future enterprise, the equipment supplier’s project should form the basis of the project, which will subsequently be coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor.
Let's look at examples of workshop configurations proposed in the examples.

Workshop for the production of confectionery products (“Chocolatier»)
Making chocolatiers or sweets according to original recipes is now just becoming fashionable. Several stores have appeared in Moscow, but there are still very few of them, and prices are often very high. With the optimal combination of price and recipe, the product will sell well. Of course, equipment for the production of “Chocolatier” can be supplemented with equipment for the production of mass chocolate products; for the workshop you will need:
- to maintain temperature and humidity, a Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioner of the SRK ZMP-SInverter series is sufficient - 2600 rubles;
- industrial refrigerator- 24,000 rubles;
- induction cooker - 3000 rubles;
- planetary mixer for 4-6 l - 28,000 rubles;
- tempering machine (with a volume of 200 kg per month) - 340,000 rubles;
- pyrometer - 4000 rubles;
- guitar for slicing fillings (from 200 kg/month) - 50,000 rubles;
- hairpin for 10 cells - 10,000 rubles;
- production tables - 3 pcs., 30,000 rubles;
- stainless steel trays - 10,000 rubles;
- inventory - 50,000 rubles.
Total: with a production volume of 100 kg/month of chocolate - 189,000 rubles, with 200,000 kg/month - 631,000 rubles

The equipment is designed for the work of 1-2 confectioners who can perform work on the production of chocolatiers at the rate of 100-200 kg of chocolate; a room of up to 100 m2 will be required. The workshop needs a washing area.

The shelf life of sweets depends on the fillings. To increase the period, you can use ready-made fillings, but the quality of the candies will be worse. On average, the shelf life of truffles is from 1 week to 6 months. Consultations on running a business are provided on the website The company supplies equipment, chocolate from Callebaut (Belgium) and Cacao Barry (France), as well as the entire necessary range of fillings and packaging.

Workshop for the production of fermented milk products
The choice of equipment for the production of yogurt is determined by the technological process, which involves:
1. Reception of raw milk and its purification using a special filter.
2. The prepared milk is separated and normalized, the process allows you to leave required quantity fats;
3. The mixture is made according to the recipe and dispersed until smooth;
4. Pasteurization is carried out at 95-98°C, the mixture is cooled and sourdough is added. The ripening process lasts 2-7 hours. Fillers are also added.

Required equipment:
- pasteurization and cooling unit dairy product;
- milk mixing unit;
- packaging line.
Total: the equipment will cost 2800000-4400000 rubles.

You will definitely need several refrigerators - 28,000*3=84,000 rubles. The workshop can serve 4-5 people, the production volume based on raw materials is 2-4 tons of milk, the product yield is 1.9-3.8 liters of yogurt. Starting investments 4,600,000 rubles.

Workshop for the production of bakery products - mini-bakery
To bake bread you will need (minimum configuration, “homemade” format):
- dough mixer (PRISMAFOOD IBM 5) - 40,000 rubles;
- convection oven (Unox XF 023) - 28,000 rubles;
- freezer(DELFA DCFM-300) - 14,500 rubles;
- in the absence of electricity, generator FORTE FGD6500E - 36000.
Total: 50,000 rubles.

For a mini-perkarny, you can rent a small space in a supermarket or convert the apartment into a retail space. It is recommended to rent or buy premises in a residential area. Minimum size workshop premises - 50 sq. meters, you additionally need to take into account office, retail premises, as well as a warehouse for flour and finished products. Production volume is 200 kg of bread per day.

It should be noted that small bakeries are considered to be workshops with a productivity of 60-250 kg of products per hour or 0.2-3 tons per day. For comparison, the bakery produces 40-50 tons of bread per day.

Mini-bakery with higher productivity:
- flour sifter (PV-250) - 24,000 rubles;
- dough mixing machine (PRISMAFOOD IBM 5) - 40,000 rubles;
- dough divider (A2-ХТН) - 60,000 rubles;
- Rounder (Vitella SE M 37) - 160,000 rubles;
- dough forming machine (JAC UNIC) - 42,000 rubles;
- proofing cabinet - 32,000 rubles;
- bread maker - 20,000-108,000 rubles;
- trays, baking sheets, forms;
- scales;
- production tables 3 pcs. - 30,000 rubles.
Total: 496,000 rubles.

The baking area should be about 40 square meters. meters, you will need a warehouse for flour - 20 sq. meters.
Some companies sell equipment kits for mini-bakeries. For example, equipping a bakery from the ProdTekhnika company with a capacity of up to 50 kg per hour will cost 206,939 rubles.
Some companies, for example, the Le Pysh trademark, offer turnkey construction of a mini-bakery; the package of documents includes technology, recipes, equipment, and premises design. Equipment is provided on lease (this special shape loan, when the equipment becomes the property upon full payment of its cost to the supplier).

Workshop for the production of canned berry products
When purchasing workshop equipment, you can focus on technological lines created by manufacturing enterprises for small businesses. An example of this is the equipment of the Yagoda canning mini-workshop of the Prombiofit company.
Production of jam from berries ground with sugar, hot poured into plastic cups, Euro-twist glass jars, plastic buckets, production volume up to 1250 kg/shift.
The total cost of turnkey equipment: 1184400 - 1352900 rubles.
The company also offers technological lines:
- for packaging dairy products “Milk” - 259,400 rubles;
- for packaging vegetable oil“Butter” - 254,900 rubles;
- for the production of bottled water “Aqua” - 219,000-314,900 rubles;
- for packaging “Medofit+” honey - 200,000-264,000 rubles.

Opening a small food production facility certainly involves hiring staff. On average, mini-workshops employ from 2 to 10 people. Equipment productivity can be increased if the workshop operates in 2 shifts, in which case additional workers will be required. Let's continue to consider the proposed examples.

Workshop for the production of confectionery products (“Chocolatier"), employees:

- for volumes up to 200 kg of chocolate/month - 1-2 confectioners - 2 * 35,000 rubles;
- for volumes up to 350 kg of chocolate/month - 2-4 confectioners - 4 * 35,000 rubles;
- HoReCa driver/seller - 25,000 rubles +%;
- for volumes up to 350 kg/month sales assistant - 15,000 rubles +%;

- online store administrator - 20,000 rubles +%;
- online store courier - 12,000 rubles+%;
- if you have a retail outlet and a coffee shop, you will need 2 sellers and 2 waiters - 2*20000+2*13000 rubles, the amount is below average, since it does not mean a full working week.

Thus, when opening a workshop for the production of “Chocolatier”, the working infrastructure depends on the volume of products produced and methods of sales. In this case, the figures are given for a workshop selling products in the HoReCa segment, through delivery through an online store and through its own retail outlet and cafe. Details on how to open a cafe-restaurant can be found here.

As a result, the monthly costs of the confectionery shop for personnel will be:
- the volume of chocolate processing is up to 100 kg/month, the equivalent of 250 kg of sweets with sales in HoReCa and through the online store - 228,000 rubles;
- with a volume of up to 350 kg per month, up to 875 kg of sweets with sales in HoReCa and through an online store and in your own cafe - 370,000 rubles.

Workshop for the production of fermented milk products, employees
The fermented milk products workshop will require the following personnel:
- director - 70,000 rubles+%;
- 4-5 employees - 5*35,000 rubles;

- watchman/cleaner - 2*11,000 rubles;
- if there is a “Dairy Kitchen” outlet at the workshop, 2 sellers will be required - 2 * 20,000 rubles.

The average personnel costs for an enterprise producing yoghurts and dairy products with its own outlet “Dairy Kitchen” will be 321,000 rubles/month.
Workshop for the production of bakery products - mini-bakery, employees
The mini-bakery will require the following personnel:
- director - 70,000 rubles+%;
- 2-3 bakers - 3*22,000 rubles;
- driver/seller in “Discounter” type stores - 25,000 rubles +%;

As a result, monthly wage costs in a mini-bakery will amount to 192,000 rubles.

Workshop for the production of canned berry products, employees
The following personnel will be required for a jam canning shop:
- director - 70,000 rubles+%;
- 2-3 employees - 3*22,000 rubles;
- driver/seller in “Discounter” type stores - 25,000 rubles +%;
- watchman/cleaner - 11,000 rubles;
- if there is a retail outlet at the workshop, 1 seller will be required - 20,000 rubles.

As a result, monthly wage costs in the canning shop will also amount to 192,000 rubles.

Please note that these figures do not include the cost of payroll taxes, which are borne by the business. The final calculations must be carried out by an accountant. Food production is under strict control by government agencies, so the use of “gray” accounting methods is impractical. The work of the technologist should be assigned to the director or head of the food production department.

Food production processes.

The principle of any production is based on a number of well-known physical processes that are used in the technology of processing raw materials into food products.

Among the food production processes it is customary to distinguish:
- kinematics of hydravitational deposition;
- processes of mixing liquid media;
- hydrodynamics of the fluidized bed;
- extraction processes;
- distillation processes;
- processes of thermal processing of food products.

The theoretical basis of food production is based on a specific processing technology, which must be purchased or developed according to existing requirements. Based on the existing technological process, a technological line for processing feedstock is formed. Optimization of production can affect both increasing the nutritional value of the product - meaning maximum preservation useful substances and the use of natural ingredients and additives that add value - and improve the efficiency of the production process.

As a result, food production must be based on technological process and regulatory documentation. Previously, GOST and industry standards were used; at the moment, enterprises can develop technical specifications. Specifications imply some modification of the production process described in GOST, OST, GOST R. As part of the specifications, technical instructions must be developed.

Sales of products must take place in trading floor or must be carried out through delivery, the implementation processes must also be reflected in the technical specifications and technical specifications. These documents must be agreed upon with Rospotrebnadzor and the Center for Standardization and Metrology (CSM). It should be noted that Rospotrebnadzor has a procedure for approving specifications, which implies non-disclosure of information about the product recipe.

After approval, the technological process at the enterprise must be reflected in the following documents:
- in the product catalog sheet approved by the Center for Materials and Mathematics;
- portfolio of specifications agreed with Rospotrebnadzor and CSM;
- sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by a subordinate body of Rospotrebnadzor.
You can also request, if desired, expert opinions from the Center for Medical Supervision and Rospotrebnadzor.

The use of modern chemistry and microbiology in food production in some cases makes it possible to increase profits significantly. In turn, consumers who are familiar with such “frauds” prefer organic products that are prepared using traditional technologies and using natural ingredients. Why is this happening? To answer this question, it is enough to familiarize yourself with some examples that have become possible thanks to modern chemistry and its use in food production.

The high costs of Russian production motivate some manufacturers to excessively use chemicals. For example, boiled pork, smoked meat can be processed using a water-soy substance, as a result of which the finished product increases its weight by 2-3 times.
A classic example is smokeless smoking, which was proposed in 1814 by V.N. Karamzin; as a result, the smoking time of fish or meat is reduced from 6-7 hours to 4-6 minutes. Surrogate smoking is achieved by ionizing the product in a strong electric field. Obviously, the nutritional value of the product is minimal, and its natural origin is questionable.

The food industry also widely uses animal blood proteins, which are processed in meat processing plants to reduce the cost of the production process. The blood contains three categories of proteins - albumin, fibrinogen, globulins, which are extracted and used as an ingredient in food products. In the food industry and agricultural sector, canned whole blood is actively used, as well as individual parts: hemoglobin, plasma, plasma without fibrin and fibrin.
Dried plasma proteins are used in food production instead of expensive egg whites, for example, in confectionery shops, sausage shops and bakeries. Whole blood replaces beef and is added to the product, saving 150,000-180,000 rubles per ton.

Most meat production uses a so-called fortifier, which is made from 1 part blood and 3 parts skim milk (waste), it is added to boiled sausages and pates for giving Pink colour product.
Microbiological methods for extracting protein products are being actively introduced, which is especially important in conditions of declining natural biological protein. Converting just 2% of annual oil production into protein using microbiological methods could produce 25 million tons of protein product, enough to feed 2 billion people for a year.

There are also quite rational microbiological technologies that make it possible to increase nutritional value products. A striking example is hematogen, which is obtained from defibrinated and stabilized blood mixed with food glycerin. Hematogen is a valuable additive to food products, since its use increases the production of red blood cells, which is especially indicated for weakened people. They also produce a confectionery product - children's hematogen.

The use of modern food ingredients in food production is the choice of the manufacturer. Still, small industries can produce high-quality organic products with a fairly high profit margin and use only proven natural ingredients. Despite the higher cost, the products will be consumable, since they are designed for a narrow circle of buyers and are produced in small volumes.

Production of food ingredients
Within the framework of food production as a business, it is necessary to consider the production of food ingredients that are used in the manufacture of final products. The main advantage of this line of production is wholesale and practically guaranteed sales. Also, food ingredients have a longer shelf life, which has definite advantages when planning a business.

Food technology involves processing fresh foods into dry, extracted mixtures. The mixtures can be used as additives or reconstituted for the subsequent production of the final food product. A wide variety of ingredients are offered and the list of offerings is not only constantly updated, but also always in demand.

An example is the processing of fresh fruits into dry mixtures. For example, pear, peach, cranberry in the form of powder, pieces, small fractions are used to make dietary supplements and tea, baby food, confectionery, berry fillings. It makes sense to locate a workshop for the production of food ingredients based on low-temperature and vacuum drying in places where there is a large amount of non-processed fruit. It should be noted that such processing involves unsorted raw materials, and accordingly, its cost is low.

Baking soda and table salt are also in-demand food ingredients with an unlimited shelf life and guaranteed sales. Production is created in places where fossil natural resources are concentrated.

For example, the Crimea Soda enterprise produces heavy and light soda ash from the following raw materials:
- high-quality limestones of Crimea;
- brines of Lake Sivash;
- coal - from Donbass anthracite;
- ammonia water - waste from chemical plants.

Table salt can be made from salt water, for example, Sea of ​​Azov, or rock salt deposits. It is processed into “Extra” grade salt; enriched salt (iodized) is also produced.

Packaging products in food production according to well-developed options available on the market makes it possible to produce products not only packaged in accordance with sanitary standards and rules, but also to create a bright image.

Packaging must comply with current sanitary and hygienic standards. Here are the basic requirements for packaging material SanPiN
- absence of highly toxic substances with cumulative and specific effects on human body exceeding current standards;
- should not change the organoleptic properties of the product, that is, be neutral;
- the material used in the packaging must be included in the list of approved packaging materials and ensure high-quality storage throughout the entire shelf life.

Packaging is divided into technological and packaging. We are talking about both packaging products in final containers and technological packaging that allows the goods to be transported and delivered undamaged. There are a number ready-made solutions, which are offered at popular prices. The packaging market is constantly expanding.

Necessary permits and requirements for food production.

The main regulations relating to the production process at a food enterprise are contained in GOST R 50762-95 and in “GOST 30389-95 Public catering. Classification of enterprises".

For commissioning into production you will need:
- coordinate the construction project with Rospotrebnadzor and supervised services that monitor compliance of food production characteristics with current standards;
- agree on the portfolio of specifications and approve the list of manufactured products;
- obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor, form N 303-00-5/u, for the entire list of products manufactured in accordance with GOST, OST, GOST R and TU;
- together with Rospotrebnadzor, a plan of measures for production control of the workshop is being developed;
- certification and declaration of products as necessary.
Strict sanitary and epidemiological requirements concern the organization of work in the workshop and the rules of personal hygiene of workers. All employees must receive the sanitary minimum, at large enterprises a sanitary checkpoint must be organized.
The main requirements for an employee include:
- short-cut nails, hair tucked under a headscarf or cap, observing personal hygiene standards;
- workers must work in special clothing;
- during the manufacture of products, you must not touch with bare hands and work without gloves;
- workers must undergo a medical examination.

Priority areas of food production.

The state constantly creates incentives for the development of the food industry in order to ensure the country's food security. Currently, the food production segment is actively expanding through mini-productions and attracting small and medium-sized businesses to the economic sector. For these purposes, preferential tax conditions are created.

The priority types of production activities according to the vision of the Government of the Russian Federation include:
- production of dairy products and fermented milk products of the “premium” category, including fortified products;
- production of baby food;
- meat production;
- production of bread and bakery products;
- production of semi-finished products;
- production of confectionery products.

Considering the interest of the state, when developing a business in the proposed areas, you can count on receiving benefits, subsidies, preferential loans and other privileges.

Marketing activities for small food production boil down to developing several sales areas. We are talking about the HoReCa restaurant segment, deliveries to hypermarket chains, supermarkets, discounters, sales through our own retail outlets.
As a rule, small-scale production is designed for regional sales and consumption, therefore great importance has individual work with potential consumers and design material for advertising products at retail locations, the so-called POS materials.

Advertising of food production is carried out extremely rarely and only within the framework of a trademark and brand. To advertise products in partner retail outlets, you will need various POS: posters, posters, price tags, flyers, wobblers, etc. These types of printing work are used for effective advertising in places.

If you have your own retail outlet, you need to make it stand out from other stores. This can be done using signs and city lights. To promote goods in the HoReCa segment, make booklets and brochures with information about your production, and a product map from which you can order and select the desired products.

Total costs for advertising
Printing products, production volume for the year:
- price tags, wobblers, shelf stockers, calendars and business cards (based on 1 sheet of A2 format, circulation 1000 pcs., Arctic grade cardboard, 200 g/m2) - 32,000 rubles;
- A4 booklets 1000 pcs. - 8000 rubles;
- production prospectuses 8 pages A4 with cover - 16,000 rubles;
- posters 1000 pcs. A2 format - 20,000 rubles.
Total: 76,000 rubles.
Approximate figures are given, since prices in design studios and printing houses differ significantly.

Searching for clients and concluding agreements for the supply of products
Briefcase wholesale buyers is collateral financial stability enterprises. Wholesale supplies must be structured in such a way as to ensure the workshop reaches the break-even point. Wholesale sales of products by a mini-workshop can reach 30-70% of production volume. Typically, contracts are concluded by sales representatives, who, in addition to wages at the rate, receive a percentage of sales from the existing trade margin. This form of organizing the work of distributors motivates employees to work better.

Financial plan.
As part of this review, we examined a number of examples of the opening of small food production facilities by small enterprises. Now let's try to evaluate the benefits, including in relation to each other.

Production workshop "Chocolatier»
Premises costs:
Costs of opening a candy production shop self made will cost the following amount:
- production volume up to 100 kg/chocolate - 189,000 rubles;
- production volume up to 200 kg/chocolate - 631,000 rubles;
- production volume up to 350 kg/chocolate - 836,000 rubles.
Staff costs will be:
- production volume up to 100 kg/chocolate - 228,000 rubles/month;
- production volume up to 200 kg/chocolate - 228,000 rubles/month;
- production volume up to 350 kg/chocolate - 370,000 rubles/month.
Costs for advertising products: 76,000 rubles/year.
The cost of opening a retail outlet and re-equipping the premises to open a workshop is 2-3 million rubles.

Workshop for the production of fermented milk products
Equipment costs: 2800000-4400000 rubles.
Personnel costs for the presence of the Milk Kitchen store are 321,000 rubles/month.
Advertising costs (can be reduced; usually consumers remember products well) - 76,000 rubles/year.
The cost of opening a “Dairy Kitchen” and refurbishing the premises to open a fermented milk products workshop is 500,000 rubles.

Workshop for the production of bakery products, mini-bakery:
Equipment costs:
- mini-bakery “Home”, volume up to 200 kg/day - 50,000 rubles;
- mini-bakery “Prodtech”, up to 50 kg/hour - 206,939 rubles;
- mini-bakery, up to 3 tons/day - 496,000 rubles;
Personnel costs for the presence of a “Bulochnaya” store are 192,000 rubles/month.
Advertising costs (can be reduced or eliminated due to sales through your own retail outlet) - 76,000 rubles/year.
The cost of opening a “Bakery” and refurbishing the premises to open a mini-bakery is 500,000 rubles.

Workshop for the production of canned products, jams:
Equipment costs:
- technological line “Yagoda” of the Prombiofit company - 1,352,900 rubles;
Personnel costs: 192,000 rubles/month.
Advertising costs: 76,000 rubles/year.
The cost of opening and re-equipping the premises to open a canning shop with its own store is 500,000 rubles.

Please note that the investment plan should include employee salaries for 2-6 months. For retail outlets and workshops, two categories of premises were considered - in the city center and in residential areas, which implies different opening costs.

The final calculations are carried out taking into account all the features of the opened mini-workshop. Primary investments include the costs of purchasing raw materials for production, recipes, a formalized portfolio of technical specifications, employee training, tax costs, rent of premises and public utilities, as well as employee salaries for 3 months. Based on the analyzed examples, it is possible to evaluate the payback.

Production workshop "Chocolatier»
When purchasing equipment from the Chocolatier club and producing according to the recipes provided. The cost of production is 600-1000 rubles per 1 kg, the average price of handmade sweets is 2000-2500 rubles.

Total costs (estimated), including employee wages for 3 months and opening a retail outlet “in the center” - 3,949,000 rubles.

We accept a realization equal to 70% of the maximum capacity of 0.7 * 250 kg of sweets = 175 kg/month. Average revenue will be 350,000 rubles. In this case, the profit will be about 175,000 rubles. The estimated payback period is 22 months. On average, the Chocolatier Club estimates the payback period for a confectionery shop to be 1-2 years.

Workshop for the production of fermented milk products
Starting investments: 4,600,000 rubles (equipment and premises) + 321,000 rubles*3 (personnel). Total 4,921,000 rubles.

Production volume is 3.8 tons of yogurt/day and 91 tons/month. Sales cost 200 rubles/kg. Revenue will be 18,200,000 rubles. We take the average revenue at 70% workload of the workshop - 12,740,000 rubles.
The cost of yogurt is about 31 rubles per 1 kg, the cost of sales is on average 300 rubles per kg (Greek yogurt is used as a basis).

To make a competitive price for consumers with high profits, we reduce the selling price by 30%. We receive revenue of 891,000 rubles/month, with a sales cost of 210 rubles, the cost of production will be about 130,000 rubles. Thus, the estimated income will be (-321,000 wages) - 440,000 rubles/month.
The payback period for the workshop is 11 months.

Workshop for the production of bakery products, mini-bakery
To evaluate, let’s take the Prodtech mini-bakery, investments:
206,939 rubles (cost of equipment) + 3*192,000 rubles (staff) + 75,000 (advertising) + 500,000 (premises refurbishment) = 1,357,000 rubles.

The cost of 1 loaf of 1 kg is about 10 rubles. With a monthly production volume of 12 tons of bread, the revenue will be (average selling price of 1 kg - 30 rubles) - 360,000 rubles. The income will be 240,000 rubles, after payment of wages - 48,000 rubles. Payback 28 months.

The low profitability of the bakery is obvious due to the high cost of flour; in this case, it is necessary to optimize the work process and reduce staff costs by increasing productivity. An increase in the cost of bread is also acceptable.

Workshop for the production of canned products, jams
Total costs for opening production, including wages for 3 months: 2,504,000 rubles. Production volume is 1250 kg/shift, respectively, 30000 kg with a six-day shift working week. Obviously, this production is seasonal, therefore, for the annual volume without conditions for long-term procurement, work of 6-8 months should be taken. A full working year can be provided by the presence of greenhouses or the purchase of fruits supplied from abroad. In this case, the income will be estimated approximately, since at different times of the year the cost of jam will be different.

Production volume for 8 months: 240 tons of jam. Selling price 87 rubles/kg. Annual revenue will be 20,880,000 rubles. The cost of production in the canning industry is constantly changing, so we will arbitrarily accept the figure of 43.5 rubles/kg. Revenue will be 10,440,000 rubles. Salaries for 8 months 1,530,000 rubles. Conditional income is 8,910,000 rubles.
The payback period for the workshop is about 3 months, on average - 1 summer season.

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