Crafts from fireplace boxes. DIY decorative fireplace made from cardboard boxes

The dream of having a fireplace at home accompanies many throughout their lives. Even the thought itself is pleasant that someday own home It will be great to sit near the fire, enjoying the play of the flames. But these dreams are not always destined to come true.

Cardboard fireplace

Living in an apartment, it is impossible to build a real fireplace in it, and electrical appliance it's not cheap. Therefore, many come up with their own models, made from drywall or even from an ordinary box. We will tell you how to make a natural fireplace from cardboard with your own hands, which really cannot be distinguished from the real thing, the emphasis is only on one hundred percent similarity with the original, read carefully and you will succeed!

There are many various options, more complex and very simple, but it is very important to take the work seriously, do everything carefully and take your time, carefully think through every detail. Only then can you get the desired result.

  • When planning this craft, determine the area where it will be located. It is best to place the fireplace in a place that seems empty and there is nothing to force it. For example, a wall where you cannot place a wide piece of furniture, but a narrow fireplace portal would be just right. Another variant - . It will help close an unsightly corner and become a convenient additional shelf.
  • Next you need to determine the size of the future work. This is done taking into account the area of ​​the area where it is planned to be placed.
  • The next stage is the creation of drawings-sketches of the fireplace in two versions, the first will be a drawing with the indicated dimensions, and the second will be with the final decor. Remember that decorating the building can be called the main process in this work. It is not so important what the frame is made of - the main thing is to decorate it in such a way that no one can even imagine that the fireplace is made of ordinary corrugated cardboard.

Materials and tools

Now you can start searching for materials for this product. To “build” such a structure you will need:

  • The first thing you need to find is a large cardboard box, for example, from under a refrigerator or from under another large household appliances. This material will cost you nothing.

The only difficulty will be finding a large piece of material. If you are not going to purchase a large item packed in such a box in the near future, then you can turn to friends or acquaintances.

Another option, more troublesome but affordable, could be an agreement with the happy buyer of the refrigerator ( washing machine etc.) right in the store that you will take the packaging from him as soon as it is no longer needed. In general, when great desire, you can always find a way out.

  • You will need to buy PVA glue, since you can’t do without it.
  • Polymer glue will be needed for gluing decorative elements.
  • Water-based paint for coating a finished, already glued structure.
  • Transparent varnish, preferably water-based.
  • Color additives of the desired color for water-based paint.
  • Gold paint for painting elements (optional).
  • Expanded polystyrene ceiling moldings - their length must be calculated according to the height and length of the intended fireplace. Moldings and corners, which will also be needed, can be decorated with carved stripes or have a relief pattern. These decorative ornaments you can choose according to your taste. In addition to them, you can purchase elements imitating stucco and small columns with capitals.
  • Set of brushes + sponge.
  • Masking tape.
  • A simple pencil, a tape measure, a long ruler, a paper knife.

All listed materials can be purchased at hardware store or at an office supply store. Naturally, you will spend some amount on them, but it will not be so large as to affect the family budget.

Making a fireplace

Based on the sketch and selected dimensions, it is necessary to draw out the details of the fireplace on a piece of cardboard. It consists of three parts: base, portal, top shelf.

The basis

The base should have a width of 5-7 cm wider than the total thickness of the fireplace, and a length of approximately 10-12 cm more than the width of the future building.

A rectangular box with ribs arranged inside it from several pieces of cardboard glued together is cut out and glued together using masking tape. The photo clearly shows the inside of the base.

You immediately need to decide how it will be attached to the base.

  • It can be installed inside it, fixed to the walls and bottom, and then the open space around the portal will be sealed.
  • Or the box is completely sealed, and the portal is secured with tape on its surface.

Depending on which option is more convenient for you, the gluing of the base will be done: the box is sealed tightly, or left in the form as shown in the photo.

Fireplace portal

The fireplace portal can also be made in different ways: with a solid back wall or a frame one, but in this case the first option will be considered.

Future fireplace portal - rear view

The front of the fireplace can be made from individual strips or from a single piece of cardboard from which middle part. It will imitate a firebox. If the firebox is cut from a single piece of fabric, it must be accurately marked and drawn, then a cut is made along its top, and then the middle of the cut is marked and cut evenly to the very bottom. You will get a kind of window, the edges of which will form the inner side walls of the firebox. They must be secured to the back wall with construction tape.

The firebox ceiling is cut out separately, in advance taken sizes. It is also secured to the back and side walls with tape.

Fastening the base and portal

The middle is marked on the bottom base of the fireplace, and equal distances are measured from it in both directions according to the size of the portal. Next, the prepared portal is installed along these marks and secured to the base with construction tape.

Upper mantel

You can leave the mantel as the top of a box, but putting a heavy vase on top of it won't work, so it's better to make it more rigid. To do this, three or four identical parts are cut out - they can be slightly larger than the thickness of the fireplace portal or exactly the same width.

These parts are glued together thickly using PVA glue and sent under a heavy press. When the panel dries, it will have sufficient rigidity, and it is placed on top of the portal using polymer glue.

All seams of the portal and the base should be taped with masking tape, it is thin, paint adheres well to it, and it will perfectly hold all the parts together.


The next stage is decoration. This is the most enjoyable job, as the fireplace begins to transform and acquire a “marketable” appearance.

  • The mantelpiece is framed by a wide molding. Narrow, neat polystyrene strips can be distributed in different ways. Stucco elements are also used if you provide them. After gluing them, the fireplace will be transformed. Moldings and decorative elements fixed with polymer glue.
  • An even more interesting process follows - the entire structure is coated with white emulsion paint using a soft brush. In places where the stucco molding is fixed, you can paint it with a sponge or a thin brush. The result is an amazing snow-white design.

Further decoration of the fireplace will depend on your imagination - you can leave it snow-white, or you can tint it with your chosen color water emulsion and apply tone to the stucco elements. If desired, they can also be gilded.

  • Then a colorless water-based varnish is applied. Surfaces coated with it can be easily tidied up - just wipe off the dust.
  • After completion of the work, the fireplace is installed in its designated place and decorated with a pot of flowers or a certain number of candles. You can come up with something of your own, original and exclusive. Feel free to get down to business and create.

Fireplace accessories

An interesting solution would be to place several fake logs in the firebox, which can easily be made from the same corrugated cardboard.

  • They are made quite simply - the cardboard is rolled into a tube of the required thickness and glued with masking tape, or its edge is coated with polymer glue and pressed well. Several of these “logs” need to be made, and they should have different thicknesses.

A simple process for making firewood

  • Then several more thinner tubes are rolled up and cut into pieces that will act as knots.
  • The next manipulation is to fit the “knots” to the cardboard “log”. They are also glued with polymer glue.
  • When all the “logs” are ready and the glue has completely dried, you can start decorating them using emulsion paint and gouache.
  • “Logs” can be tinted to match any type of wood and painted the way you like best. IN this option these are “birch logs”.

“Birch woodpile” is ready

  • It should be noted that “firewood” can be of other shapes, for example triangular or square. In this case, you won’t have to make “knots,” but you also need to paint them to look like “chopped wood.”

This accessory will perfectly decorate your fireplace and give it a natural look.

How to make a fireplace with your own hands from cardboard - video tutorial

Starting this creative process, don't be afraid to ruin something. You need to use your imagination and act boldly, but carefully. Perhaps, in the process of creativity, completely unexpected ideas will come to you, and then your fireplace will be unlike any other. You can be proud of your ingenuity and exclusivity. After all, if you made a fireplace with your own hands, and did not buy it in a store, you will look at it completely differently and your attitude towards it will be completely different. In any case, don’t be afraid to experiment, cardboard is not the heaviest material and you can make anything out of it!

The fireplace is becoming increasingly popular, because in addition to performing a direct function, it is an effective decorative element. And while it is quite easy to install it in a private house, it is impossible to do this in an apartment. However, there is an alternative option - to make a fireplace from cardboard boxes.

DIY Christmas fireplace

In anticipation winter holidays You always want special comfort and family warmth. This is exactly the atmosphere that a fireplace helps create, even if it is made of cardboard boxes.

To create it you will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • construction tape;
  • putty;
  • baguette;
  • scissors;
  • paint black and white;
  • ruler or centimeter;
  • glue;
  • pencil.

If the box is too narrow, then we cut out inserts from cardboard for expansion.

We fix with tape the places where the box opens.

This is what the prepared box looks like. But this way the fireplace will be too narrow, so we start working with additional elements.

We bend the cardboard blanks in the form of a corner and glue them to the sides of the cardboard box.

Cut out the top of the fireplace from cardboard. Glue it to the box using glue.

After drying, the fireplace blank looks like in the photo.

Let's start creating the firebox. She may be different shapes, it all depends solely on your imagination. To do this, we make markings, cut the box and bend the cardboard inward.

We cut a strip of cardboard, apply glue to it and glue it to the top of the firebox. Additionally, we fix the parts with tape, as in the photo.

In the same way, glue a strip of cardboard to the bottom of the firebox.

Glue the baguette to the top of the fireplace.

We prepare the putty and process the holes between the baguette.

Apply putty to the inside of the firebox.

After the putty has dried, paint the entire surface of the fireplace with white paint.

Draw lines with black paint to create the effect of rough stone. To do this, you only need to paint the outline. A beautiful fireplace out of the box is ready! If desired, it can be decorated with additional decor.

There are many different ways with which you can make a beautiful fireplace on New Year. Each of them has significant differences, so choose the option that suits you.

In this case, you will need the following to work:

  • carton boxes;
  • ruler;
  • white paint;
  • brush;
  • golden acrylic paint;
  • paper tape;
  • small carnations;
  • pencil;
  • New Year's decor.

Almost in the central part of the box we make markings for the future fireplace.

We cut through the cardboard with a knife on the sides and top.

Along the bottom of the marking we draw the angle of the ruler with a little force. This is necessary so that the cardboard bends exactly along the line.

We draw the angle of the ruler several more times so that the workpiece has the same shape as shown in the photo.

We bend the cardboard down and then secure it with tape along the inside.

From the second box we cut out two blanks of the same size. These will be the walls in the future decorative fireplace.

We fix each of them in turn with tape.

Paint the workpiece with white paint and leave until completely dry. If necessary, you can apply one or two more layers.

We attach the garland to the fireplace using small nails. It is better to bend the ends so as not to get hurt.

On the surface of the fireplace we make an outline of the design. It could be beautiful curls, imitation brick or something else. Choose the option that suits you.

Let's take it acrylic paint golden color and draw an outline. If desired, you can shade it a little to make the pattern look more natural.

In the same way we draw an additional pattern on the fireplace.

As a result, the fireplace looks like in the photo.

We lower the garland, add additional decor and install the fireplace in a suitable place.

DIY fireplace from a box

A beautiful decorative fireplace does not have to be festive. After all, if desired, it can be installed in a room to create a cozy atmosphere. Of course, you will have to put in a lot more effort to create it. But nevertheless, the result is really worth it.

Necessary materials:

  • big box;
  • masking tape;
  • shelf made of cardboard or foam;
  • white spray paint;
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • polyurethane stucco;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue.

We apply the drawing to the surface of the box. Try to take into account all the nuances to ensure that the fireplace has the correct shape.

We cut through central part using a utility knife and bend it. Secure with adhesive tape inside.

Cut out long strips of cardboard. They will be needed to decorate the side parts inside the fireplace. We attach them to the workpiece using tape.

We make decor for the fireplace from stucco molding. In this case it is an imitation brickwork. If you wish, you can do absolutely any option. And of course, the last stage is painting the fireplace. If the coating is not uniform enough, you can make another layer. After drying, we install the fireplace in a suitable place and decorate it at our own discretion.

Fireplace made from boxes: original ideas

Decorative fireplace- This great option for decorating a small apartment. In addition to attractive appearance it has a number of advantages.

Firstly, absolutely anyone can make it, because the process does not require too expensive or hard-to-find materials. You can literally use what you have in your house.

Secondly, this design is safe, unlike the original. Therefore, you don’t have to worry if kids play in the room. And this, you see, is a significant advantage. In addition, the fireplace will suit any interior style. After all, when creating, you can take into account all the wishes and features of the room.

The presented master classes use quite simple ways creating a fireplace. But if you wish, you can experiment, try something new or add interesting additional elements. Show your imagination and then the result will be truly worthwhile.


Many people want to make the interior of their house or apartment original and impressive. Today on the Internet you can find a great variety of truly original and interesting ideas, ideas. Among them, not the least popular decoration is the fireplace. However, not everyone has the opportunity to install a wood-burning stove with a chimney indoors. That is why, as an alternative, you can make a decorative fireplace from boxes. A fireplace made from boxes is one of the most budget-friendly and attractive solutions.

Yes, you can make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands. To do this, you will need packaging from various household appliances and electronics, which you can always find on hand at home. So how do you do this? Read further in the article!

Selection of materials

Before making a fireplace, we need to select suitable materials for making such decorative design. In order to assemble a false fireplace with your own hands, we will need to acquire:

  1. In boxes. There can be many of them various forms and sizes, as well as just one or several large ones. Boxes can be not only different sizes, but also forms;
  2. Wallpaper or plain paper. If you are going to use wallpaper to decorate the portal, one tube will be enough for you;
  3. To glue boxes, wallpaper, paper together, you will need to buy an adhesive base - it can be silicate or PVA glue;
  4. Scotch tape (regular, masking and double-sided);
  5. Paint brushes, sponges and rags;
  6. For basic work we will need a stationery knife and a simple pencil. Additionally, you can get a ruler and scissors, a tape measure and a building level;
  7. If you are going to equip the fireplace portal with a shelf or tabletop, you will need a sheet of plasterboard or plywood.

It is also worth purchasing in advance necessary materials for decorating a fireplace portal. This can be wallpaper on which a print is applied that imitates a classic brick surface fireplace A fireplace made of cardboard can be decorated with self-adhesive film, the surface of which imitates natural minerals, such as marble, sandstone or granite. Classic volumetric patterns represented by various columns, plaster elements, baseboards, and foam decor look beautiful and stylish. The surface can also be painted with simple paint from a can or bucket.

If you want the final result to be a rougher and more uneven surface, it is recommended to use liquid wallpaper, which has a corrugated structure and a rather uneven surface. All kinds of acrylic compositions. This paint is practically odorless, dries quickly and has interesting shades and tones (gold, silver, bronze, sparkles, mother-of-pearl).

Getting to know the varieties

A fireplace, the portal of which has a purely decorative function, may have more advanced functionality and a number of additional features. Such a false fireplace will be an excellent addition and decoration to the electric fireplace firebox. Electric fireplace will be an excellent alternative to a wood stove and can even be installed in an apartment.

Since cardboard and boxes are classified as flammable, it is unsafe to install a biofireplace or gas fireplace in it. For the same reasons, it is strictly forbidden to install a fireplace with a water circuit.

Installation of such fires is impossible not only because of the strong heating of the housing, but also because of the rather large mass. It is also not recommended to install open fireboxes and an electric fireplace with a heating function.

The best option is a modern electric fireplace with 3D with the effect of a burning flame and high-quality sound visualization and lighting.

You can make a false fireplace with your own hands in one of the following styles:

  • The category of modern fireplaces includes fireboxes in the Art Nouveau style. The direction is distinguished by its originality of shapes and sizes. It is possible to have and use contrasting shades, bright, catchy and cold tones;
  • A false fireplace in a high-tech style will look stylish and original. To create the necessary image, you can decorate the portal in one fairly calm and muted shade (black, gray, white, silver, metallic). Complete the look with a mirror or glass decor;
  • The classic style is always appropriate and will be relevant even in ten years. A classic fireplace is a wealth of patterns, ornaments, voluminous decor, and expensive decoration. It is fashionable to complement the frame with columns, candlesticks, and shelves;
  • Rustic style or country motifs will make the fireplace and atmosphere in the room as cozy and homely as possible. For finishing in this direction, natural and environmentally friendly materials. However, for a false fireplace you can use photo wallpaper with a pattern and texture of stone. You can decorate the combustion chamber with firewood.

DIY step-by-step assembly

As it turns out, you can make a fireplace with your own hands quite quickly and on a budget. To do this, you will need to use the following step-by-step guide:

  1. First of all, decide on the room and the specific location in which the structure will be installed. A false fireplace can be island, corner or wall-mounted. The smallest are the corner portals. Also, with the help of a fireplace you can hide some wall defects;
  2. Using a building level, first apply all the necessary marks to the floor and walls and carry out a control check;
  3. The quality of the pre-drawn drawing and sketch of the fireplace plays an important role. Make it as detailed as possible, indicate the dimensions and features of the firebox, portal and each decorative element;
  4. The base can be either several separate boxes glued together, or one large box from under an LCD TV. Double-sided tape is used to glue several boxes together;
  5. We remove unnecessary decor and things that interfere with work from the room. Apply the marks indicated in the drawing to the box using a pencil;
  6. The basis of any false fireplace is a podium, which is responsible for the stability of the structure. The podium must first be strengthened. For this purpose, its sides are supplemented with special cardboard inserts. The ribs must be installed in a perpendicular position to the podium and secured with tape. Each rib has a height equal to the side edge of the pedestal. Also, the sides of the pedestal can be strengthened using several layers of cardboard, which are secured with tape. To ensure that the structure is as stable as possible. The podium is made wider and larger than the portal itself by 80-100 millimeters.

Do-it-yourself portal for a false fireplace

A fireplace in an apartment made of cardboard or boxes can be made of either a frame type or have a back wall. Fireplace instructions or step by step guide for assembly:

  1. If you want to assemble a frame frame, you need to prepare cardboard, which will become the front of your fireplace. We make marks in the area where the hearth will be located and make an incision in the upper part. For this we need a stationery knife. It is also necessary to cut the central part of the portal. We bend the cut sections, they will become the sides of the combustion chamber. A rectangular strip is cut out, the width of which will be equal to the sides of the frame, and the length will be equal to the width of the combustion compartment. After this, we fix the ceiling part with tape and strengthen the inside with frame panels consisting of 2-3 layers of glued cardboard. The frame is installed and secured to the podium using glue;
  2. A portal with a back wall is easier to implement. It can be formed from just one big box. Incisions are made in it, the upper and combustion parts are formed and folded. Next, the portal is installed and secured to the pedestal.

You can complement a false fireplace and make it more functional with the help of a mantelpiece. It can be assembled from one sheet of drywall or plywood. Also, a fairly high-quality shelf is obtained by gluing 2-3 layers of cardboard together. To secure the shelf to the frame, use double-sided tape.

Before you begin cladding the portal, you need to prepare the surface. For this purpose, the cardboard is pre-painted water-based paint, acrylic from a spray can or puttied. This is necessary to obtain a uniform shade and get rid of contrasting spots. As an alternative, you can cover the surface of the portal with several layers of white paper, the so-called papier mache.

For surface cladding, you can use photo wallpaper simulating brickwork, marble, or granite. The rough surface formed by applying liquid wallpaper. You can simply paint the frame or apply self-adhesive film.

The firebox can also be decorated at your discretion: with firewood, garlands. Above the fireplace you can place a mirror, a clock, a picture. On the shelf there are various candlesticks, candles, figurines, photo frames.

Corner false fireplace

You can also make a corner false fireplace with your own hands. To do this, you will need the following step-by-step guide:

  • We find the most advantageous angle for placing the fireplace in a room with good visibility;
  • We make a podium from one large box. We cut the sides and shape them in such a way that they perfectly match the shape of the selected corner in the room. For fastening we use masking tape;
  • To strengthen the structure, we equip the sidewalls with stiffening ribs. To do this, we do it on the sides small sizes using a utility knife. The optimal distance between cuts is 10-15 centimeters. The marks will connect on the inside and bend the cardboard. Next, all excess and remnants of cardboard are removed and gluing is performed;
  • A size for the firebox is made in the center of the portal. Recommended shape: square or rectangle. The top may have a slight rounding of the pores, similar to the arch principle. The lower part is not cut off, but folded inward to form a firebox. Secure with masking tape and trim off all excess;
  • At the next stage it is necessary to form the side walls of the portal. To do this, take two cardboard sheets, the height and length of which are equal to the dimensions of the combustion compartment. We cut them to shape and secure them with masking tape. The top of the fireplace is also formed from one cardboard sheet;
  • We equip the mantelpiece portal from two sheets of cardboard connected to each other with PVA glue;
  • After the glue has dried well, we line the frame with the selected materials.

As an addition, you can make decorative firewood for the fireplace with your own hands. To do this, take cardboard and remove the first smooth layer. We determine the length and thickness of the logs so that they look harmonious with the fireplace insert. To form firewood, you need to cut a strip, which rolls up and can be supplemented with small knots. To form logs, after rolling, it is necessary to glue the edges of the workpiece well with PVA glue and additionally secure it with thread. For small branches, it is enough to cut out a small and very thin strip of cardboard, glue it, dry it and stick it to the main log. Next, the surface is painted with white paint and, after drying, repainted suitable color. To make birch logs, the original color can be left white and after the paint has dried, apply a few strokes or stripes with black paint.

For painting you can use acrylic, oil or gouache.

Anyone can make such a decorative fireplace from cardboard boxes. At the same time, the design and design of a false portal can be very diverse. The advantages of a false fireplace made from boxes include mobility, light weight and environmental friendliness.

In this video you will learn in more detail how to assemble a fireplace with your own hands from boxes or cardboard for an apartment or house. The video shows a Christmas fireplace for the New Year:

During the cold winter period, do not forget that the house, like ourselves, needs a warm, pleasant atmosphere. For example, you can make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands - although it may not be able to warm the apartment, it will definitely add coziness and lift the spirits of your household.

DIY fake fireplace made from boxes

Making a fireplace from cardboard boxes with your own hands is not so difficult - just find large cardboard packaging from furniture or household appliances. For example, a cardboard box from a wide, thin plasma TV is perfect.

Working on the product will take you quite a lot of time - you need to cut out the parts, paint, putty and finish them. Nevertheless, the result will not leave you indifferent - a high-quality fireplace made from boxes with your own hands is very difficult to distinguish from the real thing. And crafts made from felt will help him create a New Year's mood - cute small toys that you can also make with your own hands and decorate the fireplace.

  • First of all, determine the drawing of the fireplace - examples can be found on the Internet, looked at in specialized literature, or developed independently. Print out an example picture for yourself and calculate the dimensions of the drawing according to the size of your box.
  • Draw the layout on the box - use a ruler and ballpoint pen, so that the markings can be seen better. Auxiliary lines can be made with a pencil.

  • Cut out the fire window as follows - stationery knife press deep grooves into the cardboard so that the edges can not be torn off, but bent inside the fireplace.

  • Glue the resulting blades to the back wall of the fireplace using Moment glue.

The preparatory stage is over. Now you can start finishing the fireplace from boxes with your own hands. The master class continues!

  • Cut foam borders the right size for the edges of the hearth, decorative elements - they can be bought at any hardware store. Cut the pieces at an angle of 45 degrees so that later the borders can be folded into rectangles.
  • Glue the elements in the marked places.

  • Glue decorative foam bas-reliefs in the form of angels in the center of the side elements of the fireplace. Top edge decorate with a beautiful plinth, forming a future mantelpiece.

  • From above your product should look like this.

  • Cut out a shelf of the desired size from foam plastic or other lightweight material and glue it on top of the work.

The painting step can take place in different ways, depending on what effect you want to achieve. If you want an aged surface with cracks, fill the entire surface with white drywall putty and blow dry it.

To achieve an even, smooth layer, after puttingty, apply water-based paint in 2-3 layers. It can also be dried with a hairdryer.

Show your imagination - you can also decorate the fireplace using the decoupage technique. A fire can be easily made from candles or garlands placed in the hearth. Alternatively, you can simply print out a large photo of the fire and tape it inside the fireplace.

Such a fireplace is perfect not only for decorating any home - many studios use similar decorations when creating home or holiday interiors for photo shoots.

DIY corner false fireplace made from boxes

If you don’t have a lot of space in the room you want to decorate, you can use this option to make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands, which fits in the corner. You will not only update home interior, but also get an additional shelf.

  • Decide where you want to place the fireplace - the parameters of the future product depend on the size of the location.

  • Make a semicircular slot in the front wall of the box so that it can be folded inward. Cut 2 arcs from the top so that it looks like a corner that you can tightly fix between the three sides of the fireplace: the front and the sides.

  • Cut off the back wall of the box and trim the sides until folding them creates an angle that allows the fireplace to fit snugly in the chosen location. Glue the sides of the corner with tape.

  • Cover the entire workpiece with brick-like construction film.

  • Glue together a tabletop from several layers of thick cardboard that protrudes slightly above the overall body of the product. Glue it on top.

  • Cover the shelf with wood-look film.

  • Instead of a fireplace, place candles or glowing toys in the fireplace.

Thanks to the density of the tabletop, you can place small objects of different sizes on it. Decorative DIY box fireplace ready!

DIY Christmas fireplace made from boxes

We often associate a fireplace with Christmas - it is with its help that Santa Claus, according to the beliefs of many Western peoples, sneaks into the house to put gifts under the tree. Despite the fact that Santa Claus is closer to us, it doesn’t hurt to make a New Year’s fireplace with your own hands from a box. This way you can gather all your relatives near the family hearth, in literally words, on a festive night.

To make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions assume that you have a lot of New Year's decorations for your home, which are also easy to make yourself.

  • Take 3 boxes: wide and flat for the TV and 2 small rectangular ones for the speakers. Glue them together as shown in the image. If necessary, trim the pieces to the same height to achieve the same level.

  • Take another cardboard box and cut out a top border for the fireplace from it, equal in length to the two sides of the workpiece and the front.
  • Glue the border. Decorate it on top with a patterned plinth, as in the first master class. Attach a foam tabletop of the desired size.

  • Cut out many rectangles with rounded ends and glue them in rows onto the workpiece with PVA glue - they will create a kind of bricks.

  • Prime the box fireplace with your own hands in 1-2 layers so that all its parts are the same color. If this is not done, the fireplace may turn out different colors when painting.
  • After the primer has completely dried, paint the fireplace. brown, the baseboards on it are yellow. Alternatively, dip a scouring pad in yellow and lightly dab some paint onto the bricks to give them texture.
  • Decorate the fireplace with all kinds of New Year's toys, and place a luminous garland rolled up in a ball in the hearth - an imitation of fire.

It will be even better if you replace the yellow paint with gold or silver - thanks to it, your fireplace will simply shine!

You can learn another way to make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands by watching the following video tutorial.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Residents of city high-rise buildings don’t even think about the fact that they can install a fireplace in their apartment, and for this it is not at all necessary to do some tinkering brick chimney and contact the fire department. A decorative hearth made with your own hands from a cardboard box is an alternative to the traditional type of fireplace. To create this piece of furniture, no construction skills or skills in working with equipment are required. All that is needed from a master is fantasy and imagination.

The process of creating a fireplace

Before you begin to implement your plans, you need to know what the work process is. Main stages:

  • planning:
  • preparation of available means;
  • manufacturing;
  • finishing and decoration.

Read also the article about in addition to this material.


In order for a fireplace made of a cardboard box to fit harmoniously into the interior of a house or apartment, it is important to allocate a suitable place for it. Most often the fireplace is placed in a corner or in the middle empty wall. Having selected the future location of the “hearth”, they determine the size of the structure. It is recommended to do this directly at the location where the fireplace is installed. For ease of use, all dimensions are plotted on paper. It is best to make a small sketch of the future fireplace, where all the blanks and details of the decorative item will be marked.

Advice! During the work process, you may need other available tools, it all depends on the design of the fireplace and its design.

Making a wall fireplace

A fireplace from a TV box can be made in two ways - place it against a wall (wall-mounted fireplace) or in a corner (corner fireplace). The simplest and most common option is the manufacture of a wall structure. It is made of three elements - a rigid base, a fireplace portal and a shelf. Manufacturing process:

  • First, start creating the base. It must be strong and rigid in order to stand confidently on the floor. To prevent the structure from bending, it is strengthened with stiffening ribs. They are placed inside a rectangular podium in the form of a lattice or in a chaotic manner. The base is cut out from a corrugated box with sides. The upper part of the podium is an additional cardboard panel. The side parts are made of several layers of cardboard glued together and glued to the panels with masking tape.

Important! The width of the base should be 1 cm larger than the fireplace portal.

  • It is best to make a fireplace portal on frame basis. Mark the dimensions of the fireplace window on the cardboard and cut out the upper part with a stationery knife. The plane of the window is divided in half, and the resulting sashes are folded inward. The result is the side walls of the portal.
  • Width interior walls The portal is equal to the width of the ceiling, and the width of the hearth is the length of the ceiling, cut out of cardboard in the form of a rectangle. The cardboard strip is secured with masking tape.

  • Next, we begin to manufacture frame panels. They can be made from cardboard rectangles glued together, or lattice partitions. They are attached to the front of the portal and glued with tape.

  • A sheet of cardboard is attached to the frame.
  • The resulting fireplace portal is inserted into the base.

Advice! Instead of masking tape, where appropriate, you can use PVA glue and paper.

  • The fireplace structure is covered with paper or painted over. The resulting niches in the fireplace frame can become convenient shelves for storing things. To make the walls of the “windows” more rigid, several layers of cardboard are used, glued together.

  • The next step is making and installing the top shelf. Without a top panel, the fireplace will look unfinished, plus you won’t be able to put decorations on it. To prevent the structure from falling, the weight of the shelf should be lighter than the base of the fireplace and portal. They put her on liquid nail or polymer glue.

Making a corner fireplace

A corner decorative fireplace made of a cardboard box can be installed in any free corner of the room. Additionally, a fireplace can hide an unsightly or empty corner space. Stages of making a decorative “hearth”:

  • First, measure the angle. Some install it in a furniture wall.
  • The box is used to form the shape of a fireplace. The walls of the resulting triangle are secured from the top of the corner with masking tape.

  • The base of the triangle is given additional rigidity. In the corners of the structure, including the inside, 10 cm cuts are made and folded inwards. This allows you to get an even fold. The strips are glued together.
  • From part of the box they make a pattern for a fireplace portal or hearth window. The triangle is reduced on each side by 7-10 cm and a mini copy is cut out. Next, it is applied to the large plane of the triangle and cut out. The same cuts are made in the corners, the strips are folded and glued with tape.
  • The back parts of the hearth are made from the corner of a box. For the bottom and ceiling you need two triangular parts. The internal boundaries of the hearth are measured along the resulting opening.
  • Between the bottom of the “firebox” and the bottom of the fireplace, two columns made of several layers of cardboard are attached. This is necessary in order to give rigidity to the structure.
  • It is recommended to cover the corner fireplace with embossed wallpaper. It is better to start work from a corner.
  • A triangle-shaped mantel is attached at the end finishing works.


The appearance of a fireplace from a TV box can be very diverse. The side walls and the front shelf can be framed with relief molding. It will visually divide the fireplace zones. Stucco elements are glued to the resulting areas of the “hearth”, and columns are glued to the sides.

Important! All decorative elements are glued using polyurethane glue directly onto the cardboard. You can use any composition, for example, “Dragon” glue, etc.

After gluing all the decorations, the surface of the fireplace is painted with white paint using a brush. Hard to reach places paint with a sponge. To highlight a particular area of ​​the fireplace, it is covered with colored coloring compounds. Gold inserts look great in combination with white paint. Craftsmen advise applying water-based varnish to the front of the fireplace and side panels - it will prevent the destruction of the “hearth” and protect it from external influences.

Video: making a fireplace from cardboard with your own hands

Some people stick embossed wallpaper onto the fireplace structure. From rectangular panels of cardboard you can make an imitation of brickwork, onto which wallpaper is glued. The “bricks” are secured with liquid nails in the fireplace niche at the same distance from each other. After this, they are coated with water-based paint and allowed to dry.

After all the finishing work, they begin to decorate the mantelpiece. It can also be painted or covered with wallpaper. The stucco molding is covered with tinting. The base of the fireplace is decorated with glued painted pieces of foam plastic.

A decorative fireplace out of a box can be decorated with homemade firewood. They are made from corrugated cardboard rolled into a roll. The branches are made from smaller bundles. They are attached to the log using glue. The resulting firewood is coated with white paint - gouache.

Anyone can make a fireplace from a cardboard box with their own hands. The best assistants in this matter will be the imagination and fantasy of the master.

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