Skyrim resting place how to open the door. Walkthrough Skyrim 5 how to open the door

There is a huge chance that during the first playthrough of the game "Skyrim" the player will have many questions caused by various kinds of riddles. Thus, the quest with the golden claw puzzled many, but this article is intended to explain to everyone how to open the door with the golden claw in Skyrim.

golden claw

The golden claw is an object whose shape resembles the clawed paw of a dragon, which is probably why it was named so. On inside“paws” there are symbols depicting animals that the ancient Nords worshiped: the moth, the bear and the owl. In its essence, it is nothing more than the key to the doors to the Hall of Legends. In total, there are eight dragon claws in Skyrim: ruby, sapphire, glass, ebony, coral, bone, diamond and gold. Each of the claws is a quest item and is used to open doors.

Initially, this claw was found by the owner of the Riverwood Merchant, but shortly before the main character appeared there, the shop was robbed and the claw itself was stolen. Lucan Valery (owner of the Riverwood Merchant) or his sister (if Lucan Valery is already dead by then) will tell you where the golden claw is in Skyrim. You should look for it at Windy Peak; the entrance to it is guarded by three bandits who do not pose any danger to the main character.

You can find out where the golden claw is in Skyrim completely by accident. To do this, just go through the Windy Peak location.

Windy Peak

Windy Peak is a temple standing alone high on a hill; you can find it either completely by accident while traveling around the world, or while completing the storyline. On the road there are two groups of hostile bandits, which you can bypass if you wish, this will not affect the course of the quest. After you find the temple on top of the cliff, kill the bandits guarding the entrance, then enter the temple. At the very beginning of the location you will meet several bandits. With a high stealth skill, you can overhear a conversation between two bandits; they are talking about how to open a door with a golden claw in Skyrim. Afterwards, you should kill the bandits and move on. As you progress, opponents will only become more dangerous and stronger.

There are two puzzles in Windy Peak. In the first, you need to place the rotating stone figures in the correct sequence: snake, snake, fish (from left to right), then you need to pull the lever and the door will open. So far this does not answer the question of how to open a door with a golden claw in Skyrim. Proceed further, killing spiders and draugr along the way. Sometimes the passages will be covered with cobwebs, just attack them with your weapon in order to get through.

In the room with big spider you will find a bandit wrapped in a web. First kill the spider and then free the bandit. He will try to run away from you, if he succeeds, go further and in the next room you will find his corpse, he still will not tell you how to open the door with a golden claw in Skyrim. Deal with the draugr who did you a favor and search the bandit. You will find a golden claw from him, which you will need next.

Hall of Legends

In order to enter the Hall of Legends, you need to open the puzzle door using the dragon claw. The puzzle is essentially similar to the one at the beginning. Only instead of stones there is a door with three circles on which animals are depicted. You just need to place them in in the right order. Correct location, as well as the answer to the question of how to open a door with a golden claw in Skyrim, are indicated on back side claw Just arrange them in the order they appear on the claw: bear, moth, owl. After you open the door, go into the room and go to the dragon wall. After this, the Lord of the Draugr will awaken behind you. Kill him and take the dragon stone from his body, it will be useful in the quest "Windy Peak".

First, a short introduction to the basics of completing tasks. At the top of the interface there is a compass, and an inverted triangle icon indicates the direction in which you need to move on the current task:

If the same icon “hangs” over an NPC, you need to move towards it (or behind it):

By opening the map (M), the same icon will appear on the map to indicate the point where you need to go. And by opening the magazine (J), read the description of the tasks, and select (if there are several) the one you want to complete this moment(V this moment time, only one task is marked on the map and compass).

This basic knowledge will help you complete tasks in game Skyrim.


According to tradition, The Elder Scrolls we start the game as a prisoner. And now, having just appeared in the game, you see yourself among the prisoners who are being taken to execution.

To freedom!

While we are being transported in a cart, we hear a conversation between other prisoners, from which it becomes clear that Skyrim is now in the midst of an uprising led by the Stormcloaks. The Imperials mistakenly considered us one of them, and are taking us to Helgen for execution.

Upon arrival, the character editor will be available - it is quite advanced, and you can make the appearance of your character exactly the way you want.

Important: 1) the field for entering a name will appear after confirmation 2) we recommend entering the name in Latin, in order to avoid problems in dialogues with the Cyrillic alphabet.

You see how one of those caught is executed, and the next ones are you. But already under the executioner’s ax, a dragon flies in, and panic begins in the city. At this moment, control of the character becomes available to you.

Even though everything around you will crash and burn, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is not to fuss and watch the compass and signs above the NPC. Almost immediately you will be given a choice - to follow the Nord who checked you against the list, or your neighbor on the cart. There is practically no further difference in the choice. It’s just that if you go with a rebel, then along the way all the people you meet will be your enemies. And if you choose the side of the Imperials, then you will meet allies along numerous corridors and rooms - be careful, don’t hit them. But if you do hit them several times (at the first hit, they say “Who are you for anyway?”), and they start attacking you, put away your weapon, they will stop.

Following your new partner, you will find chests with uniforms, learn how to pick locks, shoot from stealth, etc. In essence, the task “Freedom!” is educational. It ends with you leaving the cave. From this moment on, the whole world of Skyrim is open to you. And where to go, what to do - it’s up to you to choose!

Before the storm

As soon as you leave the cave, a new task will begin - “Before the Storm”, the most difficult moment in this task is associated with the fact that your partner will say “Now we must split up”, but in fact there is no need to split up - follow him. Along the way, he will show stones of power (or whatever they are called) - by activating one of them (mage, thief, warrior), the skills of the corresponding direction will be pumped up 20% faster.

Continuing to follow your partner you will come to Riverwood - a small village. Your partner will take you to his family, where you will be offered food and accommodation for the night. As the conversation progresses, we will be told that we need to go to Whiterun and report what happened in Helgen. But don’t rush to leave, the head of the family, Alvor, is a blacksmith with his own forge. He has side quests that will help you learn blacksmithing.

You can also find other side quests in the village. And to continue the main task, go to Whiterun (follow the sign on the compass, and you can also open the map and estimate the distance to the city).

In Whiterun, a guard will approach you - tell him that you are from Riverwood, go to the Jarl - they will let you through. In the city you need a larger building at the very top - the Dragon Redistribution. And the Jarl sits in the main hall, on the throne. Talk to him.

Windy Peak

During your conversation with the Jarl, after you tell him about the dragon attack, he will take you to Farengar. This magician and alchemist has been working with dragons for a long time, and he will undoubtedly be interested in the case you tell. You can also find tables for Alchemy and Enchantment here.

Farengar will give you a new task - to go to Windy Peak and find the Dragon Stone there.

Windy Peak - a temple high on a cliff (to find it, still use a map and compass). On the way you will meet two groups of bandits. Having found the temple on top of a rock, go inside (large semicircular doors), from its grandeur and interior it becomes clear that dragons were once worshiped there. At the beginning there will be several bandits, but the deeper you go, the more dangerous opponents you will encounter.

Windy Peak has two puzzles. The first is that you need to place stone figures that can be rotated. The correct location, after which pulling the lever will open the door:

Go further, kill the draugs and spiders. You will encounter a web - to get through it, you first need to knock it down with a weapon (just attack on the web). In the room with the big spider there will be a bandit in a web. He has the item we are interested in, the dragon claw. You can kill him, and if he ran away, then not far; after going a little further you will find his corpse. Be sure to search him, taking the Dragon Claw.

The second puzzle is similar to the first, here you need to correct position arrange three circles:

The hint is on the back of the dragon's claw (items in the inventory can be rotated with the mouse).

Go further and further until you eventually come out to large room, in the center of which there will be a semicircle with text in the language of dragons. Approaching this wall, you will read one passage. At this time, the Lord of the Draugr will come out of one of the graves behind you - you will have a difficult battle. Having dealt with him, take the Dragon Stone from his corpse, now find the passage to the exit (no need to go back, you will find a second exit from the dungeon ahead).

Once in Skyrim, open the map and fast travel to the Dragon Reach. Head to Farengar and give him the stone.

We discuss all questions with this task on the Golden Claw page.

Dragon in the sky

Do not rush to leave Farengar, and even moreover, follow him. You will hear an interesting conversation, at the end of which a guard will come running and tell you that a dragon attacked the western watchtower. Now you need to follow the Ariylet woman. She will take several soldiers with her and head to the western watchtower. There you will have your first fight with the dragon.

  • Shoot the dragon with your bow while it is flying;
  • When he sits down, try to approach him from the side or behind to hit him;
  • Take advantage of moments when the dragon is distracted by other guards.

After victory, you will absorb the dragon's soul, and the first dragon cry will be available to you - Relentless Force.

Return to the Jarl and tell him what happened.

Reward: Title of Thane, the opportunity to buy a personal house in Whiterun, personal mercenary - Lydia.

The Way of the Voice

Now you need to get to the Graybeards, who are located high, high on a cliff east of Whiterun.

Important: Getting there directly using a compass is almost impossible. Follow the road to the east, which will go around the mountain and lead you to their temple. On the way, I met two trolls (a very strong opponent, he ran away with a sprint - Alt key) and a saber-toothed tiger (a strong opponent, but he managed). And also a dragon attacked (scripted event, or random encounter xs). In general, you won’t be bored along the way; save often.

In the temple itself, you will first need to prove that you can use your voice - use the cry Ruthless Force, and also teach you something new - Swift Dash, with which you can instantly move to long distance.

At the end of the training, you will be given the next test.

Horn of Jurgen

The Greybeards send you to the final test - to obtain the horn of Jurgen Call the Wind, from his tomb in Ustengrev, in the swamps of Hjaalmarch.

We look at the map and go to the tomb, which is essentially another, large dungeon, with more riddles. I'll go straight to them:

Riddle No. 1

You run into a passage that is closed by three sections of bars, and in front of them three magical stone, approaching which, one of the grates rises, but as soon as you move away, the grate goes down. You can't run normally, so what should you do?

Stand exactly opposite the passage, in front of the stones, set the active shout to “Rapid dash”, hold down the left Alt and start running towards the passage, as soon as you are next to the third stone, and it activates - press Z- make a quick dash, after which you only have to run a little and that’s it. I got it right the first time.

I didn’t check how painfully they fry, in general this stage is also passed with the help of the “Rapid Dash” Shout.

And at the end, an unexpected plot twist awaits you: it turns out that someone had already taken the horn before you (a message will appear that the quest has failed), but they left a note on a large chest:

The search for the horn will be marked as failed, this is normal.

We go to Riverwood, find a tavern, and rent a room in the attic from Delphine. She will say that there is no room in the attic, but “you should go there.” Having entered the room that she will tell you (I followed the sign), Delphine will come in after you, and will say that she left you a note, and will offer to follow her. He will take you to his secret room and tell you that she needs you.

At this stage, we are faced with a crooked dialogue, I won’t go into details... in general, ask Delphine without leaving her room until there is a phrase like “I’m ready, let’s go,” after which the additional task begins.

Blade in the Dark

Delphine is the last of the blades, and just like you, she unravels the reason for the appearance of dragons in Skyrim. Her belief is that dragons do not return, they are "resurrected." And to make sure of this, and possibly prevent the resurrection, you go to the Kin Grove.

You can go with her, or get there yourself. I chose the first option - because... I didn’t want to think about what and where to go. And so - just run after Delphine and that’s it.

At the arrival point, you will see how one dragon brings another to life, and the battle begins.

After killing the dragon, Delphine will be convinced that you are a Dovahkiin and will tell you about a new task. But before moving on to him, I went to complete the test of the greybeards.

Horn of Jurgen (end)

We make a quick transition to High Hrothgar. We find the “main” graybeard (this can cause problems, because the compass sometimes turns off when pointing at a person, in general, run around their temple until you find it). And we give him the horn. He will say that now you need to be officially recognized as a Dovahkiin, and at the same time teach you a new word.

We go through the recognition procedure, at the same time studying the third word in the cry “Ruthless Force”. Now you can return to the Dolphins task.

Diplomatic immunity

One of the most incomprehensible tasks on the first playthrough. But, I assure you, with repeated playthroughs you will get pure pleasure from it.

Returning to Riverwood, we speak with Delphine. She will tell you that you need to get into the Thalmor embassy and find out from them about the dragon. And you don’t actually have to make your way - she will organize everything for you. Your task is to go to Solitude and meet Malborn there.

To ensure your survival, Malborn can carry a few items for you while you enter through the "front door" without weapons or armor. When talking with him, it is important to know one thing - in Skyrim you can transfer items to companions by pressing the R key when the corresponding window appears. It is enough to hand over the weapon to Malborn.

We passed it on - now we go to Delphine, she is already nearby, outside the city in the stable (we watch the compass and no problems). She will give you formal clothes, and will ask you to hand over all weapons and armor to her for safekeeping. You can give it to her, or you can throw it away somewhere nearby. We give away our things, put on formal clothes, say that we are ready and... you are already “at the holiday party.”

We approach the guard, convey the invitation, and go through. So that Malborn can take you to the kitchen, you need something to distract the vacationers. To do this, we take a drink from him (in the dialogue “I want to drink”), after which we start a conversation with this friend:

You give him a drink, and then ask him for one favor -> make some noise.

After which we approach Malborn. It is not necessary to start a dialogue. When Razelan starts to rage, he himself will open the door to the kitchen and lead you to the chest, where the things you gave him will lie. There is a door next to the chest - you go there. From now on, you can chop everyone in a row.

You will need to clear one building, then go out into the courtyard, kill everyone there, go into the torture building, kill everyone there too and empty 2 chests, after which the signs disappear (which again leads to a stop), but you just need to talk to the person who was tortured (the key to the camera is removed from the magician), free him, and then offer to get out. He will approach the hatch, ask him why he was tortured - and you will find out what you need according to the assignment. Now all that remains is to get out, but the hatch is closed, what should I do? Around this time, or maybe you will need to wait a little - security will enter the house with the words “surrender, we have taken your accomplice” - kill them (the elf who helped you will die quickly... there is apparently no way to save him), and from one of the new arrivals guards, remove the key to the hatch - you're done, all that's left is to go out through the dungeon (be careful, there's a troll there) and meet with Delphine.

As a result, having come to the “tough guys” in only a shirt, you will leave with pockets full of armor, weapons, potions, and other junk. And also you will pump up well!

Rat cornered

We return to Riverwood and tell Delphine everything we have learned about dragons. The next task is to find Esbern. To do this, we go to Riften (the city of thieves and robbers), and find Brynjolf there (in my case he was in the Bee and Sting inn), who, by the way, is the head of the thieves guild. I don’t know why the main one storyline connected with thieves, but you will have to complete one thieves' task in order to advance in the search.

For a detailed walkthrough of this task, see the Thieves Guild page. A little advice - if pickpocketing is not leveled up, save before the theft itself - so that if it fails, you can immediately load and try again.

Having completed Brynjolf's task, we go down into the dungeons under Riften (we go to the water, find a staircase down, and there is a door), the dungeons are deep, consisting of several sublevels:

  • Level 1 – robbers, kill everyone boldly;
  • Level 2 – headquarters of the thieves guild (if you wish, you can continue to complete their tasks);
  • Level 3 – Thalmor agents, kill everyone;
  • Level 4 is the level where you will finally find the room with Esbern.

Talk to him, tell him who you are from and who you are - he will open the door. And he will tell you interesting things. This ends this task, and a new one begins immediately.

Alduin's Wall

The old man will collect his things, and it’s time to get out of this hole... but that’s not the case, Thalmor agents break into the room and the battle begins. The old man turns out to be an excellent magician, and gives his enemies a good rebuff.

There is nothing difficult about the passage to it, except that it is very far to go, plus three dragons attacked along the way. And I won’t tell you about the Alduin Wall itself, so as not to spoil the first impression, I’ll only tell you about the next riddles (this time not difficult):

Riddle No. 1

To complete one stage, you will need to lower the bridge, for which you need to deploy the stone figures as shown in the screenshot.

Riddle No. 2

A room with a fire trap (frying is very painful), and stoves that react to attack. The solution is to walk only along the slabs that indicate Dovahkiin (see screenshot), you will reach the fiery installation, pull the lever, and the trap will turn off.

At the end, you will be given an excursion into history, then a dialogue, from which it becomes clear that nothing is clear. And we need to go to the graybeards again.

I would like to say a special thank you to the developers for the behavior of their partners in this task. Like real people - they comment, examine the environment, discuss puzzles, etc.

Throat of the World

In this task, be prepared for excruciatingly long dialogues.

Let's return to the greybeards. Look for their main one again and start a dialogue. You need to strive for the theme “Paarthurnax” -> “I want to meet him.” After which you will be taught a new cry and shown the way.

The entire road to Paarthurnax is in some kind of strange fog, which somehow has a bad effect on the character (I didn’t experiment with what would happen if you stood in it), but with the new Scream this fog is accelerated a long distance forward, both with the help of a scream and you move to the top, to the most important “graybeard”.

At the top you will find an interesting plot twist, a new cry, and a choice of further path - greybeards or blades.

Ancient knowledge

According to the assignment, you have a choice - turn to the graybeards, or to Esbern (blades). I chose the option with Esbern (although judging by the comments, there is not much difference between this choice) - we return to the wall (he will be at the “back” exit) and tell him about the ancient scroll.

He will say that you need to turn to the magicians, because... they have a big library and centuries-old knowledge. And he will direct you to the College of Winterhold, which is also the guild of magicians (marked on the map), it is located... at the end of the world. We get there, at the entrance they will tell you that you can’t just enter - you need to join the guild. And to start, show that you can use magic. You will be asked to demonstrate one of the spells; if you don’t have it, the NPC will offer to sell it to you. We buy, demonstrate magical skills - you're done, you're even escorted into the building. We are looking for the main thing in it - Urag gro-Shuba. We talk to him about the scroll, knock information out of him until he gives an additional task - “The Works of Shalidor.”

Shalidor's works

Note: This quest may be completed in different locations.

We need to find the records of one scientist - we go to the marked dungeon. In the dungeon there will be one, already familiar riddle - a lever, rotating statues and a trap triggered if selected incorrectly. Look for a clue as to which statue to turn which way - on the opposite side. Two statues will show which figure needs to be deployed.

Next there will be another unexpected moment - you will meet a strong dead man, after the murder he is reborn to life again. But in fact, there is no mystery in this case - kill him several times, and he will stop resurrecting. Take the scientist's notes and return to the College of Winterhold.

We meet with Urag gro-Shuba and give him the notes we found. He will say that it takes time to decipher. Scroll for two days and talk again. The manuscripts have been deciphered, and a book will appear on the table that needs to be read:

After which we speak again with Urag gro-Shuba, and another additional task begins.

Beyond the ordinary

The conversation will be about the fact that there was one scientist who was very interested in the Dremers, and then went north and disappeared. You need to look for it. A point will be marked a little to the north - let's go there.

We find a scientist there, and after a long dialogue, we receive two objects - a Dremer cube and a ball, and a new marked point on the map. Huge Dremer dungeons await us there. By the way, in them you can find an amulet with a 15% bonus to alchemy.

The dungeons are large, but there are no special mysteries. Of course, you can’t do without traps and locked doors, and you won’t be able to get by with a lever, so here is one of the most difficult searches for a lever:

The grille is at the bottom, and the lever that opens it is at the top.

As a result, we will get to the room with interesting device. Find the “control panel” there and install the cube:

And then... you have to learn to “play” this instrument. Video instruction from Sub-Zero.

After which the task “ Ancient knowledge" will be completed, but we still need to record our "game" on the ball. To do this, simply remove the cube that you installed on the panel and return it to the delusional scientist.

We discuss this task separately on the Dwemer mechanism page.

Alduin's Curse

There will be a battle with the main dragon, Alduin, but before that the Dragon Slayer shout will become available. The main villain himself does not sit on the ground, you need to knock him down with a dragon slayer, then chop/fry/freeze him, using the dragon slayer scream on cooldown (if you don’t use it, he will fly away again and circle).

We defeat him, but he says that it is impossible to kill him and flies away.


After the victory, talk to Paarthurnax. He will tell you his plan to finally defeat the villain. For this we will need the help of the Jarl, we go to him.

Endless time

The task itself is not difficult, but a lot of dialogue awaits you.

We talk with Jarl about the dragon and the end of the world. He will agree to help you, but only after the war in Skyrim is stopped. Now we need to do the impossible - to reconcile two sides that are not going to reconcile, and each thinks only about its own victory. I did not join any side, so I acted as neutral. I don’t know how the dialogues unfold there if you took the side of the Empire or the Stormcloaks.

We go to the graybeards, talk to Arpgeir, ask him to announce a meeting to conclude peace.

We go to the imperials, talk to Tullius, convince him to negotiate.

We go to the rebels, talk to Ulfric, convince them to negotiate.

We return to the greybeards, a meeting is just beginning there, and our old familiar blades will also come without an invitation. And what happens during the negotiations (if you delve into it) is absolutely terrible. Everyone thinks only about their own things, but somehow (although I think there is no bad outcome, but the situation is tense) we persuade them to establish temporary peace.

After peace is concluded, the task will be completed, but Delphine will also add her two cents - she says that Paarthurnax must die. Your conversation will open a new task "Paarthurnax".

Fallen (continued)

With temporary peace made, it's time to make a trap for Odahviing. To do this, we return to the Dragon Division and talk to the Jarl. He will say that everything is ready, everyone is waiting for your decision.

We say that we are starting, and we follow him. How to summon and catch Odahviing? Go out onto the balcony, use the “Call the Dragon” shout (don’t forget to hold it down so that the scream is full), a dragon flies in, shoot it down with the “Dragon Killer”, after which (no need to kill it!) we gradually retreat into the depths of the “balcony”, rollback using the dragon slayer so that it does not fly away. He will follow you into the depths, and then he will fall into a trap.

House of the World Eater

Talk to Odahviing. Now you will need to let him go. To do this, go upstairs and talk to the guard.

Then we wait for him to come out to the edge of the balcony, talk to him again, and go on the dragon to Skuldafn.

We have to clear the territory and dungeons full of Draugs, and we also will not do without new riddles:

The first riddle is with moving plates, the first position opens the right grate (there is a chest with junk), the second - the left one, along which we continue to explore the dungeon:

And the third riddle, with a door with spinning rings, in front of it there will be a draugr; after killing him, remove the “Diamond Claw” from him, on the back of which a hint is given:

After which we go outside, to the portal, but don’t rush to teleport, somewhere nearby there will be a cool representative the afterlife- Nakrin. After killing him, remove his mask (+50 to magic, destruction and restoration spells consume 20% less magic) and staff. You will need the staff to launch the portal again (stand on the place indicated by the task and press E), then jump into it.


Welcome to the abode of the dead. Very a nice place, but denigrated by Alduin. We follow the arrow, meet with Tsun, pass the test, and find ourselves in the hall of the ancients.


Congratulations, you have reached the very end.

After the victory, talk to Tsun to return to the mortal world.

Open a door in Skyrim can be difficult, especially when it comes to unusual dungeons with riddles and puzzles. Sometimes it's enough to pick the lock, and sometimes you have to think carefully and look for clues.

How to open a regular wooden door?

To try to open any door in the game Skyrim, you need to come close to it and press the English “E” on the keyboard. Then the following may happen:
  • The door is open;
  • The hacking menu launched;
  • A text prompt appears.

In the first case, we rejoice and move on with our business. In the other two you will have to perform additional actions. In the hacking menu you will need to find the correct position of the master key. The higher the complexity level of the lock, the more difficult it is to do this and the faster your master keys will break.

If a tooltip appears with text like this: "The door is blocked on the other side" or “Need a key”, then you will have to either look for a workaround, or check the nearest area, including mobs and chests, for the presence of the treasured key. Most often, such inscriptions appear in places where it is too early for you to go. While running through a dungeon, you often return back along a short hidden path, which ends at such “Blocked on the other side” doors. And the presence of a key is required in those places where quest continuations are hidden.

Open doors in Skyrim it is possible using the console, calling it with the Russian letter “Ё” on the keyboard. Next, you need to click on the door so as not to accidentally hit other objects. The object ID will be saved to the console memory. All that remains for the player to do is enter the “unlock” command and press “Enter”. You can also open chests or safes this way.

How to open unusual doors in Skyrim?

It is not always immediately clear how to open a door in Skyrim. Often in dungeons you come across unusual passages with riddles. If in front of you is a semicircular, long, beautiful tunnel with a stone door at the end, on which there are three circles with animals, then you need to try to open it, remember which claw was used for this, and then look through your inventory at the hint on the back side. All claws are located in the “Miscellaneous” section of your backpack and differ in the material from which they are made. If no claw appears, it means that you just have to find it, and therefore you will have to return to this dungeon later.

Other doors, levers and chains are activated by searching for stone animal tablets and placing the corresponding elements on the rotating low posts. The signs may be nearby on the walls, or they may be hidden in next room or corridor, behind mechanisms or doors. If nothing works or traps are triggered, try changing the order of the animals.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim College of Bards (walkthrough)

College of Bards (walkthrough)

To join the ranks of bards, go to Solitude, find the Bards' Collection building there and talk to Viarmo. He will say that not everyone is accepted, and in order to prove your usefulness to the board, you need to complete one task...

Set it on fire!

The task is taken in Solitude, in the College of Bards, from Viarmo.

Viarmo will tell you that since time immemorial the bards have had a holiday of burning the effigy of King Olaf. But now the holiday is under threat of cancellation, and in order to persuade the authorities to leave the holiday they need to find the ancient “Song of King Olaf”

The dungeon to which we are going will be marked on the map:

Get ready to clear out a large dungeon, with a couple of riddles and traps. The first tip is to be more attentive to the levers on the wall, they open doors/lattices to go further, for example, this lever on the wall opens a grate in the floor where you need to jump:

We find the locked room using the marker, use the lever on the left, the “door” opens where “The Song of King Olaf” lies. After you take it, follow the ghost.

He will open a sealed magical door, after which there will be a riddle door with rings that need to be turned in the right direction (by the way, at the beginning of the dungeon, there was a claw on the table, I hope you took it?). We turn the rings as shown in the pictures, use the claw, and the door opens:

Next comes a fight with a huge amount The Draugov, led by King Olaf One-Eye. We kill them all, take the key and an ebony one-handed sword from the body and get out. Don't forget to open the king's treasure chest on the way to the exit. And also go to the wall to learn a new dragon word:

We return to Viarmo and give the book. He will say that some pages are damaged, to which we suggest that he complete the book himself. I chose the first options everywhere. After which we have to be present at the performance of the song, then find Jorn and say that the holiday will take place, and we need to finish the effigy, and then come to the place indicated by the marker, watch how the effigy of King Olaf is set on fire.

TES 5:Skyrim - Repose.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim-a game that is undoubtedly wonderful with an interesting plot, design and music. But since...

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There we talk to Viarmo again, now you are a bard! We receive 1000 gold, the task is completed.

To take other tasks, talk to the three professors in the bards guild.

Inge Six Fingers will ask us to find Finn's lute

To do this, we go to the “Stone Brook” cave.

We go upstream, look at our feet for traps, and kill several bandits. The first turn to the right will lead us to a chest with a lute.

It is guarded by one Marauder alchemist (I came across the heart of a Daedra). If you go further along the stream there will be a moonstone mining site. We return to Inga, she pays for our efforts by training Alchemy, Light Armor, Hacking, Pickpocketing, Stealth and Speech increase by one point.

Panthea Atheia wants to return the stolen flute

The flute was sold to necromancers because... supposedly can revive the dead. We go after her to Hob's Cave. Making our way through the icy corridors, we kill several necromancers and skeletons. Having reached small hall, we see a closed passage, pull the chain to the right of it.

(Here on the shelf on the left, in the pharmacist’s bag, I came across the heart of a Daedra)

We take out the soul stones from each column and go through. Ahead we see a rise with a ladder and several necromancers; there will be a flute in the chest at the top.

Having jumped off the ledge, we find ourselves at the entrance and go back for the reward. Panthea will increase Alteration, Illusion, Sorcery, Restoration, Destruction and Enchantment by one point.

Giraud Zhiman needs Rjorn's drum

Our path lies in Cairn Holdir. Entering the cave, we see a mysterious column of energy and several corpses. On the pedestal there is a diary from which you can learn about the fate of the unsuccessful bandits. Nearby we take the key to the crypt and go into it. Inside we will meet ghosts and draugr. Having reached the closed passage, we pull the lever; it is located behind the stone chair.

Next there will be a room with a stone door on the left; do not rush to activate the lever; a trap will be triggered. On the walls we see a couple of plaques with the image of an animal. Opposite each pair there is a stone that needs to be rotated so that the image matches the tablets.

Clockwise from the entrance it is an eagle, a snake, a fish. Now, having pulled the lever, we move on and meet with Holdir. He himself is a ghost, but will inhabit the bodies of draugr.

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