Saffron - beneficial properties and uses of the seasoning. Saffron - what kind of spice is it, use in cooking, beneficial properties and contraindications Saffron use

Saffron is the most expensive spice, which is why it is also called “red gold” due to its red hue and high cost. It is widely used in cooking as a spice, as well as for coloring dishes.

Titles in other languages:

  • lat. Crocus sativus;
  • English Saffron;
  • German Gewürz Safran;
  • fr. Safran.


Saffron or Crocus sativum belongs to the Iris or Kasatikov family (Iridaceae). This perennial is a relative of the crocus. It blooms only in autumn. The tubers sprout narrow leaves and flowers of a pale purple hue. Its height reaches from 10 to 30 cm. The bulbs have the appearance of a tuber, the diameter of which is up to 3 cm. Leaves and flowers sprout from the bulb. The leaves of the plant are erect, narrow-linear.

One bulb can have from 1 to 3 large flowers. Each flower has many yellow anthers and one long yellow pistil, which ends in three stigmas of an orange-red hue and 2.5–3.5 cm long. It is the stigmas that are used to prepare the spice.


  • Kashmiri is grown in India. It has a dark red hue, long stigmas and a special aroma.
  • Spanish is produced in Spain. It is dried in special ovens using fire. Coupe is the most expensive and most best variety, because when it is collected, the fragrant red upper parts of the stigmas are taken. Superior is quite common, it is made from the whole stigma, so it has a mild aroma.
  • Iranian is considered the cheapest and most common among other types.

Where does it grow?

Saffron is a heat-loving plant, so it prefers areas with hot summers. This spice is grown in Greece, Pakistan, Spain, Iraq, and India. It is also grown in Portugal, Crimea, China, Japan, and Transcaucasia. The wild species can be found in almost all countries of the world.

Spain, India and Iraq are engaged in cultivation the most, because they supply the whole world by 80%.

Where and how to choose a spice?

Depending on the quality and color of the threads, saffron can be:

  • Natural consists of floral threads in red and yellow shades and may contain anthers and pistil remains. It is of low quality.
  • Saffron is made only from red flower threads - high quality. This spice undergoes quality selection.

Spanish or Indian saffron has the highest value. If the price of a spice is low, then it is American safflower or marigold. This spice is not added with spoons, but several saffron threads are used. To obtain a rich color and subtle aroma, this amount is quite enough. They are easily crushed in your hands before adding to the dish.

Some traders coat the threads with glycerin to increase the weight and therefore earn more. To expose dishonest sellers, you need to try saffron; glycerin gives it a sweet taste. You also need to pay attention to the color - the real one is dark red.

Pigments have coloring properties, so it should not be kept in the sun, but only in a hermetically sealed container.

When buying ground saffron, you can buy turmeric; these spices look very similar. To prevent sellers from misleading you, you must buy it only in sealed, labeled packaging.

To determine the freshness of this spice, it is enough to have a glass with warm hand. Fresh threads will quickly swell and the water will turn yellow, but stale threads will remain in their original form.

Method of making spices

  • During the flowering of the spice, flowers are collected, each of which blooms separately for only three days. The plantation of this plant blooms for about 30 days.
  • Saffron flowers are collected only in good sunny weather.
  • Next, stigmas are plucked from each flower; there are three of them.
  • Then they dry it under the rays of the hot sun or use special dryers, where the drying process takes from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the temperature used.
  • Carefully sort the threads, separating red from orange.
  • To determine the grade of spice, threads are dipped into water - those that fall to the bottom are the highest grade, and those that remain afloat are the lowest grade.
  • Saffron is stored in a hermetically sealed container.


  • Propagated by dividing the tuber-bulb.
  • The plant blooms from September to November, depending on the place of cultivation.
  • Has a strong aroma.
  • The seasoning has a bitter, slightly pungent taste.
  • The threads of the plant are soft to the touch.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 grams of saffron contains:

You can learn more about saffron from the video.

Chemical composition

Saffron has a rich chemical composition, so it has a beneficial effect on the entire body. This spice contains a large number of useful substances. Contents per 100 grams of dry product:

Useful properties, effect on the body

  • It has a diaphoretic, antispasmodic and antibacterial effect on the body.
  • This spice is a strong antioxidant, so it is used for cell regeneration.
  • This component is used as a strong aphrodisiac.
  • It has a tonic effect on the entire body and also relieves fatigue.
  • A vitamin cocktail of saffron and water has a beneficial effect on dry skin, making it silky and youthful.
  • When combined with other herbs, this prized spice helps relieve coughs, indigestion, bloating, baldness and insomnia.


It must be taken in small doses. Overdose can lead to overstimulation nervous system, drug intoxication, poisoning or death.


  • Do not use during pregnancy, because this spice can cause increased tone of the uterus or uterine bleeding;
  • In large doses it acts as a narcotic;
  • Enhances the intoxication effect if consumed with wine;
  • Do not give to children under two years of age;
  • It is prohibited to use this spice if you have diabetes.


Essential oil saffron is called saffranol. Today it is used in various cosmetic products: shampoos, gels, lotions, creams or masks for face and hair. It is also used to create expensive perfumes and incense.

Use of essential oil:

  • add 3–7 drops to baths
  • for massage use 5 drops per 5 grams of base
  • add 5 drops per 5 grams of base to creams and masks
  • For reflexology use this oil with transport oil (1:1)
  • for aroma medallions, 2-3 drops are enough
  • for rheumatism, use a mixture of a few drops of saffron oil and 0.5 teaspoon. spoons of almond oil. This solution is rubbed into sore joints.


In cooking

It is better to purchase saffron in the form of threads, because the ground spice can be diluted with other spices. If there are impurities, when ground it may lose its unique aroma.

Basic ways to prepare spices before adding them to food:

  • Before adding, the thread must be soaked in warm water or milk, they also make an alcohol tincture. Next, the spice is added to food along with the solution.
  • Fry the spice stigmas a little in a dry frying pan, then make a powder out of them, pour in warm milk and let it brew for 30 minutes. This mixture can be added to baked goods or various rice dishes.
  • The spice can be used as a powder without pre-soaking.

The real rich aroma of saffron can be fully felt only after 12 hours.

  • This spice is very famous in the Mediterranean countries, South-East Asia and the Middle East, it is added to fish, meat or rice dishes. For example, Provencal fish soup (bouillabaisse), Milanese risotto or sweet pilaf with almonds, cashews and raisins.
  • In European countries, saffron is used to color cookies and cakes, and can also be added to soups, rice dishes, sauces, pasta and various desserts.
  • This spice is used as a seasoning for sweet gravies, dairy dishes, mousses and jellies, cream and ice cream, as well as for a variety of baked goods.
  • IN Mediterranean cuisine this spice is added to seafood, various broths and soups, sauces and butter. This spice goes well with tomatoes, asparagus or cauliflower.
  • This spice is added as a flavoring to liqueurs and soft drinks.
  • The spice is added to tea or coffee with milk; just two stigmas will give an unforgettable aroma to the hot drink.

Saffron has a unique aroma, so they try to use it separately from other spices, but, nevertheless, it creates harmonious combination with the following spices: thyme, cilantro, basil, cinnamon or rosemary. This spice is added to a wide variety of dishes.


Korean cabbage


  • Half a head of cabbage
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tbsp. spoon 70% vinegar
  • 3-4 strands of saffron
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • A pinch of red and black pepper, coriander and salt
  • A little vegetable oil


Finely chop the cabbage and pour boiling water over it, let it brew for 10 minutes. Drain the water.

Prepare the marinade. Separately, boil a liter of water in a saucepan. Add all the spices to boiling water: black pepper, coriander, saffron, vinegar, salt, sugar and garlic. Cut the onion into cubes and fry in vegetable oil, add red pepper to it. Next, add the onion to the pan with spices and cook over low heat. Pour ready-made mixture cabbage with spices. Place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.



  • 250 grams of rice
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of water with milk
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 0.5 tsp. spoons of saffron
  • Salt to taste


First, you need to rinse the rice thoroughly and dry it. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then add olive oil, rice and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Take milk and water, heat it up a little and add saffron, let it brew for a few minutes and pour it into a pan with rice. Mix everything thoroughly. This side dish goes well with pork chops and baked meats.


  • 1 onion
  • 3-4 strands of saffron
  • 500 ml cream
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil
  • Salt to taste


Finely chop the onion, add saffron and fry over low heat until the onion becomes transparent. Then add cream and salt and continue cooking until thickened. This sauce goes well with meat dishes.

In medicine

Saffron has a beneficial effect on the entire human body, and to enhance this effect, doctors recommend using it in combination with black pepper and ginger.

Saffron is used medicinally for various diseases:

  • increases the number of red blood cells in the blood;
  • improves heart function;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • improves blood composition;
  • helps with vision problems;
  • for diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • helps relieve inflammation of the gums;
  • for vascular disease;
  • regulates fat metabolism;
  • helps fight stressful situations;
  • helps on early stages atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease and angina pectoris;
  • used for asthma;
  • fights severe coughing attacks;
  • used for diseases of the spleen and stomach ulcers;
  • has a beneficial effect on many body systems: nervous, digestive, circulatory and female reproductive systems;
  • strengthens and calms the nervous system;
  • fights seizures and spasms, therefore it is used for epilepsy.
  • soothes depression, hysteria, fear or overexcitation.

You can learn about the use of saffron in medicine from an excerpt from the program “Live Healthy!”

Saffron is effectively used to treat the following diseases:

  • Saffron with milk helps strengthen the heart and nervous systems, improves skin condition, and fights depression. You need to take 1 liter of milk and add 0.1 grams of saffron.
  • For external use, lotions are used to help fight severe headaches, migraines and insomnia. You need to prepare a mixture of 3 strands of saffron and 3 drops of ghee. This solution should be rubbed into the nostrils and also dripped into the nose.
  • For menstrual irregularities or pain, 5 threads per day are enough. To relieve prenatal pain, you need to increase the dose to 10–12 threads.
  • With internal bleeding, a healing mixture will help. It is necessary to mix 5 threads of spice, 0.5 teaspoon. spoons of turmeric and a glass of hot milk.
  • For diseases of the blood and liver, 3 strands of spice, 10 pieces of raisins and half a glass will help cold water without boiling. Then let it brew for eight hours and consume 2 times a day.

In cosmetology

Face masks with saffron moisturize and soften the skin. You need to take 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of liquid honey, 2-3 threads of saffron and 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Mix all ingredients and apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.


  • All saffron-based cosmetics have a strong rejuvenating effect, because this plant stimulates metabolic processes inside cells.
  • It has wound-healing properties, therefore it protects the skin and prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes.
  • This is a very popular component of expensive face creams and other cosmetic products for body, hair and facial skin care.


Kashmiri saffron has three varieties:

  • Shahi
  • Mogra
  • Lachha

Spanish saffron has two varieties:

  • Coupe
  • Superior

Collection and cultivation

Harvesting saffron takes a lot of effort and time.

To get 1 kilogram of this spice, dozens of workers need to work hard all day:

  1. In the morning, the collection of flowers begins, which are light purple in color.
  2. From each flower you need to get an orange-red stigma. This is a very long and monotonous job, so it is done by all family members.
  3. The threads are dried and only after that they acquire their original aroma.

Saffron is usually grown in hot climates. About eighty percent of the spice is produced in Iraq and Iran. Growing saffron in climatic conditions It's almost impossible for Russia.


It is assumed that the plant's homeland is central Asia or the island of Crete, because there are no exact facts. It is known that in the second millennium BC, saffron was actively grown in the eastern Mediterranean. In Egypt, it was used as a valuable medicine that helped fight various diseases. Clothes and shoes that were dyed with it were extremely popular.

Today it is difficult to say where this spice was first grown. Researchers presumably name Asia Minor, India and Iran. In ancient times, the Romans called it crocus and used it as a medicinal drug or dye. Over time, interest in this plant disappeared significantly. And only a few centuries later saffron acquired new life in Spain, where it was brought by the Arabs. Then they began to grow it in Italy and France.

  • To get just 1 kg of saffron, you need to process from 80,000 to 150,000 flowers.
  • One gram of saffron contains from 450 to 500 stigmas.
  • One hectare of plantation yields 6 kg of spice in the first year, and up to 20 kg in the second year.

It is difficult to confuse this spice with something else, and it is impossible to describe its taste and aroma. But those who have tried dishes and drinks with saffron will definitely remember this sophisticated but rich taste forever. No wonder it is one of the most expensive spices. But what other qualities, besides the amazing aroma, does it have?

What is saffron?

Saffron is also known as crocus sativus. It is a corm, perennial herbaceous plant family Kasatikov, or Iris. The roots of the plant are several spherical scaly bulbs collected into a tuber, from which they radiate fibrous roots. The plant has no stem: leaves and flowers grow directly from the bulb. The plant blooms for three days in either spring or September depending on the specific variety.

Saffron blooms with one or three rather large flowers, their color varies from soft lilac to rich purple. There are also pale yellow and orange flowers. Each flower is shaped like a funnel, consisting of six petals. And in the center of the bud there are three orange stigmas, which make up the pistil. Saffron bears fruit in oblong capsules, inside of which the seeds are located.

The origin of this plant is unknown, but it is believed to be Asia. It is known that Phoenician traders brought saffron to Greece and Turkey. The spice was also loved in Rome, but after the fall of the Roman Empire, trade in saffron practically ceased. The expensive spice regained popularity only in the 9th–10th centuries. The Arabs began trading saffron in Europe, and it is their plant that is used throughout the world today. In Arabic, zafran means "yellow". Apparently, the variety of this color was especially popular. The first saffron plantations appeared in Spain, and then the plant began to be cultivated in Italy and France. Today, saffron is grown in India, Iran, China, Pakistan, Japan, Portugal, Greece, Crimea and Transcaucasia. But in wildlife saffron is practically not found. The main suppliers of saffron to the spice market are India, Spain, and Iran.

History and distribution of saffron

Saffron Since ancient times it has been used as a spice, incense and medicine. Its mentions are found in Chinese medical treatises (2600 BC), in Sumerian and Egyptian texts (dating back to 1500 BC), in Old Testament. This plant was used as a tonic to enhance love desire and as an incense to remove bad odors. In addition, saffron was used to neutralize certain poisons and to treat cataracts. Since ancient times, it was available only to influential and wealthy people; it was presented as an exquisite gift.

In fact, saffron is obtained from the stamens of crocuses.

Saffron was an indispensable component for creating luxurious oriental perfume compositions. Among the Russian nobility it was considered especially chic to wear shoes and clothes dyed with saffron. Moreover, this spice was a kind of “exclusive” from the East, a very expensive spice, for which they generously paid in gold. That’s why enterprising but dishonest traders sold fake spices, calling dry calendula petals ground into flour “saffron.” Moreover, this method of counterfeiting a rare spice is used even today. But in the Middle Ages, unscrupulous traders were severely punished: their houses were burned, sometimes together with the owners.

Features of saffron preparation

The high price of saffron is explained simply: the spice is made from the pistil and pollen of crocus flowers, which bloom once a year. A developed plantation of 1 hectare in size can produce about 20 kilograms of spice.

To obtain the spice, you need to collect only blooming flowers. It is important that during harvesting the weather is dry, calm and warm, otherwise the raw materials may deteriorate. The stigmas are plucked by hand from the collected flowers and then dried. Drying occurs either on fire, or under the sun, or in special dryers. Then the resulting spice is crushed and stored in an airtight container. To obtain 1 kilogram of spice, about 200 saffron flowers are required. And there are people willing to pay 3 thousand euros for this kilogram.

It is generally accepted that the best variety of saffron is Kashmiri, grown in northern India. This plant variety blooms with dark red buds, with a strong, rich aroma. The pistils of flowers are collected at the height of summer under the scorching sun, then wiped, immersing harvested in water. The highest grade of spice is considered to be those flower stigmas that have sunk to the bottom. The first variety of this saffron is called Shahi, the second is Mogra, and the third is Lachha. But even the “lowest” grade of Kashmiri saffron is very expensive. After all, this type of plant is grown in small plantations, and it is rarely found in markets.

The best variety of Spanish saffron is called Coupe: only the top, most saturated in color and aromas of the crocus stigma are used in this spice. More common is the Spanish variety Superior, for the production of which the entire stigma is used, with the base of the pistil. This variety is less aromatic and rich in taste, but still very good. In Spain, saffron is prepared in special ovens.

And the most accessible and inexpensive variety of saffron is produced in Iran, and it accounts for 81% of the harvest from around the world. There are more than 30 factories in Iran producing spices from saffron raw materials. And the most profitable item of this state is the export of this spice.

Composition and beneficial properties of saffron

Fresh crocus stigmas contain saffranol, pinene, pineol, sineol, thiamine, riboflavin, flavonoids, glycosides, vitamins, gum, fatty oils, sugar, phosphorus and calcium salts. And saffron is colored due to the presence of carotenoids, lycopene, crocin glycoside, alpha and beta carotene.

To obtain saffron, crocuses are harvested by hand.

This spice has long been used to increase appetite and improve digestion. Therefore, saffron is recommended for exhaustion, anorexia, decreased appetite and gastrointestinal disorders. It normalizes the functioning of the heart, liver, stomach, and respiratory organs. It is used to cleanse the kidneys and stimulate their work. Saffron has a diuretic, diaphoretic and choleretic effect, and it can and should be used for ARVI, gallbladder dysfunction and inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Separately, it is worth noting the beneficial effect of this spice on the nervous system: saffron calms, tones, increases efficiency and concentration. Incense with the aroma of saffron is used to lift mood, relieve nervous tension and stress, and increase libido.

Found saffron uses and in folk medicine. Lotions with its addition help get rid of headaches, otitis media, and insomnia. Tinctures with this seasoning are used to treat coughs, bronchitis, colds and flu. In addition, a pinch of saffron can be added to a homemade face mask: the spice tones skin cells, slows down the aging process and provides enhanced nutrition to epidermal cells. It has found application in pharmacology and is part of more than 300 medicines in Eastern medicine. In addition, saffron is one of the components of many eye drops and helps in the treatment of cataracts.

How to choose saffron

Saffron is still counterfeited today. Moreover, there are many ways: cut paper, ground leaves and petals of other plants are added to the spice, and the spice is soaked in glycerin to increase its volume and weight. The ground root is also often passed off as saffron. Therefore, you should not buy ground saffron: the spice may turn out to be fake or a mixture of herbs and the spice itself. Real, high quality, clean spice saffron can be dark red or Brown, similar to tangled threads in which thin flower stigmas are visible. And, of course, a strong, persistent, intoxicating aroma should emanate from the spice. You should not take a pale or not too “smelly” spice: it was transported and stored incorrectly, which is why it lost its qualities.

How to use saffron

This is a very strong spice with a strong persistent aroma, and a bitter taste. It is often used to give drinks a reddish tint, and two stigmas of unground spice are enough to color 2 liters of water. To cook for real tasty dish, need to know, how to use saffron. Usually saffron is not mixed with other spices - its taste is so harmonious and unique. But this spice goes well with cilantro, cinnamon, thyme, and thyme. To add taste and aroma, just add a few crocus stigmas or a couple of pinches of powder. You should not add this spice by teaspoons to any dish - the taste of the dish will be bitter and oversaturated.

Saffron gives dishes a yellowish-orange hue and an exquisite aroma, which is why they love to add it to pilaf.

When cooking, the aroma of the spice is not revealed immediately, but it does not disappear even after a long heat treatment. Several crocus stigmas can be soaked in warm milk or water, wine, and then added to the finished dish as a delicious sauce. The aroma of saffron does not develop immediately and does not dissipate with prolonged cooking. I add the spice to cereals, meat, poultry, fish and seafood, as well as baked goods. Moreover, flour products become more aromatic if they are allowed to stand for several hours before serving.

To quickly reveal the aroma of the spice, you can fry the spice for several minutes in a dry frying pan, and then add water or wine. Don't forget that saffron seasoning perfectly complements the taste of dairy products, creams, ice cream, jellies and mousses. To make the custard golden and subtly aromatic, just add 5-9 crocus stigmas or a couple of pinches of ground spice.

In the East, crocus seasoning is always added to pilaf. Moreover, this dish takes on a special note if you add raisins and almonds to the dish. Saffron is added to broths and soups, cheese and butter, salads, and flavors alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, tea, coffee and milk.

Saffron: contraindications

Saffron should not be consumed during pregnancy: the spice can cause premature birth or miscarriage. Seasoning saffron contraindicated in patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus and some diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Excessive consumption of this spice can cause nervous agitation and even be fatal.

Did you know that...

  • Saffron has been considered a valuable product since ancient times. Cleopatra herself loved to take baths with saffron before a romantic date.
  • In 1649, the European herbalist Culpepper stated that the use of saffron was too large quantities can cause death, which will cause wild laughter that occurs under the influence of this spice.
  • Saffron enters the world.
  • Saffron is used in cooking.

02.07.2019 273 views

Saffron seasoning is incredibly good - every haute cuisine connoisseur will confirm this. If you don’t know what a spice is, it’s time to read our review. We will talk about the features and positive properties of the spice, talk about the areas of application and characteristics of the plant. Let's study new information!

What is saffron and how is it made?

The spice saffron is the queen of spices comes from the East. It grows in regions with hot summers and cool winters - India, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Spain.

It is important to find the answer to the question: are saffron and crocus the same thing or not? The spice is obtained from the flowers of Crocus sativus. It blooms with small five-leaved flowers of lilac color, and inside lies our spice - these are the stigmas of plant inflorescences, collected by hand. Three thin tubular stigmas break off on the first day of flowering, only in sunny, dry weather. The resulting stems are dried and placed in hermetically sealed packaging.

We figured out what saffron seasoning is made from - it’s time to talk about other characteristics.

What does saffron seasoning look like and what does it smell like?

These are thin red threads, tangled together, with a sharp, bitter aroma.

Is it true that Indian saffron is the most expensive spice in the world? Yes it is! What is the reason for the high cost of spice?

  • For collection and production, exclusively manual labor is used;
  • The plant blooms no more than two weeks, and each individual flower no longer than three days;
  • Collection can be done only in one morning at the time of flowering;
  • It is important to carry out drying immediately and follow strict processing technology.

It is these parameters that guarantee the high quality of the finished product. Just imagine, to make 500 grams of spice you need to process more than 75,000 crocus flowers - the price of saffron seasoning is understandable.

Let's talk about the use of saffron seasoning in cooking and other areas - you will be surprised how versatile this expensive plant is.

Areas of application

It's time to discuss the use of saffron seasoning - what dishes is it suitable for? You will be surprised, but the creative process is practically unlimited:

  • As a dressing component;
  • Into baking dough;
  • In a variety of side dishes;
  • When cooking fish and meat;
  • To add to oriental dishes;
  • As a component of hot and cold drinks.

You already know what dishes saffron spice is suitable for - but the scope of application is not limited to cooking. The beneficial properties of the plant have long been appreciated by the field of folk healing! So what are the medical uses?

  • Body masks and scrubs - help rejuvenate the skin, maintain its elasticity and whiteness;
  • Infusions are used to treat lung diseases, colds, and insomnia problems;
  • Decoctions are prepared for problems with digestion, the nervous system, and cycle disorders.

The application is quite wide, and you are convinced of this. Let's talk about the qualities that characterize the spice?

Benefits and contraindications

Chemical composition saffron causes the presence of a huge amount positive qualities. Of course, it contains the following elements:

  • Saturated fatty acids;
  • Alimentary fiber;
  • Vitamins A and B;
  • Potassium and sodium;
  • Phosphorus and magnesium;
  • Zinc and iron;
  • Copper and selenium.

Let's talk about the benefits of this small flower?

  • Improves digestive processes;
  • Has a mild analgesic effect;
  • Helps fight depression and bad mood;
  • Purification of blood composition;
  • Provides a surge of strength and improved mood;
  • Improves facial skin;
  • Helps cleanse liver cells and bile ducts;
  • Used to prevent heart and vascular diseases;
  • Increases brain performance;
  • Stimulates cell renewal, hair and nail growth;
  • Reduces appetite;
  • Regulates metabolism;
  • Improves conductivity nerve impulses;
  • Treatment of diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Reduced severity allergic reactions;
  • Has a slight antispasmodic effect;
  • Reduces fermentation processes in the intestines;
  • Helps in the prevention of infertility;

Since we are discussing health benefits and harms, we should not limit ourselves to mentioning only positive qualities. It’s worth talking about the possible negative impact, which is characteristic of every seasoning.

  • For diabetes;
  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • Children under three years of age;
  • Suffering from high blood pressure;
  • Patients with ulcers or gastritis;
  • In the presence of diseases of the nervous system or high excitability;
  • Persons prone to allergic reactions.

Please note that the consumption of saffron should be strictly regulated - in no case should you add the seasoning in large quantities, it is dangerous. If you have any questions, you should consult a doctor.

Now let's talk about how to identify a fake and find the original.

How to distinguish a fake?

Surely you want to purchase high-quality natural spices - in order to protect yourself and not buy a fake, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Price. It simply cannot be low, because saffron is very expensive - the price ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles;
  • Package. Expensive flowers cannot be stored in boxes and trays; they are always packed in special expensive containers that do not damage negative influence on content;
  • Consistency. There is no ground spice, you can only buy threads! They are dark orange in color, flattened at one end and thinner at the other end. The flattened tip has a yellowish tint;
  • Color. Place a thread in water and see that just one petal can color an entire liter of warm golden color. Threads of natural spice do not sink;
  • Smell. It is very specific and distinguishable, revealing itself gradually. The first notes are coldish, strong and slightly medicinal. Next you will hear sweet and spicy notes of flower and wood;
  • Seasoning taste. Pronounced, sweet and very tart.

Finally, we note that purchasing treasured flowers from a trusted manufacturer will help reduce the possibility of buying a fake. It is worth going to a large specialized store and avoid purchasing at markets.

You already know what kind of seasoning saffron is - it is quite difficult to find, and not everyone can afford it. Are there any available analogues of the seasoning? We'll tell you!

What to replace it with?

The use of saffron spice is extremely wide - we have already told you above where to add saffron seasoning to improve the taste of the finished dish. If you cannot afford to purchase natural seasoning, you need to look for worthy analogues - they exist!

  • Turmeric. This is the most affordable seasoning option that is found in almost every kitchen. It has identical coloring properties and a similar tart, bitter aroma. The taste is practically not expressed, weak and hot - this is why it is worth using turmeric in combination with other spices;

  • Safflower. It has a bright aroma with notes of bitter seasoning, adding a bright red-yellow hue to the dish;

  • Imereti saffron. It has a rich color, similar to the original spice, but is practically odorless. Especially often used in Georgian cuisine.

Look at the photo of the saffron spice so as not to confuse these flowers with other seasonings. If you have ever tried petals and added them to food, you will never confuse the taste with other spices! Spare no expense, buy a small amount of seasoning and decorate your usual dishes with new bright notes!

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. There is nothing more expensive than saffron, not only in the world of spices and herbs, but in the world of food: neither oysters, nor black caviar, nor truffles can compete with it in terms of weight and price.

You will learn what saffron seasoning is made from, where it is used, what dishes saffron is added to, and most importantly, how to distinguish real seasoning from the fake, cheap imitation that fills markets and stores. So, in order...

What is saffron

Benefits of saffron for women

The beneficial effects of saffron on a woman’s body and health, primarily on the reproductive system and the general condition of the female body are well known in the East:

  • saffron regulates hormonal background, and with him all sorts of fears and worries leave the woman, a good mood appears
  • by stimulating the release of pheromones, saffron restores desire and enhances sexual sensations
  • the skin is cleansed, the skin becomes soft, soft, and healthy in color
  • saffron helps cope with depression and stress, removes the blues
  • eliminates the discomfort caused by menopause.

Beneficial properties of saffron for men

Eating saffron by men also has a good effect on their health. Considering the wide range of effects of spices on the body, many functions are restored:

  • brain function improves, performance and stress resistance increase
  • erection is restored and libido increases
  • the spice is an excellent antioxidant and preventive agent for all kinds of cancer
  • saffron helps treat the genitourinary system, incl. prostate oncology
  • removes toxins well, helps cope with post-alcohol syndrome and intoxication

In the article we tell you what dishes saffron is added to, how this spice is made, what aroma and taste it has. You will learn what you can replace saffron with, how to choose a seasoning and distinguish it from counterfeits.

What does saffron look like, taste and smell of the seasoning?

Saffron is the dried stigmas of the purple crocus.. Crocus is a bulbous plant without a stem. Flowers and leaves grow from the bulb. Crocus flowers are quite large and have a soft lilac, sometimes deep purple color. From one bulb grows from 1 to 3 funnel-shaped flowers.

Saffron is the stigma of Crocus sativus

Wild crocus is no longer used to make saffron seasoning. It has been replaced by specially bred varieties that have larger flowers and longer stigmas. For the first time, saffron began to be grown on a large scale in Spain. Besides Spain, the main suppliers of saffron are India, Italy and Iran.

Crocus plantations are renewed after 3-4 years. To produce saffron, not the whole flower is used, but only the stigmas. The crocus has only 3 stigmas, which are collected in a special way in short time. Growing, harvesting and drying saffron is a special and very labor-intensive process.

Saffron is threads of red-brown or dark red color interspersed with yellow. The spice has a strong original aroma. Saffron has a bitter, spicy taste, with a hint of honey.

How to obtain saffron seasoning

We said above that saffron is made from crocus stigmas. Let's tell you how they make aromatic seasoning.

Crocus blooms once a year and only for 2-3 days. As soon as the flower opens, it is picked and the stigmas are torn off. After this, the stigmas are dried under the sun, in dryers or on fire. The slightest violation of technology or drying time greatly reduces the quality of the seasoning. It is also important that the weather during collection is warm, dry and windless. Otherwise, the raw materials may deteriorate. Once the saffron is completely dry, it is stored in sealed containers. There are several varieties of saffron, which are determined by its quality.

Saffron, which is grown in Spain, has 2 types:

  1. Coupe. For it, the most fragrant part of the stigmas is collected - the upper one.
  2. Superior. Whole saffron boxes are used for it, so the aroma and taste of the seasoning is not so bright.

Kashmir saffron grows in northern India. If in Spain saffron is dried in ovens, then in India it is dried only in the sun. When the saffron is collected, it is sorted and the stigmas are placed in water. Those that sank to the bottom are considered the highest grade - Shahi.

The world's largest supplier of saffron is Iran. Iranian saffron differs from other types in its strong coloring effect and inexpensive price.

What dishes are saffron added to?

Saffron is used in cooking

Below we will look at where to add saffron. Note that saffron does not combine well with other seasonings. Therefore, when cooking and adding saffron, do not add other spices.

Saffron is widely used in cooking. Add a little spice to the dough and it will acquire a yellowish color and a pleasant aroma. You can add saffron to desserts, creams and alcoholic cocktails. For the same purpose, saffron is used in the production of sausages and cheeses.

Saffron adds an original aroma and taste to rice dishes. Add it to pilaf, risotto, stew, broth. IN European countries Saffron is often added to fish dishes. Saffron complements the taste of vegetables and meat well.

How to distinguish real saffron from fake

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices, which is why there is a high chance of buying a spice that is only similar to it. Let's look at how to tell if saffron is real or not.

Marigolds or Imeretian saffron are often passed off as saffron. This spice has a yellow-red color. The stigmas of quality saffron are dark red or red-brown color, they are soft to the touch. Pay attention to the price of the spice. If you are offered to buy real saffron cheaply, it is most likely a fake.

Also sold under the guise of saffron are safflower petals - “Mexican saffron”. It is often used to color caramel or tea mixtures. In some countries it is used instead of saffron.

Another spice that may be sold as saffron is ground turmeric root. It is difficult to distinguish ground saffron from marigold, safflower or turmeric.

To avoid counterfeiting:

  1. Buy saffron only in stigmas.
  2. Pay attention to the shape of the stigma; it should look like an upward-opening tube with a jagged upper edge.
  3. Pay attention to the color and smell. Saffron has a bitter-spicy aroma.
  4. Don’t forget - saffron cannot be cheap.

Where to buy saffron

Buy saffron in specialized stores that can provide you with documents for the spice. They must indicate the country of origin. The main countries that supply saffron are Iran, Spain and India. We do not recommend buying saffron in the markets, as there is a high risk of purchasing a fake.

How can you replace saffron in dishes?

Since real saffron is difficult to buy and not everyone can afford it, let’s consider what can replace this spice.

Saffron can be replaced with turmeric; it also gives dishes a pleasant yellowish color and spicy taste. Imereti saffron or dried marigolds can also be used as a spice substitute.

For more information about saffron in cooking, watch the video:


Saffron has a number of contraindications. Be especially careful when choosing your dosage. Usually 2-4 threads of saffron are enough. In large quantities, saffron is poisonous. In large dosages it causes nervous excitement. You should not eat more than 1 gram of saffron per year.


  • pregnancy;
  • high pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

What to remember

  1. Saffron is obtained from the dried stigmas of the crocus seed.
  2. The spice has a strong original aroma and a bitterish spicy taste.
  3. The main saffron producing countries are Iran, Spain, Italy and India.
  4. Saffron is added to meat and vegetable dishes. In cooking it is used to give beautiful color baked goods, added to creams and desserts.
  5. Be careful when purchasing saffron, as it is often counterfeited. Buy it only in threads. Pay attention to the shape of the stigma, color and aroma of the spice.
  6. You can replace saffron in dishes with turmeric, safflower petals or Imeretian saffron - marigold petals.
  7. Follow the dosage. Saffron in large quantities is dangerous.
  8. Remember the contraindications.
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