Why currants shed leaves. Why do blackcurrants fall off? What to do if currant berries fall unripe - urgently save the harvest! The value of black currant

Growing currants on summer cottage, the gardener faces many problems and one of them is dropping berries.

Why do currant berries fall off and how to deal with it?

Currant berries are falling off: the problem is care

It is not at all difficult to understand the reasons why currant yields decrease and the bush sheds its ovaries. Often the problem is caused by a lack of plant care.

1. The presence of old shoots reduces yield.

The reason why currant berries fall off lies in the age of the bush. Young, recently planted seedlings shed almost all their ovaries. The plant still does not have enough strength to produce a full harvest.

An adult shrub, on the contrary, sheds ovaries from those branches that have exhausted all resources. Such shoots must be removed immediately.

Important! Currants need pruning, during which the bush is rejuvenated and thinned out.

When pruning, all old branches are cut out, and new strong shoots grow to replace them, which will give good harvest.

2. Untimely watering leads to loss of berries.

Very often the gardener forgets to water the bush. Untimely watering is another reason why currant berries fall off.

During the formation of berries, the plant needs watering. Dry and hot weather The frequency of watering needs to be increased. Experienced summer residents advise watering currants in several stages:

Once during the formation of berries;

Twice during fruit ripening.

You need to water the currants so that the water penetrates to the depth of the roots.

3. Wrong place for planting shrubs.

The choice of place for planting currants must be approached responsibly. Currants will not be able to grow and fully bear fruit in the shade. Under such growing conditions, the currant berries will crumble. To plant a seedling, it is better to choose a well-lit place.

4. Poor pollination often leads to currant berries falling off.

Currants need cross-pollination. One or more bushes of the same variety will not fully bear fruit. Pollination will be partial and the berries will begin to fall.

For full development on the site, you need to grow several varieties of currants with for different periods ripening of berries that can be fully pollinated.

Important! If your neighbors grow currants, feel free to plant them nearby. For good pollination, the distance between plants can be up to 20 meters.

Currants fall off due to disease

If all growing conditions are met and the yield does not increase, you should pay attention to currant diseases.

Most often, black currants are affected by powdery mildew - this is a fungal disease that appears in May - June. Signs of the disease are visible to the naked eye: the lower part of the currant leaf is covered with a white coating. As the disease progresses, the fungus spreads to shoots and green fruits, which do not have time to ripen and fall off. The pathogen overwinters on young shoots and leaves that have not fallen.

Burning all damaged branches will help get rid of the disease. The bush is sprayed with antifungal drugs. The following composition has proven itself well: 20 g copper sulfate, laundry soap, 10 liters of water. Mix everything and spray the currants regularly.

As a preventative measure, loosening the soil, timely pruning of the bush, and spring spraying with copper preparations are carried out.

What to do if red currant berries fall off?

As a rule, red currants fall off due to a fungus that overwinters in fallen leaves. The disease of red currant is called glass rust. The disease progresses in the spring, when fungal spores spread to shoots, shoots and ovaries. The fruits fall and the yield decreases.

You can avoid infection by promptly removing weeds under the bushes. In the fall, sanitary pruning is carried out, all fallen leaves are removed and burned.

In the spring, the red currant bush is treated with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture. During flowering, the treatment must be repeated, but a 1% solution of the mixture is used for this.

You can prepare a Bordeaux mixture from 300 grams of copper sulfate and 600 grams of lime. The substances are dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Currant pests

The fruits and ovaries of currants fall off due to pest infestation of the bush. If a plant grows in one place for a long time, then with age it becomes vulnerable and is attacked by pests.

. Gooseberry moth- one of the most common pests of currants.

The harmful insect lays its larvae in currant flowers and fruits. Caterpillars emerge from the larvae and gnaw the ovaries from the inside. Damaged berries fall off. Caterpillars overwinter in the ground.

You can get rid of the moth manually. To do this, damaged berries are picked off and destroyed. In the fall, all plant debris is removed from under the bushes, hilled up, and the ground is mulched with peat or fresh manure.

In early spring, the bushes are unearthed, but the manure is left in place. The fire must go away.

. Berry sawfly

This pest damages black currants. Females lay eggs at the base of the ovaries. The larvae hatch into caterpillars that feed on the fruits, gnawing them from the inside. All damaged berries turn black and fall off.

You need to fight the pest in the same way as you fight the moth.

Currant berries are falling off: lack of nutrition

Feed the bushes mineral fertilizers in the summer is not enough, they are not able to provide all the needs of the plant.

Replenish stock nutrients and saving the harvest is quite simple, just take a close look at the currants. The bush itself signals what it lacks.

. Nitrogen deficiency

A lack of nitrogen is manifested by weak leaf color, thin shoots, and poor flowering. At the tops of the bush, the leaves turn yellow and sometimes bluish. The harvest from such a bush is small: the berries fall off before they have time to ripen. In weakened bushes, early leaf fall begins.

You need to feed the bushes with a fertilizer solution. Organics have proven themselves well: chicken droppings, manure or mullein. In the absence of organic matter, urea can be used. One adult bush requires up to 15 liters of fertilizer.

The safest methods for controlling currant pests and diseases

Many gardeners do not want to plant currants in their garden due to lack of time and fear of not being able to cope with growing the crop. However, growing currants is not difficult. The most common problem with currants is berry drop. You can get rid of this, and it is not at all necessary to walk around the bush all summer and identify all its sores. There are complex safe methods, using which you can get rid of several problems at once.

Rule No. 1: any damaged parts of the plant must be removed and burned, loosen the soil under the bushes, and prevent the spread of weeds.

Rule No. 2: Be sure to mulch the soil with herbs: wormwood, garlic and onion leaves.

Rule No. 3: It is advisable to plant around the bush medicinal plants: calendula.

Rule No. 4: Use the drug “Fitosporin” for all fungal diseases, which is biological and does not affect bees. Processed berries can be eaten immediately. The drug is intended for comprehensive disease control.

Currants are one of the most delicious and healthy berries, which is grown almost everywhere. But sometimes, instead of reaping a generous harvest, the gardener receives disappointment. Because the berries begin to fall off even before they are fully ripe.

There are many reasons why currant berries fall off, but in the overwhelming majority this is due to a careless attitude towards this crop. So, why the crop from the currant bush falls off and how to eliminate the reasons, we will consider below.

    Cause of berry shedding

    A large number of old branches on a bush

    Lack of moisture

    Incorrect landing zone

    Lack of pollination

    Defects and pests

    Branches overloaded with harvest



Cause of berry shedding

As already described above, there are many reasons why currants fall off. But at the same time, you can get rid of every problem that caused the berries to fall off if you take certain measures in a timely manner. So, what factors provoke this problem:

  • a large number of old branches on a bush;
  • lack of moisture;
  • incorrectly selected landing area;
  • lack of pollination of shrubs;
  • defects and pests;
  • weather factors;
  • branches overloaded with harvest.

As they say, if there is a problem, then there is a solution. Therefore, it is worth considering in detail how to eliminate all the negative factors described above.

A large number of old branches on a bush

The very first reason why currant berries fall off is the age of the currant bush. If the plant was planted relatively recently, then often the reason why it discards part of the harvest lies in the fact that the bush does not yet have enough strength to fully grow and form berries.

Well, if this happens to an old bush, then this is the first signal that the plant is running out of resources and can no longer fully produce a harvest.

You can overcome this problem in the following way:

  • carry out sanitary and rejuvenating pruning of red and black currants;
  • add fertilizer to the soil;
  • loosen the soil, weed the currant beds, moisten each bush and mulch.

All these manipulations will help the plant restore its strength as quickly as possible and completely rejuvenate. And the result of this procedure will be a good harvest.

Lack of moisture

The second reason why the ovary crumbles is a lack of moisture. If the spring turns out to be dry, take care of watering the currants yourself. And to understand that the cause of shedding is precisely the lack of watering, take a knitting needle and stick it into the soil: if the soil is dry by more than 4 cm, such a plant needs urgent watering.

Incorrect landing zone

The third reason why berries begin to fall off is that the planting area was initially chosen incorrectly. It is important to understand that currants will not ripen in the shade. And if it is planted in such a place, the result will be a fall in the harvest.

Please note that this crop should not be planted in the wind either.

The best option would be to plant the garden beauty in a well-lit front garden. Well, if the bush is already planted in an unfavorable place for growth, then with the onset of autumn, transplant it to another place.

Lack of pollination

The fourth reason for the shedding of berries may lie in the fact that currant bushes are not pollinated. This problem can arise when only one bush is planted in the front garden. This situation can be corrected by planting at least a couple more currant bushes nearby.

One worth highlighting important point: to understand the reasons why the berries fall off, you need to regularly pay attention to the currant bush. Only in this case will you quickly identify the provocateur and eliminate him.

Defects and pests

If your currant bushes are over 10 years old, then you should pay more attention to them. Do not forget that it was from this period that attacks of defects of fungal origin became more frequent and more ferocious.

As a result, the crop drops even green berries. The fact is that the older the currant bushes, the more often fungal defects appear on them. It is possible to identify that the problem is a disease by the following signs:

  1. If white spots appear on the foliage, it means the plant is attacking powdery mildew, which provokes the shedding of berries. First, the fruits are covered with a white coating, due to which the stalks dry out and crumble.
  2. The next defect, which can also cause berries to fall off, is anthracnose. You can identify it by the black dots that appear on the leaf. When anthracnose begins to develop, it attacks all foliage and fruit, which begin to develop brown spots. Further, the bush begins to wither, and the fruits fall off without having time to ripen.

As a rule, insect pests overwinter in fallen leaves or diseased branches that were not promptly removed from the site. The main causes of crop loss are the following insects:

  • fire;
  • sawfly;
  • glass

Timely pruning, cleaning the front garden and preventive treatment will help overcome this problem.

Branches overloaded with harvest

Another problem why a novice gardener often fails to harvest a crop is that the branches are overloaded. Quite often it happens that the year turned out to be very fruitful and the currants are pleasing bountiful harvest only green berries for now.

And when the time comes to pick ripe berries, the gardener discovers that there is nothing to collect from the bush: all the berries have fallen off. In this case, the person is to blame himself. The fact is that if the harvest is excessive, the bush can drop its berries, regardless of whether they are ripe or not.

To avoid such a problem, you need to take care in advance and tie up bushes on which a lot of ovary has formed. In this way, you will help the shrub cope with heavy loads and preserve the harvest.


AND last reason, along which currant berries can fall off - weather conditions. Quite often you can encounter such a nuisance: the gardener has organized proper care for the crop, but there is no harvest.

This problem can arise if the summer is rainy and cool. The fact is that currants are heat-loving plants, and if the weather turns bad, they can simply lose the harvest.

Besides this, if they blow strong winds, then such a factor negatively affects pollination. The fact is that bees do not fly under unfavorable weather conditions. Accordingly, there can be no question of pollination, and if there is no pollination, then there are no fruits.


And in conclusion, it is worth emphasizing that there are many reasons why a gardener observes a large number of fallen berries. But most often the person himself is to blame for the problem. If you devote a little time to the plant and perform the simplest manipulations to care for currants, it will definitely delight you with a good harvest.

Currants are one of the most delicious and healthy berries, which are grown almost everywhere. But sometimes, instead of reaping a generous harvest, the gardener receives disappointment. Because the berries begin to crumble even before they are fully ripe.

There are many reasons why currant berries fall off, but in the overwhelming majority this is due to a careless attitude towards this crop. So, why the crop from the currant bush falls off and how to eliminate the reasons, we will consider below.

Cause of berry shedding

As already described above, there are many reasons why currants fall off. But at the same time, you can get rid of every problem that caused the berries to fall off if you take certain measures in a timely manner. So, what factors provoke this problem:

  • a large number of old branches on the bush;
  • lack of moisture;
  • incorrectly selected landing area;
  • lack of pollination of shrubs;
  • defects and pests;
  • weather factors;
  • branches overloaded with harvest.

As they say, if there is a problem, then there is a solution. Therefore, it is worth considering in detail how to eliminate all the negative factors described above.

A large number of old branches on a bush

The very first reason why currant berries fall off is the age of the currant bush. If the plant was planted relatively recently, then often the reason why it discards part of the harvest lies in the fact that the bush does not yet have enough strength to fully grow and form berries.

Well, if this happens to an old bush, then this is the first signal that the plant is running out of resources and can no longer fully produce a harvest.

You can overcome this problem in the following way:

  • carry out sanitary and anti-aging pruning;
  • add fertilizer to the soil;
  • loosen the soil, weed the currant beds, moisten each bush and mulch.

All these manipulations will help the plant restore its strength as quickly as possible and completely rejuvenate. And the result of this procedure will be a good harvest.

Lack of moisture

The second reason why the ovary crumbles is a lack of moisture. If the spring turns out to be dry, take care of watering the currants yourself. And to understand that the cause of shedding is precisely the lack of watering, take a knitting needle and stick it into the soil: if the soil is dry by more than 4 cm, such a plant needs urgent watering.

Incorrect landing zone

The third reason why berries begin to fall off is that the planting area was initially chosen incorrectly. It is important to understand that currants will not ripen in the shade. And if it is planted in such a place, the result will be a fall in the harvest.

Please note that this crop should not be planted in the wind either.

The best option would be to plant the garden beauty in a well-lit front garden. Well, if the bush is already planted in an unfavorable place for growth, then with the onset of autumn, transplant it to another place.

Lack of pollination

The fourth reason for the shedding of berries may lie in the fact that currant bushes are not pollinated. This problem can arise when only one bush is planted in the front garden. This situation can be corrected by planting at least a couple more currant bushes nearby.

It is worth highlighting one important point: in order to understand the reasons why the berries fall off, you need to regularly pay attention to the currant bush. Only in this case will you quickly identify the provocateur and eliminate him.

Defects and pests

If your currant bushes are over 10 years old, then you should pay more attention to them. Do not forget that it was from this period that attacks of defects of fungal origin became more frequent and more ferocious.

As a result, the crop drops even green berries. The fact is that the older the currant bushes, the more often fungal defects appear on them. It is possible to identify that the problem is a disease by the following signs:

  1. If white spots appear on the foliage, it means that the plant is being attacked by powdery mildew, which causes the berries to shed. First, the fruits are covered with a white coating, due to which the stalks dry out and crumble.
  2. The next defect, which can also cause berries to fall off, is anthracnose. You can identify it by the black dots that appear on the leaf. When anthracnose begins to develop, it attacks all foliage and fruit, which begin to develop brown spots. Further, the bush begins to wither, and the fruits fall off without having time to ripen.

As a rule, insect pests overwinter in fallen leaves or diseased branches that were not promptly removed from the site. The main causes of crop loss are the following insects:

  • fire;
  • sawfly;
  • glass

Timely pruning, cleaning the front garden and preventive treatment will help overcome this problem.

Branches overloaded with harvest

Another problem why a novice gardener often fails to harvest a crop is that the branches are overloaded. Quite often it happens that the year turned out to be very fruitful and currants please with a generous harvest of only green berries.

And when the time comes to pick ripe berries, the gardener discovers that there is nothing to collect from the bush: all the berries have fallen off. In this case, the person is to blame himself. The fact is that if the harvest is excessive, the bush can drop its berries, regardless of whether they are ripe or not.

To avoid such a problem, you need to take care in advance and tie up bushes on which a lot of ovary has formed. In this way, you will help the shrub cope with heavy loads and preserve the harvest.


And the last reason why currant berries may fall off is weather conditions. Quite often you can encounter such a nuisance: the gardener has organized proper care for the crop, but there is no harvest.

This problem can arise if the summer is rainy and cool. The fact is that currants are heat-loving plants, and if the weather turns bad, they can simply lose the harvest.

In addition, if strong winds blow, then this factor negatively affects pollination. The fact is that bees do not fly under unfavorable weather conditions. Accordingly, there can be no question of pollination, and if there is no pollination, then there are no fruits.


Next section

More and more often you can see the following picture: small spots form on currant leaves, and if the weather is not favorable, then deep in the bush a complete lesion appears on the leaves, which merges, the leaf dries out and falls off prematurely. This is nothing more than a serious fungal disease called anthracnose.

The leaves fall the fastest on red and white currants, which sometimes drop leaves even with a few anthracnose spots. This disease is worth paying attention to, as it progresses and can destroy the entire plant.

In black currant, the affected leaf often dries out on the bush, but does not fall off for a long time. Anthracnose forms small ulcers on leaf petioles, stalks, and green shoots. Poor fruiting. The berries themselves are extremely rarely affected.

The fungus overwinters on affected fallen leaves. The development of the disease is facilitated by dense plantings, overgrowing with weeds, and a low location of the site. Currants planted in the rows of the garden, in the shade of trees, are very seriously affected.

The harmfulness of anthracnose is very high. A diseased bush sharply lags behind in its development, reduces the yield next year; with severe damage, growth is reduced by a third, and the yield by half. In winter, up to 50% of the branches on such bushes die off where leaves fell the previous summer. becomes the fact that even with good agricultural technology, subsequently the affected bushes do not restore their general development and are getting weaker every year.

Control measures:

- high agricultural technology, mandatory incorporation of affected leaves into the soil - the only source of primary infection;
- do not thicken the plantings;
- thin out the base of the bush twice (in June and October);
- destroy weeds;
- do not place bushes in lowlands and remove stagnant moisture ( melt water etc.);
- apply fertilizers and spray the “green cone” with 3-4% Bordeaux mixture (300-400 g of copper sulfate + 600 g of lime per 10 liters of water).

By vegetative plant against anthracnose, it is still necessary to carry out at least three treatments in the following periods:

- immediately after flowering;
- 12-14 days after the first spraying;
- obligatory - after harvesting.

When spraying, change the angle of the sprayer boom so that the underside of the leaves is sprayed. For this, use a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes, such as Abiga-pik (40-50 ml per 10 liters of water).

Do not allow currants to be damaged by other pests - glassfly, red gall aphids. Combine treatments against fungal diseases and pests: for example, with a composition including 60 g of Karbofos SP and 40-50 g of Abiga-pika. You can treat the plant twice before harvesting, observing the waiting period.

Other articles in the section:

"Trapper belt" for uninvited guests
Protecting apple and pear trees from scab
Wood corrosive
Why do tree branches turn red and then dry out?
Galls on pear leaves
California scale insect
Types of aphids
Measures to control aphids
Cherry cherry aphid

In nature, this shrub is distributed throughout Europe, the European part of Russia, Siberia, right up to Lake Baikal.

Can grow as single bushes or small thickets. Prefers well-moistened loose soils with plenty of sunlight.

Wild currants began to be cultivated in the 10th century by monks from Kievan Rus. Because of their tart smell, the plant began to be called “currant,” which later gave the name to the fruit bush.

The value of black currant

Leaves, plant buds and berries are all used in medicinal purposes. Has disinfectant properties thanks to essential oils. Used as a diaphoretic, diuretic and fixative.

Chemical composition:

  • Vitamins C, B, P, A.
  • Organic acids.
  • Sugars expressed as glucose and fructose.
  • Glycosides, flavonoids.
  • Pectins.
  • Tannins and nitrogenous substances.
  • Minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

From one hectare of currants, farms harvest up to 30 kg of berries. It is believed that this plant is unpretentious. But gardeners often complain that blackcurrant bushes do not bear fruit and look for reasons.

Why doesn't it bear fruit?

Currant perennial which bears fruit every year. It reaches its peak yield 5 years after planting.

Lack of fruiting in the first year is normal. But if this happens in the second and subsequent years, you need to look for the reason.

Is the landing site chosen correctly?

The harvest can be either very low, just a few berries, or there will be none at all. Perhaps the bush was planted in the shade, where it does not have enough sun, or, conversely, along a fence or building, which heats up in extreme heat and literally kills the currants.

The soil should not be acidic. It is better to lime it in those areas where you plan to plant bushes. This must be done in advance about a year before work. If there is not enough moisture in the ground, the plant may lose its buds. If your blackcurrant does not bear fruit, what should you do? Once again, evaluate the place where your bush grows and move the currants, taking into account all planting requirements.


The climate may not be suitable for the plant. Southern varieties they “wake up” earlier and the buds may suffer from spring frosts. This plant is not resistant to winter frosts and suffers every year, so it becomes obvious why black currants do not bear fruit.

Lack of pollination

There are bushes that do not form ovaries without cross-pollination. It's rare, but it happens. For the most part, currants are self-fertile plants. There is only one way out - to ensure pollination. This could be planting next to a bush of honey flowers.

Diseases can cause lack of fruiting

  • Reversion - in which the bush stops bearing fruit. The leaf becomes longer, with a pointed end. The veins are more pronounced and the specific currant smell disappears. The flowers change color to purple, and subsequently no berries are formed. There are no exceptions, every plant is at risk. Unfortunately, such currants should be uprooted and burned.
  • Kidney mite. It affects young currant buds, developing inside. If you see enlarged, round buds on the shoots of a bush, then they must be immediately removed, that is, torn off. If the plant is completely damaged, we uproot it and burn it. For prevention, we plant garlic between the bushes.
  • The butterfly is a glass glass. It's quite difficult to notice. Observe the plant, if the leaves wither and the ovaries fall off, then the currant may be affected by this pest. The insect is capable of gnawing tunnels inside the shoots. We cut them off until a healthy, undamaged trunk is found, and seal them with garden varnish.
  • By the way, if there are a lot of forest ants on your site, they can also harm currants. They eat away the entire inside of the flower, leaving only the sepals. You need to fight ants with biological methods, if there is no result, we use chemicals.

Armed with knowledge, you will not only be able to determine what your plant is “dissatisfied with,” but also answer the question - why don’t black currants bear fruit?

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