Pros and cons of housing cooperatives. About the association funds

Banks are considered the main credit institutions in Russia. But in addition to them, pawnshops, microfinance organizations, credit unions, investment funds and credit institutions operate on the market. consumer cooperatives.

The latter are considered voluntary associations of individuals and/or legal entities based on certain principles that help each other meet their financial needs.

This formulation is given in the Law of the Russian Federation No. 190 of July 18, 2009 “On Credit Cooperation”. Let's consider the process of registering a CPC, lending conditions and other nuances.

Activities of institutions

In simple terms, organizations are created by people who want to help each other with money. This is an excellent alternative to bankers who first carefully study financial position people, and then they refuse because of a bad history in the BKI.

Once they join the society, people get the opportunity to get a loan at a lower interest rate, and they also ask for less paperwork. That is why this area of ​​lending is considered very promising.

PDA gives out money on the basis of signed agreements drawn up between the client and the company. In this case, the person becomes part of the association. Money is offered with or without collateral.

If there is collateral, it is presented as:

  • car;
  • real estate;
  • property rights;
  • goods in circulation;

Loans from an existing consumer credit cooperative can also be issued under the guarantee of legal entities or individuals.

Work principles

The activities of the CCP are based on compliance with a number of principles:

  1. General mutual assistance of all participants in society, who can always count on the solution of all their financial issues when they arise.
  2. Limited participation of individuals. This is due to the fact that managers are allowed to include persons who are directly related to the organization and are its participants, and not people from outside.
  3. Voluntary basis of cooperation, where people enter or leave the community of their own free will.
  4. Equality, where people have equal rights regardless of the funds contributed to the cooperative.
  5. One shareholder in an institution has one vote.
  6. The Central Bank, municipal and state bodies cannot interfere with the work of such institutions.

In addition, the principles also affect the equal distribution of financial assistance in the form of loans, as well as access to data on the state of affairs of the company. All persons additionally bear subsidiary liability for all obligations of the CCP.

How to create a company

It is required to set a date for the meeting of founders, where there must be more than 5 legal entities and 15 individuals. At this meeting, the issue of creating a cooperative is adopted, the Charter is approved, and the management team is appointed.

  1. A letter is written about the state registration of the institution, which is certified by a notary office. The document is submitted to the registration center. Additionally, a package of papers is being prepared:
  • a list of all types of activities that the company plans to conduct;
  • documents of all participants, including passports and tax identification numbers;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in electronic form, signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature;
  • lease agreement and ownership of the office where the organization will be located.
  1. After the company is registered, stamps are prepared, a bank account is opened, and you should also register with extra-budgetary funds (Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund).
  2. An application with a developed and approved control system is submitted to the Federal Financial Markets Service. Also, a number of documents are additionally prepared for this body: a copy of the notarized Charter, developed internal control rules, an order appointing responsible persons for compliance with these rules and resolving basic issues.

The last step in registering a CPC is the company's entry into a self-regulatory organization of consumer cooperatives. If within 3 months after its creation the institution does not fulfill this condition, it will be liquidated.

A consumer credit cooperative (CCC) is a voluntary association of citizens to provide financial assistance to each other, such as savings and loans to other members of the cooperative on mutually beneficial terms.

For many, the word cooperative is an echo of the past, however, if you go out onto the streets of Kaliningrad, you can meet quite a few similar organizations, and their number is growing. Today in Russia there are more than three thousand credit consumer cooperatives that work with the population. But few people know how cooperatives actually work.

In 2009, Law No. 190-FZ on credit cooperation came into force, according to which anyone can form a cooperative if there are 15 people or 5 organizations. Every CCP must join the ranks of the SRO. If a credit cooperative is created only by legal entities, then there should be at least 5 of them. If this is a mixed situation and the credit cooperative is created by both legal entities and individuals, then there should be a total of 7 of them (for example, 2 individuals and 5 legal entities). After the creation of a cooperative, this minimum number of its members must be maintained, otherwise the cooperative is subject to liquidation.
Each participant in the cooperative is required to make a share contribution (from 50 to 1000 rubles) and an entrance fee (100–500 rubles). The required package of documents includes an application form, passport and TIN number.

A real cooperative is not commercial organization, i.e. its profit-making is not its main goal. Its main task is precisely the financial mutual assistance of members of the cooperative to each other: those who do not have enough funds and those who have extra funds unite in the cooperative, and both parties decide their financial tasks. Some get access to finance, while others give their free funds for use for a certain period in order to receive interest from them. The funds of a credit cooperative are used for the most part to issue loans to members of the cooperative and loans are issued at an interest rate that exceeds the interest rate on bank deposits. Therefore, cooperative members can receive more income from participation in a credit cooperative than from placing savings, for example, on a deposit.

What will CCP members have to pay?

Membership fee - funds that a member of a credit cooperative (shareholder) contributes to cover the expenses of the consumer credit cooperative and for other purposes (in accordance with the charter of this cooperative); these are contributions to cover the costs of the regular activities of the cooperative.
Entry fee - this type of fee does not exist in all cooperatives. If it is provided for by the charter, then upon joining a credit cooperative, members pay a similar fee to cover the costs associated with joining the cooperative (to pay for paperwork, changes to documents in connection with the admission of new members, possible legal fees).
An additional contribution if necessary, if the cooperative experiences losses and needs to be compensated for from some funds.
Share contribution is money that members of a cooperative transfer into the ownership of the cooperative so that it carries out its activities, as well as so that members of the cooperative can receive an increase in their share contributions based on the results of the work of the cooperative. Share contributions can be either mandatory, i.e. contributed by members of the cooperative both obligatory and voluntary.

How is a credit cooperative formed? There are several sources of his property:

Shares and other contributions of credit cooperative members (shareholders). This is the main source of funds for the cooperative;
income from the activities of a credit cooperative;
involved funds;
other sources not prohibited by law.

What are the dangers of credit cooperatives?

Placement risk Money such financial institutions big enough.

Therefore, experts recommend that before contacting a credit cooperative, you need to make sure that its activities are legal. Further, there is a danger of pursuing a rather risky credit policy in the case when a cooperative with a small total capital cannot invest it in large and profitable projects and places funds with less reliable clients who are not even partners of the cooperative. And, of course, the risk of fraud is high. Since opening a cooperative is much easier and cheaper than a bank, especially advanced scammers take advantage of this by creating financial pyramids.

According to Russian newspaper, 2017 may become a record year for the number of collapsed cooperatives and the number of victims. And the scheme in all cases is the same - the promise of above-average profitability, the purchase of agricultural enterprises, an increase in the number of shareholders, the opening of branches in other regions, losses, termination of payments, litigation.

“Citizens should exercise caution and refrain from joining a cooperative, as well as from concluding an agreement on the transfer of personal savings, if information about the organization is not in the Central Bank register. About cases when the cooperative is not included in the SRO, but attracts funds from shareholders and accepts new members, We recommend informing the Bank of Russia,” the press service of the Central Bank notes.

How to distinguish a consumer cooperative from a financial pyramid:

1. Any credit cooperative is non-profit organization, that is, its goal cannot be to make a profit. The CPC is a mutual aid fund.

3. Guaranteed return on investments and their insurance should also be alarming.

A cooperative is not a bank; it cannot use the concept of “deposit”. In this case, the property interests of the cooperative can indeed be insured by an insurance company. In this case, it is worth checking a copy of the insurance contract and which specific cases are considered insured in it.

4. Only a CCP that is included in the register of the Bank of Russia and is a member of a self-regulatory organization can attract money from shareholders and accept new ones. The register of both cooperatives and SROs is available on the Bank of Russia website. Also in October, the Bank of Russia formulated requirements for SROs, which will have to develop a basic standard for protecting the rights and interests of recipients of services from cooperatives that are members of self-regulatory organizations.

5. There is no opportunity to carefully study the loan agreement in advance;

If you decide to join a cooperative, then remember: there are cases when even cooperatives that have been working for decades suddenly disappeared one day - along with all the money collected. Perhaps the problem could be solved by tightening the legislation, as well as providing shareholders with state guarantees. But so far there is no talk of this, so remember that you will have to act at your own peril and risk.

07.09.2017 13147 0

Hello! In this article we will talk about consumer cooperatives.

Today you will learn:

  1. When and for what purpose were cooperatives created?
  2. What cooperatives operate today;
  3. How consumer cooperatives are reorganized and liquidated.

Consumer cooperatives are such associations of citizens or legal entities that allow them to engage in business and receive benefits on taxes and fees. Today we’ll talk about how cooperatives are created and how they function.

A little history

The first cooperatives in world history began to operate in Great Britain. They were created by various kinds of philanthropists who wanted, one way or another, to make the lives of workers easier. Participation in the cooperative gave them the opportunity to buy goods at a low price.

Trade and procurement cooperatives were common in the Soviet Union.

They solved several problems:

  1. Purchase raw materials from the population;
  2. Produce food products based on those goods purchased from the population;
  3. Carrying out retail trade.

In the 90s, 30 million residents of our country were part of cooperatives.

Production and consumer cooperatives

Structures of this type currently provide citizens with various opportunities.

For example:

  • Start your own bissnes;
  • without licensing procedure;
  • Get a loan quickly and not at extortionate interest rates.

This is not a complete list; there are many other possibilities. We'll talk more about them a little later. Now let’s look at the concept itself and its essence.

This cooperative is a legal entity, and all its participants have personal shares. If a participant leaves the cooperative, he receives his contribution back.

Participants are ordinary citizens who are not obliged to do so, and the main document is the Charter, which is approved by all members of the cooperative at a general meeting.

In this case, the authorized capital is not formed, and all the property of the cooperative is divided into shares of its participants.

All members of the organization have the right to leave the cooperative if they make such a decision. At the time of exit, the person must be paid the value of his share or given the property that corresponds to this share.

Now let’s talk a little more about consumer cooperatives.

Creation of a consumer cooperative

The process of creation and functioning of these associations, as well as all others, is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The legal regulator here is Federal legislation, special regulations, as well as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The cooperative receives funds for its work in the form of contributions made by participants.

The founders of such a cooperative can be any citizen over 16 years of age. The founders must include at least 5 ordinary citizens or at least three legal entities.

Consumer cooperatives solve a number of the following problems:

  • Creation of various trade organizations for the purpose of providing material details of the participants of the company;
  • For procurement, production or any other activity;
  • To provide production and household services members of the consumer society.

Participants' rights:

  • Voluntarily join and leave a cooperative;
  • Be elected to the governing bodies of the cooperative;
  • Conduct activities that help achieve the goals set for the cooperative;
  • Receive payments due to participants;
  • Sell ​​your goods or products through a consumer society;
  • Study in educational institutions consumer cooperation;
  • In case of violation of your rights and interests, seek protection from the judicial authorities.

How to register a consumer cooperative

This process is practically no different from the registration procedure for other business entities.

In order to register, you need to collect the following package of documentation:

  • An application filled out by hand or typed on a computer;
  • A photocopy of the minutes of the founders' meeting;
  • The original charter - 2 copies;
  • Passport of each founder;
  • Constituent documentation of legal entities, if any are among the founders.

At the same time, we note that there is no need to register a cooperative with the Ministry of Justice. It is enough to submit all the documentation to the Federal Tax Service at the location of the cooperative. The decision on registration will be made within a week.

All documentation can be sent to the Federal Tax Service in different ways:

  • Via Russian Post by a valuable letter with an inventory of the contents;
  • Come to the Federal Tax Service department in person;
  • Through MFC;
  • By email.

You can provide all the papers personally or your representative by power of attorney, which is certified by a notary.

Reasons for refusal of registration.

In practice, there are several reasons why you may be denied registration of a cooperative.

We will look at the most common ones:

  • The application is completed with erasures, additions and corrections;
  • You have provided an incomplete address or it does not correspond to the actual address of the cooperative;
  • The name of the cooperative violates the requirements of the law;
  • When filling out the paperwork, you provided questionable or false information;
  • The set of documents does not contain the necessary papers.

Another reason for refusal is the presence of extraneous marks in the applicant’s passport.

The following case took place: the applicant submitted documents to register a cooperative. Moreover, on one of the pages of the passport there was a stamp stating that this person was registered in the territory of one of the republics of the North Caucasus. The recordings were made in two languages.

Registration of the cooperative was refused due to the fact that the marks on foreign language should not be in the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

If you are denied registration, correct all errors and resubmit the documentation.

Advantages of consumer cooperatives.

The advantages here are:

  • All participants have equal rights in terms of managing the cooperative. Each of them has one voice;
  • The number of participants is not limited;
  • Participants can exchange shares;
  • There is no need to register changes in the membership of the cooperative;
  • The shares of each member of the cooperative can be transferred to their heirs;
  • Members of the cooperative can purchase property with installment payments, and so on.

What types of cooperatives are there?

IN modern world The classification of cooperatives is extremely diverse. According to statistics, there are about 130 various types and subtypes of cooperatives.

We, of course, will not consider this entire volume, since it is simply impossible within the framework of one article. But for the most known species Let's pay attention and then give a characteristic.

So, first of all, all cooperatives are conditionally divided into consumer and industrial. There are differences between them, although the essence itself is the same.

Consumer cooperatives, in turn, are divided into:

  • Attendants;
  • Sales;
  • Processing;
  • Supply.

There is another group of cooperatives - mixed character.

They are also called production-consumer. Moreover, this type is more common in the Russian Federation than others.

Producer cooperatives, in turn, are also divided into two broad groups. Moreover, the division looks rather banal: agricultural And non-agricultural.

Agricultural ones include:

  • Collective farms;
  • Fishing artels;
  • Cooperative farms.

By the way, collective farms are currently experiencing a revival. Everything that was destroyed and closed in the 90s is being restored, and in some regions of the country collective farms are already functioning successfully, for example, in the Novosibirsk and Oryol regions.

If everything is clear with the first group, then the second includes:

  • Country houses;
  • Housing and construction;
  • Housing and savings;
  • Garage;
  • Horticultural;
  • Credit.

In the next part of our article, we propose to discuss the classification of consumer cooperatives and become familiar with their characteristics.

Agricultural cooperative

As we have already mentioned, such cooperatives are becoming increasingly popular in the Russian Federation.

When we talk about this type of cooperative, we need to understand that we are talking about either agricultural producers or citizens who run private household plots. Such a structure is formed on the basis of voluntary membership, and is created so that activities can be carried out jointly.

In addition, agricultural cooperatives can be both consumer and production.

So, first, let's define the terminology. First of all, let's find out who can be a member of the cooperative and who they are.

Cooperative members – these are citizens or legal entities that meet the requirements specified in the statutory documents and legislation. They are also required to make share contributions. If all this is fulfilled, then the members of the cooperative are given the right to vote.

Worker – in this case, this is a person who works on the basis of an employment contract concluded with him.

Share contribution is the amount of money that each member of the cooperative contributes to the organization’s fund. In addition to finance, this could be a piece of land.

Agricultural producer is a citizen or legal entity that produces any product.

All members of the cooperative can be divided into 2 groups: ordinary and those receiving dividends. Moreover, the second category of participants may not be active.

Purposes of creation.

Such structures are created for specific purposes.

Most often they are:

  • Receive economic benefits;
  • Receive mutual assistance.

Everyone who is an official member of the cooperative receives a membership book, which records the dates and amounts of contributions you have made.

Agricultural consumer cooperative.

In this case, we are talking about a cooperative that belongs to an agricultural producer. Used in management democratic principles, such as: the participants of the cooperative are provided with everything necessary to run their farms, the management strives to increase the profit of each participant.

Agricultural production cooperative.

This is already a commercial organization. It is briefly referred to as SPK. Moreover, each member of such a cooperative is obliged to personally participate in its work, and all important decisions are recorded in the minutes.

Who runs the cooperative?

Supreme body – general meeting participants. Such a meeting makes all decisions that relate to the work of the cooperative.

The meeting has a very wide range of powers and can overturn decisions made by the board.

Without the participation of the general meeting, the management process is impossible. By the way, the general meeting makes a decision on the admission of members of the cooperative, as well as on their exclusion from the membership.

Credit cooperative

Those who grew up during the Soviet era remember the existence of mutual aid funds. They were often created in enterprises to support workers. In such a cash register it was possible to obtain an interest-free loan, and the cash register was formed from contributions from the enterprise’s employees.

Currently, credit cooperatives operate similarly. Loans, of course, are issued at a certain interest rate, but the investor also receives his own income.

To put it simply, loans are provided to people who are members of the cooperative at the expense of shareholders.

Such an organization does not have the goal of making a profit. Those who need money are given loans, but if you are not a member of the cooperative, you cannot count on a loan.

Work principles:

  • Outsiders cannot manage the cooperative;
  • Each participant has the right to receive financial assistance;
  • All participants have the same rights, and it does not matter what contribution each of them made;
  • Responsibility for the work of the cooperative is the same for all its participants;
  • Joining and leaving a cooperative is a purely voluntary matter;
  • The cooperative must be a member of an SRO;
  • All activities are carried out on the basis of the Charter, which was approved earlier.

What are the benefits of creating such cooperatives? The fact is that these organizations have tax benefits and can engage in investment activities (to the extent permitted by law).

If you are a member of such a cooperative, then in order to get a loan, you do not need to worry about an ideal credit history; no one will look at it under a microscope.

You also don’t have to collect and bring salary certificates and other documents. In addition, if you plan to become an entrepreneur in the future, you can take out a loan and it will be your starting capital.

If we talk about attracting personal savings, then in a cooperative the rates are higher than in a banking organization, by 10 percent.

Main types of credit cooperatives.

There are actually a lot of credit cooperatives. We will tell you about the most famous types.

1. Agricultural type PDA.

Their specialization is lending to the agro-industrial sector.

Example. Several families lead farming. They decided to unite and registered a cooperative. Previously, farmers simply could not purchase expensive equipment, but by uniting, they were able to do this. The result is an increase in the income of each household.

Such cooperatives often enter into cooperation agreements with various banking institutions. The main partner is usually Rosselkhozbank.

2. Housing cooperative.

They are created to solve housing issues of cooperative members. But before joining such an association, first talk to lawyers, as there is a high risk of encountering scammers who will take not only your money, but also your existing housing.

What are the funds of the CCP formed from?

The cooperative receives funds from several sources:

  • From participant contributions;
  • From % for loans issued;
  • funds that are attracted from outside.

Pros and cons of PDAs.

As with any other activity, this one also has its positive and negative sides. Now let's talk about them.


  • You can get a loan if for some reason you are refused by a banking organization;
  • The state practically does not interfere in the activities of the CCP, only exercises reasonable control;
  • Credit cooperatives invest in a specific business.


  • The state does not guarantee the safety of deposits;
  • Lending is more expensive than in a banking organization;
  • Deposits are subject to taxes;
  • You cannot get a loan in foreign currency.

PDA and fraud.

Credit cooperatives are now becoming increasingly popular, because of this, various financial pyramids can operate under such a guise.

To avoid getting caught in their web, follow a few simple tips:

  • Check the availability of PDAs in the register on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • Check whether the CCP is a member of the SRO;
  • If the advertising campaign is too intrusive and aggressive, treat such a cooperative with caution;
  • Avoid co-ops that offer incentives for recruiting new members.

Dacha cooperative

Dacha consumer cooperatives are being created ordinary people. There should be no less than three participants in such a cooperative. A decision made by citizens is sufficient to create it.

The founding document of the cooperative is the Charter, which was adopted at a meeting of all participants. Those citizens who are already 16 years old and have a plot of land located within the boundaries of this cooperative can join a cooperative.

A dacha cooperative can engage entrepreneurial activity, if it corresponds to the purpose of its creation, and it is considered created from the moment it has passed state registration.

Cooperatives of this type can open accounts with banking organizations in the Russian Federation.

All members of the dacha cooperative can:

  • Act in court as plaintiffs and defendants;
  • Seek protection of your rights from the judiciary;
  • Conclude contracts of various types.

In order to reorganize or liquidate such a cooperative, it is necessary that a decision be made by the general meeting of all its participants.

Horticultural cooperative

Usually organized to ensure that citizens' rights to ownership and disposal are exercised garden plots land. Three people can create such a cooperative, and the main document will be the Charter.

Cooperative members are obliged to:

  • Do not harm the environment;
  • Use the plot of land for its intended purpose;
  • Make contributions and pay taxes on time;
  • Within three years, develop a plot of land.

If such a cooperative is liquidated, its former participants do not lose rights to plots and other real estate.

It is possible to reorganize a gardening cooperative if such a decision is made by the general meeting of its participants.

Garage cooperative

Garage cooperatives are a common phenomenon these days. Moreover, this is not just an association of several people, but a legal entity. Therefore, let us define not just the concept, but also the functions of such cooperatives.

How to register a garage cooperative.

If you are a resident big city and at the same time the owner of the car, then the problem of parking spaces is very relevant for you.

Of course, you can park your car in the courtyard of your house, but this is fraught with conflicts with other residents. To avoid this, you should consider creating a garage cooperative.

This is a non-profit organization, generating income will not be your main goal. The procedure itself has a number of features, so we’ll talk about them now.

An initiative group needs to be organized from car owners. This group, in turn, develops the Charter of this cooperative.

Without a Charter, an organization will not be able to conduct its activities legally. Be sure to include sources of financing in the Charter and describe the process of forming a cooperative.

Before registering, open a checking account and accounts for each member of the cooperative at a banking institution so that they can receive contributions.

Then draft a lease agreement. land plot, where the cooperative is located.

I would like to note that it is better to entrust the design and development of all documentation to specialists.

Documentation package for registration.

  • Receipt confirming payment of the state duty;
  • Statement;
  • Minutes of the general meeting.

You will have to collect documentation a large number of, so choose a chairman of the cooperative who can handle the preparation of documents and deal with tax and legal intricacies.

To privatize a plot under garages, you will also have to collect a lot of documents:

  • Passport for the land plot;
  • A copy of the document confirming the right to use the site;
  • Unified State Register certificate;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register.

In the process of creating a cooperative, you need to understand that each member of the cooperative is responsible for the cleanliness and fire safety allocated territory. If violations are discovered, you will be held accountable.

In addition, legislation is constantly changing, so keep track of the latest information.

Housing cooperative

The legislation in force in the Russian Federation gives this organization the following definition: it is a type of consumer cooperative that is created in order to provide its participants with housing, which is built at their expense.

The activities of the cooperative housing complex of the Russian Federation are regulated. Not only ordinary citizens, but also legal entities can join the organization. To create such a cooperative, you need at least 50 participants.

Types of housing cooperative:

  • Housing and savings;
  • Housing and construction;
  • Housing.

Each type has its own characteristics, but LCD and ZhSK are similar to each other. The difference between them is that the participants of the housing complex conduct activities in relation to a house that has already been built, and the participants of the housing cooperative themselves initiate and organize the process of building a house.

As for the housing estate, he usually does not have a specific house in mind. His task is to use the money accumulated from share contributions to buy housing in different properties.

Pros and cons of housing cooperatives.


  • The opportunity to become the owner of your own home, and cheaper than with;
  • It’s easy to join a cooperative: a passport and work permit are enough;
  • There is no need to confirm your solvency.


  • It is necessary to make significant amounts of contributions;
  • If you cannot make contributions, you will lose your property;
  • If you lose your solvency, no one will reimburse you for the money already paid.

How to register a residential complex.

To do this, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service and provide a package of documentation:

  • Application signed by each participant;
  • Protocol with the decision to create;
  • Charter;
  • Receipt of payment of the registration fee.

A cooperative is created from the moment the necessary entry is made in the Unified State Register.

To join a cooperative, you need to write an application addressed to the chairman. Within a month, the general meeting of participants will decide whether to accept a new participant.

Reorganization of consumer cooperatives

The decision on reorganization is made by the general meeting of members of the cooperative.

The Board, in writing, sends each participant a notice, to which is attached:

  • Justification of the need for reorganization;
  • Draft decision on reorganization.

In some cases, reorganization is carried out based on a decision of the judicial authorities.

During the reorganization process, the Charter is necessarily adjusted.

During the reorganization, the rights and obligations of the cooperative will transfer to the legal entity that will be created.

If the cooperative members believe that the terms of the reorganization are unacceptable to them, they can leave the cooperative and demand payment of their shares.

How to liquidate a cooperative

It can be eliminated in several cases:

  • If the general meeting of participants decides so;
  • By court decision if the cooperative has grossly violated the law;
  • If the structure is declared bankrupt.

If the decision is made by the general meeting of members of the cooperative, then 2 protocols are created:

  • A protocol that records the decision on liquidation itself;
  • Protocol on the creation of a liquidation commission.

Within three days after the meeting is held, members of the liquidation commission must notify the Federal Tax Service of the liquidation of the cooperative. Notification must be made in writing.

In the liquidation procedure you will need:

  • Constituent documentation;
  • OGRN certificate;
  • Photocopies of passports of each member of the liquidation commission.

Procedure algorithm:

  1. A decision on liquidation is made and recorded;
  2. A package of documentation and an application for liquidation are submitted to the Federal Tax Service;
  3. An entry is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities stating that the cooperative is in the process of liquidation;
  4. A notice of the liquidation of the cooperative is published in the State Registration Bulletin.
  5. Federal Tax Service specialists come and check the liquidation balance;
  6. The balance is approved, the cooperative is liquidated.

After completion of the liquidation process, the remaining property is distributed among the participants in accordance with how it was stated in the constituent documents.


Summing up our conversation, I would like to note that consumer cooperatives are a relevant phenomenon today. They are created and function quite successfully and benefit not only their participants, but also the state.

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