The most powerful miraculous healing icons! The Orthodox faith is the power of icons.

Icon Mother of God, called “Vsetsaritsa” (“Pantanassa”)

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Vsetsaritsa” (“Pantanassa”) they pray for healing from cancer and for deliverance from magical spells.

Miraculous icon The Mother of God, called “The All-Tsarina” (in Greek – “Pantanassa”), is located on Holy Mount Athos in Greece. She resides in the Vatopedi Monastery, in the cathedral church of the monastery, to the left of the royal doors. This icon is small in size. The time of its writing dates back to the 17th century.
The icon depicts the Most Pure Virgin in a scarlet robe, seated on the royal throne. In Her arms is the Child of God with a scroll in his left hand and blessing with his right hand. With her right hand, the Mother of God points to Her Royal Son as the Savior of all people. In the background are two angels who reverently overshadow the Most Pure Virgin with their wings.

Icon of the Mother of God All-Tsaritsa or Pantanassa. Athos. Vatoped

This icon belongs to the Panahranta iconographic type, which translated from Greek means “Most Immaculate”, “Most Pure”. The All-Merciful is the second name for icons of the Mother of God of this type. A common feature Such icons are that the Mother of God is depicted seated on a throne with the Child Christ on her knees. The throne symbolizes the royal grandeur and glory of the Mother of God, the most perfect of all those born on earth.

In the 20th century, the famous Athonite elder Joseph the Hesychast blessed his disciples with the image of “Pantanassa”. He conveyed to his contemporaries the ancient legend about this icon.

One day a strange man approached the icon and began muttering something inaudibly. At that moment, the face of the Mother of God shone with a wondrous light, and an invisible force threw the young man to the floor. In fear, he ran out of the temple and with tears confessed to the elders that he had led a sinful life and was engaged in witchcraft and magic. Thus, the Most Holy Theotokos revealed a miracle from Her image, turned the young man away from wickedness and set him on the path of repentance. The miraculous intervention of the Mother of God convinced him to change his life and stay on Mount Athos.
This was the first manifestation of the miraculous power of the icon of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina”; later they began to notice that the icon had a beneficial effect on patients with various tumors, including malignant ones, as they are called in modern world. Not many people know that the disease cancer has ancient history. The name “cancer” comes from the term “carcinoma” introduced by Hippocrates, formed from two Greek words: “crab” and “tumor”. Hippocrates called the tumor carcinoma because it looks like a crab. The disease was first described in an Egyptian papyrus around 1600 BC. e.. The papyrus talks about several forms of cancer and reports that there is no cure for this disease. Already in the 1st century BC. Roman physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus suggested early stage treat cancer by removing the tumor, and in later stages - not treat it at all.

It cannot be said that over the past 2000 years, doctors have made any particular progress in the fight against this disease, which affects everyone every year. larger number of people. Now, as before, this disease is considered incurable, and all cancer patients hope only for a miracle. It must be admitted that cases of miraculous healing do occur, many of them, perhaps all, are associated with fervent prayerful appeal to the Savior and the Mother of God. Therefore, when in the 17th century the miraculous power of the icon of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina” in curing cancer was discovered, exact lists began to be made from the icon for other monasteries. Gradually, the icon became known throughout the world as a healer of cancer, and to this day the image of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina” has the grace to heal the most terrible of diseases of modern humanity. The very name of the icon, All-Mistress, All-Mistress, speaks of its special, all-encompassing power. This image of the Mother of God has the most powerful healing principle.

In 1995, Russians also had the opportunity to bow before the miraculous image in order to directly before the face of the Mother of God turn to the All-Tsarina with a request for deliverance from many incurable diseases, and first of all, from cancer, which is called the plague of the 20th century, and which does not spare small children , neither young men nor old men.

At the request of the Community of Mercy of St. righteous John The abbot of the Vatopedi Monastery, Archimandrite Ephraim, blessed the Kronstadt Children's Oncology Center on the Kashirskoye Highway to make a copy of the Athonite miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina.” Exact copy The icon, painted in compliance with the canon, with prayers and solemn services, appeared to the unfortunate children.

And miracles began. The condition of the children improved significantly, which could not be explained solely by the use of medicines. A few months later, on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsarina of All” began to stream myrrh, several large drops of myrrh appeared on it, and an amazing fragrance filled everything around. On the Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, the flow of myrrh was repeated once again. The first miracle revealed by the All-Tsaritsa in Russia is called healing young man, who suffered from drug addiction for many years. Since then, parents have turned to the Mother of God in front of the “Vsetsaritsa” icon to pray for their children who are addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Needless to say, the news about the amazing icon spread throughout Moscow with lightning speed. The miraculous image was transferred to the Church of All Saints of the former Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery, which is located in Krasnoselsky Lane, not far from the Krasnoselskaya metro station; the image of the “All-Tsarina” is regularly brought back to the oncology center for prayer services.

Church of All Saints in Krasnoe Selo, metro station "Krasnoselskaya"

To the left of the Royal Doors is the Icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”

After some time, a Church Slavonic version of the akathist to the Mother of God in honor of Her icon “The Tsaritsa” was created, different from the Greek. Every Sunday in the Church of All Saints at 16.30 (and if a great holiday falls on Monday - at 15.00) prayers are held with the reading of an akathist to the Mother of God and the blessing of oil for anointing all those who suffer, and not only from oncological diseases. The chronicle of healing is constantly updated with more and more new evidence of miraculous help for those who no longer expected to receive it from earthly doctors. There are stories here about old people and babies, on behalf of women and men, about healing in the late stages of cancer and about removing suspicion of it, about recovery from fatal diseases and from those that bring a lot of suffering, but are not fatal and about much, much more. Grateful people not only leave their stories in the book, but also bring all kinds of gifts to the shrine.

For example, in 2002, one person suffered a hypertensive crisis. After discharge, on the advice of his relatives, he went for a brain tomography. The examination showed that after frequent pressure surges, a tumor had formed in the brain. There was only one solution - surgery. Before undergoing surgery, this man went to the monastery for a blessing, and there his wife ordered a prayer service for the “All-Tsarina” icon with the blessing of water. While in the hospital, he constantly prayed to the All-Tsarina for recovery and constantly drank holy water, which he took after the prayer service. The hospital did another follow-up examination, which confirmed healing from a serious illness.

Today this list, which is located in the Church of All Saints in Krasnoye Selo, is no longer the only one in Russia. In 1997, another miraculous copy of the icon of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa” appeared in Moscow, which is located in the Novospassky Monastery (Moscow, Krestyanskaya Square, 10, metro station “Proletarskaya”). This list was specially prepared at the Vatopedi Monastery and brought to Russia. He is revered as miraculous and myrrh-streaming. Here, too, a book is kept in which all miracles occurring from the shrine are recorded. Prayer chants are performed before him daily, and in Sundays prayer services with blessing of water are served.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa” in the Novospassky Monastery

Numerous offerings hanging on the icon testify to the many cases of healings revealed through prayers to the Mother of God at this image.

The myrrh-streaming icon of the “All-Tsarina” is currently in
Vladychny Convent (Moscow region, city of Serpukhov). This icon streamed myrrh more than 30 times. 2 cases of healing from cancer have been documented. At the monastery, an akathist is read daily before the miraculous image of the Mother of God, during which the names of people suffering from various ailments are remembered.

“The Tsaritsa” is considered the most “powerful” icon in the world, healing cancer patients. The Mother of God reveals Her ineffable mercy and grants healing to all who turn to Her in prayer with faith and love before Her glorified image.

Troparion, tone 4
With the joyful image of the honest All-Tsarina, / with the warm desire of those seeking Thy grace, save, O Lady; / deliver those who come running to You from circumstances; / Protect Your flock from every misfortune, // always calling for Your intercession.


First prayer
O All-merciful, venerable Mother of God, Pantanassa, All-Queen! I am not worthy, but come under my roof! But as a merciful and gracious Mother of God, say the word, may my soul be healed and my weak body strengthened. For you have an invincible power and all your words will not be exhausted, O All-Tsaritsa! You beg for me. You begged for me. May I glorify the glorious your name always, now and forever. Amen.

Second prayer
O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsarina! Hear our much-painful sigh before Your miraculous icon, brought from the inheritance of Athos to Russia, look upon Your children, those suffering from incurable ailments, who fall to Your holy image with faith! Just as a winged bird covers its chicks, so You, now and ever-living being, have covered us with Your multi-healing omophorion. Appear with patience and weakness. There, where hope disappears, awaken with undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, there, where the darkness of despair has settled in souls, let the ineffable light of the Divine shine forth! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal Your sick people, O All-Merciful Queen! Bless the minds and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if You are alive and present with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Extend Your hand, full of healing and healing, Joy to those who mourn, Consolation to those in sorrow, so that we soon receive miraculous help, we glorify the Life-Giving Indivisible Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Icons are a kind of conductor between the human and divine worlds. Orthodox iconography is famous for the variety of its huge number of faces that are capable of healing illnesses, as well as mental illnesses.

Many believers are well versed in icons and their purpose. For those who have recently decided to let faith into their hearts, we offer a selection of the most strong icons With detailed description each image.

Strong icons

Vladimir icon Mother of God

From legends it is known that this icon was painted by the Evangelist Luke himself. They began to call her miraculous after she withdrew enemy troops from Moscow three times.

For an ordinary person, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God can help in making the right decision, in healing physical ailments (they often pray to her for a cure for heart and eye diseases), in getting rid of sinful thoughts and troubles.

Smolensk Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This is one of the most common images in the Byzantine and Russian art of painting icons. Christians associate this icon with a symbol of peace and health. In front of the Smolensk Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, believers pray for protection native land from enemies, about the health of those who went to the front, also about those who travel or are simply far from home.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God
This face can also be found under the name Gatekeeper, Goalkeeper or Portaitissa. It received its first name in honor of the monastery, which is located in Georgia, Iveria.

Often believers turn to the icon with requests for consolation in troubles, increasing the fertility of the earth, and saving from misfortunes. You can also ask the Mother of God not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones and even enemies.

Ugresh Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
Even in ancient times, people in Rus' treated Nicholas the Wonderworker with special reverence. Moral ideal the saint of God was in tune with the moral structure of the Russian people. Nicholas had a meek, humble and merciful character, which greatly impressed people.

Today, believers turn to the saint with requests for help in seemingly hopeless situations. It is impossible to accurately determine the special area of ​​his patronage, but one thing is certain - all human needs and suffering are close to him.

Icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows
The icon can also be found under the name “Softening Evil Hearts” or “Simeon’s Prophecy.” The face depicts the Mother of God, who is pierced by seven arrows.

The number seven in Christianity symbolizes completeness or excess. In this case we are talking about the endless pain and bitterness of the mother. Believers often turn to the Mother of God for help during outbreaks of quarrels and hostility, malice and anger.

Icon of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg
Xenia of Petersburg is one of the most revered Russian saints. The blessed one's grave is located in St. Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery, surprisingly, but it is always crowded there.

Believers turn to Ksenia with prayers for happy marriage, about the successful completion of affairs and undertakings. Also, childless couples often ask the blessed one for the appearance of babies.

Icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord
The Transfiguration of the Lord is one of major events gospel history. On this day, Christ on Mount Tabor told his three disciples the dignity of Sonship of God. Often people ask the Lord for protection from anything that could shake their faith. They also pray in front of the icon to strengthen their strength and save their souls.

Icon of St. Spyridon of Trimythous
It was because of his virtuous character that Saint Spyridon was elevated from a simple farmer to bishop. The miracle worker led the ordinary life of a peasant: he worked in his fields, helped the poor, and also healed the infirm. Today prayers to Saint Spyridon lead to material well-being, success in your endeavors and work.

Icon of St. Basil in prayer to Christ
The icon was painted at the end of the 16th century for St. Basil's Cathedral. Believers pray to Saint Basil for the granting of humility, patience in persecution and ridicule. People also turn to him for help in healing various ailments, in particular drug addiction and drunkenness.

Disappointed in modern medicine, people find healing near the miraculous faces. The Tolga Icon of the Mother of God grants cure for many diseases.

The Mother of God, who lived her earthly life and knew human needs well, did not leave without Her protection the people for whom the blood of Her beloved Son Jesus Christ was shed on Calvary.

The Holy Virgin Mary reveals herself to people in images, which are then embodied in saving icons.

The Yaroslavl region, where the “Tolgskaya” icon of the Mother of God appeared, has not been forgotten by God’s mercy.

Image born in fire

It was August, 1314. According to the legend of the elders, Bishop Prokhor of Rostov traveled around the lands of the Belozersky borders entrusted to him, decided to go down the Sheksna River, and then along the Volga to visit the glorious city of Yaroslavl.

Only 7 versts remained for the saint to reach Yaroslavl, when night fell, which became the reason for the stop. The right bank of the Volga was chosen as the place to spend the night, or rather a piece of land near which the Tolga River flowed into the Volga.

It was midnight when the place where they spent the night was illuminated by the brightest light emanating from a column of fire. The glow spread from the opposite bank, illuminating a bridge that had come from nowhere. Heavenly power attracted the Elder to the pillar, the light of which emitted the image of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Child. The bishop walked towards them across the fiery bridge.

Often God himself reveals himself to people in the form of an unburnt fire, as was the case with Moses when he saw an unburnt bush.

Before the miraculous face of the Virgin Mary with the Child, Bishop Prokhor fell to his knees and spent the rest of the night in prayer.

Upon returning to the campsite, after conducting the morning service, the saint discovered that his staff remained near the pillar of fire.

The sent servants quickly not only found the abandoned staff, but also discovered an icon of the Mother of God near the thickets, which they reported to the bishop. Saint Prokhor immediately recognized his night vision. The bishop himself and all the people accompanying him knelt down, fervently praying, glorifying God, giving Him praise for the miraculous gift.

The divine power of the icon of the Mother of God filled the builders who arrived from Yaroslavl. In one day they erected a temple, which was consecrated that evening. At the end of the service, all the sick were healed.

For almost 6 centuries there was a monastery near Togly, a monastery near it. All this time, the path of the suffering, the sick, who wanted to receive the help of the Holy Virgin Mary, did not become overgrown.

Since 1926, when Soviet authority closed the monastery and placed a colony of juvenile delinquents in its place; until 2003, the miraculous image was kept in the Yaroslavl Museum. Since 2003, the Bright Face has illuminated the Tolga monastery, leaving it only 2 times per a short time.

Large icon of the Tolga Mother of God

The healing and liberating power of the icon

I heard about the healing power of the icon of the Mother of God great king Ivan the Terrible, suffering from severe pain in his legs. The king ordered him to be taken to the Tolga monastery. For a long time, John fervently prayed before the Holy Face, and received healing, going out to his subjects with his feet.

What other icons do they pray to for healing:

In 1392, after the proclamation of the kontakion, right hand The Mother of God began to flow myrrh, and after a while myrrh appeared on the Baby’s left leg. So the Most Holy Mother of God gave Her Divine sign to weak people.

For 7 centuries, the miraculous power of the Holy Face has helped people who come with a pure heart and faith in the healing power of Jesus Christ.

Reverent silence reigns in the temple, where pilgrims, on their knees, ask the Mother of God for healing of spirit, soul, body:

  • save from godlessness;
  • protect during famine;
  • heal from diseases;
  • get rid of celibacy;
  • free from addiction: drunkenness, smoking, fornication and drug addiction.
Important! Faith, fasting and reverence for God help people receive the miraculous liberation given by the Mother of God.

The blessed power of the Tolgskaya icon of the Mother of God is the protective cover of Yaroslavl. The bright face of a loving Mother gives hope to the fallen in spirit, heals and delivers from addictions.

Description of the Tolga face of the Mother of God

The Assumption Cathedral in Yaroslavl is the custodian of God's treasure. It is here that the Great Tolga Icon of the Virgin Mary with Child is located.

About other temples in Yaroslavl:

Iconography experts have not come to a consensus about the authorship of the Holy Face, but most of them are inclined to Yaroslavl origin.

The icon is made on a linden board.

On it, the Blessed Virgin is depicted sitting on a throne, covered with a veil with flowing folds, decorated with silver and pearls. The high back of the throne is decorated with an exquisite ornament depicting climbing plants near the arch openings.

At first glance, one is struck by the sad eyes of the Virgin Mary, which contain all the pain for humanity. The head of the Mother of God is decorated with the sign of Divinity inherent in this particular icon.

The baby, in a red shirt and a blue cape, comfortably sat on the left knee of the Mother of God, gently pressing his cheek to the Mother’s cheek and wrapping his arms around Her, as if supporting the Virgin during her suffering.

From the face of the Baby comes tenderness, Divine love, filling those praying with peace and tranquility.

Very often, patients who come on crutches receive healing, throw away their crutches, and leave on their own feet, constantly thanking the Virgin Mary, glorifying the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Babies, old people, men, women are healed. They are healed through their own prayers, requests from mothers and loved ones.

It is difficult to count all the miracles given to people after tireless prayers and faith in receiving what they asked for, but prayers of thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity, the Virgin Mary and all the Saints are constantly flowing to God.

Revealed icon of the Tolga Mother of God

Prayer before the face of the Mother of God

The prayer and akathist before the bright image of the Virgin Mary and Child echoes the prayer “Our Father,” which people say with all their hearts and minds:

  • about the power of God;
  • protection from the arrows of the evil one;
  • protection of God

“O Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, above the Cherubim and Seraphim and the holiest of all saints! You, the All-Blessed One, on Tolga, You deigned to reveal Your multi-healing icon to the blessed Saint Tryphon in a fiery way, and with it You performed many and ineffable miracles, and are now doing them, out of Your ineffable mercy towards us. Before Your most pure image we bow down and pray, O Most Blessed Intercessor of our race: in this much-sorrowful and much-rebellious earthly journey, do not deprive us of Your intercession and the protection of God.

Save and protect us, Lady, from the fiery arrows of the evil enemy of our salvation. Strengthen our weak will to do the commandments of Christ, soften our hardened hearts with love for God and our neighbors, grant us heartfelt contrition and true repentance, so that, having been cleansed from the filth of sin, we will be able to bring to the Creator the fruits of good deeds pleasing to Him and we will be honored with a peaceful Christian death and response right at His terrible and impartial Judgment. Hey, Lady All-Merciful!

In the hour of menacing death, show us Your powerful intercession, then hasten to help us, helpless, and with Your sovereign hand free us from the power of the fierce world ruler, for truly Your prayer can do a lot before the face of the Lord, and nothing will stop Your intercession, only admiration . Also, looking tenderly at Your holy image and before it, as if You are alive and living with us, we worship, with good hope, ourselves, and each other, and our whole life to You, according to God, we prayerfully commend to You and we magnify You with our Savior born of You, The Lord Jesus Christ, to Him, with His Father Without Beginning and the Most Holy Spirit, is due all glory, honor and worship, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Watch the video about the Tolga Icon of the Mother of God

Hello, dear readers. When you come to the temple, it is important to know the icons and their meaning in order to immediately approach the image you need.

How to pray in front of an icon

Many people think that it doesn’t matter which icon to pray in front of, because prayer comes from pure heart. But we offer a prayer not to the icon itself, but to the one whose image is conveyed on it, because all saints have their own strengths.

  1. Stand in front of the shrine and cross yourself to attract God's blessing.
  2. After you have asked for help, that is, prayed, kiss the image. By doing this you will express your respect to the Lord.
  3. After finishing the prayer service, you must cross yourself three times.

Pray with bright thoughts, forgiving everyone who offended you.

The meaning of the icons

This is one of the most powerful icons. The Most Holy Theotokos had to endure many torments, which are symbolized by seven arrows. When a person feels bad, he goes precisely to this image. “Semistrelnaya” will help in protecting housing, protect from troubles, envious people, evil people, from curses, damage, the evil eye of the person who wears her icon on his chest.

If you need to reconcile the warring parties, bring peace and tranquility to your home, then you need to kneel before this relic and prayerfully ask for help. They take it with them when they go on important matters.

At home they put it opposite front door, higher than half the wall, so that she could “see” the eyes of the person entering. Before installing the relic, it is necessary to read a prayer service. You may notice: a person with unkind thoughts will stop crossing the threshold of your home.

The Most Holy Theotokos will become a protector from criminals, thieves and any unkind people. Those living in this house can be sure that their family is reliably protected.

Place it on your desktop, it will protect you from quarrels with your boss and work colleagues. If a person’s soul is embittered, then he can approach the face, the Most Holy Theotokos will help him return to good thoughts again.


Icon of the Mother of God. The Mother of God consoles, prays for everyone who has stumbled, and calls upon them to touch the inexhaustible spring of spiritual joy. The purpose of this holy power is difficult to overestimate.

The inexhaustible cup will help everyone who turns to it with faith. She proclaims that heavenly help and mercy are destined for all who ask. It will help cure those who are addicted to gambling from drunkenness, drug addiction.

The image of the Mother of God should be installed at the head of the bed of a patient with alcoholism or drug addiction and prayed every day.

There are many known cases of healing from drunkenness and other bad habits. There is evidence that the relic helped solve housing issues and facilitate the conclusion of transactions for the purchase and sale of apartments and houses.

Parents sending their children away adult life, are obliged to ask for help by saying prayers in front of the shrine every day.

3. Icon of the Mother of God “HEALER”

It will help heal a person not only from physical illnesses, but also mental ones. The relic can be recognized by the image of the Mother of God standing at the bedside of a sick person.


Our whole life consists of small joys that we often do not notice in pursuit of an ephemeral dream, forgetting about our loved ones, about words of gratitude. Therefore, many dreams, becoming obsessive, do not allow you to enjoy the new day, and therefore are not heard.

What to pray for at the face Unexpected Joy

Prayer at the shrine grants:

  • Gain spiritual power;
  • Get what you always dreamed of, but no longer believed in getting it. It could be someone's forgiveness, repentance;
  • Grants healing of ailments, especially with hearing loss and ear diseases;
  • Our Lady will help find and return missing people;
  • Helps a pregnant woman to bear and give birth healthy child;
  • For parents whose children have taken the wrong path, the Mother of God will give them the opportunity to bring them to their senses;
  • Resolves conflicts, helps to come to a happy solution;
  • People pray at the relic for the preservation of marriage, love and harmony.


The miraculous image of the Mother of God grants healing from hand diseases. Prayer services protect against fire, various diseases, sadness and sorrow.


The painting of the image dates back to the 10th century. If you need a quick one, urgent Care, they kneel before the shrine. They also ask:

  • about healing mental illnesses;
  • about healing from cancer, paralysis, blindness;
  • prayerfully ask for the birth of healthy children;
  • They pray for the release of those who are languishing in captivity.


Saint, especially revered in Russia. A prayer service to Seraphim of Sarov helps to heal from pain in the joints, arms, legs, and spine.

Patron of Moscow. Those whose work involves weapons and risking their lives, as well as athletes and entrepreneurs who start their own businesses pray to him.


Protector from want and poverty. If his face is in your home, then he makes sure that the family has prosperity and protects from want. He is worshiped by all travelers, pilots, drivers, sailors and everyone who reveres this saint.

In Rus', the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is especially revered. Before this holy power, the coronation of kings and the election of high priests took place.

Prayer services will help to pacify people at war with each other, soften evil hearts, and heal those who are possessed by a demon from bodily and mental weakness.

People have always resorted to the help of the icon of the Holy Mother of God. In what cases can it help:

  • She protects the house from fires.
  • Doctors, military men, firefighters, and pilots ask her for help.
  • Miraculous fire helps to cleanse oneself from committed sins and mental illnesses.


The Virgin Mary grants:

  • Healing the sick,
  • Restocking,
  • Getting rid of enemy attacks.


She is the personification of purity, innocence, therefore, she stands up for protection young girls, helping them maintain their innocence and chastity.

Prayers at the image Everlasting color help you marry the person whom fate itself sent. Married women can ask for a safe family life.

The miraculous face protects and helps women maintain purity, self-control, and good character. If you ask the Virgin Mary for support with faith, she will definitely fulfill your request. Our Lady will definitely help girls find a worthy life partner.

When a woman faces severe life trials or experiences mental shock, she must kneel before the image of the Most Pure One, then life will definitely improve.


Intercessor. She helps everyone who is in trouble or has difficulties at work, as well as in their personal life.

The guidebook will help you take correct solution, will save you from mistakes. When blessing young people before marriage, they also turn to Our Lady of Kazan. The life of the newlyweds will be very happy if the wedding takes place on the day of the celebration of the Holy Image.

Spouses can always turn to this image for help. Saint Mary will help anyone who turns to her with any pure request. If the request is negative, it will not be heard.

How to ask for help

If you pray at home, then you need to pray in the morning:

  1. Before prayer, wash your face and cross your hands;
  2. Leave all annoying thoughts;
  3. Light the candles, kneel down, read the prayer service;
  4. Say your request in your own words, coming from your heart.


A rare but extremely powerful image that protects the home from evil spirits, the family from outside interference, helps spouses find happiness and love, and everyone else get rid of despondency and depression.

Place it at the entrance, then it will protect your home from all evil spirits and from unfriendly guests. Many people confirm that after private prayer in front of this Holy Face, problems were solved by themselves.


Named in honor of its resilience, not being damaged, no matter what disasters, elements and wars the image of the Mother of God, located in the Kiev monastery, survived.

A miracle beyond the control of human reason makes this icon a protector in all troubles, illnesses and misfortunes. The icon will ward off troubles and fires, will not allow dashing people into the house, and will help strengthen family happiness.

Pray at the icon when leaving home, as well as in solitude. The best place in the house for your Protectress, the wall opposite the front door or above it.


The icon of the Mother of God helps people:

  • Grants necessary benefits to those who need them;
  • Brings comfort in sorrow, helps in difficult times life situations;
  • Heals physical and mental illnesses;
  • Protects merchants on long journeys.

Pray to the face, and help will come to you in work, business and family life.


The miraculous icon will help if you pray without fuss and anger in your heart:

  • About the return of lost items;
  • To save yourself from slander and slander;
  • On release from prison;
  • On the successful completion of legal proceedings;
  • About help during a trip to a foreign country;
  • About those who serve in “hot spots”.


A prayerful appeal to the Holy Trinity will help you cope with any trials and find the right path. Before the shrine, you need to read prayers in order to cleanse yourself of those sins that torment you and do not allow you to live in peace. It is believed that the prayer said at the Holy Trinity icon is a direct conversation with God.


The image of the Mother of God is represented by icons that more than once show their mercy to the Russian people. Exists a large number of legends and traditions about icons telling about miraculous healings or liberations from enemies who want to conquer a particular area. Diligent prayer and faith in the Lord helped people avoid misfortunes and cope with enemies, and icons were original conductors of God’s power, since the faces depicted on them prayed before the Lord for those who asked for their blessing and help.

Icon of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The image appeared in the 11th-12th centuries and became famous for saving Velikiy Novgorod from the invasion of Andrei Bogolyubsky’s son Mstislav. When the city was besieged, and the townspeople could only pray and ask for intercession from God and the Mother of God, the archbishop heard a “sign” at the altar of the Mother of God. She told him to take her image from the Church of Our Savior Jesus Christ and hang it on the city wall. This was done, the image hung in the very center of the future battle, and the townspeople fervently prayed to this icon. Soon the arrow hit the holy image, which watered the phelonion with tears, which signified the Mother of God’s prayer to the Lord for delivering the Novgorodians from torment and suffering. Seeing this, the Suzdal people were afraid, which helped the Novgorodians defeat them.

In the online store “Symbolik” you can buy the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Sign” cheaply wholesale and to order.

Icon of the Seven Shot Mother of God.

The Mother of God experienced terrible torment, seeing how her son Jesus Christ, having absorbed all human sins, atones for them by being crucified on the cross. All existing demons went to the immortal soul of the Savior to punish him for all the sins committed by humanity. The anguish was so intense that Jesus turned to God, asking why He had abandoned him. Darkness formed around him from a huge number of demons, and the Mother of God, seeing the torment of her son, lost consciousness and from then on became the Lord’s neighbor in spirit. That is why the icon depicts a weapon piercing the heart of the Most Pure Virgin, for her grief was so great, as if her soul had been pierced with a weapon.

The Symbolik store offers you to buy an icon of the Seven Shot Mother of God various forms and sizes depending on your desire.

Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God.

This image has long been a patron of children and was considered a children's icon. It helps to get rid of problems in studying and choosing friends. It also helps calm overly active teenagers, promotes reconciliation between parents and children, heals illnesses and protects against bad influence. Women who want to have children turn to the image with a request to help with conception, as well as to endure the torment associated with childbirth.

In the Orthodox store “Symbolik” you can buy the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow for a price starting from 150 rubles.

Treating icons with respect and reverence is not just a tribute to religious traditions for each believer, but the emergence of true faith and inexhaustible hope. Unspoken heavenly patron everyone has...

Often believers come to church to venerate icons. Therefore, it is important to understand how to do it correctly. When you light a candle at the altar and decide to venerate the icon, you must: - observe the customs; -...

July 30th - very important date For many pilgrims, they come from many parts of the country to pray near the Svyatogorsk Holy Dormition Lavra, which was named after the Svyatogorsk Icon of the Mother of God. ...

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