The procedure for carrying out construction control during incoming inspection of pipes, shut-off valves, fittings, equipment and materials. Incoming inspection of steel pipes and connecting parts, list of regulatory documents





1.1. A standard technological map (hereinafter referred to as TTK) is a comprehensive regulatory document that establishes, according to a specific technology, the organization of work processes for the construction of a structure using the most modern means mechanization, progressive designs and methods of performing work. They are designed for some average operating conditions. TTK is intended for use in the development of Work Projects (WPP), other organizational and technological documentation, as well as for the purpose of familiarizing (training) engineering and technical workers with the rules for the production of work on organizing incoming inspection. TTK is designed to determine in construction organization a unified procedure for organizing incoming and acceptance inspection of steel welded pipeline parts (bends, transitions, tees, plugs) intended for connecting main pipelines, technological on-site piping of pumping and compressor stations, and other objects of gas industry pipeline systems transporting gas.

1.2. The card contains instructions for organizing and conducting incoming inspection, a list of used measuring instruments and tools, industrial safety and labor protection requirements when performing work on incoming inspection.

1.3. The purpose of creating the TC is to describe solutions for organizing and carrying out work on incoming inspection of steel welded pipeline parts in order to prevent the launch of low-quality products that do not meet the requirements of the Detailed Design, supply contracts and other established requirements.

1.4. On the basis of the TTK, as part of the PPR (as mandatory components of the Work Project), Working Technological Maps (RTC) are developed for performing incoming inspection of pipeline parts. Working technological maps are developed based on standard maps for the specific conditions of a given construction organization, taking into account its design materials, natural conditions, the available fleet of machinery and building materials, tied to local conditions. Working technological maps regulate technological support means and implementation rules technological processes during the execution of work. Organizational features of incoming inspection are decided in each specific case by the Working Design. The composition and level of detail of control are established by the relevant regulatory documentation - TU, GOST, etc.

Working flow charts are reviewed and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the General Contracting Construction Organization, in agreement with the Customer's organization, the Customer's Technical Supervision.

1.5. The technological map is intended for work manufacturers, craftsmen and other line engineers performing work on incoming inspection of steel welded pipeline parts, as well as employees of the Customer's Technical Supervision and is designed for specific conditions of work in the third temperature zone.


2.1. The technological map has been developed for a set of works on incoming inspection of steel welded pipeline parts.

2.2. The work is performed in one shift, the duration of working hours during the shift is:

Where 0.828 is the coefficient of use of mechanisms over time during a shift (time associated with preparation for work and carrying out technical maintenance - 15 minutes, breaks associated with the organization and technology of the production process and driver rest - 10 minutes every hour of work).

2.3. The technological map provides for the work to be carried out by an integrated incoming control unit consisting of highly qualified line engineers and employees of an accredited construction laboratory.

2.4. Work on incoming inspection of pipe parts includes:

- checking the availability of accompanying documentation;

- quality control and completeness control;

- monitoring compliance with the rules and shelf life of suppliers’ products.

2.5. Incoming inspection is carried out in order to prevent the launch into production of products that do not meet the requirements set out in GOST or specifications for pipe parts and supply contracts. Incoming inspection is carried out according to the parameters (requirements) and methods established in the technical specifications, GOST for inspected products and contracts for their supply.

2.6. The main tasks of incoming (acceptance) control are:

- obtaining with high reliability an assessment of the quality of products submitted for control;

- ensuring the unambiguous mutual recognition of the results of product quality assessment by the supplier and the consumer, carried out using the same methods and the same control plans;

- establishing compliance of product quality with established requirements in order to timely submit claims to suppliers, as well as for prompt work with suppliers to ensure the required level of product quality;

- prevention of launch into production that does not meet established requirements, as well as permitting protocols in accordance with GOST 2.124;

Accumulation of statistical data on the actual level of quality of the resulting products and development on this basis of proposals to improve quality and, if necessary, revise the requirements of GOST and TU for pipes;

- periodic monitoring of compliance with the rules and shelf life of suppliers’ products.

2.7. The incoming control must receive products that have been accepted by the supplier's quality control department and received by the construction organization with accompanying documentation drawn up in the prescribed manner. In the absence of accompanying documentation certifying the quality and completeness of products (especially imported ones), and production needs dictate the need to use these products, then their use in production is possible in agreement with the designer after testing for compliance with domestic normative and technical documentation with the obligatory drawing up of a report on its actual quality and completeness, indicating missing documents.

2.8. When carrying out entrance (acceptance) control it is necessary:

- incoming (acceptance) inspection of pipe parts is carried out according to the Plan developed in accordance with the Instructions for conducting incoming and acceptance inspection available in the construction organization;

- check the accompanying documents certifying the quality of the products and register the products in the “Logbook of incoming accounting and quality control of received parts, materials, structures and equipment” according to the form given in GOST 24297-87, Appendix 1;

- check the completeness, markings, appearance of pipe parts;

- carry out quality control of products according to the technological process of incoming control and fill out the Incoming Control Certificate of Material and Technical Resources, the Acceptance Control Certificate of Material and Technical Resources.

2.9. Incoming (acceptance) inspection of pipe parts is carried out in two stages:

First stage control is carried out during the unloading of pipe parts from railway platforms in order to verify the compliance of incoming pipe parts in quantity and quality, by checking the accompanying documentation and external inspection.

Second phase control is carried out after unloading the pipe parts using instrumental control.

2.10. Parts with an outer diameter of up to 80 mm can be bundled or packed in boxes, racks or containers. Parts can be transported by any type of transport in accordance with the current rules for the transportation of goods. Parts must be stored in conditions that prevent them from being damaged. The main dimensions and types of pipeline parts, and their purpose are indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

Part type

Conditional passages
, mm

Steeply curved bend- a part designed to smoothly change the direction of the pipeline

Equal tee
- a part intended for connection to the main pipeline of side branches. It has the same DN of all outlets, thus, when the media flow separates or merges, the pipe cross-section does not change

40; 50; 65; 80; 100; 125; 150; 200; 250; 300; 350; 400; 500; 600; 700; 800; 1000; 1200; 1400

Transition tee

50x40; 65x50; 65x40; 80x65; 80x50; 100x80; 100x65; 125x100; 125x80; 150x125; 150x100; 200x150; 200x125; 250x200; 250x150; 300x250; 300x200; 350x300; 350x250; 400x350; 400x300

Welded tees with overlays

Outer diameter from 530x219 to 1420x325 mm

Transition concentric and eccentric- a part designed to smoothly change the diameter of a pipeline by connecting two pipes along the central axis of symmetry or along the lower generatrix line

40x25; 40x20; 50x40; 50x32; 50x25; 50x20; 65x50; 65x40; 65x32; 80x65; 80x50; 80x40; 100x80; 100x65; 100x50; 125x100; 125x80; 125x65; 125x50; 150x125; 150x100; 150x80; 150x65; 150x50; 200x150; 200x125; 200x100; 200x80; 200x65; 200x50; 250x200; 250x150; 250x125; 250x100; 300x250; 300x200; 300x150; 300x125; 300x100; 350x300; 350x250; 350x200; 350x150; 400x350; 400x300; 400x250; 400x200; 400x150; 500x400; 500x350

Elliptical plug- a part designed to close end holes in pipelines

25; 32; 40; 50; 65; 80; 100; 125; 150; 200; 250; 300; 350; 400; 500; 500*; 600; 700; 800; 1000; 1200; 1400


* The text corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

2.11. Work should be performed in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

- SP 48.13330.2011. Organization of construction;

- MDS 12-1.98 *. Recommendations for creating a quality system in construction and installation organizations (based on ISO 9000 standards);
*According to information published in the "Information bulletin on normative, methodological and standard project documentation"(FSUE TsPP) N 3, 2006 MDS 12.1-98 was canceled on the basis of a letter from the Center for International Quality Systems dated 01/19/2005 N 15-r. - Note from the database manufacturer.

- R 50-601-40-93. Recommendations. Incoming control. Basic provisions;

- Instruction of the State Arbitration Court No. P-6 dated June 15, 1965 “On the procedure for accepting production and technical products and consumer goods by quality”;

- Instruction of the State Arbitration Court No. P-7 dated April 25, 1966 “On the procedure for accepting production and technical products and consumer goods by quantity”;

- RD 03-606-03. Instructions for visual and measuring control;

- GOST 24297-87. Incoming product control. Basic provisions;

- RD 11-02-2006. Requirements for the composition and order of operation executive documentation during construction, reconstruction, major renovation capital construction projects and requirements for inspection reports of works, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks;

- RD 11-05-2007. The procedure for maintaining a general and (or) special log of work performed during construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects;

- SNiP III-42-80 *. Main pipelines;

- GOST 17375-2001. Steeply curved bends;

- GOST 17376-2001. Tees;

- TU 102-488-95. Welded tees with overlays;

- GOST 17378-2001. Transitions;

- GOST 17379-2001. Elliptical plugs;

- GOST 17380-2001. Seamless welded pipeline parts made of carbon and low-alloy steel. General technical conditions;

- STO Gazprom 2-2.2-136-2007. Instructions on welding technologies for the construction and repair of field and main gas pipelines. Part I;

- VSN 012-88. Construction of main and field pipelines. Quality control and acceptance of work. Parts I and II.


3.1. In accordance with SP 48.13330.2011 "Construction Organization", incoming control checks the compliance of the quality indicators of the received materials, products and equipment with the requirements of the standards, technical specifications or technical certificates for them specified in the project documentation and the contract. At the same time, the presence and contents are checked accompanying documents supplier (manufacturer) confirming the quality of the specified materials, products and equipment.

If necessary, control measurements and tests of the above indicators can be performed. The methods and means of these measurements and tests must comply with the requirements of standards, technical specifications and (or) technical certificates for materials, products and equipment.

The decision on the need to introduce, tighten, weaken or cancel incoming control is made by the management of the construction organization based on the characteristics, nature and purpose of the product or the results of the incoming control of the product over the past period or the results of its operation.

3.2. The work covered by the card includes the following operations:

- checking accompanying documents for incoming products;

- visual quality control of incoming products;

- measuring control of incoming products;

- documentation of the results of incoming inspection;

- labor protection and safety precautions during work.

3.3. In accordance with the State Arbitration Instruction No. P-6 dated 06.15.65 “On the procedure for accepting products for industrial and technical purposes and consumer goods by quality” and the State Arbitration Instruction No. P-7 dated 04.25.66 “On the procedure for accepting products for industrial and technical purposes and consumer goods by quantity" acceptance of products by quality and completeness is carried out by the recipient within the time frame - no later than 20 days(for out-of-town delivery).

3.4. Acceptance tests (inspection and measurement) are carried out for each batch of parts for compliance with the requirements of marking, geometric dimensional tolerances specified in GOSTs, and the mechanical properties of the material used to manufacture the parts. Each product from the batch must be inspected.

The batch must consist of parts of the same standard size and the same type of heat treatment. The batch size of parts (pieces) must be no more than indicated in Table 2.

table 2

DN nominal size (nominal)

PN () parts, MPa

By agreement between the manufacturer and the Customer, it is allowed to accept other batch sizes, as well as complete batches of parts according to other characteristics.

Each batch of parts must be accompanied by an accompanying document (passport).

By agreement between the Manufacturer and the Customer, copies of documents on the tests carried out on semi-finished products from which the parts are made, incl. information about the chemical composition of steel, heat treatment, flaw detection, etc.

3.5. Incoming inspection of accompanying documentation

Table 3

Name of the accompanying document

Certificate for the pipeline part

Section 1. Part Details:

Part manufacturer's name and address;

N and date of the specifications according to which the part was manufactured;


Nominal (conditional) pressure PN ();

Batch number;

Mechanical properties of metal;

Quantity, pcs.;

Weight, kg.

Section 2. Information about the semi-finished product from which the part is made:


N of the accompanying document;

Batch number;

N heats to which the tests relate;

Part manufacturer's name and address

Additional information not specified in the passport, but must be indicated in the Product Quality Certificate (for each part)

Name of the organization whose system includes the manufacturer of the bends;

Name of the manufacturer of the bends;

Customer's name;

Symbol of the allotment, including:

Type designations;

Product names;

Bending angle;

Outer diameter values;

Wall thickness;

Brand (class) of steel pipes;

Designations of the standard or specifications for the pipe from which the outlet is made;

Designations of the tap standard;

The serial number of each bend according to the bending work log;

Chemical composition of the tap metal;

Mechanical properties of the tap metal;

Carbon equivalent of the tap metal;

The magnitude of the guaranteed hydraulic outlet pressure;

Designation of the standard or technical specifications for the pipe from which the bend is made

Note: 1. Semi-finished products for the manufacture of parts must have standardized mechanical properties and chemical composition of steel.

2. Data on the quality and properties of semi-finished products must be confirmed by a document from the manufacturer of semi-finished products and appropriate markings, and in their absence, documented test results of semi-finished products by the manufacturer of the parts must be attached.

3. Requirements for the quality and properties of semi-finished products established during testing:

- delivery group;

- category;

- strength class;

- heat treatment;

- control by non-destructive methods;

- tests at elevated temperatures, impact bending, technological (bending around the mandrel, flattening, expansion), hydraulic pressure;

- hardness control, macro- and microstructure, float control;

- type of workpiece (forged, rolled, cast);

- manufacturing features (method of rolling, cutting).

3.6. Visual quality control of pipeline parts markings

Table 4

What is controlled

Results of external examination

The manufacturer must mark each part with paint, embossing or sticking labels with the following general information:

Trademark or manufacturer's name;

Outer diameter(s) and wall thickness(es) (without zeros after significant figures to the right of the decimal point) in accordance with the part designation;

Steel grade;

Standard number;

Batch number;

The letter P on parts for pipelines controlled by regulatory authorities

Additional data on taps

The marking must be applied with light paint at a distance of no more than 200 mm from the end straight end pipes from which bending began:

Branch type;

Bending angle;


Wall thickness;

Steel grade;

Ordinal N of the tap;

Quality Control Department stamp

3.7. Visual quality control of received pipeline parts

Table 5

What is controlled

Results of external examination

The following surface defects are not allowed in parts:

Cracks of any depth and length;

Lagging scale;

Delaminations coming to the surface;



Folds (metal clips)

Surface defects of the weld metal, reducing its strength and density, in the form of:




Lack of penetration;

Undercuts more than 0.4 mm deep;

Pores exposed to the surface

Permissible defects, if they do not take the dimensions of the parts beyond the maximum minus deviations and do not interfere with external inspection and measurements

Variation in thickness;


Minor nicks;


Traces of cleaning and welding of defects;

Edge displacement up to 10% of wall thickness;

Presence of oxide film

Condition of the surface of the thermal insulation coating

The coating must have a uniform black surface without gaps or peeling from the metal;

The edges of the coating must have a smooth transition to the pipe body at an angle of no more than 30°;

The presence of cracks, burrs, bubbles, scratches that reduce the thickness below acceptable standards is not allowed.

3.8. Instrumental quality control of received pipe parts

Table 6

Controlled parameter

Maximum permissible deviations

Tools used

Steeply curved bends

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7.2.1 Incoming quality control of pipes and connecting parts is carried out by a construction and installation organization authorized to carry out work on the installation of pipelines made of polymer materials.

7.2.2 Incoming control includes the following operations:

Checking the integrity of the packaging;

Checking the markings of pipes and connecting parts for compliance with technical documentation;

Visual inspection outer surface pipes and connecting parts, as well as inner surface connecting parts;

Measuring and comparing the outer and inner diameters and wall thickness of pipes with the required ones. Measurements should be made along at least two mutually perpendicular diameters. The measurement results must correspond to the values ​​specified in the technical documentation for pipes and connecting parts. Ovality of the ends of pipes and connecting parts beyond the permissible deviations is not permitted.

7.2.3 All pipes and connecting parts supplied abroad must have a technical certificate.

7.2.4 It is not allowed to use for construction pipes and connecting parts with technological defects, scratches and deviations from tolerances greater than those provided for in the standard or technical specifications.

The results of the incoming inspection are documented in a report in the form given in Appendix E.

7.3 Welding and gluing pipes made of polymer materials

7.3.1 Connections of pipes and parts made of weldable polymer materials must be made using contact heating welding (butt, socket) or connecting parts with an embedded heating element.

a - centering and securing the ends of the pipes to be welded in the clamps of the welding machine;

b - mechanical processing of pipe ends using trimming (1); c - checking the accuracy of the coincidence of the ends by the size of the gap (c); d - heating and melting of the surfaces to be welded with a heated tool (2); d - joint settlement

Figure 5 - Sequence of the process of assembly and butt welding of pipes using contact heating

When welding, it is necessary to select pipes and connecting parts according to delivery batches. Welding of pipes and parts made of various polymer materials is not allowed.

When butt welding, the maximum amount of edge mismatch should not exceed 10% of the nominal pipe wall thickness.

The inner diameter of the socket of the connecting parts must be less than the nominal outer diameter of the pipe being welded within the tolerance.

7.3.3 When butt welding, immediately before heating, the welded surfaces must be subjected to mechanical treatment to remove possible contamination and oxide film. After machining, between the ends of the pipes brought into contact using a centering device, there should be no gaps exceeding 0.5 mm for pipes with a diameter of up to 110 mm and 0.7 mm for larger diameters.

The ends of the pipes during socket welding must have an outer chamfer at an angle of 45° to 1/3 of the pipe wall thickness.

7.3.4 Butt welding of pipes under installation conditions should be carried out on welding installations that provide automation of the main welding processes and computer control with registration of the technological process (see Figure 5).

To prevent sticking of molten material when welding pipes, the heater should be coated with a heat-resistant anti-adhesive coating.

7.3.5 When performing resistance butt welding using welding machines and mounting devices, the following operations should be performed:

Installation and alignment of pipes in a clamping centering device;

Mechanical cutting of pipes and degreasing of ends;

Heating and melting of welded surfaces under pressure;

Removing the welding heater;

Interfacing of heated surfaces to be welded (sediment) under pressure;

Cooling of the weld under pressure.

7.3.6 The main controlled parameters of the butt welding process are: temperature of the working surfaces of the heater, heating duration, melting depth, contact pressure during melting and upsetting. Height h internal and external beads (rollers) after welding should be no more than 2-2.5 mm with the thickness of the pipe wall s up to 5 mm and no more than 3-5 mm with a wall thickness of 6-20 mm.

7.3.7 Resistance socket welding includes the following operations:

Applying a mark at a distance from the end of the pipe equal to the depth of the socket of the connecting part plus 2 mm;

Installation of the bell on the mandrel;

Installing the smooth end of the pipe in the heating element sleeve;

Heating of welded parts for a specified time;

Simultaneous removal of parts from the mandrel and sleeve;

Connecting parts together to the mark with holding until the melted material hardens.

When welding, rotation of the parts relative to each other after mating the parts is not allowed. After each welding, it is necessary to clean the working surfaces from adhering material. The holding time of the welded products until partial hardening depends on the material used.

7.3.8 Marking of welded joints is carried out immediately after the end of the operation on the hot melt of the outer flash at two diametrically opposite points during the cooling of the joint in the clamps of the centralizer of the welding installation or mounting device.

7.3.9 Welding using connecting parts with embedded electric heating elements is used to connect plastic pipes with a diameter of 20 to 500 mm with any wall thickness, as well as for welding saddle bends to the pipeline.

Welding with couplings with embedded heaters is recommended for:

Connections of long pipes;

Connections of pipes with a wall thickness of less than 5 mm;

Pipeline repair in cramped conditions.

Welding of pipelines using connecting parts with embedded heaters is carried out at an ambient temperature of not lower than minus 5 °C and not higher than +35 °C.

In cases where it is necessary to carry out welding at other air temperatures, work is carried out in shelters (tents, marquees, etc.) with heating of the welding zone provided. The welding site is protected from moisture, sand, dust, etc.

7.3.10 The technological process of connecting pipes using couplings with embedded heaters includes:

Preparation of pipe ends - cleaning of contamination, marking, mechanical processing (scraping) of welded surfaces and degreasing them. The total length of the pipe ends to be cleaned must be at least 1.5 times the length of the couplings used for welding;

Assembling the joint (installing and securing the ends of the pipes to be welded in the clamps of the centering device with simultaneous seating of the coupling);

Connection to a welding machine;

Welding (setting the welding process program, heating, cooling the joint) according to Figure 6.

1 - pipe; 2 - mark for fitting the coupling and machining the pipe surface; 3 - coupling;

4 - embedded heater; 5 - current-carrying (welding) wires

Figure 6 - Welding pipes using a coupling with an embedded heater

Before machining, markings of the coupling seating depth are applied to the ends of the pipes to be welded to a length of 1/2 the length of the coupling to indicate the processing zone.

Mechanical processing of pipe ends involves removing a layer of material 0.1-0.2 mm thick from the surface of the marked end of the pipe, as well as removing burrs. The gap between the welded surfaces of the pipe and the socket part should not exceed 0.3 mm.

The surfaces of the pipes to be welded after machining and the couplings are thoroughly degreased by wiping with compounds specially recommended for these purposes.

Couplings with embedded heaters, supplied by the manufacturer in individual sealed packaging, opened immediately before assembly, are not subjected to degreasing.

7.3.11 The tolerance for perpendicularity of the ends of the pipes and the maximum gap between them are given in tables 3 and 4 (Figure 7).

Figure 7 - Setting the gap when joining pipes

Table 3 - Tolerance for perpendicularity of pipe ends

In millimeters

Outside diameter

Table 4 - Maximum allowable gap between two pipes

In millimeters

7.3.12 The assembly process includes:

Putting the coupling on the end of the first pipe until the ends of the coupling and the pipe are aligned, securing the end of the pipe in the clamp of the mounting device;

Installing the end of the second pipe against the end of the first pipe and securing it in the clamp of the mounting device;

Slide the coupling onto the end of the second pipe 1/2 the length of the coupling until it stops in the clamp of the device or to the mark marked on the pipe;

Connecting current-carrying wires from the welding machine to the coupling terminals.

To avoid damage to embedded heaters (wire electric spirals), putting the coupling on the end of the pipe or inserting the end of the pipe into the coupling is done with care without much effort, distortion or twisting.

The assembled pipes are laid straight without bending or sagging; the coupling's current supply terminals are positioned so that they can be easily serviced. The parameters of the welding modes are set on the welding machine depending on the range of couplings or read from a bar code from the coupling or magnetic card using a sensor, depending on the type of couplings and welding machines used. After turning on the device, the welding process takes place automatically.

After heating is completed, the welded joint can be moved no earlier than after 20 minutes of cooling.

7.3.13 Welding of saddle bends to pipes (Figure 8) is carried out in the following sequence:

Mark the welding location of the bend on the pipe;

The surface of the pipe at the welding site of the outlet is cleaned and then degreased;

The welded surface of the outlet, if it is supplied by the manufacturer in sealed individual packaging, opened immediately before assembly, is not subjected to degreasing;

The bend is installed on the pipe and attached to it using a mechanical clamp;

Welding wires are connected to the contact terminals of the current conductor and welding is performed.

a - outlet with a saddle heater; b - outlet with a ring heater; 1 - pipe; 2 - marks for fitting bends and mechanical treatment of the pipe surface; 3 - outlet; 4 - embedded heater; 5 - half clamp; 6 - fastening screws; F - direction of compression force of the bend during assembly and welding

Figure 8 - Welding saddle bends with embedded heaters with a pipe

After cooling, the pipe wall is drilled (milled) through the welded outlet pipe to connect the internal cavities of the outlet and the pipe.

7.3.14 Quality control of welded joints is carried out in accordance with regulatory documentation. To assess the quality of welded joints made using couplings and bends with embedded heaters, coupling joints are tested for flattening, and saddle bends are tested for tensile strength.

7.3.15 Pipes made of non-welded polymeric materials, including glass and basalt plastic, are glued together and with overlapping shaped parts.

7.3.16 The surfaces to be glued must undergo special mechanical treatment, be degreased, and coated with glue.

7.3.17 The composition of the adhesive or its brand must correspond to the pipeline material.

7.3.18 The configuration and dimensions of adhesive joints must be made according to special regulations, taking into account the pipes used, service life and installation technology.

7.3.19 The regulations must indicate the gluing technology, including technological processes for surface preparation, and, if necessary, the preparation of the glue itself, the gluing process itself, the time before testing the connection, indicating the necessary parameters.

7.1 Pipe products arriving at construction sites are subject to incoming inspection, carried out in two stages, including inspection and rejection (for pipe products subject to technical supervision in accordance with RD-03.100.50-KTN-122-13).

7.2 The first stage of incoming inspection is carried out by the customer’s representative during the process of unloading the products at the destination. According to the customer’s decision, the first stage of incoming inspection is carried out jointly with a representative of the customer’s construction control. The involvement of specialists from the customer’s construction control body for the first stage of incoming inspection is carried out on a separate application.

7.3 During the first stage of incoming control, the following is performed:

Checking incoming products for compliance technical requirements, working documentation, quality certificates (or declarations of conformity);

Checking the presence of markings according to requirements regulatory documents, as well as their compliance with the data specified in passports and certificates;

Reconciliation of serial numbers of products with technical supervision data for products that have been accepted by the customer’s technical supervision representative at the manufacturing plant and shipped to the customer (only for regulated products supplied by third-party organizations (not OST) that carry out re-stacking of MT during the work (not included to the OST Development Program) for reconstruction railway tracks, highways and other communications, and having direct contracts with Transneft Nadzor LLC for construction control and technical supervision services);

Checking the availability of originals (or duly certified copies) of passports and certificates (or declarations of conformity) certifying the compliance of products with the specifications for delivery;

Checking the presence in passports and certificates (or declarations of conformity) of a mark on the acceptance of products by the customer’s technical supervision at the manufacturing plant;

Checking products for damage that occurred during transportation.

7.4 Based on the results of the first stage of incoming inspection, an incoming inspection report is drawn up in the form of Appendix A OR-03.100.50-KTN-120-10. If a decision is made about product non-conformity, claims work is carried out in accordance with contractual obligations.

7.5 The second stage of control is carried out on a commission basis with the participation of representatives of the work manufacturer, the quality control service of the contractor, the Customer and the Customer’s construction control and in accordance with technological maps incoming control, included in the agreed and approved PPR, after unloading at the construction site (storage site) using instrumental control means. The results of the second stage of incoming inspection of materials and equipment are documented in an Act in form 3.3 VSN 012-88.

7.6 When performing work on incoming inspection of connecting parts and shut-off valves, as well as at the second stage of incoming inspection of pipe products, the following is carried out:

1) inspection of pipes and pipeline parts:

For the absence of unacceptable mechanical damage, metallurgical defects and corrosion, including delaminations extending to the edges and surfaces of products, nicks, scratches, dents on the body and at the ends;

The amount of deviation of the pipe diameter and wall thickness from the nominal dimensions;

For compliance with the magnitude of deviations of the chamfer angle, the bevel of the cutting ends, the ovality at the ends, the curvature of the pipes and the removal of reinforcement inseam requirements of current standards and regulations;

The thickness of the pipe wall and the thickness of the factory insulation;

The width of the uninsulated part of the pipe edge;

Angle of cutting of pipe edges and factory insulation;

The availability of accompanying documentation and the completeness of the data contained in it; availability of specifications of the product manufacturer and compliance of supplied materials with these specifications;

For the presence of markings and their compliance with passport data and the manufacturer’s specifications;

For the absence of unacceptable surface defects of welds;

2) control of the repair of pipes that have acceptable surface defects, using technology that meets the requirements of current norms and rules, with the execution of acts in the established form;

3) monitoring the condition of shut-off valves (valves), check valves, safety and control valves, pumping equipment;

4) control of the correct storage of pipes, pipeline parts, fittings and equipment;

5) checking the availability of originals (or duly certified copies) of certificates (or declarations of conformity) and passports, their compliance with incoming materials, products and equipment (including compliance of the equivalent carbon content with design solutions);

6) parameter measurement:

Pipe ends, parts (diameter, ovality, wall thickness, dents);

Outer diameter of pipe body, parts;

Deviations in wall thickness at the ends;

Pipe edge parameters, details;

Pipe curvature;

Bevels for cutting the ends of pipes and parts;

Quality of pipe surfaces and welds;

Ultrasonic thickness measurement of pipe walls;

7) bending quality control:

Checking the absence of defects in the stretched part of the seam;

Monitoring the places of deformation of cold bending bends

Checking the ovality of the ends of bends and the curved part

7.7 Methods and scope of control.

1) Visual and measuring control:

Visual 100% of all pipes, fittings and valves,

Instrumentally in a volume of 5% selectively, plus products (pipes, parts), ultrasonic thickness gauging of the pipe wall in a volume of 5% selectively, if one pipe with unacceptable parameters is detected - 100% control of the entire batch of pipes.

2) For pipes with a factory insulating coating, the following is additionally carried out:

Control of the continuity of the factory insulating coating (continuity check - 5% of pipes, if a defect is detected, the scope of the inspection doubles, if a defect is detected again, the entire batch is rejected);

Measurement of the thickness of the insulating coating (electromagnetic (magnetic) thickness gauging of the insulating coating in a volume of 5% selectively, when one pipe is detected with unacceptable coating parameters according to appearance– 100% batch control).

3) For pipes with factory thermal insulation coating additionally carried out:

Control of the thickness of the thermal insulation coating;

Monitoring the integrity of the thermal insulation coating.

7.8 Timing of the QC.

7.8.1 The performer of the work shall notify the deadlines for completing the work and submitting it for inspection in a time sufficient to mobilize the inspection specialists, but not less than 1 day in advance. Notification of the inspection body about the need to carry out control measures for the acceptance of completed work in the event of the need to present work that requires specialized monitoring and measuring equipment is carried out 3 working days in advance.

7.8.2 The timing of routine work for the implementation of construction control during the incoming inspection of pipes, shut-off valves, fittings, equipment and materials during the construction of the linear part of the main oil pipeline and the main oil pipeline must be calculated based on the volume of construction and installation work performed, taking into account 100% visual and 5% instrumental control, but should not exceed 1 working day after the work is submitted for control/inspection by the construction contractor.

7.8.3 Control of the completeness of execution of as-built documentation is carried out by the IC personnel daily upon completion of the relevant work at the facility.

7.8.4 Routine work on the implementation of construction control during the incoming inspection of pipes, shut-off valves, fittings, equipment and materials during the construction of the linear part of the main pipeline and the multi-port pipeline is shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - Routine work on the implementation of construction control during the incoming inspection of pipes, shut-off valves, fittings, equipment and materials.

Stage number Name of work or technological stages Object, control parameters A document confirming the completion of the stage and the control performed Document of the inspection system based on the results of the performed inspection
7.1 Carrying out routine work on incoming inspection at the first stage (carried out for pipe products subject to technical supervision in accordance with RD-03.100.50-KTN-122-13). Control of accompanying documents for shut-off valves, fittings, equipment and materials.
7.1.1 Monitoring the completeness of passports, certificates (or declarations of conformity) of the manufacturer. Control parameters are determined by RD-93.010.00-KTN-011-15, OR-03.100.50-KTN-120-10, PD and PPR: 1. Compliance of the supplied equipment with the project requirements for strength and operational characteristics, climatic version and operating conditions. 2. Availability of originals (or duly certified copies) of certificates (or declarations of conformity) certifying the compliance of shut-off valves and shaped products with the delivery specifications with an acceptance stamp. 3. Checking the availability of accompanying documentation for spherical bottoms (passports, certificates (or declarations of conformity), technical specifications): original documents or duly certified copies must be submitted;
7.1.2 4. Availability of markings in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. 5. Availability of a passport with signatures and seals of representatives of the quality control department and inspection committee. Constantly. 100% for each document. 1. Entries in the “Incoming Control Log”. 2. Warnings and Precautions. 3. Journal of comments and suggestions. 4. Journal of the customer’s insurance company. 5. Contractor's inspection journal.
7.1.3 Preparatory work Control parameters are determined by OR-03.100.50-KTN-120-10, VSN 008-88, Rostechnadzor Order 533 dated November 12, 2013, OR-03.100.50-KTN-120-10, PD and PPR: 1. Unloading pipes, shut-off fittings, shaped products using grippers equipped with liners and linings. 2. Compliance of the storage site with the requirements. 3. Pipe storage. Visual -100%.
7.1.4 Instrumental – 5%. Roulette. 3. Journal of comments and suggestions. 1. Incoming control log.
7.2 Carrying out routine maintenance on incoming inspection of connecting parts and shut-off valves, as well as at the second stage of incoming inspection of pipe products
7.2.1 Quality control of pipes, shut-off valves, fittings, materials and equipment using instrumental control. Checking for compliance with OTT and RD-23.040.00-KTN-073-15 in terms of: - absence of unacceptable mechanical damage, metallurgical defects and corrosion, including delaminations extending to the edge and surface of products, nicks, scratches, dents on the body and at the ends; - deviations of the pipe diameter and wall thickness from the nominal dimensions; - compliance of the magnitude of deviations of the chamfer angle, the bevel of the ends of the cut, the ovality at the ends, the curvature of the pipes and the removal of the reinforcement of the internal seam with the requirements of the current norms and regulations; + - lengths of uninsulated sections of pipe ends; - presence of markings and compliance with passport data; - absence of unacceptable defects in welds;
7.2.2 - thickness and continuity of the insulating coating. Checking the fittings for compliance with the requirements of the project, RD-23.040.00-KTN-073-15 and OTT in terms of: - absence of unacceptable mechanical damage, metallurgical defects and corrosion; - absence of delaminations extending to the edges and surfaces of products; - absence of nicks, burrs, scratches, dents on the body, ends and connecting surfaces; + - the magnitude of the deviation of the wall thickness from the nominal size; - compliance with the design of the deviations of the chamfer angle and factory cutting of edges for welded valves;
7.2.3 - ovality at the ends for welded products; - smooth movement of all moving parts of the fittings; - integrity and absence of damage to the steering wheel, handles (controls), protective insulation. Visual - 100%.
7.2.4 Instrumental - in the amount of 5% of the party. If a defect is detected, the volume of inspection is 100% of the batch. Magnifier. Visual -100% of the entire testing process. 1. Customer’s IC journal. for construction.
7.2.5 2. Journal of comments and suggestions. 3. Certificate of hydraulic testing of shut-off valves. 4. Warnings and Precautions. 5. General work log. for construction.
6. Contractor's IC journal.

Permission for shipment for export to the route of products that have passed incoming control.** Processing of incoming inspection results. Marking of products certified by construction control: “P” - suitable;

“R” - requiring repair;

“U” - fit after repair;

“B” - unsuitable: Visual method for the presence of markings inside the pipe cavity with indelible paint. 1. Report on the results of testing products for compliance with technical documentation in form 3.3 VSN 012-88.

2. Entry in the incoming inspection log 3. Customer's inspection log.

4. Contractor's inspection journal.

* - control devices and instruments in accordance with OR-91.200.00-KTN-284-09.

**- permission from the Investigative Committee to carry out subsequent stages of work is issued in the cases specified in clause 7.2.16 OR-91.200.00-KTN-108-16.

8 The procedure for carrying out construction control during the incoming inspection of insulating and

thermal insulation materials

, preparation of the pipeline surface and application of insulating and thermal insulation coating

8.1 During the incoming inspection of insulating materials, the following is checked:

Compliance of heat-shrinkable cuffs with the requirements of the project, manufacturer's specifications, other norms and regulations; completeness and warranty periods


Instrumentally (width, tape thickness, adhesion to a primed steel surface and overlap)* – 1 sample per batch, but not less than 1 sample per 50 rolls

2) selectively checking the quality of the primer (glue, primer):

Inspection (uniformity), packaging integrity, labeling, expiration date

Instrumentally - density[*], viscosity*, dry residue*, adhesion* – 1 sample per batch.

8.4 Timing of the QC.

8.4.1 The performer of the work shall notify the deadlines for completing the work and submitting it for inspection in a time sufficient to mobilize the inspection specialists, but not less than 1 day in advance. Notification of the inspection body about the need to carry out control measures for the acceptance of completed work in the event of the need to present work that requires specialized monitoring and measuring equipment is carried out 3 working days in advance.

8.4.2 The timing of routine work on the implementation of construction control during the incoming inspection of insulating and heat-insulating materials, preparing the surface of the pipeline and applying an insulating and heat-insulating coating during the construction of the linear part of the main pipeline and the MNPP should be calculated based on the volume of construction and installation work performed, taking into account 100% of the visual and 5% of instrumental control, but should not exceed 1 working day after the work is submitted for control/inspection by the construction contractor.

8.4.3 Control of the completeness of the execution of as-built documentation is carried out by the IC personnel daily upon completion of the relevant work at the site with a note in the construction control log of the customer and contractor.

8.4.4 Routine work on the implementation of construction control during the incoming inspection of insulating and heat-insulating materials, preparation of the pipeline surface and application of insulating and heat-insulating coating during the construction of the linear part of the main pipeline and the MNPP are given in Table 3.


Table 3 - Routine work on the implementation of construction control during the incoming inspection of insulating and thermal insulation materials, preparation of the pipeline surface and application of insulating and thermal insulation

Stage no. Name of work or technological stages Object, control parameters Method and scope of control by the insurance company Control devices and tools* A document confirming the completion of the stage and the control performed Document, IC based on the results of the control performed
8.1 Preparatory work
8.1.1 Monitoring the compliance of insulating and heat-insulating materials (including repair ones) with the requirements of the project and OTT. 1. Availability of production certification of the technology for applying the insulating coating and quality control of the application of the insulating coating. 2. Availability of passports and certificates of conformity for insulating materials. 3. Correspondence of the batch number on the packaging to the number indicated in the passport. 4. Compliance with the type of insulating coating specified in the project. 5. No through damage to the insulating coating. 6. Compliance of the completeness of the supplied insulating materials with the requirements of the manufacturer’s specifications (TUM
8.1.2 linear dimensions , thickness, locking plate, two-component primer, along-seam applicators) Visual -100% Instrumental – 5% of the part Micrometer Vernier caliper Tape measure 1. Report on the results of testing products for compliance with technical documentation in form 3.3 VSN 012-88. -
8.1.3 2. Journal of incoming control 3. Journal of comments and suggestions. 4. Prescription 5. Customer's IC journal. 6. Contractor's IC journal. Checking the conditions of transportation and storage of insulating materials, materials included in the set of thermal insulation of joints, instruments and equipment used for applying TUM and thermal insulation couplings. -
8.2 1. Place, method, storage conditions that exclude their damage, moisture and contamination in accordance with the requirements of the specifications for materials.
8.2.1 Quality control of insulation of welded joints using heat-shrinkable sleeves during underground and above-ground laying of an oil pipeline Cleaning the weld joint surface Control parameters are determined by the instructions of the manufacturers and the specifications of the materials used, PD, RD-23.040.00-KTN-366-09. 1. Degreasing with technical acetone. 2. Drying. 3. Compliance with the design of the materials used for sandblasting. 4. Degree of cleaning of welded joints. 5. Degree of roughness. 6. Degree of dust removal. Instrumental – 100% welded joints Cleaning standard, TK-5M Constant – K5 Adhesive transparent tape roughness sample, dust removal template 1. Journal of insulation-laying work and insulation repair 2. Journal of comments and suggestions. 3. Prescription. 4. Customer's IC journal. 5. Contractor's inspection journal. Application of epoxy primer. Acts of visual and measuring control (In the amount of % control) Carrying out repairs to areas of damage to factory insulation and TUM after testing for adhesion. 1. Incoming inspection of repair materials 2. Availability of certified technology for repairing insulating coatings. Visual -100%. 1. Journal of insulation-laying work and insulation repair 2. Journal of insulation repair. 3. Customer's IC journal. 4. Contractor's inspection journal. 6. Degree of dust removal. Checking the continuity of the insulating coating and the application of heat-shrinkable sleeves. 1. Correctness of inspection in accordance with the operating instructions for the flaw detector. 2. No damage to the insulating coating before lowering. Contractor's laboratory in the presence of an IC engineer. Electrical flaw detector with voltage of 5 kV per 1 mm of pipe insulation thickness + 5 kV for air gaps 1. Certificate of control of the continuity of the insulating coating. 2. Warnings and regulations. 3. Customer's IC journal. 4. Contractor's inspection journal. If it is necessary to insulate the joints of pipes, bent bends, fittings, LZs, etc., having different types factory insulation, a corresponding technical solution is developed, agreed upon and certified in a generally accepted manner. 1. No damage to the insulating coating before admission into the trench. Visual -100%. Instrumental - 100%. Electrical flaw detector with voltage of 5 kV per 1 mm of pipe insulation thickness + 5 kV for air gaps Contractor's laboratory in the presence of an IC engineer. 1. Certificate of control of the continuity of the insulating coating. -
8.3 2. Prescription.
Installation of couplings at the joints of pipes with thermal insulation coating. Control parameters are determined by OTT-25.220.00-KTN-176-15 and OTT-25.220.00-KTN-179-15. 1. The quality of application of heat-shrinkable cuffs. 2. Dust removal of applied cuffs. 3. Quality of installation of couplings. 4. Compliance with the technology of pouring material into couplings.
5. Quality of sealing of couplings.

Visual -100% Instrumental – 100%

Probe, Ruler.

  1. Duct tape
  2. 1. Journal of insulation-laying work and insulation repair 2. Journal of comments and suggestions.
  3. 3. Adhesion test report.
  4. 4. Prescription.
  5. 5. Customer's IC journal.
  6. 6. Contractor's IC journal.
  7. 1. AOSR/Permit for laying the pipeline** (in case of expiration of the permit specified in the AOSR for the previous stage of work, it is valid for 3 calendar days from the date of issue of the permit) 2. VIC acts (In the amount of % control).

* - instruments and control tools in accordance with OR-91.200.00-KTN-284-09 ** - IC permission to perform subsequent stages of work is issued in the cases specified in clause 7.2.16 OR-91.200.00-KTN-108 -16.

  • Incoming inspection of pipes and connecting parts should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01.-85*
  • When incoming inspection of pipes and connecting parts, the following should be checked:
  • Pipe size
  • Number and date of technical specifications
  • Steel grade
  • Batch number

Results of mechanical tests indicating which heat numbers these tests relate to

  • Number and date of technical specifications
  • Hydraulic test results

X-ray result (if necessary)

On the inner surface of each pipe at a distance of 500 mm from one of the ends, the following markings must be applied with indelible paint:

  • manufacturer
  • heat number
  • nominal dimensions
  • pipe number

If delaminations are detected, based on the results of additional ultrasonic testing, the ends of the pipes with delamination must be cut out. In areas affected by corrosion, the wall thickness of pipes or parts should not exceed the minus tolerances established by the technical specifications for delivery. The wall thickness in this area must be measured using an ultrasonic thickness gauge with an accuracy of at least 0.1 mm.

Pipes are considered suitable provided that:

  • less than 200 mm from the end does not exceed for pipes with a diameter see GOST 10705-80, 20295-80.3262-75, etc.
  • deviations in wall thickness at the ends do not exceed the limit values ​​regulated by the relevant GOST 10705-80, 20295-80, 3262-75, etc.
  • The ovality of seamless pipes does not take their outer diameter beyond the maximum deviations, GOST 10705-80, 20295-80, 3262-75, etc.
  • the curvature of the pipes does not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 m of length, and the total curvature is no more than 0.2% of the pipe length, the cutting angle of the pipe ends does not exceed 2.0 mm.

1.4. It is allowed to clean scratches, scratches and burrs with a depth of more than 5% of the thickness on the surface of pipes and parts, as well as surface areas affected by corrosion, provided that the wall thickness after eliminating the defects does not exceed the established tolerances.

1.5. It is allowed to correct smooth dents at the ends of pipes with a depth of no more than 3.5% of the pipe diameter. Straightening should be carried out using shockless expansion devices. At ambient temperatures below 5 degrees. C, and on pipes of strength class 42 and above - regardless of the ambient temperature, straightening must be carried out with mandatory heating at 100 - 150 degrees. WITH.

1.6. It is allowed to repair by welding defects in pipe edges (nicks, burrs) with a depth of no more than 5 mm, followed by mechanical cleaning of the defect correction areas until the required bevel of the edges is restored.

1.7. Rejection of pipes is carried out by representatives of the construction and installation organization, the customer, and the customer’s technical supervision. A report is drawn up for rejected pipes, which must contain the following data:

  • Name of supplier plant
  • Pipe diameter and wall thickness
  • steel grade
  • Certificate number, pipes, melts
  • Date of receipt of pipes and time of their examination
  • The exact name of the detected defects, their configuration and location
  • Possibility of using pipes for this construction

Pipe quality control does not end with inspection at the unloading site. Monitoring the condition of the pipes continues throughout the entire period of pipeline construction.
When accepting pipes with a factory insulating coating, the condition of the coating is also checked. visual method, and, if necessary, by the instrumental method (using a spark flaw detector). If damage is detected, a report is drawn up containing the following data:

  • Place and date of inspection of the insulating coating of pipes;
  • Pipe number and location of the defect;
  • Type of defect (depth, area).

Incoming inspection of welding materials.

2.1. Each batch of electrodes must have a certificate indicating the brand (type) of electrodes, their diameter, manufacturer, date of manufacture, chemical composition wire and the result of testing the properties of the deposited metal. The use of welding materials without a manufacturer’s certificate is strictly prohibited.

2.2.The quality and integrity of the packaging and the guaranteed shelf life are checked.

2.3. To check the compliance of electrodes with GOST requirements for coating quality, at least 10 and no more than 200 electrodes per batch are selected from each packaging unit from different packs.

Selected electrodes are subjected to external inspection without the use of image magnification devices. The following detected defects are measured:

The length of dents, hairline cracks, areas of mesh cracking on the surface of the coating and bare areas of the rod with an error of no more than 1 mm (using a ruler), and also record the presence of bare areas of the rod, the depth of marks, dents, scuffs, and the size of pores on the surface of the coating.

2.4. The coating of the electrodes must be uniform, dense, durable, without swelling, sagging, tears or cracks; superficial hairline cracks are allowed.

2.5. The following are allowed on the electrode coating surface:

  • pores with a maximum external size of no more than 1.5 times the coating thickness (but not more than 2 mm) and a depth of no more than 50% of the coating thickness, provided that the number of pores does not exceed two per 100 mm of electrode length;
  • superficial longitudinal hairline cracks and local mesh cracks in a total number of no more than two per electrode with the length of each hairline crack or cracking area not exceeding 10 mm.

2.6. On the surface of the electrode coating, individual longitudinal scratches with a depth of no more than 25% of the coating thickness are allowed, as well as local dents with a depth of no more than 50% of the coating thickness in an amount of no more than four with a total length of up to 25 mm on one electrode.
Two local dents located on both sides of the electrode in one cross section, can be taken as one if their total depth does not exceed 50% of the coating thickness.

2.7. Local scuffs on the surface of the coating are allowed if their depth does not exceed 25% of the coating thickness, and their number on one electrode is no more than two.

2.8. The difference in coating thickness in accordance with GOST 9466-75, when controlled with a micrometer, is determined in three longitudinally selected places of the electrode, offset from one another by 50-100 mm in length and 120 degrees in circumference.

Measurement locations should be selected so that they fall on central part electrode, i.e. stepping back on each side of the electrode (from the contact part and its end) by at least 50 mm.

It is possible to check the difference in coating thickness using other methods and special devices using a non-destructive method (usually in the middle of the electrode length), providing measurement accuracy with an error of 0.01 mm. In this case, the inspection report must include a specific brand of device or its technical characteristics.

2.9. The difference in the thickness of the electrode coating should not exceed the values ​​​​indicated in the table. This table does not apply to electrodes supplied according to special specifications.

2.10. The coating should not be destroyed when the electrode freely falls flat onto a smooth steel plate from a height:

  • 1m for electrodes with a diameter of 3.25 mm or less
  • 0.25 m - for electrodes with a diameter of 4 mm or more.

In this case, partial chipping of the coating with a total length of up to 5% of the length of the coated part of the electrode is allowed.

Table 3.1 Allowable thickness difference

Nominal diameter of electrodes, mm Permissible difference in coating thickness (mm) for different groups electrodes
2,0 0,090 0,080
2,5 0,115 0,100
3,0 0,135 0,120
4,0 0,180 0,160

2.11 When checking the welding technological properties of electrodes, weld the corresponding layer of the seam for which the monitored electrodes are intended.
Welding is performed in all spatial positions on coils cut from the same pipes for which the electrodes are intended, or similar to them.

2.12. The welding and technological properties of electrodes, subject to the modes and conditions determined by the passport and technical specifications for electrodes of a specific brand, must satisfy the following requirements:

  • The arc is easily (from the first ignition) excited and burns freely;
  • The coating melts evenly, without excessive spattering (with the exception of electrodes with a cellulose coating), pieces falling off and the formation of a “visor” that prevents normal melting of the electrode during welding in all spatial positions;
  • The slag formed during welding ensures the normal formation of weld layers and is easily removed after cooling;
  • The weld metal has no cracks or surface pores.

2.13. The permissible number of defects in welds is determined in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

2.14. On individual electrodes, the total number of which should not exceed 10% of those selected for testing, the following is allowed:

  • Increasing the number of pores on the coating surface to three per 100 mm of electrode length;
  • Increasing the length of surface longitudinal hairline cracks and areas of local mesh cracking on the surface of the coating up to 15 mm;
  • Increase in the total length of dents on the coating to 37.5 mm;
  • Increasing the length of the area exposed from the coating adjacent to the contact end of the electrode protected from the coating to 75% of the nominal diameter of the electrode, but not more than 3 mm;
  • Increasing the number of local scratches on the coating surface to three.

2.15. If unsatisfactory results are obtained on the surface strength of the coating and the difference in the thickness of the coating of the electrodes, a repeat test is carried out on twice the number of electrodes selected from the batch. The results of the re-test are final and apply to the entire batch of electrodes as a whole.

2.16. If unsatisfactory results are obtained from checking the size and number of gas pores, repeated calcination (drying) of the monitored electrodes is allowed, followed by checking this indicator.

Page 1

Incoming inspection of pipes must include all types of inspections, including flaw detection, to confirm their compliance with the requirements of standards and technical specifications. Transportation, preparation and inspection of casing pipes must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements.  

Incoming inspection of pipes is carried out to ensure their compliance with the technical requirements set out in the regulatory and technical documentation for pipes.  

Incoming inspection of pipes and connecting parts supplied abroad is also carried out in accordance with the above provisions.  

Pipe incoming inspection areas are specialized organizational units and are not subordinate to the workshops that produce commercial products. The main task of the sections is to check the continuity of pipes, steel grade, grain size and reject defective pipes as much as possible.  

During incoming inspection, pipes and materials must be checked for defects and deterioration in their quality caused by violations established rules their storage and transportation. During operational control, it is necessary to check the correct preparation of pipes and their assembly for welding, as well as monitor the technological parameters of the welding process and the quality of weld processing. It is necessary to control the correct geometry of the cutting of the welded edges of the pipes, the size of the gaps in the joints and the displacement of the welded edges. When using preheating, it is necessary to control the temperature of the heat-affected sections of pipes before and during welding, and when using electric contact welding, check the presence and quality of cleaning of the pipe surface under the contact shoes of the welding machine.  

The enterprise must carry out incoming inspection of pipes, forgings, parts of welded joints and welding materials for compliance with the requirements of these Rules, standards, technical specifications and design documentation.  

The enterprise must carry out incoming inspection of pipes, forgings, parts of welded joints and welding materials for compliance with the requirements of these Rules, standards, technical specifications and design documentation.  

Analysis of accident rates for new tubing (with a service life of up to 5 years) showed that due to the lack of pressure testing during incoming inspection of pipes, an additional 3% occurs. unnecessary repairs of the total number of ORS. Corrosion destruction is typical for tubing at all plants. The pipes from the Nizhnednepropetrovsk Pipe Rolling Plant are most susceptible to corrosion, followed by Japanese and Austrian ones. Deviation of the geometric parameters of the thread leads to its erosion on the pipes. The percentage of such defects is high in pipes of the Sumgait, then Nizhnednepropetrovsk, Rustavi, and Kamensk-Ural plants. It should be noted the high quality threaded connections imported pipes.  

An analysis of the accident rate for new tubing (with a service life of up to 5 years) showed that due to the lack of pressure testing during incoming inspection of pipes, up to an additional 3% of unnecessary repairs occur from the total number of PRS. Corrosion destruction is typical for tubing at all plants. The pipes from the Nizhnednepropetrovsk Pipe Rolling Plant are most susceptible to corrosion, followed by Japanese and Austrian ones. Deviation of the geometric parameters of the thread leads to its erosion on the pipes. The percentage of such defects is high in pipes of the Sumgait, Nizhnednepropetrovsk, Rustavi, and Kamensk-Ural plants. It should be noted the high quality of threaded connections of imported pipes.  

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