Magic in our time. Wizards exist or not

Everyone understands the concept of magic differently. For example, for some it is not at all a chance meeting with someone we just thought about, the fulfillment of secret desires or the discovery of a treasure. A more scientific definition of magic refers to the purposeful influence on the course of events through supernatural means.

Does magic even exist? Many people ask this question. This is not surprising, because people find it difficult to believe in something that cannot be touched, seen, or even explained.

Yes, yes, this is not for you to grab a cup of hot coffee with your hands and stare at the rainbow after the rain.

Let's remember if something so amazing and even frightening happened to us that we cannot find an explanation for. I think this has happened to many people at least once in their lives. Moreover, it made me dispel doubts that magic exists.

No? Then just listen to what my friend Vera told the author of the article.

“At one time, I had, to put it mildly, strange neighbors who were interested in magic living on the same site. More than once they recited quite audible spells, or cursed the noisy children in the yard.

One day this happened. These people, having moved out of our house, asked to hand over the keys to the tenants who allegedly now live in their apartment. A week later, no one came for the keys and no new tenants were heard of.

Perhaps I would not have attached any importance to this if it had not been for the sudden onset of a “dark streak” in the life of my family. I, a completely healthy eighteen-year-old girl, began to have serious health problems. My sister fell into a terrible depression, and my mother was suddenly fired from work, which was also accompanied by poor health.

It was then that my mother “folded all her cards.” Having grabbed the enemy's keys, we went to the grandmother in our yard. She was also no slouch when it came to magic. Taking this, as it turned out, enchanted object into her hands, the woman was horrified, but soon reassured us that everything could be fixed.

Real horror gripped us when this happened. A former neighbor asked for a candle, saying that the light had gone out in their apartment.

But, fortunately, we were warned and did not fall for the tricks of such magic. The next day, all family members woke up feeling great, and our affairs soon improved too.

Now I don’t wonder if magic exists, I know it does.”

There are quite a lot of such cases. And what, if not magic, can influence people so strangely?
If this example does not convince you, it’s okay - the author of the article still has many “trump cards in his hands.”

Although, as a familiar philosophy teacher used to say, one must doubt everything, including whether magic exists. Then why so much talk about it?

It was in them that many real myths about magic were born. Especially among those who have not yet decided on their attitude towards otherworldly forces.

3 most common misconceptions among those who think that magic really exists

  1. Magic is completely evil, and exists only for a negative purpose (to curse, bewitch, etc.). Associated with witches, Satan and terrible rituals.
  2. Magic exists in white or black. In fact, it is colorless. The only important thing is for what purpose and how you use it.
  3. Magic does not require special knowledge. There is an opinion that having learned one spell, you can consider yourself a magician. In this sense, it is the same science as, for example, mathematics.

Myths “grow” around practically all interesting things, especially about whether magic exists. And this often happens due to a lack of information in a particular area, or due to the inability to logically prove something, as, indeed, in our case. But some things are worth looking at over time.

Think about water, for example.

Surely everyone has heard from fairy tales about the so-called living and dead water. It was believed that the first was capable of, if, in the literal sense of the word, not reviving, then at least healing. The second, on the contrary, could worsen the state of health.

A few centuries ago, the one who introduced these concepts into our everyday life would simply have been laughed at. And now it has already been fully proven that water has energy and memory. That is, these things really exist! A glass of water charged in some way can work wonders.

Hmm, well, how can one not believe that magic really exists and is friends with science?

And it not only exists, but is also constantly evolving. Here's how it has changed over time.

5 stages in history in exploring the question “Does magic exist?”

  1. Primitive age. At one glance at the strange rock symbols, one can speak of the presence of some kind of belief in the supernatural. Then magic existed in close connection with religion. Objects were endowed with magical powers to bring good luck, and nature was asked for help in all matters.
  2. Antiquity. Homer's works describe magical objects, such as the moth flower, which protects from magic, as well as the ritual of necromancy. At this time, protective amulets, curses, potions, and other magical attributes begin to be actively created.
  3. Middle Ages. Whether magic exists is colorfully shown during the Middle Ages. This period was marked by a fierce struggle against magic, namely against witches who were accused of witchcraft and performing “black” rituals. Such black magic frightened ordinary people and was punished by the authorities.
  4. Revival. On the one hand, during the translations of works of antiquity, interest in magic returned, and on the other hand, with the development of science, people tried to interpret the world using a rational approach. But it is interesting that many things that are now supported by evidence were then perceived as something magical.
  5. Our days. Now magic exists mainly in cinema and literature and is proudly called the genres of “science fiction” and “fantasy”. But modern people and in real life they are increasingly resorting to specialists in this field. Performing magical rituals has already become commonplace - like going to the doctor.

Such widespread use has led to the fact that magic is divided into several areas, each of which is interesting in its own way.

Magic lessons

5 main directions in which magic exists in our time

In fact, magic is just a kind of abstraction and a very general concept of magic. Depending on its purpose and means of achieving what is desired, magic exists in different forms.

It is interesting that modern people have learned to do without ancient rituals that are harmful
spells and curses. IN Lately this phenomenon (like everything else, by the way) has progressed quite a lot, and now, basically, magic exists for self-knowledge of a person, studying the peculiarities of his destiny, as well as for searching for secret abilities.

Among all the directions in which current magic exists, there are five main ones:

  • Astrology. This is an old and rather complex science that has found resonance and widespread use in our time. It is based on knowledge about the structure of the Universe and the assertion that man is an integral part of it. A skilled astrologer can fully describe your life, which will help you avoid some troubles, as well as correctly distribute your energy resources.
  • Ayurveda. The teaching is known for its amazing life-giving power. Healing a person according to Ayurveda is based on the natural suppression of an illness without the use of artificial auxiliary substances. The actions of such a doctor are aimed not specifically at the disease, but at the person as a whole, in order to improve and strengthen him physically and spiritually.
  • Divination. Nowadays, magic exists mainly to help us learn about some events from the future. They often tell fortunes using cards and coffee grounds. This type is widely known for its seemingly simplicity of execution. But, in fact, fortune telling gives a large error, unless, of course, this is done by an experienced magician who understands not only symbols and meanings, but can also hear clues from the other world in the process , to exist in tune with higher powers.
  • Extrasensory perception. People who are called true psychics, conductors of magic, have long been a real discovery. They are able to feel what is inaccessible to an ordinary person, thanks to more developed senses. Such “wizards” are able to predict the future, look into the past, see at a distance and heal a person with the power of thought.
  • Numerology. The magic here exists in numbers. Numerologists believe that each number has its own energy and is capable of influencing a person. Consequently, the numbers from the date of birth carry specific information, after learning which you can get the keys to your happy life.

In general, whether magic exists is a question for everyone to answer for themselves. But still, according to the author of the article, there is no point in denying something supernatural. After all, the miracles that sometimes happen to us are truly amazing.

We should only remember that some connection with otherworldly forces is given to us to help us, to understand certain aspects of our personality and to warn us against danger. So you should use them for your own benefit and not to harm others.

For many centuries, our civilization has been looking for answers to the question: does magic exist? However, there is still no consensus on this matter.

Some outspoken materialists argue that everything in this world is material, and there cannot be other ways to influence the natural course of things. Many people firmly believe that with the help of simple manipulations with photography they can cure a person.

So believing whether magic exists or not is a personal matter for everyone. And what will Feng Shui adherents say to this, who, with the help correct placement Are symbolism in certain areas of the apartment trying to influence the development of a specific area of ​​life? What is this? Many questions remain.

In ancient times, people believed unconditionally in the existence of witches and dark forces; they even burned at the stake unwanted people who were considered representatives of otherworldly forces.

Currently, there are even programs on television where people turn to psychics asking them to help them understand their problems. Someone's child died under mysterious circumstances. Someone’s floors and doors in their house are creaking, and at night it’s as if someone is walking. All this is nothing but magic and paranormal phenomena, so there is no need to wonder whether magic exists.

It is conventionally accepted to divide magic into white and black, into, so to speak, good, light magic and dark - evil. In the same way, it is believed that there are black witches and sorcerers who practice dangerous love spells and spells that can subjugate a person’s will.

There is an age-old debate about who is considered more strong magician- White or black. This implies that black magicians are helped by dark forces, terrifying on an ordinary person, while white magicians talk about their connection with God and the forces of light.

Often magicians use similar auxiliary tools. They use Tarot cards, stones, feathers, bones. Each of them can have their own talismans, which help him tune in to the desired “wave” and hear the promptings of the spirits from

The most famous magicians also had their own characteristics that were unique to them. For example, in the Middle Ages there lived a druid girl, Cliodna, who knew how to put the sick into deep sleep with the help of her magic birds and heal them.

There was also the famous dark sorceress Morgana le Fay, who was considered the strongest magician opposing Merlin, who, in turn, was also a powerful wizard. Both magicians had enormous power, could transform into animals and understood their speech.

There were also quite unusual sorcerers. For example, Urik the Strange was an eccentric magician and wore a jellyfish on his head instead of a hat.

Just as before, people continue to turn to various kinds of magicians for help. Especially when it comes to events in life that they cannot influence. Thus, women whose husbands have left for their mistresses are able to turn to some kind of magicians for help and ask them to return their beloved to the family.

Unfortunately, few people think about what methods witches use. Therefore, sometimes such “cooperation” can be very Negative consequences. The fact is that any witchcraft should not subjugate the will of others, and people believe that they have the right to decide for themselves - for whom and what will be best.

Whether magic exists or not is up to you to decide. To this day, many questions remain, the answers to which no science can give.

Only one thing is known for sure: each person has his own energy and biofield. And intervention against a person’s will can have very negative consequences both for himself and for the one who decided on such intervention.

Miracles - you can call all this whatever you like, but as long as it is not known exactly what it can be, everyone has the right to believe in what they want.

You may be a skeptic and not believe in the existence of black and white magic, but this does not mean that it is not present in our earthly life. Women, of course, believe more in otherworldly forces, because they are the ones who are more sensitive by nature to changes in energy in the world around them.

I will not tell you how to remove damage, and I will not describe rituals and conspiracies from black magic - you will find this in abundance in printed publications and on the Internet, - but I’ll describe a couple of stories from life, which for me personally became confirmation that witchcraft, alas, takes place even in modern developed society.

Magic stories from my life

More than once I came across cries for help on women’s forums, where they begged for advice on how to remove a spell or love spell from a husband, how to protect a child from the evil eye, etc. I always joined the forum members mocking them. But that was until an interesting incident happened in my family.

Strange neighbors

Next to my parents lived strange neighbors who liked to shake out rugs right at the feet of those passing by or send curses to children playing under the windows. One day these people asked me to hand over the keys to an apartment for rent - at that time they had moved out of our entrance, and we met by chance at the store. I tried to fulfill the request for a week, but there were no tenants in the rental housing. Then sad events happened in my family, due to which I forgot about the request of my former neighbors for a month! But no one came for the keys...

I felt that all this was strange and unusual, but it began to dawn on me what the matter was only when, at the age of 18, I was diagnosed with a bunch of incomprehensible ailments, my dad started having problems at work, and my brother simply fell into depression. A friend advised me to go see a woman who deals with just such strange things. When the healer took the keys in her hands, she felt sick. She did not tell anything in detail, the only thing she asked was to constantly drink the water that she would give, and not to give anything from home to those who would come in three days. Until recently I thought that the woman was playing a role, simply instilling fear in me, a young fool, but when exactly three days later the former neighbors came and began to persistently ask for water (note that they didn’t say a word about the keys!), explaining this by the lack of it in their apartment, I was horrified.

We weren’t sick for long after that - one day everyone in the household woke up in a good mood and good health. But I never saw my neighbors again, but I heard that their dacha burned down and my husband suffered a stroke. How can one not believe in black magic and corruption after this?

Is my second mother a witch?

The second unique incident happened to me when I was already married. For some reason, my mother-in-law immediately disliked me. I was too lively and confident for her: I didn’t want to live with her, I took my son away and “tightened the screws for him” (her words), I listened to valuable recommendations, but did not implement them, I persuaded my husband to buy an apartment not near her, but in another area. I became an enemy whom she always tried to verbally pinch and slander behind her back, even in front of my own children. I tried not to get involved for seven whole years, but at some point my patience ran out and I dared to speak up. By this time, her son (my husband) was also tired of her interference in our family and began to fight back. Our mother was deeply offended and disappeared from the horizon, having previously poured out a ton of negativity on me, my son, and even my relatives.

Literally a week later I came down with an inexplicable fever. The tests showed nothing - everything was normal. At first I put it all down to fatigue from night work, worries about the children and lack of vitamins, but I was getting worse. As a result, I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, which was difficult to treat. After discharge, I developed a sore throat, my heart ached, and my weight began to drop catastrophically. I felt my strength leaving me. An incident at night made me suspect witchcraft - I woke up because someone was crawling along my legs and, reaching my chest, squeezed my body so much that I began to suffocate. I went through all the prayers that I knew in my head, and “something” receded. I turned on the light and saw my cat hissing in the other corner of the room.

The healer’s diagnosis was disappointing: my mother-in-law decided to get me out of her way by any means necessary. She sincerely believed that life would be better for her son and my children without me. I don’t know what this kind woman did, I just went to church and ordered magpies for the health of myself and my mother-in-law, and also drank holy water and said prayers. I was shivering, shaking, constantly wanting to sleep, had a headache, and then suddenly everything went away. The second “mother” showed up on the doorstep on the very first day, as I felt better, with a bag of tangerines. The granny who was helping me warned me about this. The purpose of her coming was not clear, since very soon she left, only grumbling a little. I threw out the tangerines. Now my mother-in-law has no time for me...

After such life situations, I believed that magic exists, and modern people successfully use it. I didn’t like my neighbors, my friend seemed prettier, my husband was lucky and loving - all these reasons may seem to an evil person quite significant to order your life or success from some black craftsman.

Cases from the lives of friends

Please note that in the church you can see possessed people who shout in a voice that is not their own, rush at others, and do unthinkable things. The priests themselves say that they were possessed by an unclean spirit. I've seen these - it's a terrifying sight. Personally, I left the service because I was scared. But after certain rituals the demoniac becomes possessed again an ordinary person. It has always been interesting to me, because it’s not just that some force is infused into people, forcing them to behave inappropriately - most likely, someone “helps” them with this.

I had friends whose child was diagnosed with mental retardation. Active parents did not put up with him and took their son to the luminaries alternative medicine. I don’t know where or from whom (they don’t say), but the baby was cured. After some whispering grandmother, the boy arrived with different eyes and completely normal behavior. Now he already goes to a regular school.

Personally, I witnessed two neighbors arguing in our yard. One wanted to break all the bones of the other, and two days later she fell unsuccessfully out of the blue. The result is a fracture of the femoral neck. It turns out that there is also some magic here, because any negative message disrupts a person’s energy and spoils it. In anger, one word spoken from the heart is enough to harm another.

I had a friend Julia who fell in love with a guy 5 years older. He played with her and abandoned her, and she went crazy with her unrequited feelings. I know from our mutual friend that she mixed something in the guy’s wine, inviting him over for a last drink in the name of a dead relationship. A month later he followed her around, then they got married and a baby was born. Only after three years the guy started drinking alcohol, and Yulia left him.

How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye?

Believe it or not, magic and witchcraft exist. You may never encounter any damage or a curse, but be careful.

Try not to get into conflict with people - a bad peace is better than a good quarrel, as the people say. Do not take gifts or any things from suspicious people, do not brag to your friends good man or excessive success, do not tell anyone about your income and purchases - there will be less envy, and, therefore, fewer enemies in life. Go to church more often and order a prayer service to Saints Cyprian and Justina - they are the ones who fight witchcraft and sorcery in Orthodoxy. The magpie about health for 40 days or more helps well.

I wish you never to encounter dark forces and their servants in our world!

About existence of magic Disputes do not subside in society. Does magic exist? Adherents of materialism say that it does not exist, that it is fiction, nonsense and fairy tales of a sick imagination. According to them, everything in the world is material, what we see, what is tangible, exists. In this world, everything strictly obeys the laws of physics and chemistry. The question arises: why can’t there be other laws that have not yet been discovered, those laws according to which the algorithm of magic itself works? You can turn to history. Even at the dawn of human development, somewhere during the Upper Paleolithic period, humanity already had a different idea about the material world. This was manifested in a person's belief in an afterlife. If a person died, the community took every possible care of the deceased; in their opinion, he continued to live, but in a different form. Therefore, gifts were brought to him, he was protected from wild animals, and special funeral rituals were performed. Also, forms of human belief in the existence of something supernatural and invisible have received names: totemism, animism, fetishism.

Totemism was a special system of myths and human beliefs in a supernatural community of groups and animals or plants, which were called totems.

Animism is a society's belief in the existence of spirits.

Fetishism is the endowment of objects with special properties, often supernatural ones. Also, as humanity developed, shamanism, necromancy, and various cults of a particular community appeared, which were determined by the territory of their location.

So to the question of does magic exist From a historical point of view, the answer is definitely yes. It just obeys different laws. And these laws are universal, irreversible, inescapable.

Scientists have long discovered such properties of the human body as energy and biofield. Man can control environment, to control circumstances, chance does not really exist. And the stronger the person himself, the stronger his energy, his willpower, the greater the chance he has to control circumstances.

The Middle Ages condemned magic; for it it was something terrible. Witches and sorcerers were burned only one denunciation at a time. But even then there were large organizations, entire communities that numbered hundreds of people who practiced magic in one way or another.

Researchers of magic and religion claim: yes, witchcraft exists among all peoples of the world. From time immemorial it was widespread in Rus'; sorcerers and healers lived in every village. They differed in that the sorcerer could cause damage, and the healer could remove it. Love magic natural and involuntary sorcerers practiced. People to whom sorcerers transfer their power before death were considered involuntary, otherwise the mother earth would not accept them.

To expose witches in Russian villages, three means were used: a lit palm tree candle, aspen firewood, which must be heated on Maundy Thursday before Easter, and a rowan rod - all this must be held in the hands of the church during Bright Matins. It is believed that the sorcerer will come to the house either to ask for ash from aspen logs, or simply out of concern, and then expose himself.

Sorcerers come in different strengths: one only needs to look and send his unkind thought with a sidelong glance to make him wither away. The weaker one needs either a curse powder, which he sends into the wind, or a witch's potion, or a trace taken out, that is, a handful of earth from under the feet of the doomed person. Or you need a thing that is being slandered - conspiracies are common both among sorcerers and healers.

There were always many amulets against all the machinations of sorcerers: onions, garlic, amber, incense, a cross sewn onto a scarf, a spoken coin placed in stockings, eyeless needles sewn into a dress, etc.

Modern man is accustomed to the fact that there are two opposing views on reality, two types of consciousness - scientific and magical. Sometimes it seems that modern world It's funny to think that miracles happen. Scientific methods of influencing reality seem solid and logical, and belief in magic remains in childhood, when it was so easy to believe in fairy tales and wizards.

Inexplicable - does not mean does not exist

But maybe it’s just easier for people to think that everything in the world is predictable and explainable? In fact, this is far from the case. Even in the familiar reality surrounding everyone, there is a lot that people cannot feel with the help of their senses: electromagnetic waves, electrons running through wires, the speed of light. But they can observe and record these and other phenomena using special instruments.

But until quite recently, concepts such as the human biofield, for example, were not recognized by official science and unconditionally belonged to the realm of esotericism. Perhaps the methods of explaining and recording phenomena that today are usually classified as magic will in the near future become familiar and completely scientific?

What is magic?

But before deciding whether magic exists or not, it's a good idea to understand what it is. We can say that magical rituals are actions that carry a certain energy impulse, are performed in a certain sequence and bring the desired result. Thus, magical effect not too different from the usual one in its essence, except for one component - energy.

But this component turns out to be the most important in the magical action. The mood that a person receives as a result of performing the ritual helps him change his behavior, see the situation with new side, discover new resources in yourself, believe in yourself. And belief in yourself and your success is a powerful force. The stronger the energy of the person performing magical actions, the more obvious the result will be. Modern psychologists recognize this, and theologians have been talking about this since ancient times.

As for the ritual itself, successive manipulations, words of the conspiracy, pronounced in a strictly specified order, create the desired mood and help internal resources to mobilize. You can create rituals yourself. One of the areas of psychology - Simoron - is built on the creation of fun rituals that help change reality. The only problem is to believe in their effectiveness. That is why most prefer traditional, proven magical methods.

To expose witches in Russian villages, three means were used: a lit palm tree candle, aspen firewood, which must be heated on Maundy Thursday before Easter, and a rowan rod - all this must be held in the hands of the church during Bright Matins.

It is believed that the sorcerer will come to the house either to ask for ash from aspen logs, or simply out of concern, and then expose himself. Sorcerers come in different strengths: one only needs to look and send his unkind thought with a sidelong glance to make him wither away.

The weaker one needs either a curse powder, which he sends into the wind, or a witch's potion, or a trace taken out, that is, a handful of earth from under the feet of the doomed person. Or you need a thing that is being slandered - conspiracies are common both among sorcerers and healers.

There were always many amulets against all the machinations of sorcerers: onions, garlic, amber, incense, a cross sewn on a headscarf, a spoken coin placed in stockings, needles without eyes sewn into a dress, etc.


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Questions that have long been of concern to everyone: does magic exist? What is this, magic or a trick? What types of magic are there? Everyone believes in what is convenient for them. Some vehemently prove that it exists and is capable of influencing people’s destinies. Others resist and do not believe in its existence. For several centuries, humanity has been trying to understand this matter in order to finally find the right answer to all these questions.

Does magic really exist or is it a figment of the imagination of certain people? And is there really a science of magic? Even if we assume that this is all fiction and an accident.

But, do not forget that a large number of accidents develop into a pattern. It would be clearer to everyone if there was one defining name, but until today no one can say with confidence whether it is talent, magic, miracle or science.

Everyone who believes in witchcraft has decided for themselves that it is a combination of certain actions aimed at changing reality and the world around them.

The history of magical influences

Unable to install the exact date emergence this phenomenon. The history of magic goes back far into the past; it developed in parallel with the development of humanity.

Ancient people believed in afterworld and rebirth of the soul. The history of magic shows that in ancient times in Rus' there were people, witches, healers who performed magical rituals. They helped get rid of serious illnesses, called on good luck, and created amulets for those who came to them for help.

With certain magical rituals, they could control weather conditions.

Many argue that the main types of magic are black and white. Initially, it is worth noting that real magic has no color. It all depends on the sorcerer who uses it and the goals set for him.

The history of magic allows us to conclude that it really exists, is passed on from generation to generation and is continuously developing.

Science or art?

The science of magic reveals incredible abilities human influence on the course of events, feelings and destinies of people. Also, the science of magic makes it possible to learn how to influence a person’s biofield. And the stronger your energy, and the sooner you will be able to unravel the magic. To become a magician, it is not enough to read one article or perform several rituals. The science of magic requires a responsible approach. As in other sciences, there are laws and fundamentals of magic that a novice magician should know.

To learn how to control magical powers, you need to know its basic laws:

  1. Law of knowledge. Knowledge is a unique weapon, the more you know about a certain object, the easier way control it.
  2. Self-knowledge. A sorcerer who has no knowledge of himself cannot have knowledge of what he does. Before you can establish control over someone, you need to know yourself.
  3. Action and result. When performing a magical effect, every magician must clearly understand what he is doing and understand what result he expects.
  4. The power of a word. Each word has great power; it helps to change both internal and external reality.

Types of magical effects

There are different types of magic. It combines many completely unrelated subspecies. Each of them has its own ritual rules and consequences.

Among the large number of classifications, the main ones can be identified:

  • White - implies communication with good spirits. Helps cope with various diseases and get rid of damage.
  • Black. It is the complete opposite of white. Magicians resort to the help of evil spirits. All rituals have a destructive effect and bring trouble and grief.
  • Green. It is carried out with the help of a variety of magical or healing infusions and brews. The preparation is based on special herbs.
  • Mental. This is accomplished only through the ability to concentrate. No additional attributes are used.
  • Christian, consists of a number of church rituals that help overcome difficulties.

Is it possible to learn witchcraft?

Would you like to be trained in magic, but you recently let magic into your life and don’t know how to handle it? If you want to practice white magic, you should follow some guidelines that require white magic for beginners.

It is impossible to learn magic in one day. Learning magic requires responsibility and judgment. Practicing magic requires attentiveness and concentration.

Real magic is based on 4 elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth. To learn how to control the energy of these elements, you will need faith in yourself, willpower and imagination. Therefore, first, take lessons that will help you strengthen these three aspects, and only then you can start learning magic.

  • try to learn to control own feelings and emotions;
  • before each ritual, it is necessary to take a course of meditation in order to concentrate your energy in the right direction;
  • carefully study all existing methods of witchcraft, the procedure and possible consequences;
  • To become a real sorcerer, you need to regularly perform rituals.

Bottom line

Some sorcerers and magicians practice private lessons. You can contact them for help and get detailed information. But before you connect your life with this mysterious and almost inexplicable phenomenon, you need to understand whether you need it. After all, the opinion that all magical actions leave an imprint on the fate of the magician himself is valid. In fact, witchcraft often has a destructive effect. Therefore, you need to be completely confident in the correct choice.

The word “magic” among the people often has such synonyms as “ sorcery», « magic», « witchcraft», « witchery" Every person's first encounters with magic and witchcraft occur in the earliest years of his life - childhood. And each of us probably had the most favorite fairy tales in which magic was present.

To the child’s question: “Does this happen?” - the parents condescendingly answer: “Well, of course not!” And between many of the things that the old people talk about folk tales- Truth. AND Witchcraft and magic have always existed on Earth, exist and will exist.

Another thing is that in fairy tales miracles happen instantly, but in life they take time, sometimes quite a long period. AND "miracles" always have a natural shell, a scientific explanation. However, the facts of human influence both on objects and on other people through the direct mental efforts of one individual are obvious.

This means that it is possible, ultimately, to make changes, with the help of some purposeful idea, an all-consuming passion, and on a larger scale, to influence the surrounding reality. For faster and more accurate fulfillment of desires, magicians use.

There is an opinion that in ancient times people had many of the capabilities that they struggle to achieve modern magicians. After all, in people living today, 95% of the brain sleeps even while awake!

Moses and Kabbalah

It is said that during Moses' first ascent to the mountain, he received. These secrets told what a person could do. But people were not ready to accept freedom inherent in Kabbalah. And, having descended from the mountain, Moses was shocked by what he saw: people served the idol, sinned recklessly, caring more about the body than the spirit. And Moses destroyed the slabs that brought great knowledge to humanity!

For the second time, when Moses climbed the mountain, God gave him slabs with the 10 commandments, but with the opposite meaning. Seeing human ignorance, instead of the secrets of Kabbalah, the Lord sent them commandments about what people should not do. Something similar is happening to all of humanity as a whole. It’s funny, you see, to entrust a 2-3 year old child with driving a complex car on a busy highway! This is roughly the same situation with the knowledge of the great Kabbalah.

Although, to be honest, even in our time, most people can hardly be counted among the cohort who are ready to truly accept freedom. There are very few people living on Earth today who are capable of think independently. The majority in our time follows various doctrines of political or religious groups, continue to create idols for themselves and bow to them. And only a small fraction of the population gradually begins to think and awaken from centuries of hibernation.

It is they who make the first attempts to influence nature and humans with the help of their consciousness, sometimes resorting to the help of magical rituals and. These are the actions commonly called magic. Meanwhile, taking into account Crowley’s words, any actions, any changes that occur in accordance with your will can already be attributed to magical actions.


you are waiting for a bus that is obviously late. But you really want the bus to come! And then he turns the corner! Of course, there are many explanations for this case that are quite satisfactory to both physicists and ordinary average people. But in fact - you committed magical effect, because you wanted this with all your willpower - the arrival of the bus.

Candidate philosophical sciences R. F. Dodeltsev in his book “Modern Magic” gives an even more striking example. It relies on the actions of the person who wants to open the door. So he takes the door handle with his hand, turns it and opens it... Based on everything stated above, he has already performed a magical act.

That is, magic is not at all something supernatural and transcendental, as many around believe. Isn't it modern man considers lightning and thunderclaps supernatural? Even eclipses of heavenly bodies today's scientists have learned not only to explain, but also to predict. Imagine what would have happened to a scientist who correctly predicted an eclipse of the Sun in the 16th and 17th centuries? Its exactly would be accused of witchcraft and simply - simply burned at the stake, like an ardent sorcerer and heretic!

Lack of education

and the narrowness of thinking forced people to deify many physical phenomena, because they did not know how to explain it. Now the stories about that terrible time when the Inquisition dominated seem absurd and implausible to us. But it was! Science is moving forward by leaps and bounds. Phrases such as: “If I can’t see it, it means it simply doesn’t exist” have long come to mean a person who is narrow-minded.

Molecules, atoms and neutrons are also not visible to our eyes, but no one doubts that they exist. Of course, the presence of these physical phenomena scientifically proven experimentally. But isn't it magicians and sorcerers prove it every day us our existence and power? The only problem so far is that scientists cannot explain this phenomenon.

People are accustomed to hypnosis, to the fact that psychics give answers to questions, to which no one could answer. Scientists come up with names unexplained phenomena. But no one can yet thoroughly explain all the ins and outs of the strange phenomenon popularly called magic. History proves to us that every discovery on earth has always been met with hostility by the majority of ordinary people.

For example, with what reverence, and in some cases even with outright horror, electricity was greeted! And let’s be honest, how many copies were broken until the computer with the notorious Internet entered our lives so firmly that today it is difficult to find a clergyman who does not have it. Even within the monastery walls there is access to special theological sites.

Magic and religion

Very difficult

the question of whether practicing magic contradicts belief in God. I will surprise you by saying - no, it does not contradict. If God were disgusted by the fact that so far only some individuals are mastering the skills and knowledge of the occult, why should he stop all this?

And one more thing: based on the expression that every hair on our head is counted, and nothing in the world happens without the permission of our Lord, how did He give magicians such knowledge and skills?

Publications on the topic

Unexplained phenomena have happened at least once in everyone's life. Some consider it intuition, some a manifestation of divine power, others try to find scientific explanations. But no one can deny the fact that sometimes strange things happen.

Magic, religion or science?

On the one hand, magic has nothing to do with real life. On the other hand, all life consists of a chain of mystical events.

Everyone determines for themselves the meaning of mystical manifestations in life.

  1. Supernatural powers

Despite the fact that progress does not stand still, many continue to believe in supernatural forces such as:

  • Intuition, premonition: the feeling of the inevitability of what is happening is familiar to everyone. The feeling that something bad will happen, but nothing can be changed. And it does happen!
  • Prophetic dreams: the consciousness of a sleeping person is disconnected from reality or, conversely, analyzes the events that have occurred. In any case, it cannot be denied that dreams can come true;
  • Witchcraft: “witch doctors” are still in demand. Some have acquired offices and employees and continue to receive the suffering.

However, all this is considered a sin. After all, every miracle happens according to the will of God.

  1. Church

Religion has had a huge impact on humanity precisely because many phenomena cannot be explained. This means that these are divine manifestations:

  • Holy fire for Easter. The descent of the holy fire is perhaps the strongest proof of the existence of God in our days;
  • Prayers: in the most difficult situations I want to believe that you can come to church, pray, and everything will change for the better;
  • Life and death: It’s hard to believe that before birth, a person simply did not exist and after death he will again disappear into nowhere. Heaven and hell give motivation to life: no one wants to end up in hell, everyone wants to go to the Gardens of Eden.
  1. Scientific explanations

Science explains many things. But scientists themselves confirm the actual existence of otherworldly forces:

  • Biofield. Special measuring instruments detect radiation emanating from a person. What is noteworthy is that the radiation varies and has an individual color;
  • Soul of man was weighed by research staff. Its weight is 21 grams.

It turns out that if magic exists in our time, then wizards also exist. Who are these people with magical powers? There is an eternal question here.

People with magical powers

Those with supernatural abilities claim that they were born with certain skills, or acquired them as a result of certain events.

Usually the impetus for the manifestation of force is stressful situations. They force a person to concentrate and express himself as much as possible. History knows many psychics who live ordinary lives before certain point. After going through deep emotional experiences, they notice extraordinary phenomena and feel connected to their thoughts and actions.

Psychics have the ability to:

  • Predict the future;
  • Move objects without physical contact;
  • Communicate with the world of the dead;
  • To force a person to submit to their will;
  • Inflict damage, perform rituals for various purposes.

Scientists conduct experiments with the help of psychics. And they come to the conclusion that scientific explanation Many mystical manifestations controlled by psychics do not exist.

Those in need of support most often do not immediately turn to magicians for help. First, rational and scientific methods solving the problem. And only at the end of painful attempts to achieve what you want, having tried everything possible ways, having lost last hope For improvement, people come to psychics.

In such critical situations, the body is exhausted by moral torment and people are ready to believe in any miracle. Reality and magic no longer have boundaries for them. This unstable psychological state often used by charlatans.

Psychologists are manipulators who have no magical abilities

It is not difficult to deceive a gullible person who is in a difficult situation. There is a whole direction that works to change consciousness in order to obtain benefits.

Methods of mental influence on consciousness:

  1. In order to master the situation and be able to manipulate, pseudo-psychics gain the trust of a person. The methods may be different, but it all starts with a heart-to-heart conversation. In which there is the similarity of the situations that have arisen, and understanding, and sympathy. The person relaxes and does not notice how he falls under the influence and tells all the secrets. The goal has been achieved, then you can take care of obtaining affordable benefits from the victim;
  2. Intimidation can be used to enhance the impact on a person's mind. Fears are a powerful weapon in the hands of unscrupulous healers. One has only to mention the dire consequences, and the person is completely demoralized.
  3. Another tool actively used in practice by charlatans is hypnosis. This is a whole direction that exists on the edge of medical knowledge. It represents a serious penetration into human consciousness. Dangerous when used by non-professionals.

All these manipulations in the skillful hands of scammers seem to be mystical manifestations. But does magic take place in these cases? The answer is obvious - no.

Magic in real life

There should be a place for miracles in every person's life. Not only magicians and wizards can surprise. Truly miraculous events include:

  • Birth of a child. Is this real magic?
  • Sudden recovery of the patient after for long years treatment;
  • Meeting with a loved one, who later becomes a relative. Mother's love for children. Love to motherland. Love is a strong feeling that makes a person omnipotent and rivals any magic.
  • Sudden events that happen exactly when needed.

It's very easy to see magic. Just take a closer look.

A lot of mysticism happens every day. Whether to recognize these phenomena as magical or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. In fact no magic(in the sense that is shown in films and described in books) does not exist, no matter how much a person would like to believe otherwise.

Video about the rationale for magical manifestations in life

In this video famous psychologist and critic Jacques Fresco will tell you whether there really are different magicians and psychics:

People's attitude towards magic has always been tense. Some nations relied on it as the only source of conduct, while others could be burned at the stake for its use. In our age, many skeptics have appeared who not only answer negatively to the question of whether magic really exists in the world, but also find rational explanations for magical manifestations. But even the physical laws of the world do not always explain why supernatural things happen, and some people can literally penetrate the thoughts of others.

History of origin

The first mentions appeared at a time when man realized his place in the world. The desire to get what he wanted appeared in him immediately from the moment he realized that he was not nature or an animal. In this sense, it can be seen in an analogy with religion. After all, if you think about it, Orthodoxy is also a kind of magic.

A believer comes to a temple or church, prays to the Saint, and then lights a candle for him. This is the same ritual, because when praying one turns not to oneself and not to the people around him, but to the holy spirit, some spiritual Absolute. This understanding of the contiguity and almost synonymy of these two movements is by no means blasphemous, as it might seem. This is a sober view of things, for which there is plenty of evidence.

The same view applies to the division of the current into black and white. In fact, as the esotericists themselves note, no division exists in real world. All this is one force, one essence. It's just a matter of how a person is able to cope with it. If his goal is to get what he wants in possible neutral ways, then the ritual will be white. If the magician does not set himself a goal in itself, so that the desire is fulfilled without harming others and without influencing the will of another person, then this is a darker ritual. Magic itself is not divided into white, gray, black, purple...

How was it formed

Answering the question whether there is magic in the world, we can definitely say that people have been forming this knowledge since the same time as religious canons. It is noteworthy that it largely follows the religious path.


In the most ancient times, when there was practically no physical or astronomical knowledge, magic and religion were one. With the help of rituals, people solved their problems, for example, causing rain or promoting better hunting. Of course, magicians in those days were the most revered strata of society, on a par with, and perhaps even higher than, the heads of the tribe. The reverence was equal for the divine pantheon and the ordinary magician in the village. At the same time, the magicians of those times could plunge into the astral world; this was real and understandable for them.

In the Middle Ages, the situation changed. Christianity began to rule the world, but not according to God's laws. Now many historians are inclined to think that such rituals ancient Christianity, like the Inquisition or burning witches at the stake - this is nothing more than the action of some magicians for their own purposes. After all, it turns out that such unlawful, cruel actions towards others violated the commandments - do not kill and love your neighbor. Religion came into opposition, but they were equal forces.

If the people of that time had thought that this was fiction, then no cruel sacrifices would have taken place. The attitude towards magical power has transformed, it has become more perverted.


Of course, the debate over whether magic exists in the real world begins with two opponents debating whether rituals actually exist or are just self-hypnosis. The question should be answered right away: would the teaching exist from primitive times to our time if it were not effective?

Many esotericists are inclined to think that magical powers given to every person from birth. Some people put them aside, others actively use them and don’t even know it. Only one person out of several thousand turns the magical abilities inherent in him into a force that can change the world. For example, with the power of thought such a person can move objects or influence the will of another.

Whether magic really exists is an individual question. Those who live in a world in which it is possible to explain any action only with the help of physical laws, are not inclined to believe in the existence higher powers. Others, even people of a mathematical mind, are sure that it is impossible to explain everything in a rational way.

Punishment for using magic

Of course, everyone has heard about the consequences of using magic in the real world. severe punishment. Allegedly, the young lady who bewitched the guy will be happy with him for several years, but then dark forces will definitely take their toll - the husband will start drinking, the children will get sick, or the woman who made the love spell will be haunted by various troubles.

There is only one argument - magic goes against God’s commandments. But do we strictly adhere to them now, and isn’t the world dictating its own rules to us? We don’t consider it strange to have a drink at a restaurant on the weekend, and we don’t call cohabitation with intimate relationships before marriage something supernatural. However, if you look at what warnings God left, it will become clear that such actions do not fit. What can we say about the fact that in our world abortion is perceived as an ordinary surgical operation, and not as the terrible sin of infanticide. Or an affair on the side of the spouse as a common thing, and not as great sin before the Lord.

If you think about all this, it will become clear that practicing magic among all these sins is clearly not in the leading position. Those who perceive all previous actions adequately, but are only wary of magic, considering or even calling it out loud “the machinations of Satan,” are simply dishonest.


Is there magic in the world? This is not a question that can be answered using ordinary dogmas and canons. It is necessary to take into account, first of all, experience, and whether real magic really works.

Real magicians, those who have the power of instilling their thoughts into other people, do not need careful and very complex rituals. An ordinary Voodoo doll or a simple photograph of the offender is enough for them. Looking into the eyes, they can make a person, even at a distance of thousands of kilometers, experience certain feelings and come to the necessary conclusions. Of course, only those who have natural abilities can fully master it.

Oddly enough, atheists, those who do not believe at all in the presence of the supernatural in our world, also indirectly experience the influence of magic. But seeing the needles in door jamb or sprinkled cemetery land at the threshold, their skepticism instantly dissipates. They immediately begin to think about who could have done this, who they did not please, and with their thoughts they independently form a funnel, thanks to which the magical effect intensifies and accelerates.


Wizards certainly exist in our time. Popular TV shows with huge ratings are dedicated to this. There are also many documentaries that talk about the miracles that some people can do in reality.

Despite the fact that many “Old Believers” prohibit the use of magic, if we take into account previous statements, it becomes clear that this is no worse than anything that modern people allow themselves.

For some reason, evidence of existence is associated with the impact dark forces. Allegedly, if a person can control the forces of nature or at least the thoughts of others, this is from the Devil. In fact, magic is a reality that has no light or dark side, no polarity. It depends only on the person himself what this power will become for himself or for other people. Whether magic really exists is something everyone decides for themselves. But if the answer is yes, then you shouldn’t start your training thoughtlessly. It is necessary to decide what kind of action this is for the world.

Not every person has the same ability for magic from birth. For some, a few minutes are enough to unlock them, but the vast majority need to learn. Even with minimal abilities you can achieve results. The main thing is to strive to master knowledge, to identify a path that is better conquered. For example, some manifest themselves in searching for things, while others are given descriptions of future events or the creation of herbal remedies to treat ailments.

Magic is the same as religion. The ritual is identical: a ritual is performed before the force, the Absolute is asked for something in the form of a conspiracy-prayer. The punishment for using magic “chips” is nothing stronger than that, what awaits a person who has sex before marriage, drinks alcohol, smokes. Magic is not divided into colors, but it depends on the person himself what kind of action he will bring into the world.

What is magic?

Magic is the hidden ability inherent in every human brain to change the reality around us with the power of our thoughts, as well as any events and phenomena that are incomprehensible and unknown by current physical generally accepted laws, norms, morality, as well as the ability of the ancient magicians to influence the forces of nature and influence people’s lives with the power of your will, energy, and thoughts.

The word “Magic” comes from “Magic, Sorcery.” For example, in ancient times they did not know how to light a fire; they thought that lightning was sent by the Gods. Therefore, any person who brought a lighter became a Magus, a Wizard who tamed fire.

Who is a wizard?

A wizard is a person, most often a priest or magician, who practices magic. The word “wizard” comes from the words “Magi, Sorcery, Priest.” Synonyms for wizard: sorcerer, priest, fortune teller, spell caster. That is, in the distant past, any religious or pagan priests who performed various rituals, read conspiracies, performed divine services or sacrifices could be called Wizards from the point of view of the people, because they knew how and did what was not available to the majority.

Having mastered the power of his thoughts, a person begins to truly become a wizard, and natural magic enters his life. See the example with fire above, whoever has fire, who knows how to control light, will be a wizard for a less developed ancient society during a period of weak development of civilization. In addition, wizards and magicians are often credited with the skills of divination, clairvoyance and control of the elements through spells.

How to become a wizard and master magic?

Since ancient times, magic has been considered an honorable skill inherent in wise and strong people.

To become a wizard, and for the laws of the universe to work for you, you need to spend significant effort on developing your spirit, reading literature, performing various visualization exercises, training your will, spirit, and patience. Controlling irritability.

There are various schools and centers for teaching magic and sorcery, for example, clairvoyance and clairvoyance can be learned at the KEDR school of magic.

Every person who thinks about how to become a wizard and about magic, first remembers various fairy tales from his childhood, where good and evil wizards used their staffs to shoot lightning at each other, walked in robes embroidered with stars, flew on brooms, studied in some schools of magic like the well-known Harry Potter. However, the real life of a magician is not at all the same as it was portrayed in fairy tales and films. And with the advent of technical thinking, magic began to fade into the era of legends; we engage in rituals less, because technology can do what was previously done with the power of thought.

For example: telepathy (communication at a distance) was replaced by telephones, and telekinesis (moving objects) was replaced by various cranes and machines. The ability to light objects with their eyes (pyrokinesis) - many were simply afraid that they would accidentally burn everything around them. Therefore, a person became lazy and stopped striving for self-development of his mind in order to master various abilities and become a real wizard. However, the skills have not gone away, but have only been hidden, hidden until better times.

Plus, from the era of the Inquisition and the destruction of books and manuscripts, great knowledge about magic began to be transmitted only between a narrow circle of people by word of mouth, keeping it secret, and only at the end of the twentieth century a small part of what was hidden was again revealed to people.

What is the magic of ancient people?

Our ancestors were one with nature, they still possessed natural sensitivity and the ability to communicate souls with each other, with the living world of nature and its creator - God. Therefore, the magic of the ancients came from their spiritual understanding of the world order, from the belonging of their spirit to one or another incarnation of the Absolute in the human body. The magic of our ancestors lay in their clear understanding of their purpose - every person in those days very early realized the purpose of his life, and walked along his own Path, reaching truly high peaks in understanding the essence of his soul. And the main thing is to understand yourself as a part of God, as his incarnation on Earth.

Knowing this, people approached any task very responsibly, thought more about it than undertook anything. physically. Since ancient times there has been a saying “measure twice, cut once.”

Why seven? Man has exactly seven bodies, and with each of them you had to feel the work you had planned, this is how natural human magic was created - the creation of material things with seven spiritual bodies.

Today people have forgotten that first everything must pass through spiritual bodies - any matter must be comprehended, thought over, and its connection with everything in the universe must be felt. then the natural magic of the world, which helps to make desires come true, will bring our dreams to fulfillment in the most harmonious form for them.

In our time, the magic of magic is returning to life, since God strives to give a person a full life, and with all his might helps us to realize our essence, our purpose. Therefore, ancient knowledge becomes accessible again and magic enters our everyday life, both for the good and for the bad.

Awareness of oneself as a wizard, capable of creating reality.

First of all, it is best to immerse yourself in and remember your entire life, both current and previous incarnations, lives “between lives” during the period when the soul was outside the body after death, analyze your essence and understand what was the driving force behind all events in your incarnations?

Here it is - the magic of thought, desire, dream. our whole life is built from embodied desires. whose? and this is what you will find out when you mentally walk through the years you have lived, up and down, analyzing in what situation your thoughts, or your thoughts, were fulfilled, and in what situations - someone else’s. Where you walked along your Path, along the path that your soul dictated to you, and where you obeyed other people, parents, friends - and lived according to their thoughts and advice.

After analyzing all this, you will understand what the magic of thought is, the power of making desires come true, and from this moment you will begin your Path as a Magician, Wizard, Creator.

Yes, the path is difficult, because you will have to break your stereotypes, fight clogged thoughts, learn to take control of your thoughts. But it’s worth it, you will notice how your life, like an obedient puppy, will settle into your lap, showing how great the natural magic of the ancients is, embodied in your power of thought. So, magic is not fairy tales or legends. this is what we were stubbornly deprived of and tried to surround with a great secret by those who recognized this power and decided to use it only for their own benefit, to use it to achieve their power over others, and thus made a fatal mistake.

You cannot become a god among gods, you cannot control someone who is born free. therefore, no matter how you hide the magic, people will still realize their true essence and will be freed from any shackles, because this is what the Creator originally intended. You can only move the truth away from a person for a while, but thereby only making it brighter and purer. magic is being revived, and with it, Humanity is moving to the next stage of its spiritual development. Once again, humanity learns its natural magic again and again and begins to learn to be Gods anew. The human experience accumulated over billions of years has been deposited in our genes, in our DNA, in the Akashic field - now we can use the experience of our previous incarnations and create an even more beautiful world, because magic now not only makes us stronger, but also wiser, better, purer .

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