Therapeutic foot massage procedure - reflexology, massage for flat feet for children and adults. You can maintain your health with foot massage - one of the best manual practices. Acupressure foot massage: benefits and harms

Every day our feet endure enormous loads and require special care. legs– the best way to relieve fatigue, but not only. This is also an effective therapeutic and preventive procedure that fights swelling, varicose veins, flat feet (with flat feet they will not be accepted into the army in 2018) and joint diseases.

Types of foot massage and their benefits

Regular self-massage of the legs, done after a hard day, helps quickly bring tired limbs back to normal. Thanks to stroking, rubbing and kneading, lymph flow is activated, blood circulation improves, and muscles relax. As a result, swelling, heaviness, and discomfort go away, and strength and performance are restored.

It has been scientifically proven that massage has a beneficial effect on the skin, muscles, musculoskeletal system, nervous system - not only locally, but also systemically. A lot of receptors associated with various tissues and organs are concentrated on the surface of the feet. Ancient Chinese healers even developed a special map with a projection of internal organs and functions onto the soles of the feet. In total, about 72,000 nerve endings are concentrated on the feet, the impact on which causes reflex reactions in the corresponding zones of the body.

Specialists who practice acupuncture methods continue to use ancient maps of bioactive zones, massaging those points that are responsible for the functioning of diseased organs. At the same time, reflexology stimulates the immune system, calms the nervous system, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and normalizes hormonal levels. However, it is difficult to do acupressure on your own without special knowledge and skills. Thus, the Chinese procedure according to all the rules lasts 2.5 hours and covers 62 reflex zones of the legs.

At home, this massage can be done in a simplified version, using the principles of Chinese, Indian or Thai medicine. It is enough to master the basic movements and remember the necessary points.

In addition to a relaxing and restorative foot massage, there is also a therapeutic one. We are talking about the treatment of musculoskeletal pathologies: joint diseases, injuries, flat feet, valgus. These problems require a professional approach, and it is better to entrust the procedures to an experienced specialist.

To summarize, foot massage:

  • stimulates lymph and blood flow;
  • relieves swelling;
  • tones muscles, skin and blood vessels;
  • eliminates tension, pain, spasms;
  • calms, improves mood;
  • normalizes sleep and appetite;
  • prevents stress;
  • activates the immune system;
  • trains cardiovascular activity;
  • gives strength, restores performance;
  • rejuvenates the body.

Video: How to massage your feet

Whether to treat diseases of internal organs with foot massage is a question of trust in alternative methods. As an adjuvant in addition to official medicine - why not. The main thing is to find a competent specialist who has the necessary knowledge and firmly adheres to the principle of “do no harm.”

Foot massage for relaxation and prevention can and should be done by everyone (in the absence of contraindications), both independently and professionally. It is recommended for nervous overstrain, stress, overwork, working on your feet, intense physical activity, and a sedentary lifestyle to avoid stagnation and swelling.

To correct orthopedic disorders and joint diseases, a special massage is performed. Main indications:

  • flat feet;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • hallux valgus;
  • rehabilitation after injury;
  • leg pain.

Regular procedures performed by an experienced massage therapist help eliminate pathological disorders in the legs:

  • normalize blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • train supporting muscles;
  • develop the ligamentous-articular apparatus;
  • restore mobility;
  • correct the position of the bones.

Foot massage has a beneficial effect on the entire musculoskeletal system. Healthy muscular and orthopedic apparatus of the foot promotes correct posture and reduces the risk of osteochondrosis and pinching.

Contraindications for foot massage

Like any medical procedure, massage has contraindications:

  • damaged skin;
  • dermatological diseases out of remission;
  • acute infections;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • hyperthermia;
  • high pressure;
  • pronounced varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bleeding;
  • menstruation;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • mental disorders.

There are special movements and massage lines for kneading the legs. If you ignore them or use excessive force, you can damage your joints and ligaments. The motor mechanism of the feet can withstand heavy loads, but at the same time it is quite fragile: it consists of many small bones, tendons and joints, due to which it provides shock absorption.

If the massage technique is incorrect, there is a risk of pinching, displacing, or tearing one of the structural elements of the foot. This can result in a dislocation, fracture, or crack. The injury will not necessarily manifest itself as pain and swelling, but in the future it can lead to deformation of the leg and the appearance of salt build-ups on the damaged bones.

To avoid such troubles, independent procedures are performed with light movements without effort, and complex techniques are performed by a competent specialist.

How to do self-massage of feet

Self-massage is a simple and accessible technique for relaxing the legs. It is better to do it in the evening, after a warming bath. The feet are dried by vigorously rubbing with a towel, then with your hands.

To begin, assume a sitting position with your limbs extended. Bend your knee and place it on the thigh of your other leg. Lubricate your hands with lotion or oil. Do the massage according to the following scheme:

  1. Stretch your shin. Rub the calf muscles from bottom to top, massage the front part with stroking circular movements.
  2. Take care of your ankle. Rub the surface of the ankle clockwise.
  3. Smooth out the Achilles tendon. Use your thumb and forefinger to stroke the tendon area from your heel to your ankle.
  4. Warm up your foot. Start stroking from the top from your fingertips to your ankle. After 5–6 movements, repeat the same with the sole.
  5. Relax your muscles and joints. Fix the heel with your palm, grab your toes with your free hand and gently rotate your foot, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, 5 times back and forth.
  6. Extend your fingers. Grasp the arch of your foot with your hand, press the thumb of your other hand to the base of your big toe and try to gently pull it up. Then rotate your finger left and right, bend and extend. Move on to the rest of your fingers.
  7. Treat the interdigital space. Fix your heel, insert the fingers of your free hand between your toes and make several sliding movements.
  8. Stretch your rise. With one hand, hold your heel, with the other, press the heel of your palm onto the middle part of the foot, moving to the sides.

When massaging the sole, in addition to the fingers, use the edge of the palm and knuckles. Treat your ankles and shins with all the techniques of a classic massage along the lymph outflow lines. Place your leg in a warm place and proceed to the second one. When you finish, don’t rush to get up - lie down quietly or go straight to bed.

To apply the principles of reflexology at home, it is enough to know which parts of the body are responsible for different zones of the foot:

  • head, neck – fingers;
  • arms, chest - the area between the fingers and the center;
  • legs, abdominal cavity - heel and middle of the foot.

Pay special attention to these points if you feel unwell in the corresponding organs.

Features of reflexive foot massage

Chiseled massage is the second most popular foot massage technique after the classical one. In order not to harm your health, you should seek such a procedure from a certified reflexologist, avoiding dubious centers of oriental medicine.

Before starting the session, the specialist conducts diagnostics, determines the active zones that will be involved in the massage, and the duration of the course. A targeted effect, depending on the brevity and strength, can have a relaxing and tonic effect. Calming procedures are prescribed in the evening, stimulating ones - in the first half of the day. Unlike classic massage, reflex massage is not recommended for infants and the elderly.

Therapeutic foot massage

Foot diseases cause constant discomfort: heaviness, pain, fatigue, calluses and corns. But the main thing is that they disrupt posture, cause pathologies of the spine and displacement of internal organs. Massage is the basis of conservative treatment for flat feet and X-shaped deformity (foot valgus) in children and adults.

Flat feet are corrected using two main methods:

  1. Relaxing foot massage from knee to foot and back. The calf muscles, Achilles tendon, ankle, arch of the foot are thoroughly rubbed, then in the opposite order.
  2. Step-by-step treatment of the lower leg, foot and last but not least the feet. The entire area is first warmed up with rubbing movements.

For adult patients, the lower back is additionally kneaded, for children - the entire back. A competent massage can stop the development of pathology, and in children, restore the normal anatomy of the foot.

In case of hallux valgus, a more intense effect is used, aimed at increasing the tone and strengthening the muscles and ligaments. Rubbing, thoroughly kneading, pinching, vigorously patting the legs from the heels to the popliteal fossa, the back of the thigh, buttocks, sacrolumbar region and soles helps restore the correct position of the feet.

For arthrosis, classic foot massage performs an auxiliary function:

  • activates blood circulation;
  • improves tissue trophism;
  • enhances mobility;
  • relieves pain;
  • prevents muscle hypertrophy.

Before using therapeutic and reflexology techniques, be sure to consult a doctor, and trust the procedures themselves to the hands of experienced massage therapists who have undergone special training.

Did you know that the average person takes about 6,000 steps per day? During fast walking, our foot falls to the ground at a speed of 18 kilometers per hour, each time experiencing a pressure of one and a half times the body weight. Moreover, during jumping, dancing or running, the load increases fourfold. An artificial prosthesis in such conditions wears out within three years. And our feet can withstand such a load thanks to the complex design and durable fabrics created by nature itself.

Unfortunately, this potential is not unlimited and soles need careful care and protection. Massaging them will be just the thing that will calm, relax a tired body and awaken the internal hidden reserves of the body.

In ancient China, the foot was considered the most important part of the human body, second in importance after the heart. Representatives of oriental medicine argued that the basis of health is the free movement of energy along special paths - meridians. By massaging the feet, you can eliminate the tension and spasms that impede this flow, and make the body work like a clock.

Modern scientific observations have proven that such postulates did not arise out of nowhere. In fact, the sole can be called a kind of map of our body. The picture shows that there are many active points here, each of which is connected to a specific internal organ or system through 300 nerve fibers.

Thematic material:

By massaging the surface of the foot, we have a reflex effect on the entire body, activating its work and significantly improving its condition.

Doctor of Medical Sciences A.N. Semizorov recommends massage even with a broken foot as a means of accelerating bone healing. To do this, several holes are made in the plaster and a special stick is used to tap the affected surface, thereby improving blood circulation and lymph flow, accelerating tissue regeneration and the formation of callus.

The impact on the feet directly affects the entire body. Hence a number of contraindications to this seemingly harmless miracle technique:

  1. Varicose veins Increased blood flow in this condition is very dangerous.
  2. Diseases of the foot joints, especially in the acute stage.
  3. Oncology and neoplasms.
  4. Pregnancy. It should be noted that we are talking only about, and light stroking and rubbing for women in this position, on the contrary, will be useful
  5. Fungal or inflammatory diseases of the skin of the legs, psoriasis and eczema.
  6. Presence of warts and papillomas.
  7. Gangrene.
  8. Thrombosis.
  9. Stomach ulcer.
  10. Serious abnormalities in the functioning of the heart.
  11. Epilepsy and convulsive readiness of the body.

You should not massage if you have fresh burns, unhealed wounds, immediately after a blow, injury, sprain or insect bite.

Preparing for the session

In order for the procedure to bring maximum benefit to a person, you need to prepare for it in a special way:

Now dozens of different foot massage techniques are known: children's, Indian, Tibetan, Chinese, relaxing, therapeutic, acupressure. When choosing a technique, you need to focus primarily on the health status and individual characteristics of the patient, as well as on the goals and objectives of the procedure.

Foot massage can be carried out in a salon, trusting the skillful hands of a master, or at home on your own (you can read more about the basic techniques of self-massage in the article: "". In any case, the procedure will benefit the body, increasing its vitality and energy.

Basic technique

The first mention of foot massage came to us from China and dates back to 221 BC. During this time, the technique has repeatedly proven its effectiveness, saving people’s health. It was actively spread around the world, supplemented and improved. But some techniques have remained unchanged for many centuries. They are considered classic and are used by representatives of different schools of massage as a basic technique:

It is important to choose the correct intensity of impact on the massaged surface. Too gentle touches can tickle, slow, calm movements relax and soothe, and fast and rather strong ones invigorate and activate.

No manipulation should be accompanied by unpleasant sensations or acute pain.

To become a master of traditional Chinese, reflex or Thai massage, you will have to study for a long time: master the basics of anatomy and physiology, become familiar with Eastern philosophy, and remember the location of numerous active zones and points of the foot. Basic technology does not require such serious knowledge. A novice massage therapist can master it by completing online training, watching several video tutorials, or looking through specialized literature.

In the absence of obvious contraindications, such a procedure will not harm anyone, but will bring a lot of benefits. It’s not for nothing that the ancients called this massage happiness for the feet: it helps tired limbs relax and unwind, activates the body’s hidden resources, and gives a charge of vigor and good mood.

  1. Disappointing statistics indicate that one or another pathology of the musculoskeletal system is observed in every third child under the age of 5 years, and most often we are talking about flat-valgus foot placement. The cause of the problem may be improper formation of the foot during prenatal development or weak muscles and ligaments that lead to deformation at the moment when the baby stands on his feet and tries to take his first steps. As a result:
  2. The height of the arches, which act as shock absorbers, is reduced, as a result of which the entire surface of the foot rests on the floor.
  3. Due to the unevenly distributed load, the heel bone shifts relative to the common axis of the ankle joint and seems to move to the side, forming an angle exceeding 50 0 .
  4. The legs take an X-shaped position: with the knees connected, the feet diverge by more than five centimeters and fall inward.

The heels and toes “look” outward.

Photo: before – after procedures

  • But the changed appearance is not so bad. The danger is that such a defect leads to serious deterioration in the child’s health:
  • your back and legs begin to hurt;
  • the likelihood of seizures increases;
  • the deformity affects the knees and hip joints;
  • posture worsens;
  • the pelvic muscles are overstrained;
  • impaired blood flow causes the formation of calluses and corns, especially in adolescence.

But parents should not panic: there are a number of measures to correct the defect. First of all, this is a massage of the child’s feet and legs. Any mother can easily master its techniques by carefully watching the training video.

This procedure will relax the muscles, as if correcting malfunctions in their work, stretch and strengthen the ligaments, and improve blood circulation. Preparing for a massage goes like this:

After this, we turn the baby onto his back and focus on his feet:

  1. Use your fingertips to stroke the entire surface.
  2. Rub from heel to toe and in the opposite direction.
  3. Use the pad of your thumb to “draw” a figure eight.
  4. Rub in a circular motion.
  5. With pressure we draw along the growth line of the fingers, then lower ourselves to the heel so that we get an impromptu seven.
  6. Knead, twist, bend and lightly stretch each finger.
  7. Place the soles next to each other.
  8. Rotate your feet clockwise and counterclockwise.
  9. We bend and unbend them.
  10. We end the session with stroking.

The duration of the massage depends on the age and mood of the baby. On average it takes 15-20 minutes, and the full course consists of 10 sessions. Never start work if the child is sleepy, fussy or unwell.

It is important to remember that only treatment will solve the problem, which also includes physiotherapy, acupuncture, a set of special exercises, swimming, and most importantly, the constant wearing of orthopedic shoes or corrective insoles. Moreover, the sooner treatment begins, the better. While the skeletal system is still developing, the problem can be dealt with without surgery.

Massage for flat feet in children and adults

Speaking about the human foot, you are once again convinced that nature is a wise creator. She created the perfect shape by placing 26 bones, many ligaments, tendons, nerves and 42 muscles in a small area. Two arched arches in this design - longitudinal (along the inner edge) and transverse (along the growth line of the toes) - serve as excellent shock absorbers and allow you to rest not on the entire surface of the foot, but on just three points. The main load is taken by the heel bone, the base of the little finger and the big toe.

Sometimes, due to congenital or acquired reasons, the arches drop or become completely straightened, impairing the functionality of the legs. In this case, we are talking about transverse, longitudinal or combined flat feet. The problem can appear both in childhood and in adulthood. At the same time, parents should know that a flat foot in a baby is a normal physiological condition, which is explained by a large amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue. As the child grows and develops, it becomes thinner, muscles and ligaments become stronger, bones accumulate the necessary minerals and become stronger, and arches form. As a result, by the age of five, the foot acquires its usual shape. Only after this age can we talk about flat feet in a child.

The problem of flat feet cannot be ignored, as it can cause health risks: from changes in gait, pain, swelling to partial immobilization (contracture) of joints and serious problems with the spine. An effective way to get rid of them is massage. It is aimed at strengthening muscles and ligaments, relieving tension, relaxing tired legs, normalizing blood circulation, eliminating pain and discomfort. Since flat feet harm the entire musculoskeletal system, affecting the soles alone will not be enough. Children's massage necessarily includes the following:

Lumbar and buttocks

To do this, we place the baby on his tummy and carry out all movements only from bottom to top:

  1. We start by slowly stroking the buttocks and sacrum.
  2. Use your palm to rub the lumbar area until it becomes slightly red.
  3. We pass the surface with small vibrating movements.
  4. We alternate all techniques with stroking.

It is important to remember that in the area where the kidneys are located, intense impact, tapping and patting are contraindicated.


In this area, massage movements can be multidirectional and include:

  • stroking;
  • rubbing;
  • kneading;
  • tingling;
  • shaking;
  • vibration;
  • chopping;
  • Sawing

Impact on the popliteal fossa is prohibited, as this is a very sensitive and painful area.


Movements should be directed towards the knee joint

  • We start, as always, with light strokes.
  • Rub the side surfaces with the pad of your thumb.
  • Lightly press the ankle area.
  • We pinch the tissues, stimulating blood flow.
  • We use the “chopping” technique, tapping the calf muscle with the backs of our hands.
  • Rub with sawing movements.

Ankle massage should be carried out especially carefully, trying not to hurt the baby. Otherwise, the risk of seizures in the child increases, especially if there is a predisposition to them.


The main emphasis during the procedure is on the inner edge of the sole and on the growth line of the toes, where the arches have flattened:

  • The first movement is stroking. It should not be very light, otherwise the baby will be ticklish.
  • Using the edge of your palm, rub your foot from heel to toe.
  • Using your thumb, with some effort, draw straight lines along the sole, focusing on the inner edge.
  • We process the transverse arch in the same way. Then we combine the movements, drawing a seven on the sole.
  • By pressing and pinching, we knead the heel.
  • Now all attention to the fingers - stroke, massage in a circular motion, not forgetting to rub the space between them.
  • Holding the thumb, we achieve the desired position of the feet and fix it in this way, counting to 15.
  • We tap on the sole, stimulating the active zones.

This massage relaxes the muscles and ligaments, making them mobile and elastic, and orthopedic shoes shape the foot, giving the muscles a new program. For the procedure to produce tangible results, a course of 15 ten-minute sessions must be repeated at least 3-4 times a year.

Adults are also recommended a comprehensive massage, which includes sequential massage effects on the calf muscles, Achilles tendon, ankle joint and the foot itself. Then, in reverse order, they return to the calf muscle. The techniques used are the same as in children's massage. The only difference is the intensity and duration of the impact.

Additional accessories

For many of us, foot massage is no longer just a source of pleasant sensations, but a vital necessity. Sometimes this is the only way to rest, relax and get away from daily worries. But going to the salon requires considerable expenses (in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the price for one session ranges from 400 to 800 rubles), and it’s not easy to get out there, given the constant workload and frantic pace of life. A full procedure can be carried out at home using massagers and various devices.

The use of such devices will allow you to perform a massage at any time, replace the skillful hands of a massage therapist, bring a sea of ​​positive sensations and emotions, and at the same time improve your poor health.

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In search of health and longevity, people make any sacrifices - they subject themselves to surgeries and injections, spend a lot of money on wellness treatments and maintaining external beauty, without thinking at all that the source of health and youth lies within us. The human body still remains an unsolved mystery for scientists, and every time they find something new and surprising in it!

Let's take, for example, the legs, or rather the feet. It would seem that what is surprising about them and how can you use them to improve your health? But if you think about it, the feet are the only perpendicular part of the human body, and it is here that a huge number of energy flows intersect. Moreover, the soles of the feet are a kind of connection between a person and the earth, along which many lines with positive and negative energy run. Finally, our legs are our support, allowing us to move and be active, which means they need to be constantly taken care of.

But how can you use your legs and, in particular, your feet, to maintain health and rejuvenate the body? Here, a brilliant invention of mankind comes to our aid - reflexology (massage of reflexogenic zones). Many people associate this procedure only with relaxation and relaxation after a hard day at work. However, scientists say that regular foot massage can have undeniable benefits and far-reaching positive consequences.

What are the benefits of reflexology

Initially, we will say that many people confuse the concept of acupuncture and, in fact, reflexology. The first is the impact on energy meridians and active points on the human body through acupuncture or moxibustion. In the West, this method is also called acupuncture. In contrast, reflexology or reflex massage is an effect on the body through neurocirculatory connections. Here the effect is not on points, but on zones located on the body and associated with certain organs and systems of the body.

Compared to acupuncture, reflexive foot massage is a simple method of influencing the body, which, if desired, absolutely anyone can master. It is enough just to have before your eyes the localization of the active zones located on the soles of the feet. By influencing these areas, you can effectively relieve stress, get rid of headaches, restore natural strength, increase immunity and fight various diseases, as well as strengthen the connection between yourself and the world around you. And even without knowing the exact location of these zones, but simply massaging the entire surface of your feet for at least 10 minutes a day, you will get rid of many problems in the body and feel healthier. Let's take a closer look at the health benefits of reflexology.

7 Benefits of Foot Massage

1. Supports mental health and improves well-being

According to research by scientists from Hertfordshire, published in the American Journal of Critical Care Medicine in 1999, daily massage of the legs and feet for 5-10 minutes significantly reduces stress levels, helps relieve fatigue, quickly restore strength and even normalize blood pressure. These same scientists have found that foot massage can help provide emotional comfort and reduce nervous tension in people grieving the death of a loved one.

In addition, a 2013 study by Australian scientists found that people working in demanding, stressful jobs experienced a decrease in anxiety and a significant improvement in mood literally immediately after a 10-minute foot massage or a similar duration of walking barefoot on the ground. This relaxation method is especially effective when performing a massage with soothing essential oils, for example, rose, sandalwood, lemon balm, jasmine or grapefruit oil.

2. Reduces pain

According to scientists, foot massage can relieve aching pain, and not only in the legs. Scientists at the Indiana Institute conducted a study in 2004, thanks to which they noticed an interesting pattern. Patients who have undergone major surgery have reported a significant reduction in pain after foot massage sessions. The reviews boiled down to the fact that foot massage in the fight against aching pain after surgery is comparable to taking painkillers.

Another study, published in 2010 in the nursing journal, found that women who had a C-section experienced less pain after receiving a foot massage. Moreover, to enhance the effect, it is better to carry out such a massage with aromatic oils, especially with geranium oil, which has a pronounced rose scent and has an analgesic, sedative and relaxing effect. Lavender, sage and cedar oil will also be useful.

3. Brings relief from cancer symptoms and chemotherapy side effects

As practice shows, foot massage helps reduce the intensity of cancer pain, and also eliminates nausea and vomiting. Moreover, cancer patients reported dramatic reductions in other cancer-related physical symptoms, such as shortness of breath or decreased energy levels. This fact was confirmed by Australian researchers in 2000.

Attention here should be paid not only to the massage itself, but also to the choice of essential oils that help eliminate severe pain. Various oil mixtures are suitable for this:

  • mixture No. 1: 5 drops of fir oil, 5 drops of eucalyptus oil, 5 drops of lemon oil, 5 drops of lavender oil, and 50 mg of vegetable oil);
  • mixture No. 2: 3 drops of mint oil, 3 drops of cedar oil, 3 drops of lavender oil, and 1 tbsp. almond oil.

4. Relieves symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Cancer is not the only physical ailment whose symptoms are reduced by reflexive foot massage. A team of Iranian researchers has found that regular foot massage helps reduce fatigue, tingling in the hands, dizziness, and blood pressure changes in people with multiple sclerosis. In this case, it would be appropriate to use fir essential oil, as well as evening primrose seed oil, chamomile flowers and dandelion leaves to massage the feet.

5. Reduces blood pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common disease of the cardiovascular system, which can also be corrected through foot massage. Korean scientists from Busan National University found that systolic blood pressure, as well as the level of triglycerides in the blood, are normalized if reflexology massage is performed for at least 10 minutes a day.

Further research conducted by Jesus Manzanares, a Spanish doctor who practices reflexology, confirmed that regular foot massage allowed patients to reduce the dosage of blood pressure medications by 50%. Various oils come to the aid of reflexology here, which help reduce triglyceride levels, perfectly dilate blood vessels and prevent clogging of arteries. In this regard, the use of marjoram, ylang-ylang, sage, bergamot oils, as well as a mixture of coconut and olive oils is effective.

6. Relieves PMS symptoms in women

Millions of women around the world suffer from severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome every month, such as mood swings, headaches, cramps or bloating. However, according to a study published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology back in 1993, women who received foot massage reported a dramatic reduction in the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

By the way, in order to prevent PMS symptoms, massage should be performed using essential oils, for example, juniper or bergamot oil. These aromatic oils perfectly improve the mood and stabilize the psychological background of the fair sex. The main thing is to start carrying out procedures 5-7 days before the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

7. Relieves leg swelling

Swelling of the lower extremities can appear for a variety of reasons - due to a long day of work spent on your feet, due to pregnancy, or due to various diseases that impair the outflow of fluid from the body. Moreover, these can be quite serious diseases, such as kidney pathologies, heart failure or liver disease. After conducting an examination and prescribing the main treatment, the doctor may recommend a foot massage as an additional therapy.

A study by Turkish scientists published in 2010 in the International Journal of Nursing confirmed the effectiveness of massage for leg swelling, regardless of the cause of the condition. An experiment involving 200 pregnant women showed that daily foot massage reduced leg swelling by 60% without taking medications. And to increase the effectiveness of massage to eliminate swelling, you should use essential oils of rosemary, geranium or.

How to properly massage your feet

One of the best ways to perform a foot massage is to ask your loved one to perform this procedure. However, in the absence of outside help, you can massage your feet on your own.

To do this, you need to apply a portion of one of the essential oils to your palms, depending on the effect you need, and apply this oil evenly over the entire foot. It is better to rub the oil into the surface of the foot with both hands, starting from the top, massaging each toe, and gradually moving down to the heel and ankle. After this, massage your foot in the opposite direction, returning to your toes. Repeat these steps at least two times, then proceed to the other leg.

As you can see, a simple practice that absolutely every person can do helps in a wide variety of situations, perfectly calming, relieving pain, swelling and many other unpleasant conditions. It is only important to study your body and use this valuable knowledge for your own benefit, and not look for a source of health and eternal youth where it does not exist. Good health to you!

Foot massage is one of the types of massages that allows you to have a positive effect not only on the feet, but also on the condition of the entire body. It is on the feet that a large number of nerve endings are concentrated, influencing which affects various organs and systems of the body.

For example, the arch of the foot contains points that correspond to the spine. By acting on them you can significantly relieve back pain. And by massaging your toes, you can improve the condition of your ears, teeth, eyes and sinuses.

Types of foot massage

There are many types of foot massage. Depending on the disease that caused the need for it, massage is used for flat feet and arthritis.

Massages are also distinguished depending on the technique of execution: classic, reflex, acupressure and others. In addition, there are types of massage depending on the country of origin, for example, Thai, Indian, Chinese, etc. There are also special insoles, mats and massagers for massages.

The effects and benefits of foot massage for the body

Foot massage is beneficial for the whole body. There are a lot of reflex points on the feet, by acting on which the following are achieved:

Indications for massage

Since massage affects almost all processes in the body, it is impossible to list all its indications. Foot massage will help with:

  • nervous tension;
  • overwork;
  • excessive muscle loads or their complete absence;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • flat feet;
  • swelling;
  • for recovery after injuries;
  • pain in the legs.

By influencing certain reflex points, you can improve the functioning of internal organs, reduce toothache, improve vision, hearing, etc.

Contraindications for carrying out

Despite the many positive effects achieved through massage, in some cases its use is not recommended. These include:

Rules for foot massage

In order for a foot massage to bring not only benefits to the body, but also pleasant sensations, not only the technique of its implementation is important, but also the conditions under which it is carried out.

The room for massage should have a comfortable temperature. The person receiving the massage should sit comfortably on a couch or bed. It is not recommended to perform the procedure while sitting, since during its implementation lymph flow and blood circulation increase, and such a body position can interfere with their free flow.

For the comfort of the person being massaged, a special cushion or rolled towel is placed under the knee joint. The leg on which the procedure is not performed must be covered with a terry towel or blanket.

The best time for a foot massage is in the evening.

Before performing the procedure, the massage therapist should thoroughly warm up his hands so as not to cause discomfort from cold touches.

How to prepare for a massage?

You should not massage your feet immediately after eating. It is necessary to allow at least an hour after eating. Before the procedure, it is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of warm water.

Immediately before massaging your feet, you should rinse your feet with warm water. During the massage you need to relax.

Techniques used for classical massage

As with any type of massage, when massaging the feet, generally accepted techniques are used: stroking, kneading, vibration and rubbing.

Stroking is used at the beginning of the massage to prepare the body for new sensations, get used to the hands of the massage therapist and tune in the right way. At the end of the procedure, stroking is carried out to relax the muscles.

The stroking movements should be light and soft in the direction of the lymph flow.

Rubbing will require more intense exposure. It is performed with energetic movements, alternating with stroking.

After 3-5 minutes of rubbing, they move on to the main technique - kneading. The muscles are thoroughly kneaded with your fingers, but this should not cause pain. Rubbing is also performed only along the lymph flow.

The penultimate stage of foot massage is vibration. It is performed with varying intensity depending on the purpose of the massage.

The massage begins with the lower leg and only after completing all the techniques does it move directly to the foot. It is thoroughly massaged with the knuckles, circular movements of the thumbs, and the edge of the palm. Each finger is massaged separately. Special attention is also paid to the Achilles tendon and ankle joint.

The foot massage should be completed by stroking and passive movements of the ankle joint (performed by a massage therapist, while the leg is completely relaxed).

Reflex zones of the foot

As mentioned above, each point of the foot is reflexively connected with an organ or organ system of the body. Thus, by performing reflex massage, it is possible to improve the functioning of certain organs. Of course, it’s not easy to remember all the points completely.

For a home massage, it will be enough to know which part of the foot is responsible for what:

  • fingers - behind the neck and head;
  • from the toes to the center of the foot - the chest area and arms;
  • from the center of the foot to the heel - the abdominal cavity and legs.

Indian massage as a type of reflex massage

The peculiarity of this type of massage is that, depending on the disease, the effect is carried out not only on the feet, but also on certain parts of the body. First, massage certain areas, and then proceed to the feet.

Foot massage includes stroking, rubbing, squeezing. Each finger is lightly pulled forward. Then they begin to influence reflex points. After carefully working them out, they again stroke the entire foot, rotate the ankle joint and each toe.

Technique for performing acupressure foot massage

When performing acupressure, you must remember that it is very important to correctly determine the required point. By influencing it you can achieve positive results, while influencing neighboring ones can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is better to entrust acupressure to a certified specialist.

In the process of performing acupressure, the effect is not on one point, but on their whole complex.

Acupressure techniques:

  • light touch;
  • continuous stroking;
  • light pressure with a fingertip;
  • deep pressure to form a dimple under the finger.


The tonic or relaxing effect of the massage depends on the duration and intensity of the massage movements. A toning massage should be performed in the first half of the day. It is performed using short intense pressure and intermittent vibration.

A relaxing massage is best done in the evening before bed. Movements with it should be smooth and slow, without moving the skin. The pressure should be increased gradually.

Acupressure is the basis of Chinese techniques. You should not expect visible improvement in one session. It is necessary to complete the entire course of treatment.

Acupressure is not recommended for children under one year of age, or for older people. Also, acupressure should not be performed during menstruation, alcohol intoxication, or high blood pressure.

Features of foot massage for flat feet in adults and children

Flat feet cause fatigue in the legs and pain in them. In addition, such deformation of the feet can lead to serious disorders in the spine, which will negatively affect all internal organs. Foot massage for flat feet is the basis of its conservative treatment. Massage allows you not only to get rid of fatigue and pain, but also to improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles, and improve shock absorption of the feet.

Foot massage for flat feet in adults helps alleviate the condition. It is usually recommended to additionally massage the lower back.

Many methods of performing the procedure can be used. The most popular are 2 of them. The first involves sequential rubbing and relaxation of the calf muscle, Achilles tendon, calf muscles, foot, and then again passes through the calf muscle and foot.

The second option involves kneading the entire area from the knee to the foot, then attention is paid to the lower leg area, only then the foot is thoroughly massaged and, lastly, the big toe.

Massage for flat feet in children is carried out not only on the feet, but throughout the entire body. It starts with massaging the back and then goes lower. It is recommended to thoroughly stretch all legs, but focus on the feet. With timely initiation of massages, it is possible not only to stop the progression of flat feet in children, but also to restore the correct anatomical structure of the feet.

Massage for arthrosis

Foot massage for arthrosis is an important component of complex treatment. It allows you to improve tissue trophism, activate blood circulation, improve mobility, eliminate pain, and prevent muscle hypertrophy.

Most often, for arthrosis, a classic massage is performed, paying special attention to the Achilles tendon, the big toe area, the heel and the ankle.


It is not necessary to seek a massage in specialized establishments or ask friends and relatives for it. It is quite possible to perform a foot massage on yourself. It is best to carry out this procedure immediately before bed.

To begin, soak your feet in very warm water for a few minutes, then thoroughly rub your feet with a towel and then with your hands.

Sit comfortably with your legs stretched out in front of you. Place the foot being massaged on the thigh of the other leg. Grasp the foot with one hand and vigorously rub and stroke with the other hand. It's time to pay attention to your ankle. Grasp it with your hand and massage thoroughly in a circular motion. After this, rub the tendon coming from the heel.

Walk along the foot with rubbing movements and feel the hollows between the bones. They should also be given attention. Then thoroughly rub and knead the inner and outer parts of the foot. Massage your entire foot again using circular motions. Having warmed up your foot well, move on to your toes. Spend about 1-2 minutes on each of them. Rub each finger, bend and straighten, perform circular movements. Also, pull each finger forward in turn. Cover your leg after manipulation and begin massaging the second one.

Foot massage is a simple and effective natural therapy that is suitable for everyone at any age! The first mention of foot massage dates back to 2300-2500 BC. The most famous system of working with the feet originated in ancient China, where foot massage is still very popular today.

Benefits of foot massage

Feet are the mirror of the body. Any illness is the result of some disharmony of body and mind, which is reflected on the feet like in a mirror.

There are several possible explanations for the mechanism of action of reflexive foot massage. According to one of them, the feet have reflex areas associated with all organs and systems of the body. By massaging the feet in a certain way, you can identify areas of imbalance in the body and, if possible, correct them.

Reflexive foot massage helps maintain and improve health, protect against some potential illnesses, preventing their potential causes, relieve stress, improve mood, well-being, normalize sleep, increase vitality. Impact on the energy system of the feet helps restore balance in the energy system of the whole body. Chinese foot massage Helps cleanse the body of toxins and release blocked negative emotions.

Massage is useful for flat feet, hallux valgus, bunions, pain, swelling in the legs, feet, fatigue in the legs.

Getting to know the foot

We often pay attention to our feet when problems arise with them. Look at your feet. Your very first impression of them. Do your feet look tired, pale, red, or deformed?

Skin of the foot. Dry, sweaty, cracked? How the foot as a whole or its individual areas reacts to touch. Are you tense or relaxed? Is there vitality, energy in the feet? Are lumps or deposits felt under the skin? All this will talk about two things: the state of the body and mind, how healthy or unhealthy you are. Feet are a mirror of the body and state of mind. Feet don't lie. For example, cold feet can indicate not only poor circulation in the feet, but also in other areas of the body. The muscle tone of the foot or any area of ​​the foot can be associated with the muscle tone of the whole body or the corresponding area of ​​the body. The condition of the foot is informative. However, making a diagnosis is not part of the foot massage process.

What can I feel during a foot massage?

You may feel a variety of sensations. For example, there may be a sharp, piercing sensation, similar to touching a rose thorn, or a dull pain. Feelings are individual. Different sensitivity in different areas of the foot may indicate areas of imbalance in the body that are not working as efficiently as possible. The sensitivity of individual areas should be correlated with the overall sensitivity of the foot. The sensitivity of the feet changes as you work with them. It is a good sign when sensitive areas of the feet become less sensitive to touch. Basically, immediately after the first massage session, the feet feel light and relaxed.

Chinese foot massage is an ancient safe oriental massage technique that is suitable for everyone. Unlike medications, foot massage does not cause harmful side effects. As a result of the massage, a cleansing period may occur. The type of cleansing reactions depends on which organ or system of the body is experiencing discomfort. For example, if there is a problem with the respiratory system, after a foot massage it is possible to cleanse the nasal mucosa. There is no need to rush to cleanse yourself as quickly as possible. These are natural healing reactions. And this is a positive sign that the body and mind are working towards self-healing. Cleansing the body may take some time. As the body cleanses, these reactions disappear.

Reflexology massage works to achieve lasting improvements by releasing what originally caused the problem on the physical, mental and emotional levels.

"Foot massage helped me"

  • “Before the massage, I could only breathe through my mouth. After the foot massage, my nose cleared of mucus, congestion, and swelling. The headaches went away.”
  • “When massaging the feet, purulent discharge began to come out of the nose. The cleansing of the body lasted 3 days. The oval of the face tightened.”
  • “My right leg hurt for a year, it reacted to the weather, in the evening it ached with pain, in the morning it limped. After a foot massage, the leg came to life, the pain and lameness went away. The bone on the big toe shrank.”
  • “The warmth in my legs after massaging the feet lasted 17 hours. Previously, I couldn’t sleep until the morning. After the acupressure massage, I began to quickly fall asleep. After 2 sessions of foot massage, I gave up insomnia! The oval of my face became clearer.”
  • “The bones in the legs and flat feet have decreased. The lameness has gone away, the gait has become more straightened. Vital energy has appeared, and well-being has improved. After a reflex massage of the feet at the age of 65, the face became toned and younger.”
  • “With one massage session, the swelling of the legs subsided, and an extraordinary lightness appeared in the legs. I walk “like on springs.” When I massaged my feet, my flat feet began to disappear.”
  • “Thanks only to sessions of reflexive foot massage, at the age of 61, my figure was corrected, my stomach was tightened, and the oval line of my face became clearer. All summer I wore high-heeled sandals (12 cm).”
  • "Foot massage is bliss! Sleep has normalized, less time is needed to sleep. Great mood. Increased strength and energy. Rejuvenation has occurred. At 40, I look 25 years old."
  • "After the foot massage, the intestines were cleansed, stools returned to normal, bloating, painful flatulence, and constipation disappeared. Sleep became normal. Swelling of the legs and feet disappeared. Flat feet decreased, the instep increased, the size of the feet decreased. I began to walk in heels. The constant pain in the temples disappeared. I became younger. face".

Taking care of your feet is obvious

We need to realize that we ourselves are largely responsible for our personal health. Any disease is the result of some disharmony of the body, mind, environment. A grain will not grow into a tree without water, earth, light. Likewise, disease can be prevented from occurring by eliminating stress, poor nutrition, a depressive environment, and, more importantly, a negative state of mind and poor quality of internal life energy.

Foot massage is about taking care of yourself for the benefit of others.

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