World market of mineral fertilizers. Production of mineral fertilizers

Fertilizer chemists make a significant contribution to the solution global problem providing the world's population with food. Russian manufacturers mineral fertilizers actively participate in the global integration process, annually supplying millions of tons of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to various countries around the world.

In 2015, the volume of export supplies of mineral fertilizers amounted to 16 million tons, while Russia’s share was at the following levels: in the market of nitrogen fertilizers - 5.2%, phosphate fertilizers - 6.3%, potash fertilizers - 24,1%.

This article presents the main indicators of the development of the global mineral fertilizer market in 2015/16. and assessment of an international organizationIFA of its balance in the medium term until 2020.

World fertilizer consumption 2015/16 amounted to 181 million tons (p.i.), i.e. due to the general economic downturn and drought in some areas of the world (South and Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa) decreased by 1%. Nevertheless, the market assessment by specialists of the international organization IFA in 2016/17. looks quite optimistic: demand growth is expected to be 2.9% (Table 1). Reasons for optimism include some improvement in the economic situation and more favorable weather conditions.

Table 1. Consumption of fertilizers in the world, thousand tons (p.e.)


Rate of increase

Rate of increase

2016/17 (estimate)

Rate of increase

Source:Fertilizer Outlook 2016-2020 , IFA.

In the medium term, until 2020, the mineral fertilizer market will show moderate growth and, with capacity utilization at 80%, will reach 199 million tons (p.v.) (Table 2), or 270 million tons in physical volume. For the period 2016-2020. investments in the industry will amount to 130 billion dollars, more than 150 new capacities will be introduced, i.e. global capacity will increase by more than 150 million tons.

table 2. Medium-term forecast for the development of mineral fertilizer production

in the world, thousand tons (p.e.)


2020/21 (forecast)

Rate of increase

Source:Fertilizer Outlook 2015-2019, IFA.

The main increase in demand for fertilizers will occur in Africa (3.6%), South Asia (2.9%), Latin America (2.8%), primarily in Brazil and Argentina.

Production capacity ammonia by 2020 will increase by 10% relative to 2010. - up to 230 million tons of NH 3. The main capacities will be introduced in China, Indonesia, the USA, Algeria, Egypt and Nigeria. The increase in ammonia production capacity is determined by the expansion of the production base for urea production, which accounts for 55% of the nitrogen fertilizer market.

Over the next five years, 97% of planned ammonia capacity will run on natural gas, although in China, despite production rationalization, 78% of capacity will still use coal (currently 82% of ammonia plants run on this feedstock). ).

Global intake power urea for the period 2015 - 2020 will increase by 10% - up to 229 million tons. Approximately 35% of new projects will be implemented in East Asia, 18% - in Africa and 15% in North America. A total of 60 new urea production projects are expected to be commissioned, of which 20 will be introduced in China.

Demand for urea in 2020 is estimated at 208 million tons, i.e. will increase annually by 2.5%, and the increase in demand from industry will be more than four times higher than the increase in demand from the fertilizer sector. The main demand for industrial urea is expected in China and Europe, and for urea fertilizer - in the South Asian region.

Given the predicted parameters for the development of the global urea market, capacity utilization as a whole will be 90%, i.e. the market will be balanced.

On the market phosphate raw materials supply is expected to increase by 11% - up to 250 million tons, while 80% of the increase in volume of 35 million tons will occur due to the expansion of the production base in Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and China.

Global output capacity phosphoric acid for the period 2015 - 2020 will increase by 13% - up to 65.3 million tons due to the commissioning of 30 new production facilities, ¾ of them in China. In addition, new projects will be implemented in Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Brazil. Demand for phosphoric acid will grow by 2.5% per year until 2020.

During the period 2015 - 2020 30 new production capacities are expected to be commissioned phosphate fertilizers , as a result of which global capacity will increase by 7 million tons (p.i.) - up to 52 million tons (p.m.). Approximately half of the new capacity will be introduced in China and Morocco. In addition, new projects will be implemented in Saudi Arabia, Brazil and India.

Market potash fertilizers , which showed the greatest dynamics in previous years, in 2015 - 2020 will continue to actively develop: the implementation of 25 projects is expected, of which four large greenfield ones are in Canada, Russia and Belarus. The global capacity for the production of potash fertilizers in 2020 is estimated at 64.5 million tons (p.e.), i.e. will increase relative to 2015 by 22%.

Demand for potash fertilizers in 2020 is expected to be 51.6 million tons, i.e. will increase by 2.1% per year, and capacity utilization will be at 80%.

Production sulfur in the world in 2020 is expected to reach 72 million tons (p.e.), i.e. will increase by 4% annually. Major projects will be implemented in Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Turkmenistan. In the US, an increase in sulfur production is also expected, which will lead to a decrease in its imports.

Sulfur supply/demand in 2020 will be 69 million tons (p.i.), i.e. capacity will be loaded at 96%, which is determined by increased demand from sulfuric acid producers.

In table 3 regions represented - exporters of the main types of mineral fertilizers in 2014. It follows that the share of the CIS countries in the world market for ammonia was at the level of 24%, urea - at the level of 16%, ammonium nitrate- at the level of 63% (monopoly position), DAF - at the level of 10% and potash fertilizers - at the level of 40%.

Table 3. Export volumes of main types of mineral fertilizers by region

in 2014, thousand tons (p.v.)



Ammonium nitrate

Potassium chloride

Western Europe

Central Europe

CIS (with Ukraine)

North America

Latin America

Western Asia

South Asia

East Asia

world, total

Source:IFA, 2015.

In table Figure 4 presents regional sales markets for the main types of mineral fertilizers, which have significant differences in capacity. Thus, the most capacious sales markets are:

  • for ammonia - countries of North America (USA) and the EU;
  • for urea - North American countries (USA), Latin America (Brazil), South Asian countries (India) and EU countries;
  • for ammonium nitrate - Latin American countries;
  • for DAF - South Asian countries (India), EU countries;
  • for potassium chloride - countries of East Asia (China), Latin America, North America (USA) and EU countries.

Table 4.Import volumes of main types of mineral fertilizers by region in 2014, thousand tons (p.v.)



Ammonium nitrate

Potassium chloride

Western Europe

Central Europe

CIS (with Ukraine)

North America

Latin America

Western Asia

South Asia

East Asia

world, total

The mineral fertilizer industry is one of the basic sectors of the Russian chemical complex. The production potential of the industry consists of over thirty specialized enterprises producing more than 13 million tons of nitrogen, potassium and phosphate fertilizers per year. Per share Russian Federation accounts for up to 6-7% of global fertilizer production. The industry produces more than 20% of the chemical complex's products in value terms, and its share in the structure of exports chemical industries exceeds a third. Compared to other sectors of the chemical complex, the mineral fertilizer industry looks the most prosperous. This is explained by a number of circumstances. Firstly, by the time radical economic transformations began in the country, many enterprises producing fertilizers were equipped with relatively advanced technology and equipment, which allowed them to produce competitive international market products. Secondly, the raw materials we have for the production of mineral fertilizers, primarily natural gas and potassium-containing ores, are distributed very contrastingly in the world: vast regions are simply deprived of them. Potash fertilizers are most in demand abroad, which provides them with a significant share (60-70%) in export volumes of fertilizer supplies. The main markets for Russian fertilizers are Latin America and China. At the same time, the domestic demand for mineral fertilizers in our country fell sharply: from 1990 to 2002, the application of mineral fertilizers of all types in terms of 1 hectare of crops decreased by 40 times, but, in fairness, it should be noted that in last years there is a slight growth trend (for more details, see Geography
No. 3/2005, p. 43-44).

The location of industry enterprises depends primarily on raw materials and consumer factors. Along with them a certain role play features of the distribution of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium resources in soils. Nitrogen reserves in the soil increase from north to south to the forest-steppe zone, where they reach a maximum and then gradually decrease. In a similar way, soil phosphorus reserves change, with the only difference being that their maximum occurs in steppe zone. Potassium reserves in the soil are maximum in the forest zone and decrease to the south of it. At the same latitude, there is more nitrogen resources in the area eastern regions than in the European part, and there is less phosphorus and potassium.

All mineral fertilizer production is characterized by high heat and energy intensity (the share of energy carriers in the cost of production ranges from 25 to 50%). Feedstock for production(ammonium nitrate, carbamide, ammonium sulfate, etc.) - ammonia. Previously, ammonia was obtained from coke and coke oven gas, so previously the centers of its production coincided with metallurgical regions. To this day, some plants producing nitrogen fertilizers (usually small ones) are located within the most important metallurgical bases countries: these are, first of all, Kemerovo, Cherepovets, Zarinsk, Novotroitsk, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Lipetsk. In many of these cities there are not even specialized enterprises for the production of mineral fertilizers, and nitrogen fertilizers are produced by the metallurgical plants themselves as a by-product.

IN Lately Natural gas replaced coke and coke oven gas as the main raw material for the production of ammonia, which made it possible to locate nitrogen fertilizer plants much more freely. Now they are focused more on main gas pipelines, for example, the largest of the plants - in Veliky Novgorod, Novomoskovsk, Kirovo-Chepetsk, Verkhnedneprovsk (near Dorogobuzh), Rossoshi, Nevinnomyssk, Togliatti.

Some centers of the nitrogen sub-industry arose based on the use of oil refining waste (Salavat, Angarsk). The total operating capacity for ammonia production in Russia is about 9% of the world (the third figure in the world after China and the USA). However, the potential of enterprises is not fully used, and in terms of ammonia production, Russia ranks fourth in the world after China, the USA and India, producing approximately 6% of this type of product. The cost of produced nitrogen fertilizers depends on how efficiently ammonia production units operate. The less you spend natural gas

Production phosphate fertilizers per ton of ammonia, the lower the costs and the higher the competitiveness.

The main producers of phosphate raw materials in Russia are OJSC Apatit and Kovdorsky GOK. Both are located in the Murmansk region, beyond the Arctic Circle, which significantly increases transportation costs to fertilizer production centers, especially to Balakovo, Meleuz and Belorechensk. And if relatively high prices on the foreign market allow enterprises to carry out export activities with at least minimal profit, then for domestic consumers phosphate fertilizers are becoming less and less accessible due to high prices for ore raw materials, which today account for up to 40-60% of the cost of various groups of fertilizers .

The leaders in the production of phosphate fertilizers remain Ammophos OJSC (Cherepovets), Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers OJSC and Acron OJSC ( Velikiy Novgorod). The level of capacity utilization in the production of phosphate fertilizers is even lower than in the production of nitrogen fertilizers. On average in Russia it barely exceeds 50%; only enterprises in Voskresensk and Veliky Novgorod operate at 80% of capacity.

Production potash fertilizers firmly tied to the only source of raw materials in Russia - the Verkhnekamsk potassium salt deposit, where two main enterprises operate: OJSC Uralkali (Berezniki) and OJSC Silvinit (Solikamsk). The main type of potash fertilizer is potassium chloride. The main part of the costs of producing enterprises falls on the extraction of potash ore, therefore, due to the very high material consumption, potash raw materials are processed on site. Unlike nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, the production of potash fertilizers has been steadily increasing in recent years, which is facilitated by a favorable situation on the foreign market.

A significant place in the production of fertilizers is occupied by complex mineral fertilizers (such as ammophos, diammophos, azofoska, etc.) containing two or three nutrients.

The annual growth of the world population is about 70 million people. They need to be provided with plant food in conditions of steadily declining acreage. The only way to solve this problem is the intensification of world agriculture, which cannot be carried out without a further increase in the volume of production of mineral fertilizers. In this regard, the prospects for the development of the domestic mineral fertilizer industry, which is largely export-oriented, are quite optimistic.

Largest holdings in industry
mineral fertilizers

Holding Specialization Enterprises within the holding
Agrokhimpromholding OJSC "Azot" (Novomoskovsk),
OJSC "Minudobreniya" (Perm),
OJSC "Azot" (Berezniki),
JSC Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant,
JSC "Cherepovets Azot"
Phosagro Association OJSC "Apatit" (Kirovsk),
JSC "Ammophos" (Cherepovets),
JSC "Voskresenskie
mineral fertilizers",
JSC "Balakovo Mineral
JSC "Minudobreniya" (Meleuz)
Interagroinvest Production of potash fertilizers JSC "Silvinit" (Solikamsk),
OJSC "Uralkali" (Berezniki),
PA "Belaruskali"
(Soligorsk, Belarus)
Chemical company "Akron" Production of nitrogen fertilizers JSC Acron
(Velikiy Novgorod),
JSC "Dorogobuzh"
Eurochem Production of phosphate fertilizers JSC "Phosphorit"
Kovdorsky GOK

According to RosBusinessConsulting

Production of mineral fertilizers in the regions of the Russian Federation
(in terms of 100% nutrients, thousand tons)

Region 1990 1995 1998 2000 2001 2002 Place,
occupied in
Russian Federation,
Russian Federation 15 979 9 639 9 380 12 213 13 026 13 562
Central federal district 3 363,8 1 487,0 1 391,5 1 968,5 2 138,6 2 227,7 3
Belgorod region 2,3 2,1
Bryansk region 86,4 13,8 1,1 7,8 3,2 2,8 25
Voronezh region 334,3 190,7 291,9 518,9 577,5 591,5 6
Kostroma region 5,3 9,5 11,5 0,4 26
Lipetsk region 77,1 34,7 33,6 19,8 20,6 20,4 18
Moscow region 1 185,2 374,1 390,3 452,0 487,8 459,2 12
Ryazan region 19,6 0,4 0,1
Smolensk region 483,2 368,4 243,4 369,9 388,4 475,3 11
Tambov region 208,4 21,2 1,2 23,3 16,8 0,1 27
Tula region 969,6 483,7 422,3 565,2 632,8 678,0 5
Northwestern Federal District 2 653,2 1 862,8 2 166,1 2 419,5 2 664,3 2 895,6 2
Vologda region 1 179,1 940,8 1 251,4 1 445,8 1 499,3 1 639,9 2
Kaliningrad region 36,4
Leningrad region. 776,6 258,0 207,2 204,3 174,9 288,0 13
Novgorod region 697,5 664,0 707,5 733,0 990,1 967,7 3
1 333,5 621,1 607,7 957,1 926,0 884,0 4
The Republic of Dagestan 52,6
Krasnodar region 310,2 30,1 57,6 96,7 33,4 105,3 15
Stavropol region 970,7 591,0 550,1 860,4 892,6 778,7 4
Volga Federal District 7 394,5 4 901,5 4 953,1 6 344,9 6 740,8 6 918,1 1
Republic of Bashkortostan 574,7 287,9 59,5 353,7 312,4 223,5 14
Republic of Tatarstan 59,7 14,4 8,4 47,8 37,9 37,0 16
Kirov region 767,6 434,7 471,1 585,7 552,8 580,8 7
Nizhny Novgorod region. 176,2 28,2 5,9 10,6 13,1 11,4 22
Orenburg region 6,9 5,7 5,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 24
Perm region 4 269,2 3 254,0 3 940,5 4 359,6 4 888,5 5 093,4 1
Samara region 1 053,3 581,9 457,0 566,6 459,7 490,6 9
Saratov region 486,9 294,7 5,7 414,9 470,4 475,4 10
Ural federal district 398,1 42,7 42,4 25,3 26,0 30,9 6
Sverdlovsk region. 359,8 19,7 7,9 12,6 13,2 16,0 19
Chelyabinsk region 38,3 23,0 34,5 12,7 12,8 14,9 21
Siberian Federal District 835,7 724,3 219,0 498,0 530,2 606,1 5
Altai region 16,4 15,4 9,0 15,0 13,9 15,4 20
Krasnoyarsk region 22,9 10,0 16,9 22,1 15,8 21,6 17
Irkutsk region 259,0 288,8 8,1 10,6 9,1 6,1 23
Kemerovo region 537,4 410,1 185,0 450,3 491,4 563,0 8

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation

Industry overview: mineral fertilizer production

Industry characteristics

The production of mineral fertilizers is the largest sub-sector of the chemical industry. This is one of the most profitable and financially stable industries not only in the chemical complex, but also in industry as a whole. The products of Russian enterprises are competitive and are in constant demand in the foreign and domestic markets. The Russian Federation accounts for up to 6-7% of global fertilizer production.

Russian industry produces almost all types of traditional mineral fertilizers, which are in demand both in the domestic and foreign markets. A significant share in the production of fertilizers is occupied by complex mineral fertilizers (such as ammophos, diammophos, azophoska, etc.), which differ from single fertilizers in that they contain two or three nutrients. The advantage of complex fertilizers is that their composition can change depending on market requirements.

Main problems of the industry:

Low technical level of production, high degree wear and tear of equipment, outdated technologies (only 20% of the technologies in the sub-industry can be considered modern from the point of view of the standards of developed countries).

High heat and energy intensity of production (the share of energy carriers in the cost of production ranges from 25 to 50%).

In May 1999, the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation developed the “Strategy for the development of the chemical and petrochemical industry for the period until 2005.” According to this document, in the period from 2001 to 2005. the scale of structural changes in production is predicted to expand chemical products towards increasing production and expanding the range of competitive products based on high-tech technologies.

Main production indicators of the industry

The growth in production volumes in the industry began in the first half of 1999. The main impetus for growth was the financial recovery of enterprises as a result of the devaluation of the ruble that followed the financial crisis. The competitiveness of the products of Russian enterprises on the foreign market has increased (approximately 80% of the products of domestic fertilizer producers are exported), and therefore enterprises have working capital, which has expanded the opportunities for investing in production development.

In 2000, the production of mineral fertilizers in the Russian Federation increased by 6.3%, including the production of nitrogen fertilizers increased by 12.7%, phosphate fertilizers by 17.1%, and potash fertilizers decreased by 6.5%. Thus, the share of nitrogen fertilizers amounted to 47.6%, increasing by 3.1 percentage points due to a decrease in the share of potash fertilizers by 4.3 percentage points with a slight increase (by 1.2 percentage points) in the share of phosphate fertilizers.

An assessment of the situation in the industry from the point of view of the state of the assets of the largest enterprises and the consumption of mineral fertilizers both in the domestic market and abroad allows us to predict the development of the industry as promising.

In the first quarter of 2001 in the Russian Federation, mineral fertilizers were produced - 3.3 million tons (100.4%);

Production of mineral fertilizers in Russia, thousand tons

Total production volume



Chemical plant protection products

January-February 2001

Total capacity of enterprises producing mineral fertilizers


Production capacity, thousand tons

Nitrogen fertilizers

Phosphorus fertilizers


Improvement financial condition and solvency of agricultural enterprises in 2000 contributed to the growth in consumption of mineral fertilizers. According to experts, this trend will continue in the future.

Dynamics and structure of demand for mineral fertilizers (in terms of 100% nutrients), thousand tons

Indicator name

forecast 2005

Demand - total

including for domestically produced products

domestic market

Assessment of the industry's production potential at existing facilities in the future until 2005, thousand tons

Indicator name

2005 forecast

Installed power

Competitive power

Market volume


Source: Strategy for the development of the chemical and petrochemical industry for the period until 2005

List of capacities being created for the production of competitive products in the years.




Production capacity, tons per year

Novomoskovskoe AK "Azot"

Nitric acid

JSC "Dagfos"

qualified phosphates

yellow phosphorus

JSC "Apatit"

apatite concentrate

Voskresensk JSC "Minudobreniya"

sodium tripolyphosphate

sulfuric acid

JSC "Nevinnomyssk Azot"

Meleuzovskoye JSC "Minudobreniya"

sulfuric acid

Source: Strategy for the development of the chemical and petrochemical industry for the period until 2005

Production of nitrogen fertilizers

The starting material for the production of nitrogen and a number of complex fertilizers is ammonia. The total operating capacity for ammonia production in Russia currently reaches 13,870 thousand tons, which is about 9% of global capacity. This is the third indicator in the world after China and the USA. However, the production capacities of enterprises are not fully utilized, and in terms of ammonia production, Russia ranks 4th after China, the USA and India, producing approximately 6% of this type of product in the world.

In 2000, capacity utilization for the production of ammonia and nitrogen fertilizers increased significantly compared to previous years. In particular, capacity utilization for ammonia production amounted to 82%, nitrogen fertilizers - 80%, very close to the indicators of the late 80s. Some enterprises operated above their installed capacity; among such enterprises it is worth mentioning JSC Acron, Nevinnomyssk Azot, and the Ministry of Fertilizers (Perm).

Structure of nitrogen fertilizer production in the Russian Federation, %



Ammonium nitrate

Nitrogen fertilizers in Russia are produced at more than 25 enterprises. In addition, ammonium sulfate is produced by some coke plants.

Share of enterprises in the all-Russian production of nitrogen fertilizers for 8 months. 2000

Business name

JSC "Akron"

Novomoskovsk AK "Azot"

Nevinnomyssk OJSC "Azot"

Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant

Berezniki JSC "Azot"

Kemerovo OJSC "Azot"

OJSC "Togliattiazot"

Rossoshanskoe JSC "Minudobreniya"

Capacity utilization of enterprises producing nitrogen fertilizers in 2000, %


For the production of nitrogen fertilizers

For the production of ammonia in

CJSC "Kuibyshevazot"

JSC "Nevinnomyssk Azot"

OJSC "Minudobreniya" (Perm)

OJSC "Agro-Cherepovets"

Urea production at Russian enterprises, thousand tons


OJSC "Azot" (Berezniki)

CJSC "Kuibyshevazot" (Samara region)

OJSC "Togliattiazot" (Samara region)

Production of phosphate fertilizers

The Russian Federation's share in the global production of phosphate fertilizers is 6.5%. The production of phosphate fertilizers in Russia is dominated by monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate. The large potential of phosphate fertilizers created in Russia is concentrated at 19 enterprises, general power factories is about 4.5 million tons. Basically, enterprises for the production of phosphate fertilizers are located near deposits of the main types of raw materials - apatites and phosphorites.

Share of enterprises in the production of phosphate fertilizers in the Russian Federation for 8 months. 2000

Business name

OJSC "Balakovo Fertilizers"

OJSC "Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers" (Moscow region)

JSC "Akron" (Novgorod region)

In 2000, the production of phosphate fertilizers increased by 12.8% compared to 1999. Meanwhile, according to experts, in the second half of 2000, the growth rate of phosphate production decreased significantly. This was due to a shortage of sulfuric acid, which is used in the production of the main types of phosphate fertilizers - ammophos, diammophos and nitroammophosphates. In addition, the tightening of the sales policy of JSC Apatit, the Russian monopolist in the extraction and processing of phosphate raw materials, played a role. Negative influence Production is affected by a decrease in world prices for phosphates, and therefore the export revenue of enterprises decreases, which are forced to increase exports to compensate for losses.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, simple phosphorus-containing fertilizers are produced by 3 factories, their shares in supplies to the domestic Russian market vary from 17.4% to 57.5%. The products of these enterprises are not exported. The most common complex phosphorus-containing fertilizers are supplied to the domestic Russian market by more than 12 manufacturing enterprises, their shares vary from 2.2% (JSC Acron, Novgorod region) to 26.8% (JSC Ammofos, Vologda region).

Capacities of ammophos production enterprises


Installed capacity, thousand tons

Concern "Irgiz"

JSC "Phosphorit"

JSC "Ammofos"

JSC “Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers”

JSC “Meleuzovskoye PA “Minudobreniya””

Until recently, the most common nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer produced in Russia was monoammonium phosphate - MAP or ammophos. Production capacity for the production of ammophos are available at 8 enterprises. General project capacity the production of this type of fertilizer is about 2 million tons (in terms of P2O5). The service life of the main equipment at all plants is 20-25 years, however, the technical level of production is assessed as average.

Recent years have been characterized by a decrease in the level of use of production potential at all enterprises, which is mainly explained by the reasons for the general crisis in the economy. The bulk of fertilizers are exported. The long-term non-supply of mineral fertilizers to agriculture could not but affect the supply of food to the land. Every year, about 100 kg of nutrients per 1 hectare are removed from the soil with the harvest, and the application of fertilizers has decreased by 5 times in recent years. More than 60 million hectares of land require a twofold increase in phosphorus content.

Medium-term forecasts for the consumption of mineral fertilizers in Russia, thousand tons of nutrients

Types of fertilizers

According to GIAP

According to Fertekon



Source: JSC "Phosphorit"

Production of potash fertilizers

Russia ranks 2nd in the world in the production of potash fertilizers. This is due to the fact that Russia has some of the richest deposits of potassium salts in the world. The main type of potash fertilizer is potassium chloride. Almost 93% of potassium fertilizers in Russia are produced by two enterprises - OJSC Uralkali and OJSC Silvinit, but currently only 50% of the capacity of these enterprises is used. The main part of the company's costs is associated with ore mining; from 20 to 30% of the structure of production costs is the cost of electricity and transport.

Production of mineral fertilizers in terms of 100% K2O, thousand tons

Production capacities of potash fertilizer production enterprises

Potash fertilizers (100% K;0), thousand tons

OJSC "Uralkali" (Perm region)

JSC "Silvinit" (Perm region)

In recent years, the production of potash fertilizers in Russia has been declining against the backdrop of growing production volumes in the industry as a whole. This is due to a decrease in production by JSC Uralkali, as well as increased competition between potash fertilizer producers on the world market. Main competitors Russian companies Among the producers of mineral fertilizers on the international market are enterprises from Canada, Germany, Israel, Jordan, and France. Meanwhile, according to experts, the growth trend in product exports will continue in the coming years. In particular, the consumption of mineral fertilizers by Asian countries continues to increase, but exports to these countries are associated with financial risks.

Despite significant volumes of its own potassium production, Russia ranks last among producing countries in terms of its application level. In recent years, this figure has practically not exceeded the level of 2.1 kg/ha in the active substance. At the same time, potassium consumption in the world increases annually by 6-8%. For example, in countries Western Europe it is 70-80 kg/ha.

Mineral fertilizer market

Most enterprises in the industry survive only through exports. According to the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, about 80% of all manufactured products are exported. At the same time, foreign trade transactions are complicated by a number of circumstances, primarily the discrepancy between high domestic and low export prices for the complex’s products. This allows a number of foreign countries (including Poland, India and the United States) to initiate anti-dumping proceedings against domestic exporters.

Export of mineral fertilizers from Russia in 2000

Name of product

Far abroad

thousand tons

million dollars

thousand tons

million dollars

thousand tons

million dollars

Ammonia anhydrous

Mineral nitrogen fertilizers

Mineral potassium fertilizers

Mixed mineral fertilizers

Thanks to this, producing such fertilizers is very easy, especially since anyone can organize the production of mineral fertilizers; there is nothing complicated about it.

Any room for chemical production must be equipped with high-quality ventilation, water supply and sewerage.

The area of ​​the premises depends on the equipment that will be used and, accordingly, on the fertilizers that will be produced. In most cases 100-200 square meters is enough.

What types of fertilizers are there?

Fertilizers are traditionally classified by form, amount of nutrients and their types, solubility in water and many other criteria.

Fertilizers are divided into powder and granular according to their form.. Fertilizers that contain nutrients that are directly absorbed by plants are called direct, while fertilizers that are used to mobilize nutrients available in the soil are called indirect. Direct fertilizers can contain one or more nutrients.

Most common nutrients are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Basic mineral fertilizers are named precisely by the content of these substances in them, while fertilizers that contain all three of these elements are called complete, and those that contain only one are called simple or one-sided.

Which is more profitable?

Since granular ones are more convenient to use and store better, their production is more profitable. At the same time, complex complete fertilizers are in greater demand than simple ones.

One of best options is granular urea. This is what we will take for further calculations.


To organize urea production you will need:

  • granulator;
  • granulation tower;
  • feed pump;
  • fan;
  • evaporator;
  • loader.

You can purchase equipment either individually or as a complex production line. Best choice equipment will be domestically produced.

Its cost is significantly lower than that of analogues from European manufacturers, and spare parts in case of failure of units are much easier to obtain, and it will take much less time, which will reduce costs.

Fertilizer production technology

Each fertilizer has its own production technology, different from others. Thus, the production of urea requires carbon dioxide and ammonia, which are converted into fertilizer in two stages.

The first stage is the conversion of the feedstock into carbamate, and the second stage is the dehydration of carbamate to obtain urea crystals. The crystals are sent to the granulation tower where granulation takes place.

To whom to sell

Finding a buyer for mineral fertilizers is not difficult - just negotiate with nearby farms, agricultural holdings, gardening partnerships and other large consumers.

In addition, you can purchase packaging equipment and arrange the supply of your fertilizers to retail stores.

Costs and profits

The average cost will be from 15 to 20 million rubles, the purchase of raw materials (100 tons) will cost 500 thousand rubles. Average production profitability is 60%. When producing 50 tons of urea per month net profit will be 400-450 thousand rubles per month.

As you can see, fertilizers are not difficult, but quite large financial investments may be required. In addition, the production of some types of fertilizers will require obtaining permitting documents, since toxic substances may be used in production.

General information about mineral fertilizers (classification, production, chemical and agronomic properties)

Mineral fertilizers are divided into simple and complex. Simple fertilizers contain one nutrient element. This definition is somewhat arbitrary, since simple fertilizers, in addition to one of the main nutrients, may contain sulfur, magnesium, calcium, and microelements. Simple fertilizers, depending on what nutrient they contain, are divided into nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Complex fertilizers contain two or more nutrients and are divided into complex, obtained through the chemical interaction of initial components, complex-mixed, produced from simple or complex fertilizers, but with the addition of phosphoric or sulfuric acids during the manufacturing process with subsequent neutralization, and mixed , or fertilizer mixture, is a product of mechanical mixing of ready-made simple and complex fertilizers.

Nitrogen fertilizers. The main raw materials in the production of these fertilizers are ammonia (NH3) and nitric acid (HN03). Ammonia is produced by the reaction of nitrogen gas in air and hydrogen (usually from natural gas) at a temperature of 400-500 ° C and a pressure of several hundred atmospheres in the presence of catalysts. Nitric acid is produced by the oxidation of ammonia. About 70% of all nitrogen fertilizers in our country are produced in the form of ammonium nitrate, urea, or urea - CO(NH2)2 (46% N).

These are granular or finely crystalline salts white, easily soluble in water. Due to the relatively high nitrogen content, good properties when stored correctly and high efficiency in almost all soil zones and on all crops, ammonium nitrate and urea are universal nitrogen fertilizers. However, a number of their specific features should be taken into account.

Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) is more demanding on storage conditions than urea. It is not only more hygroscopic, but also explosive. At the same time, the presence of two forms of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate - ammonium, which can be absorbed by the soil, and nitrate, which has high mobility, allows for a wider differentiation of methods, doses and timing of application in different soil conditions.

The advantage of urea over ammonium nitrate has been established under irrigation conditions, with foliar feeding of vegetable, fruit, and also grain crops to increase the protein content.

About 10% of nitrogen fertilizer production is made up of ammonia water - NH4OH (20.5 and 16% N) and anhydrous ammonia - NH3 (82.3% N). When transporting, storing and applying these fertilizers, measures should be taken to eliminate ammonia losses. Containers for anhydrous ammonia must be designed for a pressure of at least 20 atm. Nitrogen losses during the application of liquid ammonia fertilizers can be avoided by incorporation of aqueous and 16-20 cm of anhydrous ammonia to a depth of 10-18 cm. On light sandy soils, the depth of fertilizer placement should be greater than on clay soils.

Ammonia nitrogen is fixed by the soil, and therefore liquid nitrogen fertilizers are applied not only in the spring for sowing spring crops and for feeding row crops, but also in the fall for winter crops and during fall plowing.

Ammonium sulfate - (NH4)2SO4 (20% N), an industrial by-product, is quite widely used in agriculture. This is an effective fertilizer with good physical properties, one of the best forms of nitrogen fertilizers in irrigation conditions. With the systematic use of ammonium sulfate on soddy-podzolic soils, their acidification is possible.

Also of practical importance among nitrogen fertilizers are ammonia - solutions of nitrogen-containing salts (ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium carbonate) in concentrated aqueous ammonia. Usually these are intermediate products of chemical production with a high concentration of nitrogen (35-50%). These fertilizers are not inferior in efficiency to solid fertilizers, but require containers with anti-corrosion coating. When adding ammonia to the soil, it is necessary to take measures to prevent loss of ammonia.

A certain amount of sodium nitrate - NaNO3 (15% N), calcium nitrate-Ca(NO3)2 (15% N) and calcium cyanamide-Ca(CN)2 (21% N) is also used in agriculture as a nitrogen fertilizer. This is mainly waste from other industries. Being physiologically alkaline, these forms are effective on acidic soils Oh.

Nitrate forms of nitrogen fertilizers have the advantage of being the fastest-acting fertilizers. That's why they great success can be used for feeding.

Phosphorus fertilizers. Simple superphosphate - Ca(H2PO4)2 H2O+2CaSO4 (14-20% P2O5) is obtained by treating enriched natural phosphates with sulfuric acid. The composition and quality of the final product largely depend on the starting raw materials. Superphosphate from apatite concentrate is produced mainly in granular form. To improve the physical properties of superphosphate, the product is treated with ammonia to neutralize acidity, producing ammoniated superphosphate (2.5% N).

The production of a more concentrated phosphorus fertilizer - double superphosphate [Ca(H2PO4)2 H2O] (46% P2O5) is developing at an accelerated pace. In the conditions of our country, the course towards the production of concentrated fertilizers is economically justified. When using such fertilizers, the costs of transportation, storage and application of fertilizers are significantly reduced.

Double superphosphate is obtained from the same raw materials as simple superphosphate, but by treating it with phosphoric acid. The fertilizer is produced in granular form and has good physical properties. Both superphosphates are equivalent in effectiveness. It can be used on all soils and all crops.

In acidic soil, soluble phosphorus fertilizers turn into hard-to-reach forms of aluminum and iron phosphates, and in soils rich in lime, into tricalcium phosphates, also hard-to-reach for plants. These processes reduce the utilization rate of phosphorus fertilizers. If the soil supply with phosphorus is low and small doses are applied, especially when mixed with the entire arable horizon, you may not get the desired result from phosphorus fertilizers.

Phosphorite flour is ground natural phosphate rock. This fertilizer is sparingly soluble in water and inaccessible to plants. When introduced into the soil under the influence of plant root secretions, under the influence of soil acidity and soil microorganisms, phosphate rock gradually becomes accessible to plants and has an effect for a number of years. It is best to apply phosphate rock to plowing or digging the area in advance. Phosphate rock is not suitable for adding to rows and nests.

In addition to direct application, phosphate rock is used as an additive to composts, and is also used as a mixture with other fertilizers (nitrogen and potassium). Phosphate rock is used as an additive to neutralize acidic fertilizers such as superphosphate.

Potash fertilizers. Potash fertilizers are obtained from potash ores from natural deposits. In Russia, the Verkhne-Kamskoye deposit has the largest potassium reserves, on the basis of which potash plants operate in Solikamsk and Berezniki. Sylvinite is a mixture of potassium chloride and sodium chloride salts. The technology for processing it into potash fertilizer consists of removing sodium chloride ballast and numerous impurities by dissolution and crystallization at appropriate temperatures and concentrations, as well as by flotation.

Potassium chloride-KS1 (60% K2O) is a salt, highly soluble in water. This is the most common potash fertilizer. Potassium chloride makes up more than 90% of all sources of potassium for plants in various fertilizers, including complex ones.

Development of new technological processes with the production of a coarse-grained product, treatment with special additives made it possible to minimize the caking of potassium chloride during storage and significantly simplify the entire cycle of transporting fertilizer from the plant to the field.

Mixed potassium salts also continue to be produced in small quantities, mainly 40% potassium salt, which is prepared by mixing potassium chloride with unprocessed ground sylvinite.

In small quantities Agriculture receives several types of chlorine-free fertilizers - by-products of various industries. This is potassium sulfate - a waste product from the aluminum industry of Transcaucasia, a powder fertilizer with good physical properties. Potash-K2CO3 (57-64% K20) is an alkaline, highly hygroscopic fertilizer, a waste product from nepheline processing. Cement dust (10-14% K2O), condensed at some cement plants, is a universal fertilizer for acidic soils with good physical properties.

It has been established that with the systematic use of chlorine-containing potassium fertilizers, the starch content in potato tubers decreases, the properties of smoking varieties of tobacco deteriorate, and in some areas the quality of grapes, as well as the yield of some cereal crops, in particular buckwheat, deteriorate. In these cases, preference should be given to sulfuric acid salts or alternate them with chloride salts. It is also important to take into account that chlorine added as part of fertilizers in the fall is almost completely washed out from the root layer of the soil.

Some potassium fertilizers are used only on some varieties peat soils, rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. The effect of potassium increases with liming. In crop rotation with crops that carry a lot of potassium (potatoes, sugar beets, clover, alfalfa, root crops), the need for it and its effectiveness are higher than in crop rotations with grain crops only. Against the background of manure, especially in the year of its application, the effectiveness of potash fertilizers decreases.

The coefficient of use of potassium from potash fertilizers ranges from 40 to 80%, on average 50% can be taken per year of application. The aftereffect of potassium fertilizers appears within 1-2 years, and after systematic use it lasts longer.

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