Mechanical engineering complex, its composition and significance. Mechanical engineering - definition of the industry, its significance

Mechanical Engineer's Day

The holiday - Mechanical Engineer's Day - was established by Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR dated 01.10.80 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days,” as amended. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.11.88 N 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days.” Mechanical Engineer's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of September and in 2017 falls on the 24th.

Meaning of Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical engineering in Russia

Mechanical engineering as an industry has existed for more than two hundred years. In terms of the number of employees and the value of output, it ranks first among all sectors of world industry. The level of development of mechanical engineering is one of the important indicators of the level of development of the country. Mechanical engineering determines the sectoral and territorial structure of industry in the world, provides machinery and equipment to all sectors of the economy, and produces a variety of consumer goods. In addition to machinery and equipment, instruments and tools industrial purposes, it produces all kinds of products for household and cultural purposes. Depending on the products manufactured, mechanical engineering is divided into energy, transport, agricultural, manufacturing technological equipment for many industries, machine tool industry, etc.

Mechanical engineering creates machines and equipment used everywhere: in industry, agriculture, in everyday life, in transport. Consequently, scientific and technological progress in all sectors National economy materialized through the products of mechanical engineering, especially such priority industries as machine tool building, electrical and electronic industry, instrument making, and production of electronic computer equipment. Mechanical engineering, therefore, is a catalyst for scientific and technological progress, on the basis of which the technical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy is carried out. Therefore, the main economic purpose of mechanical engineering products is to facilitate labor and increase its productivity by saturating all sectors of the national economy with fixed assets of a high technical level.

The differences between countries in terms of the level of development of mechanical engineering are extremely large. More than 90% of engineering products are produced by developed countries. The undisputed leaders in production are: USA, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Canada, China, Russia. They produce almost all types of metal products, machinery and equipment - from “needles to airplanes”. The countries of Western and Eastern Europe, as well as some developing countries (Brazil, India, Singapore, etc.) usually specialize in the production of certain types of engineering products with which they enter the world market. In general, the lag of developing countries in this industry is still very large. The share of mechanical engineering products in the structure of the entire industry is also low - it does not exceed 20%, while in developed countries it is 30-40%. In many developing countries, mechanical engineering is represented by repair shops for vehicle maintenance, mining industry, agriculture and the manufacture of simple equipment.

Mechanical engineering is the most important complex branch of the manufacturing industry, which includes machine tool building, instrument making, energy, metallurgical, chemical, agricultural engineering, electrical engineering, as well as radio electronics and computer technology. This industry differs from others in a number of features that directly affect its geography. The main thing is the presence social need in products qualified labor resources, own production or the possibility of supplying construction materials and electricity. It is difficult to imagine modern mechanical engineering without the widespread introduction of scientific developments. For this reason, the production of the most complex modern technology(computers, all kinds of robots) is concentrated in areas and centers with a highly developed scientific base: large research institutes, design bureaus.

In 2003, mechanical engineering became the leader in the rate of increase in industrial production - 9.4% versus 7% on average for enterprises in other industries. The most rapid growth, by more than 30%, was shown by railway engineering and instrument making. Small, but still positive dynamics were observed in the electrical industry, the automotive industry and metallurgical engineering. But machine tool manufacturers, enterprises producing agricultural machinery, chemical and oil equipment have reduced production volumes.

Mechanical engineering is one of the most innovative sectors of the economy, especially sensitive to high technology. The current stage of industry informatization is characterized by a new “wave” of investment in IT. At the end of 2006, the costs of machine-building enterprises on IT increased by more than 2.5 times and exceeded 16 billion rubles. 2007 maintained the current level of IT expenses. Perhaps the wave of IT orders will develop into a new round of technological modernization of the industry.

Domestic mechanical engineering includes three main segments, which are today in completely different situations, both in terms of economic indicator, and in terms of the level of informatization. These are electronics, transport and heavy industries. Electronics industry enterprises became the first mechanical engineering sector to receive Western technologies, and domestic electronics, while retaining the old Soviet names, was almost completely reoriented to the production of Western products assembled at Russian factories from imported components.

Transport engineering unites essentially quite heterogeneous enterprises - the automotive industry, the aerospace industry, and shipbuilding. In general, this segment is one of the most prosperous: military aviation is a traditional and key item of Russian export, and aviation enterprises of the military-industrial complex are one of the most active customers of IT solutions. Some the situation is more complicated in the shipbuilding industry, and the automotive industry is almost completely reoriented to the assembly of Western brands of cars, with a high “Western” level of requirements for automation of production and management.

Heavy engineering is the most critical engineering industry. Two groups of enterprises can be distinguished in it - some are slowly but surely “dying” - this is the majority of the machine tool and tool industry, others exist quite well, although “by inertia”, focusing on traditional large specialized customers with high profitability (raw materials, metallurgical industries and energy enterprises).

Mechanical engineering is one of the most innovative sectors of the economy, particularly sensitive to high technology. Realization of the maximum possibilities of flexible production, on the principles of which leading companies are trying to re-equip their capacities Russian companies, requires ensuring maximum correlation between data flows about the state of the market and the business processes of the enterprise. Thus, flexible manufacturing turns out to be extremely sensitive to the accuracy and speed of processing incoming market information. This requires effective data processing systems, so the key point in the development of industrial enterprises is the information and technological support of internal business processes and external production relations. These tasks are solved through the implementation of modern ERP, SCM and CRM systems.

The domestic electronics and aerospace industries largely provide the development of geopositioning systems Vehicle and emergency signaling, dispatch navigation and communication systems, navigation and monitoring systems for mobile objects based on satellite GPS navigation, mobile cellular GSM communications, electronic cartography, etc. Let’s not forget about GLONASS, a Russian “super-project” that involves key domestic enterprises in the aerospace and electronics industries. So the emerging wave of IT orders has some chances of developing into a new round of technological modernization of Russian mechanical engineering, filled with fundamentally new orders and, after a long period of inactivity, opening new production facilities.

Mechanical Engineer's Day is a professional holiday for workers and engineers in the mechanical engineering industry. Since mechanical engineering includes a complex of industries that produce tools for the national economy, vehicles, as well as consumer goods and defense products, this holiday is celebrated widely and solemnly, solemn festive events are held: concerts, honoring labor veterans.

Tags: Mechanical Engineer Day

Meaning machine-building complex and its structure

The mechanical engineering complex is a complex intersectoral formation covering mechanical engineering and metalworking. In turn, mechanical engineering includes many specialized industries that are similar in technology and raw materials used and create machines and equipment used everywhere: in industry, agriculture, everyday life, transport, etc. Metalworking industry includes metal structures and products, as well as repair of machinery and equipment. In addition, the complex includes “small metallurgy” - the production of steel and rolled products at machine-building enterprises.

Mechanical engineering is a necessary link in any industrial complex. It is not for nothing that it occupies a leading position in the structure of the world economy. Modern life it is hardly possible to imagine without the use of products from the mechanical engineering industry, which is very diverse in its content and includes both the production of elementary consumer products, such as calculators, machine tools and household appliances, as well as the production of various high-speed supercomputers, satellites, luxury cars and airliners.

Modern mechanical engineering is developing at an increasingly rapid pace and is affecting almost all areas of human economic and production activity, taking deep roots in daily life. Gradually everything higher value The industry structure includes electronics, robotics, automotive and aerospace industries.

Mechanical engineering can rightfully be considered the engine of progress, since the achievements of this particular industry, in particular electronics, largely contribute to the entry of humanity into the era of the information society, on the threshold of which we now find ourselves.

All this once again proves the enormous importance of the modern engineering complex in the structure of the world economy, and also confirms the need for its further study, development and modernization.

The structure of mechanical engineering is very complex. Currently, the structure of the machine-building complex includes 20 large complex industries, which include over 100 specialized sub-sectors and industries. Complex independent industries include: energy, metallurgy, mining and ore mining, hoisting and transport, railway, chemical and petroleum, tractor and agricultural, road construction and municipal engineering, diesel engineering, electrical engineering, machine tool and tool industry, industry of intersectoral production, instrument making, computer equipment industry, automotive, bearing industry, mechanical engineering for the light and food industries, production of sanitary and technical products gas equipment, shipbuilding, aviation industry, rocketry, arms and ammunition industry, radio and electronics industry.

In the volume of engineering production, 27.4% is accounted for by the automotive industry, 12.3% - by electrical engineering and instrument engineering, 10.3% - by heavy, energy and transport engineering, 6% - by chemical and petrochemical engineering, 2.4% - by for mechanical engineering for the light and food industries, 2.1% for road construction engineering, 1.9% for the machine tool industry, 1.8% for tractor and agricultural engineering, over 35% for defense and other sub-sectors.

The structure of the domestic mechanical engineering industry is characterized by the fact that the production of capital goods for heavy industry predominates, and is also characterized by a high degree of militarization, i.e. the share of military equipment is high with a noticeable lag in production consumer goods and equipment for the non-production sector.

A feature of the industry structure of the machine-building complex is that over the years Soviet power in different areas former USSR The largest machine-building enterprises were created, producing almost all the necessary technological equipment for all sectors of the national economy. But for domestic mechanical engineering they are extremely high degree territorial concentration, especially in the European part of the country, and an insufficient level of specialization and intersectoral cooperation. In addition, many large machine-building plants and production associations were designed and formed as universal ones, according to the principle of “subsistence farming”, with a full range of procurement, auxiliary and repair industries. Therefore, in the coming years, the industrial, territorial and technological structure of mechanical engineering must undergo fundamental changes, the main directions of which should be improving product quality, deconcentration, increasing the level of specialization and cooperation of production, reducing irrational transport and other costs, saturating production with new technical means and technologies, which will ultimately lead to further economic growth of the country, increased efficiency and productivity of social labor and increased well-being of the population.

Classification of mechanical engineering branches depending on the features of technical and economic specifications and importance in the economy

Mechanical engineering is the most complex and differentiated industry. Depending on the intended purpose of the manufactured product, it is divided into:

- energy;

- transport;

- agricultural;

- road construction;

- production of technological equipment for industry;

- railway;

- machine tool and tool manufacturing;

- automotive engineering and other groups.

In the industrial structure of mechanical engineering, all sectors are divided into:

1.old- these are industries that have stabilized in their development or are in decline;

2. new- industries that show some increase in production;

3. newest- industries that are the main “catalysts” of scientific and technological revolution are demonstrating rapid and sustainable growth.

The newest branches of mechanical engineering are knowledge-intensive. These primarily include electronics, rocket science, robotics, nuclear engineering, sensory equipment, computer-aided design systems, etc. The production of computer equipment, microprocessors, industrial robots, communications.

Currently, an almost completely independent branch of mechanical engineering stands out from the electrical industry - the electronics industry. This is the most important macrostructural change in the entire mechanical engineering industry. Noticeable shifts have occurred in the mesostructures of the mechanical engineering industries: in the transport industry, the importance of the automobile and aviation industries has sharply increased, sharply displacing shipbuilding and the production of rolling stock for railways. The rocket and space industry, which is still part of the aviation industry, is becoming an independent industry. Very big changes are taking place in the microstructures of the entire industry. New directions also ensure the creation of new technological processes, including automatic factories operating using “unmanned” technology.

Branches of mechanical engineering are also divided depending on the location of production and features technological process on the.

Lesson topic: Mechanical engineering complex. Meaning, composition, problems of the complex.

Lesson objectives: Identify the role and importance of the machine-building complex in the country’s economy, have an idea of ​​the complex industrial composition of the complex, its problems, and know ways to solve them.

Equipment: map “Mechanical Engineering”, atlases, textbook, diagram “Machine-Building Complex”, exhibition “MSK Products”.

New concepts: machine-building complex, conversion.

Lesson type: studying new material and primary consolidation of knowledge.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

    Updating knowledge.

You and I live in an age of mechanisms and machines, in an age when manual labor is being replaced by machine labor. Pay attention to this exhibition (“Products of the machine-building complex”).

What do you see here?(Children list).

You encounter many of the exhibits very often, some every day. Their importance in our lives is undoubtedly great; without them it is already difficult to imagine existence. modern society. How can all these objects be called in one word -CARS.

Now let's try to formulate the topic of today's lesson, based on this exhibition

So, the topic of the lesson:« Mechanical engineering complex. Meaning, composition, problems of the complex.” Slide No. 1

Write down the date and topic of today's lesson (children write down the topic in their notebooks).

Let's set goals for ourselves based on the topic and try to solve them during the lesson(children formulate, teacher helps).

    Learning new material.

Let's take a short excursion into the history of mechanical engineering and find out how it all began. (Message and presentation)

Listen carefully to the message and, based on it, try to define what a mechanical engineering complex is.

Based on what you heard, try to formulate the concept of a machine-building complex. What is the mechanical engineering complex?(Children themselves try to formulate, check - work with textbook page 63. )

Slide No. 3

Mechanical engineering complex – a set of industries that produce a variety of machines.

Mechanical engineering is a leading sector of the economy. What is its importance in the country's economy? pay attention toAppendix No. 1 on your table.Slide No. 4

    The largest complex in the country's economy. It accounts for 27% of workers and 20% of industrial output in Russia.

    Mechanical engineering products are used everywhere: in industry, agriculture, everyday life, transport, and the armed forces.

    Mechanical engineering is the leader of the economy. Along with electricity and chemical industry determines the pace of innovative development of the country, its defense capability, and the quality of life of the population.

What is the main task of mechanical engineering? Find the answer in the textbook(working with the textbook p. 64).

Provide society with new, increasingly advanced machines.


Now let's find out the industry composition.

Industry composition The machine-building complex is very complex, it consists of more than 70 industries. Each industry plays its role and its significance in this largest complex. Based on how much this or that industry influences the development of the scientific and technological revolution, they can be combined into three interrelated groups. Let's turn to Figure 28 in the textbook (page 64).

Slide No. 6

    Identify 3 groups of mechanical engineering industries. Explain the significance of their role in the economy.

    What inter-industry complexes is the machine-building complex connected with?

There are several classifications of mechanical engineering industries. I suggest you useAppendix No. 2 and get acquainted with one of the classifications of mechanical engineering.Slide No. 7 .

The teacher asksquestions:

    What four groups are the mechanical engineering industries divided into?

    What are the sectors that determine scientific and technological progress throughout the economy? In mechanical engineering?

    Which industries are classified as heavy and medium engineering?

You will need this classification in the following lessons when studying the geography of mechanical engineering, that is, when studying the location of mechanical engineering enterprises in the country. And a little ahead of the material, let's look at the map “Geography of Mechanical Engineering”Slide No. 8 and let’s say in which part of the country mechanical engineering is most developed. Name economic regions. For example, name several large mechanical engineering centers.

The teacher writes some mathematical formula on the board: a + b = c . What I wrote? When studying what subject is this formula necessary? Do you think it is possible to use any formula when studying the mechanical engineering complex?

In order for mechanical engineering to solve its main task - to provide society with new, increasingly advanced machines, it needs to fulfill certain conditions. The main condition for the successful development of mechanical engineering can be depicted in the form of a formula.Slide No. 9

Unfortunately, these conditions are not yet met in Russia due to certain problems in mechanical engineering.

Physical education minute

And we have a physical education minute,

We stood up together, come on, come on!

Straightened up, stretched,

And now they’ve bent over backwards.

(bending forward and backward)

Is your head tired too?

So let's help her!

Right and left, one and two.

Think, think, head.

The exercises are performed standing, turned away from the screen, with rhythmic breathing, with maximum amplitude of eye movement:

    Keep your head straight. Blink without straining your eye muscles on a count of 1-10.

    Look at yours forefinger, 25-30 cm away from the eyes, on a count of 1-4, then move your gaze into the distance on a count of 1-6. Repeat 4 times.

    At an average pace, make 3-4 circular movements with your eyes - first to the right and then to the left and, relaxing the eye muscles, look into the distance for a count of 1-6.

So, we work withAppendix No. 3 - Slide No. 10

Mechanical engineering problems:

1. Low growth rates of mechanical engineering.

2. Previously, 80% of mechanical engineering products were weapons. Currently, the ratio of military and civilian products produced by the machine-building complex looks like 40:60.

3. Disproportion in the growth rates of mechanical engineering industries (growth of some types of products (harvesters), few goods for the population - Appliances, radio equipment).

4. Low rate of product renewal: the wear and tear of most equipment in various sectors of the economy is 50%, updated by 1%.

5. Low quality of machines. Quality - reliability of manufactured products: in Russia it is 1.5 - 2 times lower than abroad. In the first year of operation of new equipment, 20-30% fail. Most of machinery and equipment does not meet international standards, so Russia lags behind the United States in terms of numerically controlled machine tools by 5-7 years, automated production by 7-10 years, and in electronics by 30 years.

6. Monopolization of the industry. The production of a certain type of product is concentrated, as it were, in one hand, which leads to a lack of healthy competition, and competition is the engine of the economy, which, unfortunately, practically does not work in our country.

How to solve these problems in mechanical engineering?

And now, guys, it's time for d/z. Slide No. 11

IV . Homework.

1. Compulsory task: § 14, answer questions - page 65.

2. Creative tasks to choose from:

1) Show creativity, independence and find ways to solve mechanical engineering problems by searching for information on the Internet, additional literature, the press, etc., and also suggesttheiroptions.

2) Draw up a diagram of inter-industry connections in mechanical engineering in your notebook.

You will paste these applications into your notebooks for further work.

V . Consolidation of the studied material.

Let's look again at the material we studied.

Open your notebooks and complete the tasks given to you:

Complete the missing words:

    The machine-building complex is a set of industries producingvarious cars.

    Mechanical engineering –leading (largest)economic complex.

    Mechanical engineering products are usedeverywhere.

    Mechanical engineering sets the paceinnovativedevelopment of the country, itsdefense capability, levellife of the population.

    The main task of mechanical engineeringprovide society with new, increasingly advanced machines.

    Formula for successful development of mechanical engineering1:2:4

Let's go back to the beginning of the lesson and remember the goals that we set for ourselves.(Slide No. 2).

Grading children

III . Reflective-evaluative stage

Students evaluate the research results, self-assessment, and reflect on their activities in the lesson:

    Have we achieved our lesson objectives?

    How do you evaluate your work and the work of the class as a whole in the lesson?

    What did you like most about the lesson, what would you like to change?

    Do you think the knowledge gained in this lesson will be useful to you in life?

Essence, structure and characteristics engineering industry in Russia.

Moscow 2004

1. Essence, structure and characteristic features of the engineering industry in Russia………………………………………………………………………………...4

1.1. The importance of mechanical engineering in the sectoral structure of industry………………………………………………………...4

1.2. Factors of industry structure, specialization and form of organization of mechanical engineering production………………………8

1.3. Dynamics of proportions and trends in improving the industry structure……………………………………………………….19

2. Management of forms of public organization and location of enterprises……………………………………………………………….29

2.1. Essence, forms and indicators of concentration of production…..29

2.2. Centralization, decentralization and delegation of powers in management……………………………………………………………...33

2.3. Departmentalization and cooperation……………………………...39

2.4. Centralization and decentralization……………………………..48

2.5. Differentiation and integration……………………………………51

2.6. Economic efficiency of concentration of production in industry……………………………………………………….. 56

2.7. Optimal sizes enterprises and location of industries……………………………………………………….62

2.8. Indicators of the efficiency of location of enterprises in the mechanical engineering industry………………………………………………………...71

3. Functioning of the engineering industry and its subjects in a market economy…………………………………….………………..74

3.1. Classification of products of the engineering industry………………………………………………………………………………….74

3.2. Quantitative assessment of the competitiveness of engineering products………………………………………………………..82

3.3. Market conditions and product competitiveness...90

4. Industry, company, enterprise in various types competitive environment………………………………………………………………………………….92

4.1. Perfect competition…………………………………………...92

4.2. Monopolistic competition and firm efficiency……94

4.3. Behavior of a company in an oligopolistic market……………..103

4.4. Price discrimination…………………………………….……115

4.5. Monopolistic competition with product differentiation………………………………………………………………………………….121

4.6. Indicators of monopoly power……………………………………128

5. Organizational and production bases of product release...132

5.1. Basic organizational – legal forms enterprises….132

5.2. Production structure of enterprises in the mechanical engineering industry..………………………………………………………………………………….140

5.3. Structure and organization of the production cycle………..….146

5.4. Organization of continuous and automated production methods……………………………………………..………………152

6. Trends and prospects for the development of the engineering industry...159

6.1. Scientific and technical prospects for the development of mechanical engineering..159

6.2. Planning the technical development of enterprises in the industry..163

6.3. Innovation and investment policy…………….……..167

6.4. Improving the remuneration system as a factor of social stability…………………………………………………………….174

6.5. Industrial policy – ​​a tool for the transition to economic growth……………………………………………………………..179

List of sources used……………………………………...189

In recent years, a huge amount of work has been done in Russia to restructure the entire political and economic life and implement a radical reform of the economic mechanism. Unfortunately, the ill-conceived implementation of this reform led the country's economy to a protracted crisis. This crisis dragged on for nine long years, and only starting in 1999 the situation began to change for the better. The country's GDP in 1999 grew by 5.4%, in 2000 - by 9, in 2001 - by 5, in 2002 - by 4.3%, i.e. in four last year GDP increased by about 1/4. If we add to this an increase of about 6% in 2003, then for 1999-2003. The country's GDP should increase by about 32%. But even taking into account its growth, by the end of 2003 we had reached only 70% of the 1990 GDP level.

The progress achieved over the past five years in economic development allowed us to move our country away from the brink on which we found ourselves as a result of an unprecedented period of peace Russian history decline in production in the 90s.

Mechanical engineering is rightfully considered the country's leading industry. It is its development that reflects the level of scientific and technical potential and defense capability of Russia. Mechanical engineering determines the prospects of the industry in the world as a whole. In developed countries, this industry accounts for more than 1/3 of the total industrial products: in Japan - 50%, in Germany - 48, in Sweden - 42, in the USA - 40, in France - 38, in the UK - 36%. The Russian mechanical engineering complex produces only about 21% of industrial products. The machine-building complex (MC), which includes, respectively, mechanical engineering and metalworking, repair production, as well as small-scale metallurgy, is the material basis for technical re-equipment. The productivity of social labor, scientific and technological progress, and the material well-being of the people depend decisively on it. Enterprises in this industry are very closely connected with each other and with the production capacities of all other sectors of the economy. The main task of mechanical engineering is to provide all sectors of the national economy with highly efficient machines and equipment; a sharp increase in the technical level, quality and competitiveness of products on the foreign market and the achievement of advanced scientific and technical positions in the world in this area; rapid transition to the production of new generations of machines and mechanisms capable of ensuring multiple increases in labor productivity and the introduction of advanced technologies, primarily energy- and resource-saving; raising the level of mechanization and automation of all stages of production development of samples to mass production of finished products.

Deepening specialization and expanding cooperation in production are also relevant; development of assembly and mechanical assembly enterprises, specialized plants for the production of parts, assemblies, and workpieces for industry and interindustry purposes; accelerating the renewal of fixed production assets; increasing the efficiency of using existing ones and significantly reducing the time required for the creation and development of new ones production capacity

Most of the tasks set by life for this core, structure-forming sector of the economy were not fulfilled. As in other industries, in MK in 1990-2002 there was a significant decline in the production of most types of machine tools, electrical machines, electric motors, cars, buses, agricultural machinery, equipment for the light and food industries, medical equipment, and spare parts for engineering products. According to estimates by the State Statistics Committee of Russia, the reduction in physical volumes of engineering products in 2002 compared to 1990 was 43%.

Among the main reasons for the decline in the scientific and technical level of mechanical engineering products:

Refusal state support advanced manufacturing within the framework of relevant programs, removal of government subsidies;

Reduction of government orders for these types of equipment. Now there is a noticeable decrease in the previously low share of exports of machinery and equipment (in the 80s, only 3% of mechanical engineering products were exported, and even then at dumping prices, most often to third world countries).

All this speaks of the extremely low scientific and technical level of our mechanical engineering.

In 1997-2002 carried out:

Expanding the production of modern technological equipment, primarily for the fuel and energy sector and manufacturing industries;

Improving the structure of car production;

Development of production of competitive equipment and tools;

Expanding the range of vehicles, road construction machines, agricultural machinery;

Reducing costs in all branches of engineering production.

As a result of the implementation of these measures by the government, production stabilized in 2000 and growth began for a number of types of products.

One of the main ways to solve many problems in mechanical engineering is the development of the domestic market for mechanical engineering products. The peculiarity of the Russian manufacturing sector is that it is dominated by natural monopolies or oligopolies, mainly focused on raw materials, which are also financial monopolists due to their developed export potential. Without their orders, Russian mechanical engineering cannot develop at the required pace.

The main directions of technological modernization of machine-building enterprises in the near future will be:

Development of new technologies, primarily energy- and resource-saving technologies, contributing to increased competitiveness of machinery and equipment;

Bringing the production structure in line with market requirements;

Formation of large structure-forming associations, holdings and corporations that have increased financial stability and are capable of self-development;

Increasing the pace of renewal and commissioning of new fixed assets at sustainable enterprises;

Creation of federal scientific centers of high technology, uniting scientific, industrial and financial organizations for the formation of self-sustaining and self-developing corporate systems.

Below (Table 1) some results of mechanical engineering and metalworking are presented.

Table 1.

Key performance indicators of mechanical engineering and metalworking

Number of operating enterprises (at the end of the year), thousand. 5,3 47,7 57,8 56,6 54,7 51,8 45,4
Volume of industrial production, billion rubles. (before 1998 - trillion, rub.)
Industrial production index, as a percentage of the previous year
Average annual number of industrial production personnel, thousand people
Balanced financial result (profit minus loss)*, million rubles. (before 1998 - billion rubles) -10492
Product profitability level*, percent 21,2 10,3 18,4 14,1 14,5 12,7

* Since 1995 - according to financial statements.


The mechanical engineering complex consists of mechanical engineering and metalworking. Mechanical engineering is engaged in the production of machines and equipment, various types of mechanisms for material production, science, culture, and the service sector. Consequently, mechanical engineering products are consumed by all sectors of the national economy without exception.

Metalworking is engaged in production metal products, repair of machinery and equipment. The structure of mechanical engineering is very complex; this industry includes both independent industries, such as heavy, energy and transport engineering; electrical industry; chemical and petroleum engineering; machine tool and tool industry; instrument making; tractor and agricultural engineering; mechanical engineering for the light and food industries, etc., as well as many specialized sub-sectors and industries.

The mechanical engineering industry also produces consumer goods, mainly durable ones. This industry has great value for the national economy of the country, as it serves as the basis for scientific and technological progress and material and technical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy. The purpose of this work is to analyze the sectoral structure of the machine-building complex and the factors of location of its industries and productions.

1) reveal the composition and importance of mechanical engineering in the national economy of Russia;

2) identify the features of the development and location of the mechanical engineering complex of the Russian Federation;

3) study the problems and prospects for the development and placement of mechanical engineering in our country.

The composition and importance of mechanical engineering in the national economy of Russia

The machine-building complex is the basis of scientific and technological progress and material and technical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy

The mechanical engineering complex is the leading among intersectoral complexes and reflects the level of scientific and technological progress and the country's defense capability, and determines the development of other sectors of the economy. This is due to several reasons:

The machine-building complex is the largest of the industrial complexes, accounting for almost 25% of the value of manufactured products and almost 35% of all workers in the Russian economy, as well as about 25% of the value of the main industrial production assets. In our country this complex is underdeveloped. Economically highly developed countries the products of the engineering industry account for 35-40% of the cost of industrial production and 25-35% of those employed in industry; in developing countries it is much less.

Compared to industry as a whole, mechanical engineering and metalworking are characterized by more large sizes enterprises ( the average size enterprises in the industry have a workforce of about 1,700 people, compared to less than 850 in the industry as a whole), greater capital intensity, capital intensity and labor intensity of products. Complex mechanical engineering products require a diverse and highly qualified workforce. Korolevskaya V.I., Khokhlov S.N. Managing the regional economy in market conditions. M., 2014. P.84.

Among all industries, mechanical engineering ranks first in terms of its share in gross output and industrial production personnel, and second place (after the fuel and energy complex) in terms of its share in industrial production assets, as well as in the structure of exports.

Mechanical engineering creates machines and equipment that are used everywhere: in industry, agriculture, everyday life, and transport. Consequently, scientific and technological progress in all sectors of the national economy is materialized through the products of mechanical engineering, especially such priority sectors as machine tool building, electrical and electronic industry, instrument making, and production of electronic computer equipment. Mechanical engineering, therefore, is a catalyst for scientific and technological progress, on the basis of which the technical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy is carried out.

Therefore, its industries are developing at an accelerated pace, and their number is constantly growing. According to their role and significance in the national economy, they can be combined into 3 interrelated groups:

1. The industries that ensure the development of the scientific and technological revolution throughout the national economy are instrument engineering, chemical engineering, electrical and power engineering.

2. The industries that ensure the development of the scientific and technological revolution in mechanical engineering are the machine tool industry and the tool industry.

3. Industries that ensure the development of the scientific and technological revolution in certain sectors of the economy are road construction, tractor and agricultural engineering, automotive industry, etc. Korolevskaya V.I., Khokhlov S.N. Managing the regional economy in market conditions. M., 2014. P.87.

Over the past decades, a number of new industries have emerged related to the production of automation equipment, electronics and telemechanics, equipment for nuclear energy, jet aircraft, and household cars. The nature of products in the old branches of mechanical engineering has changed radically.

The main economic purpose of mechanical engineering products is to facilitate labor and increase its productivity by saturating all sectors of the national economy with fixed assets of a high technical level.

Mechanical engineering is the main branch of the manufacturing industry. It is this industry that reflects the level of scientific and technological progress of the country and determines the development of other sectors of the economy. Modern mechanical engineering consists of large number industries and productions. Enterprises in the industry are closely connected with each other, as well as with enterprises in other sectors of the economy. Mechanical engineering, as a large consumer of metal, has extensive connections, primarily with ferrous metallurgy. The territorial proximity of these industries makes it possible for metallurgical plants to use waste from mechanical engineering and specialize in accordance with its needs. Mechanical engineering is also closely related to non-ferrous metallurgy, the chemical industry and many other industries. Mechanical engineering products are consumed by all sectors of the national economy, without exception.

Currently, the structure of mechanical engineering includes 19 independent industries, which include over 100 specialized sub-sectors and industries. Complex independent industries include: heavy, energy and transport engineering; electrical industry; chemical and petroleum engineering; machine tool and tool industry; instrument making; tractor and agricultural engineering; mechanical engineering for light and food industries, etc. Economics of the mechanical engineering industry. / Ed. G.A. Krayukhina. - M., 2015. P.142.

Heavy engineering. Factories in this industry are characterized by high consumption of metal and provide machinery and equipment to enterprises of the metallurgical, fuel and energy, mining and mining chemical complexes. Enterprises in the industry produce both parts and assemblies (for example, rolls for rolling mills) and individual types of equipment ( steam boilers or turbines for power plants, mining equipment, excavators).

The industry includes the following 10 sub-sectors: metallurgical engineering, mining, hoisting and transport engineering, diesel locomotive and track engineering, carriage building, diesel engineering, boiler building, turbine engineering, nuclear engineering, printing engineering.

The production of metallurgical equipment, which ranks first in the industry in terms of product value, is located, as a rule, in areas of large steel and rolled products production. The sub-industry produces equipment for sintering factories, blast furnaces and electric melting furnaces, as well as equipment for rolling and crushing and grinding production.

Profile of mining engineering plants - machines for exploration, as well as open and closed methods mining, crushing and beneficiation of solid minerals at enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, coal, industry and industry building materials, transport construction. Mining engineering enterprises produce mining and shearers, rotary and walking excavators.

The products of lifting and transport engineering are of great economic importance, since about 5 million people are employed in loading and unloading operations in industry, construction, transport and other sectors of the national economy, moreover, more than half are engaged in manual labor. The sub-industry produces electric overhead cranes, stationary and belt conveyors, and equipment for complex mechanization of warehouses. Economics of the mechanical engineering industry. / Ed. G.A. Krayukhina. - M., 2015. P.144.

Diesel locomotive engineering, carriage building and track engineering provide railway transport mainline freight, passenger and shunting diesel locomotives, freight and passenger cars, etc.

This sub-industry also produces track machines and mechanisms (laying, rail welding, snow clearing, etc.).

Turbine manufacturing, supplying steam, gas and hydraulic turbines for the energy sector. Sub-industry factories produce equipment for thermal, nuclear, hydraulic and gas turbine power plants, gas pumping equipment for main gas pipelines, compressor, injection and recycling equipment for the chemical and oil refining industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Nuclear engineering specializes in the production of pressure vessel reactors and other equipment for nuclear power plants.

Printing mechanical engineering has the smallest volume commercial products in the industry and produces printing presses, conveyors for printing houses, etc.

Electrical industry. The industry produces more than 100 thousand types of products, the consumer of which is almost the entire national economy. In terms of production volume, it significantly exceeds all sub-sectors of heavy engineering in total. The production of electrical products requires a wide range of technical means and materials produced by various industrial complexes. The main range of production consists of: generators for steam, gas and hydraulic turbines, electric machines, electric motors; transformers and converters, lighting, electric welding and electrothermal equipment. Kistanov V.V., Kopylov N.V., Khrushchev A.T. Accommodation productive forces. M., 2014. P.125.

The machine tool industry includes the production of metal-cutting machines, forging and pressing equipment, woodworking equipment, metalworking tools, centralized repair of metalworking equipment. About half of the production volume comes from metal-cutting machines.

Instrumentation. The products of this industry are characterized by low material and energy consumption, but their production requires highly qualified work force and research personnel. Factories in the industry specialize in the installation and commissioning of automation equipment, development software, design and production of watches, medical devices, measuring equipment, office equipment. These high-tech products are the main element of automation systems for technological process control, as well as management, engineering and technical work, and information systems.

Mechanical engineering for light and food industries. This includes the following sub-sectors: production of equipment for the textile, knitting, clothing, footwear, leather, fur industries, as well as for the production of chemical fibers and equipment for the food industry. The main factor of placement is proximity to the consumer.

Aviation industry. In the aviation industry, enterprises from almost all branches of industrial production cooperate, supplying a variety of materials and equipment. Businesses are different high level qualifications of engineering, technical and operating personnel. The industry produces modern passenger and cargo planes and helicopters of various modifications.

The rocket and space industry produces orbital spacecraft, rockets for launching satellites, cargo and manned ships and reusable ships of the Buran type, combining high technology with a wide inter-industry complexity of production.

Automotive industry. In terms of production volume, as well as in terms of the value of fixed assets, it is the largest branch of mechanical engineering. Automotive products are widely used in all sectors of the national economy and are one of the most popular goods V retail trade. Kistanov V.V., Kopylov N.V., Khrushchev A.T. Distribution of productive forces. M., 2014. P.126.

Agricultural and tractor engineering. In agricultural engineering, subject and detail specialization is carried out; significantly fewer plants are specialized in certain stages of the technological process or major renovation equipment. The industry produces different kinds combines: grain harvesters, flax harvesters, potato harvesters, corn harvesters, cotton harvesters, etc. And various modifications tractors: wheeled row crops, wheeled row crop tractors, tracked row crop tractors, etc.

Shipbuilding industry. Most enterprises in the industry, despite consuming a significant amount of metal of large parameters, which is inconvenient for transportation, are located outside the large metallurgical bases. The complexity of modern ships determines the installation of a variety of equipment on them, which implies the presence of cooperative ties with enterprises in other sectors of the national economy.

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