Industrial ventilation systems. Ventilation of industrial premises Industrial supply ventilation systems

To create and maintain an optimal environment for efficient living, it is necessary to install ventilation equipment. Modern system ventilation will be provided by filtered outside air in the summer, and heated air in the winter. In addition, good ventilation will maintain constant temperature and humidity, and control the concentration of substances harmful to health.

Types of ventilation

There are several types ventilation systems, which can be combined into groups:

  • By the method of air movement (natural, mechanical)
  • According to the method of organizing air exchange (local, general)
  • According to the principle of operation (exhaust, supply)
  • By design (monoblock, stacked)
  • By the presence of air ducts (ducted, ductless)

Whatever system you choose, a necessary condition must be maintaining a balance - simultaneous influx of outside air and exhaust exhaust. If the inflow is insufficient, the oxygen content will decrease, and humidity and dust levels will increase. If there is not enough exhaust, then the polluted air, unpleasant odors, moisture and harmful substances will remain indoors.


Natural ventilation is simple and does not require energy consumption or complex equipment. But its effectiveness depends on temperature, wind speed, etc.


Mechanical ventilation moves air to long distances. Main equipment: fans, electric motors, air heaters, automation, dust collectors.

Supply systems

Supply systems are used in apartments and small spaces. They supply air after preliminary preparation, including cleaning, cooling and heating. They can be equipped in a single body or consist of various elements:

  • Air intake grille
  • Air valve
  • Filter
  • Air heater or air heater
  • Silencer
  • Fan
  • Air ducts
  • Air distributors
  • Control and automation systems

Exhaust systems

Exhaust systems remove polluted air from the room. They may consist of a single exhaust fan, but if multiple rooms are being cleaned, an intake duct network is required. Supply and exhaust combinations allow you to simultaneously supply and remove air. They are developed on the basis of ventilation units or consist of different elements.

Local and general exchange

The fight against harmful substances in indoor air is carried out using local or general ventilation.

The general exchange system fights harmful substances contained in the air of the entire room. When installing this type of ventilation, the volume of exhaust air is calculated so that the same amount of air is extracted from the room as is supplied to it. But if the air flow is not equal to the exhaust, the missing volume of air is pumped from the rooms nearby or through fence openings.

Local ventilation removes harmful substances from the room at the point where they are formed.

A combined system, including general exchange and local exhaust systems, solves the ventilation problem as effectively as possible.

Ducted and ductless

Duct and ductless ventilation systems are either a duct system with an extensive network of air ducts to move air, or a system with missing channels (air ducts), which is used when installing a fan in a ceiling or wall, in the presence of natural ventilation.

During operation, indoor air changes its parameters - temperature, humidity and composition under the influence of the most various factors: changes in outside air parameters, heat, moisture and carbon dioxide from people, dust and other harmful substances from operating equipment, machines, installations. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out air exchange, i.e. remove contaminated indoor air and replace it with purified fresh (outside) air. The task of ventilation is to ensure air exchange in industrial premises to maintain the design parameters of the air in them.

Air parameters can be:

  • comfortable and provided by ventilation systems for residential and administrative buildings;
  • acceptable, achieved due to ventilation industrial buildings.

Before ventilation systems industrial premises Other tasks are often set: removal of smoke (in case of fire), dust and harmful substances (during the operation of machines, units and equipment). Ventilation of industrial premises is a set of devices and measures that provide calculated air exchange. Depending on the air flow being processed, a distinction is made between domestic (up to 10,000 m³/hour) and industrial ventilation (over 10,000 m³/hour). Ventilation of industrial buildings is a mandatory measure in production workshops, hangars and other premises in which it is used technological equipment, people or mechanisms are working.

Ventilation of industrial buildings

Industrial ventilation equipment due to large quantities The transported air differs in its weight and size characteristics, energy consumption and increased requirements for its reliability and safety. Any job, including industrial ventilation is provided by several engineering systems called ventilation systems. They consist of devices of different designs, each of which performs its own function:

  • air circulation - fans;
  • air purification – filters of various cleaning classes;
  • regulation of air flow - air valves and dampers;
  • heating and cooling of air – air heaters and air coolers;
  • air distribution throughout the room - diffusers, anemostats and grilles;
  • air supply and removal - air ducts;
  • vibration reduction – flexible inserts and vibration isolators;
  • noise reduction – noise suppressors.

Ventilation of industrial premises

Activities include proper management of industrial ventilation, compliance with standard air velocities in air ducts to reduce the level of aerodynamic noise, compliance with manufacturing technology, installation, and sealing of air ducts to reduce leaks to a minimum. Currently, for the ventilation of industrial premises and the simultaneous organization of supply and exhaust, industrial ventilation units are used, which make it possible to perform most of these functions using one unit - a supply and exhaust unit. The peculiarity of these units is that their design combines supply and exhaust units, which in turn allows you to get a more favorable price, use various systems recovery and make the ventilation process of industrial premises more efficient.


According to their purpose, ventilation units are divided into:

  • inlet;
  • exhaust;
  • supply and exhaust;
  • recuperative (supply and exhaust with recuperator).

Industrial ventilation is a set of measures aimed at organizing and maintaining stable air exchange in industrial premises. Operating equipment and production processes often release suspended particles and toxic fumes into the air, which can negatively affect human health. In addition, lack of fresh air reduces productivity and the ability to tolerate physical activity.

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Ventilation of industrial facilities is essentially ensuring the flow of fresh air and removing exhaust air. And it includes a whole range of solutions.

The first stage is planning. And for this it is necessary to take into account several important conditions: the presence of harmful fumes in the premises, gas pollution and temperature conditions.

To solve the problems, you need to take into account the necessary conditions labor, as well as based on the parameters of the room and its technical characteristics.

Most often, in large rooms, supply and exhaust ventilation with air cooling or heating is used.

Currently, there are many ventilation systems that differ in functionality and cost. Often this is a specific solution for each individual room. It is thanks to this that we get an effective, economical system that perfectly copes with the assigned tasks. It is worth understanding that the ventilation system is a very complex mechanism that not only provides clean and fresh air in the room, and therefore high performance not only of equipment, but also of employees, as well as their well-being, and also allows you to control many parameters to create optimal climatic conditions depending on the time or part of the room. The ventilation system can be controlled mechanically or electronically, but mixed types are also possible.

The task of industrial ventilation

The main task of industrial ventilation is to ensure a constant presence in the premises clean air(free of impurities, odor and harmful components). This is ensured in 2 ways: removing contaminated air masses from the workshops and ensuring an influx of fresh air. The second task is maintaining a certain microclimate. This includes requirements for temperature conditions and air humidity. These requirements are especially relevant for industries that are accompanied by a large release of heat, moisture and harmful fumes.

A professionally designed ventilation system provides the following benefits:

  • staff get sick less
  • labor productivity increases
  • a favorable microclimate is maintained
  • moisture does not accumulate on the equipment, the metal does not oxidize or corrode
  • requirements for production processes are met.

Exhaust aeration in production

Air ducts are used mainly for ventilation of local spaces that are inaccessible to infiltration flows. The movement and distribution of air occurs without external force, only under the influence of temperature differences and atmospheric pressure outside and inside the room. To increase the efficiency of aeration, deflectors and special expansion nozzles are installed at the outlet, drawing exhaust air out of the room. This is also facilitated by window transoms and slightly open skylights.

IN summer time the role of supply air channels is performed by open gate, openings in external walls and doors. During the cold season, in warehouses up to 6 meters high, only openings located at a height of at least 3 meters from the zero level are opened. At a height of more than 6 meters, the bottom of the ventilation openings is designed at a distance of 4 meters from the floor level. All openings are equipped with water-repellent visors, which also deflect the supply air streams upward.

Supply and exhaust aeration

Polluted air is extracted through transoms and ventilation shafts. Transoms act as a kind of thermal damper, the opening and closing of which regulates the air pressure in the ventilation flows. As an additional pressure regulator, special openings are designed, equipped with louvered flaps:

  • slightly above floor level - stimulating air flow,
  • just below the ceiling level - optimizing its outflow.

The volume of circulating air is proportional to the area of ​​open transoms, openings and ventilation holes.


  1. If the concentration of harmful substances in the outside air is 30% higher than the maximum acceptable standards, natural ventilation is not used.
  2. The elements of the upper hood are installed approximately 10-15 degrees below the ridge on the roof. This reduces the risk of their destruction.

Design and installation

To ensure the highest quality ventilation, it is necessary to carry out its design and installation already at the construction stage. This is the only way to take into account all safety measures and correctly design exhaust zones.

But it also happens that it is necessary to install a ventilation system in an already constructed building. In this case, you should take into account all the conditions in which the system will be operated, as well as the purpose of the room itself. The choice of equipment always depends on the explosion and fire hazard of the room.

As is known for production premises use general exchange and local ventilation. The first is responsible for air exchange and air purification of the entire room. But with the help of local suction, only local problems can be solved at the place of formation of those same harmful substances. But it is not possible to contain and neutralize such air flows completely, preventing their spread throughout the room. Here we need additional elements, such as umbrellas.

The choice of equipment when installing ventilation for industrial premises is influenced by the type of production and the amount of harmful substances released, the parameters of the room itself, and the design temperature for the cold and warm seasons.

To summarize, I would like to say that such a difficult task as calculation, design and subsequent installation of ventilation should be carried out by qualified specialists who have a wealth of knowledge and experience accumulated over the years.

Classification of industrial ventilation by type of action

There are different types industrial ventilation. They are classified according to the following parameters:

  • the method of organizing the inflow and outflow of air masses (natural, forced);
  • by functionality (supply, exhaust, supply and exhaust);
  • method of organization (local, general exchange);
  • design features(ductless, ducted).

The simplest and most cost-effective is natural ventilation. It is based on the laws of physics, when hotter layers of air, rising upward, displace cold ones. Main disadvantage such systems are dependent on the time of year, weather conditions and limited scope (suitable for a limited range of industries). To organize natural ventilation in production workshops, 3 levels of adjustable openings (windows) are installed. The first 2 are located at a height of 1-4 m from the floor, the 3rd level is under the flow or in a light-aeration lantern. Fresh air enters through the lower openings, and dirty air is forced out through the upper ones. The intensity of air exchange is regulated by opening/closing the vents. Use natural ventilation only possible for one-story buildings.

Forced ventilation- a more efficient system, including a set of equipment and utility networks. However, you have to pay for efficiency, as it involves the purchase of expensive equipment and consumption large quantity electricity.

Only supply or only exhaust ventilation are used extremely rarely (mainly in industries where air pollution is low). Much more common supply and exhaust systems, providing more uniform air exchange.

General ventilation organized in large industries. Depending on the production processes and air composition can be used in conjunction with other systems. Local ventilation, unlike the general exchange one, monitors the cleanliness of the air in certain areas - for example, above the welding or painting area. This type is chosen if the general exchange system cannot cope with ventilation in all rooms.

What does the combination of local exhaust and supply general exchange systems provide? Taking in polluted air, exhaust system prevents it from spreading throughout the room, and the supply air supply provides an influx of fresh air (can be equipped with filters and a heating system).

Duct ventilation involves the organization of large cross-section boxes or pipes designed to transport air. Ductless systems are a set of fans and air conditioners built into wall or ceiling openings.

Ventilation design for production workshops

Design Industrial ventilation systems have their own specifics. There is no universal equipment that can meet the needs of all types of production. When designing, a lot of data is taken into account. The algorithm for solving the problem is as follows:

  1. Calculation of the required air exchange.
  2. Selection of equipment that supports design parameters.
  3. Calculation of air ducts.

At the first design stage, we develop technical task(TZ). It is compiled by the customer and includes requirements for air parameters, features technological processes, system tasks.

  • architectural plan of the facility with location reference;
  • construction drawings of the building, including general form and cuts;
  • number of working personnel per shift;
  • operating mode of the facility (single shift, double shift, 24/7);
  • features of technological processes;
  • potentially hazardous areas with reference on the plan;
  • required air parameters (temperature, humidity) in winter and summer.

The calculation of the required air exchange is carried out in the following areas:

  • supply of fresh air according to sanitary standards (according to standards per person 20-60 m³/h);
  • heat assimilation;
  • moisture assimilation;
  • diluting air to maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances.

The basis is the largest air exchange obtained as a result of the calculations described above.

Using the emergency ventilation system

According to SNiP (“Ventilation of special and industrial buildings") in hazardous industries it is necessary to provide emergency ventilation system. An emergency situation may arise due to an emergency release of explosive or toxic gases or a fire. She represents completely self-installation exhaust type and is calculated in such a way that when working with a conventional system, 8 air exchanges are provided in 1 hour.

Ventilation systems control

Automation control of ventilation systems allows you to optimize the process and reduce operating costs. This approach allows us to minimize human participation in management and reduce the risk " human factor». Automatic control involves the installation of sensors that record air temperature/humidity, concentration of harmful substances, degree of smoke or gas contamination. All sensors are connected to a control unit, which, thanks to the specified settings, turns the equipment on or off. Thus, automation helps to comply with sanitary standards, quickly respond to emergency situations and save significant money.

Ventilation systems are one of the main consumers of electrical and thermal energy, therefore the introduction of energy saving measures makes it possible to reduce the cost of manufactured products. The most effective measures include the use air recovery systems, air recirculation and electric motors with no “dead zones”.

The recovery principle is based on the transfer of heat from the displaced air to a heat exchanger, resulting in reduced heating costs. The most widespread are plate and rotary type recuperators, as well as installations with an intermediate coolant. The efficiency of this equipment reaches 60-85%.

The principle of recirculation is based on the reuse of air after it has been filtered. At the same time, some air from outside is mixed into it. This technology is used in the cold season to save heating costs. It does not apply to hazardous industries, in the air environment of which there may be harmful substances of hazard classes 1, 2 and 3, pathogenic microorganisms, unpleasant odors and where there is a high probability of occurrence emergency situations associated with a sharp increase in the concentration of flammable and explosive substances in the air.

Considering that most electric motors have a so-called “dead zone”, they correct selection allows you to save energy. As a rule, “dead zones” appear during startup, when the fan is running in idle mode, or when the network resistance is significant less than that, which is required for its correct operation. In order to avoid this phenomenon, motors are used with the ability to smoothly regulate speed and with the absence of starting currents, which allows saving energy when starting and during operation.

Optimal air parameters for some industrial premises according to working conditions or storage of materials

Type of production and premises


Relative humidity

Libraries, book depositories

Museum premises with exhibits made of wood, paper, parchment, leather

Artists' studios with paintings on easels

Warehouses of paintings in museums

Fur storage rooms

Leather storage areas

Mechanical engineering enterprises

Metal laboratories

Thermal constant rooms for precision work of various groups

Extra clean rooms for precision work:

Precision engineering workshop

Workshop for winding transformers and coils, assembling radio tubes

Electrical measuring instruments manufacturing workshop

Workshop for processing selenium and copper oxide plates

Optical glass melting shop

Lens grinding shop

Computer rooms with built-in fans:

Parameters of the air supplied inside the machines

Parameters of air leaving machines

Options air environment premises




Wood industry

Mechanical wood processing workshop

Carpentry and procurement department

Workshop for making wooden models

Match production

Drying matches

Printing production

Sheet-fed offset printing workshop

Rotary printing workshop on roll paper

Offset paper warehouse

Warehouse of coated paper in sheets

Roll paper warehouse for rotation

Workshops: bookbinding, drying, cutting, gluing paper

Photographic production

Film developing rooms

Film cutting department

Russian manufacturers of ventilation systems - 100 factories. Major brands and new brands of ventilation equipment, air equipment, air conditioning systems. Catalog 2020: official websites, addresses, contacts of manufacturers and suppliers. Prices are cheaper than imports. Become a dealer, order a price list!

Fast pace of production development ready-made solutions for air ventilation today is the result of increased consumption of products for housing and office construction, manufacturing enterprises. Over the past 10 years, this industry segment has been developing - its share in the total market volume has increased from 5 to 8%.

Russian factories, taking advantage of the current economic situation, are striving to integrate into the market by setting up their own production facilities. The rise in the value of the dollar and euro, which caused an increase in the cost of imported ventilation and air conditioning equipment by 40% - 45%, played into the hands of Russian manufacturers, whose products, made from Russian raw materials and components, remained in the same price category. Western brands are losing competitive advantages, both in Russia and foreign countries. Leaders Russian market:

GC "Special Systems and Technologies" is a major industry player in terms of quality and related services, with 40% of the Russian air conditioning systems market. Having created a sales network in Russia and neighboring countries, they export products to 42 countries around the world, including Europe and America. A separate series of solutions was developed for the Chinese metro. Today, the Group of Companies is considering schemes for entering the Chinese market, which is radically different from the markets of Russia and Europe.

NPO Teplomash, which exports products that are superior in design and technical parameters to products from local manufacturers to Canada, the USA, European countries, CIS.

In the online exhibition catalogue, you can contact directly Russian manufacturers ventilation and air conditioning systems, become a product dealer or buy ventilation products wholesale at an affordable price. The factories offer the production of ventilation systems, household air equipment to order and export deliveries with the appropriate certificates.

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