Pedagogical project "the use of health-saving technologies in primary school." Project – programs “health-forming and health-saving technologies in working with preschool children”


“Health-forming and health-saving technologies in preschool institutions”

Current The topic of conversation at all times is human health. Health cannot be maintained with drugs. But there is another means - movement. Physical exercises and movement should firmly become part of the everyday life of every person who wants to maintain efficiency and health.

Preschool age is a decisive stage in the formation of the foundation of a child’s physical and mental health. During this period, there is intensive development of organs and the formation functional systems body. At the same time, the results of studying the dynamics of the main indicators of the child’s health and development (monitoring) showed that a significant proportion of children attending a preschool institution have various deviations in health, retarded physical development. Thus, it became necessary to study modern techniques to strengthen and preserve children's health. IN last years in our kindergarten health-forming and health-saving technologies are being actively introduced, aimed at solving the priority problem of modern preschool education– tasks of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of subjects pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents. this work reveals experience in the use of health-saving technologies in modern stage work of preschool educational institutions.

Objective of the project: Introduction of innovative health-forming and health-saving technologies into the practice of preschool educational institutions.


Creation of conditions for physical education and health work in kindergarten, resource provision

Improving the professional skills of preschool teachers

Comprehensive solution of physical education and health activities by the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions

Using modern health-saving technologies when working with preschoolers

Project object: MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 46"

Project subjects: Teachers, preschoolers, parents


Complexity of use natural factors, all means of physical education

Systematicity and consistency

Individually differentiated approach

Conditions for the project:

Implementation of health-saving technologies in all sections of the educational program

Maintaining a rational daily routine that provides a mix of varied activities and rest

Using modern progressive teaching methods and techniques

Individual approach to the child according to his level of development, biological and psychological age

Creating conditions to meet children's needs for movement

Implementation of various forms of systematic work with parents

Expected results: .

Improved performance physical development, emotional state;

Favorable dynamics in the health status of preschool children (decrease in the number of cases of diseases during the year; change in the health group in a favorable direction);

Improving independence skills;

Formation of desire and desire to lead a healthy lifestyle

Health-saving educational technologies– a systematically organized set of programs, techniques, methods of organizing the educational process, aimed at strengthening and preserving the health of children; qualitative characteristics of educational technologies based on the criterion of their impact on the health of students and teachers; technological basis health of saving pedagogy.

The purpose of health-saving technologies:

1) Security high level real health for a kindergarten pupil and the education of a health-preserving culture as a set of a child’s conscious attitude to human health and life, health-preserving competence, which allows a preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of basic medical, psychological self-help and assistance.

2) Promoting the establishment of a culture of health, including a culture of professional health preschool teachers and valeological education of parents.

Types of technologies:

1) Medical and preventive technologies.

Objectives: preserving and increasing the health of children under the leadership medical personnel DOW in accordance with medical requirements and standards, using medical means.


Monitoring the health of preschool children and developing recommendations for optimizing children's health;

Balanced diet;

Rational daily routine;


Organization of preventive measures in kindergarten;

Monitoring and assistance in meeting SanPiN requirements;

Health-saving environment in preschool educational institutions.

The purpose of diagnosing children's health is to promote the child's health and its harmonious development. When diagnosing children’s health, in practice there are 2 areas:

Assessment of physical development;

Assessment of the physiological capabilities of the body (health reserves).

Work on the physical education of children should be based on health indicators, the level of physical fitness, and data on the individual psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children. Sufficiently complete information for comprehensive assessment the physical condition of the child can be obtained by recording and analyzing anthropometric and physiometric data, indicators of physical fitness and performance. All work on physical education should be based on their physical fitness and existing deviations in health. The basis is the diagnosis of the health status and level of physical fitness of children. For these purposes, an individual health card is drawn up for each child, based on

An extract from the child’s medical record issued by the local pediatrician

Questioning parents about the health status of children and all family members

Analysis of primary skills by main types of movements

In accordance with individual cards for each age group, a consolidated “Health Journal” is compiled. It allows teachers and medical workers have a clear picture of the condition of the entire group and each child individually, plan physical education and health activities taking into account the child’s physical capabilities.

In the process of physical education and health work with children, systematic medical and pedagogical control is provided. Based on an analysis of the comprehensive results of observations of children and repeated medical diagnostics, new recommendations are given to teachers and parents on how to carry out the next stage of physical education and health work.

Full physical and neuropsychic development of a child is possible only if he is provided with balanced nutrition. Rational nutrition involves the use of the necessary set of products containing all nutritional components, vitamins, microelements in accordance with the age-related physiological needs of the developing child’s body. In our kindergarten, when organizing meals, all hygienic requirements for the preparation, delivery and distribution of food are observed. Regularity of meals and the creation of a favorable environment during meals helps the child develop a positive food reflex, which ensures the maintenance of a good appetite. Each meal in kindergarten is used as a favorable moment for developing cultural, hygienic and self-care skills in preschoolers. An important point In organizing children's meals, children can be considered on duty, helping adults set the table, lay out cutlery, and take used dishes. However, we pay special attention to ensuring that children helping adults do not have their daily routine disrupted, that their activities are feasible and do not reduce the time they spend walking or sleeping during the day.

Basic principles of rational nutrition:

Ensuring the supply of all essential nutrients in quantities that meet the physiological needs of the child’s body

Compliance with diet

Performance established rules technologies for prepared dishes that ensure maximum preservation nutritional value products.

In accordance with these principles, catering must comply withthe following requirements:

Quality of supplied products

Compliance with natural norms

Food technologies

Calorie nutrition

Yield and quality of dishes

Matching the temperature of the food served

Bringing nutrition standards to children

Timeliness of preparation and terms of sale of ready-made food

Amount of food waste

Catering culture.

The doctor, the head of the preschool educational institution, the teacher, and the junior teacher are responsible for all activities related to the organization of children’s nutrition.

Physically correct built mode is essential for preventing fatigue and protecting nervous systems s of children, creates the prerequisites for the normal course of all life important processes in organism. One of the main conditions correct construction daily routine - ensuring its compliance with the age-related psychophysical characteristics of the child. A rational daily routine is an optimal combination of periods of wakefulness and sleep during the day, implementing the principle of rational alternation of various types of activities and active rest during wakefulness. Curriculum at preschool educational institutionbuilt in accordance with regulatory documents various levels (the federal law dated May 26, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education and Russian Federation» SanPiNdated May 15, 2013 N 26
"On approval of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"

Classes that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children are held in the first half of the day and on days of highest performance (Tuesday, Wednesday). To prevent children from becoming tired, complex activities are combined with physical education and music. In groups, it is allowed to carry out the NOOD both in the first and second half of the day. In middle, senior and preparatory groups, it is allowed to conduct in the second half of the day the educational activities of the educational areas “Physical Development” and “Music” in the artistic and aesthetic direction.

Based curriculum a schedule of educational activities for the academic year is drawn up, taking into account the health-saving regime:

Compliance with the maximum permissible weekly study load;

Compliance with the duration of classes;

Maintain a minimum break between classes of 10 minutes;

Alternation in the schedule of classes according to difficulty with complication by the middle of the week;

Alternation of active and inactive types of children's activities during the day.

We conduct some classes with older children in the afternoon, after naps. The duration of these classes is no more than 25 - 30 minutes. We carry out socially useful work for children of senior and preparatory groups in the form of self-service.

We conduct physical education classes at least 3 times a week. Duration of classes:

In the 1st younger group– by subgroups

In the younger group – 15 minutes

IN middle group- 20 minutes

IN senior group– 25 minutes

IN preparatory group- 30 minutes.

One of the three physical education classes for children is held at outdoors. Classes are held only if children have no medical contraindications and have sportswear appropriate for weather conditions.

The daily routine in all age groups includes approximately the same components, however, depending on the age of the children, the duration of the period of wakefulness, the volume and intensity of mental and physical activity gradually increases, their content and form of organization changes, and the duration of daytime sleep decreases.

Wednesday is one of the main means of developing a child’s personality, a source of his individual knowledge and social experience. The subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution should not only ensure the physical activity of children, but also be the basis for their independent motor activity. The role of the adult in this case is to rationally organize the environment in the group.

When designing a subject-spatial environment that promotes the physical development of children, the following should be taken into account: factors:

Individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child

Features of his emotional and personal development

Individual interests, inclinations, preferences and needs

Age and gender role characteristics

Curiosity, research experience and creativity

The socio-psychological characteristics of preschoolers suggest that children strive for joint activities with peers and adults, as well as the need for solitude that arises from time to time. To do this, each age group must have conditions for subgroup and individual active movements of children (physical education aids, sports complexes). In order to realize individual interests, the subject-spatial environment must ensure the right to freedom of choice of each child for his favorite activity. Developing curiosity, research interest and creativity Each child is based on creating a range of possibilities for modeling, searching and experimenting. For this you can use modules, mats, pins, etc.

2) Physical education and health technologies.

The objectives are aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child’s health:

Development of physical qualities, motor activity and formation physical culture preschoolers;

Prevention of flat feet and formation of correct posture,

Cultivating habits of daily physical activity and health care, etc.


Motor mode of preschoolers

Health regime for preschoolers

Dynamic pauses (complexes of physical minutes, which may include breathing, finger, articulation gymnastics, eye gymnastics, etc.)

Outdoor and sports games

Contrast track, exercise equipment

Morning exercises

Physical education classes


Sports entertainment, holidays

Health Day

Media (situational small games - role-playing imitative imitation game)

Organization of motor mode.

The motor regime in kindergarten includes all the dynamic activities of children, both organized and independent, and provides for the rational content of motor activity, based on the optimal ratio of different types of activities, selected taking into account age and individual capabilities.

The first place in the motor mode of children belongs to physical education and recreational work. This includes: morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises during walks, physical education minutes in class. In kindergarten, such types of non-traditional activities as recreational running in the air, gymnastics after a nap, motor warm-up during breaks between classes, and walks have also been introduced into the motor regime.

Second place in the motor mode is occupied by training sessions in physical education - as the main form of teaching motor skills and developing optimal motor activity. Physical education classes are held in different types: educational, game, story-based, training. In physical education classes, situations are created for the child to reveal himself and demonstrate his creative potential.

In addition, the motor mode model should contain children’s independent motor activity and physical education events.

Modern health-saving technologies in the work of a teacher.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Main goals and objectives: to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in the child the necessary knowledge, skills, and habits for a healthy lifestyle, to teach children to use the acquired knowledge in Everyday life.

ABC of health for preschoolers

Parent meeting

"The ABCs of Health for Preschoolers"

Goal: To acquaint parents with the content of health-saving technologies and the results of the activities of the teaching staff.


1. Communication about the goals and objectives of the parent meeting (head).

2. Report accompanied by the presentation “Health-saving technologies in working with children aimed at maintaining health (senior educator).

3. Report accompanied by the presentation “The Laws of Proper Nutrition” (head nurse).

4. Message accompanied by the presentation “The emotional state of the child is aimed at preserving the child’s health” (social educator).

5. Presentation of letters of gratitude to parents whose children were not sick in the reporting year. Making decisions at the parent meeting (head).

1. The head informs parents about the goals and objectives of the parent meeting. I am very pleased that you took the time and responded to our invitation to come to the meeting.

“Caring for human health, especially the health of a child, is not just a set of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, not a set of requirements for regime, nutrition and rest. This is, first of all, concern for the harmonious completeness of all his physical and spiritual powers, and the crown of this harmony is the joy of creativity" (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

2. Report accompanied by the presentation “Health-saving technologies in working with children aimed at preserving health.” Senior teacher.

Health-saving technologies are becoming the main ones today. The health-saving system allows you to qualitatively solve the problems of developing a physically healthy, active, creative personality.

Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in health improvement, both for ourselves and for our children. I will tell you what work we do in the kindergarten to improve the health of children.

Now I invite you to watch the sketch “Aibolit”, in which children will tell “Who is a healthy person”.

3. Now the head nurse has the floor. She will tell you about children's nutrition. Report accompanied by presentation: “The laws of proper nutrition.”

4. Presentation by a social teacher “The emotional state of a child is aimed at preserving the child’s health.” She says that groups have emotional corners and corners of solitude. About the work of the kindergarten to protect children's rights.

5. Presentation of letters of gratitude. (manager)

6. Making a decision at the parent meeting.

Organize the day open doors"Organization of a health-preserving environment." (term – permanent, responsible – manager)

Create the necessary conditions to realize the child’s need for physical activity in everyday life (permanent period, responsible - teachers, parents).

Constantly inform parents about the work carried out by the kindergarten on the use of health-saving technologies. (once a quarter, responsible - teacher)

Health week for teachers and preschoolers in kindergarten.

I propose a plan for a health week in kindergarten.

Monday - "Gymnastics of little wizards." Breathing exercises.

Goal: to promote muscle relaxation and relieve neuro-emotional tension. Develop in the child a positive value attitude towards own body. Develop proper breathing skills.

Tuesday - "Journey to the glade of cheerful mood"

Goal: training joyful emotions; developing the ability to understand one’s inner state through association with color; expanding children's ideas about actions that bring joy; developing attention to your muscular and emotional sensations.

Wednesday - Sports and psychological warm-up for adults “How great it is to be healthy! "

Goal: harmonization of the personality of teachers based on the development of his emotional-volitional sphere in the process of gaming activity.

Great Tips for Adults “The Art of Being Yourself”

Thursday - ABC of health for preschoolers "How to be healthy. Vitamin houses"

Friday - sports show "Let's Be Healthy."

Goal: formation of motor activity of children; strengthening the physical health of preschool children; fostering collectivism and kindness.

Drawing competition “We love sports.”

Project : "Nursery is serious"

L.D. Glazyrina “Physical education for preschoolers.”

“My funny ringing ball! »

Tasks: 1. introduce children to shape, volume, properties

Rubber ball;

2. calmly and clearly perform exercises with the ball,

Learn to play with the ball.

Lesson equipment:medium sized rubber balls

Number of children.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Today I brought a lot of balls. One for each, come and take them apart. We take the ball out of the basket and go into a circle. We carry it carefully, carefully so that he doesn’t run away. Well, if he runs away, try to catch up with him. We walk one after another with balls
  2. Exercise with balls.

- Stand in a circle, hold the ball tightly to your chest. On the count of one - two, take the ball forward, on the count of three - four - press it again. We continue, one - two - we move, three - four - we press (3-4 times).

- Raise the balls up, look at them, lower them again, press them to your chest. And again: lift and lower, press to your chest (3-4 times).

- We place the balls on the head, hold them with our hands, bend down, and touch the floor with the ball. Let's repeat the exercise (3-4 times). Well done!

- We squat with the ball, press the ball to the ground, stand up and lift the ball up. Again we squat well and lift the ball up (3-4 times).

- Our ball can also fly. Let's throw the ball up. Look how he flies. Catch him, catch him! Try to catch him. Nobody could catch him. He's so clever! Don’t be upset, we will practice and we will succeed (5 times).

- Let's catch the ball with our feet. Oh! It rolls and rolls, a round ball, cheerful and mischievous. We run after him, kick with our left foot with our right, and don’t interfere with each other. Ball game (1 min).

3. Everyone played well with the ball. Now tell me about the ball. Take it in your hands.

What is our ball? Good (let's stroke it with our palm). How did our ball play with us? (flying up, rolling on the ground). What is our ball made of? (Made of colored rubber). What does it look like? (for watermelon).

It’s interesting what you said about the ball. Press the ball with both hands and carry it into the basket, and put the cat Zina on top, let her guard the basket with balls.

  1. When children perform exercises with a ball, in order to more clearly solve motor problems, it is advisable to use semi-rhymed speech. For children, it is accessible due to its relative clarity, which helps to perform this or that movement. The rhyming of the word makes children more interested in the activity.
  2. Children love playing with a ball. Therefore, they are given the opportunity to feel the nature of the ball and to show independence while moving with the ball.

Nursery is serious!

To take or not to take a child to kindergarten? Sooner or later, this question arises before every mother. There are probably as many advantages to kindergarten as there are disadvantages. Suppose you decide for yourself that there should be a kindergarten. Now we have to decide at least important question: when should I send my child there? You will have to weigh many pros and cons, and the decision will not be easy for you. Kindergarten is stressful not only for the child, but also for his parents, so you need to make a decision carefully!

The advantage of starting kindergarten early (before the child is two years old) is that the process of getting used to it is more painless. Whatever statistics say that 3 years is the optimal age to send a child to kindergarten, practice shows the opposite: than younger child, the easier it is for him to get used to the garden. Two-year-olds adapt much faster than three-year-olds. They have fewer invigorating morning tantrums, the release of nerve cells from their parents is significantly less, and finally, parents do not have to promise them the whole world as a gift, if only they would stop leaving their fingerprints on their feet and let them run away to work. Every morning, three-year-old babies test the strength of their parents, teachers and crows in the trees outside the windows - even the birds cannot stand their screams. It is not difficult to explain that 2-year-old children get used to the garden more easily: due to their young age, they are even less attached to home and parents. Well, they just don’t understand much yet. Therefore, they do not take it with hostility that mommy, instead of sitting at home with him and allowing himself to be twisted into intricate ropes, suddenly takes him to someone else’s aunt and leaves herself.

The nightmare of all mothers is the frequent illness of children in kindergarten. Everyone, without exception, is sure that “sending a child to kindergarten” is synonymous with “constantly receiving sick leave, register at the clinic and set up a pharmacy at home.” Without a doubt, a child who comes to kindergarten will be sick. He is not alone in the group, but each child brings from home his own “native” bacteria and microbes, which may not seem so familiar to your child. There are as many types of viruses as there are children. Your baby will be immune to some, and some will cause him illness, this is natural. Again, as practice shows, two-year-old children get sick less in kindergarten than those who were sent away from the age of three. The reason is still the same - three-year-olds “absorbed” the air for a long time home, and therefore are accustomed to a certain atmosphere, and the air of the kindergarten is almost an allergen for them.

If a mother can afford to stay at home with her baby until three years- Amazing! If this does not affect the quality of life of the family, and “does not bother” the mother’s employers who are ready to wait for her, then, for your health, sit for up to three years. Unfortunately, such loyal employers are rare these days. And the income of the father, the breadwinner, may leave much to be desired. In this case, the mother simply has no choice but to send the baby to the nursery and go to work herself. Of course, there are mothers who would prefer to lose their job just to look after their child for the required three years. It's a personal matter for everyone to decide how to prioritize. It makes no sense to give pros and cons here; this is a personal matter for each parent.

One of the common reasons why parents do not want to send their child to kindergarten early is that the little person is not yet ready enough for an “independent” life. He doesn’t know how to use a spoon, let alone a fork, or communicate with the pot on a first-name basis; he can’t wash his hands, button his shirt, etc.

This fear is completely far-fetched: in a group, children learn all this much faster than at home, even if their mother’s last name Makarenko is Spock!

Don’t worry if your child only eats from a spoon at home: you’ll see that in a week or two in the garden he will confidently eat with a spoon, proudly demonstrating his skills. You should not “slow down” the development of your own child: in kindergarten the baby will learn absolutely all social skills much faster than at home.

Undoubtedly, the mother will surround the child with much more care and affection than even the kindest educators can do. But if you need to send your child to a nursery, and you are tormented by doubts, don’t worry.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a child starting to go to kindergarten early.

Plan of health and preventive measures


Name of events


Contingent of children


Phytoeronization session

1. Biostimulator “Healing sprout”

3. Rinse the mouth with water at room temperature.

4. Aromatherapy of premises in combination with ventilation

5.Juice therapy

15 min. 1 rub. per day

1 tsp 2 rubles per day every day

1 tsp per day every day

After daily meals

Every day

All children

All groups


1. Vitamin drink “Amber” (red rowan)

2. Oxygen cocktail

3. Stimmune

4. Rinsing the mouth with water at room temperature

  1. Indoor aromatherapy (essential oils of lavender, sage, fennel, anise, etc. with bactericidal and antimicrobial properties) in combination with ventilation.

  2. Healing pill “Neboleyka” (dibizoloprophylaxis 0.004 g. 2 mg. per 1 g. liquid.)

  3. Antigrippin

  4. Revit

Raw carrot salad “Visiting the rabbit”

  1. Chizhevsky lamp

  2. Quartzization of groups

  3. Indoor aromatherapy

  4. Juice therapy

50gr. 1 per day

1 rub. per day daily 10

1 rub. per day daily 20

After every meal

0.5 tablets 10d. 1 table 10 days

2 drops 2 times a day

5 drops 2 times a day

1 tablet 20 days

1 time per week

30-40m. daily

5 days for 30 min

All children

Up to 3 years from 3 to 7 years

From 2 to 7 years

All children

Music and sporty. Hall

All groups


1. Rinse the mouth with water at room temperature

2. Chizhevsky lamp

3. Indoor aromatherapy

4. Quartzization of groups

5. Lemon wedge with honey “Slastena”

6. Neboleyka healing pill (dibazol)

7. Antigrippin

8. Garlic-lemon drink

9. Seasonal prevention of colds

Elixir "Cheerfulness"

Ascorbic acid

Flu prevention:

Oxolinic ointment for the nose

10. Socothotherapy

11. Rosehip decoction (20g per 500ml of boiling water, boil for 6-8 hours) in combination with a yeast drink

12. Vegetable salad from cabbage “At the goat’s garden”

Every day after meals

30-40min. daily

Every day

5 days for 30 min.

1 tsp 2 rubles per day

0.5 tablets

1 tablet

2 drops 2 times a day.

5 drops 2 rubles. In a day

1 tsp 2 rubles per day

0.1-3 rubles per day 30 days

30ml.1 rub. per day

50ml.1 rub. per day

1 ruble per week

Children of all groups

Music and sporty. Hall

All groups

Up to 2 years

All children

All children

All children


1.Phytoaeroionization session

2.Chizhevsky lamp

3.Aromatherapy of premises (in combination with ventilation)

4. Quartzization of groups

5. Flu prevention:

Oxolinic ointment for the nose

6. Seasonal prevention of colds

Elixir "Cheerfulness"

Ascorbic acid

Eleutherococcus extract

Calcium gluconate

7. "Magic seasoning"

(phytoncides - onions, garlic)

8.Echinacea – homeopathic medicine

9.rinsing your mouth with water at room temperature

10.Juice therapy

15 min. 1 rub. per day

5 days for 30 min.


30 min.

2 rubles per day in the morning and before walks.

0.05-1 rub. per day daily

0.5-3 rubles per day

Lunch 1 dish daily

5 tablets 2 times a day

All groups

All children

From 3 to 7 years old


1.Phytoaeronization session

2.Phytoprocedure “Freshness” (water storage in combination with ventilation)

3.Indoor aromatherapy

4. Herbal tea “Forest Tale” (mint, lemon balm, raspberries, currants, strawberries) (in combination with juice therapy)

5.Licorice syrup



8.Rinse your mouth with water at room temperature

9.Juice therapy

15 min. 1 rub. per day

30 min. daily


70g.-garden 1 time per day

0.5 tsp. 1 rub. per day.

1 tsp. 1 rub. per day.

1 tablet per day for 20 days

2 drops 2 times a day.

5 drops 2 times a day

2 days a week

All children

Nursery s1g. Up to 3 years


1.Phytoaeronization session

2.Quartzation groups

4.Therapeutic session “Sea surf” (rinsing the mouth with “sea water” - 0.5 tsp salt 0.5 tsp soda 1 drop of iodine)

5. “Beet drop” (in the nose)

7. Blackcurrant syrup in combination with juice therapy

8.Green seasoning (parsley, onion, garlic)

9.Aromatherapy with essential oils(lavender, pine, fir)


70g.1r. per day daily

2 rubles per day every day

1 tbsp. 1 rub. per day, daily

Lunch 1 dish daily

7 days for 20 min.

5 days for 30 min.

50 mg. 1 rub. per day

All children


1.Phytoaeronization session

2.Quartzation groups

3. Aromatherapy of premises (in combination with ventilation)

5.Ionization of air with infusion of onion and garlic

6. Green seasoning (parsley, onion, garlic)

7. Aram tincture

8. Rosehip syrup (in combination with juice therapy) and the “Zest” cocktail. (nettle, rose hips).

9. Oxolinic ointment for the nose

10. Yeast drink (at the rate of 5 g. Per dose for 2-3 years old, 10 g. for children 4-6 liters. Add warm boiled water at the rate of 100 ml per 1 teaspoon of sugar per serving of drink)

7 days for 10-15 minutes

Lunch 1 dish daily

2 rub. In a day

Prepares in 15-20 minutes. before consumption



1.Phytoaeronization session

2.Quartzation groups

3. Aromatherapy of premises (in combination with ventilation)

4.Rinse your mouth with water at room temperature

5.Oxygen cocktail

6.Dietary supplement - calcium + magnesium

7.Echinacea hemsopathica

8.Aromatherapy with essential oils

9. Biostimulator “Healing sprout”

10.Green seasoning

11. Yeast drink in combination with rosehip decoction

2 tablets 2 times a day

5 tablets 2 times a day

1 tsp 2 rubles per day



1.Phytoaeronization session

2.Quartzation groups

3. Aromatherapy of premises (in combination with ventilation)

4.Rinse your mouth with water at room temperature

5. “Magic drop” (Eleutherococcus extract)

6.Green salads “Spring”

7. Herbal collection 1 (eucalyptus, sage, calendula, chamomile)

8. Herbal collection 2 (mint, lemon balm, chamomile, calendula flowers, St. John's wort)

1 to. for 1 teaspoon 3 rubles. In a day

50gr. Daily

0.25 cups each

Olga Sitenko
Pedagogical project on health-saving technologies “Being healthy is great!”

Project participants: group pupils, parents of pupils, group teachers, head nurse, speech therapist teacher.

Age: older children up to school age 5-6 years

Project type: long-term, group, practice-oriented.

Form: daytime (within the framework of organizing the pedagogical process in classes of direct educational activities and in everyday life, taking into account the principles of partial integration)

Objective of the project:

to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers, to achieve conscious compliance with the rules of health conservation and a responsible attitude towards both their own health and the health of others.


Promoting children's health;

Increasing the activity of body functions and overall performance;

Ensuring psychological comfort throughout

stay in kindergarten;

Children's mastery of basic knowledge about their body, ways

strengthening your own health.


Family and kindergarten are the microclimate in which a preschool child lives. This is the environment in which he obtains the necessary information and adapts to life in society. At any time, teachers worked with the family of their pupil, seeking support and understanding of the child’s problems for the comprehensive development of a harmoniously developed and healthy personality. At one time, V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “Caring for health is the most important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.”

Crisis phenomena in society contributed to changes in the motivation of educational activities in children of different ages, reduced their creative activity, slowed down their physical and mental development, and caused deviations in social behavior. For these reasons, the problems of maintaining the health of adults and children are becoming especially relevant in all spheres of human activity.

Both for an individual and for society as a whole, the most valuable wealth is health. Many scientists note that health is based on the body’s ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

The foundation of health and body formation is laid in preschool age.

Caring for the health of preschool children consists of creating conditions conducive to the favorable functioning and development of various organs and systems, as well as measures aimed at activating and improving the physical capabilities of pupils. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Expected results

The number of children independently using existing ideas about a healthy lifestyle in everyday life will increase by 40%;

The number of parents taking an active part in preschool educational institutions’ activities on healthy lifestyle issues will increase by 60%;

The pedagogical competence of parents about the factors of a healthy lifestyle will increase to 95%.

The main ways to implement this project:

Formation of the student’s personality, taking into account the characteristics of physical and mental development, individual capabilities;

Identifying the interests and inclinations of children;

Dissemination of best practices.

Project implementation principles.

1. Availability:

taking into account the age characteristics of children;

adaptability of the material to age.

2. Systematicity and consistency:

gradual presentation of material from simple to complex;

frequent repetition of learned rules and norms.

3. Visibility:

taking into account the peculiarities of thinking.

4. Dynamism:

integration of the project into different types activities.

5. Differentiation:

Creation favorable environment for every child to learn the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Stages of work on the project:

The first stage is preparatory

Justification of the relevance of the topic, motivation for its choice;

Formulation of tasks and goals of the project;

Selection of methodological reference, encyclopedic and fiction literature on the subject of the project;

Selection of the necessary equipment and aids for the practical enrichment of the project.

The second stage is the main one

Analysis of the collected information, highlighting the main idea;

Organization of work on the project;

Project implementation.

The third stage is the final one

Writing a paper;

Presentation design;

Project protection.

Project implementation scheme:

September: "Personal hygiene"

Continue the health work with children that began in the summer

Conduct propaganda among parents about a healthy lifestyle.

1. Consultation for parents “Healthy family - healthy baby.”

2. Photo exhibition “Summer. Ah, summer!

3. Didactic game“I can - I can’t” (like “Edible is not edible”).

4. Directly educational activities"What am I made of?" (cognition).

5. Artistic and aesthetic activity: drawing “What am I made of?”

6. Outdoor games.

7. Reading fiction: K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, A. Barto “Dirty Girl”.

8. Conversation with a doctor about diseases of dirty hands and preventive measures.

9. Excursion to the kindergarten laundry.

October: “Hardening the child’s body”

To develop in children the need for a healthy lifestyle, hygiene skills and disease prevention.

1. Conversation with parents: “If you want to be healthy...”

2. Active, dynamic games.

3. Preventive gymnastics (respiratory, corrective, to prevent flat feet, posture, vision).

4. Playing with water, daily walks.

5. Tempering exercises after a nap.

6. Thematic lesson “Magical Country - Health!”

7. Conversation with a doctor about skin diseases and preventive measures.

8. Design of a wall newspaper: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

November“Doctors are our assistants”

To produce a card index of didactic illustrated manuals for parents in order to educate them in matters of physical education and health work with children.

1. Folder “Types of gymnastics in kindergarten and our group.”

2. Workshop for parents “We play with our fingers - we develop speech.”

3. Using a card index of finger and breathing games in classes with children, in special moments.

4. Excursion to the medical office

5. Game-activity “Aibolit visiting children”

6. Conversation with children “About healthy food.”

7. Didactic games: “Guess the taste”; "Wonderful bag"

8. Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”, riddles about fruits and vegetables.

9. Role-playing game "Hospital", "Polyclinic".

December“We play - we strengthen our health!”

Satisfy children's need for physical activity;

develop habits of daily physical activity and health care;

replenish the physical education corner with non-traditional equipment, give recommendations to parents on the use of this equipment.

1. Decorating the site with snow buildings: “Winter’s Tale”

2. Making a card index of outdoor games and using it in special moments, in physical education classes.

3. Replenishment of the physical education corner with attributes for outdoor games.

4. Involving parents in the manufacture of physical education equipment from waste material.

5. Exhibition of non-traditional physical education equipment

6. Fun games, outdoor games.

7. Training games “Let’s make friends with you.”

8. Physical education festival “Winter Fun”

9. Photo collage “Games of preschool children”

10. Reading fiction: Y. Kushak “The Snow Woman”, G. H. Andersen

"The Snow Queen", Russian folk tale"Snow Maiden".

January « Psychological health children"

Provide favorable conditions that help prevent emotional distress in children.

Reduce the level of excitement, relieve emotional and muscle tension.

1. Individual conversations with parents “Fairytale therapy in establishing positive emotions in children.”

2. Games that heal: sand therapy, games with water (using the “Sand-water” table).

3. Using non-traditional drawing methods (drawing with fingers, palms).

4. Exhibition of children's creative works.

5. Psycho-gymnastics.

6. Design and modeling from G. Yudin’s book “The Main Wonder of the World”.

7. Practical exercises and simple experimentation “Understand yourself.”

8. Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Joy”, “Hedgehogs Laugh”.

9. Parent meeting “Seriously about health.”

10. Excursion "For health in the winter forest."


Introduce children to the basic rules of behavior on the street, in a group, in everyday life.

1. Making a road model;

2. Involving parents in the production of teaching aids on the topic “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”;

3. Consultation for parents “Sources of danger for children.”

4. Didactic game “What does the traffic light say”

5. Thematic lesson “Young firefighters rush to the rescue”

6. Outdoor games: “Colored cars”, “Sparrows and a car”.

7. Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Confusion”, “01-password of the brave”, L. Tolstoy “Fire Dogs”.

8. Conversations with children: “Safety in our group”, “In the world of dangerous objects”.

March“It’s not too lazy to play sports all day!”

Strengthen children's health throughout the day using health-saving technologies;

inform parents about ongoing health-improving activities at scheduled times.

1. Consultation for parents “Use of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”

2. Open day for parents - participation of parents in morning exercises, physical exercise classes, walks, and gymnastics after sleep “Dreams of Summer”.

3. Master class for parents on physical education and health work

using health-saving technologies “In the spring forest”.

4. Thematic lesson “Health is good, thanks to exercise!”

5. Physical education minutes.

6. Dynamic pauses.

7. Exhibition of children's works: “We want to be healthy!”

April"Self-massage in children's lives"

Continue to use non-traditional forms of children’s health in their work: massage techniques of biologically active points; self-massage of the body.

Develop a conscious attitude towards your health.

1. Make a card index of various types of play massage.

2. Replenish the physical education corner with non-standard equipment made from waste material and attributes for self-massage.

3. Consultation - workshop for parents “Training in massage techniques”

4. Use of relaxation games.

5. Massage of biologically active areas (face, hands, head) using artistic words.

6. Finger gymnastics.

7. Use of musical accompaniment during self-massage.

8. Reading fiction: S. Prokofiev “Ruddy Cheeks”, V. Bondarenko “Tongue and Ears”.

9. Game-activity “In the Land of the Lungs” or “Journey of the Air Men”

Find out how conscious the received ideas are; do they rely on them when solving the problem that has arisen;

Is there a focus on a healthy lifestyle in children’s behavior?

1. Generalized lessons

From the experience of a teacher primary classes. Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. IN Lately The catastrophic deterioration in the health of students is becoming more obvious. Along with unfavorable social and environmental factors, the negative impact of school on children’s health is also recognized as a reason.



state budget educational institution Samara region

main comprehensive school village Ilyichevsky

Alekseevsky municipal district, Samara region

Pedagogical project

“Use of health-saving technologies

In primary school"

(from work experience)

Petrochenko Svetlana Ivanovna

primary school teacher

GBOU OOSH village. Ilyichevsky


“Caring for health is the most important work of a teacher.
Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the vital activity and vigor of children...”

A.V. Sukhomlinsky

Relevance of the project

Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. Recently, the catastrophic deterioration in the health of students has become more obvious. Along with unfavorable social and environmental factors, the negative impact of school on children’s health is also recognized as a reason.

A person spends many years within the walls of educational institutions, and therefore a value-based attitude towards health cannot be formed without the participation of teachers. For a long time Our education did not pay due attention to the preservation, strengthening and development of health, avoided assessing the impact of the pedagogical process on the mental state of students, and did not consider educational technologies from the point of view of a health-preserving orientation. At best, it all came down to sporting events and recreational activities during the holidays.

With the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards

The idea of ​​preserving the health of students has acquired the status of a priority; this is the red thread of the national project “Education”, the presidential initiative “Our New School”.


Numerous studies in recent years show that about 25–30% of children entering 1st grade have certain health problems. But the “school factor” is the most significant factor in terms of influence and duration that influences the health of children. Currently, the earlier start of systematic training and significant intensification of the educational process have led to an increase in the educational load on the functional capabilities of the children's body.

During the period of schooling, the number of healthy children decreases by 4 times, the number of myopic children increases from 1st grade to graduation from 3.9% to 12.3%, with neuropsychic disorders - from 5.6% to 16.4%, posture disorders from 1.9% to 16.8%. One of the most common pathologies in schoolchildren is impaired visual acuity.

Practice has revealed: judging by statistics, only a small part of school graduates are considered healthy. Thus, every teacher must take into account that a child present at a lesson in a regular school, as a rule, is not healthy.

The main goal of health-saving technologies is to preserve and strengthen the health of students, as the most important factor in the performance and development of the child’s body.

Preparing a child for a healthy lifestyle based on health-saving technologies should become a priority in the activities of teachers working with children of primary school age.

The main problem, in my opinion, is that children do not move much. 3 hours of physical education lessons do not save students from low physical activity in other lessons. Eye fatigue, strain on vision, resulting in headache and dizziness.

Having analyzed the causes of school illnesses, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to solve these problems in the field of health conservation in a comprehensive manner.

Target : creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of students during a period of increasing psychological and physical stress on the child’s body.

This is where the main tasks which I put in my work:

  • provide the student with opportunities to maintain health during the period of study at school;
  • reduce the morbidity rate among students;
  • maintain the efficiency of students in the classroom;
  • to develop in students knowledge, skills and abilities on a healthy lifestyle.

Expected results

  • positive dynamics of the health status of younger schoolchildren, a decrease in morbidity;
  • increasing interest in sporting events, motivation for physical activity;
  • valeological awareness of students;
  • increasing the number of students involved in sports sections;
  • increasing the level of independence and activity of schoolchildren;
  • increasing the priority of a healthy lifestyle.


IN progress of the project I attract physical education teacher, medical assistant at the first aid station. Children undergo annual medical checkup At school. In my classes I follow the recommendations of doctors. I conduct classes in the classroom, school gym, and school playground. During classes I use balls, jump ropes and other sports equipment. During lessons and extracurricular activities I use an interactive whiteboard, laptops, and multimedia resources.

Project participants

By number of participants: 10 students, primary school teacher,

Parents of students, physical education teacher, paramedic at FAP

Duration: long-term

Project Implementation Plan

Organizational stage

To achieve the goal and solve the assigned tasks, I studied the Federal State educational standard primary general education, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia, main issues in health-saving areas:

  • Organization of a lesson in conditions of health-saving technology.
  • Gaming health technologies.
  • Fun physical exercises in elementary school lessons.
  • Work to prevent eye fatigue in the classroom.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Formation of healthy lifestyle skills.
  • The role of the family in developing a healthy lifestyle in younger schoolchildren.
  • The relationship between student morbidity indicators and the organization of their educational activities in conditions of health-saving pedagogy.

Main stage

While working on the task of creating a health-preserving environment in the classroom, I came to the need to increase the physical activity of children. To accomplish this task, the following sports and recreational activities were introduced. (Annex 1)

1. Morning work-out.At the beginning of each school week, before classes, we learn a complex of morning exercises. It is performed with musical accompaniment, which helps create a good mood and develop a desire to perform the exercises with pleasure.

2. Game changes.It has been noticed that if after a lesson junior students run out of the classroom in a crowd, this means that they are very tired. Overfatigue in primary schoolchildren manifests itself in physical activity. Dynamic changes help relieve fatigue in a few minutes between lessons. We conduct outdoor games with low and medium mobility right in the corridor in front of the primary school classrooms. In such games, the emotional coloring of the game plays a big role. Children not only relax physically, but also receive a charge of positive emotions. (Appendix 2)

3. Health days, which I spend once a month. I select different topics that are relevant to students in this class, the main objective which comprehensive development of the individual against the background of the level of physical culture of the individual available at this age junior school student. For example, “Moidodyr has come to us!”, “If you want to be healthy” and others. Children learn poems, take part in quizzes, get to know each other or develop the rules of a healthy lifestyle themselves. As a result, children develop positive motivation to follow these rules.

Instilling personal hygiene skills in schoolchildren plays a major role in preventing a number of diseases. I work systematically to instill these skills in my students. There are orderlies in the classroom who check the condition of children’s hands and nails every morning before classes. Each student has a separate towel rack, soap, toilet paper and be sure to include shoes for the dance club in a plastic bag. Before lunch, children wash their hands with soap. The drinking regime is also observed. Everyone has their own mug. Children drink chilled, boiled water.

Protecting a schoolchild’s vision should be aimed not only at preventing myopia, but also at curbing its progression.

Medical workers are our frequent guests. They conduct conversations with students on various topics. For example, when we carried out extracurricular activity“Take care of your eyes,” paramedic V.N. Lobina was invited, who held a conversation on the topic “How to maintain good vision?”

The next one, in my opinion, is important component health-saving work is the rational organization of the lesson. An indicator of the rational organization of the educational process are:

  • Volume of teaching load – number of lessons and their duration, including time spent on homework;
  • Load from additional classes At school;
  • Active-motor activities: dynamic breaks, physical education lessons, sports events.

I build my lessons taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of the student, and I use tasks at different levels.

Our school received educational and laboratory equipment in August 2012

and computer equipment according to the programImplementation of a Set of measures to modernize basic general education for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school. This equipment was installed in my classroom. I have completed a training course on the use of ICT equipment in the classroom and have a certificate. Lessons began to be conducted using ICT. This is work with an interactive whiteboard, a modular system of experiments PROLog, a control and monitoring system for the quality of knowledge PROClass. The boys are learning how to use laptops. Lessons have become more interesting, and the children have become more independent, inquisitive and active. But the use of ICT equipment puts a lot of strain on the eyes, so I comply with SanPiN standards. We work with an interactive whiteboard or laptops during the lesson for 15 minutes, and be sure to do eye exercises.

The functional state of schoolchildren in the process of learning activities mainly depends on compliance with hygienic and psychological-pedagogical conditions for conducting a lesson. (Appendix 3)

To increase the mental performance of children, prevent premature fatigue and relieve their static muscle tension, I conduct physical education sessions in the classroom. I conduct physical education sessions, taking into account the specifics of the subject, often accompanied by music and other means that help restore operational performance. (Appendix 4)

I include in the exercises for physical education:

  • exercises to develop posture,
  • strengthening vision,
  • strengthening arm muscles,
  • spine rest,
  • leg exercises,
  • relaxation exercises for facial expressions,
  • stretching,
  • exercises aimed at developing rational breathing

Most primary school students do not know how to breathe properly

during muscular exercise, walking, running, as well as in conditions of relative muscle rest. Improper breathing leads to disruption of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, decreased blood oxygen saturation, and metabolic disorders. That's why I introduce exercises to develop deep breathing, increased exhalation, combined with various movements of the torso and limbs. I also involve physical education teachers in this work.

The exercises performed give stress to muscles that were not loaded during the current activity, and also help to relax the muscles.

In addition, I define and record psychological climate during the lesson, I provide emotional release, strictly monitor the students’ compliance with correct posture, posture, its compliance with the type of work and alternation during the lesson.

However, it is not only important to know and understand what a teacher should do in the classroom in order to maintain the mental health of students. I realized that the health-preserving focus of work requires deeper and more complex research and concluded that health-preserving education is aimed, first of all, at ensuring the mental health of students. If possible, I often encourage children with a look, a smile, a word, an assessment. Children are not afraid to express their thoughts out loud. I strictly make sure that the child enjoys the information received during the lesson. The state of a child's soul is determined by his facial expression and gait when he goes home.

Health-saving training leads to the prevention of fatigue and fatigue; increasing motivation for educational activities; increase in educational achievements.

It is impossible not to mention that I also involve in the work on health conservation parents. These are joint class activities. Among them are sports and recreational competitions and relay races: “Dad, Mom, Me, Sports Family”, “Meeting with Parents: Comic Fun Starts between Boys and Dads” and others. At parent meetings, she conducted a course of conversations “Health-saving technologies in school and family,” where we also invited paramedic Vera Nikolaevna. Topics such as “About the child’s daily routine in the family”, “Personal hygiene”, “For parents about the health of the schoolchild” were touched upon. Conducted a survey among parents on the following topics:

  • “Are you in good shape?”
  • “Can your lifestyle be considered healthy?”
  • “Does stress happen often in your daily life?”
  • “Do you know how to protect your life and health?”

Observations show that the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process allows students to adapt more successfully in the educational and social space.

A healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy first place among human values ​​in our country. But if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then only in this case can we hope that future generations will be healthier and developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually, but also physically. If they used to say: “In a healthy body there is a healthy spirit,” then the one who says that without the spiritual cannot be healthy cannot be mistaken.

Proper organization of education makes it possible to prevent overload and fatigue in schoolchildren, and also helps children realize the importance of maintaining health.

In conclusion, following the great humanist and teacher J.-J. Rousseau, I would like to say:“To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy.”

The final stage

By working with this problem, studying and applying health-saving technologies in practice, we can make conclusion . Implementation in educational process health-saving technologies allowed me to achieve positive changes in the health of my students.

Has developed specific system use of health-saving technologies at work. The results of the activity are as follows. Based on student attendance at lessons, the dynamics of morbidity showed: there is no increase in acute respiratory infections compared to last year. 70% of students have never been sick. There were no cases of other diseases. The results of the intermediate diagnostics are reflected in the diagram.

Questionnaire “My health”
Target: identify the attitude of schoolchildren to their health, understanding the importance of physical perfection.

1. Do you often miss classes due to illness?
2. Do you do physical exercises in the morning?
3.Do you regularly attend physical education classes?
4. Do you study in physical education class:
a) with full dedication
b) without desire
c) as long as they don’t scold
5.Do you play sports for a long time?
6. Are there physical exercises in your lessons?

The survey results showed
- often miss classes due to illness – 0%
- do exercises in the morning - 50%
- regularly attend physical education lessons - 100%
- do physical education classes
a) with full dedication - 96%
b) without desire - 4%
c) as long as they don’t scold – 0%
- go in for sports for a long time - 20%
- there are moments in physical education lessons - 100%

Project "Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions"

Health-saving technologies are a system of measures that include the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of a child at all stages of his learning and development.

Wellness technologies also include finger exercises, which I want to tell you about, which I use before each lesson:

The tips of the fingers are the second brain. The hand plays an important role in human life throughout his life.

When a person touches something with his hand, he immediately recognizes what it is. The work of the fingers is truly infinitely varied and important for every person. You can touch, take, stroke, squeeze with your fingers... It is impossible to list all the verbs that describe everything that can be done with our hands and fingers.

Systematic exercises for training finger movements, along with a stimulating effect on speech development, are a powerful means of increasing brain performance. The formation of a child’s verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The development of finger motor skills prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech. Since there is a close relationship and interdependence of speech and motor activity, if a child has a speech defect, special attention must be paid to training his fingers.

Thus, the role of stimulus for the development of the central nervous system, all mental processes, and in particular speech, is played by the formation and improvement of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers. Exercises with younger preschoolers must be performed at a slow pace from 3 to 5 times, first with one hand, then with the other, and finally with both hands together. Instructions to the child should be calm, friendly and clear.

In music classes, finger games are most often performed to music - like sing-alongs, songs, accompanied by the display of illustrations, finger or shadow theater. A special place is occupied "finger tales" - familiar to preschoolers - "Mitten" , “Teremok”, “Kolobok” and others are adapted to be shown with hand movements and most often have a poetic form.

Regular inclusion of musical finger games and fairy tales during the lesson:

  • stimulates the action of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex of children;
  • improves attention and memory;
  • forms associative-figurative thinking;
  • makes it easier for future schoolchildren to master writing skills.

Finger gymnastics with triangular pencils.

To perform the exercises, you need unsharpened triangular pencils and a roller.

Exercise No. 1 "Stilts"

Using two pencils, depict how they move on stilts:

The man is not bored

Walking along the path

He approached the swamp

And he went over all the bumps.

(you can offer a drawn path. See below)

Exercise No. 2 "Interceptions"

Grasp the pencil with the bent index fingers of your left and right hands

Like clever bugs,

With fingers like hooks,

Let's grab the pencil.

Exercise No. 3 "Dudochka"

Take the pencil with your thumb and forefinger and, without helping yourself with the other hand, grab it with your thumb and middle finger, thumb and ring finger, etc.

Fingers don't rest

The pencil is being sorted out,

How they play the pipe.

Exercise #4 "Warming our palms"

Squeeze the roller between your palms while counting from 1 to 5, then, counting from 6 to 10, relax your hands while holding the roller; on the count of 1, squeeze the roller tightly between your palms, on the count of 2, relax your hands, holding the roller. Repeat several times.

Roll a roller or pencil:

palms on the table;

on the table with your fingertips;

between palms:

Pencil, rolled in hands

And we warm our palms.

We ride very fast,

We never freeze.

The pressure and rate of rotation should be gradually increased.

Exercise #5 "Collecting logs"

Pick up a pencil or counting stick from the table: thumb and index finger, thumb and middle finger, thumb and ring finger, thumb and little finger

Brothers help dad

Big brother and little brother

Very clever and skillful

They lift a large load.

with the same fingers of different hands;

with one hand at both ends (counting sticks).

The exercise is performed first with one hand, then with the other, and then with both hands at the same time.

Exercise #6 "Firewood"

Must be assembled with one hand as much as possible large quantity pencils or counting sticks

The truck brought firewood,

Let's collect them from the yard.

Repeat the exercise with the second hand.

Exercise No. 7 "Woodpecker"

Hold the pencil with your thumb and middle finger and tap it with your index finger.

Woodpecker, woodpecker, knock.

Where are you sitting? Show me

Exercise #8 "Sharpener"

Hold one end of the pencil in your left fist and use your fingers to right hand twist the other end of the pencil. You can scroll the pencil with two fingers, changing them. Then change hands:

We take a sharpener

We put a pencil in it.

Ours will be spicy

Blue pencil.

Exercise #9 "Well"

It is necessary to take one of them from a pile of pencils with two fingers so that the others do not move;

It is possible to introduce a game element into the exercise if there are two or more participants who take turns taking out pencils. If the pencils move, the player misses a move. The participant who has the most pencils at the end of the game wins. The final stage of the game can be the construction of a well:

We lay the logs evenly,

We'll build a well

May we always have it.

Very clean water.

or laying out various figures from collected pencils.

Exercise No. 10 "Pendulum" , "Swing"

You need to take the pencil alternately with your thumb and index finger, thumb and middle finger, etc., position it vertically and start swinging - "pendulum"

take the pencil by its middle with your thumb and forefinger and start swinging it - "swing" ;

Exercise No. 11 “Learning to write correctly”

  • twirl the pencil with the thumb, middle and index fingers of one hand, then the other, then with both hands at the same time (for children 4 years old);
  • put a pencil on your palm and scroll it with all the fingers of your hand, without helping yourself with the other;
  • take a triangular pencil, placing your thumb, index and middle fingers on different faces (as when writing). Hold it in this position for a count from 1 to 5, then:

a) alternately lift your fingers from the pencil, counting from 6 to 10;

b) tap the pencil alternately with the index, thumb and middle fingers

I'm learning to hold a pencil

To write letters correctly.

Exercise No. 12 "Caterpillar"

Move the pencil up and down while holding it with three fingers:

The caterpillar crawls up and down -

It won't fall off the branch.

  • tap the pencil alternately with your index finger

thumb and middle finger;

  • move the pencil up and down, holding it with three fingers;

The exercise is performed first with the leading hand, then with the other, after which

with both hands at the same time.

They are also held in our garden, namely in my practice plastic ballet


Strengthen children's health and develop their physical qualities.


Promote the development and functional improvement of the respiratory and circulatory organs, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body, and the musculoskeletal system.

Shape correct posture and strengthen the muscle corset.

Develop flexibility, plasticity, grace and elegance in movements.

Temper the body.

Promote children's creative expression.

It is quite obvious that today the majority of preschool children have problems related to health, and most often with motor development.

In recent years, the number of weakened newborn children due to injuries of the sixth, lumbar region There are practically no, as well as traumatic brain injuries received during childbirth. In addition, their muscle load decreases due to objective reasons: children have practically no opportunity to play outdoor games while walking, and some parents are very interested in the intellectual development of the child (computer games, visiting various clubs to prepare for school). This is why preschool children have poor posture.

The physical education system in kindergarten allows you to increase interest in physical activities and stimulate their physical activity without compromising their health.

Currently, due to the alarming trend of deteriorating children's health, there is a need for the successful integration of preventive and health-improving technologies into the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

One of the most important problems in the physical culture and health work of preschool educational institutions is the introduction and use of innovative technologies. The severity of the problem is that many children need special technologies for physical development, which must take into account the whole range of systematic and intellectual problems.

A large burden of physical development falls on physical education classes. But despite this, physical education classes are sometimes not enough to further develop the physical qualities of children. Therefore, it was decided to create a physical development club "Dragonfly" . To organize and carry out the work, the basis was taken educational technology "Theater of physical education and health improvement for children of preschool and primary school age" N.N. Efimenko. The key points are strict adherence to the laws of nature and a comprehensive gaming method.

IN work program presents an unconventional form of work to improve children's health.

Horizontal plastic ballet is a new system of physical education, sports correction training, health improvement and creative self-expression for children. The work style has enormous positive physical, mental and emotional effects on children. While performing the horizontal plastic ballet program, students seem to be immersed in a special world of movements, music, and images that generate corresponding associations.

The novelty of this physical education and health program lies in the comprehensive solution to health problems. The program provides for the construction of the educational process based on the integration of educational areas

(physical culture, health, socialization, communication, cognition, artistic creativity, music) as one of essential principles organizing work with preschoolers in accordance with federal state requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of preschool education.

Application in physical education and educational work DOW methods horizontal plastic ballet guarantees children proper development functional systems of the body, beautiful posture, easy gait, is a prevention of poor posture.

The technique of this technology is that all exercises are performed in supine - horizontal poses (exercises in a lying position on your back, on your stomach, crawling on your bellies, on medium and high all fours, exercises in a sitting position, on low and high knees). Movements in a standing position are not excluded. Thus, in this form of work, the emphasis is transferred from traditional dance and recreational movements to a horizontal, four-legged vector, a relatively slow, smooth style of movements to music. In horizontal plastic ballet there is natural beauty of movements, grace, completeness, expressiveness. All exercises are accompanied by a text-fairy tale, which allows you to train the body, develop the intellect and form the necessary spiritual qualities in children. The essence of this program is that the teacher, together with the children, using movements and their drawings, show the world around us.

The program provides for the involvement of parents in the educational process through participation in open classes, physical education festivals, and photo reporting organizations.

Plastic ballet "Spring mood" .

Objectives: To promote the development and improvement of organs and body systems of children. Form correct posture. Promote the ability to coordinate movements with music. Promote creative expression. Strengthen knowledge about the world around you.

A recording of birdsong sounds. Then slow, exciting music is turned on, against which the teacher’s words are heard. (the teacher does all the exercises together with the children):

With the onset of spring, nature wakes up. The sun warms up.

A gentle breeze blew. Leaves appear from the swollen buds, soft, juicy grass spreads. Spring flowers admire their beauty and the first rays of the sun.

  1. "Sleeping Flower". I.p. lying on your back, group.
  2. "The flower wakes up." I.p. straighten up from the tuck, raise your arms up.

The flower was wondering if there was anyone nearby?

3. "Curiosity." I.p. from a lying position on your back, turn your head to the right - to the left.

And he saw green, lush grass around him, moving slightly from the breath of the spring breeze.

4. “Grass-ant”. I.p. lying on your back, wave-like movements with your arms.

A breath of wind touched and green leaves birch trees

5. “Leaves from the bud.” I.p. lying on your stomach, arms forward, bend over.

And suddenly, hearing the sweetish smell of birch leaves, the ants crawled up the tree one after another.

6. "Ants" . I. p. standing on low all fours, crawling one after another.

A worker bee sat down on an open flower.

7. "Working Bee" . I.p. standing on middle all fours, rise to high all fours.

The cockchafer puffed, trying to take off after hibernation.

8. "Chafer." I.p. sitting with your back in a circle, rise on your back all fours and sway back and forth.

A butterfly flying past, as if laughing at a clumsy beetle, waved its wings.

9. “Beauty Butterfly.” I.p. sitting on the floor, smooth movements with your arms and legs.

The spring sun saw frolicking insects and decided to tickle them with its rays

10. "Rays." I.p. sitting, legs apart, hands behind you - various swinging movements of the legs.

Suddenly I noticed the gentle sun spring Flower, who was looking at him, smiled, and the flower extended its petals to him.

11. “Tender look.” I.p. sitting on low knees, stretch your arms forward and up and bend back.

The flower was glad that the sun noticed him, and began to offer his leafy cheeks to him.

12. “Cheeks-leaves.” I.p. standing on high knees, marking time, hands imitating the movements of leaves.

Soaring high in the sky, birds chirp.

13. "Birds" . I.p. standing, slightly spring your legs, arms perform wing movements. Looking at such beauty, I want to collect all the flowers and give them to all the people on earth.

14. “Collecting flowers.” I.p. moving back, spread your arms to the sides and converge in a circle, smoothly crossing your arms and raising them up and to the sides.

Gathering around the flowers in a spring round dance, butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, bees and birds merrily circled, praising spring.

15. "Spring round dance" . I. p. standing in a circle, perform circles with various arm movements.

Fragments of photos of my plastic ballet "Spring mood"

Project assignment on the topic: Health-saving technologies in kindergarten

Currently, the problem of the health and physical development of preschool children is of particular relevance. Preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation is now becoming a priority social problem. Children's health problems require new approaches and trusting relationships between MBDOU employees and parents.
Thus, on the one hand, combine the work of teachers, psychologists and parents, on the other hand, carry out all actions systematically, which will further contribute to the strengthening and development of children’s health. The lack of targeted, systematic work led to the choice of the project topic
Objective of the project: developing an attitude towards one’s health, the need for a healthy lifestyle and ensuring maximum activity of children in the prevailing independent process.
Project objectives:
1. To develop an understanding of the need to take care of your health, protect it, learn to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle
2. Instill love for physical exercise, hardening
3. Increase the literacy of parents in matters of education and health promotion of preschool children
4. Improve the professional skills of teachers on the topic “Healthy lifestyle.

Project implementation stages:
Stage 1: preparatory. Identifying the problem.
problem formation;
definition of tasks;
Parent survey on the topic: “Do you lead a healthy lifestyle”
diagnostics of children's physical fitness, their physical development;
studying methodological literature on this topic.

Stage 2: main. Organization of work on the project:
mastering the algorithm for creating a project;
drawing up a plan for working with parents;
consulting parents on the topics: “Non-traditional means of improving children’s health”, “How to avoid curvature of posture”, “Finger gymnastics in the system of improving children’s health”, holding a seminar-workshop on the topic: “Use of breathing exercises”;
drawing up a plan for joint conversations with parents;
organization of sports entertainment with the active participation of parents on the topic: “Oh, yes dads”;
re-diagnosis of the physical condition of children.

Stage 3: final. Practical activities to solve the problem:
presentation with an analysis of the work done during the teaching hour;
presentation of activities at a general parent meeting on the topic: “Health - main value in life";
exchange of family education experience on the introduction of health-saving technologies in the media.

Types of health-saving technologies
*Medical and preventive
* Physical education and recreation
*Enable technologies socio-psychological well-being of the child
*Health-saving technology and health enrichment for teachers
*Valeological education of parents

Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle includes the following sections
Daily regime
Education of cultural and hygienic skills
Organization of motor mode
Raising positive emotions
Working with parents

Traditional hardening methods
* Morning exercises
* Clothing in a group outside according to the weather
* Walks every day with outdoor games
* Sleeping without shirts (taking into account the air temperature in the group and the wishes of the parents)
* Walking barefoot before and after sleep
* Gymnastics of awakening and walking the health path
* Washing with cold water

Structure of physical education and health work

Developmental environment
Multifunctional, transformable, variable, rich, accessible and safe.

Prospects for further work
Actively promote a healthy lifestyle and interact with families;
Continue work to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children and develop cultural and hygienic skills;
Continue to form ideas about healthy lifestyle and the child’s cognitive sphere - consolidate knowledge about the structure of your body and individual body systems.

As a result of the project implementation
Increasing children's interest in physical exercise and sports
The incidence rate of children has decreased
Children have developed a need for a healthy lifestyle
The level of training of teachers and parents in matters of child development and health protection has increased.
Increasing parents' interest in a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, During the implementation of the project aimed at developing the need for a healthy lifestyle in children, a health-saving environment was created in preschool institutions and families, promoting the full and harmonious development of the child and the formation of the need to be healthy.
In the process of joint activities, trusting relationships developed between children and parents, which had a positive impact on emotional state all project participants and at the work of the preschool institution.

Used Books
1. Krylova N.I. Health-saving space in preschool educational institutions. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.
2. Karepova T.G. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschool children. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
3. Gorbatenko O.F., Kadrailskaya T.A., Popova G.P. Physical education and health work. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.
4. Tarasova T.A., Vlasova L.S. Me and my health. - M.: School Press, 2008.
5. Novikova I.M. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. Manual for teachers preschool institutions. – M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2010.
6. Pavlova M.A., Lysogorskaya M.V. Health-saving system of preschool educational institutions. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009

Presentation on the topic: Health-saving technologies in kindergarten

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