How to replace cracked glass on a plastic window. How to insert a double-glazed window into a plastic window

Plastic windows are convenient, provide good protection from cold and noise, with correct operation serve for quite a long time. However, various troubles periodically happen to them, as a result of which there is an urgent need for repairs. Replacing glass in a double-glazed window with your own hands - is it possible? You will learn about this from our article.

What will you have to deal with?

To begin with, it is very useful to determine the essence of the problem - the ways to solve it will depend on this. You may encounter two situations:

  1. You need to replace the entire window unit.
  2. You are puzzled by the question of how to change the glass in a double-glazed window with your own hands.

For both work you will need an assistant - it is very difficult to do everything smoothly and accurately alone.

Window design

Replacing glass in a plastic window with your own hands will be easier if you first understand what and how it works in this design, how the double-glazed window itself is designed. The most popular option, which is most often installed in residential premises, is a design that includes:

  • 2-3 sheets of glass;
  • frame – aluminum frame:
  • glazing beads;
  • seal;
  • desiccant...

The following are used as a seal:

  • butyl tape;
  • polysulfide mastic.

Compaction is carried out in two stages. As for the space between the glasses, it can be filled:

  • dry air;
  • inert gas.

A moisture absorber is placed in the frame. It could be:

  • molecular sieve;
  • silica gel.

Important! The more chambers in a double-glazed window, the better it protects against cold and noise. Reliable protection also provides against cold special coating, and if noise is your main concern, install glass of different thicknesses.

When to change a double-glazed window?

Quite often it happens that for some reason the bag loses its seal. As a result, the level of protection from cold and moisture decreases. If the glass is broken or a crack appears on it, questions usually do not arise - in this case, the double-glazed window must be repaired. But there are also less noticeable reasons to pay attention to what is happening to your windows:

  • More noise began to be heard from the street;
  • the windows began to fog up;
  • in winter the windows began to freeze;
  • the room became cold, although the radiators work the same as before.

In all these cases, you must definitely inspect the double-glazed windows and think about whether it’s time to change them.

Causes of damage

What is the most common problem with plastic windows? They can become unusable:

  • mechanical impacts, such as a ball or stone hitting a window;
  • incorrect installation;
  • low quality material;
  • careless operation.

When to change glass?

Replacing a double-glazed window always entails additional costs, so it is tempting to replace only the damaged glass. This is possible if the rest of the block survived.

Reliable and unreliable companies

Is it worth contacting a specialized company that offers to do everything right on the spot? Not always. Typically, such companies operate in the following order:

  1. They disassemble the glass unit.
  2. They take out the broken glass.
  3. They install a new one.
  4. Fill it all with sealant.

This procedure does not always lead to a good result. The fact is that when the bag is opened, the desiccant located in the bags between the glasses is saturated with water vapor, which is always present in the room. If you do not pay attention to this, after a while the windows will begin to fog up. inside package.

Another option is also possible - the silica gel will turn into a yellow sticky mass and begin to flow out, and then the double-glazed window will definitely have to be replaced. Therefore, when replacing a single glass, you should proceed differently:

  1. Remove the glass unit.
  2. Tape up the window plastic film in several layers.
  3. Take the block to service center, where damaged glass will be replaced taking all precautions.
  4. Deliver the glass unit home and install it again.

Important! If the windows are under warranty, of course, you should contact the company that installed them; in many cases, the repairs will be free.

Replacing a double-glazed window with your own hands

Replacing a complete double-glazed window is more convenient in many ways. But first you need to understand what to change it for, that is, choose a new one. To do this you will need the following dimensions:

  • length;
  • width;
  • thickness.

Important! The third parameter is especially important - in different designs For windows, different glazing beads are used. To avoid the need to change them, it is better to order a double-glazed window of the same thickness as the old one. In general, a damaged block can still serve you - it is better to take measurements from it.

If the windows are non-standard

Plastic windows come in the most bizarre shapes:

  • triangular;
  • rhombic;
  • arched;
  • curly.

Here you won’t get away with simple measurements, and inserting glass or building the entire structure yourself will be problematic. In this case, the procedure will be as follows:

  1. Remove the block.
  2. Take measurements not only of the thickness, but also of each line.
  3. Make a template - it will be suitable for this large leaf paper or cardboard.
  4. Submit the template and dimensions to the company that will repair your window.

As for further steps, there are two options:

  • delivery of finished double-glazed windows by special transport;
  • pickup.

Important! Before picking up a double-glazed window, you need to check the quality of the glass - there should be no scratches, chips or bubbles on it.

Changing the glass unit

For the most part, apartment owners try to involve specialists from trusted companies in such work, and this is generally the right approach, because the craftsmen have extensive experience and have all the necessary materials and tools. But a person who has a good understanding of the design and knows how to do a lot with his own hands will be quite capable of replacing a double-glazed window. All work can be divided into two stages:

  1. Dismantling the old structure.
  2. Installation of a new block.


This stage usually does not cause much difficulty. You only need two tools:

  • spatula or chisel;
  • rubber hammer.

You should act carefully, without using excessive force and trying to prevent the chisel from breaking off and scratching the glass:

  1. Insert a chisel between the bead and the profile.
  2. Lightly hit it with a hammer, slightly pulling the chisel towards you.
  3. Repeat the procedure in several places so that the glazing bead is freely separated from the profile.
  4. Take out the glass unit.

Important! You need to start with the long vertical sections of the bead, from the middle, then remove the bottom one, and lastly, the top one.


The procedure for replacing one glass and an entire double-glazed window does not differ very significantly. In the first case, the window block is also dismantled, then glass is inserted and after that the entire structure is assembled.

Before installing a double-glazed window, you need to carry out some preliminary work– in particular, lay seam bridges. On the side where the sash opens, they are placed below at a distance of 10 cm from the corners. If the windows irregular shape, install additional bridges. Take care of necessary materials. You need:

  • butyl tape;
  • sealant;
  • sealant gun;
  • construction knife;
  • solvent for sealant;
  • rags;
  • wiper;
  • construction or household hair dryer;

Operating procedure:

  1. Remove the glass unit.
  2. Separate the damaged glass - this is done with the same chisel or construction knife.
  3. Place the frame vertically on a soft surface.
  4. Use a sharp knife to remove the old sealant.
  5. Wipe the front edge of the frame with acetone or another solvent.
  6. Measure the frame - the measurements must be accurate, with an error of no more than a fraction of a millimeter.
  7. Cut the glass to the desired size.
  8. Wipe the surface of the glass with a rag, or use a glass cleaner.
  9. Dry thoroughly inner surface framework.
  10. Apply a layer of sealant - the layer should be such that it does not squeeze out beyond the edge of the frame when glass is placed on it.
  11. Place the glass on the frame, carefully checking the position of the sides.
  12. Apply butyl tape to the ends (you can replace it with the same sealant).
  13. Wait until the sealant hardens - you will find the time on the packaging.

Important! The glass must be replaced carefully so that the seal does not become wrinkled.

Are there other options?

Replacing the glass in a double-glazed window is a temporary measure, which should be resorted to only in one case: when you urgently need to deal with damaged glass, but there is no money for new double-glazed windows. Another option for urgent repair is to seal the crack with a transparent sealant. The glass unit does not need to be removed.

Operating procedure:

  1. Clean damaged glass.
  2. Apply clear sealant.
  3. Wait 2-4 hours.
  4. Apply a second coat of sealant.

Important! This measure will not solve all the problems - the heat-shielding properties will hardly improve. But the glass will stop cracking further.

Replacing glass in windows with wooden frames

Replace damaged glass wooden frame European type will be somewhat more difficult than dealing with a plastic double-glazed window. For this you need special tools:

  • sealant gun;
  • compressor;
  • nails;
  • silicone removal knives;
  • a set of construction tools - spatulas, chisels, etc.

The process requires good computer skills construction tools. You need to act in the following order:

  1. Use a construction knife to cut out the glass unit.
  2. Remove the glazing bead using a plastic spatula.
  3. Carefully remove old sealant.
  4. If necessary, repair cracks.
  5. Place the straightening plates as for a plastic window.
  6. Install the glass unit.
  7. Nail the glazing beads so that the nails fall into the groove provided for this.
  8. Fill the gaps between the glass and the bead with clear sealant.
  9. Let the sealant dry.

Video material

Now you know everything about how to replace glass in a double-glazed unit with your own hands, so you can choose the optimal repair solution for yourself. We hope you were able to complete this task with little effort.

Complex, because it consists not only of several glasses interconnected, but also of a special metal profile. Because of this, replacing one cracked outer glass becomes challenging task, because it is necessary to disassemble the structure, which is held together with thiokol around the perimeter. If the glass unit is completely destroyed, the remains are removed and a new one is inserted, which is a little simpler, but more expensive.

As a result of damage to even one layer in a double-glazed window, it quickly loses its properties. Such damage affects the entire structure of the window, leading to rapid wear and loss of consumer properties.

The reason for this is this:

  • The appearance of moisture on the glass forms condensation flows that react with special moisture-absorbing granules. Yellow streaks appear inside the glass unit with damage.
  • Sound insulation is significantly reduced.
  • Drafts occur.
  • Heat is poorly retained, and energy consumption to maintain indoor temperature increases.
No need to panic: you need to determine the extent of the damage and choose a way to fix the problem. This could be changing only the damaged glass or removing the old bag and replacing it with a new one with similar dimensions (do it yourself? What could be the difficulties).

How to take measurements?

Before replacing glass in a plastic frame or ordering a new double-glazed window, you must. If the structure remains intact, then this is easy to do - just measure the dimensions: length, height and width. In case of complete destruction, measurements will be more difficult, since only the inner surface of the frame remains, where the double-glazed window was previously installed. The easiest way to get information about the characteristics and dimensions is by reading the information printed on the spacer frame. Here you can find:
  • package formula - the number of glasses included in it and their thickness;
  • Dimensions – thickness of the package itself, length and height.
If there are no inscriptions or they are impossible to read, then measurements are performed independently.

In order not to leave a window without glass, measurements are taken while a new one is being manufactured without removing the structure from the frame.

Measurements are taken with a tape measure. To measure the height and width of the package, the height and width of the window are measured between the broken glass and the profile. If glazing beads are installed, their thickness must be included in the measurements. For the adjustment gap, 2 cm is subtracted from the results obtained. The glass unit formula can be measured with absolute accuracy, since the tape measure gives a certain error. The work is carried out in the following order:
  1. Dimensions are taken from the thickness of the profile.
  2. The width, including the rubber seal, is measured at the glazing bead on the inside of the room (on plastic windows and how to replace it?). Wherein measuring device is installed close to the glass, the location of the sash is calculated.
  3. The same procedure is performed on the street side.
Further calculations are as follows:
  1. the width of the bead with seal for the outer and inner sides of the window is subtracted from the thickness of the profile;
  2. the resulting result is divided by the number of cameras +1.
If the thickness of the glass is known, then other parameters can be easily calculated.

How to change it yourself?

If the glass loses its integrity, the entire glass unit will need to be replaced. or just broken glass. To do this you will need to follow the following procedures:
  1. Take measurements of the required glass or double glazing.
  2. Remove the damaged structure. If there are fragments or impossibility of removal due to changes in size, auxiliary devices will be required.
  3. Replacement of individual damaged glass, sealing the package, holding until the thiokol completely hardens.
  4. Installing a new or repaired window, placing glazing beads in their original places (you can see the instructions for repairing plastic windows with your own hands).

Repair of canvas and components

First, measurements are taken before removing the damaged package. Only then is the broken structure dismantled.


Installation must be carried out in an absolutely clean frame along the internal cavity. To do this, use regular cleaning products, water and a sponge.

To prevent damage to the new double-glazed window, you need to hammer in the glazing beads very carefully.

Structure of the structure

It is advisable to study the structure and type before installing it. The standard single-chamber glass contains only two glasses with a spacer located inside. For greater efficiency, instead of dry air, there may be inert gas or dry air inside the cavity of such a double-glazed window. Butyl is used as a sealant for fastening, which secures the frame to the surface. The dehumidifier is placed inside the cavity of such a frame that retains moisture and prevents the formation of condensation in the chamber. A layer of sealant is applied around the perimeter. Even if one of the glasses of the product is slightly damaged, it may need to be completely replaced, especially when filled with energy-saving gas.

Replacing a double-glazed window in a blind system

To replace you will need to do the following:
  1. The glazing beads are removed using a shoemaker's knife and a sharp chisel.
  2. To make glass easier to transport, suction cups with special handles must be attached to its surface.
  3. To remove the glass unit from the sash, it is pryed off with a spatula.
  4. Installation of the new one is carried out on linings previously placed in the folded frames. It is necessary to provide the product with the required width so that it covers the entire area of ​​the end from below.
  5. To align the seal along the contour, use a spatula with a silicone pad.
  6. The glazing beads are hammered in with a plastic hammer or mallet in the following order: bottom, side, top.

If such an installation is carried out without a specialist, then the tools and materials remaining after installation can be used at the discretion of the homeowner.

In an opening plastic flap

If a double-glazed window in a sash that opens is damaged, then the glazing beads are first removed according to a similar scheme as for a fixed window. It is pulled out using suction cups with handles or a rack-lever. These types of windows are distinguished by the location of rebated bridges in the sash itself. The sash is lifted from the bottom hinge using spacer pads. Then when external inspection the absence of any chips, cracks or damage on the new product is determined. Silicone putty is used to seal the sealant layer (do-it-yourself on plastic windows?). The replacement is completed by installing a new double-glazed window and tapping the glazing beads in their original place with a plastic or rubber hammer.

In aluminum frame

The difference between aluminum windows is sufficient strength with low weight. They can withstand greater loads compared to plastic analogues.. Therefore the scope aluminum profile more suitable for public buildings, industrial facilities or offices. When replacing a damaged double-glazed window in such a window, it is necessary to determine its type:
  • "warm"– used as glazing of window openings in residential buildings, since thermal protection is provided by a polymer insert;
  • "cold"– used as protection against atmospheric influences of balconies, partitions, loggias.
If the glass or the entire double-glazed unit is damaged, all operations regarding its measurement and insertion of a new one are carried out in the same way as for PVC windows. Not only can they be installed with structures that are the same in quality and properties, the main thing is that the geometric dimensions match.

Self-repair instructions

A new package that meets the required parameters must be reinstalled according to the following scheme:
  1. Prepare tools for dismantling: a thin spatula or knife, a 5–8 mm strip as a lever, a hammer with a rubber striker.
  2. To remove glazing beads, you need a spatula or knife (it is inserted between the glazing bead and the window frame). Since plastic is a very fragile material, all operations must be performed very carefully. Using a rubber hammer, the blade of the tool is driven all the way, which, after a little hanging, allows you to remove the glazing bead from its seat.
  3. The beads are removed in the following order: side, bottom, top.
  4. To remove the glass unit, you need to slightly loosen it with the prepared slats. It is inserted into the gap between the spacer plates and the package itself.
  5. You should wear protective gloves before removing a broken glass unit. The work is hard, you will need the help of one more person.
  6. To install a new package, you must perform all the steps performed during dismantling, but in reverse order.

Plastic windows have reliable design and have a long service life. But over time, it may be necessary to replace the double-glazed window for various reasons - the glass has broken or cracked, or there is a desire to replace an outdated model with a more modern one. This will eliminate fogging of the glass and the appearance of ice on them in the cold season, increase sound insulation and reduce the thermal conductivity of the window.

Components of a double-glazed window

Of course, you can resort to the services of companies specializing in the manufacture, installation and repair of plastic windows, but many apartment owners are interested in how to replace double-glazed windows in a plastic window on their own. Before ordering and installing a new structure, you should take measurements of the old product. Let's consider the characteristics of the elements that make up PVC windows.

A double-glazed window is a sealed system that includes a certain number of glasses - 2, 3 or more. The glass sheets are separated by a perforated aluminum frame containing granular silica gel, which effectively absorbs moisture and prevents fogging of the glass surface. During the manufacturing process, the structure is filled with a sealant that prevents moisture and dirt from penetrating inside.

Replacing glass in a window

If you need to replace broken glass in a double-glazed window, you should keep in mind that this operation is much more complicated than replacing a double-glazed window in a plastic window and can only be performed efficiently in a factory environment using modern equipment.

This is explained by the fact that the silica gel included in the window structure, when the chamber is depressurized, absorbs the contents of the window. atmospheric air moisture.

As a result, dew will begin to appear on the newly installed glass after some time. Another option is also possible - silica gel that has absorbed moisture will begin to appear on the internal elements of the product in the form of a fluid yellow mass. Therefore, replacing glass in a plastic window should be done only in cases where replacing a double-glazed window with a similar one is problematic or practically impossible. For example, when using unique glass in the form of stained glass, which has an original texture, tinting, etc.

How can you replace glass in a double-glazed window with your own hands? You should remove the glass unit and place it on the table so that the glass requiring replacement is on top. It must be removed, for example, by cutting off the sides of the profile with a sharp knife. The perforated aluminum frame is replaced with a new one, having previously been filled with granular air desiccant. This will prevent the glass from fogging up. You can use double-sided tape to hold the frame in place. New glass should be cut out carefully and its inner surface should be wiped with alcohol. Installation is done using silicone sealant, applied around the perimeter. After the silicone has dried, the glass unit is placed in its original place using adjusting plates and fixed with beads.

How to correctly take the dimensions of a double-glazed window

Before replacing a double-glazed window, you must order its production by contacting a specialized company that provides this type of service. To do this, you need to determine its dimensions.

Taking a closer look at the structure of the window frame, you can see the border separating its base from the glazing bead framing the glass. By measuring the width and length of the rectangle formed by the bead (including its thickness), we obtain the preliminary dimensions of the broken glass unit to be replaced.

There must be a deformation gap between the glass and the frame, which facilitates free adjustment of the structure and prevents its destruction when the materials expand under the influence of temperature fluctuations. Therefore, the final result can be obtained by subtracting 1–1.5 cm from the preliminary one. Additionally, the number of cameras in the package should be determined.

Do-it-yourself replacement of double-glazed windows

To complete the work, you need a rubber hammer and a shoe knife (you can use a chisel instead of a knife). The first stage of replacing double-glazed windows in windows is dismantling the previously installed ones. To protect the frame from scratches, it is recommended to cover it with masking tape.

The sequence of dismantling a window element when replacing a double-glazed window with your own hands:

  1. You should insert the tip of a knife or chisel into the hole separating the glazing bead from the frame. In order to separate and remove the glazing bead, you need to carefully tap the knife with a hammer. You should start from the middle of the canvas, gradually moving to the edges. All operations must be performed as carefully as possible to prevent accidental damage to the base.
  2. First, the glazing bead located with right side, then the one on the left, then the top one and lastly the bottom one.
  3. Removing old double glazing. It is not easy to perform this action on your own, so it is advisable to get outside help. Special suction cups designed to fix the canvas can make the operation easier.

Installation of a new double-glazed window

When installed in plastic window of a new double-glazed window, special straightening plates are used to ensure the correct, even position of the product. These parts allow you to fix the package, adjusting the accuracy of its placement. If the window is blind, you can limit yourself to installing plates at the bottom of the structure. In opening sashes, additionally place them on two corners - in the area of ​​the lower hinge and opposite the upper one, stepping back 10 cm to the side.

The installed glass unit is fixed around the perimeter with sealing rubber, then with glazing beads; the order of their fastening is the reverse of the removal sequence. You should start with a short bottom one and end with a long right one. First, the corners of the glazing bead are inserted into the frame, after which, by lightly tapping with a rubber hammer, it is slammed into its intended place. In order not to confuse the glazing beads during dismantling, you can mark them. The total duration of replacing a double-glazed window is approximately 25 minutes.

The nuances of replacing double-glazed windows

Replacing double-glazed windows on plastic windows may be necessary if the glass is damaged or the window is of poor quality. A crack in glass can appear due to a number of reasons:

  • Incorrect measurements;
  • The window was installed incorrectly (the necessary gaps were not left, the adjustment plates are missing or displaced, the application of polyurethane foam does not comply with the rules), which results in a violation of its geometry;
  • Failure to comply with the rules for storing materials used to make windows;
  • Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure during product operation;
  • Application of critical pressure on the window sash, leading to disruption of the geometry of the glass and its damage.

Carrying out work on replacing double-glazed windows by service centers

In some cases, replacing double-glazed windows with your own hands is difficult or impossible. The best way out of this situation is to use the services of specialized service centers that guarantee fast and high-quality replacement of damaged glass or the entire double-glazed window. For example, it is impossible to replace a double-glazed window yourself if window design provides soldering of the seal.

You can also contact a service center to replace particularly valuable glass. Additionally, it is possible to provide for the installation of a decorative overlay, false bindings decorating the product, energy-saving, fire-resistant, vandal-proof or any other glass. Thus, at the same time as replacing the glass, you can improve the design of the entire window.

The replacement of ordinary wooden windows with plastic ones was carried out almost everywhere. Indeed, new window units do an excellent job of retaining heat inside the apartment and protecting from street noise, but, as in the case of the “previous generation,” problems occur with double-glazed windows, the solution of which sometimes requires partial or complete replacement of this element.

Thus, there is often a need to replace broken glass in a double-glazed window. To solve the problem, it is not necessary to completely change the glass unit in a plastic window - just remove the damaged element and install new glass. You can do this yourself or hire specialists from a company that installs window systems.

If the owners decide to engage a company, it should be borne in mind that in most cases Replacing glass alone will cost about the same price as installing a new double-glazed window, and therefore glass should be replaced with the involvement of professional installers only in the following cases:

  • if stained glass is to be replaced;
  • if you need to change the glass in a multi-chamber (triple or more) package;
  • when the inner glass is damaged, and the outer glass is a particularly durable and expensive triplex.

Instructions for replacing glass at home

To replace it yourself broken glass in a PVC or aluminum window frame package, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the defective glass unit from the window frame. To do this, you must first remove the glazing beads by prying them up with a sharp and durable tool: a knife, a chisel, a screwdriver. Dismantling begins from the side surfaces, then the lower and upper beads are removed. At this moment, it is advisable to involve another person who can insure the technician against an accidental fall of a double-glazed window.
  2. Break matter down into flat surface and place the glass unit on it with the damaged glass facing up.
  3. Cut the sealant around the perimeter of the broken glass and detach it from the overall package. For double ones, a cut is made in the middle; for packages with a large number cameras - carefully separate one glass without affecting the lower layers.
  4. Clean off any remaining sealant and wipe the surface of the entire glass using a special product.
  5. Cut the new material exactly to size - it is advisable to entrust this process to professionals.
  6. Apply a thin layer of sealant around the perimeter of the base and install the glass on it.
  7. The joint should also be filled with sealant to completely eliminate the occurrence of voids.
  8. Insert the finished double-glazed window into the base, performing fastening in the reverse order.

Instructions for replacing glass units

In order to change a double-glazed window in a PVC window, it is not necessary to invite craftsmen and spend money on paying for their labor. It is quite possible to replace a double-glazed window in a plastic window with your own hands. Any owner can handle this simple task himself if he follows the following sequence of actions:

  1. you need to start with the selection of tools;
  2. Next, the dimensions of the package are taken;
  3. a new design is ordered;
  4. the damaged package is removed and a new one is installed in its place;
  5. adjustment is made.

Materials and tools

To replace an old double-glazed window with a new one, you will need the following tools:

  • yardstick;
  • calipers;
  • rubber mallet;
  • flathead screwdriver or strong spatula;
  • pure matter, the size of which is larger than a glass unit.

Measuring and ordering a new double-glazed window

To find out the dimensions of a double-glazed window, it is enough to find a marking on the spacer frame indicating the height, width and thickness of the package, as well as information about the quantity and thickness of each element. If the information cannot be found, you will have to do the measurements yourself.

The easiest way is to measure the dismantled double-glazed window, but in this case you will have to put up with the window opening covered with plastic film for some time while the new glass is being prepared and the double-glazed window is being restored.

To take measurements without dismantling the package, you will need to take measurements between the profile of the sashes: you need to measure the distance from the outer edge of the bead on one side to the outer edge of the bead on the other. It is necessary to subtract 20 mm from the result obtained, since an adjustment gap of 10 mm is provided on each side.

The parameters that have a significant impact on the operation of a double-glazed window include the ratio of glass thickness and the gap between adjacent glasses (chamber thickness). If these values ​​were not found on the frame, you will need to remove them yourself. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Use a tape measure to measure the thickness of the profile;
  2. Measure the thickness of the inner and outer bead;
  3. Subtract the thickness of the glazing bead from the value of the profile thickness and get the thickness of the double-glazed window. Next, based on the number of chambers, find the distance between the glasses, taking into account that glass units with a thickness of 4 mm are usually used in double-glazed windows.

Removing old double glazing

Removing a glass unit from a frame is not particularly difficult even for a novice craftsman. For dismantling to be successful, you must follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • Before starting work, you need to seal the broken glass with tape to avoid injury during dismantling.
  • Lay out the material on the floor or table.
  • Remove glazing beads using a knife, screwdriver or wide chisel. Since long slats are easier to remove, you need to start with them (for window frames these are the side surfaces, for transoms - horizontal). The top bead is the last to be removed: it serves as insurance against falling glass. It is necessary to pry the glazing bead in the middle part and, using the tool as a lever, lift it, pulling it out from the fastening point.

If you can’t pry the glazing bead off, you can use a rubber mallet to slightly knock down the chisel. In this way, you need to achieve a gap of 1–2 mm along the entire length of the bead, after which you can remove it by prying it with a tool and grabbing it with your fingers.

  • If the edges of the glass unit are strongly stuck to the frame, you need to pry them off with a sharp and hard object.
  • Transfer the dismantled package to the fabric.
  • To make it easier to dispose of an old bag, you can break it into smaller parts and, wrapping the fragments in cloth, throw them into a container.

Installing new glass and adjusting

To install a new double-glazed window you need:

  • Check how well the outer seal holds.
  • Place the straightening plates on the rebate - a special place for placing the package, located along the perimeter of the frame. In different window systems, the number of plates may differ, so when dismantling you need to write down how many there were and in what places in order to arrange new ones according to this pattern.

  • Install the glass unit on the gaskets. The work must be done carefully and accurately, since it will be impossible to correct the position of the package in the future.
  • Place the inner seal around the perimeter of the bag.
  • Secure the structure with glazing beads. Installation of glazing beads is carried out in the reverse order: first - the top one, then the bottom one, then the side ones. When the glazing bead is properly fixed, you can hear a click.

The nuances of replacing double-glazed windows

Some window designs have features that should be taken into account before replacing the glass unit.

In a wooden frame

Nuance wooden frame for the installation of double-glazed windows lies in the method of fastening the glazing beads. The glazing beads themselves look normal, but instead rubber seal V wooden windows sealant is used.

When dismantling the package, remove the glazing beads and then remove the old sealant. The installation procedure, on the contrary, begins with the application of sealant, after which the glazing beads are installed.

In stained glass

From the instructions described above it is clear how to change ordinary glass in a double-glazed window, however, it will not be possible to replace stained glass yourself for the following reasons:

  • often stained glass windows are installed from the outside, so to dismantle the package with a stationary sash you will have to hire a tower or use scaffolding;
  • high-quality replacement of glass in a double-glazed window is possible only in a stationary workshop;
  • color selection also needs to be done in the workshop to avoid tonal differences between adjacent glasses in the frame.

Is it possible to increase the number of cameras?

Replacing a double-glazed window in a plastic window is a good reason to think about increasing the number of cameras in the window, but here several conditions must be met:

  1. The size of the fold should allow the installation of a package from more glass
  2. The quality characteristics of the fittings installed on the window block and on the profile itself must comply new load: The weight of additional glass can significantly increase the pressure on the frame.

These conditions are important both when installing a two-chamber package instead of a single-chamber one, and when changing a two-chamber package to a three-chamber one. Taking into account the degree of strength of the profile and fittings in the first case is much more important than in the second, since the weight of a package with three chambers is only a quarter greater than the weight of a two-chamber package, and the weight of a two-chamber package is almost twice that of a single-chamber package.

The discrepancy between the width of the rebate and the width of the new package can be eliminated by selecting a narrower bead, and internal reinforcing aluminum plates can be used to strengthen the frame profile.

You won't be able to do all the calculations yourself. Therefore, when a window breaks and the owner has a desire to improve the package when replacing it, it is better to trust the professionals and order this service from the company.

How much does a double-glazed window replacement service cost on average in the market?

The cost of services for replacing or repairing double-glazed windows is quite high, but we must take into account the fact that it is not profitable for craftsmen to go out for “penny” repairs. On average, firms engaged in PVC installation windows, they charge for replacing broken glass from 2500 to 4500 rubles per sq.m.

This cost most often includes delivery. If you need to replace glass in a double-glazed unit, you need to be prepared for an amount of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles per sq.m. excluding the cost of material and delivery of glass to the customer.

Video on the topic

Possible damage to glass in a plastic window:

  • Crack,
  • Skol,
  • Through hole.

First aid

Crack or chip in glass unit
If the glass unit has received minor damage and the integrity of the structure is not compromised, try not to use the window sash with damaged filling. This will avoid further destruction of the glass unit. However, in order to use the window properly, broken glass must be replaced.

Through hole - a hole in a double-glazed window
In some cases, double-glazed windows may be damaged through and through. In this case, the first thing you need to do is attach to the window, for example, with tape, a piece of cardboard or other material that prevents the penetration of air from the street - which is especially important in the cold season, and begin the process of replacing the broken glass unit as quickly as possible.

How to replace broken glass in a plastic window

For those who value time and want to entrust the work to professionals, we offer the service of professional replacement of double-glazed windows in apartment and country house windows.

If desired, you can replace the glass unit yourself. Below we offer detailed instructions.

Important: The double-glazed window changes completely: the individual glasses within the double-glazed window do not change, as they are glued together.

Instructions for replacing a broken glass unit yourself

Steps for replacing broken double-glazed windows

  1. Measure the glass unit
  2. Make a new double-glazed window to replace the broken one
  3. Install a new double glazed window

To replace a double-glazed window, perform the following sequential steps:

  1. Remove the glazing beads holding the broken glass unit. First long, then short. To pry, use a flat, sharp object - a spatula or knife.
  2. Carefully remove the old glass unit. Make sure that the linings that spread it out and on which it rests are not lost.
  3. Install a new double glazed window. Spread it open with pads. How to do this correctly - see GOST 30674 Window blocks made of PVC profiles.
  4. Install the glazing bead in place: first the short ones, then the long ones. Use a hammer with a special “soft” tip to avoid accidentally damaging the glass.
  5. Dispose of the old glass unit.

Cost of a new double glazed window

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