Profession architect. Noodles on the applicant’s ears

Building has always been prestigious and respected in society. Every person understands in his life the importance of reproducing new projects, building real estate and developing modern cities. Not a single building or structure can do without the experienced design and development of a professional. Thus, this makes architecture one of the oldest professions.

Various buildings, temples, cathedrals, bridges and town halls are considered part of the culture. Today we can observe various types this art in different parts of the world, observing how the consciousness and imagination of people progressed in certain periods of time. Each creator tried to bring something individual and distinctive from others to his work. The great beauty of the structures still disturbs the minds of young people, which is why this profession is still considered one of the popular choices of applicants.

Previously, there was no requirement to pass exams to become an architect. There were no training courses and there were no special institutes, as there are now, that could teach those interested in this interesting business. Architectural work was usually passed down by families or loved ones, experience was gained along the way, so few of the then architects really knew what they were doing. Now everyone who wants and has the ability to bring something to culture can try themselves in this work.

Architecture in the modern world

We can notice how every year Every profession has more and more demands. Technological progress forces people to adapt to changes. Now it is not enough to have some experience in architecture to be a master. Today, every self-respecting architect must graduate from a special higher educational institution, where in 4–5 years he will learn all the most basic things.

But the main tasks for workers and amateurs in this matter remain the same as they were several hundred years ago. The architect must be able to design and create a model of a safe and efficient building, which, in addition to general functionality, must be beautiful and unique . Many people think that this profession is ideal for people who like to express themselves in creative areas of life and develop in a technical direction. Architecture combines the skills and abilities of two opposing spheres of life, which makes it complex and interesting at the same time.

Projects are approved only if the structure is truly effective, beautiful and as comfortable as possible for people. Even though design decoration very important in architecture, it must give way to practicality.

What types of architects are there?

Any modern profession has different directions and types. This is characterized by that over time, too many tasks fall on a specialist and he cannot really be a master in all of them. Thus, we can imagine several types of architects:

Where do you study to become an architect and what subjects do you need to take?

It is impossible to say exactly what subjects and institute a person who wants to engage in architecture should choose. Institutes are different and not all are suitable a certain type architects. Nowadays, many people choose the faculties of design and architecture, although a person can enroll in other specialties to pursue this profession. The subjects and details of the creative competition depend only on the desired faculty and direction. Now you can hear a lot of advice that it is not necessary to enroll in a higher education institution in order to gain a full range of knowledge about this activity.

Of course this is true. But we should not forget that it is the institute that allows a person to join the professional society of his favorite business. The question of whether an applicant should enroll or wait is always difficult, but it is still recommended not to start studying at higher education educational institution at least for the sake of getting a diploma.

The design gives a general idea about the art and ability to present a good picture to a person, and architecture allows you to delve deeper into the construction process.

To enroll as an interior and landscape architect, you must pass the following entrance exams to the institute:

  1. Language (major in the country).
  2. Literature.
  3. Story.
  4. Creative competition.

In addition, you can enroll as an architect of this type both after the ninth grade and after the eleventh grade, which provides more extensive opportunities for admission.

For admission to another type of architect(for example, a restorer), other entrance exams to the institute will be required:

  1. Mathematics.
  2. Language.
  3. Computer science or history.
  4. Creative competition.

Some faculties have special programs for training young specialists. A young student can try himself as a professional in different companies, presenting his projects. In addition, he can learn from more experienced craftsmen. Unfortunately, to enter the institute to become an architect, you can take exams only after the eleventh grade.

Architectural training at the institute provides enormous advantages for those wishing to develop in this direction. In fact, it is not necessary to enroll and pass exams in order to be a master of your craft and in modern world. However, most companies and firms require specialists to have a document confirming their level of education, in particular professional. This makes college education practically necessary.

The happy owner of a talent for drawing sharpens his pencils and signs up for preparatory courses Faculty of Architecture. In the summer, applicants will take exams, and the luckiest ones will be enrolled in the first year...

What to advise and what to warn about, and is it possible to become an architect without education? We asked graduates and teachers of the Faculty of Architecture about this Kyiv University construction and architecture.

How to become an architect

Once you have entered, you no longer have “tomorrow”, there is only “today” and “yesterday”, - graduates of the Faculty of Architecture say. - There is no time, but you need to do a lot, otherwise you will regret it later. An architect must theoretically understand absolutely everything in order to create most fully and well. Believe me, every thing you missed, you will regret on your first day of work

It's not that simple. Few applicants understand what exactly they will have to do. I can draw a little and can become an architect myself, they say. But an architect is a serious profession; they are both humanists and engineers at the same time. How many different calculations have to be done, how many “uninteresting” objects need to be known - there will be strength of materials, and designs... And everyone thinks that they will draw their incredible ideas, they say teachers of KNUSiA.

Upon admission to a higher education institution to become an architect The following subjects must be taken:

  1. Literature;
  2. Story;
  3. Drawing, drawing and composition.

Don't forget to find time to sleep, no matter how hard it is. If possible, get enough sleep at the expense of the first class in sociology, for example, otherwise there will be a bloody nose and loss of consciousness.

Be sure to go to couples. It's better than sitting at home in vain. And if you are skipping, then hang out in the foreign library of the university and read architectural magazines. Yes, and in general! Go to the library!

Is it possible to become an architect without knowing how to draw? In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the architect is not required to be able to paint pictures, however, it is important to be able to draw and understand the composition because this is very important when designing.

Read books. If anyone thinks that they can learn only through a little practice in pairs, then they are very mistaken. Just read not “The 1000 Best Cottages of 2012”, but, for example, “Masters of Architecture about Architecture”. Of course, sometimes you can and should disagree with what is written, but you will find out how they reasoned then, and you will understand why.

The main thing is to do something about your studies every day., at least for a few hours. Then suddenly it turns out that everything has been done.

Try to do everything on time, then during the session you won’t want to shoot yourself.

Envy, greatly envy each other. But not in a black way. Any success of another student should encourage you to do well too. Raise your bar, strive to do even better than yesterday.

Handwork develops taste and vision, which will then help you present your work beautifully on the computer

Never Don’t take the “criticism” of senile people to heart, it often ruins good ideas!

Main, show interest in the subject! Then all the “evil and callous” teachers will immediately become soft and kind, because they need a little respect. Over the years of work, they are tired of squeezing out a pitiful minimum from ungrateful, stupid lazy people. Just go to classes more or less regularly and work. Show your interest and then the entire department will immediately become interested in working with you.

By the way, no one has ever been kicked out or expelled for a constructive argument with teachers! Only then they don’t want to advise you if you asked a question that was inconvenient for the “architectural professor.”

Teach thoroughly history, structures, geometry, physics and all exact sciences indirectly or directly related to architecture. And only then declare that you did something cool! So work like sick people!

On the one hand, the worst thing is to do dull nonsense, but it’s even more scary to make dull nonsense while declaring that these are “new approaches.”

Learn to think.

The most important subject in the first year this is archpro, archpro and again archpro. After the archpro - a sketch.

It is best to settle near the institute, otherwise you will have to travel with a tablet and layouts in public transport. And this is hell.

The best drink is tea. They are treated to it by classmates in the dorm. You can drink it in liters, unlike coffee.

Don't forget that future employment is influenced not by grades, but by skills. That's what's important! No one will need your grades at work.

And watch your posture!

The end of school is celebrated for all schoolchildren with joyful summer holidays, and for graduates and their parents a headache: where to go and where to find a use for their abilities. The list on the labor market is constantly updated. There are specialties that have long since sunk into oblivion, and there are innovative professions whose names alone are difficult for older people to pronounce. But at the same time, there are professions that are extremely popular, both in the old days and now. Architecture is such a popular traditional field of study. What subjects do I need to take to become an architect? Let's figure it out.

Back in ancient times, when humanity had just learned to build, architects were in demand and popular. These were people respected in society. Then the question of where to study and what subjects were needed for this did not arise for an architect.

Architectural skill was simply passed down from father to son. There were no corresponding educational institutions yet. But exceptionally literate and savvy people became architects. This is evidenced by centuries-old buildings that have survived to this day. And one can only envy the skill of the ancient masters.

In the modern world, architectural skills are studied in many educational institutions. And interest in this profession does not fade, because construction and design will exist as long as human civilization exists on our planet. Modern specialist must have not only certain skills and abilities, but also creative thinking and a creative approach to work.

To become an architect, you must graduate from a university. People usually enter the architectural institute after 11th grade. This profession requires endurance, perseverance, and the ability to carry out all kinds of calculations and create projects. But at the same time, you can’t do this without a flight of imagination and the ability to see and create beauty.

Types of architecture

The profession of an architect is constantly improving and becoming more diverse.

There are such types of specialties:

  1. Architect-restorer. The scope of activity of such a specialist includes not only the development of projects for all kinds of structures, but also the restoration of already destroyed architectural monuments. After all, many such monuments are under the influence of time and natural, and sometimes human factors are destroyed over time. The task of the restorer is to restore them with high quality and at the same time bring them as close as possible to the original. Of course, this is not an easy task. To do such work efficiently, you need knowledge from various fields. That is why they study the architectural craft for 5 years.
  2. Landscape architect. Such a person designs gardens and parks. This requires deep knowledge not only of architecture, but also in the field of vegetation and agronomy.
  3. Architect-designer. Such a specialist must be able not only to build for centuries, but also to create masterpieces of monumental art, original and beautiful design. Of course, in addition to the skills of an architect, he must have creative inclinations. After all, it is the beautiful appearance of the building from the outside and the interior inside that depend on this specialist. The profession is especially in demand, because in addition to direct construction projects, the specialist is engaged in developing the interiors of private houses and apartments.
  4. Chief Architect. This specialist must clearly understand all the intricacies of his craft. Know all problem areas and eliminate them in a timely manner. In addition, a person must have pronounced leadership qualities, because organizing work correctly and distributing responsibilities is also his job.

Landscape Architect

What subjects to take

Now we will find out how to apply to become an architect and what subjects you need to take for this.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that after 9th grade you can also enter an architecture college. There are construction colleges that have architectural majors. Of course, passing exams to become an architect at a technical school or college is much easier than going to college. The main requirement for admission to such educational institutions is high-quality drawing. Moreover, such a drawing must be three-dimensional and in several versions:

  • volumetric geometric figure(the applicant’s choice: cube, or ball, or pyramid, etc.);
  • three-dimensional pattern of the ornament.

After college, you can start looking for a job, or you can not stop there and continue your studies at the institute. After all, when hiring, any employer will give preference to an applicant with a higher education.

To enter the architectural faculty of a university or institute you only need complete education(11 classes), confirmed by a certificate.

There are now quite a lot of relevant institutions. The Faculty of Design and Architecture is very popular. This specialization combines both the profession of an engineer and the profession of an artist. At this faculty, the field of architecture gives a person a complete understanding of the construction business, but the design section includes a complete study of art and the acquisition of skills to think artistically and imagine a picture.

What you need to take to this faculty:

  • Russian language and literature;
  • story;
  • creative task (what exactly this task will be is determined individually by each university).

To become a restoration architect:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • or computer science (at the applicant’s choice);
  • still the same creative competition.

Entrance exams to the Faculty of Architecture, regardless of where and in what educational institution they take place, have a lot in common. All institutes, universities and academies will require your Unified State Examination results in the above subjects. And of course, the creative competition will have to be taken directly at the educational institution.

Studying at such institutes is quite interesting. Relatively new practice in some universities it has become a tradition to train novice specialists directly in construction companies(who have a contract with educational institutions). This practice is quite interesting and has shown itself to be very promising. The student can create his own projects and learn from the experience of professionals.

Useful video: what exams do you need to take to become an architect?


The profession of an architect has always been and will always be popular and in demand. If you like developing all kinds of projects, creativity to the issues of interior design of premises, then architecture is your calling and, perhaps, in the near future your name will be in the ranking of world-famous architects.

About six months ago, I wrote an article for a small magazine on the topic of architectural education. I sent it and forgot it, so I don’t know it future fate, actually, not particularly interesting. After a while, I admit that this is far from best material for the applicant, but maybe someone will need it. And for professionals - it’s for the sake of idle interest. I ask you in advance not to blame me for mistakes and mistakes.

- who the profession is suitable for;

The profession of an architect covers such a wide field of activity that almost anyone can find themselves in it. The issue of motivation for mastering this profession is important here. In a nutshell, I will describe the motivations with which you should go into architecture and with which you should not. No. 1 - creative ambitions, without them there is nothing to do in architecture. There must be a desire to constantly create something new, and the best. The desire to be famous (or popular) is very important. If you look at the foreign “stars” of architecture: Norman Foster, Santiago Calatrava, Frank Gerry - they are all public people. What is important is not only the desire to create, but also to tell the whole world about it. Another motivation is the desire to be a well-rounded person. The profession of an architect is at the intersection of an engineer and an artist. The desire to “know everything” will greatly help the future specialist.

Now here's something that can really get in the way. First, looking for the “easy way”. In architecture, 5% is talent, and the rest is work. This is indeed a very difficult specialty. Before my eyes, people fainted from overwork and developed chronic diseases while studying. There were even deaths. We must be prepared for this and not be afraid. Secondly, the desire to earn a lot of money, and if possible immediately. A good architect matures slowly, like wine. In the beginning, it is very cheap, but after years of work it becomes expensive. This also needs to be realized. There will be big earnings, but the path to them is quite long. Thirdly, excessive sensitivity will greatly interfere with the profession. The amount of criticism always exceeds the amount of praise. Especially at the beginning of the journey. You have to be able to take everything calmly. Every good architect has heard many times about where his hands grow from, what straw he has in his head, and that he will never become an architect. Such statements should not be taken to heart.

Based on the above, I think it will not be difficult to create a portrait of a person who is suitable for this profession and try it on yourself.

- brief overview universities;

Choosing a university to receive an architectural education is, of course, important, but not critical. The specificity of studying to become an architect is such that even in an average university, according to the general opinion, you can get an excellent architectural education. The main thing is the teachers of creative specialties who will meet on the student’s path. The programs of universities and architectural faculties are approximately similar. The only big plus prestigious universities like Moscow Architectural Institute, for example, there is a greater chance of meeting an excellent teacher.

It is best not to force the preparation for a creative competition. Each university has its own very strict requirements for drawing and drafting. Best option- preparatory courses or private lessons with teachers of the university where you plan to enroll. A competent teacher will prepare a person “from scratch” to passing the exam in a year or a year and a half. Oddly enough, it’s good if the applicant has never studied drawing anywhere before. It’s easier for a teacher to immediately set up the correct technique than to correct “school mistakes.” There is no need to prepare much in advance for the creative exam. It’s better to take a year, but with great intensity, so that the future student “gets in shape” for the exam and is not too tired from years of preparation.

In my opinion, the biggest mistake is trying to enter one university for several years. Years of preparation for admission to even the best architectural university will not provide any knowledge in architecture. We must always remember that the goal is to become an architect, and not to enter the Moscow Architectural Institute or Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. To achieve this goal, you need to move forward: enroll in another university; to the same university, but for evening or correspondence courses; do not discard the option of getting the average special education. Preparing for admission is “marking time,” and studying at a vocational educational institution is a path to a profession that can be more thorny than expected.

- how your studies are going;

When I studied at the Moscow Architectural Institute, there was a saying: “It’s much more difficult to drop out of the institute than to get in.” There is some truth in this. One can, of course, talk a lot about the fact that studying is difficult, there are conflicts with teachers, but getting an architectural education is extremely interesting, regardless of whether the student is a “physicist or a lyricist.” It's all about the same intersection between an engineer and an artist. All subjects can be “roughly” divided into 3 types: creative, engineering and general education. Traditionally, students take creative subjects - project, drawing; from time to time appear on engineering - structures, strength of materials, architectural physics; Very rarely do they remember general education subjects - philosophy, sociology. This is a bad tradition. There are no random items in the program. All the knowledge that the institute gives will be useful in the profession, but in one case it is obvious - design, structures, materials science; but not in the other.

Let me give you a small example. I attended philosophy classes 2-3 times per semester. I explained this to myself by saying that knowledge of Kant and Hegel would not be useful to me in architectural practice. I received my C grade in the test and was pleased. Years later, in graduate school, I took a course in “philosophy of science.” Only there I saw how deep the philosophical roots are in architecture and work in modern architecture without knowledge of philosophy is simply impossible. I had to spend time reading textbooks and tearing my hair out of frustration at not attending classes at the institute.

But, of course, the most important subject is architectural design. Essentially, all other subjects in the program serve to advance the student in that subject. Many of my colleagues remember the institute project as “ golden time" This is because the architect’s imagination is not limited by anything. There are no economic demands, no boring customers, no uncompromising subcontractors. This is the best opportunity to show your creativity. It is no coincidence that when applying for a job, they often ask for institute papers. When working on a club, museum, fire station, you need to understand that this is most likely the only project on this topic for you. It’s better not to waste time and effort on the project. This is when the potential for growth in the profession is laid. The main architects and "stars" of architecture start with interesting creative projects.

- logic of a professional’s career;

Now the vast majority of students begin working in their 2nd or 3rd year. I think it's good, but only in moderation. Part-time work helps in mastering architectural programs, gives a first idea of ​​architectural practice and psychologically prepares for future work. But don’t forget that No. 1 is still studying. It is better to take work during this period not very seriously - simply as an opportunity to practice. It is possible to focus only on studies, but judging by practice, even if such students begin to career growth, then with great delay.

I have already written that the field of activity of an architect is very large. It is important to tune yourself to the place in architecture where a person will feel most harmonious. Choose your niche. It is not at all necessary to strive to become a successful and popular architect. Chasing large objects. A good layout designer can earn much more than a chief architect. You can engage in research, teaching, small architectural forms - anything you want, if it’s “yours”. Be successful in this area and earn quite a lot. Nowadays there are no low-paid specialties in architecture, and good specialist receives a high salary. But at the same time, it is very difficult to “make a fortune” by doing only architecture.

An architect's career can develop in absolutely any direction, but successful development requires constant work on oneself. First of all - self-education; active participation in public architectural life: attending lectures, seminars, exhibitions.

- workdays, interaction with engineers;

The specificity of the architect's profession is such that in order to implement creative ideas it is always necessary to involve additional specialists- engineers, designers. The nature of the work can most clearly be seen using an example. Let's take the most common architectural order - an individual residential building (in in simple language- cottage). The architect receives the order and begins work with sketches. Makes layouts, facades and coordinates them with the customer. Then comes the architectural project - drawings of plans, facades, sketches in relief, general specifications. This, it seems, is where the architect’s work ends, but it is impossible to build a house according to an architectural design. We need construction drawings and engineering systems designs. This is exactly the job of engineers. A competent architect knows the basics of engineering specialties and provides in advance in the architectural project the possibility of implementing certain systems. It is best to work on a project in conjunction with designers and engineers, or at least consult at the architectural design stage. Even after completing all related projects, the architect's work may continue. We are talking about designer's supervision of construction. At large sites, appropriate documentation is maintained; at small sites, a person arrives with drawings and a tape measure and walks around the construction site with a smart look. Often, the final decisions on selection finishing materials, the design of windows and fences is adopted already during construction, when the architecture is not on paper, but can be “touched”. In any case, visiting a construction site is very useful for understanding the entire process of creating architecture. During design and construction large objects, everything becomes more complicated, but the essence remains the same.

The work process can take place in completely different ways: you can sit at work from 9 to 6; you can work in a flexible schedule; travel to sites, approval organizations, and subcontractors; work from home as a private architect - as you prefer. In architectural work, in my opinion, the most important thing is the result, good architecture, but how it turned out is not so important. You can draw “on your knee” in 5 minutes, or you can sit in front of the monitor for months.

- the situation in the profession today, trends.

Today Russian architecture is experiencing a deep crisis. This is recognized by both professionals and ordinary people who are not indifferent to what is happening in the country. By crisis I mean the following: the architecture of the majority of large projects under construction is simply ugly (just compare what is being built all over the world and what we have), architectural heritage sites are being treacherously destroyed, it is very difficult there is a shift generations (especially among university teachers).

The professional environment is also in crisis. Design institutes, as shown last year, unprofitable. Good positions in large organizations go to relatives or acquaintances, and it is very difficult even for a great architect to break through the orderly ranks of “their” people. It’s also hard in private workshops. There a lot of competition and not always honest. It is possible to work as a private architect, but the market for private architects is so flooded with non-professionals that it is very difficult to rise even a little from this swamp. Nowadays in architectural work, if you don’t have relatives or high patrons, you have to achieve everything “with sweat and blood.”

Fortunately, any crisis ends sooner or later. In my opinion, a new generation of young architects is capable of “raising” Russian architecture. There are all the prerequisites for this: information on modern foreign architecture is available, associations of young architects are emerging, there are opportunities for training and internships abroad. I believe that our Kenzo Tange and Richard Rogers will grow up from the generation that is just about to enter the architectural institute.

The profession of an architect goes hand in hand with construction. What buildings and structures can do without high-quality design, layout development and interior solutions? This is one of the most ancient types of activity.

Palaces and temples, bridges and town halls have withstood all the tests of time, and we can still admire their majestic beauty. Each master tried to convey the message to descendants through his creation. And the pyramids in Egypt, and the Colosseum, and your apartment could not have happened without the participation of the golden hands of the architect.

Previously, to become an architect, you did not need to pass exams; it was enough to have the skills of preparing paints and mixtures, as well as know the basics of architecture. A significant drawback of this approach is that it took decades for masters to become masters. There was no organized transfer of information. Usually, students were brought up to speed as the work progressed. The length of training meant that very few people could consider themselves professionals.

List of exams to take after 9th grade next year

With the development of technological progress, construction methods and means have changed, and, consequently, the requirements for the qualifications of specialists have increased. The process of acquiring skills has been significantly optimized. Today, in order to study to become an architect, you need to pass a certain list of subjects, and subject to a responsible attitude, in 5-6 years a connoisseur of architecture will emerge from the university, capable of competing with gray-haired masters.

However, whatever the means of achieving the goal, the tasks for the architect remain unchanged. He is obliged to erect a structure that will combine safety, rationality and originality. Only a properly constructed structure in which the area is used with maximum efficiency can be put into operation. Design ideas should not affect performance characteristics.

What types of architects are there?

As in any profession, in architecture there are several types of specialists depending on the responsibilities assigned to them. On at the moment can be distinguished:

  • architect-restorer - he is engaged in the restoration of cultural heritage;
  • landscape architect - he needs to create designs for gardens, parks and land plots;
  • architect-designer - usually he is responsible for creating the interior and appearance buildings;
  • architect-urban planner - he designs residential and industrial buildings;
  • chief architect - he has to manage construction work.

In order to choose exams for the Unified State Exam, you need to take into account the specifics of the intended profession. In any case, the future specialist is required to have certain character traits that affect the likelihood of enrollment no less than the certificate scores.

Number of exams to be taken next year after grade 11

What personal qualities are important for an architect?

This is a creative profession, so it requires a creative streak. There is no place for mediocrities in architecture. A very important criterion is the ability to imagine and retain an idea in your head. The better developed a person is spatial thinking, the easier it is for him to complete projects. Originality is synonymous with success. You need to think outside the box and try to bring a new perspective to ordinary things.

It is advisable to be able to organize the space around you. As you know, objects must be handed over within a certain time frame, so punctuality will not be a superfluous criterion. A sense of harmony, style and taste will help you achieve unprecedented professional heights.

These are not all the requirements for a future architect. But these are the main indicators that will make it possible to advance in this area. University teachers are usually involved in polishing skills.

Which exams are required for admission?

Reply to this question will depend on the specific specialty. At the moment, the two most popular trends are “General Design” and “Architecture”. The first involves an in-depth study of cultural and aesthetic aspects, while the second is closer to construction.

In order to become an interior or landscape architect, you need to pass the following list of subjects:

  1. Literature – specialized.
  2. Russian language.
  3. Story.
  4. Creative competition – drawing, drawing, composition.

To obtain the profession of a restorer, reconstructor, or general architect, you must pass exams in:

  1. Mathematics is a specialized subject.
  2. Stories.
  3. Russian language.
  4. A creative exam that includes drafting, drawing and composition.

How many universities can you apply to at the same time?

Employers usually offer a start as an assistant architect. This is not a very highly paid position. However, in this field there is practically no age limit, and a good specialist is determined by his portfolio, and not by the number of years devoted to the profession. You need to prove yourself well, and then over time it’s easy to get the position of project manager.

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