How to learn French on your own from scratch. How to learn French from scratch online

Learning languages ​​is a rather complicated procedure that requires patience and a lot of work. Today, there are many methods on how to learn French, which is quite popular in all European countries.

Today, many learn French in France, which gives very good results. You can get acquainted with such programs on various specialized sites.

First stage

To learn French from scratch, experts recommend following several consistent recommendations:

  1. First of all, you should decide how you best perceive information. For example, some people can quickly memorize words by ear, while others still need to see them. This is very important, because the speed of learning depends on it.
  2. Start learning from the basics. To do this, it is better to learn how individual letters and syllables sound. This will allow you to learn how to read correctly, which is very important for this language. In the initial stages, practice for 15-20 minutes several times a week. Then this interval should be brought to 1-2 hours minimum.

We continue learning

When you have dealt with the basics, you can proceed to more complex material. The algorithm for studying it consists of the following sequence of actions:

  • Learn grammar. It is important to understand not only how words are spelled, but also how to put them into sentences correctly. Start with the simplest, where you will not need to create complex forms. Move on to tenses and other rules in sequence. Do not try to study everything at once, as you will simply get confused.
  • When you already know quite a lot, you can start improving. To do this, watch films in French, as this will allow you to develop speech correctly. You should also start with the simplest stories, which are complemented by translation. Thus, you will not only perceive speech, but also memorize new words and phrases.
  • Use the Internet, where many video and audio French lessons are posted. It is important to choose the best method for yourself that will help you.
  • After each completed lesson or topic, try to consolidate it by writing own proposals or texts. It is important to constantly repeat what you have learned much earlier.

Learning French is a complex procedure that requires patience and perseverance. This is the only way to get high-quality and fast results.


September 2008- a naive young lady with a level of French: under A2. Random scraps of knowledge in my head after foreign language courses. Phonetics, grammar, vocabulary - the initial level, conversational skills and listening comprehension tend to zero.

November 2010- level of French: B2 according to the young lady, or C1 according to DALF.

Hello, my name is Galya, I am the same young lady and I learned French alone (almost). Two important caveats:

  • I was taught to read (and in French this is important!)
  • I was not raped by Popova-Kazakova (this is about the second part of the title of the article).

After documenting my knowledge, I taught and continued to learn French, and now I have become so bold that I give out advice on self-study. So, best advice, which so far I can give - go to the country of the language being studied! I did this in my time with French and never regretted it. Now I am learning Spanish, and I would love to wave to latin america for a year, if not for a million “if only”. If your “ifs” don’t let you do it yet, another piece of advice: create a language environment at home.

What is a language environment? If we take away the romantic and enthusiastic cries about “aaa there are French around”, “aaa I saw Paris and did not die” what did I do differently? It took me 5 years of teaching to understand: NOTHING.

I just devoted more time to the language than at home.

None magic pills and secret secrets. There are no miraculous introductions of language into the brain in the language environment. I did the same things as in the courses, the same things as at home, I just spent a lot more time on it.

I read a lot

First, children's books were used (I worked as a nanny, and my wards were 4.5 and 10 years old). First of all, I dealt with preschool publications, then with comics, then switched to teenage literature. Then I began to look at the library of my parents, but this happened after the first 3-4 months of being in the environment. But even without the environment, you can download yourself interesting adapted books.

In addition to books, I read everything I saw: for example, after museums I took booklets with me to different languages with a description of the paintings and the plan, and then translated the French version, looking into the English / Russian translation. But what is stopping me now from opening the Louvre website and doing the same?

I listened a lot

I listened to radio and TV, understanding only 10% for the first couple of months. I watched news, series and cartoons. I never believed in “passive listening” before, but it really improved my listening skills and helped me to speak faster.

If I had known about this magical “immersion”, I could have done this from the very beginning and accompanied my studies with daily listening, and not once a week 5 minutes in courses. I could choose the right level of listening: listen to the news en français facile, for example. Listening to French is not just important, it is a must if you want to understand more than just written language.

Speaking of writing. Although the French themselves can sometimes scare you with their spelling, get it right from the start. superscripts and learn how to type correctly.

I spoke with the natives.

You will say: it is easy to look for carriers when there is no choice. But there was a choice. There are plenty of Russian-speaking people in Paris: ours are everywhere and you yourself choose with whom to communicate.

My classmate moved to New York and for the first year of her life did not speak English at all. She knows the language perfectly, it was just that there was no one to practice it with. Her employers, colleagues and friends spoke Russian. Here is the language environment. If you create it at home, then you have excellent italki, polyglotclub and many more places where you can find a friend to chat on Skype to talk with native speakers.

I studied according to authentic textbooks.

This will not surprise anyone now, however, some prefer Popov-Kazakov. Let tomatoes and slippers fly at me, but how good it is that no one gave me this famous “base”. Then I still had to go through it, but I'm sure that you need to start with a modern textbook, from the very beginning gaining live vocabulary and listening to live dialogues.

Conclusions of this story:

  1. Intensive is the best pace for taking the language. Stretching pleasure, we lose the fuse, desire and, accordingly, regularity.
  2. You can create a language environment without leaving your computer. For this you need the Internet, desire, and also concentration. So stop reading about how others learn languages ​​and start doing it yourself!

If you decide to immerse yourself in French next year, then keep an action plan for beginners:

  1. We are looking for someone to teach you to read or check your well-read texts. If you understand yourself, then this is the only exception when it is better to take a Russian-language textbook. But in any case, let someone control you and correct the mistakes. The worst thing you can think of is not knowing the rules of reading and taking on the Passé Composé. Learn the pronunciation once and for all. It is logical and also beautiful.
  2. We take the Latitudes 1 textbook - it will be the basis of your program. Go through it, in no case skipping the audio and tasks in the workbook. The answers to all this wealth can be found for free, as well as the manuals themselves.
  3. You can “dilute” this textbook with the books Grammaire en dialogues and Vocabulaire en dialogues, pulling up grammar and vocabulary. But no more than one chapter a day, because the learned material must be repeated. To practice new words, use the method that suits you.
  4. Every day we listen to French speech - the more the better. You can start with Coffee Break French podcasts, Extra series. Watch movies with subtitles, sing karaoke songs, watch interesting interviews or musicals. Dive in, in a word. Here is a list of resources you can choose from.
  5. After the first month of classes, we begin to read regularly. First, adapted or children's literature, like Petit Nicolas, then light books that you read in Russian, then something from modern authors. Balzac and Flaubert will wait for your confident B2.

In moments of despair, read Kato Lomb's "How I Learn Languages" and you will understand how lucky you are in the age of the Internet. There are so many authentic materials of excellent quality now that it will last more than one life.

P.S. If you have already started, quit or are in the process of learning a language, then all these tips are already clear to you, and you, of course, have not learned anything new.

I just wanted to say that the language environment is not a panacea. In the language environment, laziness is exactly the same and “I will do it tomorrow” in the same way. Moreover, neither a collection of links to valuable resources, nor advice from polyglots, nor unlimited Internet. It's all about motivation and discipline, and then you'll be able to learn French on your own!

As for me, I did not stop learning foreign languages, although I returned home. My little secret: like-minded people from Language Heroes. It's more than a language environment :)

Many thanks to Galina Lyapun for writing this article. More great and useful materials in French you can find it on

For those who are looking for ways to learn French, it is important to remember the motivation that will not allow you to quit halfway. I will help you with this.

If you conduct a survey among strangers or acquaintances: “Which city would you like to visit?”, then the majority, without hesitation, will answer: “Paris”.

Indeed, the capital of fashion, gourmet cuisine, romance, and the most interesting sights deserves such a huge flow of tourists as it has now.

It is people who dream of Paris, or who are in love with everything French, who most often ask the question “?”.

The question is interesting, considering that this is not the easiest language in the world (although, in fairness, it is worth saying that it is far from being difficult in terms of complexity), but determined people do not pay attention to such small obstacles in their path.

It is to such determined, striving for success and self-development people that I will give some useful advice.

Motivation for those who want to learn French

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is vital for people who are not going to spend their whole lives in boring jobs for minimum wage without leaving your hometown.

Even small children understand this, but there are several reasons to start learning the language of the descendants of the great Gauls.

For those who are looking for ways how to learn french fast, it is important to remember about motivation, which will not allow you to quit halfway. I will help you with this.

Knowing French allows you to:

    Travel without an interpreter.

    The French are real patriots, so if you rely on your own, I hasten to disappoint you: they will not help you much.

    If in Paris waiters, salespeople and hotel administrators still deign to switch to English, then in the provinces do not count on such mercy.

    I am talking now not only about the classics created by Hugo or Balzac, but also about modern works written in French.

    And there are a lot of them!

    There are more than a dozen Nobel laureates in literature from France alone.

    Start an affair with a Frenchman.

    That's really who knows how to make a woman's heart beat faster!

  1. Listen to songs in French, because this language is simply created in order to sing about love and relationships between a man and a woman.
  2. Find a high paying interesting work, both in their own country (for example, a translator, a tourism manager), and in French-speaking countries.
  3. Enjoy movie masterpieces starring Juliette Binoche, Sophie Marceau, Pierre Richard, Alain Delon, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Gerard Depardieu, Jean Reno and other legends.
  4. Settle in a nice apartment with a view of the Seine or the Champs Elysees and not feel like a stranger in this wonderful city.

4 Ways to Learn French

Of course, there are many more of these ways to twitter in French, but I will focus on the four most effective ones, according to those who have already gone from greenhorn to almost French:

    Courses or classes with a tutor.

    I deliberately combined these methods into one, because in fact, training in them is carried out according to a single principle.

    The difference is only in the price and time spent personally on you by the teacher.

    If you are not afraid to work in a company, then overpay for individual sessions not worth it.

    Immersion in a French-speaking environment.

    This is perhaps the most nice method. Who would not want to live a month or two in France and communicate, communicate, communicate with the locals.

    Alas, this method is very expensive, unless you get a job here or get into some kind of program, for example, a student exchange.

    Dedicated learning sites like Duolingo, Memrise, News in slow french, and more.

    And in general, you can find a lot of useful materials on the net: video and audio lessons, tutorials in in electronic format, tables, etc.

    Cinema and cartoons.

    Yes, this is such a pleasant, but effective method. Start with cartoons with as few words as possible, then move on to series and movies.

    If your level is minimal, then films with Russian subtitles are suitable for vocabulary accumulation.

Step by step instructions for those who want to learn French quickly

If you are studying with a tutor, then get recommendations from him.

A good specialist probably knows how to quickly teach French even to a negligent student.

These tips are more likely to help those who independently decide to master one of the the most beautiful languages in the world.

On one of the sites I found this wonderful step-by-step instruction:

  1. Start learning with popular words and phrases that are used most often: Bonjour (greeting), Au Revoir (farewell), Je m'appelle ... (my name is) and others.
  2. Go to the study of grammar rules.

    They are best studied with the help of special exercises that are in all textbooks.

  3. Learn to conjugate verbs.
  4. Read texts: a lot and often, translating unfamiliar words with the help of a French-Russian / Ukrainian dictionary.
  5. Work on your pronunciation, which is very important for native French speakers.

Skills that someone who has already learned French should have

Well, and finally, I would like to bring down the arrogance of those who, having learned a few standard phrases, say at every corner: “Yes, I speak French better than any paddling pool.”

Experts say that you do not really know French if:

  • understand oral speech but you can't read a single sentence written in French;
  • do not have even minimal skills in written French;
  • you have a terrible pronunciation, so you can’t make out what you said: “a lot” or complimented a person about beautiful buttocks;
  • do not use the acquired knowledge: do not watch French films, do not listen to their music, do not read their books, do not buy, in the end, a plane ticket to prove to the French that you speak their language at the proper level.

where and what materials to take for learning French:

And I would also like to warn those who are looking for ways, how to learn french fast.

Do not think that it will be "like two fingers on the asphalt."

Nothing will come of you without due diligence.

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Good afternoon! In fact, everything is very individual, the most important thing in the language is to practice constantly, every day for at least 10 minutes, and the most important thing is to learn how to build phrases like French and speak! I would like to talk about my studies in France and how I learned to SPEAK French.

A few years ago I studied in the south of France in the city of Bordeaux on the exchange program of my university and this time still remains in my soul. I had to study whole year and pass subjects in French! Studying in France is very different from studying in does this manifest itself? we know the rules very well, but we do not know how or are afraid to use them.

Before the start of classes, we were assigned to groups in French, we had to pass an exam. To be honest, for the most part, I prepared for grammar tasks, for what we were taught in Russia. But my expectations were not met. Arriving at the exam, we were given a whole stack of sheets on which various pictures were depicted and they included listening, which lasted as much as 3 hours! we listened and noted on the picture whether it corresponded to what was said. No grammar, no rules - it turned out to be a matter of course, it was necessary to perceive real speech, and we were not ready for this! We passed the exam and were divided into groups, in the first lesson we spoke French! kept talking! At first it caused panic, we had to say hello, get to know each other, talk about our hobbies, why we came to France and what we want to do in the future - and all in French! All European students were not afraid to speak out - right or wrong, but they spoke and even argued with each other! I asked how long they had been learning French, and the answer was - several months ... SEVERAL MONTHS! and they say! and we have been studying for so long and cannot clearly connect a couple of sentences? at that moment I realized that it was all about the approach to learning a foreign language - we Russians focus on grammar, and they learn to communicate and not be afraid to speak! That's the difference!
But we learn the language in order to understand each other, to talk when we find ourselves in a foreign country, to learn the culture of other countries and simply communicate! here the main objective! After returning and graduating from the institute, I firmly decided that I would promote teaching methods abroad here in Russia. I opened the Frangle language space and teach people how to communicate in an interactive way! I give a lot of material, I think that the student can really make out many points in the study on his own, I teach the students to do without me in the study in the future, and in the classroom we talk a lot, this is the most important thing - to learn how to enter into a discussion, use those structures you know. I conduct small video lessons, we started from the very basics, with the rules of reading. You can check out my project French-Easy! ( I really like helping people learn French, talking about the culture of France.

I teach to speak and not be afraid to make mistakes! And it works! The most beautiful thing is when you see the result, when people start thinking in French like the French. We meet every week at the speaking club to practice everything we have learned.

I'll be happy to help you too!

Ever since I had my first lesson, I have dreamed of creating the perfect French textbook. And not just a textbook, but a real self-instruction manual, one by which anyone without the help of a teacher could learn the language easily, simply, and accessible. When I bought another book, I constantly ran into the same problem: this textbook lacks exercises, and that one lacks texts; and how wonderful it would be if you could also find funny songs or rhymes, maybe a few educational games or even information about how, for example, life in France differs from our life. So what should it be, a self-instruction manual of the French language?

Now on the shelves of bookstores there are tons of literature offering to master foreign language for the shortest possible time and by means of simple words-dialogues. Even for 10 years of teaching, I have already accumulated a decent library, and this is not counting a few gigabytes of literature downloaded from the Internet. In my opinion, most books that dazzle with their colorful covers are designed only to extort money from the consumer. It seems that you are counting on the fact that having bought a book, you will not have to go anywhere else, but in the end, you have to spend money again and again, on new textbooks, on lessons with a teacher and on dictionaries.

So, I offer you an overview of several textbooks - self-taught books:

1. "Initial French course"(Potushanskaya L.L., Kolesnikova N.I., Kotova G.M.) is one of my favorite textbooks. Maybe because I used to do it myself. The main section, in my opinion, is unfinished, but there are very interesting texts. But I really like the introductory course. Grammar rules, ways of pronouncing sounds are described in a form understandable to everyone and in great detail, and simple exercises will help you quickly consolidate the rules. The textbook is accompanied by audio materials in which all texts and phonetic exercises are read by a native speaker. I consider this a huge plus.

2. “French language. Tutorial for beginners»(L. Leblanc, V. Panin) is a good textbook. Not too overloaded with information, lots of voiced exercises. Perfect option For those who want to improve their vocabulary in initial stage learning, since the introductory section gives a lot of exercises with new words. But, as a full-fledged textbook is not suitable, you will have to buy something else.

3. "Hello French"(E.V. Musnitskaya, M.V. Ozerova) is one of the most popular tutorials among Internet users. And not in vain! Each lesson is built competently, with the development of sounds, rules. In each lesson you will find interesting dialogues, learn how to use verbs in all forms, remember useful phrases. This book has a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice, just for those who do not like to pay much attention to grammar, but immediately prefer to learn to speak. But, in my opinion, one cannot do without a teacher with such a textbook, since the exercises are given without translation into Russian, and they are voiced so quickly that it’s not immediately clear what’s what. But you immediately get used to living French speech.

four." » (I.N. Popova, Zh.A. Kazakova, G.M. Kovalchuk) is another good tutorial for those who want to learn the language on their own. Detailed grammar explanations, lots of phonetic exercises, phrases and dialogues. Although the voiced material is good, I still prefer native speakers.

5 .I think it is worth paying attention to such tutorials as « French driving»/ « French in 3 months» . I do not name the author, because there are a lot of similar books - disks, and they all look alike. As a rule, the textbook has several topics, each topic has several dialogues, voiced by roles. In principle, you will not learn how to fully maintain a conversation with the help of such books, but it will do for travel. Be sure to learn a few standard phrases in different cases life.

6. A series of tutorials "Alter Ego", "Tout va bien", "Taxi"- I knowingly combined all these textbooks, despite the fact that they have different authors. You can take any of them, and you will never regret not choosing the other two. All textbooks have the same topics, the same new words - “vocabulaire”, and almost the same dialogues. The textbooks themselves are colorful, rather simple, saturated with modern phrases and vocabulary. Audio materials are practically not adapted, so you quickly get used to the live colloquial speech. An excellent textbook, but one cannot do without a teacher, since all books are completely in French.

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