How to paint wooden doors. Nevsky style: a combination of different style trends How to paint a wooden door

Each interior detail, where doors are no exception, must fit into the theme of the stylistic direction of the decorated interior. Thanks to the designers, you can find everything you need among a wide range of products.

Interior floors as an element of the interior

The problem of peace and privacy in space can be solved by interior door panels. An exceptionally high-quality product can isolate a room from outside noise. High quality fabricated opening covering, relatively modern requirements
the average consumer, must be created from environmentally friendly raw materials, and be endowed with a number of functional qualities with high performance indicators. It often happens that the owners of buildings modern layouts
dictate the type and type of purchase of interior flooring. In some cases, in order to save useful space, it is recommended to purchase folding structures, or to give preference to “compartment” type doors. Many nuances can significantly influence the selection of a door.

  • Regarding the opening method, interior door products can be divided into the following main and most popular categories:
  • Type of sliding doors. This type of door opening is associated with a train, since the leaf moves like a compartment door.
    Advantages: cozy, beautiful, modern, stylish, save space by moving in the same plane with the wall.

  • Disadvantages: low level of sound insulation, odors pass through, noisy when opening/closing.
  • Folding interior systems. Typical doors are also called “screens”. Overlapping is an excellent means of unobtrusive spatial zoning.
    Advantages: lightweight, inexpensive, stylish, harmoniously zone the space of the room.

  • Disadvantages: the operational period is limited.
  • Hinged interior products. Typical manufactured products are quite familiar and familiar products to everyone.
    Advantages: creation in any size and style.
    Disadvantages: they require a certain free space to open the sash. When selecting, in addition to the method of opening the sash and other operational aspects, the fabric is designed to fulfill another role in the interior of any building. So, the product of covering the opening, like any other interior detail, is designed to bring harmony and aesthetics to the room. In order not to get confused in such a huge variety of assortment of products presented on the door market, it is worth stipulating and dividing the floor blocks into the main stylistic directions.

    Classic: brevity in proportion

    The main features of door products created in classic style are the following features:

  • Proportionality in design;
  • Severity of configuration;
  • Laconicism in design finishing.
  • The listed factors of the main features of the classical direction of product style may seem boring to many at first glance. However, in the interior, floor blocks in a classic style almost always add nobility, sophistication and completeness to the room in luxury.
    Typically, standard products are created from natural wood raw materials valuable species, or decorated with expensive veneer.

    Hi-tec: new generation style

    The choice of a high-tech block for spacious rooms created in a minimalist finishing direction is excellent. Typical creations add light and air to spacious open spaces. Doors in ultra-modern interiors:

    Decorating fireplaces with artificial stone

  • Simple in the geometric sense of execution - endowed with clear horizontal and vertical lines;
  • Finished to a minimum;
  • Combine matte and glossy finishes;
  • Made from modern and simple materials– plastic, glass and metal in clear colors.
  • Loft: attic style

    The peculiarity of the loft style is the use, when decorating a room, of structural details or individual interior elements, brutal and active materials:

  • Brick;
  • Glass;
  • A natural stone;
  • Solid wood of valuable species;
  • Metal.
  • Loft style does not recognize closed spaces, wall coverings and predictability. Ordinary doors are not suitable for a typical Loft style room design. A similar style in the interior shows walls covered with sheets of metal, seasoned with rivets, emphasizing expressive ceiling beams, stone bearing structures, huge windows rectangular shape And so on.
    TO standard style Doors made of wood, metal or glass, decorated in exactly the same style, are suitable. By the way, the products presented by the Nevsky Style shopping mall are able to offer standard designs. In addition, Nevsky Style door products, presented in a wide range of products, can suit many stylistic trends (photo on the website).

    Country: traditions and comfort

    Doors in Country style are in many ways similar to more traditional ones stylistic direction- Provence. Still, the differences between the two styles are significant:

  • Provence bears the hallmark of the new Rococo and Art Nouveau;
  • Country more reflects the English Baroque and requires auxiliary elements of neo-Gothic (photos of models on the Internet).
  • Country style doors are used to style apartment interiors. rustic interior. Standard products are almost always based on natural wood without unnecessary admixtures of “dull” coatings. Such products are presented in trading network"Nevsky style" and "Moscow style".

    Modern: convenience and style

    Door blocks in the Art Nouveau style are often made of wood or plastic and are endowed with a number of features:

  • Lack of straight lines in the design;
  • Inserts made of glass and various veneers;
  • Marine and floral motifs;
  • The panel most often has irregular shapes, sometimes even subdivides door leaf into parts unequal to each other;
  • Glass inserts are also endowed with shapes that are far from standard geometric shapes. The shapes of the inserts can be of different shapes, but always round and smooth.
  • Many Modern style models may contain elements of artistic forging, which can be seen in the photo;
  • As an additional decoration on door leaves made in the Art Nouveau style, fusing and bevelling can be used (photos of models in Internet catalogs), which makes the blocks more individual and modern.
  • Every homeowner can refresh the interior and make it harmonious. To do this, you don’t have to resort to drastic measures; you can simply paint the door yourself.

    How to paint a wooden door

    The choice of paint for transforming doors today is very extensive. However, before you start working, you should decide whether you want to highlight the natural texture of the wood or hide its pattern by covering it with an opaque continuous layer.

    So, taking into account all the nuances, pay attention to:

    • coloring compositions and opaque enamels with alkyd, polyurethane, perchlorovinyl, acrylic, oil base;
    • tinting and clear varnishes, stains that refresh wood, oil impregnations.
    • alkyd paint and varnish products, which are characterized by high drying speed, resistance to temperature changes, and increased water-repellent properties;
    • water-based acrylic dyes, characterized by decent hiding power, good spreadability, and optimal consistency.


    • alkyd compounds are ideal for treating doors located in the bathroom, at the entrance and interior;
    • All dyes based on alkyd resin are applied exclusively to a dry surface.

    Painting doors: rules

    1. It is best to process doors in a horizontal position on flat surface. This way the paint will not run off.
    2. If desired, the product can be painted with a roller without removing it from the hinges, but laid horizontally, so painted with a flat, round brush it looks much prettier.
    3. If it is necessary to apply another layer of paint, then you need to go over the first dried layer with a special sanding machine.
    4. Before starting work, it is recommended to remove all fittings from the door.

    How to paint old doors?

    There are several options for transforming old doors:

    • painting the product over the old coating;
    • painting doors with removal of old layer.

    How to paint a door over an old layer

    1. Wash and dry the door thoroughly.
    2. Clean the canvas using fine sandpaper.
    3. Prime the surface of the finished areas with drying oil.
    4. Repair severe chips and cracks using putty.
    5. Apply a coat of paint.

    How to paint interior doors by removing the old layer

    • Initially, it is necessary to remove the old layer of paint using carboxylic acid or sodium hydroxide. To do this you should prepare water solution 30% using any of the listed substances. They must be mixed in a metal or glass container.
    • The resulting composition is applied to the old layer using a cotton swab. If there are several layers of paint, cover the surface 2-3 times.
    • Remove old paint with the same tampon.
    • Wash the surface thoroughly and let it dry.
    • Apply a coat of paint.


    • If the door is a panel door, you should start the painting process from the ends. Then comes the stage of processing the left upper quarter, then the right upper quarter, lower left and right lower quarter;
    • paneled doors are painted exclusively with flutes in the direction of the grain. This way you will avoid ugly divorces. The painting process begins with grooves, recesses and panels, then moves on to the front surface, the central trim of the frame. And only at the very end are the horizontal and vertical frame frames processed;
    • It is recommended to start work with small decorative elements;
    • the door threshold is painted last;
    • Do not use the product until it is dry.

    How to paint a door with varnish

    1. Before varnishing the product, you need to decide on the type of material being processed. So for interior doors you should purchase a composition intended for interior work.
    2. If external doors are being treated, purchase a varnish that is resistant to weather conditions and can allow air to pass through.


    • remove all fittings from the door and eliminate defects;
    • if large depressions are found on the surface, fill them with a special putty and let it dry;
    • sand the door with sandpaper, which is fixed to a special circle clamped into the drill chuck;
    • apply wood primer;
    • When the primer is absorbed and dry, start coating the canvas with varnish.


    • In the event that it is necessary to varnish a previously painted door, the canvas must be cleaned with a solvent. Next, the product is cleaned with sandpaper and polished;
    • To avoid drips, treat the door in small areas, acting in the same way;
    • if varnished new door, then it should only be degreased;
    • perfect option varnish coating: the first layer is a primer, the second is an underlying layer, the third is a front layer.

    After repairs, you often have to update old interior doors or buy a new door leaf for painting. This is much cheaper than buying expensive doors, and the old wooden surface can be transformed beyond recognition. Any door leaf must be properly prepared for painting or varnishing. But the simplest and most affordable method of finishing or updating is considered DIY painting interior doors.

    Preparing to paint an old door leaf

    No matter how high-quality the surface of the door is, over time it will lose its chic. During use, scratches and chips appear, the paint peels off, the varnish becomes dull, and the hinges become loose. And if you can somehow put up with this before the renovation, then after transforming the interior design it is necessary to paint the interior doors or complete replacement. Any repair requires sophisticated equipment and tools, but updating a door requires basic brush and roller skills and primitive tools.

    If everything is done according to technology, carefully and competently, then even a specialist will not undertake to say whether the door is old or new, especially if the fittings are replaced. Yes, and do “creative exercises” on the old wooden door not so scary, so this is an ideal option for those new to renovation. For example, in a children's room - original painting of interior doors, photo:

    You can practice with a more experienced mentor on replacing locks and latches, or you can retire, imagining yourself as an artist with a canvas, to create something exclusive! Yes and easy replacement hinged hinges and handles do not require making holes and hinges in the door leaf if all dimensions are met. And if the old holes no longer fit, then select fittings with wider overlays to cover the old defects. Therefore, before painting, it is worth deciding on the desired degree of transformation. old door, choose the type of painting or another type of new finish. For example, cover one side with photo wallpaper with a view of an alley into a summer garden.

    Strong doors without defects are often painted standing next to them, without removing them from their hinges, with old newspapers laid on the floor. Often this is done in a hurry, without eliminating defects and filling dents where the old paint has peeled off, on top of several old layers. But this is an illiterate repair of the door, and with such painting, drips and sagging of paint are formed, and brush strokes are visible.

    Attention: Some interior doors are difficult to remove from their hinges because they are installed together with the frame. And this is the only reason for such an illiterate repainting. It is not necessary to remove it if the sliding interior doors are hidden; only one surface is allocated for painting. Then the sticky, quick-drying paint is evenly applied to the smooth surface with a roller.

    If you are restoring and painting a previously used interior door according to all the rules, then first the door leaf is removed from the hinges and the fittings are carefully removed. If it is problematic to dismantle hinged hinges, locks and handles, it is easier to cover them with masking tape, which will protect the metal from accidental brush strokes. It is removed after the paint has completely dried so as not to touch the freshly painted surface, the edges of which will be pulled by the tape. The holes for the lock are plugged with cotton wool.

    Tip: If there is a glass insert or stained glass window, then decorative element complex shapes are covered with tape completely, and rectangular shapes are covered with tape around the perimeter. Moreover, this must be done on both sides for general painting of interior doors with your own hands.

    Multi-layer painting of the door has long been obsolete, and it does not look aesthetically pleasing. Removing old paint is done using several methods, for example, heating it with a blowtorch or a hair dryer. And this is also an archaic way in which experienced craftsmen don't use it. The old layer was heated and removed with a sharp spatula, and what was left was sanded off with sandpaper. At the same time, the paint remained in small crevices and wood texture. The worst thing was the terrible smell of burnt paint, so they “cleaned” the doors outside.

    Today they use a special liquid (removal remover) to remove paint, but it also has a specific smell, and it will not “take” every paint. There are also recipes for homemade mixtures, for example, based on solvents and caustic soda. These compounds soften the old paint, and it is then easier to carefully remove it with a spatula - in the direction of the wood grain.

    A smooth door leaf is also treated with a grinding machine or a universal tool with a suitable attachment. Next it is cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper. After this, all defects and depressions must be puttied, especially under glossy paint. Ideally, any painting requires a special primer that matches the type of paint chosen. Without a primer, it is impossible to evenly coat new interior doors for painting, even with very high-quality varnish or enamel.

    Attention: New paint must be compatible with the old layers and primer, otherwise it will react and ruin everything!

    To repaint an old door you will need:

    • at least 1 liter of paint, for example, imported Tikkurila, and white spirit (another solvent);
    • 2-3 paint brushes different widths;
    • an empty container with a lid for preparing a more liquid solution and a stirring stick;
    • roller with attachments;
    • fine-grained emery;
    • soft sponge and cotton rags;
    • glue, screwdrivers, spatula (for restoration);
    • masking tape;
    • old newspapers on the floor so as not to get stained by drops of paint;
    • pencil, metal ruler (another marking tool);
    • level and wooden blocks for leveling the horizontal surface.

    Advice: The best way to obtain a flawless paint coating - work on a verified horizontal surface.

    How to choose paint?

    A creative approach when choosing a dye or varnish when painting interior doors also affects the final result.

    1. Alkyd enamel is the most common and affordable. A rich palette makes it possible to choose suitable shade for the interior. It gives high-quality painting in 1-2 layers. But, despite all the advantages, it has a significant “minus”, a persistent smell that “stays in the apartment for 2-3 days. Therefore, in a room for children and people sensitive to chemical components, only ready-made doors are recommended, which were previously painted in a separate room and had time to dry and weather.

    2. Universal acrylic paint Suitable for home coloring as it does not have a persistent odor. But the cost of painting interior doors will be more expensive, especially in 2 layers. Rich palette and high quality surface- Main advantages. But there is also a drawback - the paint is not very resistant to mechanical damage, so it is often fixed with acrylic-based varnish.

    3. Of the domestic products for painting interior doors, the most famous is nitro paint. A smooth shiny layer is a high cost, but not everyone can relate to the smell. You can paint in the house only with a respirator, when open doors or balcony, in the absence of household members.

    Tip: Do not rush to paint over a new door leaf with a wood texture. Perhaps coating with clear or colored varnish will be an excellent alternative. If the first layer does not seem to be of sufficient quality, after complete drying, apply a second, thinner coat of paint.

    How to choose a type of paint? Use the tips. Everyone decides for themselves what they like, but it is important to know the properties of paints:

    • on top of 1 standing oil paint(on drying oil) you can apply latex paint, on water-based paint - acrylic enamel;
    • matte surfaces hide children's fingerprints better;
    • the glossy surface looks great, but shows all the defects of the door leaf;
    • semi-gloss acrylic paint suitable for all types interior spaces(home, office), not afraid of temperature changes during ventilation;
    • high-quality latex enamel is scratch-resistant, but similar to conventional oil paint.

    The door is ready, what to do with the paint?

    1. Carefully open the paint can with work gloves at arm's length; it is not advisable to inhale the fumes; a respirator is advisable.

    2. Pour some of the paint into an empty jar, where it is easier to dilute it with a solvent (white spirit or other). Stir with a stick to the desired consistency; a brush is convenient for painting when it is like liquid sour cream.

    3. For a smooth new surface, a thinner paint applied with a roller is suitable. Too liquid enamel gives gaps, viscous - lumps, so a couple of strokes are done “as a test”, and then the viscosity is adjusted.

    4. Slowly paint over with a thin brush hard to reach places around decorative overlays, milling areas, glazing beads and panels. Smooth surfaces are quickly painted with a roller. Perhaps the paint will show through, then a 2nd layer will be required, but it is 2 layers that produce the highest quality paint.

    5. Before putting a little paint on a brush or roller, do not forget to mix it - heavy particles settle. They work with a roller in the horizontal and vertical directions, and with a hard wide brush - along the fibers.

    6. After completely processing one side of the door, leave it until completely dry. Then they turn it over to the other side, paint it in exactly the same way, at the same time processing the ends. And it is desirable that the paint layer on the ends be as small as possible so that the door does not “stick” in the frame.

    7. It is necessary to work with a brush along the grain of wood to minimize distortion of the texture. But smooth wood after painting will become rougher because the fibers have swollen and ruffled. The second layer will “smooth out” the fibers, or rather, fill the holes between them. It makes sense to sand the roughest places with sandpaper before repainting.

    8. Some of the grains and fibers from the brush move and stick and are difficult to remove. It is advisable to sort out a new brush, fluff it up, soak it in water, rinse it in a solvent and work a little on the control surface without paint.

    9. Fittings and locks are installed after all surfaces have completely dried. If convenient, install locks and handles after the door is already on its hinges.

    10. When painting on hinges, paint from top to bottom, in a horizontal position - from the middle to the edges. The new smooth canvas can be quickly painted with a roller, leaning the door against the wall at a slight angle.

    Attention: If a specialist is painting interior doors, the price of the work is the time spent plus double the cost of the paint. Drying time can also be a factor, so painting it yourself is much more economical.

    Technology for painting interior doors - video at the end of the article.

    Painting a door with wood varnish

    Varnish - resinous transparent or translucent synthetic base based on resins, polymers and solvent. Excellent for wood, and when the solvent evaporates, it creates a beautiful latex layer that highlights the natural wood fiber grain. Varnishing also performs a preservative function, protecting the wood from changes in humidity and temperature.

    There are several types of varnish, for example, for exterior and interior use. According to the degree of light reflection (gloss), wood varnish is distinguished as:

    • high gloss;
    • glossy;
    • semi-gloss;
    • semi-matte;
    • matte.

    The most common base type is:

    • alkyd;
    • acrylic;
    • alkyd-urea;
    • polymeric;
    • oil;
    • water based.

    Colored varnish has specific color(tinting). But often the wood is coated with stain and then varnished to improve the decorative properties of the door leaf. There are also furniture, parquet and universal varnish - ask the stores for instructions.

    Original design techniques for updating an interior door

    1. Combining 2-3 colors involves painting the base color and trim over the base. This is a beautiful technique, but you can’t do without skill, thin brushes and masking tape when it comes to painting applied parts (molding).

    2. An original drawing will perfectly decorate a kitchen or children's room, but it must correspond to the overall design concept. An original technique is a landscape or a plot motif on the door.

    3. An effective texture will be obtained by “imprinting” interesting surfaces:

    • jeans;
    • crumpled foil;
    • fur strokes;
    • large porous sponge.

    4. Exclusive door decor - a solution you came up with if you have artistic skills and talent. This technique can be used on the eve of family holidays to surprise people dear to your heart. For example, a twisted heart in the form of a monogram with initials.

    Surely, when building or renovating a house, you installed a high-quality, solid door made of natural wood. But over time, even she will lose her attractiveness appearance. This is not at all a reason for replacement, because a wooden door is not at all difficult to paint yourself. The choice of color depends only on your desire, but you need to know the painting technology and the subtleties of the process.

    Features of the composition for painting

    Whether you need to repair old doors or give new ones a different look, right choice paint product is very important. The quality and service life of a wooden door depends on it. Let's look at the most common means.

    Varnishes - colored, glossy or matte. Their main property is that the structure of the wood will definitely be visible under the layer of substance. If you have completely restored the door, then varnishing is unlikely to be suitable, since all the defects and subtleties of processing will be visible. There are several varnish options:

    • oil based;
    • alcohol varnish;
    • polyurethane;
    • solvent-based nitrovarnish.

    The latter type is not suitable for use on wood: the composition of this varnish has a bad effect on wood. But polyurethane varnish is durable and resistant to mechanical damage, so it is perfect for our task, although it is quite expensive.

    The choice of varnish or paint depends on the type of door and its location in the room

    If painting with varnish is not suitable for you, turn to paints. Their choice on modern market is huge both in color and composition, and it will not be difficult for you to give the door any look. Paints can be matte, glossy or emphasizing the wood structure. The main thing is to pay attention to what base the product is made of - oil or alcohol.

    Nitro paint is also suitable.

    There are also oils containing wax intended for painting wooden surfaces. This product can be transparent or colored; it will give the wood a soft silky feel. The disadvantage of this material is its high cost.

    Compositions for different types of doors When choosing a paint product, pay attention to the condition of the door leaf. As already mentioned, it is absolutely not suitable for an old door that had to be restored. varnish coating

    , under which the entire surface is visible. In this case, it is better to use paint. The varnish will look good on the new door. The modern market offers a large selection paint and varnish materials

    for wooden doors

    1. There are 2 types of paints and varnishes most often used in such work.
    2. Acrylic compositions on a water-dispersion basis. They are easy to apply and adhere well, as if covering the surface with a thin layer of plastic. There is no pungent odor when drying.

    Alkyd paints and solvent-based varnishes. When painting, they penetrate deep into the wood structure and dry quickly. They withstand temperature fluctuations and have a water-repellent effect. The disadvantages include a strong odor when drying. Taking these points into account, it can be concluded that acrylic compositions

    If you plan to paint the door one color, then the choice of painting material will be based on the above criteria. But if you have a door leaf with a design, take into account the following:

    Please note: paints must be applied to a completely dry surface. Otherwise, the paint layer on damp wood will begin to peel and flake off.

    Preparation for the process

    Arm yourself first necessary materials and tools so that you have everything at hand during the work process. You will need:

    • painting goats - 2 pcs. or 4 stools;
    • roller and bath for it;
    • putty knife;
    • damp cloth;
    • sandpaper;
    • vacuum cleaner;
    • brush;
    • masking tape;
    • putty;
    • primer;
    • solvent;
    • paint or varnish;
    • flashlight for conveniently searching for flaws on the door leaf.

    The door structure consists not only of the canvas, and most often it completely needs painting, otherwise the door will be very different in color from the lintel and jambs. Painting work can be carried out in two ways: in a horizontal or vertical position.

    1. In the first case, remove the door leaf from its hinges and place it on trestles or stools. If you use an alkyd composition for painting, it is better to sit in the yard, on the balcony or terrace.
    2. In the second method, block the canvas without removing it with wedges. Do this so that the brush has free access to all elements of the door. The lock will also keep the door open while it dries.

    Try to dismantle all the fittings on the door

    It will be more convenient to work with the canvas removed, but in some cases the second option is quite applicable. Don't forget to remove all fittings. If the hinges and handles are not removable, you can wrap them in paper and secure them with tape, or even better, wrap them in foil and ensure a tight fit to the parts. Seal the lock mechanisms with tape in a fixed position.

    Preliminary processing

    This process is multi-step, and it is very important for subsequent work. Exactly from proper preparation The surface of the door depends on how smoothly the paint will lie on it and how long it will last. Carry out the preparation according to the standard scheme.

    Please note: in order to fill deep dents under opaque paint, you can use car putty; it does not contain fiberglass. And if the natural wood has darkened over time under paint or varnish, you can lighten it with a solution of 1 part chlorine bleach in 3 parts water.

    After you have prepared the door for further work, wipe it, removing dust and small debris, dry it thoroughly and start painting.

    Painting technologies

    When painting a door, you can use either a brush or a roller. The brush may leave drips and streaks. Therefore, before work, fluff it thoroughly to get rid of loose and loose hairs, and while painting, move the brush along and across the surface to smooth out unevenness.

    If you use a roller, roll out the paint properly so that it lays in a thin layer. Do not press the roller too hard during the process, and roll it over the surface with light, even movements.

    The surface of the door will not be painted evenly the first time; the wood will absorb most paints. Re-painting will be required, and perhaps more than one.

    It is very important to first clean the white door from dirt and dust.

    This method is great if you want to paint a door in White color. The main thing is to clean the surface with special care so that there is no dirt or dust left on it.

    Simple door leaf

    This is the most simple work, so we will look at it first. However, you need to be careful not to leave noticeable stains or smudges on the door.

    For such work, you can purchase a special sprayer: it will greatly facilitate the process. But for painting one or two doors, purchasing such a device will not be financially feasible. Therefore, you can easily get by with a roller and a filing brush.

    The painting scheme depends on the type of door structure.

    1. The panel door is painted in 3 steps. The easiest way is to use a roller for this: it will apply the paint evenly and will not leave hairs. Start coating from the upper left corner of the door, moving towards right side. When the canvas is finished painting, leave it to dry for as long as the instructions for the coloring agent require. The second stage of painting is carried out in the longitudinal direction, the third - in the opposite direction from the first step.
    2. For a paneled door, it is better to use a brush. Walk it along the recesses in the canvas, while trying to avoid excess paint. Finish painting with a roller, using the diagram for the panel door.

    Painting with stain

    If you decide to stain your door, prepare it and lightly dampen it. This way, moisture will not be absorbed into the wood, and the dye will lie evenly, despite its liquid consistency. Paint everything that is horizontal first along the grain, then across it, and at the end of the work again in the longitudinal direction.

    If you decide to paint the door in a vertical position and have not removed it from its hinges, start covering the jambs and door leaf from the bottom so that splashes do not fall on the unpainted surface. This is especially important if you plan to varnish the door.

    The wood fibers straighten out by absorbing the water-soluble stain. After the first layer has dried, sand the surface with sandpaper, clean and re-stain.

    After drying wooden surface will become lighter than when applying the stain. To make the color more vibrant, apply the dye several times.

    Alcohol stain does not straighten wood fibers, so you won't have to sand the door after applying it. In addition, it dries in half an hour. But water-soluble stain is more popular because it is considered safer and non-toxic.

    Wood imitation

    This method is applicable on any surface. As for wood, on old doors that have been subject to deep restoration, it may also be necessary to apply a pattern that is as close as possible to a pronounced natural one.

    There is another way to imitate a wood pattern on a door. To do this you need a special brush, which can be purchased at hardware store. Soft wood fibers are processed with such a brush using movements similar to combing. Thanks to changes in the structure, curls will spontaneously appear, creating the illusion of wood. After the surface has dried, it needs to be sanded.

    How to paint a wooden door - video

    03.09.2016 87107

    Save your budget and get a reason for creativity in the interior, perhaps in a simple way– paint old wooden doors. By following the rules for preparing the canvas, it is easy to give a second life to interior and entrance doors. All about the stages and correct selection tools and paint - below.

    Differences between wooden doors

    Interior and entrance panels differ in design, material, and fittings. This has implications for future painting. For example:

    1. Array. Represent . They look best in their natural form, emphasizing the natural structure. For this option, choose transparent paint - varnish, glaze, or, if the canvas has long lost its attractiveness.
    2. . The design consists of a frame, two sheets particle board, between which insulation is laid. Interior rooms can do without it. Painting an old door of this type is the easiest, but the preparatory process is more thorough than for massive models.
    3. . The frame can be solid or made of MDF, and the inserts can be panels, these are thin boards or sheets of plywood. They need to be painted carefully, carefully disassembling the structure into its component parts. As a rule, an old panel door wears out faster than solid wood or MDF, due to large quantity junctions of decorative parts and constant activity. Therefore, before painting, if it is decided not to change the model, a complete revision is carried out to bring the elements to a high-quality condition.

    For future painting, the door fittings are important - the built-in ones require caution, the lock is closed or plugged with cotton wool, and the unscrewed one is removed.

    How to paint doors correctly

    Having determined the type of your own doors, prepare the tools and coating composition. Spatulas, rags, solvents, hair dryer, brushes, rollers. You can paint old doors with anything if the products match chemical composition– oil and nitro enamel do not combine and will only ruin the canvas. If the previous composition is unknown, then preparation is carried out in the most thorough manner - chemically remove the old coating. Massive canvases do not require disassembly, but here’s more about painting paneled or MDF panels:
    1. Having laid the fabric from its loops on a horizontal surface, it is moistened with a solvent. When the paint has softened, clean it off with a spatula with a sharp blade. Be careful not to damage the wood. If the layers of paint exceed 3–5 mm, then use a hair dryer - heating will swell the paint and it can be easily removed with a spatula.
    2. , it is disassembled into its component parts - it is possible that before painting the old one, a complete replacement of panels or wood panels will be required. If the canvas is input, then it is placed inside new insulation. Chips and cracks are carefully puttied or sealed. This measure will help the panels not to succumb to vibration, and their durability will increase. You may have to work with a plane that interferes with free movement. When the canvas is assembled, the repair areas are carefully processed - cleaned with emery cloth.
    3. Next, apply different ways painting - with rollers, sponges or brushes. Carefully paint over the insertion areas of the panels. You can get a textured surface using a sponge - with dotted strokes, the composition is applied over the entire area. If House master wants to get an interesting combination of colors, then you can’t do without masking tape - it is glued in transition areas. The work will take a long time, since each layer requires careful drying.

    When the canvas is ready, it is equipped with removed or new fittings - they also have decorative significance - and they place it in place. Painting old doors with your own hands is an easy way to return an entrance or interior door to its former appearance or give it a new, more modern look.

    Coating for metal doors

    Tidy up and paint the old one iron door- also easy. It is important to choose the appropriate composition for it - hammer or powder paint. Both feature impact resistance and anti-corrosion components. Work details:

    • They remove the wood slab, take out the insulation - most likely it requires replacement.
    • and fat, wetting the surface with turpentine, gasoline or another composition.
    • All that remains is to repaint the door, replace the insulation and fittings.

    Hammer or powder paint will hide fabric defects - uneven welding, poor processing, burrs.

    Coloring tricks

    Several tricks are used in the work to make the process high-quality and economical:

    1. Before coating, massive canvases are bleached with a chlorine solution. Thus, stains from solvents are eliminated, and the natural grain of the wood becomes visible in all its glory. In this case, painting the doors with varnish will not be in vain.
    2. The primer is used for both wooden and metal panels. The composition will reduce the consumption of the finishing coat, as it will be absorbed and create a film on the surface. Cheap option, like drying oil will protect a wooden door from moisture, and, consequently, from swelling.
    3. As a primer, a stain is used - a varnish with the addition of cellulose. If they pre-paint old fiberboard doors in several layers, then the coating pigment composition does not need to be used.
    4. Grinding with angular nozzles is used. Manual processing is imperfect and in the areas where the panel fits, the wood will look bad, without appropriate processing - a machine will do a better job of this.
    5. Use a roller or spray gun. The latter option reduces composition consumption by 30–40%. They can also be used to paint a wooden door with several layers of varnish.

    Work takes for a long time depending on the type of canvas and its original condition. In any case, drying of each layer takes at least two days. Observing everything described above, painting the old one is easy.

    Painting an old door will be easy if you follow these basic rules.

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