Work program of the "Literary Lounge" circle.

Municipal Autonomous educational institution

Malkovskaya secondary school

Work plan

literary circle

"Literary Lounge"

for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

Head: Zainulina Guzel Rivalevna

S. Malkovo, 2015


The tasks of fully increasing the role of literature in upbringing and education younger generation urgently require the use of all types and forms of work, including circle work. The value of literary circle work lies in the fact that it expands and enriches the knowledge of schoolchildren, instills in them love and respect for culture, and helps them more fully feel and understand the connection between literature and life.

Getting to know the writer's life and work helps students better understand the artistic truth of his works, the beauty of his language, and the depth of his thoughts and feelings. Visiting places glorified in fiction evokes a heightened sense of the beauty of nature. Familiarity with the work of estate museum staff in preserving the nature of protected areas, which is associated with the problems of cultivating a sense of caring for nature and a desire to take part in activities to protect it. The spiritual uplift caused by staying in protected places, the joy of learning, an abundance of impressions, memorable meetings - all this can make schoolchildren want to write down their impressions in a diary. Keeping a diary, in turn, helps to enrich vocabulary and fosters interest in literary creativity.

The main place for organizing and conducting literary circle work with students should be the school. This is required both by the specifics of the subject and the need for an organic connection between academic and extracurricular work. Depending on the content of the classes, the form of work in the circle can be lecture-based (review conversations by the teacher or reports by schoolchildren on given topics); seminar (training skills in literary and local history work); expeditionary (study of literary and local history objects, collection of materials); scientific research (study and classification of collected materials, work on literature, preparation of reports, etc.); literary and creative (diaries, essays on the topics of the campaign); design (production of visual aids on literary local history, exhibition design, creation of a literary map, literary and local history office, school museum, etc.); organizational and mass (conducting literary and musical matinees and evenings, organizing excursions to the school museum, meetings with writers, holding literary Olympiads, quizzes, games, competitions, summer work with a traveling exhibition, etc.).

The success of the circle will largely depend on the skillful combination of these types and forms of activities.

Areas of work

    Research: messages, reports, abstracts.

    Bulk:organizing competitions, literary and musical festivals, quizzes, dramatic performances, publishing newspapers.

Club goals

    Mastery of typical activities for the profile (analysis and creative processing of text, memorization, mastery of basic acting and directing skills, etc.)

    Providing students with the opportunity to express themselves and achieve success: to perform in a play, literary and musical composition, concert, etc.

    Providing schoolchildren with the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities, self-realization and self-affirmation.

    Formation of students' ideas about the nature of the professional activities of actors, directors, prompters, make-up artists, costume designers and other theater, club, and amateur performances.

Forms of training




    watching excerpts from films and performances

    role playing games

    group work

    excursion to the drama theater.

Educational tasks:

    development of children's creative abilities and their literary gift;

    help each member of the circle to express themselves;

    stimulating interest in the spiritual wealth of Russia and world culture;

    development of the child’s emotional sphere as the basis for the formation of a “culture of feelings”;

    introduction to the world of art; education of aesthetic taste;

    formation of research skills;

    formation of communication skills in different situations.


    work planning,

    newspaper release.

The creative activities of the circle members are directed byadvice mug . His tasks:

    work planning,

    participation in discussion long-term plans work,

    organization of circle meetings,

    organization of leisure activities for members of the circle,

    newspaper release.

He heads the work of his circlepresident . To solve certain problems, temporary initiative groups are created. Such work will help in the future to involve children in independently thinking about upcoming tasks, participating in collective planning and analysis of efficiency, and evaluating what has been done. All this will create the preconditions for collective creativity, which will contribute to the emergence of collective holidays, meetings, and traditions that will help organize work in an interesting way. In the future, it is planned to organize a literary club on the basis of the literary circle. It will help identify and develop children’s creative abilities, teach them to make independent choices, help each club member realize and express themselves, and find their place in the system of intra-school relations. And most importantly, it will raise a person who is passionate about literature and understands art. “Place of residence” mug - office No. 6.

As a result of completing the program material, the student will

have an idea about:

    specifics of performing arts

learns about:

    forms and techniques of voice control;

    forms and techniques of breathing;

    forms and techniques of body control.

will be able to:

    convey your thoughts, feelings, experiences intonationally;

    get into character;

    improvise on a given topic

    create creative works, recite;

    control the audience's attention.

will master

    expressive reading skills;

    basics of stage movement;

    elementary techniques of stagecraft;

    listening skills as an active action.


literary circle

1 hour per week 34 lessons per year




Organizational meeting. Choosing a club name, motto, emblem.


Compiling a list of events. Compiling a list of works for discussion.


Lyrical, epic, dramatic genres of literature and their relationship with other types of art.


Drawing up a script for Teacher's Day.


Rehearsal for the holiday "Teacher's Day"


Drawing up the script for “Miss Autumn 2014”. Celebration rehearsal

"Miss Autumn 2014"


Organization and holding of the festival “Miss Autumn 2012”


Working on expressive reading. Poems of Russian poets.


Collaborative creativity. Writing fairy tales.


Collaborative creativity. Creation of poems on a school theme.


Organization and holding of the literary competition “My native land, I love you!”


Publishing a wall newspaper with the works of the winning students. Summing up the results of the competition.


Excursion to the school library.


Drawing up a script for “New Year’s holiday for elementary school students”


New Year's party rehearsal. New Year's party rehearsal.


Organization and conduct of the sociological survey “Readers”. Processing data and summing up the results of the survey.


Comprehensive analysis of a prose work.


Literary evening on the topic: “150 years since the birth of A.P. Chekhov"


My tongue is my friend. Nurturing love for native language, the ability to construct your speech beautifully and competently. Quiz lesson.


Tasks of newspaper illustration. Reportage photo. Photo report. Photo vernissage. Humorous drawing. Poster. Installation. Diagram. Screensaver. Ornament, vignette. Friendly cartoon.

Creating articles for a local newspaper using illustrations.


Individual work in a computer room on the topic “In the world of art.”


Designing newspaper headlines (computer technology)

Purpose of headings. Types of headings. Font design of headings. Font combination. General newspaper headline. Subtitle. Heading. Epigraph.


Preparation of a concert dedicated to March 8th Day “Let's glorify a woman - Mother - a symbol of beauty.” Performance at a concert on March 8th.


Preparation for the intra-circle conference “I want to know everything!”


Conducting the conference “I want to know everything!”


Distribution of roles, preparation of scenery and rehearsal of the play “The Court of the Red Book”


Preparing the script “The Court of the Red Book” for students primary classes


Performance before primary school students with the play “The Court of the Red Book”


Drawing up an action plan by May 9. Organization and holding of a war reading competition.



Compiling and editing a local newspaper about the school.


Work in the computer room: “Cinema and theater news”


Final meeting of the club. Summing up the year.


Reward for active participation of club members.


Explanatory note

“Post scriptum” is a literary club that united 7th grade students of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 292 with an in-depth study of mathematics in the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg. The main goal of the association is to identify, study and develop the creative abilities of children.
Poetry is of great importance in the formation of a spiritually rich, harmoniously developed personality. Unfortunately, complex poetry that requires thought and tension of feelings often turns off young readers. And in order for a reader to leave school who will certainly try to understand and make sense of this complex poetic world, a circle is needed. “Post scriptum” provides an opportunity to practice in such a difficult task as creative work on literature.

By acquiring practical skills (writing poetry, literary works), children learn to convey their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and express their personal qualities. The “Post Scriptum” club classes are aimed at 7th grade students, numbering 5-15 people, and are held once a week. A total of 34 hours are planned per year.

In the circle classes, students must learn to show their authorial position, read poems expressively, observing the norms of literary pronunciation. Members of the circle should become active participants in school-wide events, promote creative activities, participate in school and city reading competitions, and submit creative works to city competitions.

The purpose of the literary circle, both in general and literary education, consists in the formation of a person’s spiritual world, creating conditions for the formation of the individual’s internal need for continuous improvement, in the realization and development of his creative abilities. At the same time, the student masters the skill of a reader and his own free and vivid speech.

The study of literature as the art of words involves systematic reading of works of art. The need to communicate with a book can only arise with a broad and skillfully directed acquaintance with literature and other forms of art of the native country, region and the world, in constant attention to the students’ emotional perception of the text, to their reflection on the problems posed by the author.

Reality modern world such that we have to admit that interest in poetry is constantly declining throughout the world. To understand and love poetry, a person must think about the meaning of everything that exists, listen to the music of words that expresses the feelings of another person.

Working with poetic texts is not limited to reading, analysis, and the search for visual and expressive means. The practical orientation of the activity will undoubtedly interest not only traditional connoisseurs of poetry - girls, but will also allow boys to show their talents. It is no secret that boys are more prone to independent artistic creativity, while girls prefer to act according to finished sample.

In the process of activity, the circle members will have to select poems of their own composition for the release of a literary and artistic collection, justifying their choice, illustrate them, learn to read poems expressively, and speak to the public.

Program Goals

    Through familiarization with the aspects of poetic skill, learn to create your own works on a given topic: poetry, short prose, based on knowledge of literary theory.

    Analyze lyrical works of your own composition and other authors, learn how to interpret them.

    Learn the principles of communication, becoming sociable people, competent in the field of poetry, and creative individuals.

    To teach students the techniques and skills of working with poetic text, the ability to elementary analyze the text, and see the means of expressiveness of poetic language.

    To develop a sense of beauty in children; the ability to see pictures of nature drawn by masters of the poetic word and illustrate these pictures orally and on paper.

    To teach students to expressively read poems that paint pictures of their native nature; introduce students to the art of artistic expression.

    Instill a feeling of love for native nature through comprehension of a poetic line.

    Highlight in the text the main figurative and expressive means of language provided for study in the literature program for grade 7 (epithet, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, litotes, personification, etc.)

    Illustrate poetic works, feeling the mood conveyed by the poet.

Program objectives

Within the framework of a school poetry club, I would like to solve two interrelated problems: moral education students and their literary development.
The defining direction in the upcoming work is to teach students to think creatively. This can help a lot:

· holistic analysis of a poetic work

· ability to read a work and see the word in context

· comprehension of a poetic idea

· acquaintance with various aspects of poetic skill

In general, what we have achieved today should be a mandatory element of normal organized work schools, because in addition to lessons, schoolchildren develop an interest in the subject, expand and deepen their knowledge of the subject:

· better assimilation of program material

· improve text analysis skills

· linguistic horizons expand

Developing a sense of language

· creativity develops

· increases language culture etc.

To achieve the educational goal, the following tasks are defined:
development of children's creative abilities, their literary gift
assistance in self-expression for each club member
stimulating interest in the spiritual wealth of Russia, the Urals, and world culture
development of the child’s emotional sphere as the basis for the formation of a “culture of feelings”
introduction to the world of art
education of aesthetic taste
formation of research skills
developing communication skills in different situations.

Students' skills and abilities

Expanding the literary horizons of students, mastering the skills of analyzing poetic works, performing creative tasks and written works of a research nature, composing their own poems will help students engage in independent work, the ability to find, assume, prove, compare, and demonstrate their creative activity. What is important is the combination of breadth and depth of content, preference for mass forms of work, taking into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren, various forms of classes, and flexibility in their use.

Expected result

As a result of studying in the circle classes, students become prepared to participate in school and city reading competitions. As a result of working in a circle, students enrich their vocabulary, develop creative abilities, master the norms of literacy oral speech.

Work plan for the 2014 -2015 academic year

Target: development of children's creative abilities and their literary gift.

    development of the child’s emotional sphere as the basis for the formation of a “culture of feelings”;

    developing communication skills, stimulating interest in the spiritual wealth of Russia and world culture;

    introduction to the world of art; education of aesthetic taste.

Three areas of work:

creative: writing poetry;

educational: release of poems of one's own composition;

mass: participation in competitions, literary and musical festivals, quizzes, Olympiads.

Thematic planning of the circle« Postscriptum»

The work of the circle is aimed at developing the following knowledge in students:

    expressive reading skills

    the ability to see the aesthetic function of linguistic means and artistic details of a work

    ability to independently analyze works and their fragments

    the ability to competently construct monologue statements of various forms

    ability to create creative research papers

Since the work of the circle also involves the co-creation of students, it is advisable to conduct some classes as individual ones.

Educational and thematic plan

Lesson topic

Key Content Elements



Planned learning outcomes (personal, meta-subject, subject)

Planned timing/date

Theory of literature.Meters, feet and verse sizes(iamb, trochee).

Meters, feet and verse sizes(iamb, trochee). How to determine poetic size.

Working with poems

Meters, feet and verse sizes

Meters, feet and verse sizes(dactyl, amphibrachium, anapest).

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Understanding poetic meter, the ability to determine it in an unfamiliar text.

Workshop. Reading and writing poetry.

Creating your own texts. Expressive author's reading.

Reading your own texts.

Club meeting dedicated to the work of S.Ya. Marshak

A story about S.Ya. Marshak.

Drawing up a plan, answering reproductive questions

Make a lecture plan,

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Rhyme and its varieties

Methods of rhyming (cross, ring, pair). An algorithm for determining the type of rhyme in a given text.

Working with poems, identifying types of rhymes

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Theory of literature. Rhyme system

The concept of female and male rhyme, how to determine the rhyme system.

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Understanding rhyme, the ability to identify it in an unfamiliar text.


Generalization of knowledge on types of meters and rhymes in poems

Working with poems, identifying types and systems of rhymes

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

Test work.

Understanding rhyme, the ability to identify it in an unfamiliar text.

Understanding poetic meter, the ability to determine it in an unfamiliar text.

Landscape autumn lyrics (A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev)

Acquaintance with the poems of A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev. Determining the features of the autumn image.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Landscape autumn lyrics (S. A. Yesenin, A. Blok, A. Akhmatova).

Acquaintance with the poems of S. A. Yesenin, A. Blok, A. Akhmatova. Determining the features of the autumn image.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Literary theory. Stanza(quatrains, octaves).

The concept of stanza. Types of stanzas: quatrains and octaves.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Workshop. Autumn lyrics

Creating your own texts on a given topic. Expressive author's reading.

Writing your own works, including those based on given principles.

Reading your own texts.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Stanza (terza, Onegin, ballad)

The concept of stanza. Types of stanzas: terza, Onegin, ballad.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Literary theory. Stanza(odic, sonnets, limericks).

The concept of stanza. Types of stanzas: odic, sonnets, limericks.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Workshop. Test "Rhymes and stanzas".

Control lesson on the topic “Rhymes and stanzas”

Test work

Independent work

Theory of literature.Varieties of Poems(acrostic, free verse).

Types of poems. Acrostic, free verse. Main features.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Workshop. Theory of literature. Stanza (quatrains, octaves, terzas).

Summarize knowledge about the types of stanzas. The principle of working with stanzas in a poem.

Working with poems

Compiling a table “Types of stanzas”, working with poems

Theory of literature. Varieties of poems (acrostic, free, free verse, etc.)).

Types of poems. Acrostic, free verse, free verse. Main features.

Working with poems

Drawing up a diagram “Varieties of Poems”

Ability to analyze and systematize one’s own knowledge

Winter in the poems of S. Yesenin, A.S. Pushkin, K. Balmont. Practice. Illustrations.

Acquaintance with the poems of S. A. Yesenin, A. S. Pushkin, K. Balmont. Determining the features of the image of a winter landscape.

Working with poems.

Working with illustrations

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Creative laboratory dedicated to the winter landscape.

Writing a text on a given topic, the concept of " keywords».

Word drawing

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature.Requirements for a writer's style(clarity of speech, accuracy of speech, synonyms).

The concept of the poet's style. Clarity and accuracy of speech are the basic requirements for a writer’s style.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Spring is a wonderful time. Working with texts. (O. Mandelstam, S. Yesenin, N. Klyuev)

Acquaintance with the poems of S. A. Yesenin, O. Mandelstam, N. Klyuev, features of the image of spring nature. The concept of mood in a poem.

Working with poems.

Working with illustrations

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Figurative speech. Epithets.

Expressiveness of speech as a basis in poetry. The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Epithets.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Comparisons.

The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Comparisons.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Paths (metaphor, personification, allegory).

The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Paths. Metaphor, personification, allegory.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Tropes (metonymy, synecdoche, irony).

The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Metonymy, synecdoche, irony.

Working with poems

Setting educational goals and objectives, formulating lesson conclusions.

Construct your own statement.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Theory of literature. Figures (repetition, exclamation, antithesis). Control.

The concept of figurative and expressive means in speech. Syntactic figures. Repetition. Exclamation. Antithesis.

Working with poems.

Test by searching for examples in texts.

Independent work

Poems about war. Genre of the poem. R. Rozhdestvensky. “210 steps. War"

Genre of the poem. The specifics of the theme of war in poetry using the example of R. Rozhdestvensky’s poem “210 steps. War"

Working with a poem. Collective reading of the poem, breaking the text into semantic parts. Expressive reading

Setting educational goals and objectives.

Group work.

Ability to analyze and correct your work.

Ability to work in a group.

Summer landscapes (M.Yu. Lermontov, M. Tsvetaeva, S. Yesenin)

Features of the depiction of summer nature using the example of poems by M.Yu. Lermontov, M. Tsvetaeva, S. Yesenin. The concept of the mood of a poem.

Working with poems. Expressive reading

Setting educational goals and objectives.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Workshop. Summer landscapes.

Creating your own poetic works on a given topic.

Writing texts. Expressive reading.

Setting educational goals and objectives.

The ability to analyze and correct your speech and the speech of others.

Reserve lessons

List of literature for teachers

1. Brief dictionary literary terms. M., “Enlightenment”, 1985.

2. V.P. Medvedev “Studying lyrics at the school M. “Enlightenment” 1985.

3. M.M. Girshmon “Analysis of poetic works by ASP, M.Yu. Lermontov, F.I. Tyutchev, M. " graduate School 1981"

4. N. Gordeev, V. Peshkov “Tambov path to Pushkin.”

5. A.I. Revyakin “History of Russian literature of the 19th century.” M. "Enlightenment" 1981

6. Literary reference materials. Moscow. "Enlightenment" 1989

List of literature for students

1. Works by A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, A. Koltsov, O. Mandelstam, S. Yesenin, M. Tsvetaeva, N. Klyuev, K. Balmont, S. Klychkov, L. Tolstoy, V. Astafiev , M. Prishvina.

2. V.G. Belinsky “Works of A.S. Pushkin.” M. " Soviet Russia» 1984

3. Explanatory dictionary. 4. A brief dictionary of literary terms.

« Personal creative plan»

The work of the circle reflects activities to improve their own professional pedagogical qualifications, as I am working on the topic “Personally-oriented and developmental teaching technologies and lessons of the Russian language and literature.” I believe that the goal of modern education, the main value of which is the recognition of individuality in each student, is to create psychological and pedagogical conditions that allow working in a single classroom team with a focus on the average student, and with each individual, taking into account individual cognitive abilities, needs and interests. This makes it possible to develop the student’s individual abilities, form a comprehensively developed personality, acquire skills and abilities based on cooperation between teacher and student, mutual understanding; development of creative learning skills that involve the integration of subjects (literature, Russian language, history, music, painting).

Class appendix

Lessons 9-10

Landscape autumn lyrics, her artistic features.

"Golden autumn has come"


    show the beauty and diversity of nature through poetry.


    introduce the works of A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev, S.A. Yesenin, A. Blok, A. Akhmatova, dedicated to autumn;

    teach rhyme selection;

    teach how to use a dictionary;

    teach how to compare different works.

    develop a sense of language;

    cultivate love for native nature;

    cultivate a love for the poetic word.

I. Checking homework. At the last poetry meeting we worked with texts by S.Ya. Marshak and wrote quatrains dedicated to our little brothers. We agreed to finalize what we wrote at home, and now I would like to listen to your texts.

Reading children's work.

II. Today's meeting is dedicated to autumn, a wonderful time of year. Let's see what definition S.I. Ozhegov gives to the word “autumn”. Autumn is the time of year following summer. Meager lines that carry only specific information and do not reflect the speaker’s attitude to the subject of conversation.
III. Let's turn to poetic texts and see what autumn looks like in verse.

1. A.S. Pushkin

Autumn (excerpt)

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your beautiful beauty -

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,

In the canopy of the wind there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

2. F.I. Tyutchev

There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -

Only a web of thin hair

Glistens on the idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But the first winter storms are far away -

And pure and warm azure flows

To the resting field...

3. S. Yesenin


Quietly in the juniper thicket along the cliff.

Autumn - red mare - often mane

Above the river bank cover

The blue clang of her horseshoes is heard.

Skhemnik - the wind with a cautious step

Crumples leaves along road ledges.

And kisses on the rowan bush

Red ulcers for the invisible Christ.

4. A. Blok

Golden Valley

You leave, dumb and wild.

The crane melts in the sky

A receding cry.

Freezes, it seems, at its zenith

Endlessly pulls the threads

Triumphant Spider.

Through transparent fibers

The sun, the light is not melting,

Idlely hitting blind windows

Empty housing.

For elegant clothes

Autumn gave up the sun

Fledgling hopes

Inspirational warmth.

5. A. Akhmatova

An unprecedented autumn built a high dome,

There was an order for the clouds not to darken this dome.

And people marveled: the September deadlines were passing,

Where did the cold, humid days go?

The water of the muddy canals became emerald,

And the nettles smelled like roses, but only stronger.

It was stuffy from the dawns, unbearable, demonic and scarlet,

We all remembered them until the end of our days.

The sun was like a rebel entering the capital,

AND spring autumn I caressed him so greedily,

It seemed like a transparent snowdrop was about to turn white...

That’s when you approached, calm, to my porch.

After reading each poem, a conversation is held according to the following approximate plan:

1. What mood does this poem evoke?

2. What is autumn in the description of this poet? What does this mean?

3. Are all the words clear?

A number of “definitions” of autumn are written on the board (comparisons, epithets,...) We conclude that each poet has his own autumn. Often poets convey their state of mind through descriptions of nature. It must be said that poetry cannot talk about anything without relating it to a person. Any description of an object or landscape will in one way or another speak about the poet.

IV. Music is close to poetry. Listen to how Vivaldi expressed his feelings, showed his understanding and perception of autumn. A fragment of “The Seasons” is played.

V. And, of course, I would really like you to try to write something right now. I offer you the form of terzen (three lines) based on past tense verbs.

For example:

Autumn. The leaves have turned yellow,

The birds have flown away

Only eight kopecks. Autumn!

The guys write and read the resulting poems. A fragment from Tchaikovsky's "Seasons" is played.

Lesson 4

A meeting of the poetry club dedicated to children's literature and the works of S. Ya. Marshak.


    involve students in the work of a poetry club, showing the possibility of developing speech, co-creation, creativity.


    introduce the life and work of S.Ya.;

    develop a sense of language by showing the beauty of the poetic word;

    develop students' creative abilities;

    cultivate a love of literature and the poetic word;

    cultivate love for our smaller brothers.

I. Poetic speech is unusual. Even the Bible gives an explanation for its occurrence: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). Indeed, well-known Christian motifs are close to the poetic speech. We hear poetic speech from the cradle, falling asleep to the songs of our mother, listening to the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, riddles and jokes.

II. Today we will get acquainted with children's poems, and maybe we will remember something that is painfully familiar from childhood.

So, Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887 - 1964). This greatest poet, playwright, translator, creator of great poetry for little ones. This is what I want to talk about today in more detail.

In Marshak’s work for children, one is struck by both the variety of the content of the books and the variety of their literary genres. He wrote funny poems about children, about their games, toys (“Giant”, “Ball”, “Vanka - Vstanka”, “Mustachioed - Striped”, “Good Day”, “Children of our Yard”, etc.) and poetic educational books(“Yesterday and Today”, “A Fun Journey from A to Z”, “ All year round”, “A Multi-Colored Book”, “How a Plane Made a Plane”), and heroic stories about the exploits and work of man (“Passport”, “Mail”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Ice Island”.)

Marshak’s works also reflect the exciting events in the life of our people: “War with the Dnieper” (about the construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station), “Military Post (about the fighting

for the Motherland), “Fairy tale” (about pre-revolutionary life). He also wrote humorous books: “The Absent-Minded Man”, “Luggage”, “Poodle”, Based on folk art He created the wonderful fairy tale “Ryaba Hen and Ten Ducklings”, fairy tales and plays “Teremok”, “Cat’s House”, “Twelve Months”, etc.

He translated many works from English language: sonnets by Shakespeare, poems by Burns, Byron. A characteristic feature of his work is that his poems are read with pleasure not only by children, but also by adults. And this is a sign of true word art!

Why do you think this serious man wrote poetry for the little ones?

(A funny plot, a good joke help to present material for education best qualities person).

V.G. Belinsky wrote: “Write, write for children, but only in such a way that an adult will read your book with pleasure.” Marshak himself believed that “there is no need to make any discounts on children’s literature. We do not feed children worse foods than adults. The demand for simplicity and value in a children’s book should not lead to a simplification of thoughts and an impoverishment of feelings.”

III. Expressive reading of the works of S. Ya. Marshak

1. Mustachioed - striped.

2. Giant.

3. The Tale of a Stupid Mouse.

4. Children in a cage.

5. All year round (calendar).

6. About everything in the world (ABC in verses and pictures).

Which poems did you like best and why?

What means of expression does the author use most often? (epithets and comparisons).

IV. Today we will try to “put” our “children in cages”, we will try to write poems about the animals that we know best, which are closest to us.

I suggest you possible beginnings poems.

Where are you, little gray mouse?

How much can you squeak?

Disturbing the kids' sleep?)

I am a naughty kitten.

(Where is your book, my friend?

Yes, a notebook will do:

Tearing its leaves is sweet...)

I am a red, perky, cheerful puppy.

(To you, dear friend, I am flying as fast as I can.

I wait for you faithfully at the door.

Give me a bone or some candy quickly!)

Cowardly, gray and oblique

(I didn't want to be friends with the fox

And just one time

He ran past us.)

Red-tailed cunning -

(The biggest liar.

Wagging his tail - deception,

Every word is all fog).

Silly gray wolf cub

(He often howls in his sleep.

Just look at the moon

The howl goes to the bottom).

When preparing at home, the teacher plays out the suggested beginnings of the lines himself and sees what is easier for the children to cope with.

The creative process can be accompanied by Shainsky's music.


Analysis of poetic text

    Really biographical and factual commentary.

    Genre (drama, lyricism, lyric epic, epic).

DRAMA- one of the four types of literature. In the narrow sense of the word - the genre of a work depicting a conflict between characters; in the broad sense - all works without author's speech. Types (genres) of dramatic works: tragedy, drama, comedy, vaudeville.
LYRICS- one of the four types of literature, reflecting life through a person’s personal experiences, feelings and thoughts. Types of lyrics: song, elegy, ode, thought, epistle, madrigal, stanzas, eclogue, epigram, epitaph.
LYROEPICA- one of the four types of literature, in the works of which the reader observes and evaluates the artistic world from the outside as a plot narrative, but at the same time the events and characters receive a certain emotional assessment of the narrator. A ballad is a lyric-epic poetic work.
EPOS- one of the four types of literature, reflecting life through a story about a person and the events that happen to him. The main types (genres) of epic literature: epic, novel, story, short story, short story, artistic essay.

    Topic (what the poem is about).

    The meaning of the title (the title reflects the main theme and idea of ​​the poem).

    Basic images.

    The use of figurative and expressive means of language (tropes, artistic techniques, synonyms, homonyms, antonyms).

    Color scheme.

    Features of construction.

    Poetic size Coachman x O dit, iambic, trochee (disyllabic)

Am e ba d A amphibrachium, dactyl,

But not everything I kaya.anapaest (trisyllabic)

    Rhyme (paired - AABB, cross - ABAB, ring or encircling - ABAB).

    Intonation, semantic and rhythmic pauses.

    Conclusion (my assessment).


Natalya Nikolaevna Kuklova
Literary club program "Rechenka" for older preschoolers.

Explanatory note.

At each period of a child’s life, the activity of his body is associated with the solution of certain priority, vital tasks. IN preschool period these are tasks of social significance, for example, speech development.

Speech is one of the most complex higher mental functions of a person, depending on the degree of formation of which in early childhood the level of the child’s general preparedness for successful learning in many respects depends secondary school. If speech begins to develop intensively in the second year of life, then by the age of six the child will already be able to control his behavior on the basis of verbally generalized information.

However, statistics show that the percentage of children with speech violations is growing steadily. Today, according to the World Health Organization, various speech disorders are observed in 30% of children entering the 1st grade, i.e. objectively within preschool period in a third of all children speech the function does not reach the norm and requires additional corrective actions from specialists.

It is also known that it is easier to prevent deviations than to correct existing ones. Therefore, it is necessary to develop speech from early childhood and in close cooperation of all specialists, since it is the first years of a child’s life that are decisive for his further development.

One of the most important tasks of a teacher with preschoolers those with OHP include the formation of coherent monologue speech. This is necessary both to more completely overcome the systemic speech underdevelopment, and to prepare children for the upcoming schooling. Unfortunately, frontal and individual lessons with children with speech impairments are not enough to solve problems. Taking this fact into account, it was created circle« Rechenka» , which includes the following types of children's activities:

Reading fairy tales, stories, poems, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, guessing riddles

Observation, demonstration, TSO

Games, exercises

Conversations; explanations, story, reading

Staging and dramatization.


Particular importance is attached to working with artistic literature, since this is both a mysterious world into which every child is immersed, and a source of information about surrounding, And necessary condition normal speech development. Children learn not only to learn poems, guess riddles, and retell fairy tales, but also get acquainted with epithets, metaphors, comparisons, and other means of artistic expression, learn to fantasize, composing unusual sequels famous fairy tales, inventing your own original fairy tales or stories on a given topic.

Development of optimal ways to overcome general speech underdevelopment in older preschoolers through familiarization with artistic literature.

Tasks mug.

1. Show the features of the development of expressiveness of figurative speech preschoolers with ONR based on works and folklore genre.

2. Develop the child’s creative abilities through theatrical activities, improve children’s artistic skills.

3. Develop communication skills children through folk tales, folklore, games, and fun.

4. To develop experience in social behavior skills and create conditions for the development of children’s creative activity.

In class mug With children we learn to speak brightly, figuratively, expressively, attracting the attention of listeners. We play finger games based on folk and original fairy tales. We show theatrical performances using glove puppets. Theatrical activity is the most common type of children's creativity. It is close and understandable to the child, lies deeply in his nature and is reflected spontaneously, because it is connected with play. Any invention of your own, impressions from surrounding The child wants to translate life into living images and actions. Entering the character, he plays any role, trying to imitate that what he saw and what interested him, and receiving great emotional pleasure.

Theatrical activities help develop the child’s interests and abilities; contribute general development; manifestation of curiosity, desire to learn new things, assimilation new information and new ways of action, development of associative thinking; perseverance, determination, manifestation of general intelligence, emotions when playing roles. The alternation of the functions of performer and spectator, which the child constantly takes on, helps him demonstrate to his comrades his position, skills, knowledge, and imagination.

Exercises to develop speech, breathing and voice improve child's speech apparatus. Completing game tasks in the images of animals and characters from fairy tales helps to better master your body and realize the plastic possibilities of movements. Children become more relaxed and sociable; they learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, to feel and perceive more subtly the world around us.


Kruzhkovaya work allows you to occupy children in their free time from organized educational activities, liberate children, relieve "installation" on educational activities, allows the teacher to avoid the stereotyped beginning of educational activities.

Stages of work:

Installation stage (children become familiar with the topic, they develop a positive attitude toward the activity, and their attention is activated. With the help of special conversations and games, the teacher, together with the teacher-psychologist and speech therapist, form in children an emotional and trusting contact with their peers).

Correctional stage (includes overcoming the main problems that exist in the development of speech and behavioral areas of children with ODD. Tasks are offered for the formation of friendly contacts in a group, the ability to interact in games, and participation in playing roles in games).

Final stage (summarizes, the work of all children is assessed positively).

The results of the work being carried out are positive dynamics in indicators of the quality of training and education. The children use nursery rhymes and counting rhymes in active speech, have a stock of knowledge of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, use the attributes of Russian folk culture in independent activities, take an active part in folk holidays. Children learned to see the beauty of the Russian folk word through games, conversations, and activities. They constantly expand their horizons, their speech becomes literate, they use popular words and understand their meaning. In my work I use modern educational technologies: personality-oriented (I provide comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development); humane and personal (I reject coercion, I profess the ideas of comprehensive respect and love for the child); cooperation (I realize democracy, equality, partnership in the relationship between teacher and child); health-saving (gymnastics, physical exercises, gymnastics after sleep, finger games, walks in the fresh air with the use of outdoor games, I control the ventilation of the premises); free upbringing (I focus on providing the child with freedom of choice and independence; by making his choice, the child declares his position); gaming; developmental training that allows you to develop a creative personality ready for life in modern society; differentiated instruction, according to which I give children knowledge on principle: to each at the level of his capabilities and abilities, I take into account the individuality of each child; interactive technologies that I use in my classes, club work, in working with parents. Thanks to modern pedagogical technologies educational process carried out effectively.

Within mug programs« Rechenka» with children senior preschool age, an action plan was developed with children and parents. During our meetings, the children learned how the book appeared, got acquainted with Russian folklore, traveled to a Russian fair, told their favorite fairy tales, and visited the country "Make a wish", participated in dramatizations and performances, staging puppet shows.

Form of organization of classes in mug« Rechenka» .

Classes are held once a week.

Duration - 25-30 minutes

Number of children – all present in the group

Age – 5-6 years

Interaction with specialists and parents.

Job mug takes place more efficiently and effectively with the participation of specialists preschool educational institution: We resort to consultation with a teacher-psychologist to solve social and moral problems in children. Advice from a speech therapist helps improve speech skills of preschoolers. Other teachers take part in holidays and entertainment in the role of characters. Parents provide assistance in making attributes and costumes for the holidays; participate as characters.

Conversations with parents, their participation in work mug They also help at home to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired by children in classes and, thereby, achieve the results we want.

Expected results.

Expected Results:

1. Development of monologue and dialogic speech of children with special needs development

2. Development of the creative abilities of a child with special needs through theatrical activities, improving artistic skills

Children master the skill:

1. Retell literary works, independently conveying the idea and content, expressively reproducing the dialogues of the characters.

3. Distinguish literary genres: fairy tale, story, riddle, proverb, poem

4. Show individual creative abilities in stories speech activity.

Job Analysis mug« Rechenka» showed positive dynamics in correction speech and mental disorders in older preschoolers. Therefore work experience mug can be used in the work of psychologists, teachers, specialists preschool education, and will also be useful to parents interested in the harmonious development of their children.

Long-term work plan mug:


Diagnosis of children's speech development

- "Theater of Sounds"


- "How the book appeared"

- "How a book is born"

- “Getting to know Russian folklore: “Songs, nursery rhymes "Kitsonka - Murysenka", “The cat went to Torzhok”

Getting to know the riddles

Games for the development of hearing, onomatopoeia, pre-game activities, speech formation


Acquaintance with fairy tales of different nations


- "Journey through the Russian Fair"

- "Journey through the Russian Fair"


Children making up fairy tales

- “Learning to speak differently”

Traveling around the country "Make a wish"

Preparing for the New Year holiday"


Games to develop acting skills, puppeteering training

- “Learning to speak clearly

Theatrical folklore performance


- “One, two, three, four, five - do you want to play?”

re-enactment "Forest Animals"

Preparing for the holiday

Holiday of Russian felt boots


- “Composing a descriptive story about mom”

re-enactment "Magpie - white-sided"

re-enactment "Cats and mice"


- “One, two, three, four, five - we will compose poems”

- “We read funny poems and add words to rhyme”

-“A friend will always come to the rescue”

- "Plasticine fairy tale"

Reading your favorite books

Quiz "We love fairy tales"

- “We talk about our favorite games and fairy tales”

Preparing for the performance

Performance with adults (parents) and children of the group

Working with parents:

September: Questionnaire " Speech development of a child

October: Creating a mini-library on a topic "Oral folk art"

November: Album art "Fairy Tales" (written by parents together with their children)

December: Invite parents to remember speech games from your childhood and design an album

January: Offer to help in organizing and decorating a theatrical performance “You are welcome to our little room”

February: Joint preparation for the holiday "Russian felt boots"

March: Consultation “The development of a child’s speech is the most important task”

April: Writing poems, riddles, various rhymes

May: Organizing and conducting a performance together with children and parents

Regional State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution "Multifunctional Center for Professional

qualifications in the field of service and hospitality"

Work program

literary creative circle



Developed by a teacher

Russian language and literature

Gavrikova Irina Vladimirovna



Club work is a way to develop the interests, inclinations, and abilities of students. Circles provide the basis for the free choice of activities of interest in accordance with the needs for self-development.Not all people can become creative individuals in full understanding of the meaning of these words, but a creative attitude towards any task, the use of creative elements in work is possible and necessary for everyone. To be creative in your work means to do it efficiently, at a higher level. Creativity is constant improvement and progress in any activity. His standard of living depends on a person’s creative capabilities.

Passion for literature helps to broaden students' horizons, better assimilation of other subjects, develops creative thinking, forms literary taste, abilities and skills to read competently, thoughtfully, analyze, and consciously draw conclusions.

The approach to conducting classes is based on the following principles:

reliance on students’ existing knowledge and skills;

taking into account the individual characteristics of students;

creating conditions for acquiring knowledge;

trusting, humane forms and methods of communication during classes.

Program focus: artistic and aesthetic.

Purpose literary circle is:

development of creative abilities, independent creative activity;

expanding the life experience of students, involving them in a creative environment that suits their interests;

development of general creative potential and special literary and creative abilities.


Development of cognitive intereststudentsto the study of literature;

Increasing intellectual level;

Stimulating interest in the spiritual wealth of Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

Development of the emotional spherestudentsas the basis for the formation of a “culture of feelings”;

Development of creative abilities;

Education of aesthetic taste;

Formation of research skills;

Formation of communication skills in different situations.

Three directions of the circle’s work have been identified :


writing creative works, essays, preparing messages, reports;


publishing newspapers, newsletters, creating presentations, booklets;


organizing and conducting literary games and competitions, literary and musical lounges, quizzes.

The activities of the literary creative circle “Obraz” are implemented through the following projects:

Creative: work in a creative laboratory, presentation of one’s own literary work, independent writing of scripts for literary festivals and evenings; work in groups (script writing, design, etc.);

Playful: participation in theatrical performances, independent creation of “your” role (a literary character or a fictional hero);

Informational: collecting information about the writer, his life and work, analyzing it and summarizing the facts.

This program is aimed at improving the basic types of speech activity, theoretical and practical trainingstudents.

Expected results:

During the visit to the clubstudents

must be able to:

Apply acquired knowledge in lessons of general education and special disciplines;

Work with literary text;

Practically demonstrate and perform the mastered material;

Express your own emotions;

Create presentations;

Feel the image, mood and conveyed character of the work;

Work individually and collectively;

Approach creatively to the lesson;

The knowledge and skills acquired in a literary circle will help shape the psychological qualities of an individual: independence, curiosity, observation, hard work; will help students perform successfully and participate in events and concerts.

The work of the living room is headed by its president. To solve certain problems, temporary initiative groups are created. The “place of residence” of the literary creative circle is the hostel.

The product of the activities of the literary creative circle “Obraz” is the video “Image”, the literary almanac “Poetic Vinaigrette”, the creation of booklets of their own poems, as well as participation in creative competitions different levels.

The program lasts 1 year.

Number of hours - 74 (1 time per week).


Topic 1. Introductory lesson. Goals and objectives of the course. The place and significance of Russian literature and culture in general.

Topic 2. The great power of poetry: the legend of Arion, the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Revealing the reader's taste: what poems you like, “your” poets, “other people’s” poets.

Topic 3. Local history. Literary map of Krasnoyarsk.

Topic 4. Basics of versification. The laws of creating a poetic work. Poetic size. The concept of iambic, trochee, anapest, hexameter, amphibrach.

Topic 5. The concept of rhyme, Rhyme, male and female, complete, incomplete. Paired rhyme, cross rhyme, ringing.

Topic 6. The concept of stanza. A variety of stanzas. Onegin stanza.

Topic 7. The concept of “text”, “the main idea of ​​the text”.

Topic 8. Means of artistic expression. The concept of tropes and stylistic figures. Tropes: epithet, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, litotes, synecdoche, oxymoron.

Topic 9. Stylistic figures: comparative turn, inversion, rhetorical question and exclamation.

Topic 10.Genres of lyrical works: poem, ballad, ode, fable, message, epigram, epitaph, elegy, stanzas, song, sonnet, rubai.

Practical work on developing theoretical literary concepts. Research work.

Holding holidays, literary lounges dedicated to poets, writers - heroes of the day.

Conducting a scientific and practical conference “Science and Art” dedicated to the Year of Literature.

Local history. Literary map of Krasnoyarsk.

The program includes the implementation of project activities of students.




Number of hours

Form of conduct



Introductory lesson. Goals and objectives of the course. The place and significance of Russian literature and culture in general.Organizational issue. President's choice. Determination of main directions, discussion of the work plan.

group activity


Reading competition dedicated to the 120th anniversary of S.A. Yesenin.

individual performances


Conversation about great power poetry: the legend of Arion, the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Revealing the reader's taste: what poems you like, “your” poets, “other people’s” poets.

To the 120th anniversary of the poet. Yesenin's favorite women.

group activity


Literary Museum.



Basics of versification. The laws of creating a poetic work.

Poetic size. The concept of iambic, trochee, anapest, hexameter, amphibrach.

Game "Literary Casino".

group activity


Lesson from the series “Acting”. Work on the project “Our Little Theater”. Distribution of roles.“Images” of food on the pages of Russian classical literature.

creative laboratory


We study the language of facial expressions and gestures. Work on the project “Our Little Theater”.

group activity


Lesson from the series “Acting”. Stage speech. The concept of diction and intonation. Work on the project “Our Little Theater”.

group activity


Conducting a scientific and practical conference, “Science and Art,” dedicated to the Year of Literature.

individual lesson


Means of artistic expression. The concept of tropes and stylistic figures. Tropes: epithet, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, litotes, synecdoche, oxymoron.

Duel of poets. Project "Lee"literary almanac “Poetic vinaigrette”.

group activity


Lesson from the series “Acting”. Stage communication as interaction and influence on each other. Open meeting “Our little theater”.

group activity


Stylistic figures: comparative turnover, inversion, rhetorical question and exclamation.Drawing up a game script, developing presentations for the 205th anniversary of the release of the collection “Krylov’s Fables”.

group activity, dramatization


The concept of “text”, “the main idea of ​​the text”.Literary lounge "Igor Talkov".

View the presentation, discuss


Genres of lyrical works: poem, ballad, ode, fable, message, epigram, epitaph, elegy, stanzas, song, sonnet, rubai.Holiday "Merry Duck".

group activity


Game "Clever and Clever".

group activity


Literary lounge “I loved you.”

group activity


The laws of creating a poetic work. Research work “Poetry of War” (practical consolidation of theoretical knowledge).

Small group work


Local history. Literary map of Krasnoyarsk.

Quiz "Wise Thoughts".

Creating presentations, group activity


Individual lessons


To the anniversary of A.P. Chekhov. Preparation for an intellectual game on creativity. Reading the stories “Thick and Thin”, “Over Salted”, “Death of an Official”, “Chameleon”, “Anna on the Neck”, “Horse Name”, “Man in a Case”.

group activity


Intellectual game based on the works of A.P. Chekhov.

group activity


Workshop on poetry. Game "14 lines or is it easy to translate poetry."

group activity


Preparation of the game “Country of Literature”.

Making presentations, working in groups


The game “Country of Literature” is for everyone.

group activity


Open readings. The story of I. Ilf, E. Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”.

group activity


Literary game “Image” based on the work of I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”.

group activity


Development of a script for a literary and musical composition for Victory Day “In Memory of the Fallen...”

individual lessons


Local history. Literary map of Krasnoyarsk. Open readings. Krasnoyarsk poets and writers during the Great Patriotic War.

Publishing a literary newspaper, preparing presentations, reporting on work on creativity researchKrasnoyarsk poets and writers during the Great Patriotic War.


Intellectual game “What? Where? When?".

group activity


Lesson from the series

"Acting" Stage communication as interaction and influence on each other. Work on the project “Our Little Theater”.

individual lessons


Work on the project “Our Little Theater”.

group lesson, working on the video “Image”


Creative laboratory.Presentation of your own creativity.Open meeting “Our little theater”.

group lesson presentation of booklets,literary almanac "Poetic Vinaigrette".


Local history. Literary map of Krasnoyarsk.

meeting with a writer


Literary cafe. Summing up.

group activity


Participation in literary creative competitions at various levels.

individual lessons

throughout the year

Design of literary newspapers, newsletters, preparation of presentations of one’s own creativity, production of booklets.

individual lessons

throughout the year

Making stage costumes for performances.

Making props used on stage.

individual lessons

throughout the year



Literary club classes require appropriate teaching materials and technical equipment. Among them:

1. Reproductions of paintings, portraits of poets and writers.

2. CD-discs,DVD-discs with images of landscapes, video clips from literary works, audio recordings of musical works.

3. Materials for artistic creativity (gouache, watercolor, paper, etc.)

4. Computer, multimedia projector.

5. Tape recorder.

6. Tables, chairs.

The office should be well lit, ventilated,


Literature for teachers:

    Belenky G.I. Introduction to the art of words. – M.: Education, 1990.

    Eremina O.A. Literary club at school. 5-6 grades / O.A. Eremina. – M.: Education, 2012, p.143

    Vartanyan E.V. Journey into the word: Book. for extracurricular activities. reading. – 3rd ed., rev. – M.: Education, 2001. – 208 p.: ill. – (World of Knowledge);

    Ladyzhenskaya T. A. Children's rhetoric in drawings, poems, stories: Method. recommendations: Book. for the teacher. – M: Education, 2000. – 96 p.

    Lakotsepina, T.P. Modern lesson. Part 6 (integrated lessons) / T.P. Lakotsepina. – M.: Uchitel Publishing House, 2008.

    Marantsman V.G. Analysis of a literary work and the reading perception of schoolchildren.– L., 1974.

    Rybnikova M.A. Essays on the method of literary reading. – M.: Education, 1985.

    Kholshevnikov V.E. Poetic anthology on the history of Russian verse. Thought armed with rhymes. – Leningrad: Leningrad University Publishing House, 1987. – 605 p.

    Development of children's creative abilities in associations of young journalists and literary and creative associations / comp. IN. Tanuilova. – Rostov-on-Don, 2002, 105 p. . Information site for masters and teachers of special disciplines.

Literature for students:

    Volina M. Rhyming games. – M.: Education, 2009.

    Matveeva T.V. From sound to text. – M.: Education, 2001.

    Moskvin V.P. Theoretical foundations poetry. – M.: Librocom, 2009.

    Russian literature of the 20th century / ed. V.V. Agenosova , in two parts. M.: Bustard, 2002.

    Skripov, G.S. About Russian versification / manual for students. M.: Education, 1979.

    Todorov L.V. Russian versification in school study. – M.: Education, 2009.

    Shulgovsky N. Entertaining versification. – M.: Meshcheryakov Publishing House, 2008.

    Etkind E. Talk about poetry. – M.: Education, 1989.

MKOU secondary school st. Nikolaevskaya Digorsky district


Head of teachers' education departmentprimary classes

Bessarab L.N.

Protocol No._____

from "____"________2014


I.O. deputy director

according to UVR________Chirvo N.N.


"I affirm"

Acting Director of MKOU Secondary School

Art. Nikolaevskaya

Romanenko N. N.

Order No. _______

dated "____"____________2014

Work program

Literary circle

"Visiting a wise book"

2nd grade


Primary school teacher

Khloeva Evgenia Viktorovna

2014-2015 academic year

Explanatory note.

The modern school is experiencing a new stage of its development. The primary school teacher is faced with the task of building the educational process in such a way that society receives highly cultural, deeply moral and socially active citizens, for whom the ability and desire to learn should become stable personality traits. This cannot be achieved without serious work by students from the first days of school, not only with the textbook, but also with children's books from the available reading range. Until recently, the value of books and reading was undeniable in our country. But today the situation looks different. The picture of mass reading, its prestige, reading preferences and habits have changed significantly. In our age of scientific and technological progress, where television, computers and video games dominate, children have lost interest in reading. We observe:

        • changing the nature of reading;

  • an increase in the number of students who limit themselves to reading literature only according to the school curriculum;

    There is currently no official tutorial extracurricular reading, work with the book is included in the structure of literary reading lessons.

The problem of developing correct, conscious, fluent and expressive reading worries every teacher, since reading plays a very important (if not dominant) role in the education and development of a child’s personality.

What is happening with modern children's reading in terms of the prospects for the birth of a new generation of children in the information society? This question worries adults deeply. Many teachers and parents are unhappy that children don’t like to read, but you can’t force them to study, you have to get them excited about learning! And this is absolutely fair. How to teach reading so that children fall in love with books, because a book read in childhood remains in memory for a lifetime and influences the subsequent development of a person? This problem is of particular relevance in elementary school. Each book must come to a child at a certain age, otherwise friendship with it may not happen!

Teachers are seriously concerned about the problem of children's reading. Many parents do not know what their children are reading and are not interested in what books they are interested in; the vast majority do not subscribe to periodicals for their children. Schoolchildren themselves prefer to buy scanword puzzles and comics.

To solve this problem, a literary club program for 2nd grade students “Visiting a wise book” was created

Purpose of the program: to introduce students in depth to children's literature and books, to ensure the literary development of younger schoolchildren, to reveal to children the world of moral and aesthetic values ​​and spiritual culture accumulated by previous generations, to develop artistic taste, to form a culture of feelings and communication.

The program is aimed at solving the following problems:

develop in children the ability to fully perceive a work of art, empathize with the characters, and respond emotionally to what they read;

to teach children to feel and understand the figurative language of a work of art, the means of expression that create an artistic image, to develop students’ imaginative thinking;

to develop the ability to recreate artistic images of a literary work, develop students’ imagination, associative thinking, develop children’s poetic ear, accumulate aesthetic experience in listening to works of fine literature, cultivate an artistic ear;

to create a need for constant reading of books, to develop interest in literary reading, the creativity of writers, creators of works of literary art;

enrich the child’s sensory experience, his real ideas about the world around him and nature;

to form a child’s aesthetic attitude to life, introducing him to the classics fiction;

provide a sufficiently deep understanding of the content of works of varying levels of complexity;

broaden children’s horizons through reading books of various genres, varied in content and subject matter, enrich the child’s moral, aesthetic and cognitive experience;

ensure the development of students’ speech and actively develop reading and speech skills;

work with different types of texts;

create conditions for the formation of the need for independent reading of works of fiction.

The selection of literary content is guided by the value of the works, takes into account age capabilities and social experience younger schoolchildren. That is why, along with classical Russian and foreign literature Place is given to works of oral folk art and modern children's books.

During the classes, children also get acquainted with the literature of their native land, works of oral folk art, reflecting the life and traditions, the richness and originality of the language of the people living in the area, which will not only have an impact on the formation of the personal identity of the growing person, but will also help to master the figurative specifics literature as an art form.

Teachers who work with primary schoolchildren know how difficult it is to teach children reading techniques, but even more difficult to raise an enthusiastic reader. It is necessary to organize the process so that reading contributes to the development of personality, and developed personality feels the need for reading as a source of further development. Reading and telling books is organized at all moments of life at school; it is associated with games and walks, with everyday activities and work.

The forms of working with a book are varied and determined by the creativity of the teacher. To develop interest in reading, you need to use a variety ofForms of organization of classes:





    integrated lesson,


    oral journal,


    literary meetings,

    literary living room,

    literary ring, etc.

The work system presented in the program allows the implementation of new technologies, non-standard forms of work in extracurricular activities, develop students’ speech, increase children’s learning motivation and, most importantly, raise literate readers. The use of computer and multimedia technologies will significantly increase the effectiveness of cultivating interest in books and reading.

The teacher must create conditions for the modern child that guarantee him the discovery of a holistic picture of the world thanks to the current set of children's books, the development of motives for his attitude towards reading, so that the culture of understanding the value and priority of reading and reading activity is not violated.

Timing and stages of program implementation, focus on the final result:

This program implemented for 1 year in extracurricular activities.At the end of the school year, diagnostics are carried out in the form of tests, questionnaires, and interviews.

The content of the program is divided into two sections:

1. Reading circle.

2. Working with a children's book (UUD)

When teaching children to read, their knowledge should be supplemented with elementary concepts of a literary nature: simple information about the author - writer, the theme of the work being read, its genre, features of small folklore genres (riddle, joke, proverb, counting rhyme). Children will receive initial ideas about the visual and expressive capabilities of verbal art (about “painting with words”, about metaphor, comparison, personification, rhythm and musicality of poetic speech).

The club’s activities are aimed at developing the child’s communication skills,
the ability to conduct a dialogue, participate in a conversation, listen and complement comrades, express judgments and prove their correctness. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a friendly tone, the emotional nature of speech, while practicing mastery of the literary norms of the native language.

Reading range: fiction and popular science literature, works for students to independently read silently and selectively reread aloud, poems, short stories, fairy tales about the Motherland, about children, about exploits, about animals and plants, about adventures and magic, books by writers of their native land.

Working with a children's book: orientation in the book, the ability to distinguish the main elements of the book, determining the content by title (author, title), the ability to give the correct answer about who or what the book is about. Orientation in a group of books, determination of the topic of reading, selection of books according to given criteria, according to a recommendation poster and a book exhibition. Consolidating the skill of collective reproduction of what was read based on the teacher’s questions. Moral assessment of situations, behavior and actions of heroes. The ability to correlate the names of authors with their books. Consolidating a positive attitude towards independent reading of children's books in the classroom and during after school hours, independent learning of games from collection books, participation in preparing a performance at a matinee, the ability to keep a classroom reading corner in order.

Guiding principles of the literary circle program

"Visiting a wise book"

The program assumes the following content of books, their structure and teaching methods, which are based on the following guiding principles:

artistic and aesthetic;

literary studies;


Artistic and aesthetic principle determines the strategy for selecting works for reading, and therefore the reading circle of younger schoolchildren included mainly literary texts. Children's attention is drawn to the fact that before them are not just educational, interesting texts, but works of verbal art that reveal to the reader the richness of the surrounding world and human relationships, give rise to a sense of harmony, beauty, teach them to understand the beauty in life, and form in the child their own attitude towards reality. This principle involves the active establishment of connections between all other forms of art.

Literary principle taking into account the characteristics of the initial stage of training, it is implemented when analyzing a literary work and brings to the fore the artistic image. The word becomes the object of the reader’s attention and is interpreted by him as a means of creating a verbal and artistic image through which the author expresses his thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

In elementary school, analysis of a work of art should help children feel the integrity of the artistic image and adequately empathize with the hero.

The literary principle is also expressed in the fact that the program covers all major literary genres: fairy tales, poems, short stories, fables, dramatic works (in excerpts). When analyzing a work, this principle aims to enrich students with their first ideas about the issue.

Communicative speech principle focused on development speech culture students, on the formation and development of speech skills in younger schoolchildren, the main of which is reading skills. The goal of literary reading classes is to intensively develop the skill of reading as a type of speech activity: from the loud speech form of reading to silent reading.

Conditions for the program

The implementation of goals is impossible without the use of resources: the availability of fiction in school and rural libraries, educational and methodological materials, visual demonstration aids and tables, the Internet, electronic presentations.

Taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children.

Selection and location educational material, application various methods and pedagogical technologies in this program correspond to the age and psychological characteristics of younger children school age, for which the leading activity is communication in the learning process.

The program is focused on children's feelings, images and thoughts that arise during the lesson. The process of working with a work is a generalization, search and discovery of truths, collaboration according to the schemestudents – teacher – author . An inexhaustible source for speech, intellectual and moral development children should become the language of the works of our classics.

Expected results (key and general subject competencies).

The student must be able to:


survey the environment;

consult a teacher;

receive information;


establish connections between past and present events;

be critical of this or that statement or proposal;

be able to confront uncertainty and complexity;

take a position in discussions and develop your own opinions;

evaluate works of art and literature;


be able to work in a group;

make decisions;

resolve disagreements and conflicts;

agree; develop and carry out assigned responsibilities;

get down to business:

join a group or team and make a contribution;

prove solidarity; organize your work;

adapt :

use new information and communication technologies;

to withstand difficulties; find new solutions.

It follows from this that students must demonstrate the ability to mobilize previously acquired knowledge, use the practical experience of adults, demonstrate the ability to prove (substantiate their point of view), be able to organize the relationship between past and present knowledge in solving a specific situation, i.e., use previously acquired competencies. The knowledge obtained in this way turns out to be more durable and of higher quality.

Thematic planning


Suggested literature for use


Individual work with a children's book

Group work with a children's book


Poems about school and children

“Hello, golden autumn! Sunlit school"

S.Ya. Marshak “The first day of the calendar”, “About one student and six units”

A. Pleshcheev “What they teach at school”

Looking at books in the classroom reading corner, bringing books from home, showing them to friends.

If desired, learn one poem about school by heart.

Poetry competition about school. Photo exhibition “My first day at school” with a quatrain about school of my own composition.

Animal Tales

“No trouble is scary for those who are hardworking and smart”

V. Suteev “Mouse and Pencil”.

R. Kipling "Baby Elephant"

Determining the features of the genre of fairy tales about animals.

Retelling based on illustrations. Bring your book of fairy tales about animals to the reading corner.

Role-playing a fairy tale.

Riddles about animals

Learn to guess riddles: guess it yourself and explain it to a friend.

Sef "The Key to the Fairy Tale"

K.I. Chukovsky “Riddles”,

Russian folk riddles.

Learn to solve riddles, find key words, and navigate reading topics by title.

Learn one riddle by heart. Search for riddles to compile a cool collection of riddles.

Compiling a cool collection of riddles

Learn to be friends

E. Permyak “Two stories”, “The worst thing”,

V.A. Oseeva “Feather”

Expressive reading with an intonation of sympathy, resentment, empathy.

Find proverbs about friendship and friends

Brainstorming “Learn to be friends.” Dramatize individual episodes of the work.

Hello autumn!

M. Prishvin “Leaf Faller”

Determine the genre of the work and theme, draw up a plan for the work.

Preparation of drawings “Autumn in my city”

Oral journal “Autumn in my city”

Bad business- bad ending.

Italian fairy tale “How the Donkey Stopped Singing”

S. Baruzdin “Blots”,

V. Berestov “The serpent is a braggart”

Learn to work with a book: cover, illustrations, author, theme, genre.

Come up with your own original continuation of the fairy tale.

Acting out the fairy tale “Storks and Frogs” by S. Mikhalkov

Poems about the Motherland Hello, country of heroes, country of dreamers, country of scientists!...

Mogilev “The Tale of the Loud Drum”, Poems about the Motherland.,

Reading and reasoning about what you read

developing a sense of pride in one’s homeland

Prepare an expressive reading of poems about the Motherland. Selection of books for the thematic exhibition of books “About the Motherland”

Compiling oral illustrations for the work “The Tale of the Loud Drum”

Funny poems

D. Kharms "Ivan Toropyshkin"

S. Marshak “Poodle”, “Luggage”

Review of different editions of one work.

create a need for constant reading of books, develop interest in literary creativity

Design and draw your own book cover for the work you like

Work with illustrations for works, artists - illustrators.

"At the fair"

Small folklore genres.

Selection distinctive features Russian folklore.

Learn a nursery rhyme, a rhyme, a fable.

Competition for the best tongue twister reader

Animal Tales

The one who has a smart head and a kind heart is good

V. Suteev “The Lifesaver”, “Bag of Apples”, “Apple”

Determining the topic of reading based on illustrations, title, author's surname.

Writing a fairy tale about an inanimate object (briefcase, mug, shoe, pen, etc.)

Design and selection of fairy tales to create a cool collection “Tales of...”

Costa Khetagurov for children

Books and works of Kosta Khetagurova

Features of the design of the books of the Tatar writer.

Selecting poems for expressive reading

Design of a book exhibition.

Poetry competition Kosta Khetagurova

funny poems

If you don’t like it, don’t laugh, and don’t bother others.

A. Barto "The House Moved"

Kharms “12 cooks”, “Ivan Ivanovich Samovar”, “Ivan Toropyshkin”

E. Moshkovskaya “Cunning Old Women”

Expressive reading with an intonation of humor and joy. Pay attention to the connection “topic - author”

Selecting a passage to memorize.

Drawing up an exhibition of books on the topic, exchanging books, drawing up a “Take Care of Books” memo

Fairy tales and poems about adventure and magic

I'm not a wizard yet, I'm just learning.

E. Blaginina “Wonderful hours”, “Poems about the Christmas tree”

Detailed analysis works.

Working out the connection between genre and books, being able to read the inscriptions on the covers with complicated book designs.

Write poems about your friends

Reader's conference "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”

Stories and poems about exploits

M. Zoshchenko “The most important thing”

Emelyanov “Brave Girl”

Practice the ability to predict approximate content by title, beginning, illustrations, using external signs or previous experience.

Characteristics of the action, heroes.


It's funny to you, but it reached my heart

E. Charushin “Maruska the Cat”, V. Oseeva “Who is the stupidest of all.”

Ability to find the title of a book on the spine. Theme and genre of the work.

Expressive reading with an intonation of sympathy, sadness, joy.

Write a story about an incident with your cat.

Photo exhibition“My four-legged friends” with comments

Tales of true friendship.

Afghan fairy tale “The Wolf is a Whistleblower”

African fairy tale “This is friendship!”

Distinguish between a book - a work and a book - a collection

Identification of the main characteristics of a “true friend” based on read fairy tales.

Write a story about your best friend.

Design of the “True Friend” poster based on brainstorming

About heroism and cowardice

Glory warms - shame burns

S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Fire”

Artyukhova “Coward”, S. Mikhalkov “Vaccination”,

K. Ushinsky “Cowardly Vanya”

Selective reading of the characteristics of the main characters. Title of the thematic exhibition.

Select, review, and bring books about courage to class.

Compiling advice for those who want to be brave.

Life is given for good deeds.

B. Zhitkov “Help is coming”

E. Permyak “Pichugin Bridge”

Highlighting key episodes based on teacher questions. Consolidation of all acquired knowledge.

Write a story about your good deed.

Solving the crossword puzzle “About Brave Heroes”

Works about children of the same age.

Kiselev “Boy Ogonyok”, S. Mikhalkov “About Mimosa”

N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky “Theme and the Bug”

The setting is to get acquainted with the book, starting with the author’s last name (familiar - unfamiliar). Intonated reading of works.

Drawing up characteristics of positive and negative characters. Retelling from the perspective of the main character.

Design of the book exhibition “To Comrade Children”

Learn to defend your homeland - mother.

A. Gaidar “Hike”, “The Tale of military secret»

S. Mogilevskaya “The Story of a Brave Drummer”

Detailed analysis of works, characterization of character traits.

Learn to title a thematic exhibition.

Pick up proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

Identifying moral qualities for yourself.

Conversation-discussion with elements of dramatization.

There is no better friend than dear mother

E. Blaginina “That’s what a mother is”, “Grandma is a care”,

Emelyanov "Stories about Mom"

Pankin "The Legend of Mothers"

Trutnev "Protalinka"

Introduction to the concept of “legend”. Expressive reading of poems, content analysis.

Writing poems about mom and for mom (Burim)

A collection of poems from our class “The most, the most, the most...”

Books about guys and their affairs

A. Barto “My grandmother had 40 grandchildren”

S. Marshak “Chizhi”

Isolating the behavioral characteristics of the characters for further dramatization.

Choosing a role for yourself in a dramatization

Collect books in the reading corner that need repair, and work as a “doctor” in the “book hospital”

Where once a question has sprouted, a strong mind matures

Chinese folk tale "The Child and the Sage", "Why polar bear nose black"

Yusupov “Why the frog doesn’t have a tail”

Ability to find in books general signs

create a need for constant reading of books, develop interest in literary creativity

Think about what question you would like answered

Literary game"Why"

Fables of Grandfather Krylov

Fables by I. A. Krylov “Quartet”, “Wolf and Crane”, etc.

Learn some passage from I. A. Krylov’s fable. My illustration for my favorite fable.

Game - “Guess” (find out which fable by I. A. Krylov is illustrated)

Spring, spring outside, spring days!

B. Zakhoder “To Comrade Children”, E Shim “How to Celebrate Spring?”

E. Shim “What spring smells like.”

Pay attention to the connection between topic and author. Conveying the spring mood through expressive reading.

Come up with your own title for the poem. Verbal image of spring paintings.

Compiling an oral journal “Spring, spring on the street...”

Know and love native nature!

E. Charushin “Big and Small”, “About Tomka”

Snegirev "About penguins"

G. Skrebitsky “The Barbed Family”

Summarize what you read, find logical connections in the work.

Retelling according to plan.

Working with explanatory dictionaries of Ozhegov and Dahl

Works about plants

You think miracles are far away, but they are here, nearby.

N. Pavlova

"Living Bead"

ensure the development of schoolchildren’s speech and actively develop reading and speech skills

Identification of key episodes of works.

Creating a presentation

"Living Bead"

Tales of the peoples of my city

Ossetian Russians folk tales

Acquaintance with the features of fairy tales of different nations, their design.

Retelling a fairy tale on behalf of the hero.

Compilation of a “fairy tale dictionary”.

All for one, and one for all, then there will be success in business

N. Nosov “Cucumbers”,

A. Gaidar “Chuk and Gek”

Formation of a moral position junior school student. Repetition of reading hygiene rules.

Drawing up questions about the work.

Discussion “My attitude to what is “bad”

Stories about animals.

Stop! Sit down! Bend over! And look at your feet! Surprise a living living person: they are akin to you...”

M. Prishvin “Fox Bread”, “Gadnuts”, “Floors of the Forest”

K. Ushinsky Stories and Tales, “Eagle”

Working out the connection “writer - books - topic”

create a need for constant reading of books, develop interest in literary creativity

Bring pictures, illustrations, photographs depicting the birds of our city.

Conversation and reasoning based on what you read, drawing up a “Learn to Observe” memo



General lessons

- view children's film;

- watching a theatrical performance;

- visiting the city library;

Preparation for KVN

KVN "In the Country of Chitalia"



General lesson with parents

Conducting a matinee summarizing the knowledge gained

Prepare questions for teams

Event “Dad, Mom, Me – a Reading Family”



Final diagnosis.

Testing to identify the reader's horizons.

ensure the development of schoolchildren’s speech and actively develop reading and speech skills

Compiling a list for summer reading, taking into account the degree of assimilation of the works read.

Decorating a summer reading corner.


As a result of the program, students should:


titles, main content of the studied literary works, their authors;

be able to

read consciously the text of a work of art “to yourself” (without taking into account speed); define the topic and main idea works;

retell the text;

divide the text into semantic parts, draw up a simple plan;

compose a short monologue based on the author’s text, evaluate events and heroes of the work;

read poems by heart (optional);

create a short oral text on a given topic;

give examples of works of folklore (proverbs, riddles, fairy tales);

distinguish between genres of fiction (fairy tale, short story, fable), distinguish between folk and literary tales;

distinguish the elements of a book (cover, table of contents, title page, illustration, abstract);

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities And

everyday lifeFor:

independent reading of books;

expressing value judgments about the read work (hero, event);

independent selection and determination of the content of the book according to its elements;

working with different sources of information (dictionaries, reference books).

Literature used :

1. Newspaper “Pedagogical Council”. - 2005 No. 3; 2005. No. 6

2. Gostimskaya E.S. Extracurricular reading M., 2005.

3. Russian literary classics. Samara: Fedorov Corporation, 1995.

4. What is it? Who is this? M.: Pedagogy, 1990. T.1-3

5. Russian children's writersxx century. Bibliographic Dictionary. M.: Flinta - science, 2001.

6. Russian children's writersxx century. Bibliographic Dictionary. M.: Flinta - science, 2001.

7. Russian school reader. 1-4 grades. Publishing house "Interbook", 1985.

8. Svetlovskaya N.N., Dzhezheley O.V. Extracurricular reading in grades 1-3.

M. Education, 1985.

9. Svetlovskaya N. N. “Methods of extracurricular reading”, M. 1991.

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