Course work: the state and prospects for the development of the dairy industry. The current state of the dairy industry market in Russia

milk microbiological fermented baked milk cottage cheese

Dairy industry -- industry Food Industry, uniting enterprises producing milk products. At the same time, the possibility and uniqueness of the scale of production of dairy products determined and determine the size of humanity, its genetic and creative potential. In terms of nutritional properties, milk is the most perfect type of food; the composition of nutrients in it is almost perfectly balanced. (Ivanova S.V., 2013)

Modern dairy plants or factories carry out complex processing of raw materials, produce a wide range of products, are equipped with mechanized and automated lines for bottling products into bottles, bags and other types of containers, pasteurizers and coolers, separators, evaporators, cheese producers, and automatic product packaging machines.

A significant share of Russian milk is intended for processing and production of dairy products.

The dairy complex is one of the most important components The agro-industrial complex, the main task of which is to meet the needs of society for dairy products at a certain level of income of the population.

The most important factors driving market volume growth are:

Growth trend in real income of the population;

Market capacity potential associated with the low current level of consumption of dairy products compared to the level of consumption in European countries;

Interest in a healthy lifestyle;

The Russian population's commitment to dairy products.

These factors are the source of increased demand for dairy products in the near future. (Labinov, V.V., 2013)

The demand for dairy products is satisfied by Russian and foreign producers, and the share of imports in certain market segments is steadily growing. Consequently, an additional opportunity to expand the market for domestic companies is import substitution.

The Russian dairy market is actively expanding the range of dairy products provided. Experts predict a gradual decline in the consumption of traditional dairy products (sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt) in favor of fortified modern products (biokefir, bio-milk, bio-yogurt). Any dessert dairy products that people consume not to satisfy hunger, but for pleasure, are also promising. And this is primarily due to the increase in income of the population. The total volume of these products will grow not only due to an increase in the number of new consumers, but also due to an increase in the frequency of consumption of this product category by regular customers. (Ermakova, E.E., 2014)

As for the analysis of the milk and dairy products market in Russia, the dairy products market is developing and growing, and accordingly, competition on it is increasing. This is due to many factors, namely, the constant increase in production volumes by market players, the emergence of factories of foreign manufacturers in Russia and the gradual increase in the well-being of the majority of the country’s population.

The milk market, according to experts, is highly competitive. The trend in this market is the process of “branding” the dairy market. There are large enterprises and holdings on the market that have their own high-tech equipment, funds for marketing events and a dealer network. It is not surprising that small firms or factories are being forced out because of such enterprises.

Due to the lack of funds necessary to modernize production, expand the sales network, supply geography, create and advertise a brand, local companies are often uncompetitive. Every year large producers absorb an increasing number of small regional producers. Due to the fact that large enterprises have a solid financial and production foundation and are also well versed in the market, many small manufacturers are more profitable to join them than to act independently. From all of the above, we can predict that in the future dairy products will be produced by a small number of major manufacturers, because today they already occupy a large market share.

To summarize, we can say that the Russian dairy industry market is also characterized by good growth prospects, but rising prices and uneven market expansion will create, on the one hand, many opportunities for key players in the dairy supply chain, and on the other hand, many problems. (Ivanova, S.V., 2013)

The Russian dairy industry is an important activity that concentrates on the production of products intended for consumption by Russians, and some of the products are even exported to other countries. Today, there are simply a huge number of companies operating in the country that collect and process milk, resulting in a variety of by-products that are in demand among the population. The number of these enterprises throughout the country even exceeds 1,600 firms, and some of them are incredibly large and developed, therefore they are distinguished by high capacities, and their products are supplied to many cities of the country.

Prospects for the development of the dairy industry

Most often, the development of the dairy industry in Russia occurs in large and developed cities, where it is possible to build enterprises that will be large and developed, and at the same time will be constantly provided the right amount raw materials. also in major cities it is possible to constantly introduce innovative methods and technologies into the production process, which leads to the creation of goods that are high-quality and competitive, tasty and healthy, and at the same time the amount of manual labor in the production process will be minimal.

It is important to consider that the development of the industry depends entirely on how technically equipped the main companies producing dairy products are. Since technology is constantly evolving, all companies must regularly update their equipment and tools, since only then will they be able to compete with other companies that exist both in Russia and in other countries of the world. Only with the help of high-quality and automated equipment can it be achieved that one enterprise will produce a wide range of dairy products that will be in demand among the population of Russia or in other countries of the world. That is why the state should pay a lot of attention to the dairy industry, but today this is not the case, which is a serious problem for modern dairies. They are limited in subsidies and assistance, so the update technical base occurs extremely slowly, which leads to the inability of firms to produce new products that could be successful in the market.

It is also worth highlighting another rather important problem of the dairy industry, which is limited raw materials. The fact is that agriculture is just beginning to gain popularity again, resulting in an increase in the number of dairy farms. However, even so, the amount of raw materials that can be received by one dairy plant is considered limited, as a result of which it is impossible to provide such a quantity of produced products that would be sufficient to fully supply the domestic market, as well as to ship products to other countries. Additionally, one should highlight such a problem as the low quality of milk that enters factories as raw materials. This is due to the high incidence of disease in herds, as well as the livestock being kept in inappropriate conditions, which leads to the fact that raw milk requires careful and expensive processing.

Thus, the Russian dairy industry is a promising area of ​​activity that has not received enough attention, and there are also many problems that must be solved in the near future so that the products can compete with the products of foreign companies.

How the dairy industry lives, video

Currently, the dairy industry is a large industrial branch of the food industry, which is armed with tens of thousands of units of modern technological and energy equipment, thousands of production lines, and many means of mechanization and automation.

Thanks to the increase in the volume of industrial milk processing, the targeted work of enterprises on integrated use all its components, rational use of secondary resources, development and production of new types of products with various fillers plant origin, development of new progressive resource-saving technologies. In the Russian dairy industry modern stage There have been trends towards stabilization, and for some types of products there is a fairly steady growth.

The greatest consumption of milk occurs in the production of whole milk products - about 45%. In recent years, the share of milk for the production of rennet cheeses has increased (12%) and decreased for the production of animal butter (32.8% in 2002).

In addition, in 2003, milk processing at dairy industry enterprises produced 4,647 thousand tons of skim milk and buttermilk and 2,447 thousand tons of whey. It should be noted that the bulk of skim milk and buttermilk (88.3%) is used for the production of dairy products, 1151 thousand tons of whey are sold various organizations and only 26% (636 thousand tons) is used for the production of dairy products. In 2003, dairy industry enterprises produced 461.3 thousand tons of low-fat dairy products from secondary milk raw materials.

The production of dairy products in 2003 compared to 2002 increased by 7.9%, including animal butter - by 1.3%, whole milk powder - by 3.5%, canned milk - by 5.2% , whole milk products - by 8.7%, fatty cheeses - by 9.7%, low-fat dairy products - by 10%.

In 2003, compared to 2002, the production of whole milk products increased by 675 thousand tons and amounted to 8472.8 thousand tons. The production of whole milk increased by 5.6%, the share of sterilized milk in the volume of drinking milk production was 16. 4%, milk with a fat content of 2.5% and below - 34.9%.

The production of fermented milk products in 2003 compared to 2002 increased by 6.6%. Kefir production increased over the year by 34 thousand tons (from 703 thousand to 737 thousand tons). In 2003, dairy industry enterprises produced 472 thousand tons of yogurt, its share in fermented milk products was 29%.

The production of sour cream over the year increased by 12.7%, mainly (85.6%) - sour cream with a fat content of 20% or less. The share of packaged sour cream was 78.3%.

The production of full-fat cottage cheese in 2003 increased by 17.4% compared to 2002. Recently, the volume of production of cottage cheese with fruit and berry fillings has been growing very rapidly. The specific gravity of packaged cottage cheese was 52.2%. The production of curd cheeses and curd mass increased by 38.1% compared to 2002.

It should be noted that the production of whole milk products is also carried out by dairies at agricultural organizations and small enterprises. In 2003, these enterprises produced 26.1% of drinking milk, 13.2% of cream, 16.9% of full-fat cottage cheese, 11.7% of sour cream. This shows that the share of these enterprises in the production of certain types of products is high.

The cheese-making branch of the dairy industry has been developing most dynamically in recent years. The average annual rate of increase in production volumes of fatty cheeses in recent years has been 16.9%. In 2003, the production of full-fat cheeses amounted to 348.7 thousand tons, with an increase of 9.7% compared to 2002, including rennet cheeses by 5.5%, processed cheeses by 16.7%.

In 2003, enterprises affiliated with agricultural organizations and small enterprises produced from general production in the country there are 11.4% fatty cheeses, including: large - 16%, small - 14.6, soft - 20, pickled - 15.1%.

The production of animal oil in 2003 amounted to 284.8 thousand tons, which is 1.3% more than in 2002. The share of “Krestyanskoye” oil was 80.8%. In 2003, enterprises affiliated with agricultural organizations and small enterprises produced 37.2 thousand tons of animal oil, which amounted to 13.1% of its total volume.

In 2003, dairy industry enterprises produced 304 thousand tons (759.7 million conventional cans) of canned milk. 84.4 million conventional cans of condensed sterilized milk were produced, and its share was 11.1%. The production of condensed skim milk with sugar increased 1.7 times (from 32.2 million standard cans in 2002 to 54 million standard cans in 2003). The production of whole condensed milk with sugar amounted to 360.6 million conventional cans, condensed skimmed milk with sugar - 54 million conventional cans, condensed and concentrated whey with sugar - 0.21 million conventional cans. In terms of volumes of canned condensed milk, Russia is in fourth place in the world after the USA, Germany and the Netherlands. In 2003, 306.8 million conventional cans of condensed milk canned using fats of non-dairy origin were produced, which is 34.3% of their total production volume.

Production of whole milk powder, dry cream and dry milk mixtures in 2003 amounted to 95.1 thousand tons (91.6 thousand tons in 2002). Production of dry milk formulas for children early age increased from 8.6 thousand tons in 2002 to 10.4 thousand tons in 2003.

In recent years, there has been a decrease in the production of skimmed milk powder, whole milk substitutes and whey powder. Also, the volume of production of dairy and technical products from skim milk, buttermilk and whey is decreasing annually. In 2003, 6.7 thousand tons of dry technical casein were produced (11.1 thousand tons in 2002). In recent years, dairy industry enterprises have practically stopped producing refined milk sugar, enriched whey, and liquid substitutes for whole milk.

In 2003, the country produced 387.2 thousand tons of ice cream, with an increase of 3.4% by 2002.

However, the level of utilization of production capacity of existing enterprises is quite low: for the production of whole milk products - 32%, animal butter - 25%, rennet cheeses - 49%, whole milk powder - 36%, skimmed milk powder, whole milk substitutes and whey powder - 28%, canned milk - 55%. This leads to an increase in costs - an increase in costs per unit of output, an increase in its cost, and a decrease in price competitiveness in the domestic food market.

Based on the above, we can formulate promising directions in the development of the dairy industry:

1) Creation of a new type of agro-industrial formations, taking into account the diversity of forms of ownership and the priority of economic interests, building equal relationships between their participants, establishing strong integration ties exclusively on market principles, mutually beneficial cooperation of processing enterprises and agricultural producers, integrating these structures into unified organizational and legal formations;

The experience of functioning of agro-industrial formations of large economic complexes (for example, OJSC Lianozovo Dairy Plant, OJSC Tsaritsyn Dairy Plant, members of the Wimm-Bill-Dann production and trading group, etc.) indicates that such integrated structures are more efficient and adapted to the conditions of a market economy.

2) the formation of effective competitive agro-industrial production, ensuring the country’s food security;

3) development of individual plans for the structural restructuring of production; implementation of the plan on the basis of leasing, as well as at the expense of own and attracted Money will create unique production facilities for the production of dairy products;

4) the formation of fundamentally new milk procurement systems, the creation of conditions for attracting additional volumes of raw milk for processing.

5) expansion of sales markets for manufactured products, creation of refrigerated road transport, which will allow the formation of local food markets for dairy products.

To solve these problems, it is necessary that science, together with industry, determine rational stages for increasing the efficiency of enterprises. The role of science in this regard takes on special significance.

Active process of becoming new culture industrial relations, changes in approaches to working with people, the formation of a highly qualified team of specialists will undoubtedly lead to maintaining a sustainable pace of development of dairy industry enterprises.

Novikova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Saratov State Agrarian University named after N. I. Vavilov, Saratov
Novikova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the chair “Accounting, Audit and Analysis”, Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov. Russia

Annotation: There are several main trends in the global dairy market. Popularity of dairy products is a major factor behind growth dairy market Worldwide. The dairy sector remains one of the fastest growing. Global milk production is expected to increase in the coming years. World production of whole milk powder, butter and fresh dairy production is expected to grow by a quarter by 2020, compared with the previous decade. At the same time, the production of cheese and skimmed milk powder will increase by 19 and 15%, respectively. Trade in butter will increase by 10%, and trade in cheese by more than 20%. Demand for milk and dairy products will remain particularly strong in dairy markets such as North Africa, the Middle East and East Asia, as well as in the markets of countries European Union, USA, and RF. The growth rate and per capita consumption of milk and dairy products will remain different in different regions of the world. Least developed countries on average consume less than 50 kilograms of milk and dairy products per person per year, compared with 100 kilograms per person in developing countries.

Abstract: On the global market for dairy products have identified a number of major trends. The popularity of dairy products is the main factor underlying the dairy market growth worldwide. The dairy sector is one of the fastest growing. In the coming years will increase in world milk production. World production of whole milk powder, butter and fresh dairy products are expected to grow by a quarter by 2020, compared with the previous decade. At the same time, production of cheese and skim milk powder will increase by 19 and 15%. The level of trade butter will increase by 10%, and trade cheese for more than 20%. Demand for milk and dairy products will continue to be particularly stable in the dairy markets, such as North Africa, the Middle East and East Asia, as well as on the European Union markets, the US and Russia. The growth rate and consumption of milk and dairy products per capita will be different in different regions of the world. Least developed countries consume an average of at least 50 kilograms of milk and dairy products per person per year, compared with 100 kg per capita in developing countries.

Keywords: Milk, dairy products, dairy industry, milk consumption, “three dairy products a day”

Keywords: Milk, dairy products, dairy industry, milk consumption, "three dairy products a day"

The global dairy sector is entering a decade of relatively high prices, continued strong demand for milk and dairy products, higher production costs and, of course, subsequent market volatility.

In developed regions North America and Europe consume much more than 200 kilograms of milk and dairy products per person per year. This difference in per capita consumption provides certain investment opportunities for the industry.

Dairy products in Russia occupy a large share in the consumer basket of the population - about 25%. This is the most widely consumed product and the most sensitive to price changes. In our country, milk and products made from it belong to the group of socially significant food products. Milk is included in the consumer basket for all major socio-demographic groups of the population. Modern market milk and dairy products is characterized by tougher competition, which is explained, on the one hand, by the strengthening of the positions of powerful international and Russian producers, and on the other, by the increased activity of local enterprises developing their own brands. In many regions, attitudes towards local products are more favorable than those from the capital, which helps regional manufacturers conquer the market without large advertising budgets. According to official statistics, the total volume Russian market milk at the end of 2012 was 41.8 million tons, of which 9.1 million tons were imported, and 1.6 million tons were reserves from previous years. Milk production in 2012 amounted to 31.1 million tons.

The leading position in the domestic dairy products market is occupied by Wimm-Bill-Dann Food Products OJSC (Moscow). In addition to dairy products, the company produces juices, baby food and soft drinks. The organization's revenue from the sale of dairy products annually amounts to more than $2.5 billion. The Danone Group, a French food manufacturer, also deserves special attention.

According to AC Nielsen, in 2011 Danone's market shares in Russia in volume and value terms were 21.6 and 26.9%, respectively. Despite the fairly high profitability of the dairy business, the barrier to entry into the market is quite high: from this perspective, the likelihood of new players appearing in the market should be assessed. Increasing competition and growing pressure from retailers entail a change in the strategic priorities of market players, especially Russian companies. There is an activation of small manufacturing enterprises and increasing competition in the domestic market, as well as changing milk consumption styles and increasing demand for it in large cities. Nevertheless, the Russian market has sufficient potential for the development of domestic producers - not only through domestic, but also through foreign markets. Among the most promising foreign markets, China stands out above all. In the domestic market, the main tasks of small and medium-sized players are the creation and development of their own brands, further expansion of sales geography, targeted promotion of goods in retail retail networks, systematic work with consumers aimed at informing about the quality and properties of dairy products. This direction of action can and should ensure an increase in consumer demand for milk and dairy products. Price instability in the market in recent years has left its mark on fluctuations in consumer demand and is an additional lever for the redistribution of power among players in regional markets. One of the tools for maintaining price stability in the dairy market is an agreement on general principles cooperation between milk producers and processors, aimed at uniform supply of raw materials throughout the calendar year, and determining mechanisms for creating a minimum purchase price for raw milk, helping to smooth out seasonal price fluctuations.

In the future, experts predict a gradual decrease in the consumption of traditional dairy products (sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, Varenets) in favor of innovative products. This is primarily due to the increase in the income level of the population. It is expected that the growth of the market for innovative products will occur not only due to the emergence of new consumers, but also due to an increase in the frequency of consumption of this product category. The increase in the segment of innovative products will affect not only the capital region, but also the regions. The growing demand for more modern and diversified dairy products is also causing an increase in the activity of local manufacturing enterprises, which are attempting to create their own brands.

The global market continues to see growth in the release of new products in the dairy market. Basically, manufacturers strive to win over the consumer audience by releasing products that contain additional functional properties.

Specialists from the INFOLine agency, who are preparing the periodic review “Bank of New Products on the Dairy Products Market,” have identified the main trends that are emerging today in the global dairy products market. According to the review, in the first half of 2014, about 500 new products in this segment were identified. The review included descriptions of products from such companies as: Danone (launch of the Danimals SuperStars line, expansion of the Activia and Danette lines), Valio (launch of the Clean Label line, expansion of the Valiojogurtti and Alma lines) and many others.

According to INFOLine experts, one of the main trends in the milk market is the production of fortified dairy products (products with the addition of vitamin and mineral complexes for children and adults, products enriched with protein and vitamins for people leading an active lifestyle). In addition, on foreign market Most of the products released since the beginning of 2014 belong to the “Greek yogurt” segment. As a result of monitoring the food market, INFOLine specialists revealed that this trend is coming to the Russian market: in June, the Lactis company released a line of natural Greek yogurt. And the company Dairy plant Russian Milk is modernizing its production in order to increase the volume of processed milk and produce new products, in particular Greek yogurt.

In addition, a number of projects are currently underway in our country to modernize and launch enterprises for the production of dairy products, in particular cheeses and cottage cheese. For example, the Nevskie Cheese Group of Companies is implementing the first project in the CIS to build a workshop for the production of feta cheese on the basis of OJSC Northern Milk (Vologda Region). In March, at the Saransky dairy plant (Mordovia), a new workshop for the production of crumbly cottage cheese was launched - the only production of this kind in Russia. In April, at the Prechistensky dairy product» a line for the production of soft cheeses was launched. And in July, the Moloko company (Minusinsk region) launched a complex of European equipment - an automated Donido line for the production of cottage cheese and cheeses such as Pasta Filata, a Czech-made packaging line with technology for packaging the product in a modified gas atmosphere, and a briquette packaging line for the production of butter and cottage cheese in foil packaging. This complex has no analogues in Siberia and the Urals. Thus, INFOLine specialists note that Russian manufacturers The dairy industry is not only increasing production capacity for finished products, but also modernizing production to produce new products.

The following promising directions can be proposed in the development strategy of a dairy industry enterprise:

  1. Package the products in 0.75 liter cardboard packaging. The MoloPak company presents a new product on the dairy market of “Gable Top” packaging - a 0.75 liter package. Until now, in Russia this volume has not been used for bottling dairy products in cardboard packaging with a scallop. The new packaging volume is suitable for fermented milk products or products with the addition of various probiotics and dietary supplements, as well as for introducing a completely new product to the market. The pricing of the product in a 0.75 liter package can also be interesting and very competitive. Plus, this is a chance to stand out. The use of such packaging will attract additional buyers, therefore, you can plan to increase revenue from product sales by at least 1%. At the same time, the total amount of costs will remain virtually unchanged, since the volume of standard packaging used will be reduced.
  2. Order from the MOLOPAK company the renovation of a line for hot and cold filling of liquid products in Gable Top packaging or. Refurbished equipment meets all the needs of the Russian market in terms of speed, functionality, size, hygiene and technical specifications. The quality of the renovated equipment is not inferior to the new one, but its price will pleasantly surprise you. Universal filling lines: simple and multifunctional, low-speed and high-speed, semi-automatic and automatic - fully refurbished filling equipment with a capacity of 1,500 to 14,000 packages per hour from the world's leading manufacturers. The process of restoring filling equipment is carried out in partnership with a European leader in the field of construction and repair of packaging machines. For renovation, only those bottling lines are selected that were used at leading European factories and have a significant margin of safety. All supplied refurbished equipment undergoes a series of inspections, tests and trials. All renovated equipment can be presented with additional options: lid application system, CIP-cleaning system, Clean (clean filling) and Ultra Clean (ultra-clean filling) system, electromagnetic dispenser system, PLC control system, etc. The restoration process also includes the possibility of technical modernization of equipment, which expands the production capabilities of the machine after renovation. During the restoration process, the car undergoes diagnostics, complete cleaning and, sometimes, serious modification of mechanical and electronic media, replacement of components and electronics. Renovated equipment from MOLOPAK is the efficiency of invested funds and effective optimization of labor in production in the absence of large sizes investments in machines with unique technological capabilities. Renovation will allow you not to spend financial resources for the purchase of expensive equipment, while the existing updated equipment will not significantly increase the cost of fixed assets, which could reduce capital turnover.
  3. Launch new categories of dairy products onto the market, such as: products made from skim milk and whey for dietary nutrition with improved taste properties, enriched with natural additives (flavored kefir, drinks made from whey and buttermilk, low-fat curd creams, etc.). Consuming skim milk and yogurt makes the hip bones stronger and healthier, and allows you to qualitatively replenish the deficiency of protein, calcium and vitamin D, which is especially important for older people; modified products with the replacement of individual milk components with vegetable ones (cheese, creamy spreads, canned milk, etc.); products with protective factors (fermented milk drinks, products enriched with b-carotene, multivitamin premixes and dietary supplements); products for vegetarians (soy milk, drinks); dairy products with low fat content milk with m.d.z. 0.5%, 1% kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream with m.d.z. 10% without adding milk protein and fat substitutes; products with new consumer properties(cheese spreads based on cottage cheese, desserts based on sour cream and cream, sauces based on sour cream and whey, dairy products of increased stability with improved taste characteristics); cottage cheese with sea ​​salt, the potassium and sodium it contains help nutrients penetrate the cells: calcium improves blood clotting and the functioning of the nervous system, magnesium normalizes metabolic processes and prevents the development of allergies, bromine has a calming effect and improves skin condition, and iodine promotes the functioning of the thyroid gland; foods and drinks for diabetic nutrition (sweetened through the use of non-calorie sweeteners).

The sale of new dairy and milk-containing products will allow the company to attract new customers, expand the market for product sales, and create additional profit.

  1. Promote the all-Russian program “Three dairy products a day” in the region. Life expectancy in Russia is much lower than in others developed countries. One of the reasons for this is poor nutrition and the associated deficiency of nutrients. In particular, Russia has an extremely low level of consumption of milk and dairy products. The main goal of the Three Dairy Products a Day program is to dispel existing myths about dairy products and raise awareness among the people of our country about the importance of daily consumption of dairy products.

“Three dairy products a day” is an information and educational program of the National Union of Milk Producers, launched with the support of the Ministry Agriculture Russian Federation, Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russian Association for Osteoporosis and the active participation of the largest players in the dairy industry.

Dairy products are one of the fundamental components of a balanced human diet. But over the past 20 years, the level of consumption of milk and dairy products in Russia has decreased to 250 kg, with a minimum recommended medical norm of 330 kg per person per year. Calcium consumption in Russia is almost 2 times lower than the recommended norm, according to data from the World Health Organization and the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. This deficiency especially affects the health of pregnant women and children. That is why the National Union of Milk Producers has developed a non-profit social program aimed at stimulating milk consumption and popularizing dairy products among the Russian population. Why "Three dairy products a day"? Three dairy products provide 80% of an adult's daily calcium intake per day.

The project entered its active phase in 2014, when the program was supported by 17 Russian regions. As part of the program, events are held with the participation of experts from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Russian Association for Osteoporosis, MONIKI, including lectures at universities, online consultations in socio-political and consumer media, press conferences and competitions for journalists, webinars and other activities .


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14. Yurkova M.S., Likhovtsova E.A., Gelyazheva D.N. Problems and prospects modern development dairy cattle breeding // Agrarian scientific journal. 2016. No. 8. P. 95-100. The Russian dairy market is an integral part of the Russian food industry. The food industry plays a huge role in the economy of any country. Currently, the Russian food industry unites 25 thousand enterprises, and its share in the volume of Russian production is more than 10%.
Relevance of the topic course work is determined by the fact that the dairy industry is a branch of the food industry that unites enterprises producing products from milk. At the same time, the possibility and uniqueness of the scale of production of dairy products determined and determine the size of humanity, its genetic and creative potential. In terms of nutritional properties, milk is the most perfect type of food; the composition of nutrients in it is almost perfectly balanced.
Many countries have strict regulations governing the production of dairy products, for example, there is a law requiring pasteurization of all liquid dairy products. In most cases, milk is pasteurized; in some cases, milk is sterilized or homogenized. The main requirement in the production of dairy products is to ensure their safety and high quality. However, despite significant advances in technology - automation and new types of processing, production safety remains an important issue.
Modern dairy plants or factories carry out complex processing of raw materials, produce a wide range of products, are equipped with mechanized and automated lines for bottling products into bottles, bags and other types of containers, pasteurizers and coolers, separators, evaporators, cheese producers, and automatic product packaging machines.
The purpose of this course work is to study the current state and prospects for the development of the Russian dairy industry.
The following tasks were set and solved:
1. The history of the development of the Russian dairy industry is considered.
2. An analysis of the current state of the dairy industry in Russia was carried out.
3. The problems and prospects for the development of the Russian dairy industry have been studied.
The paper provides an overview of the Russian dairy industry.
The first chapter gives general characteristics dairy industry.
The second chapter presents characteristics of the supply side of the dairy market. Firstly, the geography and dynamics of dairy production volumes are examined. Secondly, the state is analyzed resource potential industry and its impact on supply.
The third chapter analyzes the potential of the consumer market for dairy products in the development perspective.
The conclusion reflects the main conclusions of the course work.
The subject of the study is the economics of the industry.
The object of research is the dairy industry of the Russian Federation.
The work contains an introduction, 3 chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.

1. The place and role of the dairy industry in the country’s economy

1.1. The importance of the industry in the economy of the Russian Federation and people’s livelihoods

The dairy industry is a branch of the economy that covers all processes of production of dairy products. In terms of nutritional properties, milk is the most perfect type of food; the composition of nutrients in it is almost perfectly balanced. Dairy products make up a large share of the human diet; their annual consumption reaches 16% of all types of food 1.
Processing enterprises of the dairy industry are one of the most important elements of the structure of the agricultural and industrial complex of the Russian Federation.
Dairy production is characterized by an important feature: products in this area are classified as perishable. In addition, these products are high-consumption consumer goods, meaning they must be produced in very large quantities with a steadily expanding range of products.
The dairy subcomplex is one of the most important components of the agro-industrial complex, the main task of which is to meet the needs of society for dairy products at a certain level of income of the population.
All dairy products are conventionally divided into the following groups: whole milk products, butter, cheeses, canned milk, dry milk products, ice cream, milk protein concentrates and milk proteins, milk sugar, whey products.
Whole milk products combine a large assortment of a wide variety of products, produced, as a rule, in urban dairies and intended for direct sale locally. The highest value in industrial production Our dairy products are cow's milk.
Whole milk products include drinking milk, cream, sour cream, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese and cheese and curd products. This list shows the conventionality of the name of whole milk products, since many of the products included in this group are not obtained from whole milk, but only from its individual components (cream and sour cream - mainly from the fat fraction of milk). All types of products in this group are traditional in the diet of the general population, but highest value have drinking milk, fermented milk products and cottage cheese.
Regardless of the type of fermented milk drinks, the traditional features of their preparation and use, they have much in common. All of them are obtained due to the fermentation of milk by lactic acid microorganisms, which ferment milk sugar, forming lactic acid, which is the cause of milk coagulation and the appearance of a milk clot. Lactic acid has a beneficial effect on digestive processes and improves intestinal activity.
Systematic consumption of milk and fermented milk drinks is necessary for proper nutrition. These products are rightly called health drinks. A person must eat them from early childhood throughout his life in order to be healthy and productive. Exceptions or restrictions are possible only in certain cases when there are contraindications (for example, in the case of low activity of the lactose enzyme in the human gastrointestinal tract).
Milk is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms, so it is necessary to strictly observe the rules for its storage; It sours quickly and can develop undesirable microbial species, sometimes giving the milk a bitter taste. The curdled milk formed in this case is not recommended for direct consumption. 8
The development of the dairy industry is increasingly being introduced into the technology of producing dairy products. Advances in the development of milk make it possible to improve existing technological processes for milk processing and develop new ones. Nowadays, dairy industry specialists must know and be able to explain the essence of the biochemical processes occurring during the production and storage of dairy products, choose the right technological modes for processing and processing milk, develop measures to prevent the occurrence of defects in dairy products, etc. Milk and dairy products should become indispensable foods for people of all ages.

1.2. Features and factors determining the location of dairy production enterprises

The location of the dairy industry depends on the availability of raw materials and the consumer. The dairy industry is associated with places of consumption of finished products and produces perishable products (production of milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir). The dairy industry is concentrated primarily in highly urbanized areas.
The most significant economic factors for the location and specialization of the dairy industry include:
- location of farms in relation to sales markets and the presence of processing plants, storage tanks for raw materials and final products, the presence and condition of vehicles and communications;
- already created production potential of the dairy industry: livestock, agricultural facilities, production buildings, etc.;
- economic efficiency of dairy production, determined by a system of indicators;
- features and stability of interregional ties for dairy products. The possibility of purchasing farm products and their guarantee create the basis for development in individual regions only those sectors of the dairy industry for which the most favorable conditions exist;
- provision of dairy farming with means of production supplied by industry. Correspondence of the price level for this industrial products price level for agricultural raw materials and processed products 1 3 .
Also an important factor in the location of dairy industry enterprises is the level of development of forms of organization of social production.
Among the forms of organization of social production, the leading place belongs to concentration, which creates the necessary conditions to deepen and expand the rest.
The consolidation of enterprises has a positive effect on both the progress of technology and the organization of production. The efficiency of using mechanization and automation means is increasing, issues of specialization and combination are being resolved more successfully, and, consequently, the tasks of the fullest use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, better use of fixed assets and work force. The optimal capacity of dairy industry enterprises in each specific case depends on the condition of the road network and the density of milk procurement in the raw material zone of these enterprises.
Peculiar forms of concentration of production are specialization and combination.
Specialization is one of the most important areas in the development of the dairy industry. It makes it possible to increase production output per unit of production area, creates conditions for improving product quality, reduces its cost, contributes to the automation of production, the creation of a rational structure and management.
The most common and widely known in the dairy industry is specialization in the production of the finished product. This specialization contributes to the concentration of the dairy industry, but it must be carried out after in-depth social and economic analysis.
The concentration of production in the dairy industry is often a condition for the development of another form of organization of production - combination, which allows for more complete processing of raw materials and rational use of all its components.
An example of combination is skim milk powder plants, which produce butter, skim milk powder, and sometimes whole milk products.

1.3. Methodology for determining indicators characterizing the level of industry development

One of the existing methods suggests assessing the investment attractiveness of an industry using various groups of indicators that can be presented in the form of a system.
The system is a structured set of various coefficients, indicator values ​​in physical terms, as well as dynamics indicators.

Rice. 1.1. System of indicators for comparative assessment of industries 4
Industry and communications, agriculture, construction, trade, and transport are among the basic sectors of the economy. The most important indicator characterizing the dynamics of development of basic industries as a whole is the index of the physical volume of basic industries - this is an index of the physical volume of output of goods and services of basic industries of the economy.
The following volume indicators can be suggested:
– volume of products produced in the industry;
Determination of the volume of produced or products sold is one of the fundamental operations that every economist should be able to do. That is why tasks in which it is required to find the volume of production are so common in economic and financial educational institutions.
Volume of gross output: , where
- work in progress balances
Volume of products sold: , where

    - finished products in the warehouse at the beginning and end of the billing period.
– the number of production personnel in the industry;
The personnel of an enterprise is the totality of all employees of the enterprise who ensure the implementation of its functions.
– volume of profit;
Profit characterizes the final results of the production process and is an indicator financial condition enterprises.
Net profit = Gross profit – Taxes, fines, penalties, interest on loans – Operating expenses.
Gross profit = Net income – Cost of production.
– number of enterprises in the industry, etc.
Gross dynamics indicators used to analyze the investment attractiveness of the industry:
– absolute increase in the volume of manufactured products;
To determine the absolute increase in the volume of production due to changes in capital productivity and the cost of fixed assets of an individual enterprise, the following formula is used:
– absolute increase in profit, etc.
This indicator is calculated using the following formula:
Absolute increase in profit = Profit of the enterprise for the planned period - Profit of the enterprise for the reporting period.
Financial ratios are:
– overall profitability ratio;
The main and most common indicator assessing the profitability of an enterprise is the overall profitability ratio. It allows you to determine how much profit the company has from each ruble of revenue from the sale of goods, work or services. This indicator is calculated both as a whole and for individual product items.
K orp = Profit before tax / Sales revenue * 100%
– specific output per worker;
The average specific output of one worker depends on the average output of the worker and their ratio between the number of workers and other categories of workers, i.e. on the personnel structure of the enterprise. This dependence can be expressed as a formula:
W R =Q/R=(Q/r) * (r/R), where W R is the average annual output per worker
– average specific profit of industry enterprises, etc.

Relative structure indicators include the following:
– structure of employment by industry;
– profit structure by industry sector;
– revenue structure by industry sector.
Index indicators include:
– index of physical production volume;
The index of physical volume of production is a relative statistical indicator characterizing the change in the physical mass (quantity) of products. This indicator is used to assess the degree of influence of changes in the quantity of produced (sold) products on changes in the volume of its production (sales), provided that the price of the product is taken into account as a constant value of the base period.
Individual physical volume index:
General physical volume index:
– profit index;
– profitability index, etc.
,where CF0 – initial investment
The profitability index is a relative indicator. It characterizes the level of income per unit of cost, that is, the efficiency of investments - the higher the value of this indicator, the higher the return on each ruble invested in a given project.
Thus, by calculating the necessary values ​​and comparing them with each other, one can draw conclusions about the investment attractiveness of a particular industry.

2. The state of development of dairy production in the Russian Federation

2.1. General characteristics of the industry

The dairy and butter-cheese-making sector of the food industry includes enterprises producing whole milk and dairy products, fermented milk products, butter, cheese, milk powder and canned milk.
Table 1
Production of dairy products in the Russian Federation
IN %
Production of dairy products
processed liquid milk
yoghurt and other milk or cream, fermented or cultured
milk and cream in solid forms
butter and oil pastes
cheese and cottage cheese
other frozen ice cream and desserts
condensed milk, million standard cans

According to Table 1, it can be seen that by September 2012, the production of dairy products increased by 2.5% compared to September last year.
Over the past few years, retail trade turnover for certain types of products in this industry has increased both in nominal and real terms, with the exception of the retail turnover of butter. Retail sales turnover of whole milk and whole milk products in nominal terms increased in September 2012 by 12.3%, cheese - by 22.5%, butter - by 11.4% compared to September 2011.
table 2
Retail trade turnover of certain types of dairy and butter-cheese products in the Russian Federation
in actual prices (million rubles) 18 5

The dairy industry is one of the main branches of the Russian food industry, producing products that have a special role in human nutrition and health. In 2010, its share accounted for 13.4% of the total volume of products sold by food and processing industry enterprises.
The number of enterprises in the dairy and butter-cheese industries is relatively stable. However, there is a trend in the market towards the consolidation of firms. Prosperous large enterprises buy up smaller factories, expanding their production capacity and sales territory. Also, predominantly large enterprises finance the purchase of modern equipment, which allows them to improve the quality of their products and maintain their reputation.
Over the year, from 2009 to 2010, industry profits grew by 36.8%, which is due to the successful functioning of regional and national market leaders 18 6 .
Production problems in the dairy industry are closely related to raw milk production. There are two aspects to note here. Firstly, over the past few years, milk yields have been constantly declining, which means that processing enterprises are faced with the problem of a shortage of raw materials and rising prices for them. Secondly, the unsatisfactory quality of raw milk from Russian producers creates difficulties for the production of high-quality dairy products and forces enterprises to use artificial and dry additives, which reduces the value of food products and/or increases production costs.
Table 3
The largest milk processors on the Russian market in 2012 17

There are quite a lot of Russian enterprises producing dairy products, but only the products of some of them are represented in many regions of the Russian Federation. According to experts, currently the leaders of the Russian dairy market are Wimm-Bill-Dann Food Products (VBD), Unimilk, Voronezh Dairy Plant, Ochakovo Dairy Plant, Permmoloko, Piskarevsky Dairy Plant, Rosagroexport, Danone, Campina and Ehrmann 7.
The share of the VBD company in the dairy products market in 2012 is estimated at 10.8% (the share of the nearest competitor is 4 times lower). Thus, one could say that the dairy market is characterized by a high degree of competition. However, due to the fact that many dairy products have a short shelf life and require special storage conditions, the degree of competition in regional and local markets is significantly lower. As a result, in some regions, industry leaders or local leading plants receive from 30 to 70% of the market, and the remaining market share is shared by other local companies or companies in neighboring regions.
Russian products compete with imported goods. The share of imports of dairy products is generally small, according to various estimates - from 15 to 19%, which is due to the natural protection of the dairy market from foreign competitors in the form of the perishable nature of the product and the need to create special conditions for storage and transportation. However, for some categories of goods with long shelf life, imported products are the leaders in the consumer market. Almost 60% of the cheese market and 30% of the butter market are imported brands. Imports of milk and dairy products are actively growing; in 2012, the physical volume of imports of milk and condensed cream increased by 124.6%, butter - by 20.9%, cheese - by 34%.

2.2. Analysis of main development indicators

Let us analyze the development of the dairy industry of the Russian Federation according to the main indicators:
The number of operating dairy industry organizations in Russia is presented in Table. 4.
Table 4
Number of operating organizations in the dairy industry of the Russian Federation, units

In the period from 2009 to 2011, the number of business entities increased by 6 organizations - this amounted to an increase of 0.33%. This indicator indicates some stability in the industry. Despite the crisis of 2009, in 2011 the number of business entities remained at the same level as before the crisis.
The number of unprofitable enterprises is also stable.
Table 5
Number of unprofitable enterprises in the Russian Federation

The volume of shipped goods of the dairy industry's own production is presented in table. 6.

Table 6
Volume of shipped goods of own production of the dairy industry in the Russian Federation, million tons

year 2009
Volume of goods shipped

Based on the data in Table 6, we can conclude that from 2009 to 2011 the volume of goods shipped increased by 1.1 thousand tons, or 11.2%. This is due to the demand for dairy products.
The production of dairy products by federal districts of the Russian Federation is shown in Table 7.
Table 7
Production of dairy products by federal districts of the Russian Federation, thousand tons. 9 8

Federal District
Central federal district
Northwestern Federal District
Southern Federal District
North Caucasus Federal District
Volga Federal District
Ural federal district
Siberian Federal District
Far Eastern Federal District

As can be seen from Table 7, the leader in the production of dairy products is the Volga Federal District, its share amounted to 10,409 tons of dairy products. This is due to the development of livestock farming, including cattle, and climatic conditions.
In Privolzhsky federal district Product output in 2011 increased by 2.7%. All regions, except three - the Chuvash Republic, Perm Territory and Penza Region, worked in excess of their indicators of the previous year. Best performance Manufacturers from the Republic of Mordovia achieved - an increase in volumes by 23.3%, Ulyanovsk region. - by 19.1, the Udmurt Republic - by 11.1%.
Financial investments of dairy industry organizations are presented in table. 8.
Table 8
Financial investments of dairy industry organizations in the Russian Federation, million rubles. 11 10 9

As can be seen from the table, financial investments of organizations in dairy production in 2009 amounted to 23,455 thousand, in 2010 - 20,122 million rubles, in 2011 - 23,987 million rubles.

Exports of dairy products are shown in table. 9
Table 9
Export of dairy products in the Russian Federation for 2009-2011, million rubles. 12 10

year 2009



As can be seen from table. 7, for the period 2009 – 2011. Exports of dairy products increased almost 2 times.
Thus, milk production is a promising area of ​​agricultural business. The decrease in the supply of milk powder in the world and its rise in price are forcing processors to look for other sources of raw materials. Therefore, investments in the development of high-quality milk production will have a fairly high level of profitability.

3. Prospects and problems of industry development

3.1. Problems of dairy production development

Recently, at the highest state level of Russia, with the participation of President Dmitry Medvedev, a meeting was held at which the problems of developing the dairy industry in Russia were discussed. Highlighting his vision of the situation, the head of the country, in particular, said that at the moment there is a discussion of the relationship between the state and private business in the field of joint development of the dairy business. At the same time, these conversations often have the nature of actually hidden privatization of various infrastructure facilities, which simply deprives government authorities of both property in the dairy industry and tools to influence the situation. Dmitry Medvedev also added that this state of affairs is unacceptable, since we are talking about the production of socially important food products. 6
Despite the fact that dairy processing enterprises operate in conditions of limited raw material resources, in recent years there has been a tendency to increase the production of whole milk products and cheeses. Thus, in 2011, compared to 2010, the production of whole milk products increased by 16% to 11,297 thousand tons. The production volumes of cheeses and cheese products also increased - by 14.5% to 433.4 thousand tons, however, this sector of the dairy industry is growing due to cheese products. At the same time, the production of such a resource-intensive product as butter decreased by 5.6% to 205.2 thousand tons.
The volume of domestic production of dairy products is not enough to cover domestic demand, so Russia is forced to import large volumes of animal butter, cheeses and condensed milk. The market for whole milk products is fully supplied by domestic production. The total volume of imports of butter for the period 2009 – 2012. amounted to 2.15 billion dollars, cheese - 7.5 billion dollars. The share of imported products in the annual resources of butter and cheese is about 40 percent 11 .
The main problems hindering the development of the dairy industry include: a decrease in the market share of domestic raw milk due to a reduction in the number of livestock; seasonality of its production; low specific gravity of premium raw milk; flaw refrigeration units on dairy farms and a shortage of milk collection points, as well as physical and moral wear and tear of fixed assets of milk processing plants, the bulk of which were built in the 70-80s of the last century.
Physical wear and tear and obsolete production assets are the main reasons for the high level of production waste and emissions of industrial pollution into the atmosphere. In addition, the existing outdated base is overwhelmingly unable to provide comprehensive milk processing for the purpose of producing competitive products from secondary dairy raw materials: dry whey and milk sugar, milk protein concentrates and whole milk substitutes for feeding young farm animals, as well as food and biological active substances. 12
For the economic growth of the Russian dairy industry, it is necessary to carry out large-scale technical modernization of the industry based on the introduction of innovative technologies, which will allow reaching a qualitatively new level of production and will ensure a reduction in the costs of processing agricultural raw materials and will make domestic products cheaper and more competitive.
The task of import substitution of milk and dairy products will be solved through the implementation of industry programs and economically significant regional programs aimed at increasing production volumes and balanced customs and tariff regulation measures.
In order to increase the consumption of cheese and butter by various categories of citizens and increase their production volumes, reduce imports, the industry target program “Development of butter and cheese making in the Russian Federation for 2011-2013” ​​was approved, which will create a new technological structure in butter making
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