Beautiful birds in pairs. What birds are considered the most beautiful in the world?

There are a huge number of magnificent and colorful birds in the world that are simply impossible to list and fit into a list of ten points. However, we tried our best and compiled a rating of those birds that, in our opinion, are the brightest and most beautiful.

The red macaw is a large parrot native to the tropical forests of Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil and southeastern Mexico. It is the national bird of Honduras. Their body length reaches 78-90 cm, tail 50-62 cm, and average weight is about 1 kg. Red macaws live up to 75 years in captivity, although their more typical lifespan is 40 to 50 years. They eat mainly fruits, nuts and seeds.

The multicolored lorikeet is a species of parrot found in the tropical forest regions of Australia. Also widespread in New Guinea, Tasmania, Goali Island, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides and New Caledonia. Their body length reaches 25–30 cm. They weigh about 130 grams. They feed mainly on fruits, seeds, pollen and nectar, and less often on insects (beetles, wasps, ants) and their larvae.

The Gurney's Pitta is a beautiful medium-sized bird found in Burma and Thailand. Their body length is about 21 cm, weight is 57 – 86 g. They feed mainly on worms, insects, larvae and small frogs. This beautiful bird is critically endangered and was considered extinct until 1986.

Red cardinal - beautiful North American songbird from the cardinal family. Widely distributed throughout the eastern United States from Maine to Texas. Inhabits forests, gardens, parks, bushes and swamps. It is the official symbol in seven states. Their body length is 21 cm, weight is about 45 g. The red cardinal feeds on fruits and seeds of plants, elm bark and leaves, as well as beetles, snails, cicadas and grasshoppers.

The peacock is a beautiful bird that includes two Asian and one African species. These are forest birds that nest on the ground and spend the night in trees. They are omnivores, feeding mainly on plants, flower petals, seeds, as well as reptiles, insects and other arthropods. The only bird on the list domesticated by humans.

The Atlantic puffin is a seabird that nests in groups on steep shores off the Atlantic coast. It has a characteristic brightly colored beak. The body length is 30-35 cm, and the weight is 450-500 grams. Average life expectancy is 15 years. They feed mainly on small fish, crustaceans and mollusks.

In fourth place on the list of the most beautiful birds in the world is the Red-and-black piranga, a songbird found in the forests of extreme southeastern Canada and the eastern United States. In length from 16 to 19 cm, weighs on average 25 g. They feed on fruits, insects, spiders and snails.

The American Siskin is a migratory North American bird, distributed from mid-Alberta to Northern California. They feed mainly on the seeds of thistles, sunflowers and other plants. The bird is 11–14 cm in length and weighs about 20 grams. One of the ten smallest birds in the world. It is a symbol of the states of Iowa, New Jersey and Washington.

The paradise tanager is a beautiful, medium-sized songbird found in the tropical and subtropical rainforests of the Amazon Basin in South America, as well as in Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil. Body length 13.5 - 15 cm, weight about 20.5 grams. Endangered.

The common kingfisher, also known as the Eurasian kingfisher or river kingfisher, is a small, beautiful bird widely distributed throughout Eurasia and North Africa. Body length 16 cm, weighs about 34–46 grams. Hunts above the surface of the water, catching small fish, insects, mollusks and amphibians.

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25. Starling

A songbird of the starling family, widely distributed over large parts of Eurasia, and also successfully introduced into South Africa, North America, Australia and New Zealand. In the south and west of Europe it leads a sedentary lifestyle, and in its northern and eastern parts it is migratory, migrating south in the winter months. Externally (in size, yellow beak and dark plumage) it slightly resembles blackbirds, but unlike them, it walks on the ground and does not jump. Russian ornithologists have noticed that starlings are able to imitate thrushes, warblers, bluethroats, larks, orioles, swallows, quails, jays and other birds and even croak like frogs. Sometimes starlings arriving from the south in spring begin to sing with the voices of subtropical birds. In Kazakhstan and Central Asia Starlings imitate the sounds of a flock of sheep, including bleating, barking dogs and the cracking of whips.

24. Australian Pelican

A genus of birds, the only one in the Pelican family of the Pelicanidae order. Includes 8 types. Pelicans are distributed sporadically in temperate and tropical areas. There are also American and Australian pelicans. Species of temperate latitudes are migratory. On the underside of the beak is a highly extensible leather bag used for catching fish. Having caught a fish, the pelican filters water from the throat sac through its beak (up to 5 liters) and swallows the prey. He eats more than a kilogram of fish a day. Pelicans have been known to eat other birds. The mortality rate of chicks is very high: more than half of the hatched chicks die from predators, hunger and weather conditions.

23. African ostrich

A ratite flightless bird, the only modern representative of the ostrich family. the largest of modern birds: its height reaches 250 cm, weight up to 150 kg. Thanks to their height and excellent eyesight, ostriches are the first to notice danger. In case of danger, they rush to flight, developing speeds of up to 60-70 km/h and taking steps 3.5-4 m wide, and if necessary, abruptly change the direction of running without reducing speed. Young ostriches, already a month old, can run at speeds of up to 50 km/h. The usual food of ostriches are plants - shoots, flowers, seeds, fruits, but on occasion they also eat small animals - insects (locusts), reptiles, rodents and leftovers from predators' meals. Young birds eat only animal food. The female, having laid her eggs, never approaches them again. The male father takes all the care and incubates them. African ostriches live like people, that is, on average 75 years.

22. Pink flamingo

A bird from the order Flamingidae. The plumage of adult males and females is pale pink, the wings are purple-red, and the flight feathers are black. This is the only species of flamingo living in the territory of the former Soviet Union in Kazakhstan (Lake Tengiz, Lake Chelkartengiz and Lake Ashitastysor). In Europe, flamingos nest in the reserves of Southern France and Southern Spain. In Africa, the bird nests on the lakes of Morocco, Southern Tunisia, Northern Mauritania, Kenya, the Cape Verde Islands, and the south of the continent. It also lives in the lakes of Southern Afghanistan (at an altitude of up to 3000 m) and North-West India (Kutch), and recently nested in Sri Lanka. Flamingos do not nest in Russia, but are regularly observed during migrations - at the mouth of the Volga River, in Dagestan, Kalmykia, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories.

21. Common oriole

A small bright bird, the only representative of the oriole family, common in the temperate climate of the northern hemisphere. Breeds in Europe and Asia east to the Yenisei. Noisy and mobile, usually stays in the crown of trees, mostly deciduous. Unsociable, found alone or in pairs. It feeds on caterpillars and other insects, as well as berries. Migrates long distances, winters in the tropics of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. According to the World Conservation Union, the species is quite numerous. Despite the fact that the total bird population is over last years has decreased, its dynamics currently do not allow us to consider this species as vulnerable. In the World Red Book, the oriole has the status of a taxon of minimal risk.

20. Black-headed goldfinch

A genus of birds from the finch family. The plumage is thick and dense, of various colors. Some tropical species have a crest on their head. Wings middle length. There is a wide red “mask” around the long, conical beak. The life of most birds of the goldfinches genus is associated with tree and shrub vegetation. Nests are built in the middle of small trees.

19. Common kingfisher

A small bird of the kingfisher family, slightly larger than a sparrow. It has bright plumage, the male and female are the same in color, but the males are slightly larger and brighter. Kingfishers love solitude, and seeing them is rare. Life expectancy is approximately 15 years. Distributed in Eurasia (up to Southern Scandinavia and St. Petersburg), in northwest Africa (up to the Sahara), Indonesia and New Zealand, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. There are sedentary and migratory subspecies. About 5,000-10,000 pairs nest in Italy. At the end of April - beginning of May, the kingfisher flies to central Russia. The kingfisher has very strict requirements for life: a clean body of water with running water(not shallow, but not deep either), cliff and overgrown banks. Kingfishers do not like close proximity to other birds. Kingfisher numbers are currently declining due to economic activity person. The kingfisher has practically no enemies. Sometimes young kingfishers are caught by hawks and falcons.

18. Emperor and golden-haired penguins

A family of flightless seabirds, the only one in the order Penguinidae. There are 18 species in the family. All representatives of this family swim and dive well. The largest of the modern representatives is the emperor penguin. They feed on fish - Antarctic silverfish, anchovies or sardines, as well as crustaceans such as euphausiids or krill, or small cephalopods, which they hunt by swallowing directly under water. live in the open sea of ​​the Southern Hemisphere: in the coastal waters of Antarctica, New Zealand, southern Australia, South Africa, all along the coast South America from the Falkland Islands to Peru, the Galapagos Islands near the equator. Chicks are hatched in pairs.

17. Blue-footed booby

A bird from the gannet family that lives in tropical seas. Females are usually larger and heavier than males. The birds weigh approximately 1.5 kg. The birds' legs have bright blue swimming membranes - a distinctive feature of this species. In nesting areas, their behavior towards people is bold. The blue-footed booby nests on dry islands in the Gulf of California, on the west coast of Mexico, on islands near Ecuador and northern Peru, but mainly on the Galapagos Islands. Of the 40,000 pairs, about half live in the Galapagos Islands, where blue-footed boobies are protected by law. Their diet consists exclusively of fish, which they hunt in the sea. They fly over the surface of the sea and look for fish, with their beak always pointing down. When they find suitable prey, they fold their wings and dive quickly into the water to a depth of 25 m. Sometimes they also grab flying fish in the air if they move above the water.

16. Waxwing

Songbird of the order Passeriformes. Distributed in the taiga forest zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Inhabits sparse coniferous and mixed forests, overgrown burnt areas and clearings. Birds live in large flocks. In summer they feed on insects, which are often caught in flight, larvae, various berries and young shoots of plants. At other times, they feed mainly on berries and fruits, for example, lingonberries, viburnum, and mistletoe. IN winter time often found in cities middle zone Russia, where they eat mainly mountain ash. The lifespan of birds can be 13 years.

15. Crowned crane

A large bird from the family of true cranes, leading a sedentary lifestyle in West and East Africa. Although the number of this bird is still quite large and amounts to about 40,000 individuals, it tends to decrease and for this reason the crowned crane has the status of a vulnerable species in the International Red Book. The main distinguishing feature of this species (along with the Eastern crowned crane) is the presence of a large crest on the head, consisting of hard golden-colored feathers, due to which the bird got its name. It lives in savannas in the Sahel region south of the Sahara, as well as in eastern Africa in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan and Ethiopia. Lives in open spaces - both swampy and drier, but prefers swamps with fresh water, water meadows or shores of reservoirs. The crowned crane is not afraid of humans and often settles close to human habitation. They are omnivores - they feed on both animal and plant foods. The main diet consists of grass shoots, seeds, insects and other invertebrates, as well as small vertebrates. They often feed on grain for agriculture. lands. The main threat to the population of this species is the fishing and trade of these birds, as well as the reduction in the area of ​​swamps due to human economic activity.

14. Eagle and sea eagle

A genus of large birds of the hawk family. Eagles are widespread in Eurasia, Africa and North America from forest-tundra to deserts. They nest on the ground, rocks or trees. They feed on small and average size vertebrates (look out, hovering in the air, or lie in wait, sitting on an elevated place), sometimes carrion. The number is declining. 1 subspecies in the IUCN Red List. Sea eagles, unlike eagles, have a bare tarsus. 7-8 species, widely distributed, with the exception of South America. In Russia there are 4 species: the white-tailed eagle lives almost everywhere near water bodies; in the steppes from the Caspian Sea to Transbaikalia, the long-tailed eagle is found; on the Pacific coast - the Steller's sea eagle, and also occasionally the bald eagle visits. All these species are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Eagles live along the shores of seas, large lakes and rivers. Nests are made in trees, less often on rocks. There are from 1 to 4 eggs in a clutch. They feed on fish, small mammals, birds, and carrion. 2 species and 1 subspecies in the International Red Book.

13. Hoopoe

A small brightly colored bird with a long narrow beak and a crest that sometimes opens up like a fan. Widely distributed in the southern and central regions of Europe and Asia, as well as almost throughout Africa. The favorite habitat is open areas with sparse shrubs or trees, such as savanna, meadow or pasture. Also found in cultivated landscapes in orchards and vineyards. Cautious, but not timid - as a rule, it avoids people and flies away when they approach. Spends a lot of time on the ground, hunting insects. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the species is quite numerous. Despite the fact that the overall bird population has declined in recent years, its dynamics currently do not allow this species to be considered vulnerable. In the International Red Book, the hoopoe has the status of a taxon of minimal risk.

12. Blue Jay

A songbird from the corvid family. Lives in North America. The blue jay's distribution range extends from the eastern United States and southern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Blue jays live in pairs or small family groups. When migrating, they form large flocks. They are able to make many different sounds, as well as imitate the sounds of other birds, including birds of prey. Thanks to this, they warn their relatives of danger and scare away those who invade their habitat. Blue jays lead a monogamous lifestyle and remain faithful to their partner throughout their lives.

11. Bullfinch

A well-known representative of the Eurasian family forest birds. The bullfinch lives in forests with dense undergrowth, and can also be found in city gardens and parks (especially during migrations). In summer, the bird lives in both dense forests and open woodlands, but it is rarely seen. In winter, flocks of bullfinches are very clearly visible, as are individual birds on the leafless trees of the park against a snow-white background. Male bullfinches have a pinkish-red breast, while females have a brownish-gray breast. In winter, a significant part of the birds migrate to the south, leaving the boundaries of the nesting area - to the Amur basin, Transbaikalia, Central Asia, Crimea and North Africa; and east to Alaska. In March-April, bullfinches return further north (approximately to the 55th parallel). The bullfinch feeds mainly on seeds, buds, some arachnids and berries. Feeding on berries, it eats the seeds out of them, leaving the pulp. The chicks are fed mainly with plant food, adding insects and berries. The bullfinch nests in coniferous and mixed forests, preferring areas dominated by spruce. In Russia, the nesting population of the common bullfinch is maximum in spruce forests associated with river valleys; the minimum is in pine forests.

10. Peregrine Falcon

A bird of prey from the falcon family, common on all continents except Antarctica. Depending on the size and color characteristics, there are about 17 subspecies of this bird. This is the fastest bird, and generally living creature, in the world. According to experts, in a rapid diving flight it is capable of reaching speeds of over 322 km/h, or 90 m/s. However, in horizontal flight it is inferior in speed to the swift. The object of hunting of this falcon is mainly medium-sized birds, such as pigeons, starlings, ducks and other aquatic and semi-aquatic species, and less often small mammals. The peregrine falcon is included in the Red Book of Russia as a rare species, as well as in Appendix I to the CITES Convention, which prohibits trade in these birds throughout the world.

9. Hummingbird

A family of small birds, the only one in the order Hummingbirds. More than 330 species are known. Originate from America (from Southern Alaska and Labrador to Tierra del Fuego). The only bird in the world that can fly backwards. This order includes small birds, the size of which ranges from bumblebee to swallow. This includes the smallest birds on Earth. These are very active, playful and quarrelsome birds that display extreme courage in attacks on relatively large birds, especially during the hatching period. At rest, the heart of a hummingbird beats at a frequency of 500 beats per minute, and during physical activity (flight) - 1200 or more. Hummingbirds feed on flowers. Previously, it was believed that hummingbirds feed only on the nectar of flowers, but in reality the main, and for many, the exclusive food, are small insects, which they get from flowers, and some from the surface of leaves. Birds never land on the ground and feed only on the fly. It is considered the most insatiable bird on Earth - in sixteen hours it is capable of drinking up to one hundred and twenty times and eating more food than its body weight - 2.5 grams.

8. Birds of Paradise

A family of birds that belong to the order Passeriformes. There are 45 species in total, 38 of which are found only on New Guinea and small adjacent islands. Birds of paradise are related to bowerbirds, another family of similar birds.

7. Fan-crowned Pigeon

A large bird of the pigeon family. Endemic to New Guinea, inhabits its northern part and the adjacent islands of Biak and Yapen. Sedentary appearance. Found in pairs or small groups. It lives in swampy forests and sago palm forests, sometimes also inhabiting drier forests. Birds stay mainly in small groups, mainly on the ground, where they collect fallen fruits, seeds and berries. At the slightest danger they immediately fly up into the trees. The species is rare and vulnerable. Bird numbers are declining everywhere due to excessive hunting for feathers and destruction of natural habitats.

6. Golden and diamond pheasants

Bird of the genus collared pheasants. One of the most prominent representatives pheasant family. The homeland of this beautiful bird - the golden pheasant - isChina. IN Central Europe Semi-wild populations of golden pheasant exist. Males are distinguished by very beautiful plumage and thereforeThey are kept as ornamental birds in zoos and poultry farms. In Europe, golden pheasants can be observed mainlyway in captivity. There are several wild populations, but these shy birds are natural conditions difficult to see.In their homeland, golden pheasants feed mainly on leaves and shoots of various shrubs, as well as bamboo. They also eatrhododendron flowers. Often, for the sake of variety, golden pheasants glue together small beetles and spiders. Chinese populations are disappearing not a threat. The golden pheasant can interbreed with the diamond pheasant, resulting in offspring capable of reproduction.The homeland of the diamond pheasant is in East Asia. In 1828, the diamond pheasant was brought to England, whereacclimatized and lives to this day. The male diamond pheasant is one of the most beautiful birds in the world. Diamond pheasantfound in southwestern China (Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan), northeastern Burma and southeastern Tibet.Wild populations of diamond pheasants live in the English counties of Bedford, Buckingham and Hertford. The birds also feed on ferns,grains, nuts and seeds. In its homeland, the number of the species continues to decline; the diamond pheasant is very rare.There are between 200 and 500 birds living in the wild in England.

5. Mandarin and Carolina

Birds of the duck family. The mandarin duck is found only in East Asia. In Russia, the mandarin duck nests in the Amur and Sakhalin regions, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories. Winters in China and Japan. This duck inhabits forested mountain rivers with tree branches hanging over the water and riverside mountain forests. The mandarin duck swims well and sits high in the water with its tail slightly raised. Unlike most ducks, the mandarin duck can often be seen sitting on tree branches or on coastal rocks. Hunting for the mandarin duck is prohibited; it is listed in the Red Book of Russia as a rare species. This duck is bred in parks as an ornamental bird. They feed on seeds, mainly acorns and aquatic plants. Mandarin ducks also feed on mollusks, worms and fish eggs. The natural distribution area of ​​the carolina is North America, where it inhabits small shady forest reservoirs. For decorative purposes it is found in many European parks, from where it sometimes penetrates into wildlife. It feeds on plant and animal food. It nests in hollows of deciduous trees. During the colonization of the continent, which was accompanied by intensive deforestation, drainage of water bodies and mass shooting of these birds, the duck population steadily declined, and by the beginning of the 20th century the bird was on the verge of extinction. Only a legislative ban on hunting, the installation of nest boxes and captive breeding helped stabilize the situation, although the number of the species still remains lower than the original one.

4. Peacock

A genus of large birds from the pheasant family, order Galliformes. The elongated tail of peacocks is flat, while most pheasants have a roof-shaped tail. Thanks to its lush, fan-shaped ocellated “tail,” the peacock is known as the most beautiful bird among Galliformes. There are two Asian species of peacocks, the common and the green.

3. Parrots (macaw, Inca cockatoo, budgerigars, rosella)

A family of birds in the order Parrotidae. Includes about 330 species. Contrary to the common misconception that the lifespan of parrots can reach 100 years or more, this is by no means true: it is rare for their age to exceed 50 years. They live in Africa and America, but are also found in Australia, New Zealand, Guinea; with a short straight cut or rounded tail. They live in trees. They form pairs to reproduce. They are well tamed and are able to reproduce sounds and speech.

2. Owls (owl, polar owl, barn owl, eagle owl)

An order of birds of prey, including more than 420 large and medium-sized species, mainly nocturnal birds, distributed in all countries of the world. The flight of owls is completely silent and allows them to fly up to sleeping birds completely unnoticed. The usual food of owls is small rodents; smaller species of owls feed mainly on large insects, and some on fish. Apparently, when hunting rodents in almost complete darkness, owls navigate by sound, as they have very good hearing. Owls are monogamous and form permanent pairs. They usually breed once a year, but with an abundance of food they can breed more often.

1. Swan

A genus of birds from the order Anseriformes of the Anatidae family. The plumage of swans is either pure white, gray orblack color. Females and males are very difficult to distinguish externally. Swans are distinguished from geese by more Long neck, allowingdeeper waters to search the bottom in search of food, as well as their size, by which they are the largest aquaticbirds. Their wingspan reaches two meters, and their weight can exceed 15 kg. The legs are quite short, which is why swansmoving on the ground, they make a somewhat clumsy impression. But they have very developed flight muscles,allowing them to cover thousands of kilometers during annual flights to the south and back. Offspring are raised by bothparents caring for the cubs for 1-2 years after birth.

Birds fluff their feathers for various reasons, for example, to create the impression of a larger body (for protection from enemies), to keep warm, or to attract a female.

(Bird photo No. 1)

(Bird photo No. 2)

Birds do not have an external ear, but they can detect lateral and vertical sources of sound, this contributes to their visibility of almost 360°

(Bird photo No. 3)

(Bird photo No. 4)

Feathers look simple, but in fact they are terribly complex. Each feather has countless micro parts attached to each other in a unique way, which speaks of the creativity of intelligent design. There can be up to 8000 of them on one bird.

(Bird photo No. 5)

(Bird photo No. 6)

Birds need feathers to fly, and they also protect the bird from bad weather, cold air and water. Placed like roofing tiles with an oil layer, the feathers protect the bird from deprivation of water and heat, just as roofing tiles help protect a house.

(Bird photo No. 7)

(Bird photo No. 8)

Hummingbirds are able to hover in the air and move in different directions without changing their body position, thanks to the control of air vortices around their wings. This art was put into them by an intelligent Creator, and could not possibly be the fruit of evolution.

(Bird photo No. 9)

(Bird photo No. 10)

To fly, birds have a unique, complex system of air-filled sacs (lungs) that utilize their hollow bones. Scientists have found that such a unique lung structure was already present in the most ancient bird, according to evolutionists, Archaeopteryx. Science confirms biblical truths: birds are not dinosaurs, birds were birds from the beginning!

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(Bird photo No. 14)

The toucan needs its huge beak to pick fruits from the tips of thin branches when it itself is located on a thick branch. With your beak you can deftly throw berries to another toucan, who masterfully catches them. Also, the toucan's beak has sawtooth-like serrations at its end, which the bird needs to hold and chop food. Its weight does not interfere with the bird's life, since the beak is made of light material and with air cavities inside.

(Bird photo No. 15)

A woodpecker strikes a tree at a rate of 20–25 times per second, 8,000–12,000 times per day! Upon impact, the woodpecker's head experiences a stress 250 times greater than the stress of an astronaut during a spacecraft launch.

(Bird photo No. 16)

From the right nostril, the woodpecker's tongue splits into two halves, which cover the entire head and neck and exit through a hole in the beak, where they are united again. The woodpecker's tongue refutes evolution.

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(Bird photo No. 18)

At first glance, it may seem that a feather is just a bright piece of fluff. One may ask: How can such a simple-looking thing found in nature provide any convincing evidence in favor of Creation?

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(Bird photo No. 19.1)

The smallest hummingbird (it lives in Cuba) weighs 2 grams and is a couple of centimeters long.
To hover in the air, hummingbirds must move their wings at tremendous speed - 50-80 beats per second, hummingbirds make 200 beats per second during the courtship period. What is the secret of the hummingbird?

For many centuries and millennia, birds have been the focus of human attention. They were valued as a source of excellent meat and were successfully bred for this purpose. The beauty and attractiveness of some of them was a source of pride for the most influential people peace. And the singing of individual specimens delighted many people and served as an impetus for the emergence of a kind of hobby - keeping these unique creatures in captivity. So which birds are especially valued by people for their beauty or unusual appearance? The following are the most beautiful birds in the world - top 10 list.

10. Hyacinth Macaw

The Hyacinth Macaw is one of the largest and most beautiful parrots. The color of the plumage of this bird is blue, with an admixture of purple. It was their feathers that fashionistas loved to decorate their hats with. The weight of an adult bird can reach 1.5 kg, and the length of each wing can reach up to 42 cm. The hyacinth macaw lives in South America. The species is widespread in the northeastern part of Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia. live married couples, small related groups. Young birds stay close to their parents for about 18 months.

The officially documented lifespan of these birds is 39 years. They are easy to tame, but require a lot of attention, as they are very sociable. There may be manifestations of aggression and feelings of jealousy. Due to the fact that these birds begin to breed after 7 years and they lay only two eggs, from which usually only one chick grows, the species is in danger of extinction.

9. Carolina duck

The elegant, memorable color of the male Carolina duck makes him one of the most beautiful birds in the world. The color becomes especially bright towards the end of winter, when males do everything possible to amaze with the beauty of their appearance potential bride. Average weight both do not exceed 900 g. Both males and females have a peculiar crest hanging from the head and almost touching the back. The back of males and part of the wings are blue-black, the feathers on the chest are chestnut, and the legs are yellow. Their friends' plumage color is not so provocative, but faded gray, as in young birds. Representatives of this species are widespread in North America, mainly the USA and Canada. Currently found in the UK and Germany.

8. Waxwing

8th place in the ranking of the most beautiful birds on the planet is occupied by the Waxwing, which is the closest relative of the common sparrow. The average weight of birds does not exceed 70 grams. Waxwings are periodically “nomadic” birds that nest in the northern part of Russia, in the tundra and taiga. They are also found in certain areas of North America. In addition to berries, seeds and young sprouts of plants, midges, dragonflies and even butterflies are caught in flight. By winter they appear in the Moscow region and fly to the Caucasus and Crimea. At this time, ornithologists are actively studying them, since waxwings lead a secretive lifestyle in their nesting places. In winter, birds sometimes get drunk because of overripe berries, which they mainly feed on at this time. Because of its beautiful pinkish plumage and large pink crest, as well as its pleasant iridescence, it is sometimes kept in cages.

7. Blue Jay

You can meet the beautiful blue jay in the eastern United States and southern Canada, all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. This is a small bird with a wingspan of up to 42 cm and a weight of up to 100 grams. The birds are easily identified by their blue back and short blue crest, as well as their distinctive blue wings with a black and white pattern and striped tail. Blue jays remain faithful to a partner once chosen for their entire lives. They live in pairs or small groups. In the forest, they often warn of the appearance of predators with their loud cries. And in the spring they can destroy the nests of other birds and eat their eggs.

6. Deadlock

One of the most beautiful bird species is the Puffin. The appearance of the representatives of the species is quite peculiar. The beak of birds is especially original, which during the mating season serves to attract a partner. Bright red areas on the beak are combined with dark gray ones, but then molting occurs and the beak and plumage become duller. Birds swim and dive well. They fly above the water no higher than 10 meters, but very quickly - at speeds of up to 80 km/h. The largest colony of puffins is located in Iceland, its population is about 60% of the total number of all birds. They feed on small fish, but a single meal weighs up to 300 grams.

5. Rainbow Toucan

The toucan family includes 36 species. These are one of the largest woodpeckers. Most beautiful view- a rainbow toucan, whose dimensions reach up to 53 cm and weight up to 40 grams. The bird's habitat ranges from southern Mexico to northern Colombia. Birds unite in small groups of up to 10 individuals. Rainbow toucans are monogamous. One pair can raise up to three broods in a year. The birds are distinguished by their beak, the size of which is about 17 cm. The main color of the beak is green, with individual splashes of blue and an orange stripe on the sides.

4. Common peacock

The common peacock is a beautiful bird domesticated by man. Males have highly developed upper covert feathers, which most people mistake for an amazingly beautiful tail. The African peacock is considered monogamous; a couple leads its chicks with them for up to 2 months. The rest of the peacocks are polygamous; one male can have up to five females. In India they are revered as sacred birds. Peacocks eat insects, small frogs and young cobras, for which they enjoy great respect and love. local residents, despite their terrible night screams.

3. Flamingo

One of the most beautiful birds is the flamingo. Distinctive Features What have brought the species truly worldwide fame are its thin, elongated neck, long legs and the color of its feathers, from bright pink to almost white. The bird's height reaches 1m 30cm. It is interesting that the reddish color of flamingos is given by certain lipochrome substances, which birds receive along with certain foods. In zoos and various enclosures, flamingos continue to be given food containing beta-carotene and small crustaceans. This helps preserve the unique color of their feathers. These beautiful birds live in colonies. They are most often found in Asia, South and North America, Africa, as well as in the south of Spain and France.

2. Red Macaw

This one of the most beautiful birds on our planet belongs to the parrot family. Lives Red macaw in the tropical forests of South America. The main color of the plumage is red, and the rump and underwings are blue, and a yellow stripe is indicated on the wings. South American Indians have always hunted these birds, as their meat tastes like beef, and their spectacular feathers were used in rituals and for various decorations. In the middle of the 16th century, these birds were brought to Europe. They are well trained and can learn to speak. The vocabulary is more than one hundred words. In proper conditions they live a long time - about 70 years.

1. Golden pheasant

The top ten most beautiful birds in the world are the golden pheasant. The homeland of this species is China, but golden pheasants are bred for decorative purposes all over the world. There are many pheasantries, poultry farms and special enclosures in different zoos. Another subspecies lives in the mountains of Tibet - the diamond pheasant. In spring, birds temporarily form pairs and give birth to chicks. In China, their meat and beautiful feathers are valued. The local name for these beauties is “golden hen”. The main decoration of these beautiful birds is considered to be a long crest and an equally long, roof-shaped tail. The diet of the golden pheasant is similar to that of a common chicken. The females of this species are unremarkable and are in the shadow of their beautiful chosen ones.

It is difficult to imagine life without birds - beautiful, with amazingly bright plumage. They instill a lot of positive emotions and positivity into our lives. Birds are one of the most interesting and amazing creatures on earth.

The article will describe some of the most beautiful birds in the world.

general information

An amazing variety of natural colors can be seen not only in plants and flowers, but also in the vast animal world, especially in the world of birds. In total, about 10 thousand species of birds live on earth. Some of them are the strongest and largest, some are the smallest, some are the fastest, and some are the brightest and most beautiful. Among them there are truly birds of paradise in their beauty.

In natural conditions there are many birds that try to merge with environment with its inconspicuous plumage to avoid any danger. The selection of birds in this article, on the contrary, represents birds that demonstrate their uniqueness with the bright colors of their plumage. Moreover, many of them have unusual behavior.

Below are the most beautiful birds in the world.


The peacock belongs to the pheasant family and is famous for its surprisingly bright tail feathers, used during periods of courtship with representatives of the opposite sex. When spread out, they present the shape of a large fan with “eyes.”

This species is not divided into subspecies (monotypic), but has a number of color options.

These amazingly beautiful birds are common in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. They live at an altitude of about 2 km. above sea level in wooded areas and jungles, in cultivated lands near villages. They prefer thickets of bushes, river banks and forest clearings.

These beautiful birds are polygamous. The male lives in a group with several females. Up to 1.5 years of age, it is similar in plumage to a female, and only from the age of 3 years does it begin to develop beautiful bright feathers. The lifespan of peacocks is approximately 20 years. This bird is domesticated by humans.

The length of its body reaches 125 centimeters, and its tail - 50 centimeters. The uppertail feathers are up to 160 centimeters long. The weight of the male is approximately 4 kilograms. The neck, head and part of the chest have Blue colour, the lower body is black, and its back is green. The smaller female is more modestly colored and lacks the elongated tail feathers.

Mandarin duck

The most beautiful duck belongs to the duck family. Distributed in East Asia. It also lives in Russia - in the Sakhalin and Amur regions, in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories. They winter in Japan and China.

The male of this small bird (weighing approximately 600 g) has a crest on his head, more brightly colored than that of the female.

These ducks inhabit mountain rivers with trees along the banks, the branches of which hang over the water. The mandarin duck swims well, but it rarely dives, only when it is in danger. Its flight is very maneuverable and fast with easy takeoff, sometimes even vertical.

These small, beautiful birds feed on seeds (mostly acorns). Their diet also includes aquatic plants, shellfish, worms and fish caviar. The breeding efficiency of the mandarin duck (usually a clutch of up to 14 eggs) is affected by weather conditions, since the chicks are very sensitive to hypothermia.

Hyacinth macaw

This bird is one of the largest parrot species. It often reaches 95 cm in length, most of which is in the tail. The wing is 36 centimeters long, and the macaw weighs on average 1.5 kg.

The feathers of this species are colored cobalt blue. The sides of the head are covered with golden-yellow plumage; only a thin strip at the mandible and the ring around the eyes do not have feathers. The tail is narrow and long, gray-blue in color. The large dark gray (almost black) beak of the male is much larger than that of the female. The macaw's voice is sharp and very loud, alternating with a hoarse screech.

These very beautiful birds live in eastern, central and southeastern Brazil. Curious and trusting birds are easily tamed and even become strongly attached to humans. Macaws have an excellent memory.

These birds build nests among stones in crevices, in burrows on steep river banks and in tree hollows. They reach sexual maturity at the age of 3 years. Most often there are only 2 eggs in a clutch. Due to the fact that these birds live in quite hard to reach places, their way of life has been little studied.

The bird, mostly found in Africa and Eurasia, has an unusual, beautiful crest.

A special feature of hoopoes is that they love to sunbathe, spreading the feathers of their tail and wings along the ground, while turning their heads 180 degrees. They love both sand and dust baths.

Paradise Bird

In total, there are 45 species of such birds in nature, 38 of which live only in New Guinea and on the small islands adjacent to it.

Birds of paradise are representatives of the passerine family. IN to a greater extent They are forest species, but there are several species that can only be found in high mountain forests. Their size can reach the size of a jay and a lark. Most of some of them have bright plumage, and some are dark, with some metallic tint. They are mainly red, yellow and blue. As a rule, males are more colorful than females, and most of them have feathers decorating their heads, tails or sides, which they demonstrate during mating displays.

These amazingly beautiful birds mainly feed on insects, seeds, berries, fruits, small lizards and tree frogs. They are usually solitary; pairs are rare. Some monogamous species mate for life. Nests are built on branches, only the royal Paradise Bird nests in tree hollows, in which the female lays and incubates only 2 eggs.

Golden pheasant

This magnificently beautiful bird comes from China ( West Side). Her orange cape surrounding her neck has a practical purpose. During the mating season, the male spreads it like a fan to demonstrate his beauty with bright colors and shades of plumage.

These birds avoid swampy, forest and open areas. They live high in the mountains. Mostly they stay alone. In the spring they unite in pairs.

Pheasants feed on shoots and leaves of various shrubs and bamboo. They also eat rhododendron flowers. At night they sleep high in trees to escape predators.

This unusually beautiful bird is native to Central America. IN forest areas These magnificent birds have found their refuge in this corner of the earth. They have not only an original hairstyle with an amazing crest and richly colored feathers, but also a magnificent appetite.

Quezali eat almost everything: lizards, small insects, insects, fruits, etc.


These magnificent birds are generously endowed by nature with not only luxurious and light wings that allow them to soar freely in the skies, but also the amazing coloring of their plumage, which gives them a wonderful, fairy-tale appearance.

You can admire them tirelessly and endlessly.

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