Russian Social Movement “Renaissance. Golden age

Capabilities of the Mind

Collection of articles, second edition

This collection includes popular science articles by academician Nikolai Levashov, written by him over the past four years. In these articles, the author simply, clearly and very interestingly talks about the results of his research, educational and healing activities, accompanying the presentation of the material with numerous his own illustrations. The scope of his scientific interests is very extensive: from restoring the true multi-hundred-thousand-year history of the Rus, to eliminating planetary and cosmic disasters...

© Nikolay Levashov

Moscow, Publisher I.V. Balabanov, 2008, - 208 p. Circulation 5000 copies. ISBN 978-5-91563-008-5.

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Possibilities of the Mind Collection of articles This is a collection of articles in which Academician Nikolai Levashov shares the results of his research, practical, educational and healing activities. He talks simply about complex things. Explains how he learned

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In the second volume of the book, the author clearly and clearly shows the necessary and sufficient conditions for the emergence of consciousness at a certain level of life development. Understanding the mechanisms of memory and consciousness formation at the level material bodies essence allows the author to explain the phenomenon of life after death, which happens to people in a state of clinical death. Thanks to this, these facts move from the category of inexplicable phenomena into the category of natural phenomena of living nature. The phenomenon of reincarnation - from the category of religious and mystical concepts, again, moves into the category of real natural phenomena. Just like the concepts of karma, sin cease to be a tool for manipulating the consciousness of the masses in the hands of state and religious leaders and turn into manifestations of the same laws of nature. Understanding all this makes a person truly free and the creator of his own destiny. Neither God, nor the Tsar, nor the Hero, but man himself determines his actions and bears full responsibility (not only moral) for them. The book contains 83 high quality author's illustrations.

In the second volume, Nikolai Levashov clearly and clearly shows the necessary and sufficient conditions for the emergence of consciousness at a certain level of development of life (living matter). Understanding the mechanisms of formation of memory and consciousness at the level of the material bodies of the Essence allows the author to explain the phenomenon of life after death, which many people remember in a state of “clinical death”. Thanks to this, these facts from the category of “inexplicable phenomena” move into the category of “natural phenomena” of living nature. And hence the phenomenon of reincarnation (the periodic incarnation of the Essence into physical bodies) from the category of religious and mystical concepts also moves into the category of real natural phenomena. Just like such concepts as karma, sin, heaven, hell cease to be a tool for manipulating the consciousness of the masses in the hands of state and religious leaders and turn into manifestations of the same laws of nature. Understanding all this makes a person truly free, makes him the creator of his own destiny. Neither God, nor the Tsar, nor the Hero, but man himself determines his actions and bears full responsibility for them (not only moral). The author once again emphasizes that any person is born only as a potentially intelligent being. In fact, we are all born animals. And only the necessary amount of varied information received in the first years of life allows us to rise to the level of a “reasonable animal”, and then to the actual person. This is very important information, on which not only the current one, but also all our future lives in new physical bodies depend. Nikolai Levashov for the first time here examines in sufficient detail the physics of “karmic processes” and provides comprehensive information for understanding the term “sin”. It shows that in fact karma works continuously, and any person constantly receives everything that he “earns” with all his thoughts, words and deeds. It’s just that this does not always become noticeable quickly, and it is not always possible to quickly establish a clear connection between your actions and the “karmic reaction”...

The author began working on this book in 2003, although the idea of ​​writing such a book had been maturing for many years. His childhood passion and interest in the past of both his homeland and the entire planet did not disappear over time, but became one of his callings. Analytical thinking, unusual features and many books read, ultimately led the author to the idea of ​​writing a book about real story Russia, and not the “version” that was imposed on the Russian Slavs by “well-wishers” with the coming to power of the Romanov dynasty, whose founders agreed to betray their people and the great past of their ancestors in exchange for the throne. In his book, the author shows “izTORia” in a fundamentally new light, as no one else had done before. He confirms his conclusions with real historical documents and maps, with which the reader will be one of the first to become acquainted. Step by step, the author restores the real past of our planet and Russia, which for many thousands of years has played a key role in the development of earthly civilization, which was originally a colony created on planet Earth by a large association of humanoid civilizations. Of course, then it was not called Russia, but the point is not in the name, but in the essence of what stands behind it. And behind Russia lies the amazing past of the people inhabiting it, without which there would not have been not only many cultures, nations and peoples, but also modern civilization. The book contains 42 high quality author's illustrations.

© Nikolay Levashov, 2007

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LEVASHOV Nikolay Viktorovich



“Essence and Reason” is a worthy continuation and further deepening of the theory set forth in Nikolai Levashov’s first amazing work, “The Last Appeal to Humanity.” Published in Russian in 1997 in Russia, this work brought him well-deserved recognition, in 1998 he was elected a full member of the International Academy of Informatization (IA), which is an Associate Member of the United Nations. This international organization is in General Consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and unites in its ranks leading scientists from almost all branches of modern knowledge, major political and religious leaders of the planet. In 1999, he was also elected as a full member of the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences.

His first book and this new one together constitute a pioneering work, written by a theoretical physicist by training, that provides, as Stephen Hawkins put it, the “unified theory of everything” so needed by modern scientists. We strongly recommend reading these works in chronological order. Levashov goes the entire distance from ancient knowledge to modern theories quantum physics, cosmology, medicine, biology and genetics and creates new system knowledge. His New Knowledge offers us a detailed theory of reality that covers the myriad aspects of life, death, and the cosmic mysteries we face today.

In one moment, the entire foundation of modern physics was destroyed by discoveries recent years in physics and astrophysics. Modern cosmology is based on Einstein's theory of relativity, which has two main postulates:

1. The assumption that the universe is isotropic, that is, uniform (homogeneous) in all directions.

2. That the speed of light in a vacuum is constant and cannot exceed a maximum of 186,000 miles per second.

The fall of two cornerstones of this theory raised serious doubts about the validity of the Theory of Relativity. The most striking challenge has been expressed in recent work by two famous physicists, doctors Borg Nodland and John Ralston, whose conclusions suggest what Levashov came to and substantiated ten years ago - the universe at its origin was asymmetrical and has remained so to this day, and from this a simple conclusion suggests itself about the existence of other universes. The latest discoveries of modern science fully confirm Levashov’s point of view about the heterogeneity of the universe, which implies the existence of countless worlds and antiworlds far beyond the region of the known universe. Thanks to his unified theory and broader views of reality, Levashov was able to formulate his conclusions earlier and independently of the above-mentioned discoveries.

What makes Levashov’s “New Knowledge” a unique work is that it is a consistent system that covers all aspects of reality, allowing him to accurately and scientifically formulate and explain hidden natural processes, which give birth to everything in the universe. Levashov showed us that a person uses only about five percent of the neurons in his brain, while the remaining ninety-five percent remains inactive and undeveloped. The physical area that we perceive with our five senses (or with the help of instruments based on these senses) is only a tiny part of the whole reality, it is just the tip of the iceberg. There are myriad areas of reality that, due to our limited development, we cannot even begin to understand. Levashov's multidimensional perspective reveals these areas to us, offering a coherent structural system that links them together.

Starting with the primordial building stones of the universe - the "primordial matters" - he takes us step by step through their eternal interaction, their cosmic dance, and shows how they influence the curvature of micro and macro space, governed by strict digital values ​​that determine the creation or decay of everything that exists. The universe plays an eternal game of “numbers”, primary matter merges and galaxies, stars and planets are born or are released during nuclear or annihilation processes, releasing enormous “energy”, depending on the magnitude of the exact parameters described as “dimensions” or “dimensional gradients” ”, these terms run thematically throughout his work. The process of enlightenment and opening of the mind begins as we read and absorb this knowledge, and we are filled with awe at this stunning beauty.

Strictly consistent at any level of reality, these concepts cross the boundaries of individual sciences and apply universally to everything, revealing the secrets of nature from everything that happens inside the tunnel of a DNA molecule - to the birth of a star; from the origin of life to the evolution of the human spirit; from the splitting of atoms of transuranium elements - to the emergence of consciousness and human emotions. Therefore, in chapters 1 and 2 of the book Essence and Mind, he takes us, step by step, through an explanation of the qualitative structure of planet Earth and shows how life arose in the universe. For the first time, the concepts of “cosmic biology” of space are being formed - that is, necessary and sufficient conditions for the emergence of life, as if from “nothing,” not only on our planet, but also on billions of other planets and worlds, from the moment of their origin.

He also explains how the atmosphere came into being, without which life cannot exist; how the length of a planetary day determines the possibility of the emergence of life; under what minimal conditions does Life arise and under what conditions is the emergence of Intelligence possible? And we are not surprised at what the qualitative structure of the universe has in common with the possibility of the emergence of life and intelligence. This is easily explained if we understand that the laws of the universe dictate their conditions for the existence of the micro- and macrocosmos. It is impossible to know the world if you do not first know yourself, if you cannot feel and see what is common between us and an atom or, say, the universe.

In subsequent chapters (3 and 4), Levashov uses the same system, the same theory to explain the nature of emotions and feelings, and penetrates into the secrets of nature that have never before been explained by science. He explains in detail, for example, the nature of the emergence of emotions, as a defensive reaction necessary for the survival of both the individual and the entire species as a whole, the nature of love, based on the compatibility of entities. He explains how harmony between a man and a woman helps them move forward evolutionarily and achieve more high level development of the spirit.

N.V. Levashov

Possibilities of the Mind

Collection of articles, third edition

St. Petersburg 2011

UDC 575.8 BBK 28.02 L34

Levashov, Nikolai.

Possibilities of the Mind / Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov: collection. articles/

– St. Petersburg: Id. Mitrakov, 2011. – 304 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-5-4264-0007-8

This collection includes popular science articles by academician Nikolai Levashov, written by him over the past six years. In these articles, the author simply, clearly and very interestingly talks about the results of his research, educational and healing activities, accompanying the presentation of the material with numerous his own illustrations. The scope of his scientific and practical interests is very extensive: from restoring the true multi-hundred-thousand-year history of the Rus, to eliminating exotic species weapons, planetary and space disasters...

The collection comes with a free DVD containing recordings of some of Nikolai Levashov’s articles in MP-3 format.

UDC 575.8 BBK 28.02

Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Theory of the Universe and objective reality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The silent history of Russia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Last Night of Svarog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Taming the Shrew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Drought. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Who and why needed a room of “dark” matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Blessed are the poor in spirit… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 About prophets, false prophets in general…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Diagnosis - provocation!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 On the issue of spirituality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Theater of the Absurd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Visible and invisible genocide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Anti-Russian Anticyclone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263


In September 2006, a man of heroic height and build descended from a plane flying San Francisco-Moscow. His name was Nikolai Levashov. He returned to Russia after a 15-year stay abroad... So one could begin a story about a man who does fantastic, but very real things, which, moreover, can be touched with your hands. But, nevertheless, for us, ordinary people, they go far beyond the comprehensible...

Nikolai was born in 1961 in the city of Kislovodsk, Stavropol Territory. Since childhood, strange, inexplicable events began to happen to him: he should have died several times due to negligence, but inexplicably remained alive, as in the case when, while cutting a sunflower, he accidentally opened an artery in his left arm; the flash of a perfectly working camera did not work in his hands when he thought it would not work;

V in his presence, the needles on the electrical devices in the university laboratory danced like crazy; His one desire was enough for it to rain or shine. Neither the school curriculum nor the school teachers turned out to be able to answer many of the questions for which he had been looking for answers since childhood. While still a teenager, Nikolai begins to think and tries to get to the bottom of phenomena, to understand and comprehend the processes occurring in nature and man. And he eagerly strives to go to university. But even there he is not satisfied with the explanations given in textbooks, lectures and seminars, although he is a brilliant student at one of the best higher educational institutions Soviet Union- at Kharkov State University, at the Department of Theoretical Radiophysics, Faculty of Radiophysics. Nikolai begins to understand that he sees the world somewhat differently, not like everyone else and, not finding an explanation for this in the available literature, begins his own research. With the consent of his fellow students, he conducts countless experiments on them and this gives him unique practical experience. Gradually, the ability to cure various diseases, including serious ones, and influence others is revealed. physical processes. Of course, it would be easier for him to own all this and earn a lot of money, especially without delving into any subtleties, but the desire for knowledge turned out to be stronger, and he continued his search. Already

V In 1988, he created a complete, completely new “theory of everything”, a theory that gives an understanding of the processes of the universe, based on the principles of the heterogeneity of the Universe, the unity of laws micro- and macrocosmos, and leg-

to explain all the phenomena of nature that have baffled science until now. Nikolai Levashov for the first time shows the qualitative structure of the human Essence (soul, spirit, higher self, etc.) and proves that the soul is real and material. He for the first time gives a comprehensive and simple explanation of the concepts of Life, living matter, determines the necessary and sufficient conditions for the automatic emergence of Life on many planets solar systems. He explains for the first time what Mind is, how it arises on inhabited planets, and what conditions are necessary for this; he shows how and where thought is formed, how memory works, what consciousness is.

Nikolai revealed and explained the real causes of human diseases; identified the real causes of aging physical body; told how and why it dies, and what happens to the Essence of a person after the death of the physical body. He convincingly proved that the Essence (in fact, this is Man himself) can live for a very, very long time, periodically incarnating into physical bodies at the initial stages of its evolutionary development. For the first time, he gave comprehensive explanations even of such concepts as “sin” and “karma” and showed the mechanisms of real influence on a person.

In the late 80s and early 90s, he sought to pass on his knowledge as much as possible more people, organizing seminars for specialists and numerous performances for everyone in different cities

USSR. You can read more about this most interesting period in the life of Academician Nikolai Levashov in the 1st volume of his autobiographical chronicle “Mirror of My Soul,” which can be downloaded for free from the author’s website Circumstances were such that Nikolai Levashov was forced to move to the USA. Tamon described all his discoveries in several books, which brought him worldwide fame.

IN This collection presents several articles by Nikolai Levashov,

V which he examines the main philosophical aspects of our reality and the problems of the existing scientific paradigm; talks about some practical results of his research; illuminates natural phenomena that are new to us and explains the mechanisms of their influence on humans. He also gives slander to outright liars who tirelessly try to cast a shadow on the fence and in every possible way oppose the publication of the unique results of the work of Academician N. Levashov and the understanding, on their basis, of the real picture of creation and the problems of our life.

Nadezhda Chernyshevskaya-Anshukova

Theory of the Universe and objective reality

Over the last few thousand years, man has constantly tried to comprehend the surrounding Cosmos. Various models of the Universe and ideas about man’s place in it were created. Gradually, these ideas formed into the so-called scientific theory of the Universe. This theory was finally formed in the mid-twentieth century. The basis of the current Big Bang theory was Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity. All other theories of reality, in principle, are only special cases of this theory, and therefore, not only the correctness of man’s ideas about the Universe, but also the future of civilization itself depends on how the theory of the Universe reflects the true state of things. Based on man-made ideas about the surrounding nature, technologies, instruments and machines are created. And the way they are created determines whether earthly civilization will exist or not.

If these ideas are not correct or accurate, this can turn into a disaster and the death of not only civilization, but also life itself on the beautiful planet that we - human beings - call Earth. And thus, from purely theoretical concepts, ideas about the nature of the Universe move into the category of concepts on which the future of civilization and the future of life on our planet depend. Therefore, what these ideas will be should concern not only philosophers and natural scientists, but also every living person. Thus, ideas about the nature of the Universe, if they are correct, can become the key to the unprecedented progress of civilization and, if they are not correct, lead to the death of both civilization and life on Earth. Correct ideas about the nature of the Universe will be creative, and erroneous ones will be destructive. In other words, ideas about the nature of the Universe can become weapons of mass destruction, in comparison with which nuclear bomb- children's toy. And this is not a metaphor, but the very truth. And this truth does not depend on whether someone accepts it or not, and, like any true position, does not depend on the subjectivity of the person who perceives it, just as, for example, solar activity does not depend on whether a person understands its nature correctly or not. For the Sun, it does not matter at all what a person’s ideas about the nature of solar activity are. How close these ideas are to true phenomena matters only to the person himself. And it seems to me that most people who call themselves scientists have forgotten this simple truth and are carried away by creating theories that are more

serve their personal ambitions, and do not serve to gain knowledge of the truth, to which anyone who devotes himself to science should strive. Everything said above is not fiction or verbiage, but, unfortunately, a fact. And this fact is not hidden in abstruse formulas and definitions that are not understandable to the majority, but only to a narrow circle of “specialists.” This fact is understandable to every living person, regardless of whether that person has an education or not, or knows how to read or not. Moreover, it is not only understandable, but, to a greater or lesser extent, already has a direct impact on every living person.

False, erroneous ideas about the nature of the Universe have become the cause of the ecological catastrophe towards which earthly civilization is so confidently moving. There is so much evidence of this that anyone who has a desire to see it cannot even have doubts about what is happening. Everything suggests that the technocratic path of development along which modern civilization has taken leads to the self-destruction of earthly civilization. Modern science has accumulated a huge number of observations of what is happening in the world around us, in the so-called middle world in which man lives. The middle world is located between the macrocosm and the microcosm, at the level of which the laws of Nature exist. In our middle world, a person can only observe manifestations of the true laws of nature. What a person is able to perceive through his five senses is just the tip of the iceberg that rises above the water. And everything else is that thing in itself, the unknowable, which Immanuel Kant wrote about in his works. And such an understanding will be inevitable due to the fact that, using the five senses, it is impossible to create the correct picture of the universe. And for one simple reason - human senses were formed as a result of adaptation to living conditions in ecological niche, which man occupies as one of the species of living nature. These human senses allow him to get comfortable in this ecological niche, but nothing else. The sense organs are intended for the middle world, and not for anything else.

Man has created many different devices that seem to have allowed him to penetrate the microcosm and macrocosm. It would seem that the problem has been solved: through the created devices, man was able to penetrate the micro- and macro-world. But there are several small “buts”. And the main one is that with the help of these devices, man only expanded the capabilities of his senses into these worlds, but did nothing with the senses themselves. In other words, the limitations of the senses were transferred

already at the level of the micro- and macrocosm. Just as it is impossible to see the beauty of a flower with your ears, it is also impossible to penetrate through the five senses.

V micro- and macroworld. What a person received with the help of such devices does not allow one to penetrate into the “thing in itself,” but, for all that, it allows one to see the fallacy of the ideas created by man through the five senses. the nature of the Universe. It was precisely because of the limitations of man’s cognition tools that a distorted, false picture of the universe arose and began to form. Observing only partial manifestations of the laws of nature, man was forced to take the wrong path of understanding the nature of the Universe.

IN At the beginning of the creation of a modern understanding of nature, man was forced to introduce postulates - assumptions accepted without any explanation. In principle, every postulate is God, since the Lord God was also accepted by man without any evidence. And if on initial stage the acceptance of the postulates was justified, then at the final stage of creating a picture of the universe it is simply acceptable. At proper development human ideas about the nature of the Universe, the number of accepted postulates should gradually decrease until there remains one, maximum two postulates that do not require explanation,

V the power of its obviousness. Which, for example, is the postulate of the objective reality of matter, which is given to us in our sensations.

Of course, through his senses, a person is not able to perceive all forms and types of matter. A person is not able to perceive a whole series of radiations that have a very real effect on physically dense matter through his senses, however, this does not mean that these forms of matter are not real. For example, most people are not able to perceive through their senses 99% of the spectrum of electromagnetic oscillations, about which are quite well known thanks to the created devices. And what can we say about the fact that existing devices are not able to detect?! One way or another, a person strives to understand the world around him, and this knowledge, unfortunately, cannot happen instantly. Knowledge proceeds through trial and error, when erroneous ideas become history, and they are replaced by new ideas, which over time can also join the list of unsuccessful attempts. But every theory rejected by practice is inherently positive, since it tells everyone who seeks the truth where to go in search of it. A sign of the right direction in the knowledge of truth is a very simple factor - as grains of knowledge are collected, the number of postulates in the text

oriyah should decrease. If this happens, everything is fine. But, if this does not happen, and the number of postulates does not decrease, but increases, this is the surest sign of moving away from understanding the true picture of the universe. And this is dangerous for the future of civilization, because it inevitably leads to its self-destruction. modern science There are many times more postulates about the nature of the Universe than there were, for example, in the 19th century. And the number of postulates continues to grow like a snowball. Everyone is so accustomed to them that they do not pay attention to the presence of postulates in almost every so-called scientific statement. The simplest questions baffle famous scientists. When asked what is electricity, an academician physicist gives a definition known to every schoolchild: “electric current is the directional movement of electrons from plus to minus.” Everyone is so accustomed to such “conclusions” that no one even thinks about the words spoken - even academicians, who, by definition, should be the most knowledgeable in their disciplines. From the above definition, only the concept of directed movement, i.e. movement in a given direction, does not require explanation. To the questions “what is an electron,” “what is a plus and what is a minus,” and “why do electrons move from plus to minus,” one answer was received: “only God knows that.” And this is the answer of a person who has world name in physics! In the simplest definition of a phenomenon familiar to every child today, four concepts are accepted without understanding or explanation. Four postulates in one definition, which is presented as a law of nature! And this is not the limit. Almost all the so-called immutable laws of nature into which humanity has penetrated are statements of this kind.

It turns out a funny situation: if someone managed to find a word with which to designate a natural phenomenon, it is believed that the problem has been solved and a new scientific discovery has occurred. A form is created that does not carry content, and thus a contradiction arises between form and content. One of the most striking examples of such a contradiction between form and content is the concept of “dark matter”. Astrophysicists studying the movement of celestial bodies have discovered a curious phenomenon. In order to celestial bodies- planets, stars and galaxies - moved in their current orbits, according to the laws of celestial mechanics, the mass of matter should be ten times greater. In other words, the matter known to modern science is only ten

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