The roof is made of cement-sand tiles. Advantages and disadvantages of cement-sand tiles

Cement-sand tiles are among the most popular roofing materials used in the construction of private houses. It has the same shape as its ceramic counterpart, but is less expensive and great variety shades. Cement-sand tiles are produced on the basis of Portland cement, quartz sand and natural pigments. The basis for the latter is most often iron oxides.

The main performance characteristics of such tiles include:

  • weight 1 m 2. It is less than that of a ceramic analogue, and for cement-sand products it is about 45 kg/m2. One square meter ceramic tiles weigh 50-55 kg;
  • guarantee period. Most manufacturers indicate 30 years, with the clarification that the service life can reach 50-100 years;
  • roof slope. Cement-sand tiles are designed for installation on roofs with an angle of 18° and higher.

All substances used for production are subject to high requirements. Since the working mixture hardens without firing, the starting raw material must have certain properties that will ensure the necessary strength of the final product. The following types of raw materials are used for the production of tiles:

  • Portland cement. Its grade must be at least 300, and the material itself must set slowly. This allows you to prepare mixtures in large volumes without fear of hardening too quickly;
  • quartz sand. The presence of foreign impurities in it is unacceptable - silt, clay, organic matter. In the production of tiles, only clean sand with a fraction size of no more than 2 mm is used;
  • water. It should not contain dirt, debris, impurities biological origin. In the production of cement-sand tiles, only pure fresh water with a low concentration of hardness salts (soft). The presence of odor is unacceptable;
  • coloring matter. The pigments are based on natural iron oxides. They do not decompose over time, retain their color at high and low temperatures, do not contain or emit toxins.

Material advantages

Heat resistance. Roofing made of cement-sand tiles can withstand significant temperature changes, both daily and seasonal, without losing mechanical strength or cracking.

Classic design . The shape of cement-sand products is similar to ceramic tiles. This allows it to be used as a cheaper covering option for the roofs of private houses and country cottages with a roof slope of more than 18 degrees.

Environmental Safety. For production, pure raw materials are used that do not contain harmful impurities. These are washed quartz sand, soft water, high-grade Portland cement, and pigments based on iron oxides.

Low thermal conductivity. Due to this, when installing the roof, less thermal insulation will be required. In the summer heat, the attic under such a roof will be cooler than under a sheet covering.

Good sound insulation. In this regard, tiles are better than slate or profiled sheets, since they absorb the noise of precipitation, such as hail or rain.

Non-flammability. The material is resistant to high temperatures. Such tiles do not burn even in open flame. Its use as roofing covering provides high level fire safety the entire building.

Reasonable price. The cost of cement-sand tiles is slightly lower than ceramic products. Despite the fact that the quality of such coating and its design are almost indistinguishable in appearance.

Roof ventilation. Laying such tiles requires the presence of additional gaps between them. This ensures good ventilation of the roof space.

Variety of colors. Compared to ceramic tiles, cement-sand tiles have a wider palette of shades. Manufacturers offer both standard red-brown and ocher options, as well as more expressive products, such as green, blue and yellow.

Durability. This is one of the main advantages of such tiles, along with its more affordable price and attractive design. The material is designed to last longer than its ceramic counterpart.

Disadvantages of the material

Significant weight. Although cement-sand tiles are lighter than ceramic tiles, they are much heavier than sheet roofing coverings - slate, corrugated sheets and others. A building with such a roof should have more powerful bearing structures and foundation. This should be taken into account at the design stage.

Long time installation work. Unlike leaf roofing materials a separate element of the tile - tile - has small sizes. Therefore, its installation takes longer.

Price. It is lower than ceramic tiles, but higher than most sheet materials. However, the higher cost of the product is offset by its durability and attractive design.

Production of cement-ceramic tiles

The material is made from available natural raw materials without the use of petroleum products or chemicals. The working mixture includes one part cement, three parts quartz sand. After adding the required amount of water, all components are thoroughly mixed. The quality of the manufactured tiles depends on how homogeneous the composition is. At the initial mixing stage, natural pigments based on iron oxides are added (for volumetric coloring). The resulting composition is molded under high pressure into a strip that is cut into tiles. The latter are painted again, this time superficially.

Unlike ceramic tiles, cement-sand tiles do not require firing at high temperatures. To accelerate its hardening, drying is used at a temperature of +50 o C - +60 o C. Then, if required, technological process, the tile is again painted with a composition based on acrylic polymer. This layer protects the tiles from moisture, making them resistant to repeated freezing and thawing. Depending on the coating applied, the surface of the tile becomes matte or glossy. Finished products aged for outdoors about a month.

Elements of cement-sand tiles are available in various designs. Unlike its natural (ceramic) counterpart, the material has slightly fewer types of profiles. The basic design is a double wave (s-shaped or roman). Tiles are also available with single and rectangular flat profiles.

Each tile design includes tiles in several modifications to form a complete roof covering. The kit includes the following items:

The use of all of the listed types when installing the roof allows you to obtain a complete and attractive roof structure.

The structure of an individual tile is almost no different from its ceramic counterparts. The shape of the tile element is designed to ensure the reliability and durability of the laid covering, as well as good protection houses from precipitation. The structure of the tile includes the following components:

  • main lock. It can be single, double or triple. Such an element increases the strength of the structure, protecting the roof from the penetration of precipitation, for example, snow blowing under the tiles;
  • side locks. They provide adhesion between individual tiles and also prevent water from flowing under the roof. Such an element helps to move the tiles relative to each other during installation by a distance of up to 8 cm. There are covering and lower side locks;
  • stiffening rib. They increase the strength of individual elements, making them more resistant to mechanical loads;
  • the edges. They have a rounded shape, due to which drops of water flow down the outer surface of the roof without falling under the tiles;
  • hooks. Fasten the tiles to a wooden sheathing. The element is shaped in such a way that the weight of the tile is evenly distributed throughout the entire structure. The tiles and sheathing are in point contact, allowing air to pass freely between them, removing excess moisture out.

Main manufacturers

On Russian market building materials, both domestic and foreign collections of cement-sand tiles are widely represented. BRAAS products are one of the most popular. Its advantages include a variety of assortments and a wide range of colors. The manufacturer offers both classic tiles from the Frankfurt series and granular tiles from the Adria series. IN last years BRAAS has developed original new products. These are collections with almost flat elements - “Teviva”, “Reviva” and high-profile products “Taunus”.

Completely incorrect comparison.
CPC is essentially a conventional roofing material and performs mainly decorative functions, while metal tiles are more suitable for the requirements for roofing, but are inferior in decorative properties.
CPC is a pitiful imitation of real ceramic tiles. Fill the roof with cement-sand screed. The CFC from the sun heats up a little less than metal, and unlike ceramics it is a weak heat accumulator, accordingly, after a hot day, a stuffy evening comes (there is a volley of heat release). Natural adsorption of moisture from the air by cement leads to rapid development all kinds of fungi, mold and moss, especially in poorly ventilated joints.
Old ceramics have been lying around for centuries without any ventilation, as they heat up very slowly and give off heat just as slowly - there is nothing to condense.
And the small size of the products already provides sufficient ventilation.
In CPC, unlike ceramics appearance disappears irrevocably after 3-5 years of operation. WITH north side During the first 5 years, the central zone is covered with moss, and in the south, moss appears after 7-10 years. This is due to the presence of cement, which reliably holds moisture.
Advantages of the CHR:
- external resemblance to real ceramic tiles (a complete copy, except for the material - accordingly it is a fake).
- noiselessness, although what kind of noise can we talk about under good insulation? And if there is no money for insulation, then why the hell buy expensive tiles?
- heavy weight, not every hurricane will blow away such a roof (with correct installation)
- huge weight, just terribly huge - 45-50 kg per 1 m2, for comparison, metal tiles - up to 5 kg (Imagine a teenager on the roof for every square meter - horror). requires very high physical abilities from roofers.
- a rough surface contributes to greater snow retention; rafter calculations must be increased from the design by 10-20%.
- weak strength, when a branch falls, for example, it shatters into pieces, and God forbid there is a large slope - you get tired of unscrewing each tile individually from the ridge to the place where the tiles are replaced.
- increased costs for foundations, walls, rafter system.
- quite hemorrhoidal installation and further operation, very unreliable connection to the pipes.
- small pieces imply a high probability of leaks, especially on small slopes, so all hope lies in under the roof waterproofing (when dismantling the tiles, traces of small drops are visible under each tile at the joints).
- PRICE is the biggest drawback - 50 kg of cement-sand mixture is equal to -125 -130 rubles, and 45 kg of CPC - at least 300 rubles + equipment is the same 300 rubles (and this is the lack of firing, glazing, etc. Cheating in 2-3 times)
- the cost of all work and materials (including rafters) is 1.5-2 times higher than that of a metal tile roof, depending on the complexity.
Advantages of metal tiles:
- external resemblance to natural tiles (the similarity is conditional - essentially an imitation, since it is impossible to confuse).
- material weight - up to 5 kg.
- the dimensions of 1 sheet are up to 8 sq. m., the fewer joints - the higher the reliability of the roof. (Holees from self-tapping screws do not count, since with proper installation of the correct self-tapping screws they will last for 25 years, of course).
- the ability to cover the slope from the ridge to the cornice with one sheet.
- comparative ease of installation (for specialists).
- easy to use and maintain; if branches fall, the design does not break through but becomes wrinkled. There is no direct leakage, unlike the CFC.
- low surface roughness contributes to less snow retention, accordingly we build according to calculations.
- the aesthetic appeal is less than that of natural tiles, or of some colors of CPC.
- shorter service life than natural tiles, conditionally (since only museums stand under 100-year-old moss-covered tiles). It is known that roofs, like political regimes change with a frequency of 27-35 years (every generation)
- condensate (conditionally) - if all the rules for installing a ventilation gap are observed, the appearance of condensation is excluded.
- noise (erroneous) - when poor insulation The noise can be heard under any surface.
How do you like this analysis?
Further more! The (useful) width of the metal tile sheet is 110-111 cm, respectively, per 1 sq. m. accounts for 1 linear m. dense overlap along the slope through the wave. For 1 sq.m. CPCH "Frankfurt" accounts for 3 linear meters. along the slope through the wave, and 3 linear meters. horizontal simple overlap. Possibility of leakage per 1 sq. m. 6 times more!
The arguments regarding noise during rain and strong heating from the sun of metal tiles should be treated with understanding.
Modern attic systems (sufficient insulation for the region, and this includes sound insulation, including properly executed and WORKING under-roof ventilation) nullify arguments about noiselessness or heating.
Therefore, if you are told that metal tiles heat up in the summer but there is no central heating element, you must remember that there is a ventilation gap between the insulation and the roofing, and the air temperature in the ventilation gap in both cases will be identical to the air temperature outside.
And the one who says this, either an amateur, or a specialist who deliberately misleads you, is simply lying.
I love CHR work because the difference is up to 1000 rubles per square. But I always warn the customer that the CHR must be a conscious choice, which carries with it an additional financial and operational burden.
My opinion is that a central heating system can be chosen only for aesthetic reasons, when you really want to have such a roof, nothing more.

I am Mikhail, director of the company, I have been working exclusively with roofs for more than 15 years. Below I will tell you about the intricacies and secrets of roofing materials. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer and help.
Mikhail, STM-Stroy LLC

You have dreamed of an elegant and prestigious ceramic roof, but it is too expensive. You were advised to use cement-sand tiles: almost the same, only much cheaper. Let's figure out why cement-sand tiles are better and why they are worse than other coatings.

Advantages of cement-sand tiles

CPC is a material consisting of quartz sand, cement, natural dyes and water. Molded under high pressure, dried at low temperatures (+60 degrees). Here are the known advantages of the coating:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • service life is over one hundred years. Manufacturers' warranty – 30-35 years;
  • aesthetics. Externally, cement-sand tiles are practically indistinguishable from ceramic ones;
  • indifference to corrosion, rotting;
  • frost resistance (more than a thousand cycles), low water absorption (less than 2 percent), resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • fire resistance;
  • good roof ventilation;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation and chemical impurities in the atmosphere;
  • good thermal insulation and noise protection;
  • reasonable price.

Disadvantages of cement-sand tiles

The main disadvantage is the heavy weight. Although the CPC is almost twice as light ceramic tiles, the load on the rafter system is still high. The weight of one tile with dimensions of 33 by 42 centimeters (one of standard sizes) – 4-5 kg ​​depending on thickness.

There are other disadvantages:

  • not too big color palette. Typically one of five colors is used: red, brown, gray, black or green;
  • not too wide variety of profile shapes;
  • not the highest mechanical strength. Loading and installation require special care;
  • the large mass of loaded pallets complicates transportation.

Now let’s look at the pros and cons of cement-sand tiles in comparison with other roofing coverings.

Which tiles are better - ceramic or cement-sand?

Ceramic tiles are made from special types of clay with the addition of various additives and pigments.

After molding it is fired at high temperatures Oh. Due to this technology, the cost of the material is high.

Accordingly, the selling price too: cement-sand tiles can be bought for 300-600 rubles per square, ceramic ones - from a thousand and more.

The second advantage of cement-sand tiles is less weight. With a weight of one tile of 4-5 kg ​​per meter, there are 40-50 kilograms (10 pieces). Ceramics - from 70 kilograms. The only advantage of a coating with a large mass is wind resistance. But 40 kg/sq.m is enough for her.

The advantages of ceramics include:

  • more diverse the lineup(profile shape, color schemes);
  • ceramics are covered with glaze; cement-sand ceramics do not have this finishing method.

Otherwise, the materials are similar, the pros and cons are the same.

Articles on the topic

Comparison: composite tiles or sand-cement tiles

Composite tiles are improved metal shingles. Due to the granular coating of the front layer, the composite coating is devoid of the main disadvantages of metal tiles, namely:

  • does not conduct sounds;
  • electrical conductivity is significantly reduced;
  • higher strength of the outer layer (if damaged polymer coating on metal tiles the material becomes vulnerable to corrosion);
  • the material is more plastic, it can be used to cover not only straight, but also curved slopes.

Regarding sound, heat and electrical insulation composite tiles comparable to cement-sand. Other characteristics:

  • the mass per square of the composite one is significantly less - 6-7 kg;
  • the price is slightly lower - 200-300 rubles;
  • composite tiles are not a fragile material;
  • service life is shorter - about 50 years;
  • Only flat slopes can be covered with hard cement-sand tiles.

Our works

Which is better: soft roofing or cement-sand tiles?

Comparison of cement-sand tiles and soft tiles it’s more difficult to carry out, they are too different. Flexible tiles- This is fiberglass or other fabric base, impregnated with bitumen and coated on the outside with granular topping. From a distance, the soft roof resembles a ceramic one, but this is the only thing it has in common with a cement-sand roof.

Advantages of bitumen shingles:

  • little weight;
  • flexibility, the ability to cover domed, cone-shaped and other complex roofs;
  • angle - from 11º (sometimes less) to 90 (sometimes even negative surfaces). The range of cement-sand tiles, as well as ceramic ones, is 20-60 degrees;
  • no fragility;
  • a huge range of colors and shapes of shingles.

Disadvantages in comparison with cement-sand:

  • complex structure of the roofing pie, increased attention to ventilation;
  • You can walk on a roof made of cement-sand tiles regardless of the weather without the risk of deforming it. Marks may remain on the flexible material in the heat;
  • maximum service life soft roof- 50 years.

Cement sand tiles are a practical and affordable type of roofing that is in demand among developers. Improved technologies make it possible to achieve an appearance that is almost as good as a ceramic roof.

The high demand for roofing material of this type contributes to the fact that well-known enterprises in Russia and abroad are engaged in its production. Its production technologies combine the traditions of past times with the latest achievements.

Types of cement-sand tiles

Depending on the space occupied in the roof, the following types of tile elements are distinguished:

  • basic;
  • walk-through (with cavities for communications);
  • half;
  • ridge;
  • ventilation;
  • pediment, etc.

All types of tile coverings are suitable for roof construction, which greatly simplifies its installation. Advantageous features of cement-sand tiles:

  • anti-corrosion;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and aggressive environments;
  • the ability to provide heat and sound insulation;
  • low water absorption;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • duration of operation;
  • ease of installation;
  • affordable price.

The products have a low coefficient of expansion and are equipped with two vertical locks, which prevents them from cracking.

The disadvantages include the fragility of the material, which should be taken into account during loading operations, as well as when transporting the product.

Cement sand tiles can be used in the roofing of houses built from different materials. The use of specially developed dyes helps to give it excellent decorative qualities.

The popularity of this building material how cement-sand tiles have grown so much in recent years that they have already become a direct competitor to classic ceramic tiles

For European countries, has been a traditional roofing material for many centuries, although its cement-sand version was invented back in antiquity, and it was then produced by casting. Adolf Kroer, who can safely be called the founder of modern cement-sand tiles, was the first in the world to establish its mass production on a truly industrial scale. And also set the fashion for the shape and color of the product.

If we consider this product from a production point of view, then cement tiles are essentially a more natural material. Unlike ceramics, it does not require heat treatment. Back at the turn of the century (19th and 20th, of course), in what was then still colonial England, the production process was even automated. From that moment on, in England and its colonies, there were much more cement-sand tiles than in its homeland in Germany.

At the very beginning of the organization of any construction project, both companies and private developers are faced with the question of what roofing material to choose. Of course, absolutely all building materials have the right to exist, but each of them has its own special niche. For decades in the USSR, houses were built exclusively with flat roof. Today, more traditional ones are returning to the architecture of high-rise buildings. pitched structures roofs And most suitable material In this case, concrete tiles will of course be used for the roof.

Now on the market there is a colossal mass of its varieties: ceramics, concrete or cement-sand , metal tiles and many others. But perhaps the most various myths and discussions hover around cement sand.

Buycement sand tiles or ceramic ?

Considering that since the time of the Roman Empire, concrete has actively competed with ceramic products, and already in those days different countries They produced both ceramic and concrete tiles at their factories with varying degrees of success. Nowadays, both varieties are used with approximately equal success. Cement sand, consists of almost the same elements mined in the natural environment as ceramic (clay), these are the same oxides of various metals, such as aluminum, iron and zinc, as well as calcium and its various forms.

The only difference is that clay tiles are exposed to high temperatures, that is, fired (about 1000C and above), and concrete (a mixture of sand and cement) is dried at only +60 degrees. But, concrete tiles are superior to ceramics not only in cheapness of production, but also in such indicators as strength and frost resistance, which means this material will last much longer.

Both of these products are equally environmentally friendly, do not emit radiation like slate, for example, and both are capable of forming not only an unreliable, but also an externally attractive roofing covering. And to distinguish them with long distance only an expert can.

Installationcement sand tiles - a lot of weight!

Yes, in fact, this one is really much heavier than the same iron one, about 10 times. But this does not mean that the load on key structural elements, such as rafters, will increase. When installing and calculating rafters for strength, many indicators are taken into account, such as the weight of the structure, this includes the roof itself, rafters, insulation, external and interior decoration and much more, as well as snow load. That is, when installing a roof made of cement tiles, the structure needs to be strengthened by only 15-20% in comparison with a metal one.

In this case, you need to worry even less about the deformation or destruction of the walls and foundation. Often, these structures have a huge margin of safety and do not require any reinforcement at all. And the main load on the foundation is not the tiles; its share in the total mass of the structure is only 2-3%. The large weight of concrete tiles compared to analogues is not a minus, but rather even a plus. Such a roof can easily withstand even the strongest gusts of wind, completely absorbs noise from rain and softens temperature changes.

Great value and price cement sand roof tiles

Until the twentieth century, this statement could rightfully be considered fair, but nowadays it is no longer true. Modern technologies, radically changed the situation. Yes, tiles are certainly not as cheap as, say, slate, but a wide pricing policy makes them accessible to absolutely all consumers. And it’s not for nothing that they say that a stingy person pays twice. Excellent appearance and reliability allow us to say that the money was well spent. If you build a house, you can save money, but definitely not on such important elements like the foundation and roof. The durability of the building directly depends on the quality of installation of the materials of these parts of the structure, because cement tiles made from natural materials can last more than 100 years! Which is beyond competition.

Natural cement-sand tiles are a roofing material made from cement and quartz sand with special fillers that give the roof strength and the ability to withstand severe temperature changes. Attractive prices for cement-sand tiles are lower than their ceramic counterparts. They are comparable to the cost of high-quality metal tiles. You can buy natural cement roofing in our network of stores. Fast delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region!

Cement-sand tiles BRAAS It is used on roofs of any complexity and allows you to implement any architectural solutions for a building. Her classic beauty has not gone out of fashion for many centuries, personifying loyalty to tradition, eternal family values ​​and the comfort of home. from 399 r./m2

Cement-sand tiles ZABUDOV has a lifetime guarantee of a century. You can leave a house for future generations under a roof made of durable, high-quality and never-out-of-fashion material.

from 426 r./m2

Cement-sand tiles Sea Wave– product collaboration Russian company"Baltic Tile" and the Swedish holding Benders, which was launched into production several years ago and is extremely popular among Russian buyers.

from 470 r./m2

Spectacular imitation of ceramic tiles

The manufacturing process of cement-sand tiles involves the use of natural quartz sand and cement. Roofing made from natural tiles is sold at an affordable price, since its production technology does not involve a firing process.

The components are mixed, including coloring pigments based on iron oxide, and poured into prepared special forms, where they crystallize. The result is a material whose properties resemble a natural stone. Finished tiles are covered special composition, which increases the strength characteristics of cement-sand tiles. The result is a natural roof, in no way inferior to a ceramic one.

Undoubtedly, in addition to a more affordable price, cement-sand roofing tiles have a number of positive qualities. Among them are environmental friendliness, fire resistance, frost resistance, resistance to chemical substances and climatic factors. Such a roof is durable, strong, has high degree antistatic, invulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, low thermal conductivity.

Installation and repair of such a roof is extremely simple: damaged tiles are removed and replaced with new ones. Its quality is determined by the high density of the tiles and low porosity: this allows the tiles not to accumulate moisture, maintaining the properties of thermal conductivity and frost resistance.

You can buy cement-sand tiles in a wide range at our sales offices. Managers will advise you on all issues and also offer various options color solutions.

Characteristics of natural cement-sand roofing

Cement-sand tiles are very popular and are widely used in the roofing materials market due to their excellent consumer characteristics: durability, practicality, respectable appearance, variety of shapes and a wide range of colors and models.

Cement-sand natural tiles are protected by a special protective compound that protects the roof from burning and fading. This one has high strength and is not afraid mechanical influences(withstands loads of up to 200 kg per point) and harsh climates. In addition, it is frost-resistant, has low operating costs and simple roofing repairs. It is environmentally safe and does not require special care or prevention. Cement-sand roofing tiles are fire-resistant, so they can be used on any type of building. The service life of this material made of cement and quartz sand is at least one hundred years.


  • made from high-quality natural raw materials;
  • resistance to sudden changes in temperature and UV rays;
  • wear resistance of the material;
  • resistance to mechanical and chemical influences;
  • high roof sound insulation;
  • ventilation of the under-roof space;
  • Performance qualities are maintained throughout the entire service life.

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