Food industry. Location of the world's food industry

The food industry is an industry that unites a set of homogeneous food and processing enterprises, usually processing raw materials of agricultural origin. The food and beverage industry accounts for 6% of global GDP. This industry is all about to a greater extent becomes a sphere of international integration.

Meaning Food Industry It is part of the agro-industrial complex and ensures the procurement, processing of agricultural raw materials and the sale of the final product. The food industry is designed to satisfy the basic needs of the population for essential food products in a diverse range of products. In terms of the number of employees and in terms of gross output, the industry is one of the most important sectors of the economy. The state of this industry is well reflected standard of living in different countries ah of the world, the degree of development of the agro-industrial complex. Industry products are an important export product.

Peculiarities of the industry Massive and ubiquitous use Low transportability of agricultural raw materials, which is explained by the deterioration of its quality during long-term transportation and storage Ubiquity of location, which sharply distinguishes the food industry from other industries The food industry is organically part of any regional territorial production complex Food products have quick payback costs for their production

Industry Features One of the most dynamic and rapidly changing industries in the world. Production is aimed directly at the consumer, which makes it most susceptible to the slightest market fluctuations. The product range is constantly updated to meet the changing tastes of consumers. The need for packaging in small containers appropriate physical properties product Seasonality of production in a number of industries, which is partly smoothed out due to the ability to process several types of raw materials

Location The presence of consumers of food industry products and the variety of raw materials determine the widespread distribution of enterprises in this industry. Depending on the degree of influence of raw materials and consumer factors, the food industry is divided into three groups: - industries focused on sources of raw materials - sugar, butter, dairy, oil and fat, etc. ; - industries gravitating towards places of consumption finished products, - bakery, brewery, confectionery, pasta, dairy, etc.; - industries that are both raw material- and consumer-oriented - meat, flour-grinding, tobacco, etc.

Problems An important problem is the elimination of regional imbalances between the production of individual agricultural products and their processing capacity. The need to decentralize the location of a number of industries, bringing their enterprises as close as possible to raw material bases. Creation of warehouses and processing enterprises directly in rural areas Environmental, social and economic problems caused by production alcoholic drinks and tobacco products

Food problem Food production has a direct connection with one of the global problems humanity - food problem Current situation the world is characterized, on the one hand, by the presence of hundreds of millions of hungry people in developing countries, and on the other, by excess food production in developed countries, where only 1/5 of the planet's inhabitants live

Interrelation with other industries Transport RT Glass and paper industry. Food industry Metallurgical, Chemical industry Agriculture

Food industry branches Canning industry Dairy industry Meat industry Oil and fat industry Pasta industry Confectionery industry Wine industry Brewing and soft drinks industry Fishing industry Salt industry Sugar industry Tobacco industry Fruit and vegetable industry Butter and cheese industry Bakery industry

Meat industry Meat production per capita in the world on average is 36 kg, but the differences between countries are very large: from 365 kg per year in Denmark to 4.6 kg in India (due to the Muslim population, because Hindus do not eat meat). In the structure of world production of meat of all types, pork takes first place - 39.1%, poultry meat comes in second place - 29.3%, followed by beef - 25.0%, lamb - 4.8%, other types of meat - 1. 8 %.

Trends in the meat industry 1. 2. 3. 4. Increasing consumption of dietary types of meat (primarily poultry). This was reflected in the structure of meat production in the world (the indicators in the world were 15 kg for pork, 9 kg for poultry). Asia is becoming the main region for meat production. The share is decreasing of Eastern Europe. The leading exporter remains Western Europe: up to 47% of meat supplies in the world (the largest are the Netherlands, France and Denmark). North America is the second largest meat trader (20% of global exports), and Oceania (12%) is third.

Fishing industry The main trend is growth in Asia and South America: These two regions account for almost 3/4 of the world's seafood. It is noteworthy that states with access to Pacific Ocean, provide more than 70% of the industry's products. Among the 10 leading countries for fish and seafood production in the world, 9 are located in the Pacific Basin. There is not a single Western European country among them, although they actively fish in this remote ocean. China's leadership in this industry has become unprecedented, accounting for more than 1/5 of its products in the world.

Food industry in Kazakhstan The food industry plays one of the most important roles in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2014, the share of this industry in the total volume industrial production The Republic accounts for 6.0%, in the manufacturing industry - 18.1%.

Major share in the production structure food products occupied by the dairy industry (19.6%), flour milling and starch industry (19.1%), bakery industry (15.7%) and meat industry (13, 8%).

Analyzing the data of the Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2014, we see that production volumes for some product items produced in the Republic of Kazakhstan do not yet fully satisfy the demand for products within the country. Thus, the country’s existing domestic demand is compensated by imported products, which, in the long term, will negatively affect the country’s economy as a whole.

The Coca-Cola Company Revenue: $46.9 billion Profit: $8.6 billion Employees: 130.6 thousand Headquarters: Atlanta, Georgia, USA Coca-Cola is one of the most valuable brands in the world. The company had total sales of $47 billion last fiscal year, half of which came from its flagship soda. The concern is the world's largest manufacturer and supplier of concentrates, syrups and soft drinks.

Groupe Danone S.A. Revenue: $29.3 billion Profit: $2.0 billion Employees: 104.6 thousand Headquarters: Paris, France The French dairy company has taken root very well in Russia, for it this market is even larger than its native one. The group owns 57.7% of the Unimilk company. Groupe Danone is the world's largest seller of dairy products, accounting for more than half of the company's total sales in 2013. Danone is also one of the world's largest sellers of baby food and bottled water. Danone is famous for being actively involved in the implementation of green technologies and making many efforts to reduce the burden of production on the environment.

Mars Incorporated Revenue: $33.0 billion Profit: N/A Employees: 75 thousand Headquarters: McLean, Virginia, USA Mars produces, in addition to the candy bar of the same name, M&Ms, Milky Way, Snickers and Twix. The company also owns the trademarks Uncle Ben's and Wrigley, Whiskas and Pedigree. The company has several factories in Russia. Mars is the only one among the food giants that is privately owned. The shares are distributed among the three grandchildren of Frank Mars. The company's secrecy from the press does not allow us to accurately imagine the degree of participation of members of the Mars family in the management of the business, however, it is known that John and Forrest Mars formally resigned and transferred control to the current CEO, Paul Michaels. Environmentalists have many complaints about the company's activities.

Nestle S.A. Revenue: $103.5 billion Profit: $11.2 billion Employees: 333 thousand Headquarters: Vevey, Switzerland Nestle is the largest food corporation in the world. The company produces instant coffee, mineral water, chocolate, ice cream, broths, dairy products, baby food, pet food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. More than 2000 trademarks in 461 factories in 83 countries. Nestle has about 250 thousand shareholders. About 40% is owned by Swiss investors.

Features of the food industry. The food industry includes over 20 industries related to the processing of agricultural raw materials and the production of a variety of food products. Industry enterprises employ 11% of all industrial production personnel and produce 15% of the total volume industrial products. In terms of gross production, it ranks third after mechanical engineering and the fuel industry. The development of the food industry makes it possible to eliminate differences in the food supply of the population associated with unequal natural conditions districts. Food concentrates, canned food, frozen vegetables do not deteriorate during transportation and long-term storage. Their production contributes to the development of ever new territories with natural conditions unfavorable for Agriculture. The food industry is found almost everywhere where people live. This is facilitated by: 1) wide distribution of raw materials used; 2) widespread consumption of food products.

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Economics 9th grade summary

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A characteristic feature of the food industry is that its production is mass character. It, to a greater extent than all other sectors, is associated with agriculture. The subject of labor in this industry is agricultural raw materials, which occupy a large specific gravity in the costs of food industry products (over 85%).

Agricultural raw materials have a number of specific properties, which leave an imprint on the formation of costs and on the methodology for planning and calculating production costs in the food industry. Many types of raw materials of plant and animal origin are perishable. Therefore, there is a need for accelerated processing in order to increase the economic efficiency of production. In addition, various products are produced from many types of agricultural raw materials. Complex processing of this raw material is the most important condition for reducing production costs.

The calculation of product costs in this industry has a significant impact nature of products. Many types of finished food products, unlike products from other industries, have a greater specific gravity than the original raw materials. For example, the yield of beer by weight exceeds the weight of the initial raw material by 4 times, and of soft drinks by more than 7 times. When transporting drinks in glass containers (bottles) and boxes, the weight of the container sometimes exceeds the weight of the product itself.

In this regard, in a number of industries it becomes advisable to subdivide the production process into two technological, spatially separated stages. Thus, the wine production process is divided into the production of wine materials at the source of raw materials and the packaging of wine at the point of consumption.

Depending on the influence of the weight ratios of raw materials and finished products on the level of production costs, all production in the food industry is divided into three groups.

First group characterized by high rates of raw materials per unit of production. Thus, the consumption of raw materials per 1 ton of finished products in the production of butter is about 22.5 tons, cheese - 10, powdered milk - 8.5, granulated sugar - 7.2, meat - from 1.7 to 2.5 tons. this group of products has a significant impact on the formation of production costs fare for the delivery of raw materials.

Second group enterprises are characterized by low rates of raw material consumption per unit of production. These include city dairies producing pasteurized milk and kefir; pasta, confectionery and other industries. The products of these industries are less transportable than raw materials.

Third group enterprises cover production with the output of finished products exceeding the consumption standards of raw materials. This group includes enterprises in the baking, brewing and other industries. For example, the norms for the consumption of raw materials per 1 ton of finished products are 0.62 tons for baking rye bread, 0.25 tons for unpackaged beer, and 0.1 tons for bottled beer. In accordance with this, the total costs for transporting finished products and raw materials will be the closer the enterprises are located to consumers, the less.

Branches of the food industry differ significantly in product manufacturing technology, degree of technical equipment of production, organization of labor and production. For example: canning industry includes production of fruits and vegetables, vegetable drying, food concentrates, etc.; meat– production of meat, sausages, smoked meats, canned meat and other products.

All food production is multiprocessing and is divided into a number of phases, processes (operations), which follow directly one after the other. According to the characteristics of the technological mode of production, they are divided into continuous And intermittent.

Continuous production is characterized by continuous processing of raw materials and materials from the moment of loading to the receipt of the finished product (for example, the production of granulated sugar, alcohol, bread). A break in the work of such enterprises immediately causes defects, damage to raw materials and starting materials. If a break in the technological production mode does not cause such processes, the mode is called discontinuous (pasta, perfume, tobacco production). At the same time, at certain stages of production (processing processes, operations) semi-products and semi-finished products are formed, which makes it possible to organize cost calculation and accounting by limits (phases, operations, stages) and calculate the cost of production at each of them. But production stages (phases) do not always correspond to accounting (calculation) ones. For example, beer production consists of nineteen production phases. However, only after four it is possible to measure the amount of semi-product, i.e. only at these stages can accounting and control be organized production process.

The presence or absence of work in progress is also of certain importance. In the presence of such production, there is a need to evaluate it, as well as to distribute costs between the cost of finished products and work in progress. On this basis, food production is divided into those operating according to completed cycle(without work in progress) and working on transition cycle(having work in progress).

In the food industry, work in progress is characterized by a relatively simple structure and small size.

The peculiarities of the food industry include the fact that it is part of the agro-industrial complex. It is focused on producing products to satisfy the population's basic food needs. Food industry enterprises collect raw materials, process them and bring them to a form in which it is best to organize delivery to the end consumer.

Taking into account the report of leading researchers research institutes countries and their tables, this area of ​​production is greatly influenced by the development of agriculture. It defines the characteristics sectoral composition the food industry of the region, its capacity and other important qualities.

What industries are included in the food industry?

There are the following branches of the food industry:

  • production of soft drinks;
  • winemaking;
  • confectionery industry;
  • canning;
  • pasta;
  • oil and fat and cheese making;
  • flour and cereal;
  • fruit and vegetable;
  • poultry farming;
  • bakery;
  • brewing;
  • salt;
  • alcohol;
  • tobacco and others.


The sectoral structure of the food industry implies its division into the following categories:

  • include enterprises that work with imported raw materials. Their placement is aimed at large transport hubs– railways, ports and others. The products they produce are usually highly transportable;
  • include plants and factories that are located closer to raw materials or to the final consumer.

How is the production process carried out?

Most enterprises of this type belong to the processing industries. Only some of them have a mining direction (production of salt, fish, etc.). For high-quality processing of primary raw materials, each plant uses its own technological schemes, but they all boil down to ensuring high safety of the final product.

The methods used should improve the taste of the manufactured products and make them more attractive to buyers. Also, all technological processing schemes, if possible, should ensure a long shelf life of products, which is very important during their long-term transportation over long distances.

In the production of food products, an important role is played by the organization of processes of bacterial and non-bacterial fermentation of raw materials. In the first case, they mean fermentation, which occurs with beer, wine, cheese, etc. The second group includes products that reach required characteristics using its own enzymes (for example, when aging meat).

There are other, no less popular, methods of processing raw materials - canning, stabilizing filtration (fruit juices, beer), tenderization (using electrical voltage) and many others.

Characteristics of the Russian food industry

In Russia, livestock farming is most developed. This industry occupies a leading position, as it provides about 65% of the raw materials for the further production process. Livestock enterprises are mainly located in the European part of Russia, where the climate is milder and there is enough feed.

Most of the production of this industry (about 70%) comes from livestock farming.

You can also note other areas that are developed in Russia:

  • enterprises for the production of sugar, starch, canned food are located relative to the sources of raw materials. For example, a large ASTON plant is located in the south of the country. It specializes in the production of oil and similar products. There are sugar production enterprises in the Caucasus;
  • factories producing bakery products are located evenly throughout the country. They are tied only to the consumer;
  • any plant related to the flour-grinding, meat or fishing industries is located relative to the place where raw materials are extracted.

Production of bread and bakery products

Production capacities of the Russian food industry

The production capacity of various branches of the food industry in Russia is as follows:

  • . Our own sugar production reaches 3.3 million tons. The main raw material in this case is sugar beets. Raw cane sugar is also used, which is delivered from abroad;
  • confectionery. IN last years productive capacity This industry produces more than 3,500 thousand tons of products per year. Most enterprises of this type are located in Central Federal District(about 40%). The leading companies are Mars, Wrigley, Mondelis Rus;
  • oil and fat It mainly produces products such as butter, margarine, vegetable fats, and mayonnaise. Enterprises of this type primarily use raw materials obtained from the country. The leading direction in the industry is . The South of Russia company owns about 30% of the country's entire market;
  • dairy. More than 1,500 people work in this industry various enterprises. On average, the country produces about 16.5 million tons of milk, 0.5 million tons of cheese, and 0.6 million tons of butter per year. Leading enterprises are Wimm-Bill-Dann, Ochakovo and Voronezh plants, Permmoloko;
  • meat. Has about 3,600 factories different types. They mainly work with outdated equipment, so the volume of imported meat in Russia is significant;
  • fish processing. The main region where the main enterprises of this industry are located is the Far Eastern fisheries basin. It provides 2.4 million tons of products per year;
  • distillery and winemaking. Enterprises related to this industry are generally evenly distributed throughout Russia. During the year, the country produces up to 66.6 million deciliters of vodka, 6.9 million deciliters of cognac, 15.6 million deciliters of champagne wines, 32.1 million deciliters of wine;
  • brewing. Baltika is considered the leading enterprise in this industry. It occupies 37% of the entire beer market in Russia and is actively exported to other countries of the world. Also working in this industry are the Sharypovsky, Angarsky, Barnaul, and Zhigulevsky plants.

Development of the food industry in different countries of the world

There are many industries all over the world that offer products suitable for further processing - flour milling, meat, fish, dairy and others. Basically, they represent certain agricultural formations, specially equipped places for slaughtering livestock or fishing. As a result, products are manufactured that can be immediately supplied to the market to the end consumer or sent for further processing.

Based on these features, powerful corporations have emerged in the world that are incredibly popular among consumers. For example, this is the concern plant Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Unilever and many others. Each of the corporations is represented by a variety of enterprises located throughout the globe.

The most successful countries Australia, Argentina, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Poland, China and many others are considered to have developed food industries. There are also factories that specialize in the extraction and production of exotic products - tea, tobacco, some fruits and vegetables, seasonings, etc. They are mainly located in countries such as Uganda, Thailand, China, India and others.

Enterprises located on their territory most often work with primitive equipment. They use the simplest technological schemes, which does not prevent them from obtaining large volumes of products. Basically, every factory located in these countries sells its goods in areas where there is a huge demand for them.


Relevance work is determined by the role and significance of the food industry both in shaping the structure of the country’s economic complex and in solving the food problem.

The food industry is one of the significant sectors of modern industrial production. In terms of gross output, it ranks second after mechanical engineering.

The role of the food industry in development productive forces is determined, first of all, by the fact that it satisfies the predominant part of the population's food needs. The food industry provides a more rational diet for the population, helps eliminate uneven food consumption both over time and regionally, allows for the efficient use of agricultural raw materials and reduces their losses.

Target The work consists of identifying patterns of territorial organization and substantiating ways to optimize the territorial concentration of food industry sectors in the Kursk region.

Main tasks solved in the work are:

1) study and assessment of natural and socio-economic conditions and resources that determine the territorial differentiation of the food industry;

2) analysis of the development and state of the food industry in other regions of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, to determine possible prospects and directions for this industry in the Kursk region;

3) analysis of the comparative economic efficiency of the main sectors of the food industry in the studied region.

Choice in quality object of study territory of the Kursk region is due to the fact that this is one of the oldest agriculturally developed areas, which has high natural agricultural potential and at the same time relatively low efficiency of processing industries.

Subject research are the features of the development and territorial concentration of food industry sectors.

The obtained and processed materials created the basis for the use of various economic and geographical methods analysis and synthesis. Comparative geographical The method was used to study the patterns of localization of individual industries, identifying differences in the efficiency of production of main types of products. Cartographic the method was used to identify connections between the organizational features of the studied industries and socio-economic and natural factors, which determined their development. Application historical-geographical The method made it possible to identify the reasons for the localization and concentration of food industry enterprises in the study area. Method zoning was used to study the territorial differentiation of the sectoral structure of the food and flavoring industry.

The first chapter is devoted to the peculiarities of the development and location of food industry sectors abroad and in the Russian Federation as a whole.



general characteristics

The food industry is designed to satisfy the basic needs of the population for essential food products. It is closely connected with agriculture, which is the main source of raw materials for the industry. Processing of agricultural raw materials into shelf-stable products, high power refrigerators food enterprises ensure a constant, uniform supply of food to the market, in particular perishable products. Industrial waste is used both in agriculture and in other industries (light, pharmaceutical, etc.).

In parallel with the food industry, the food industry operates, using food raw materials for the production of alcoholic beverages, juices, and also supplying various herbs and spices both for the food industry and for direct consumption by the population. An important role in the industry is played by the processing of tobacco, tea, coffee, cocoa and other types of agricultural products into finished products after undergoing appropriate technological operations (for example, fermentation of tea, tobacco raw materials, etc.).

The food and flavoring industries have a complex structure, including dozens of different raw materials and process technologies. Currently, several groups of them have formed. Among them, basic industries stand out, the products of which require further deep processing (for example, flour milling, production of raw sugar, pasteurization of milk with the subsequent production of bakery, confectionery and fermented milk products from them, respectively). Basic production also includes the primary processes of slaughtering livestock and catching fish, the products of which can be sent directly to the market. However, increasingly, such products are subjected to refinement to obtain more qualified intermediate products (semi-finished products for instant cooking at home) or finished end products of the industry (sausage, fish products, canned food, preserves, delicatessen products, etc.). These processes of improving the consumer qualities of products from basic industries are becoming the main ones in the industry, as they provide the highest value marketable products.

The food and flavoring industries satisfy the daily needs of the population in a very diverse range of products (for example, there are hundreds of varieties of cheese or beer alone). This led to the formation of many enterprises in the industry (in the world, about 50 thousand companies are engaged in the production of confectionery products alone), specializing in the production of certain food or flavoring products. At the same time, the product range is constantly updated and new consumer qualities are added to it.

A feature of the food and flavoring industry, which produces hundreds of millions of tons of products, is the need to package them in small containers that correspond to the physical properties of the product. Hence, this industry has become a major consumer of glass, paper, metal, and polymer containers. This determined the industry’s connections with relevant industries: glass, paper, metallurgical, chemical, etc. Packaging of industry products required the development of automatic packaging machines for enterprises of various industries. The costs for high-quality printing products for packaging design are high.

In the food and flavoring industry, powerful national firms and international corporations have emerged in the production of various products, for example, the well-known Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Unilever and many others. Each owns hundreds of enterprises in different countries of the world, their turnover is one of the highest in the industry. They control almost all markets for similar products.

Scientific research in the field of nutrition has contributed to changing its structure. Particular attention is paid to increasing the proportion of vegetables and fruits, reducing the calorie content of food (using skim milk, eating vegetable oils instead of animal fats, reducing the consumption of sugar and confectionery products with it, giving up alcoholic drinks in favor of non-alcoholic ones: mineral waters, juices, etc.), unconditional cessation of smoking, etc. All this is designed to preserve human health. However, problems arise in the development of relevant industries where TNCs resist these trends in introducing a healthy lifestyle (especially tobacco companies). At the same time, nutrition problems are both socio-economic and national, the solution to which is individual for different countries and regions.

Trends and traditions in food consumption in the world can be judged by the production of wheat flour and the consumption of bakery products. Flour production for the period 1960-1988. more than doubled and reached 205 million tons. However, in the late 80s. a reduction in its production began and by the mid-90s. it amounted to about 130 million tons. Consumption of products made from it also decreased, but still varied greatly among countries: from 6-10 kg per person per year in Japan and the Republic of Korea, to 100-150 kg in countries former USSR and Bulgaria (USA - 30 kg in 2004).

Sectoral and territorial structure

Meat industry. The role of the industry is determined by the importance of meat products - the main source of high-value animal proteins and other important components. The growth in consumption of meat products in the world is one of the indicators of increasing living standards of the population. The vast majority of the population globe consumes meat, and its production is growing faster than the number of people on the planet. For 1950-2000 The planet's population increased 2.3 times, and meat production increased 5 times. Accordingly, meat production per capita on average in the world increased from 16 to 36 kg, but the differences between countries are very large: from 365 kg per year in Denmark to 4.6 kg in India (due to the Muslim population, because Hindus do not eat meat) .

Problems of rational nutrition have significantly affected the production and consumption of certain types of meat, although national and religious traditions, as well as economic opportunities for using meat among different peoples of the world, still remain. The general trend is an increase in the consumption of dietary types of meat (primarily poultry). This affected the structure of meat production in the world.

In some countries, the structure of meat products produced has undergone even greater changes. So, in the USA for 1960-2000. pork production per capita decreased from 37 to 31 kg, and poultry meat increased from 21 to 53 kg (in 2005, the world figures for pork were 15 kg, for poultry - 9 kg).

The growing needs for meat products in individual countries and regions of the world have determined the main territorial shifts in meat production. This was facilitated by advances in crop production, which ensures the supply of livestock with feed.

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