Designation of lunar days. Characteristics of lunar days and their significance for humans

In this article we will analyze lunar days and their meaning. Characteristic lunar days- what it is? It is known that with the help of the earth’s satellite calendar, you can learn to live more fully and harmoniously: to positively influence relationships, health and other areas of human activity. He is the wisdom that came to us from ancient times.

Lunar cycle

So, the cycle of the Earth's satellite lasts 29-30 days. A complete cycle lasts 30 days, and an incomplete one - 29. A partial lunar cycle negatively affects the next one.

So, if a person falls ill on the first day, which came after the previous incomplete revolution, then healing takes a long time. A lunar month is considered negative when a young or full night star is visible in the sky.


The characteristics of the lunar day and their meaning are important for many people. It is known to last from one sunrise to another of the night luminary. The exception is the first day, its beginning coincides with the new moon. Days differ from each other: some can last only a couple of hours, others up to 24.


Now let’s take a closer look at the calendar of lunar days and days: interpretation, meaning of its phases.

  • A new moon occurs when the Earth's satellite and the Sun move. It affects people for several days. During this period, many may complain of mental imbalance, fatigue, and weakness. It is recommended to rest during the new moon.
  • The growing month is determined simply. If you draw an imaginary line between the two “horns”, the letter “P” should appear. The magnification of the Earth's satellite includes the first and second quarter. In the first segment, you need to plan what you want to achieve. The second is a wonderful time to implement your plans. Energy power reaches its peak, the chances of success increase significantly. However, promotional work should be done closer to the next phase.
  • What is a full moon? These are days from the 14th to the 16th. During this period, nervousness is observed, conflicts with people, accidents, and disasters are possible.
  • After the full moon, the descending phase begins, during which you need to analyze your failures and achievements, and complete the things you started. These days you can quit smoking, lose excess weight, perform a successful operation. In the third quarter, it is better not to start projects that you cannot complete before starting a new one. lunar month. In the fourth segment, you need to engage in awareness and analysis of the wisdom of being, since this is a period of passivity.

Name day

The characteristics of lunar days and their meaning are described in many books. You need to know the birthday associated with the night luminary in order to understand the deep qualities of your personality. Do you want to find out what day of the moon you were born on? Open the Earth satellite calendar and look at the time of your name day.

Many argue that the horoscope of the queen of the night tells about karma, since the amount of cargo brought from previous incarnations depends on the lunar phase of a person’s birth.

Inexperienced people

The closer to the new moon a person is born, the younger and more tender his soul is, the more strongly the queen of the night influences him. Such people have little experience, they are just beginning the cycle of life, therefore they are vulnerable, open to everything new, responsive and inquisitive.

Emotional Individuals

The characteristics of lunar days and their meaning are valuable material accumulated by many generations of people. If a person was born a second time, it means that he has a lot of experience, but in the past he did not go through difficult trials. As a rule, at this time, emotional and receptive people who know how to control themselves are born.

Temperamental people

So, let's continue to look at the lunar calendar. The description and characteristics of the lunar day disturb our consciousness. What kind of people are born at the moment when the night star has grown completely? These are temperamental individuals, full of energy, sometimes using it ineptly. They are contradictory in nature and have contrasting qualities. Such people are often dissatisfied with themselves, their personal life is very problematic.

Sometimes it happens on a full moon solar eclipses. It is especially unfavorable to be born on such a day, since you will not be able to change anything in your destiny. at will It’s impossible, almost nothing depends on the person.

Experienced individuals

During the third lunar phase, experienced people are born who have seen a lot in previous reincarnations. They constantly feel like they already know enough, but they still have a lot of adventures ahead of them.

Erudite personalities

In fact, the characteristics of lunar days and their meaning are studied by those people who want to know the meaning of their existence. What are individuals born in the fourth phase like? Their cycle of incarnations is at its final stage. They are born with enormous emotional experience, know how to control themselves, and hide their feelings well. These people have seen a lot, encountered good and evil, and in the depths of their souls they keep what others do not yet know.


What are lunar days like? Description, characteristics, their meaning - we will now consider all this in as much detail as possible. The lunar month, as a rule, consists of 30 days, but sometimes it can last 29, and then not favorable days manifest themselves most acutely, and events occur unexpectedly and abruptly.

The first day begins at the moment of the conjunction of the queen of the night and the Sun. Because of this process, at first the Earth's satellite is not visible in the night sky, but after a few days a thin, gradually enlarging crescent appears.

The lunar month is divided into four weeks (phases), which depend on the location of the night luminary relative to the Sun. From 1 to 15 days the sickle grows, from 15 to 30 it decreases. What mysteries does a lunar day hide? And are you also interested in the characteristics of the days of the earth’s satellite? We invite you to know their following specific features:

  • The first lunar day provides us with an exceptional opportunity to set the pace for the whole month, to reflect on changes in ourselves and in our environment, and on improving our own lives. dreams, thoughts, but no actions. It is good for analyzing the past, reviewing old quarrels, and extracting morals. If you forgive all offenders during this period, then negative memories may disappear. Sometimes such a day can last only a couple of minutes, during which you can’t think about bad things, make trouble, or be too enterprising.
  • The second day is suitable for showing generosity and hospitality: make pleasant surprises for your loved ones, set the table, invite guests. During this period, it is forbidden to be angry, as your health may deteriorate.
  • On the third day, you need to move on to the actual actions and projects that you planned in the first part of the month. It is recommended to start playing sports so that the accumulated energy in the body does not stagnate. On this day you cannot show negative emotions.
  • The fourth day is suitable for solitude. Its energy is considered negative, as temptations and temptations are possible. On this day you cannot work in a team and make hasty decisions.
  • The fifth day is good for creative activity and travel. During this period, you can gain new knowledge and you cannot go hungry.
  • On the sixth day you need to do daily routine work. You should accept everything around you as it is; you cannot complain about your loved ones and life. This is a period of meditation and experimentation.
  • On the seventh day, be more prudent about everything that is said, since thoughts spoken out loud can come true. This is a good time for good wishes, the fight for justice, and a bad time for lies and long-term affairs.
  • The eighth day is a period of repentance and forgiveness. This is a good time for fasting, confessions, decisive actions, travel, and a bad time for practicing with fire.
  • On the ninth day, the Moon changes phase from the first to the second, so it is considered one of the unfavorable ones. During this period, you can become a victim of illusions and deception, and fears may worsen. This time is right for labor activity and is not suitable for meetings and showdowns.
  • The tenth day is good for active rest, reconciliation and is not suitable for passivity. After the change of lunar phases, the flow of energy increases, so during this period it is necessary to direct it in the right direction.
  • The eleventh day is the most powerful in terms of the influence of the Moon. It is suitable for caring for loved ones, gifts, travel and is not suitable for passivity and excessive activity.
  • The twelfth day is very positive and bright. If its energy is used correctly, it can bring a lot of happiness. This is a good time for weddings, good deeds, solitude, and a bad time for quarrels and pity.
  • On the thirteenth day, situations of the past are repeated, old problems return. During this period, you need to forgive old grievances and engage in group work.
  • The fourteenth day is suitable for starting some serious business. During this period, you need to pay attention to any advice and engage in physical activity. It is not recommended to be sad and drink a lot of liquid.
  • The fifteenth day falls on the full moon, which is why it is called critical. This is a good time for abstinence, control, and a bad time for temptation, revelry, and holidays.
  • The sixteenth day is suitable for spiritual cleansing and harmony. This is a great time for peace, marriage, and creativity. It is not suitable for quarrels and loud music.
  • The seventeenth day is intended for fun and relaxation. This is a good time for celebrations, dancing, and a bad time for bustle, important affairs and promises.
  • The fun and joy of the past day is replaced by the sadness and despondency of the eighteenth day. This time is suitable for passivity, solitude and not suitable for resentment, illusions and imitation.
  • The nineteenth day is not the most prosperous day of the month, but it is needed to cleanse the conscience and soul. This is a good time for prayer, creativity and a bad time for making important decisions.
  • On the twentieth day, it is forbidden to start new things, as everything may not go as planned. This great time for making decisions (you need to forget about arrogance and anger during this period).
  • The twenty-first day is good for showing determination; you even need to take risks in some things. This time is good for courage, honesty, discussion of problems, teamwork and not good for solitude.
  • On the twenty-second day it is recommended to obtain and use knowledge. This is a good time for new ideas and self-education, and a bad time for conservatism.
  • The twenty-third day is unfavorable, as it can cause negative emotions. During this period, the lunar phases change, so aggressiveness may increase. This is a good time for abstinence and repentance, and a bad time for revenge and adventures.
  • The twenty-fourth day is not the most pleasant, as sad thoughts, apathy, and melancholy may appear. This good period for increased attentiveness, sports and bad - for sadness, passivity.
  • The twenty-fifth day is not meant for fuss; it is better to be alone. This is a good period for completing projects and a bad period for activity.
  • The twenty-sixth day is suitable for rest and not suitable for shopping, boasting, or gossip.
  • The twenty-seventh day is associated with water procedures, sea voyages, and water. This is a good period for reflection, music and a bad period for immersion in routine.
  • The twenty-eighth day is favorable and bright. It is at this time that you can enjoy inner harmony and a great mood, but you cannot implement new ideas.
  • The twenty-ninth day is the most disgusting day of the month. It begins just before the new moon, so people should beware of unwanted contacts, a waste of time and effort. During this period, you need to do routine things.
  • The thirtieth day is the last day of the lunar month, it is called positive and harmonious. At this time, it is advised to pay off all debts in order to enter a new cycle with a clear conscience. This is a good period for completing projects, repentance, and a bad period for new plans and vanity.

Calendar and magic

What role do lunar days play in magic? The characteristics of lunar days in this area differ in some nuances. It is known that witchcraft obeys the night luminary. Today it is difficult to imagine that from the beginning of time the entire human race lived according to the lunar calendar. This night queen, shimmering with a mysterious cold light, still rules over us. She not only controls people, the richness of the harvest in gardens and fields depends on her, the oceans and seas are subordinate to her.

This is why the lunar calendar, characteristics, and meaning of lunar days are studied by many people. Is there any point in being perplexed because it is the Earth’s satellite that patronizes the mysterious magical powers. In the power of this powerful luminary, like sea ​​tides and tides, all astral currents are located. The success of witchcraft rituals performed on a given day depends on it. That is why all natural magicians check the lunar calendar before work.

Activity and enterprise can result in a loss of strength. Do routine chores or chores around the house. You can clean the sideboard or replant the flowers. Do not look for helpers: on this day it is better to act independently. Stay at home alone with your thoughts.

Influence of the Moon April 28, 2019

23 lunar day

On the 23rd lunar day, it is undesirable to engage in vigorous activity due to negative energy day. You should not start anything new, look for business contacts, or invest in risky businesses. It is better to engage in current routine activities. You can carry out small financial transactions. This is not a good time to talk to your boss. Neutral time to change your type of activity, travel. Unfavorable period for communication and dating. The day is suitable for housework.

Waning Moon (4th phase)

The fourth phase of the Moon is a time of gradual decline in strength. At the end of the lunar cycle there is little strength left for productive activity. You need to spend them only on the most important and important things. At this time, it is not recommended to start new responsible activities. It is better to devote yourself to summing up the work done and making plans. This is an unfavorable period for investing. You need to beware of quarrels, stop conflicts and show tolerance towards loved ones. It is not recommended to make new acquaintances.

Moon in Aquarius

The Moon in Aquarius is a favorable period for new beginnings. It is advisable to postpone current routine affairs for a couple of days. It is recommended to devote yourself to active activities; you should not sit at home. Is not best time to communicate with superiors and move to a new place of work. It's a good time for household chores. Any risky undertaking can be a successful start to a new direction in work or personal life. These are favorable days for communication in the company. Not the best time to meet new people. You can plan travel and active recreation on these days.


Sunday is not the best time for new beginnings, current affairs, or changing occupations. The day is also not suitable for housework. This is the ideal time to relax and communicate with family.

The lunar calendar for today helps you find out what lunar day, phase of the Moon, and what zodiac sign the Moon is in. It indicates the time of moonrise and sunset, the degree of its illumination.

He contains general characteristics day. Lunar horoscope for today takes into account the influence of the lunar day, the phase of the Moon, the position of the Moon in relation to the zodiac constellations, and the day of the week. He will tell you what activities are best to do on this day, whether it is worth planning a serious conversation with your boss, sorting out relationships with people, making large purchases, starting to clean or renovate the house, or going on a trip.

23rd Lunar day
His symbol is the crocodile

This is one of the days of rampant vampires and all sorts of seductions. This day is characterized by caution, abstinence, repentance and self-sacrifice. It also involves persecution, bullying, expulsion and facing an angry mob. It is necessary to protect your home on this lunar day. It is also necessary to carry out cleaning, purification, sprinkling with holy water, fumigation with wild rosemary, and cleansing the thresholds of the house with fire. It is recommended to consume dairy products. You cannot show your anger, perform operations, cut your nails and hair, and also move little.

This period is quite controversial. The conclusion of any agreements and the assumption of obligations must be checked and rethought. On this day it is better to hold off on new projects and activities. It will be much more useful and productive to complete what you started earlier. The second half of the day is marked by the growth of one’s own ambitions, due to which any patronage may be problematic. Jealousy and envy may be present in relationships with partners. You need to be very careful when expressing your feelings and thoughts, revealing your plans and hopes.

The influence of the 23rd lunar day on love and relationships

Household chores on the 23rd lunar day

The twenty-third lunar day is suitable for activities that require a lot of physical activity. Good for completing any activities, but starting new things is not recommended. This is a day of home protection, in which cleaning and sprinkling of holy water, cleansing with candle fire, fumigating the premises with wild rosemary and caraway seeds should be carried out.

The influence of the 23rd lunar day on business and money

This is one of the worst days for work and business. Don't do anything important. Negotiations will not bring results, but they may create additional problems. The second half of the day is especially unfavorable. Today, mutual obligations are tested for sustainability and stability, plans are revised, ideas are rethought. It is good to close businesses and abandon unprofitable financial schemes and relationships.

The meaning of dreams on the 23rd lunar day

Dream of deja vu. Dreams are deceptive and even the opposite of reality. What you dream about on these lunar days must be understood exactly the opposite. May dream bad dreams, this is due to the energy of the day. Sometimes you have dreams related to problems of a social nature, dreams that show where you do not accept yourself.

Born on the 23rd Lunar Day

They will not be distinguished by external beauty, so much in their lives will depend on the knowledge they receive, human kindness and their attitude towards the world around them. People of this day are characterized by tenacity and a death grip; They bring any matter to the absolute. Maturity and completeness are evident in everything.

Medical influence of the 23rd lunar day

Not a good day for surgical operations; you don’t even need to cut your nails today. Don't indulge your weaknesses. Especially for gluttony, move more and not lead a sedentary lifestyle. It's good to fast or fast. And for those who are engaged in healing, today you can fast and stock up on energy. Today it’s good not to eat meat at all, but replace food with dairy products, you can bake pies, cheesecakes, and it’s especially good to bake buns with nuts. Diseases that begin on these lunar days are often severe and long-lasting. Today the immune system is weakened and the body's resistance is reduced. Increased sexual desire can lead to sexual problems. It is good to carry out medical manipulations and procedures on the spine area or general strengthening procedures for the entire body.

Moon in Aries

Dangerous time - conflicts, disputes, emotional stress, impulsiveness and temper. On other days, Aries behave more restrained and calm. At this moment, many people born under the sign of Aries take drastic actions, get involved in extreme situations, become daring and fearless. Even the kindest, sweetest and most pleasant person can turn into a rude person who does not care about the feelings of the people around him.

These days are good for Aries in order to throw off in one fell swoop a heavy, annoying load, a burden, to get rid of a problem that has long tormented and prevented them from feeling freedom, happiness and calm. But it’s still worth considering that these days emotional tension is at its maximum: Aries need to learn to get rid of stress and control their actions.

At this time, Aries needs to reduce physical activity, free yourself from heavy household responsibilities, important and complex matters. It's unlikely to be achieved good result. It is better to fully rest and gain strength.

Moon in Aries: The sign is barren and dry. Aries is believed to be responsible for fruits. You can sow seeds of plants that grow very quickly and are immediately used for food, without storage. For example, lettuce, spinach, radishes and other green crops, as well as bush beans and tomatoes. A favorable time for collecting fruits, roots, tubers and cutting flowers. When the Moon is in Aries, it is recommended to do cultivation, weeding, and spraying against pests. But it is better to refrain from planting and replanting any plants. Keep in mind that when the Moon is in Aries, plants are extremely sensitive to the slightest damage.

Fourth phase (quarter) of the Moon

Element: Fire.
This phase is called defective or decreasing, which speaks for itself. This is the time when the body withers, lunar winter begins. The person begins to get more tired, becomes sedentary, slow and lethargic. Fatigue accumulates, immunity and biorhythms decrease. You should not take any active actions - they will not bring results.

At the end of this quarter, the difficult days of the new moon begin. But a little later we will see a thin young moon in the sky, which will give us strength and hope for new beginnings.

Good to know. It has long been noticed that plans conceived shortly after the new moon are carried out quite quickly. Plans made around the full moon are not implemented so quickly, but in terms of effectiveness they usually surpass “new moon” plans. Businesses started on the waning Moon run the risk of being delayed, and for a longer period of time, the closer the moment of the next new moon is. It should be borne in mind that business started on the 9th, 15th, 29th lunar day will most likely not be successful.

First lunar day
Symbols: lamp, lamp, third eye.
Stones: diamond, rock crystal, quartz-rauchtopaz.
Body: front part of the head, brain.
Symbolically associated with the first 12 degrees of Aries.

This is a day of working with mental energies, mentality, and mental images. As a rule, you cannot start anything on this day, you can only plan them. This is such a magical day when we can create mental images, mental forms in our consciousness, which will then be embodied. Thinking about “the wrong thing” on this day is bad, very bad. We can create such realities, which will then be embodied and we will feel very bad about it. It's a very clean day. Another symbol of it is Pallas Athena, emerging in all her armor from the head of Zeus. Large contacts and group work are contraindicated.

Second lunar day
Symbols: cornucopia, mouth.
Stones: jadeite, chalcedony, iridescent agate.
Body: mouth, teeth.

Start of combustion cycle solid. On this day it is good to engage in diet, cleansing the stomach and intestines. It’s good to start a cycle of physical body exercises or a large information cycle on this day, but due to the proximity of the new moon, you can’t be particularly overloaded.
This day is also associated with the exteriorization of the astral, with the complete separation of the astral body from the physical, especially in children, they can see themselves from the outside. It happens to them
spontaneously, and in reality, and not in a dream. People born on this day experience a feeling of almost physical influence on their astral body. The astral body may become denser, it may take on a physical coloring - one is lying on the sofa, the other is standing against the wall.
Malice and anger are completely contraindicated.

Third lunar day
Symbols: leopard, leopard.
Stones: carnelian, red sardine, ruby, aventurine.
Body: back of the head.

Day of the Astral Warrior. It is associated with the manifestation of aggression, the instinct of danger, and fight. On this day you should concentrate your astral energy for self-defense. This is the most favorable day for practicing martial arts - tai chi, karate.
On such a day, astral warriors and magicians are born. People born on an antiphase day (16-17) are defenseless and vulnerable on this day.

Fourth lunar day
Symbols: tree of knowledge, word AUM
Stones: iridescent agate, sardonyx, amazonite, green jade.
Body: pharynx, larynx.

On this day it is recommended to focus on vibrations and work with vibrations. The best practice is to chant sacred hymns, sounding mantras. For any mantra, except for some commonly used ones, you need to have dedication. It is recommended to maintain blood ties, study traditions, and accumulate information on this topic.
This is the first of the unfavorable days. It is dual, it has both positive and negative. Contacts, acquaintances, group work are contraindicated, it is very difficult, it ends badly. Sick people feel especially bad. The people of this day are the primary bearers of the terrible secret of the separation of cosmic good and evil. They carry this secret within themselves, some do not know about it. But they can unconsciously use this knowledge as a non-transferable key. They can consciously use it at a high level, but to do this they must know what they have. According to Albertus Magnus, this day refers to the fall of man. The symbol of the day is an Adam's apple stuck in the larynx. On the opposite day (18) silence is shown, but here you can speak.

Fifth lunar day
Symbols: oil for fire.
Stones: amber, turquoise, pink chalcedony.
Body: esophagus.

Symbolizes the beginning of assimilation and transformation of food. In food entering the esophagus,
There is already saliva - it is already in the field of our energy. On this day, people do not refuse food, but use it harmoniously. This is the only day when food (in the sense of its astral frame) burns entirely without residue and is completely transformed into the astral body.
Food is like oil for a fire: on this day you need to nourish yourself with it for a whole month, you need to compensate for the astral lack of microelements. Many knowledgeable yogis on this day go to the market, whatever they want, buy little by little and eat, i.e. They eat what they are drawn to. It's better to eat live food, but you can also have canned food and mineral salt - whatever your body wants. On this day it is forbidden to fast, on the antiphase day (18) you can, this is the ideal day for fasting.
On this day, people are born who transform food into physical and astral energy - these are powerful people, heroes, saints.

Sixth lunar day
Symbols: crane.
Stones: hyacinth, citrine.
Body: bronchi, upper respiratory tract.

The day of pranayama, work with telepathy, transmission of thoughts, prophecy, absorption and assimilation of the energy of the Cosmos. Only in the top respiratory tract, and also in the apexes of the lungs the process of transformation occurs cosmic energy, i.e. higher prana, into simpler or more complex, into modified pranas of our body. Contacts, working with words, and fortune telling are recommended.
People born on this day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy.

Seventh lunar day
Symbols: rod, wind rose, Aeolus.
Stones: sapphire, white coral, heliotrope.
Body: lungs.

This is the day of the elements and working with them, with natural spirits. The day of verbal magic, the use of mantras as prayers. This day is associated with a deeper use of mantra than the 4th. You need to learn to speak, free yourself from “dirty” words (such as “you know”, “so to speak”, etc.). An antiphase day (21st) is unfavorable for saying prayers for the first time.

Eighth lunar day
Symbols: phoenix, treasure chest.
Stones: garnetite, uvarovite, olivine, chrysolite.
Body: stomach.

This is the day of body transmutation, alchemy, and stomach cleansing. The most subtle energies are included from biological cells and cellular formations to alchemical reactions in our body. You can fast and practice cleansing your stomach and intestines.
The symbol here is Proserpina, associated with Gemini. Alchemists will be born on this day.

Ninth lunar day
Symbols: bat, Milky Way.
Stones: black pearl, rauchtopaz, serpentine, marion, alexandrite.
Body: nipple.

It's a rainy day. One of Satan's places in the sign of Cancer. Day of illusions, delusions, deceptions, poisonings. On this day you need to take care of yourself and cleansing procedures. According to the highest
magic - removal of astral larvae, diseases, damage. On this day you need to defend yourself, all sorts of satanic nasty things are introduced. Self-intoxication of the body is possible. The antiphase day (23rd) is also difficult.
Nutrition on unfavorable days - 9, 15, 29 and 4,18, 23, 26 - do not eat animal food (carrion). You don’t need to starve, but you also don’t have to overeat and don’t drink alcohol.
People born on this day need to constantly cleanse themselves of toxins, both physical and astral.

Tenth lunar day
Symbols: fountain, secret spring, crab.
Stones: sardonyx, turquoise.
Body: chest bones.

The day is associated with going out to own tradition, self-deepening, inclusion of karmic memory. It is recommended to remember previous births, group and explore this
information, generalize experience. It is also good to think logically about your past. Meditation on your own karma, on your family tree.
On this day, secret sources of knowledge are accessed. Knowledge is what a person born on this day should do. His task is to work with knowledge.

Eleventh lunar day
Symbols: fiery sword, crown, labyrinth.
Stones: selenite, fire opal, hematite.
Body: spine.

This is the day of Kundalini activation, its transformation. If a person does not know anything or he knows but is not purified himself, then let him not do anything serious on this day. Only a prepared person can lift the veil of secrecy associated with this day. The secret of Kundalini, it is owned by initiates and carried within them by those born on this day. This place is considered the most powerful of all lunar zodiac(Lion with a crown). For any student, this is a day of caution and thoroughness in preparing yourself. This is not a bad day, it can be used for some practices: cleansing, astral cleansing, prayer and magical actions. But the practices should be completed to the end.
People born on such a day are very strong, almost unpredictable, disasters often happen to them.

Twelfth lunar day
Symbols: bowl.
Stones: mother of pearl, lapis lazuli, coral.
Body: heart.

This is the day of turning on the cosmic energy of love. This includes man’s love for God, the only source from which he once came, and on the other hand, God’s love for man, his creation. This is one of the days when prayers come true. Prayers and any exercises affecting Anahata (heart chakra) are associated with this day. But on an antiphase day (26th) it is contraindicated to influence Anahata.
Day of mercy, compassion, altruism. Anyone who is not merciful on this day may himself lose mercy. On this day, merciful people are born, bearers of the “Grail”, the purest people on the path of peace and goodness.

Thirteenth lunar day
Symbols: a wheel with a swastika inside (or a spinning wheel).
Stones: red opal, ruby.
Body: blood.

This is a day of accumulation of information, contacts in a group, and teaching. The day of making round talismans, spinning threads, working with Karma. On this day ideal students are born.

Fourteenth lunar day
Symbols: trumpet.
Stones: hyacinth, sapphire, lapis, azure.
Body: intestines.

This is a day of calling, gaining knowledge on using sources of information, working with sacred texts. It is very bad to engage in any magical activities on this day.
You can pray, but not very hard. On this day it is very good to do cleansing, mainly physical body, special enemas, washing (when the Moon is not in lunar signs). “Dry” fasting is good because... any liquid on this day pollutes. A drain pipe through which waste must be removed.
This is the beginning of a cycle of good deeds. In general, things started on this day are successful. It is better to postpone the start of any important business to this day, if there are no aggravating factors - planets in destructive degrees, some bad planetary situations.
People born on this day have a true calling. They are always striving for something, going somewhere.

Fifteenth lunar day
Symbols: serpent, jackal (winged signalman between Isis and Osiris).
Stones: jet, emerald.
Body: diaphragm, pancreas, intestines.

This is Satan's day, the day of the tempting serpent, which manifests itself in the form of a person's womb or his flesh. A particularly difficult day regarding sexual temptations, sexual
relaxation. On this day, it is imperative to conquer your flesh in order to be pure (otherwise the astral plane is destroyed), and to work through any forms of asceticism. In some texts, this day is attributed to the tempter Ahriman - the spirit of the flesh, who relaxes a person, makes him
pliable, suggestible, lazy, succumbing to any earthly temptation.
People born on this day (full moon) succumb to all astral temptations; no temptations of the flesh are alien to them.

Sixteenth lunar day
Symbols: dove, butterfly.
Stones: spinel, tourmaline, pearl (day), emerald (night).
Body: spleen.

Marked by justice, balance, harmony between the physical and astral bodies. Everyone is recommended on this day physical exercise, corresponding to such harmony.
It is believed that shouting and unceremonious behavior on this day should be completely excluded. We must remain calm and not disturb our spiritual comfort and peace in our souls by any extraneous actions. The symbol of this day is moderation, this is one of the clean days.

Seventeenth lunar day
Symbols: bunch of grapes.
Stones: hematite, zircon.

Shakti Day (this word was used to call dancers, priestesses of love). This day is favorable for tantric exercises, marital relations, proximity. In general, this is the day of pair contacts,
a day associated with the transformation of feminine energy. On this day, sublimated feminine energy, like a riot, like an involuntary exit. He is associated with Dionysus. IN ancient Greece On this day, sacred bacchanalia were held.
You should be careful on this day. Love is the best aspect, but due to uncontrollable energies, it contains an element of surprise. On this day it is good to make marriages, they will for a long time hold on to love. In general, to conclude
The 12th, 16th, 17th days are good for marriages: on the 16th day the marriage will be based on harmony, on the 12th day - on the highest love.
People born on this day need their androgenic half, a true spouse or lover, so that the person has a constant source of pair polarity. Otherwise, such a person will be pitiful and will have no strength.

Eighteenth lunar day
Symbols: asp, mirror, baboon.
Stones: white agate, opal.

This is a dangerous day, although not a satanic one. Associated with the asp. It is contraindicated to independently engage in any serious practices other than strengthening the physical body. This is the best day for fasting - you need to start with a light meal a day or two, do not eat any carrion, not even fish. Then take a laxative and do an enema to cleanse the intestines. Continue cleaning the next morning.
People born on this day are contraindicated from doing anything serious on their own, because they must overcome the adder and pride within themselves, and then they will be able to “judge their people,” i.e. rise spiritually. Then they will be able to refuse this (“judge, lest ye be judged,” but this is more high level, kingdom of Vohumana. Many of their insights are false. They must find their true teacher in order to rise spiritually.

Nineteenth lunar day
Symbols: spider "Rachna".
Stones: labradorite, chrysolite, olivine, green garnet, uvarovite, red onyx.
Body: navel center.

This is the day of operational magic. Astral contacts are activated and established both in our world and in the other world. On this day, each of the people can be a catcher of human souls or some astral influences. Many sorcerers use this particular day for their magical and black magic acts. Our task on this day is not to dwell on what we are not
know (including holy books), otherwise we might get caught. You need to be vigilant and very attentive so as not to get caught in astral networks. You need to read what is connected with your tradition, the purity of which you vouch for. It is possible to tune out very smoothly from other people’s influences, you just need to be able to feel them.

Twentieth lunar day
Symbols: eagle.
Stones: red jasper, rock crystal.
Body: shoulder blades, shoulders, peritoneum.

The eagle on many coats of arms is a symbol of statehood. There are already energies of the sign of Sagittarius, and therefore Jupiter. This is a very important spiritually important day, when astral energies and astral vision are activated (the day is colored blue). This is the day of receiving spiritual knowledge and initiation. You can study spiritual texts, but you should not undergo extrasensory treatment if you do not have a huge accumulated potential, otherwise you will walk around “broken”, because get exhausted in a moment. In terms of spiritual giving, it gives the opportunity to give everything.
People born on this day, as a rule, tend to rise above others in a negative sense - they become false teachers, dictators, it’s too easy for them.

Twenty-first lunar day
Symbols: herd of horses, Temple.
Stones: pyrite, zircon, aventurine.
Body: liver, blood.

A herd of horses is all the “horsepower” of your body. The body is the chariot, the mind is the charioteer. This day returns a person to the problem of his physical body. Any physical exercise is recommended, building your body as a temple of the spirit, raising your body to a higher level. This day is especially good for asanas.

Twenty-second lunar day
Symbols: Ganesha is the Hindu god of wisdom.
Stones: red amber, blue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade.

This is the day of wisdom, the day of receiving secret knowledge and its use. On this day it is recommended to find out your future mantically (fortune telling is an inclusion in the flow, it reports the state of the universe at the moment, this is the day to use fortune telling cards, it’s better not to meddle in Jewish cabalistics). On this day, meditation on magical symbolism, on
signs of the Zodiac, to the symbols of the planets, to the entire horoscope.

Twenty-third lunar day
Symbols: Makkara – half-turtle, half-crocodile.
Stones: green crocodilite, rauchtopaz, black jade.
Body: female organs, ovaries, Muladhara chakra (lower center in the coccyx area)

Sometimes it is called the day of the square or the cross. This is the lunar day of the Nativity of Christ.
Christ laid a tremendous rhythm in humanity. With his arrival, this day has changed slightly over several millennia. This day is a symbol of sacrifice, self-sacrifice, sin-repentance, understanding and forgiveness of others. This is a day of fasting and abstinence from meat foods.
On this day it is better not to sin, but only to repent. In general, on this day the use of tantric energy is prohibited, as it can destroy.
People born on this day become true monks. Monasticism is not obligatory for everyone born on this day, but it is desirable for everyone. Sexual energy can destroy any people on this day; it undermines health.

Twenty-fourth lunar day
Symbols: Shiva - bear, mountain, phallus.
Stones: black jasper, marion, air obsidian.
Body: armpit area.

This is the day of Shiva. It is associated with the transformation of male energy. In relation to the 18th day, this is a quadrature day. This is also a tantric day, a day of tantra, a day of marriage. It must be actively used in this regard to improve one’s own health and raise one’s spiritual level.

Twenty-fifth lunar day
Symbols: turtle, shell, urn, two vessels (with living and dead water).
Stones: spar (amulets), tiger (red) eye, falcon (blue and blue) eye, cat's (green) eye, irazem - translucent green stone (Salamander stone).
Body: knees.

This is a day of concentration, transformation. On this day, SIDHI - higher psychic powers are activated: levitation, telekinesis, clairvoyance. They can also turn on unconsciously, appearing spontaneously on this day. This day is good to use for working with psychic energies (if potential has been developed). Everything works out well the first time, from the inside, subconsciously, on impulse.

Twenty-sixth lunar day
Symbols: swamp, toad.
Stones: aurinigment, neapite blue.

This is one of the most dangerous days. He is not Satanic, but critical. The toad is a symbol of wisdom, but which does not bring any benefit to a person, for it is a false seduction by one’s own achievements. This is a day of abstinence and fasting. Here abstinence is not as obligatory as fasting. It is on this day that a person can overspend his energy.
On this day, it is better to refrain from vigorous activity, rest and be reasonable and economical in matters related to the waste of energy. Especially on this day, chatting is contraindicated; silence is favorable.
People born on this day must remain silent throughout their lives, take vows, promises and fulfill them.

Twenty-seventh lunar day
Symbols: rod, trident.
Stones: red coral, amethyst, charoite, lapis lazuli, malachite, rose quartz.
Associated with Aquarius.

Twenty-eighth lunar day
Symbols: karma, lotus.
Stones: aragonite, andalusite, chrysoprase.

Soul Alchemy Day. This is like the 10th day of karma, when the soul, in a dream or in meditation, recognizes its past births. It is recommended to use the information received in a dream. Day prophetic dreams, designed to work with dreams, work in a dream, with the astral body, with its farthest exits, with clairvoyance.

Twenty-ninth lunar day
Symbols: Maya, hydra.
Stones: serpentine, black pearl, mother of pearl.
Body: butt, anus, rectum.

One of the most dangerous days. Day of Satan, day of the incarnation of Lucifer. This is the day when the astral fog thickens over people, and dreams will be deceptive and false. On this day you cannot do anything except ordinary everyday and everyday affairs. There may be disruptions on this day. It is necessary to observe fasting, abstinence, humility and repentance are necessary. If there is no 30th day, at the end of the 29th you can sum up the results for the month.
People born on this day have the worst of it, these are the scapegoats of the entire Zodiac. The only good work for them is to personally go through all the illusions, hit all the bumps and come out of it all alive and with dignity, if possible.

Thirtieth lunar day
Symbols: swan.
Stones: marble, black garnet, white corad.
Body: pineal gland.

It doesn't happen every moon. This is the day of summing up, the day of making sacrifices, giving up unnecessary things. This is the day of completing business, distributing old debts, and the day of entering into a new one. Often this day is expressed by equal amounts of good and evil. And here two factors are enough to make him completely evil. And then in given month entering a new circle does not occur. We remain at the same level.
People born on this day have already gone through the entire circle of incarnations. This is their last incarnation at this level - they will already be moving to another level and, perhaps, will no longer be born on Earth.

Lunar day- what is it and where does it come from? And how to “live by them”?

Lunar day is a purely astronomical value, calculated mathematically, regardless of which zodiac the astrologer uses (tropical or sidereal, between which there is a 24-degree difference).

A lunar day is the size of an arc of 12 degrees (1/30 of 360 degrees, i.e. the entire circle) between the Moon and the Sun.

A new moon is when the positions of the Sun and Moon coincide absolutely. But now, the fast Moon begins to overtake the Sun again (as we observe it from the Earth)... 12 degrees have passed - the first lunar day is over. Another 12 (i.e. 24 in total) - the second lunar day is over. Etc.)

It does not happen that there are no first or last lunar days: there are first, full, and thirtieth, no less full.

Yes, lunar days do not have an exact time length, like solar days. They always differ from 24 hours by an hour or two, up or down. But the first and last days of the lunar month are always full.

And here the mystery is revealed))

Because there are mostly tables of lunar days circulating online, calculated using a different system. Where the first and last lunar day of the month sometimes does not happen.

Some astrologers write that there are lunar days - and lunar days, and there is no need to confuse them... However, I have not yet found a source or system for calculating these lunar days (by what principle they are calculated).

What is known is that the moments of the new moon and full moon in these two systems still coincide))

I tested the lunar day system in practice - it works! Lunar day is one of the most important moments in the astrology of choice (selecting a date for the start of an important task or event), mistakes cannot be made here.

Lunar days are different in character. They can be divided into groups - according to the results we get.

So, for example, 4, 9, 14 lunar days of the first and second half of the lunar month (i.e. 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29 days) are otherwise called “empty hands”. No material activity (especially related to receiving something) will bring results these days. Therefore, these days it is recommended to work with your inner world, they are good for spiritual practice, mental and physical cleansing.

But 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 lunar days are “fullness”. You can start anything! True, I would exclude the 15th and 30th days from here. Very ambiguous results can be obtained on a full or absent Moon, it is better not to take risks (or know for sure what kind of things are good for such days, and be able to cope with the condition of yourself and those around you).

To select the time of important undertakings, the nakshatra (the position of the Moon relative to the stars) and some other factors are also taken into account. But this is a completely different topic, which I give in detail in the one-day course #astrology_for_non-astrologers “The Beginning of Glorious Deeds” (you can sign up for June, July or September).

I'll add:

1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26 lunar days (tithi - Sanskrit) - “satisfaction” (give an average result for starting important things);

2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27 - “sage”, also an average result;

3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28 - “win”, you can start important things and they will be successful.

And so that you don’t get confused about the lunar day, here’s a calendar for the current month :) Download in original size, unfold and use!)

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