The baptism of the clan. liberation from "Christian" egregors

Instead of a preface

A little about myself, as I always like to base myself on practical experience! For this reason, I will describe how everything happens to me and our askonica - how a crude atheist learned that something exists.

The basis of any society is a unique way of life, and as someone who grew up in a military family and spent holidays and weekends with his grandmothers, I noticed a significant difference in the way of life. I was tormented by doubts for a long time: “Where is it better for me, and where is my real home?” WITH kindergarten I had to run away because there was no time to sleep during the day or eat a lot, because it’s better to learn something new. School was not suitable for me at all, because I saw it as a game that everyone plays seriously, forgetting that it is more of a disciplinary institution. They asked me stupid questions instead of asking me what I thought about it all. In essence, no one was interested in the opinion of others, children must obey, because it is impossible to force respect. Family, study, village life were different for me in essence, and since nature put solidity and awareness into my soul, which is more suitable for a loner, the nature of everything around me was revealed. Probably, in my karmic loneliness, more than anyone else, I realize the joy and purity of childhood knowledge, which I cannot refuse, and to this day, for a simple reason - this is the basis of any talent.

The Far East gave way to the Baltic states, and the difference was noticeable for me. Everything happened during adolescence, and the concept of “Mentality” began to acquire concepts for me - after all, the living conditions were hothouse, compared to what it was in the Far East. I think I was very lucky, the school was more like a sports and labor camp, and more time was devoted to extracurricular activities. This system relied on professionals in their field, for which I sincerely thank them. This is how the knowledge of the physical plane occurred, on which the bulk of humanity is located, working and naively believing that luck in the form of physical benefits will fall on their heads, and they will be happy about it.

Through work, sports and participation in common life you get to know yourself as an individual, you understand what you are capable of, what is yours, and what should be left as unnecessary. Knowing myself in everything led me to the drama club, more and more turned to the field of martial arts, and tried to write. The dynamics of Taekwondo and Karate, the plasticity of Aikido and Qigong, the explosive power of Sambo and Jiu-Jitsu, the combination of these techniques with household items and weapons - Kobudo, attracted the opportunity to learn more about oneself than the ability to successfully hit in the face. Martial practices, sets of warm-ups and stretches with impact on biologically active points, consequences of impact on pain points, self-massage, location internal organs, the structure and capabilities of joints, vertebrae, tendons - all this was carefully studied long years. Dynamic Meditation and concentration is the basis of it all - otherwise there would be no results.

You can break bricks, a pile of tiles, twist nails on your fingers, you can hit without leaving a bruise on the body, but the enemy will then begin to cringe and walk away for a long time, but when the offender, whom he could not hit according to ethical standards, suddenly dies a close relative, then things begin analysis of one’s internal potential and involvement in events.

Now I understand that the action was carried out more on the etheric plane, but I had to come to the realization of this. The realization that internal strength is more important, and external strength is its manifestation, led to the comprehension of the doctrines of Taoism and plunged into the nature of Shinto. Awareness became the basis of physical manifestations, inner peace and involvement in the world around us became a transition to this plane. They were interested in methods of achieving results, techniques, many plans were written, a bunch of biomechanical diagrams were drawn, a Dim-Mak chart was kept in order to know the time of influence on channels and points with the aim of healing or crippling.

Life at that time was full of problems, while studying at DOSSAF and serving in the army, what can I do - the herd instinct was not inherent in my soul by nature. But the dark sides of life were always replaced - either by the opportunity to see a UFO, or by a meeting with interesting people with abilities. There was a desire to stand up for oneself, even to take revenge. Only the desire to hit was rarely manifested - in such a situation the question arose: “Why is all this, why is this happening?”

They learned about magic, Kabbalah, tantra, and the ability to control events and weather. The dark side of all this was initially difficult, mountains of books were gathering dust, waiting in the wings, some even for decades, others, read several times, and were thrown away by consciousness. But the Bhagavad Gita, given by my brother, became me a book to read, and consciousness could no longer combine the science of killing and the knowledge of happiness. How she came into my life at the right time! Only thanks to this book I did not become a murderer, I kept my consciousness in difficult moments in this Knowledge, but it was possible to give freedom to my body, my actions that had been practiced hundreds of thousands of times.

In physical conflict situations, I turned into the essence of the earth, took its energy, felt enormous forces behind me, which was similar to the state of manic-depressive psychosis, when there were no bruises, no fractures, or anyone who would suppress me in any way. You have to suppress yourself - for the reason that you could take the plane of vibrations (ninja, for example) and easily act in it. Many people could have died because of differences in morals and values ​​that my ego did not agree with. In the warrior’s plan, the concept of “conscience” is absent, it was then that I realized that you can become perfect - by taking on some form of existence, and not worry about your future fate, because the egregor will do everything for you. But to those who know the Ego, the Ego no longer threatens. So I said goodbye to the etheric plane, where there are people who understand the value of their health, that many results depend on them, and the herd instinct begins to develop into knowledge.

At the age of 33, I changed my life completely; material values, such as actions just for the sake of money, a nominally existing family, became less significant for me. Health has become an indicator that my physical parameters for myself are clearly overestimated, that the path of Well-being is built on the harmonious interaction of people interested in this. I became a hermit, learning meditation, I felt how pleasant it was to become myself again, to return to myself, lost in other people's values. And I began to live, and not depend on the stereotypes that suppressed the consciousness; there were difficulties in my head, of course, but the joy of being the essence of myself is worth it.

Lifestyle, male gender given to me logical basis, the connection with the inner world was never lost. Many people know my attitude towards clairvoyance, but in order to become like this, I had to realize this clairvoyance. I started predicting by hand - the I Ching had long suggested the necessary decisions, the Tarot gave me a lot of knowledge, but then I understood the principle of action. And all this began to fade into the background, because the karmic essence - the Healer - was awakening.

I got a job as a massage therapist in order to taste the essence of healing activity, which was predicted at the age of 24, and that’s when I became Orthodox. I not only combined all religions, but complemented each other. Since I was in the position of an egregoric person - as a healer and a Christian, I was comfortable at my level. Constant prayer, modest food, no coffee, tea, or alcoholic beverages - nothing distinguished me from a monk. Healing capabilities were gaining momentum, only meditation, Qigong and constant prayers were replenished after working with difficult patients. And he began to communicate with the Saints, Jesus and others, and began to write down these appeals. During the next revelation, news came from Above that there would be a Movement of Love on Earth, even the number was announced, that I would lead many people. I didn’t take this seriously, I blamed it on my demonic Ego. This is how the knowledge of the astral plane was completed, on which there are many healers, astral readers, fortune-tellers, psychics and people who believe in something, and naturally, trying to learn something.

In order to understand the essence of Christianity and the desire to become a priest (I subconsciously knew that healing was a temporary phenomenon in my life), fate threw Orthodox missionaries into courses, and now I understand that I had to learn the essence of this egregor. I didn’t learn anything new except to logically confront the sectarians, that the system itself is worse than the army system, and that no one can communicate with the Higher Powers. I had to leave this activity before the prelude of “exposing me as Satanism.”

I conducted many experiments and realized that all religions are one layer cake-egregor. There is no particular difference in vibrations; in prayers said in Hebrew, Latin, Arabic, Church Slavonic, all believers can be healed by one mental plane, revealing the influence of higher Planes. This is how we learned about the mental plane, in which there are not so many people who can create something real, such as their own business or esoteric center. Here the mental block between the spiritual and the material is erased.

I brought my life to the next level with illness and a temperature over 40. In order to restore and understand the cause of my illness, I went into meditation, which opened up space for my past incarnations. It was then that the habit of believing in accidents began to fall away.

Patients who had previously seen only colors and felt energies began to see incarnations and actions in the past that became the causes of illnesses and troubles. I began to freely transfer my abilities so that they would quickly understand the reasons and communicate with the Higher Plans for the good.

The thirst for knowledge captured me, which I now regard as a manifestation of selfishness, but such is my Karma. Remembering the revelation of the “Movement of Love”, he asked to comprehend the Knowledge in short term, which are hidden from mere mortals. Everything happened exactly within one year. It was told: how the Universe works; what forms of life and Plans exist; what is Harmony of Darkness and Light and much, much more. No more books or other sources were required, just write down, draw drawings, tell stories. On physically I had to part with my children, my house, and change my place of residence, but I realized that there was no choice, that I was going and I couldn’t stop. For those in askonics who take the fifth Initiation “Master”, the physical plane is much simpler than it was for its founder.

Exactly a year after the request, I was thrown out of the inhabitable city, with a bunch of records, a wealth of experience and detachment from significant forces that were trying to influence. And the reason was that he did not choose the dark side, which promised many blessings.

At this level, the symbol of asconics came, it became clear that admissions to certain vibrations would open, that everything would happen through meditation and Initiations. This is how the knowledge of the causal plane was achieved, where I realized the Karmic purpose and the pattern of connections and events in what is happening in life. There are not very many people in the world who have realized their purpose and create in their fields of activity.

The first meditation with my eldest son in a new place showed that we see and feel the same, revelations came. This was a victory, foreshadowing success, the name “Asconica”, and its essence came from this meditation. All that remained was to describe it to yourself and begin to act. Which is what was done. I think you can count for yourself how many people have created projects related to changes in life values ​​and worldview, writing about spirituality. This is how the knowledge of the Budhial plane passed.

The next atmanic level, seemingly unattainable, however, led to a multimillion-dollar city, to one of the esoteric centers. And the magnification of the Spiritual Teacher ceases to hurt the ears, especially when everyone sees the violet glow. These, as they say, can be counted on one hand, their names are known, these are living people.

The monodoidal (planetary self-consciousness) level was marked by a natural departure from the esoteric center, because Asconics on the physical plane officially and legally received the status of “Movement”, which, naturally, does not fit into the framework of one center.

Level of cosmic self-awareness - increases the mental vibrations of asconics, leading supporters to the realization of involvement in the mental plane and the transition to the karmic plane. This naturally led to the reorganization and preparation of the Movement for conscious karmic actions affecting the overall planetary consciousness. It is a pity that for many esotericists, this plane, and sometimes even the Atman, ends the diverse Universe.

Here is a short summary of what I had to go through in my life, which helped me build asconics - a system of knowing myself and the world. A system of spiritual development, getting rid of the illusions of current existence. If desired, anyone can learn this! There are no frames or restrictions - they are all just in the head...

Secret treatise. Part 2

Transcendental self-consciousness - Knowledge. The bottom line. True

There are twelve Initiations in Asconics. Ten are briefly described, the rest still need to be covered. For , "this will be a global Movement of Love", which I, as the founder, will only have to let go of as soon as I move on - confidently around the planet. And who knows, maybe I’ll do something else, for the common good, of course.

First, let’s understand the essence of egregor .

Cogito, ergo sum- I think, therefore I exist.

Rene Descartes.

The Universe is a harmony of duality, the world of light and dark. Everything material has Dark properties, and everything that is immaterial is designated Light. Humanity is mainly in materiality, and the harmonious relationship between both of these worlds depends only on each person. The soul goes through a stage of formation on different planets and dimensions, where both planes are always present. At birth, the standard of living, the future lessons that life will teach, depend on the awareness of events in past incarnations.

A person has several subtle bodies; information for understanding oneself in this world comes from them. Everything that has to do with the material side is gross vibrations, everything that has to do with the spiritual side is subtle. The more a person is aware of the levels of subtle bodies, the higher his spirituality and the level of complexity of the tasks that need to be solved increases, which does not frighten those who are morally mature. The world is multidimensional, has different vibrations that relate to the level of subtle bodies.

It is human nature to think. The state of thoughtlessness - “Emptiness”, as is commonly believed, is not something everyone can master. We are surrounded by mental images-egregors different properties and subtle plans. For example, a thing created by a person acquires material life when a person acts on the physical plane, but the impetus for this is given by a certain structure - the egregor. An egregor is a structure of less coarse subtle bodies, mainly etheric, astral, and mental. Ascetics try to achieve a state of complete emptiness, and even any monk is in the egregors of religion, which is formed from communal, let’s say, layers. So it’s better to know these egregors rather than reject them.

The human aura is an energy shell that contains information about interaction with egregors - structures with which a person is connected. Askonics is initially supraegregorn, and it is much more productive to follow the path of logical acceptance and awareness rather than denying everything that affects us. Egregors for the most part belong to thought processes people who pass through the level of energy fields. Every human thought flows into the general mental field and is found there in the form of energy vibrations. Equally directed thoughts vibrate on the same wavelength and form a subtle energy field, the basis of which is thought images of the same kind (religious, political, sports, etc.), that is, a group mind of a society of like-minded people is created. This energy information field is called an egregor. Like a living being, an egregor goes through the stages of birth, development, aging and death. The newly formed ergegor is gradually fueled by unidirectional thought forms, develops, grows stronger and begins to live independently, influencing in a variety of ways not only its creators, but also people close to this egregor.

By implementing his ideas and at the same time ideas that are consonant with the egregor, a person becomes a conductor of his power, with the help of which he realizes egregorial ideas. Egregor helps a person with the help of thoughts and emotions. He suggests vibrationally mature ideas and helps to put them into practice. For example, by influencing the subconscious of other people, it helps in creating the necessary situation, brings them together useful person, will point to the necessary literature, that is, opens its information sources. In most cases, egregors influence the subconscious of their followers. An egregor can cure a person from a seemingly incurable disease if he believes that this person will still be useful in some serious matter.

The basis of everything that exists is energy interchange. Egregor, while providing assistance to its members, also rightfully takes care of its own well-being. As soon as a person begins to break ties with his egregor, the latter begins to cut off its energy information sources. The phase of non-egregority begins. To many book esotericists, this “State of Emptiness” seems to be the limit of perfection, but this is only a temporary phenomenon that Initiates into asconics use to transition and learn higher vibrations of egregors. This is called the Period of Awareness, which is indispensable on the path of knowledge.

For a person who does not accept the patronage of higher egregors, the future fate is in many ways unenviable. Those who renegade from egregors naturally begin to be haunted by troubles and failures, indicating that a person pleases his Ego, separating himself from the Universe. This is a hint that somewhere you did the wrong thing, you didn’t understand that by denying you won’t learn! If the offender does not understand the hint, then the egregor removes his guardianship from him. But nothing lasts forever and, according to a person’s vibrations, a new patron begins to patronize him, who dictates the line of thinking and behavior, forces him to change his lifestyle, and sometimes changes his field of activity. And if the new egregor is stronger than the previous one, then the person only benefits from this change. In any case, this union is mutually beneficial: on the one hand, protection and guardianship, and on the other, energy replenishment of the egregor.

It is in the interests of the egregor and his followers to replenish the ranks of their like-minded people with new participants, to receive fresh thoughts, ideas and deeds. This makes him stronger and can provide great help to his like-minded people. The power of an egregor can extend far beyond the borders of a given region, and its influence on people can affect other continents, they interact with each other, and sometimes quarrel on the physical and astral planes of groups.

The physical body of an egregor is a collection of people, property, equipment, etc., integrally part of the collective that creates this energy field. Powerful egregors can control their participants almost uncontrollably, since they are not aware of this control, giving rise to ideological fanaticism. A person must learn to cooperate with his egregor, make concessions, correct his mistakes, and understand the signs of the egregor. To understand and cooperate with an egregor, you need to learn to listen to the voice of intuition, understand and analyze the “inner voice,” and improve and deepen your knowledge. Large-scale egregors of world religions and ideologies have the energetic charge of many generations of people.

Awareness of egregors occurs on the mental plane, when logic and intuition begin to agree with each other, complementing each other. A person is a single organism with egregors - a larger and more organized self-developing system, with which he is inextricably linked. Also, all people are united into a single intelligent system, since the people who make up this system are also intelligent, although not to the same extent. In every direction, be it family, public, class, work, etc., a person considers himself a specific part a certain system higher level, which is able to solve problems beyond its individual capabilities.

Joining a team and solving problems together reduces the importance of the personal “I” and reduces manifestations of selfishness. Reality begins to be perceived through “We”. Faith is an integral part of the learning process. Faith and Knowledge are interconnected and complement each other. There are different levels in collective egregors, which, as previously thought, can only be fully realized by geniuses such as Buddha, Jesus Christ, etc. In asconics, accessible knowledge of egregors is given without any pomposity, since its original essence is supra-egregority, which implies a rise above the lower egregors, receiving energy information from higher sources.

The idea of ​​egregors appeared as a result of the birth of a subjective feeling of unity with other people, a sense of involvement in some events (in askonics - the principle of unity), but having certain skills and the necessary knowledge, there is no point in abandoning this idea, since the processes become much clearer happening in our lives. And failure to comply with universal laws, which are binding on everyone, leads to degradation, disease, anarchy and destruction.

Since ancient times, the technique of human contact with the egregor was limited in range and strictly dosed in volume, since knowledge of the egregor is a direct source of power that should not be used for selfish purposes and in dirty deeds. Knowledge in this understanding can only be used by highly developed people to increase their ability to improve the life of society. Otherwise there is real danger using knowledge for low purposes and to the detriment of people. Hence the need arises to protect the egregor from morally unprepared people.

When a person achieves connection with the egregor, during meditations, concentrations, Initiations, his physical body is in a state of altered consciousness (in a state of trance), and subtle bodies (Astral) of a lower order accomplish their own unity with the egregor. Such unity (Samadhi, Satori) transforms the soul to such an extent that it begins to see what it could not see before. Such a state cannot be permanent until the union with the egregor has become permanent, that is, in earthly life the state of altered consciousness (trance) can only be a temporary flash. This means that a person directly enters the information-energy field of his egregor.

This is the exit from the physical body into a more high space. A person’s information and energy structures undergo such a deep transformation that he never forgets this state and at any moment can reconnect with his egregor (after a certain practice), transfer to it or receive from it everything that a specific situation requires. This is a new person, with different views on life and other requirements for life, the abilities inherent in him by nature begin to unfold.

The dynamics of changes in egregors - birth, growth, dying - has certain laws. This is the real reason for historically significant events. History is the process of battle between egregors, taking place according to the plans of higher egregors. Egregors act as coordinators and intermediaries between human societies and new historical processes. But people do not always correctly understand the command of egregors, and the stupidity and limitations of the human mind come into play. Hence the bloody wars and cataclysms that are full of The World History. Great migrations of peoples, the rise of one political system and the death of another, revolutions, “accidental” coming to power of absolutely unworthy and unsuitable individuals - all these are the acts of egregors. But the most important place in such processes is occupied by the life of religious egregors, since it is religions that most influence society - both as a whole and on each individual person. A person voluntarily chooses for himself one or another religion in which he wants to find answers to various questions, and which he wants to serve faithfully. Religion organizes thoughts and feelings large quantities people, that is, she accumulates the psychic energy of these people and uses it in her plans on behalf of God, but in fact a religious egregor.

The emergence of new spiritual movements is evidence of the influence of some higher egregors. Every Teacher of a new religion is a living symbol of the teaching he preaches, which is a form of existence of other, possibly new egregors, in the psychosphere and among people on Earth. The emergence of a new teaching is a response of planetary consciousness to the new needs of people for this or that knowledge at a certain stage of their development.

Politicians face the harshest fate. They are connected with the destinies of the people, and there is almost no room left for the manifestation of individual will. The same fates of major leaders of scientific and government agencies. It is very difficult to change the inertia of an egregor, since it includes a large number of people. You can achieve something new only at the cost of your own life, your own destiny.

Egregor protection is possessed by people who consciously or unconsciously serve some egregor. The more a person is open to egregor, the better protected he is. The principle of egregor protection is that the psychoenergetic potential of a member of the egregor can be such a level that the astral enemy will not be able to deliver an energy blow.

The technique of egregor protection is simple. During an energy attack or in anticipation of aggression, you should mentally instruct your egregor full protection and don’t deal with this issue anymore. It is only necessary to observe the reaction of the body and membranes to the attack. You need to completely trust your egregor and believe in its strength. There should be no concern for the aggressor. Only in this case will success be ensured.

The purer and more selfless the motive for calling an egregor, the more complete his participation can be expected. And yet there are very few truly egregorous people. As a rule, people are deceived in their egregoriality. An egregorous person lives on a different scale and on common man doesn't attack. And conflicts between egregor people are resolved by egregors among themselves.

Around globe there is a constant energy network egregors.

Egregors are devoid of spiritual Monads (Planetary Consciousness), but have a temporarily concentrated volitional charge and the equivalent of consciousness.

Egregors are mostly static and non-aggressive. Most of them do not take part in the struggle between demonic and Light Forces; some join the demonic camp. With the disintegration of egregors, the equivalents of their Consciousnesses also disappear, scattering in Space.

However, egregoriality is not the highest level of development of self-awareness. There are also supra-egregorial levels. So, next comes planetary self-awareness, when a person feels like an individual. Then cosmic self-consciousness, when a person, identifying with the world, realizes himself as an individual manifestation of the Universe. And finally comes Transcendental Self-Awareness. By identifying with the world around us, a person represents pure being. At this level a person cannot say “I exist” or “I do not exist.”

Overdegregoriality begins to occupy a leading position only after the fourth Initiation “Instructor” in asconics. This is the level when an individual moves from the level of a slave of egregors and practically studies the nature of their interaction with people, more and more gets rid of dependence, and leads to the fact that everything is not accidental.

I want to immediately clarify that asconics does not work with channels, we accept the corresponding vibrations of the egregor, the subtle plane, any energy information, entering this object, with our consciousness. For us there are no breakthroughs in the aura; in fact, what is called a breakthrough is the introduction of foreign information into the subtle bodies of a person. Those who work with channels do not actually rise above the Astral Plane, and this hinders the development of other subtle planes. The entities that many are afraid of are, in fact, information implanted into you, vibrations - which you yourself warm up with astral action.

Connecting to egregors

Gradual connection to lower egregors is provided by distributors of the emotional virus - family, work colleagues, the Internet, means mass media etc. They gradually push a person to accept the ideas of the egregor and reprogram his consciousness.

The impact occurs at the mental level. When a person is sufficiently prepared, certain thoughts are thrown into his head, and the object begins to impose egregor ideas on his life. Habits, lifestyles and worldviews gradually change. This may take years, but for an egregor time is not so important - he lives as long as his followers exist.

Usually, most adherents only give energy, and only a few use it. If we again touch on the topic of religious egregors, then parishioners give up energy, killing hours on prayers, and receive what they prayed for not soon, and not many, all this depends on the completeness of the connection - the faith of the adept and the Karmic awareness of actions. On the other hand, clergy use this energy much more, mainly translating it into material wealth.

Simple check

Double your consciousness for a while and observe yourself from the outside, like an outsider during the day. What do you do that is important and what is out of habit? And if you are more controlled by automatic habits, this shows your attachment to egregors! Egregors need your unconscious presence, which is similar to the state of altered consciousness in which this energy structure uses you for its own purposes, the basis of which is survival.

About the subtle plans of egregors

The material plane is everything that is created from dense matter, by nature and man. People on this plane are given the opportunity to harmonize all existing vibrations within themselves by passing tests. It is the material world that can lead those who, forgetting about Spirituality, to nowhere, rush after the “riches” of the illusory world, tinsel, false glitter. But it is the material world that is capable of raising a couple of steps, or even higher, those who have not lost connection with more subtle vibrations in it - the voice of Reason, Consciousness, Soul; who, hearing their higher self, lives on Earth according to the laws of the Cosmos; whoever does not follow the lead of lower energies clearly and firmly recognizes and pacifies negative vibrations.

There are no favorites in the entire universe. Everyone is equal before God, Karma, and the Cosmos. Everyone is given their own plane of Existence, and the inhabitants of each plane strive to reach the highest levels in order to get closer to God, the Higher Self, and the Universe as quickly as possible, and only a person of a material disposition hesitates, is in no hurry, is afraid of losing the accumulated imaginary wealth, does not think at the same time about spiritual ones. Only representatives of higher vibrations can shake faith in the material - clairvoyants, healers, spiritual teachers, as well as what they have not yet known - poltergeists, UFOs, etc.

First initiation into asconics "awareness"- this is an awareness of vibrations, egregors, influences of the material Plan on people and a conscious transition to the vibrations of higher planes. The initiate begins to feel the work of the chakras, receive ethereal energies, see the vibrations of the etheric and astral planes, an understanding of the influence of the mental plane comes, and access to the Causal plane opens, since one of the priority tasks of asconics is the awareness of karmic destiny.

  • The etheric plane is comprehended - this is the endowment of material objects with etheric power that creates a given object, be it a handle from a shovel to complex structures and machines. This energy is possessed by places of power created by nature, attributes of priests, fan clubs, parties, shamans, sorcerers, healers, endowed during rites, rituals, meetings and based on synergy. Ethereal matter is close to dense matter; its power is professionally used by yoga masters, qigong, and healers. The most striking example of the existence of these vibrations is telekinesis. In these vibrations above this plane, the inhabitants of the spirit world, gnomes, goblins, elves, brownies, etc. live. A clear representative that proves the existence of this plan is a noisy poltergeist. This is the very powerful energy whose potential is being revealed to humanity; it is a universal source of power that can be used to both create and destroy.

People of these vibrations take care of their health and realize that the physical body is created for movement. What is most important for them is to harmonize the etheric plane with their Material plane, while the talents inherent in nature are revealed.

Second initiation in asconics "clairvoyance"- conscious acceptance of astral, mental and causal vibrations. The initiate is more aware of the cause-and-effect relationship, the difference between subtle and high vibrations, can read and interpret them for himself and others, which develops intuition and clairvoyance. A state of “Emptiness” is acquired, which leads to a disconnection from egregors - a revaluation of everything previously significant and awareness of the vibrations of the Budhial plane.

  • The astral plane is comprehended - this is the basis of religions, cults, esoteric centers, political parties, fan clubs and other organizations influencing the environment, living due to the constant investment of energy in them from their supporters. When a person with full faith reads prayers, spells, uses crosses, icons, amulets that serve as a designation of any association of people, then by this he attracts the corresponding egregor to himself, receiving energy from it. All these signs and words serve as conductors between the human astral body and the egregor.

Rituals, prayers, rituals, meetings, conferences, sporting events and concerts - all this gives them energy for their continued existence, which requires a certain amount of fanaticism from their supporters. For people of this type, the main thing is to participate in such events where there is an exchange of energies, which temporarily leads to harmony of the physical, etheric and astral planes.

Third initiation in askonics "healer"- this is the ability to create harmony for the patient between the physical, etheric and astral planes. The healer in asconics is a conductor of vibrations of a higher order, harmonizing the connection with the patient with his egregors, connecting to effective egregors and, when ready, connecting to egregors of higher vibrations. Healing basically has a karmic predisposition, and only after realizing that the root of troubles and diseases is the same, and the possibilities in terms of the healer increase, does it move to the area of ​​​​higher vibrations, realizing their natural connection with each other. Begins to learn the vibrations of his mission - the Atmanic plane.

  • Mastering the skill of quickly connecting to an egregor.

A quick connection to the egregor occurs through the conscious acceptance of ideas, and therefore the vibrations of the egregor. A person begins to believe in them and accepts them as truth. An example of a case with religious egregors, when a person suddenly repents of all his sins and sincerely begins to believe in it. In life, this is usually a reaction to some event, an incident in life. In askonics, a quick connection is used, with the difference that the Healer has complete control over changes in his head, thoughts, and worldview. The healer communicates with the egregors that control the patient’s consciousness, finds those responsible for the patient’s beliefs, harmonizes his vibrations with the vibrations of the egregor with which the imbalance occurred, accepts them, realizes how the patient lives. Having recognized himself as part of the egregor, the Healer can use its energy and receive the necessary information. If the egregor has a Mental Plan (for Christians, for example, Archangels and Saints, etc.), the patient’s vibrations are brought to these vibrations and the patient begins to communicate with this Plan independently, where he receives answers to pressing questions. Also, with the proper skill, it immerses the patient in the Causal Plan, where the causes of diseases and troubles will be shown. All that remains is to realize the reasons and energetically balance the energetically subtle bodies in the aura.

  • The mental plane of egregors is comprehended - a collective-unconscious formation created by a group of people, a collective, a nation, humanity, or a person karmically matured for such purposes. Everything is based on faith and the investment of forces of adherents - synergy. The mentality of egregors is revealed to those who are tired of being in the masses, when the conditions for knowing their individuality have been created. On this plane, the knowledge of control is formed - control of oneself, or an attempt to influence people who are disposed to your opinion.

The mental plane is closest to the spiritual planes; accordingly, it contains the least distorted information by humanity. But on this, in general, everything is conditional positive traits of this plane of consciousness and end. The overwhelming majority of humanity is frozen at the level of the animal kingdom, which is trying to learn to think. For this reason, mental egregors are poorly developed, few in number and have a rather weak connection with humanity, and even more so real power. Basically, they can influence certain small groups of people, such as scientists, writers, politicians, etc. The rest of the people remain in suspended animation as an appendage of these groups, mainly playing the role of labor force. Whether you want to be a raw material appendage, after everything you’ve read, it’s up to you, of course, to decide.

Also, this plan, along with human egregors, is shared by non-humans. For many, it is probably no secret that humanity is not alone on the planet; in addition to it, there are also embodied and non-embodied communities, which, in general, form the backbone of the mental plane. So they decide how, when and what humanity will think, or rather the progressive thinking part of it, and the rest will embody it. This order of things has not changed since the beginning of humanity itself, and I think that the time has come to change something about this.

Light personalities are comfortable on this plane, they are no longer attracted to astral vibrations, they are consciously ready to give to people, knowing that everything will return, they begin to comprehend the Principle of Unity - awareness of interdependence, combining efforts for the common good. They recognize ethics. Undecided individuals make plans, turning energy only into themselves, creating illusions in the astral body, so the connection with the egregors influencing it is lost, the person becomes extra-egregoric, which stops the energy exchange with the outside world. He becomes extra-egregoric for a short period of time and will inevitably find another, because otherwise you won’t survive, it’s like saving money without buying food. Doubts and mistakes belong to the mental body. Such individuals begin to fall into illusions, which does not allow them to accept high vibrations and, naturally, descend to the previous Plans, where it is easier to get offended and accused.

There is another reason when they leave political parties, esoteric centers, enterprises, etc. Often Mental is the pinnacle of many egregors, and most likely it is occupied by someone, and the connection with the Higher Plans is very subtle and does not allow one to rise. The person realizes that he no longer needs this egregor and leaves it. If the egregor is based on higher vibrations, everyone has the opportunity to begin to get out of the karmic trap and experience higher planes, with which there is a natural relationship.

Fourth initiation into asconics "instructor" Having all the skills listed below, the Instructor can lead meditations at the level of candidates for asconics, carry out personal techniques to get rid of the causes of illnesses and troubles. Cognizes the vibrations of the Monadic plane, which is the Planetary Consciousness.

Those entering the path of the fourth Initiate have the opportunity to enter the Creators of Life Conglomerate and interact with Initiates of a higher level, accepting the mission of asconics for the benefit of the Planet and Humanity.

  • The causal plane—the repository of karmic experience—is comprehended. Access to it opens at the First Initiation, but one must go through many practices to accept it. Those who know how to enter it can receive not only information about their past incarnations, but the incarnations of others with subtle bodies. Symbolizes the principles of conscience, morality, life positions, will, in egregors, directs to the awareness of the cause-and-effect relationship (Karma).

Main important process This is the type of people who engage in egregors. They perform the necessary functions, occupy responsible positions, realize that they are doing for the common good, and in order to rise higher, it is necessary to begin to be aware of their actions and take steps - knowledge moves a person. Many fall from the sphere of influence of one egregor to the sphere of influence of another until they gain complete freedom from any connections with egregors and take the direct road to Knowledge. Naturally, the process occurs with the help of vibrations of the planes, which is how the relationship between the spiritual and the material occurs above.

Fifth initiation in asconic "master"- realizes his purpose in life cycles. Knowing his several rebirths, the laws of Karma. Professionally conducts meditations for candidates for both the first and second Initiations, carries out personal practice, takes direct part in the Askonica Movement - carries out any necessary organizational or executive activities. Initiates the first Initiation.

  • There is a disconnection from the egregor.

The process of disconnection from the egregor involves breaking the energetic connection between a person and the egregor. This is necessary when a person decides that interaction with an egregor has henceforth become undesirable, and it is necessary to exclude the influence of the egregor on his life. It is also possible that a person wants to connect to a more powerful and stronger egregor that is incompatible with the previous one. For example, the Initiate needs to experience the streak of troubles in life. He naturally accepts the vibrations of the egregor influencing him, and sometimes even the personality becomes dark in order to understand the essence of the attacks, find a way to overcome them, give the egregor a “credential” that is vibrationally higher than the one influencing and no longer needs interactions. And with a conscious volitional effort, admit that the connection with this egregor has exhausted itself, that he no longer has power over him, and that his picture of the world no longer suits a person.

  • The buddhial plane is comprehended.

Vibrations connecting with Buddhial Egregors are symbolized by the main life values ​​of a person, mostly unconscious. Buddhial values ​​are the basic life values ​​of a person, what he tends to achieve and protect over long periods of his life. Values ​​can determine the main direction of a person’s life path over periods. Values ​​form the Plan based on their own considerations and Karma and the nature of a person's service. True value fills a section of life's path with meaning throughout its entire passage. Value provides the energy necessary to overcome a certain section of life’s journey.

Modesty, kindness, humility, patience, striving for perfection, respect for the outside world, etc., acquired in constant battles with the lower principle, symbolize the connection with the Buddhial Plan, which give a person a psychologically comfortable and balanced existence when internal conflicts are not repressed into the subconscious because they do not arise.

Some books are the main carriers of buddhial energy, such as this treatise. The vibrations of the book interact with the reader’s Buddhial Body, helping him form a value system, and sometimes simply live, opening a direct flow of vibrations of the Buddhial Plan, which a person can begin to serve, and then the book will expand its original meaning for him, becoming a source of constant meditation, in which its main characters and plots acquire a wide range of meanings and become centers of associative fields.

Sixth initiation in asconic "mentor"- accepts everything that leads him to learn to create, realizes temporality this provision and even the possibility of achieving the next plane only in the next life. Leads meditations from the level of candidates to the fourth initiation. Initiates into the first and second Initiation.

  • The atmanic plane is comprehended - this level reflects the Level of the Unified Consciousness of the Egregor. The birth level of the egregor spirit.

The person leads himself and clearly understands his mission.

“Ideal” is what inspires - it is a symbol of the atmanic egregor, which is capable of giving a person energy at the level of his atmanic body. An ideal is something to strive for, usually under pain of condemnation or other punishment. And although finding a true ideal for yourself, that is, a high egregor inspiring the atmanic body, may not be easy.

The Atmanic Plan guides a person through life as a whole, helps him realize his mission, and from time to time sends him to Serve some Buddhial egregor.

Seventh initiation in asconic "teacher"— a person himself can create a complex egregor, in connection either with Planetary Self-Consciousness or with Higher Plans. Leads meditations from the level of candidates to the sixth Initiation. Conducts initiation into the first second and third Initiation. Leads meditations from the level of candidates to the sixth Initiation. Conducts initiation into the first, second and third Initiations.

  • The monadic plane or planetary self-consciousness is comprehended.

The Monadic Plan gets its name from the monad - the internal spiritual basis, which is the starting point of all development on the planet and in the Solar system. This plane represents three spiritual aspects: Will, Love, Wisdom and Reason, which are projected into the Atmanic, Budhial, Causal Planes, fused together and representing, figuratively speaking, a certain atom in an immense planetary body.

Here the formation of monads and their “disposition” takes place future fate. On this Plan, all the features of the future incarnation are determined in accordance with the law of karma: place and time of incarnation, country, spiritual level parents and so on. The overwhelming number of people who have a “body” corresponding to this Plan are themselves unable to control their future incarnations. And only a few out of many millions, yoga top level, capable at will, reflects the eighth, perfect level of complexity in the Hierarchy of Egregors. This is the adult state of Egregor evolution, corresponding to the birth of some new Essence on the Subtle Planes. This Essence integrates all Subtle Plans. The limit of the egregor is at this level of evolution, the Consciousness of the Egregor reflects the integration of all Plans of the Egregor. If a Man acquires such Consciousness, then he becomes the Great Limit of the Man-Egregor. This is the same over-degregority - the goal of asconics. At this stage it is only on the Mental plane.

Eighth initiation in asconic "creator"— leads meditations up to the seventh level. Conducts initiation from the first to the fifth Initiation.

  • Raises to the level of cosmic self-awareness - the name speaks for itself. The initiate lives according to cosmic laws, does not separate himself from the universe, but recognizes himself as its essence. The level of pure consciousness. The limit of any egregor is at a given level of evolution. The Consciousness of the egregor reflects the integration of all Plans of the egregor. If a Man acquires such Consciousness, then he becomes the Great Limit of the Man-Egregor. This is the same supra-degregority - one of the goals of asconics, which we are gradually approaching.

Ninth initiation in asconic "creator"— leads meditations up to the eighth level. Conducts initiation from the first to the eighth Initiation.

  • Going beyond.

Next come the extreme possibilities, levels that are not for the faint of heart. There are no restrictions in asconics, this diagram is more like a template to somehow explain the novelty and possibilities with which asconics appeared. The world is changing, and it’s good that we are participating in it.

I revealed to you a little the basis of asconics, which, of course, I will write about later.

I checked with my colleagues on the Internet, found only a couple of old people with whom I agreed, and took a few things. What is striking is the small amount of material, and therefore those who understand it. It is a pity that the authors of the texts are not indicated.

Not long ago I was asked in the comments the question, “How is Christian egregor combined with shamanism?” I didn’t have time to answer right away, but now I feel that the answer should be given in a separate post.
For a better understanding, I will make the following analogy: an egregor is a warehouse. Yes, yes, a huge warehouse like in Ikea)). A storehouse of energy that all believers send to this egregor by praying, performing rituals, thinking about the egregor, etc.
It must be said that the idea of ​​the egregor is relatively new; for most of human history, people were confident that they were giving their energy directly to the Gods.
So, warehouse. To get there and take something useful out, we need a passage. The passage to the egregor can open automatically, upon birth in a certain tradition; can be developed through one’s own efforts; can be opened after undergoing an initiation ritual; can be revealed by agreement between the Gods; can be purchased as a large investment; can be provided in advance when the Gods themselves are interested in you.
A Christian egregor is an open egregor, everyone can come to the temple and pray, everyone can be baptized and become part of the egregor (but a Hindu, for example, must be born to Hindu parents!). The shamanic egregor is also open, any person can turn to a shaman for help and independently perform some rituals to propitiate the Spirits, there are no restrictions. Living in Russia, almost all of us were baptized by our parents in childhood, we all go to church at least a couple of times a year, we all celebrate church holidays, even if only Christmas and Easter. That is, most of us have a passage to the egregor and most of us have some kind of energy contribution to it, some have more, some have less, so contact magical rites Any person can contact a Christian egregor (it’s another matter that you will receive a response exactly within the limits of your contribution, but that’s another question). But what about the Church, you ask? What about the fact that magic is a sin?

Let's again mentally transport ourselves to the warehouse in Ikea. Who's there? There are guards there to ensure that goods are not stolen. There are loaders who help you get goods from the top shelves. There are hall administrators who keep order and are ready to answer questions. Can we consider them an integral part of the warehouse? Will the warehouse cease to exist without them? I doubt. Yes, it will be more difficult for us to navigate there, but we will still have the opportunity to take goods/energy. So, the Church is not an egregor, it is workers serving the egregor. They cannot block our passage into it with their prohibitions. The gods hear everyone!
From the point of view of clergy, turning either to a Christian or to a shamanic egregor is a sin. But from the point of view of shamanism, any egregor is a force that you can draw from if you manage to establish a good relationship. In Tuva, it is considered completely normal to go to church and, if necessary, turn to shamans for help; the priests, of course, condemn it, but the shamans have nothing against it. Strength is strength, it has no religious connotation in its essence.

But still, any egregor maintains order and severely punishes attempts to bring chaos into it. Mixing rituals is not chaos. Chaos is:

Show disrespect, mock the egregor;
- pit egregors against each other (fight for me);
- not to believe in the help of the egregor (in the morning I blessed the car in the church, and in the evening I also went to the shaman for the same thing, like, just in case, to strengthen what I received from the Christian egregor and have not even received results yet);
- mix ritual objects and rituals (depict an icon on a shaman’s robe and read prayers with a tambourine);
- try to do something with the help of an egregor that contradicts the ethical framework of the egregor (in shamanism it is acceptable to cause damage, in a Christian egregor this is not approved);
- demand from one egregor to prove that he is stronger than the other.

If these rules are violated, both “mixed” egregors do not figure out who was “offended” more, but jointly hit the culprit, for educational purposes and to discourage behavior.
And regarding the “disrespect” point, I will give you a wonderful example that happened at the fourth stage of the CITY SHAMAN course. During the purification ceremony, one of the students jokingly began to baptize everyone with a smoldering artysh branch, saying it wouldn’t hurt. I immediately felt how the energy in the Field surrounding us was distorted, how the Spirits tensed, and I told the girl that it would be better if she didn’t do such things. The class ended, everyone left, and in the evening I received panic messages from this student. Out of nowhere, as they say, she developed all the symptoms of severe poisoning. She spent the night “merrily,” either bending over the toilet or sadly sitting on it. But she did well, she analyzed the events of the day and she herself realized that the misfortune that had happened was the Spirits’ response to her daring. And as soon as she realized this and apologized, all the symptoms stopped. Here's the story.

As a summary, I can say: if you have passages and you act with respect and deference to everyone, observing the above restrictions, then both the shamanic and Christian egregor will help you without any conflicts with each other.

In the photo: I’m in Kyzyl with a tambourine waiting for the start of a shamanic ritual not far from the city Orthodox Cathedral. By the way, in those days the relics of St. Nicholas “stayed” in the cathedral.

Evgeny, from my point of view, a lot depends on what theories, models and frameworks our mind is limited (and at the same time expanded).
You formulated a question based on the "energy" model. This means that there is an idea to describe and explain events in the internal and external world through various types of energy exchanges.
From my point of view, "energy" is just one of the metaphors. It is sometimes useful and sometimes harmful.
What could be its harm? For example, in the fact that we believe in “streams of good energy” and “streams of bad energy,” without noticing that we endow them with one quality or another.
There is no such problem in the psychological model. There is no “bad energy” from which “protection” is needed, there is “what I don’t want to acknowledge,” or “I’m afraid to admit,” or “I’m experiencing painful things.” But every “negative” contains a resource for growth (and personal growth is always spiritual growth).

There is also, in addition to the energy model, a more ancient model of “spirits”. This is when all things have their own spirit, acting as an independent personality. Then all events can be described as a conflict of personalities - which was quite understandable for ancient people.

There are also “information” models (a child of cybernetics), a model of the Whole One World, etc.

The model of thinking in Christianity is quite ancient - the struggle between Good and Evil. For Christians there is the concept of an “external enemy”, “evil forces” and so on. Accordingly, if there is an external enemy (Satan, for example), then you need to defend yourself from him.

From a psychological point of view, “demons” are repressed parts of the personality with which a person cannot yet become one and has not found a harmonious way to BE SUCH. In the process of psychotherapy, when a person encounters his “demons”, realizing them sincerely as his desire or feeling, they disappear, becoming POSITIVE. For example, instead of “people are evil” (a typical projection-generalization), a person admits “I am angry and afraid of this and that” - and stops seeing people as evil, since he does not repress feelings, and having taken measures to protect himself, he ceases to be afraid.
Or else, having admitted “I hate my husband,” the wife stops fighting with herself and straining, masking her hatred - FEELING RELIEF - and then may even feel love for him. This is paradoxical, but this is how psychotherapy works in 90% of cases.

That is, the psychological model states that there are no external enemies. All human intentions are initially positive; man is initially a good, happy creative being. And when a person returns to his natural state - he becomes himself - all the negativity disappears.

Now about the pectoral cross. If you are looking for protection, then it is unlikely that the “direct energy of love” will be available to you, but rather indirectly, since it different models- a model of protection from evil and a model of salvation. To save yourself, sometimes you need to sacrifice yourself or at least your comfort.

Extrasensory perception is also subject to the thinking patterns of a particular psychic. If you perceive the world of energy as a world of “bad” and “good” energy, then the behavior will be the same. The “evil eye”, “astral blows” and other “good” things appear, and the need for “protection” appears. But defense always means some kind of unawareness (in the psychological model), and this is the minus of the Fight against Evil model.

I think there isn't any objective picture- “how the pectoral cross works.” There is our attitude, our model of explanation. And there is also a subconscious attitude - it may differ from the conscious one. Perhaps the consciousness is looking for protection, and the subconscious perceives the cross as a symbol of love. Or it could be the other way around.

Greetings, Clear Lights! If you are interested in the title of this article, then you certainly hear the voice of your Soul, which is in search. And now she rejoices in exciting trepidation, trying to give a sign that you are on the right path. I will not go into details and intricate reasoning, since all this is a distortion of the truth through the prism of personal experience, but I will highlight only the main idea.

Life is cyclical in nature and all living things are constantly evolving and changing. Many have already noticed how much time has sped up, and everyday life has become fuller various events. And many increasingly began to notice how fleeting thoughts and ideas, free from conventions and restrictions, can sometimes materialize. How much the distance between the cause and effect of some situations has decreased. How strongly our thoughts and emotions began to influence our well-being and the person to whom they were directed. Only an inveterate materialist or a person mired in vanity has not noticed this.

The essence of these changes is that we and our planet have moved to a new stage of development. Almost all prophecies, contactees, mediums and clairvoyants talk about this. This is due to natural cosmic cycles, which are called differently in different traditions. Just as there is an earthly seasonal cycle associated with the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, there is also a larger-scale Solar cycle associated with the movement of Yarila the Sun through the palaces of the Svarog Circle, i.e. by constellations. According to this cycle, our solar system passed from the palace of Mara, who is characterized by death and decay, to the palace of Veles, who shows wisdom, ancient knowledge, strength and wealth, which marks the beginning of the Day of Svarog.

So what is happening to us? Our bodies, Soul and Spirit begin to awaken and fill with the power of life, like trees and all nature with the arrival of spring. The energy potential increases many times over. And this is wonderful, but for some it can be dangerous. Especially for those who have been collecting a burden of difficult thoughts, feelings and beliefs for years. Such people, with their negative stereotypes such as fear, resentment, envy, hatred, destroy themselves and those around them. And under conditions of increased energy, this becomes critical, resulting in illness and various misfortunes or even death.

Therefore, now it is vitally important to consciously make a choice about what you want to create and have in your life. And if you have chosen Life, Light, Good, Love and want to become a real Creator worthy of the Father, first you need to throw off all the shackles and free yourself.
Some will say: “Why should I free myself?! I’m already free!!!” I'll answer right away. I do not force anyone or encourage anyone to do anything. WILL is a voluntary matter. I will also add that I do not claim to be a Teacher or Magus, I am simply sharing my own experience for the benefit of the whole, of which I and we all are a part, thereby expressing myself.

For those who are interested, I will try to briefly explain. Life happens according to certain laws of the universe. The determining factor is our free will, which absolutely no one has the right to violate, not even the Gods.
But as cunning people say, any law can be circumvented, which is successfully done, naturally, by deception. One has only to replace concepts, distort the truth, and a person willingly, voluntarily, with the best intentions gives his will, destiny and all energy potential to some “uncle”, organization, system, religion, leader, that is, egregor.

Egregors are energy-information structures of the astral plane, which consist of the energy of thoughts and emotions of large groups of people united by a common idea, as well as a large number astral entities, serving the egregor and using it for their own selfish purposes. Religious egregors, Christian, for example, are especially dangerous. The egregor uses the follower as fuel and a puppet, imposing his will on the person. For people who do not know and do not want to develop independently, an egregor can be useful - someone’s trodden path and the protection of an egregor, if you please him, in exchange for your ancestral, life potential and destiny. Especially if an initiation ritual is carried out, then the person is ripped off like a stick: the birth canal and connection with ancestors are cut off, intuition and the ability to think freely are closed, individuality and talents are blocked, life path a person, that is, his calling and impose their stereotypes. And all this with complete impunity. You yourself or your parents, by your free WILL, wanted to connect to it and entrusted your destiny. And even if a person has moved away from the egregor and tries to develop independently, the energy suckers of the egregor and its influence remain. At the same time, according to the laws of physics, you, the egregor and his followers remain communicating vessels and energy will always flow to the weaker, but desired member of the egregor. And if a person poses a danger to the egregor, carrying the ancestral light within himself, then the egregor can try to destroy the person, completely pumping him out vitality and pumping into it through the same channels, negative energy. Thus, a person ceases to belong entirely to himself, i.e. to his Soul and his Family, but falls into the power of the egregor. After which the egregor and his minions have the right to manipulate him with impunity and use his resources and will for their own selfish purposes. And since this has been happening for more than one generation, this process occurs generally, everywhere and without the slightest suspicion of deception. At the same time, the wisdom of the Ancestors, cultural heritage, folk traditions, Family foundations, the voice of the Soul and the connection with the Family are trying in every possible way to block, cut off, eradicate, seal and slander and declare it the greatest evil, so that a person would be blind and subjugated.

So bad things happen on Earth through the hands of others, “gifted” will and energy, and the responsibility falls on the deceived one and his Family. And then they wonder where justice is and how those who commit evil and outrage can get away with it. So you yourself conveyed your will to them. And without will, a person already becomes like cattle. And this is not the full picture yet, but I won’t shock you yet.

So now the primary task of those who have awakened is to free themselves and their Kind from all alien and destructive egregors, to claim their life potential, destiny, talents, calling, energy, strength and WILL. And also in the awakening of the Ancestral Light, Strength, Wisdom, Love, and then in the joint creation of the reality that our bright, pure, divine Soul thirsts for!

I think everyone who thinks will agree with this and the Soul will help to do right choice. Even just to logically think about who is closer to us, dearer and unselfishly yearns for all the best for us. Some kind of egregor and those who tell us how we need to live, deciding everything for us, and at the same time not missing the opportunity to profit at our expense. Or our pure, bright Soul, showing us the right path and the Souls of our Ancestors, i.e. our Family, a part and continuation of which we are, and who with boundless love watch over us - their own children, always trying to help us, suggest, guide, teach. So that we can adopt their greatest experience, wisdom and strength, increase this wealth and pass it on to our children and grandchildren.

For those who have realized and want to live according to their own will, having regained what belongs to them by right of birth, below I will give two of the three methods of debaptism known to me, which can be applied independently and preferably together.

Both methods are very effective and positive, but have common disadvantages:
1. Debaptism by these methods frees only the person himself, while relatives remain under the power of the egregor and through them, although to a lesser extent, the pumping of vital energy can continue.
2. If a person has negative impact, especially generic or the introduction of an outside entity, then independent de-baptism can occur with exacerbations. Those. First you need to undergo diagnostics from a specialist or at least yourself with a pendulum and, if there is negativity, undergo cleansing. So all responsibility for possible consequences you take over.

The first method of self-baptism.
This method is the simplest. This is a gift from my friend. This woman has a good natural connection with her Family and receives information from the Ancestors. Thus, a prayer of intention for liberation from the Christian egregor was received, which I will give below.

And this is how liberation works:

Light a candle, sit down comfortably with a straight back, uncrossing your arms and legs, with your palms open on your knees, take a few deep breaths, clear your mind and turn to the Father and Ancestors with the intention: “Heavenly Father, Mother Earth, My bright Family, Guardians and Patrons of my Family, I Am (name), I greet you and ask you to help me in cleansing, liberating from all alien, negative egregors, especially Christian ones, from all their bindings, seals, programs, attributes and all equipment, for the benefit of me and my Family! "
And read the prayer 3 times:
“I am no longer baptized, I am baptized,
Because I am not a servant of God, but I am a son (daughter) of God,
And I am, by right of birth, Blessed by God!
I was born for happiness and for a long and happy life,
And not for suffering, I am not God’s servant,
And the beautiful Divine creation,
Born for love, kindness and creation!
And I am not a creature of God, but a beautiful Divine creation
And I don't believe in salvation through murder and sacrifice,
Which has nothing to do with me!
I have a proud name - Slav!
And I am not a slave and I am not a Christian!
I freed myself from Christian egregor
And I am not connected with him, I am not forever untied!
The Christian egregor no longer has power over me,
Over my brain, over my mind
Over my Russian Spirit and over my Soul!
From now on I am under the protection of the Slavic, Russian, Native Gods!
And I am free from the religion of suffering, from church baptism,
From slave psychology and the stigma of slaves.
From now on I live at the level of goodness and positivity
And I am invulnerable to evil and negativity,
I am impenetrable to the Christian egregor and beyond his reach,
I am not visible to him and am independent of him!
So be it, I want it that way!”

Sit quietly for 15 minutes, visualizing how the bindings are broken, the seals are removed, the negativity and all the attributes of the egregor are cleared, how the Ancestors participating in the liberation rejoice and hug you with boundless love, as if after a long separation. Thank the Gods and Ancestors for their help.

The cleansing process may take several more days. After some time, it will be possible to repeat this ritual for prevention.

The second method of self-baptism.
The second method requires at least the slightest idea about working with Runes. For those who do not know, Runes are not only one of the types ancient writing, and first of all, energy keys that resonate with the energy of space. These are living symbols-images, each of which has certain deep meanings and carries special energy properties that are used in Runic Magic. If you wish, you can familiarize yourself with the Runes on various magical forums. I would like to immediately dispel some negative stereotypes about this. Some people avoid and fear runes and magic, mistakenly considering them to be tricks dark forces. These are all superstitions. In general, there is only one Magic, this is the power of Mother Earth and Heavenly Father perceived by man. Only people use it differently. Magic is everything we do in life on purpose. They spat over their shoulders, knocked on wood, prayed,
expressed a wish, etc. As soon as the intention arose in us, Magic begins. Magic is creative process life. And when we apply our will and certain techniques, for example, Runic Staves, to achieve certain goals, then real miracles begin, which is Magic.
Black magic begins when life, ethical, and spiritual laws, such as free will, are violated. Or when energy is directed towards destruction or with selfish motives. Everything else is creativity, one of our main tasks in life.

So the second method of liberation with the help of Runes involves the use Runic staves“Raskrest for oprimists” by Vlas (search on the Internet), for liberation from all bindings and seals of the egregor. And also becoming “My benefits are my benefits” by LEIKA.

I found a method of liberation from egregors with the help of Runes on the Internet and for some time I used it together with the above prayer, until we received our own very powerful process - “Rite of liberation of the Soul and Family from all egregors” or “Debaptism of the Family”, which is carried out under the guidance of the author. And since according to the rules of the site it is forbidden to post extraneous links, anyone who is interested in this ritual will find it through a search. The baptism of the Clan occurs even remotely, through the intention of the recipient and the transmitter, spontaneously, by agreement of Souls and Clan, with a powerful wave of divine energy of Love, sweeping away all suckers, bindings, seals and other attributes of egregors within 3 days for the person himself and all his relatives. The body, emotions, mind, Soul, and Family are cleansed. These are huge changes for the benefit of the entire Family. At the same time, it is advisable to maintain contact with your loved ones and take an interest in their well-being.
Over the course of 3 days, the condition may change greatly, you may feel unwell or toxic, this is normal.

After release, the condition improves significantly, strength is added, and incredible lightness and freedom are felt.
The next step is the Rite of Ancestral Light awakening!
All the best to you and good luck in your good deeds!

With boundless love,
Vasily Rodosvet!

The Christian egregor is one of the most popular at present - the vast majority of magic practitioners belong to it. Learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of being under its influence.

In the article:

Christian egregor and the advantages of working with it

The Christian egregor feeds with its energy not only numerous believers, but also magicians and sorcerers who consciously use this quality of it. It is known that conspiracies and rituals are divided into two types. Some require investment personal strength- in their texts there are no appeals to higher powers, angels, demons or anyone else.

A number of conspiracy texts contain appeals to God, Satan or other representatives of higher powers - it all depends on the confession to which you belong. These conspiracies require connection to an egregor. Since we are now talking about the egregor of Christianity, we are referring to common Russian conspiracies, and in rare cases, spells in Latin. The energy for performing rituals with appeals to saints, angels and God is drawn from the church egregor. If you are not connected to it, the spell will not work.

Almost everyone knows that the church has a negative attitude towards magic and witchcraft. However, despite this, the energy for rituals with Christian conspiracy texts actually comes from the Orthodox egregor. The fact is that such conspiracies are closer to special prayers than to witchcraft. Accordingly, the egregor approves of their use.

The reasons for working with the Christian egregor do not end with the opportunity to draw energy from it. He is able to provide protection. According to Orthodox traditions, every baptized person receives. Prayers work only for those who sincerely believe in their effectiveness - that is, interact with the egregor. About Christian amulets and other methods magical protection we can talk for a long time.

It is in the interests of the energy-informational entity to give its followers what they ask for. This leads to an increase in the number of followers, at a minimum, which strengthens the egregor itself.

Let us also add that the Christian egregor is one of the most powerful. He energetically supports several million believers and also feeds on their energy. Just imagine how powerful the rituals performed using this colossal amount of energy will be.

To whom do confessional egregors in general and Christian egregors in particular obey?

The question of who the confessional egregors obey is quite ambiguous. It is generally accepted among believers that everything related to the church and faith is personally in charge of God, and they help him. Of course, religious entities are directly related to them, but they have nothing to do with the egregor - it is an energy-informational formation created by people.

So, to whom does the Christian egregor obey? He submits to a higher one egregor of religion, like all existing religious movements in the world. This theory echoes the ideas that said that all world religions have one source and, in essence, they are equal.

The egregor of religion is subordinate to the even higher egregor of planet Earth. This chain can be continued indefinitely - there are many types of egregorial formations, and they will exist until the last person on the planet dies.

Egregor of Christianity - how to work with it

The principles of working with the egregor of Christianity are the same as when working with other energy-informational formations. Simply put, you need to follow the rules accepted within a given group of people, and then their energy will work for your benefit, and not against you.

The first rule is faith in God and his angels, as well as in the ability to receive help from them. Without it, nothing will work - neither prayers, nor Christian conspiracies. Without faith, working with the egregor of Christianity will either be ineffective or will bring negative consequences.

The second rule is compliance with the rituals generally accepted in a given religious movement. You should attend church services from time to time. They take place every Sunday, and it’s good if you can attend services on every weekend. An important part of cooperation is donations to the temple and alms. You will have to not only receive, but also give energy. Money is also a kind of energy, just like your faith, emotions during prayers, and so on.

There is a so-called tithe, which practitioners working with the egregor of Christianity give to the church. It is ten percent of monthly income. This rule works with all energy information formations. If a person does not give away part of his income voluntarily and with pleasure, he loses this part of the funds in other ways - and they are unlikely to be more pleasant than charity.

We must not forget about baptism. As part of Christian rules, all newborn babies are baptized. In Russia, it is customary to baptize newborns, so for most of those who wish, the question of the need for baptism does not make sense. But if you were not baptized as a child, it is advisable to go through this sacrament.

Consecration of an apartment, house and Vehicle- an important part of working with the egregor of Christianity. You will not only receive protection from it in this way, which, by the way, copes well with various damage and other negative programs. You will give him some of your energy, receiving in return more than you sacrificed.

Reading prayers, especially to saints and other helpers of the Lord, also forces you to share energy with the egregor. In return, you get what you prayed for. There are special prayers for different cases lives that have already proven their effectiveness, judging by numerous reviews. The same applies to rituals from the so-called Christian magic - despite the negative attitude towards it among believers, it is an integral part of the egregor.

Keeping fasts and paying special attention church holidays- an important part of the Christian tradition. There is no need to lead to fanaticism, but it is worth following the basic rules, you need them, first of all. In addition, read sacred literature - at a minimum, you will have to read the Bible.

Disadvantages of church egregor

Despite the fact that working with a church egregor provides many advantages, it also has significant disadvantages.
First of all this average level The personal energy of his followers is quite low. A practicing magician who is trying to accumulate energy for some purpose, being connected to a church egregor, gives it to the church and remains at the same level. If your potential for personal power is extremely small, it makes sense to increase it with the help of an egregor, but if on the contrary, it will only hinder you.

The church egregor does not like strong personalities- that's why the church has so many old-fashioned rules. The magician, more often than not, seriously stands out from the ranks of his followers. The Church is seriously opposed to sorcerers and witches and does not recognize either white or black magic. A whole section of witchcraft, called Christian or church magic, is part of it - albeit unofficially. The same applies to cathedral witchcraft. It will not be possible to work successfully with its other types.

Church egregor is one of the most dangerous in terms of the degree of influence on a person’s consciousness and subconscious. Its dogmas and rules program people, making them suitable followers of a given religion. Distinguish own thoughts from those sent by egregor, it is quite difficult.

Thinking about events in a Christian environment is confusing and takes up a lot of brain space. Simply put, instead of thinking about his further development as a magician, a person tries to comprehend the dogmas, rules and essence of Orthodox holidays.

Orthodox egregor - how to get rid of it

Like any other, an Orthodox egregor does not want to lose followers - without them he may cease to exist. This explains the difficulties in baptism, renunciation of Orthodoxy and other rituals that are aimed at liberation from the Orthodox egregor. There are many reasons for this, and they have already been described above. Here we will give an example of a ritual that will help you free yourself from the influence of the church and begin a completely different path.

The easiest way to say goodbye negative influence Orthodox egregor - to perform the ceremony in the church. The journey began here Orthodox man, here it will end, and you will go further along the chosen path. Choose a time so that there are fewer people in the temple. In front of the altar or the icon of “Christ the Temperance” the conspiracy is read - not in a whisper, but out loud, but still so as not to attract the attention of the temple servants:

I, (name given at baptism), calling myself (magical name), announce renunciation. I renounce God Jehovah, the Father, Jesus Christ, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary and the Light that comes from them. I renounce my guardian angel and all divine angelic powers. I renounce every holy Christian place, my place in heaven, every Christian thought and deed, the mercy and forgiveness of the Lord God. And may I never set foot on the road to salvation by Christ, given by God, and may my soul disappear forever for God, and may he no longer hear my voice. This is my will and may it be so from now on and into eternity!

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