Combination and part-time: the difference. Part-time employment contract

Hello! In this article we will talk about full-time part-time work.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is part-time work and how does it differ from combination?
  2. What types of part-time jobs exist?
  3. Is it possible to employ a part-time worker full-time?
  4. What are the features of personnel registration?

Dedicated to part-time work separate chapter in the Labor Code (44th), which contains as many as seven articles on this issue(Articles 282 – 288). This suggests that part-time work is far from a rare event in our country.

It very often concerns health workers, pharmacists, teachers, accountants, cultural workers and many other categories of working citizens. At the same time, an ordinary employer with a small staff does not deal with part-time workers every day - let’s refresh our memory on this information.

What is part-time work?

Part-time job – the employee performs other paid regular work with the signing of an employment contract, during time free from work at the main place of employment.

This definition is very comprehensive and gives a clear idea of ​​the conditions when work will not be considered part-time work.

Let's give examples.


Why is it not a part-time job?

1. The girl officially works as a laboratory assistant at a research institute. On vacation he participates in the Greenpeace movement

For the second type of activity, the girl does not receive wages, and performing the second job on a paid basis is an indispensable condition. This is an example of volunteering

2. The company’s accountant temporarily performs the functions of a cashier while the latter is on vacation

Absent regular character work. This is a combination

3. An economist also performs the functions of a programmer within one eight-hour working day

The two jobs do not follow one another, but are performed in parallel. Here we are also talking about combining

It is noteworthy that a part-time worker can have as many additional official jobs as he wishes. The law does not specify any limiting figure.

The only limiting factor is that there are only 24 hours in a day. The part-time worker is not obliged to notify the main employer about his subsequent employment. As for the operating time, here, on the contrary, there is a limitation: duration working day in non-core work must be completed within 4 hours daily.

Types of part-time jobs

For part-time work, you can accept both external and internal part-time workers.

Let's present their differences in the table.

Type of part-time job




A person occupies a second position at his main place of work

The work is "on the side"

Design features

In the TD for non-core work, it is necessary to note that this is a part-time job

— Registration of a new TD is mandatory;

— Two personnel numbers are created;

Of course, no personal documents are required, since all of them are already in the personnel department

— TD

The employee presents:

- Passport;


— Diploma (if qualifications are important);

— Certificate about the nature of the main work (to make sure that the first one is not related to harmful substances, dangerous conditions)

All primary documents are prepared. In the employment order, in the personal card, a note is made about the part-time nature of the work

A woman works as an accountant in a supermarket - this is her main occupation. A separate agreement was also concluded with her, which included a second position - cashier. In the afternoon she sits at the cash register in the shopping area

A pediatrician sees children at a children's clinic in the first half of the day, where he is officially employed and where his work record book is kept. In the afternoon, the doctor sees patients in a private clinic, where he is also officially employed

When part-time work is prohibited

The law describes situations in which a person cannot have a second official job at the same time as the first:

  • Minor age. This limitation is natural, because the law prescribes restrictions on the workload of persons under 18 years of age;
  • Harmful or dangerous working conditions – at both jobs. For example, a man cannot work half a day as a fireman and half a day as a miner;
  • Drivers of vehicles. The logic is that drivers are responsible for people’s lives, and lack of rest will reduce general level security;
  • Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation cannot officially engage in work other than lawmaking. Exceptions: teaching or scientific activities;
  • Heads of companies cannot simultaneously be members of internal organs control. For example, the general director is also prohibited from serving on the audit committee;
  • Managers cannot be part-time workers in other companies, unless they have received written agreement from the owner of the enterprise;
  • Employees security forces, employees of the Bank of Russia.

Can a part-time worker work full time?

By general rule the law does not allow this. From the logic of the concept itself it follows that additional labor should only “adjacent” to the main activity and occupy a limited number of hours.

This amount is specified in the labor code and is, as already mentioned, no more than 4 hours daily. For most categories of workers, full time is 40 hours work week, five days, with 8 hours of work daily. Thus, with an eight-hour working day, 4 hours will be half, that is, half the time.

There are a number of exceptions to this rule, where full-time part-time work is still permitted.

Exception for certain days

It is permissible to work all 8 hours, provided that the person’s main job has a day off, a day off or a vacation (the latter of the above - if the employee did not want to go on vacation for a non-main job) (Article 284 of the Labor Code). We are talking about specific days. Of course, if an employee spends 8 hours a day at a non-core job for a month or more, there is a violation of current legislation.

It is important to consider that the total number of hours worked per month at the second job should be half the monthly norm at the first job.


Petrov works as a programmer; at his main place of work, his hourly rate for August 2017 was 184 hours. At his second job, where he holds a part-time position as an economist, according to the law, the hourly rate in August should not exceed 92 hours (184/2). At the beginning of August, at his first job, Petrov had five consecutive non-working days of 8 hours each (weekends plus days off) - that is, he worked there for a total of 40 hours. Consequently, this month, as a part-time worker, he has the right to work only 52 more hours, if we subtract the actually worked time from the allowed time (92-40).

Exceptions in which hour restrictions are completely removed

  • The following situations are distinguished:
  • The employee temporarily stopped working due to the fact that the main employer delayed payment of wages for more than half a month. In this case, the decision on suspension must be in writing;
  • The part-time worker was temporarily suspended from his main job due to health reasons. The employee is required to provide a medical report as confirmation;

Part-time worker's remuneration

A part-time employee should not receive less for any reason other than due to fewer hours worked. Any infringement of rights from the series “he is from the outside” is a gross violation of the Labor Code.

An employer can pay a part-time worker’s salary in two ways And:

  • By number of hours. The amount that an employee in this position should receive per hour according to tariff schedule, multiplied by the number of hours worked.
  • Based on the amount of work completed.

If an employee is very valuable and the employer seeks to reward him, it is possible to give him a bonus. The amount is at the discretion of the employer. The basis for bonuses may be extensive work experience or high level qualifications.

Part-time workers - personnel issues

In general, the law protects part-time workers in all aspects of their life at the enterprise.

  • Vacation. A part-time worker has the right to go on leave from both jobs at the same time. This gives you the opportunity to take a break from both jobs at once. Employers cannot prevent this.

A part-time worker has the right to leave from a non-main job, even if he has not yet worked the required six months.

  • Sick leave. At internal part-time job the employee is required to submit only one sick leave certificate, and if external - two. The second document notes that it is intended for part-time work, and indicates the details of the main sick leave. Thus, each employer calculates and pays “its share” in proportion to the time worked;
  • Business trips. As a general rule, an employer can send an employee on a work assignment at almost any time. In the case of part-time workers, there is a limitation - travel is possible only during time free from the main place of work.
  • Dismissal. To dismiss a part-time employee, you can use the same grounds as for dismissing a main employee. As a general rule, a part-time employee cannot be fired if he is on maternity leave, on vacation or on sick leave.

Internal part-time and combination - what's the difference

Many problems with paperwork could be avoided if personnel officers had a clear understanding of the differences between these concepts. They demand different approach. Let's present their features in the table.


Int. part-time job


Separate AP

Required Not required. It is enough to issue an order or instruction
Time distribution Tasks are completed within their own time frames

Tasks for both positions are performed simultaneously


Regular work It is temporary. As a rule, it is performed during the absence of the main employee. Combines with main work
Example The physical education teacher conducts his lessons during the day and teaches in the evening sports section in the school gym

The HR manager helps in the training department of the enterprise, temporarily replacing a sick employee. At the same time, he still does his HR work

The organization is considering candidates for the position of part-time driver. A personnel specialist knows that there are certain categories of workers who are prohibited from working part-time. I don’t want to break the law, so I need to decide whether it’s possible to work part-time as a driver? Our experts have prepared an answer to this question especially for readers of the portal.

Part-time work implies a separate employment contract

Part-time work is a situation when an employee, in his free time from his main job, works under a separate employment contract (Part 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If additional work is performed at the place of primary employment, then such part-time work is called internal. If an employee combines work for several employers, then this is an external part-time job (Part 3 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Current legislation does not impose restrictions on the number of part-time jobs. That is, in fact, the employee may have labor Relations with an unlimited number of organizations (Part 2 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Not everyone can be part-timers

  • minors (Part 5 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • state and municipal employees (Article 17 Federal Law dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ, art. 14 Federal Law dated March 2, 2007 No. 25-FZ);
  • military personnel, except for teaching, scientific and other activities creative activity, which does not interfere with the execution military service(Clause 7, Article 10 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ);
  • guards regarding civil service and paid work in public associations (Article 12 of the Federal Law of March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1);
  • judges, lawyers, prosecutors, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities (clause 3 of article 3 of the Federal Law of June 26, 1992 No. 3132-1, clause 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 No. 63- Federal Law, clause 5, article 4 of the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1).

In addition, current legislation imposes restrictions on part-time work for persons hired:

  • with harmful or dangerous working conditions, if their main work is harmful or dangerous (Part 5 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • related to driving vehicles or traffic control Vehicle, if they do the same thing at their main place of work (Part 1 of Article 329 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, List, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2008 No. 16);
  • heads of organizations.

In times of crisis, for many people living in Russia, the income from one job is not enough to provide for their family. Thoughts appear about part-time work and further search for a second job that will allow you to earn money more money, but is it possible to work two jobs officially and is it legal?

Official employment in several jobs is not a violation of the law. First, you need to get a job in an organization that will be considered your main workplace. Activities at the second enterprise are considered part-time work.

The division between the two services into primary and secondary employment is divided depending on how long you are in a particular job. The organization where the employee conducts most working hours is considered the main one.

The possibility of part-time activities is prescribed in Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This type of service is regulated by Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It contains:

  • Basic rules for part-time work;
  • List of required documentation for an applicant for a vacant position;
  • Length of working day;
  • Payment nuances;
  • The procedure for registering and paying for sick leave, vacation or maternity leave;
  • What guarantees are provided to a part-time worker?
  • The dismissal procedure and its features.

The employment contract with the employee must specify the type of activity: main job or as a part-time worker. The number of combined contracts for one employee is unlimited.

Types of employment

There are two types of part-time work:

  • Internal. An employee works at the same company, but at the same time performs different functions. IN labor agreements the same organization acts as the employer. The option is quite simple to design and comfortable for both parties. A person actually has one place of work, but performs several job functions. With registration work book there are also no difficulties, since it is stored in both versions of work in one place. Another advantage is that there is no need to re-assemble the package of necessary documentation; the employer can independently make duplicates of the necessary papers.
  • External. In this situation, the employee enters into two employment contracts with different enterprises. Accordingly, the workplaces will be located at two different addresses. This option is much more complicated than the first and requires separate paperwork for employment. Yes, and there may be problems with granting sick leave or vacation.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation allows both options for combining activities, so the right to choose remains with the employee.

When combining positions is prohibited

Some categories of civilians cannot officially work two jobs at the same time. It refers to:

  • For minor children. They work only in one place and receive additional benefits.
  • People performing hard work. They spend a large number of physical strength to perform job responsibilities, they need time to recover.
  • Employees working in hazardous industrial production.
  • Other categories of citizens. In Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that in addition to the Labor Code, the activities of some workers are controlled by others regulatory documents, which may contain a ban on combining activities. Employees of the prosecutor's office cannot combine service and earn extra money; police; judges; deputies; employees of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, etc.

Sometimes working two jobs at the same time is officially acceptable, but with some reservations. For example:

  • The director of an enterprise can be a part-time worker in another organization, having permission to do so from the owner.
  • Athletes or coaches combine positions only after obtaining permission from higher authorities.

An important point when applying for a part-time job is the availability of free time from your main activity to perform job duties. Accordingly, it is officially possible to work two jobs only if the schedules do not coincide (for example, a rotational employment method).

How many rates can one person work?

Labor legislation does not place restrictions on the number of additional jobs. Each person is guided by his physical capabilities and health status (relevant for pensioners).

Employment is allowed at ½ rate or for an hour per day at the rate of 0.1 rate. Thus, an employee can be employed simultaneously in four organizations. The main thing is that the total number of additional working hours does not exceed the standard established by law (no more than four hours).

Art. 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that in his free time a citizen can work at additional work full time (eight hours) and receive a full salary for them.

There are restrictions regarding the standard working hours for the main type of activity. Part-time service should not occupy more than ½ of this norm (no more than twenty hours per week).

Registration procedure

An employee is employed at his main place of business according to the “classic” scenario:

  • Drawing up and signing an employment contract, which reflects the nuances of the upcoming cooperation;
  • Upon reviewing the list of job duties, the employee must sign this list;
  • An order for employment is issued;
  • Based on the order and agreement, an entry is made in the work book. It is kept by the HR employee until dismissal.

Getting settled in extra work Providing a work book is not required; you must have with you:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document confirming the identity of the applicant for the position;
  • Education document;
  • Certificate from main job indicating the type of activity.

The registration procedure is standard:

  • Signing an employment contract, indicating information that the activity is carried out “part-time”.
  • The employee is given a list of responsibilities, and he signs a document stating that he is familiar with them;
  • Drawing up an order for employment.

Since the work book is located at the main place of work, only the employee decides whether he needs a record of additional employment.

How to work: using one or two work books

You can get two jobs at the same time using one book.

A work book will be required when applying for a primary job. It may not be provided to enterprises where you work part-time. Sometimes the employer asks to confirm the employee’s experience and length of service, then you will need to take a copy of the work book, certified by signature and seal, from the main job.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not prohibit an employee from working with two work books, but negative consequences are possible:

  • The emergence of difficulties with the tax service;
  • Fraud charges and penalties;
  • Difficulties in applying for a pension and calculating the total length of service;
  • Negative reaction from the employer.

The law does not stipulate that an employee must notify the main place of work about the presence additional activities, but to avoid further problems it is better to do this.


Officially, you can work two jobs at the same time, the main thing is to correctly calculate your energy and time. Remember that unofficial activity is fraught with risks; it is better to formalize everything according to the law, receive guarantees and protection from the state.

In search of an additional source of income, a decision may be made to take a second job. The official conclusion of a part-time contract will allow you to receive the guarantees provided for by labor law. This type of employee registration is beneficial to employers in cases where part-time employment is expected. Like regular employment relationships, part-time work has its own characteristics. Knowledge important points Such work will help to correctly draw up the contract and fully use the rights provided by law. The article provides up-to-date information regarding this type of employment and lists cases in which part-time work is not permitted.

Basic information about part-time jobs

Part-time work means that an employee performs other paid work in his free time. The conclusion of an employment contract is mandatory. It is assumed that the employee will work in another specialty on a regular basis and receive payment for this. The main provisions on this type of employment are contained in Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code). Part-time work (employment in another organization) and internal (additional employment at the place of main work).

When choosing this type of work, employees can claim all the basic guarantees and compensations provided by labor law. For some categories (for example, doctors, cultural workers, pharmacists) additional conditions labor. Medical workers Quite often they combine the functions they perform. But far away. In Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 41, paragraph two provides a list of what does not belong to this type:

  • medical examination, which involves a one-time payment;
  • performing work without holding a full-time position in the same or another organization (this also includes being on duty on a schedule that exceeds working hours);
  • provision of consultations by highly qualified specialists, the volume of which does not exceed 300 hours per year.

In addition, medical and pharmaceutical workers have their own part-time working hours. It is also indicated in Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 41 in subparagraph “b” of paragraph one.

Pregnant women who are employed by several employers have the right to receive maternity benefits for each place of work. External part-time work is considered in this case to be a full-fledged activity. The expectant mother may qualify for “maternity” payments in full under each official employment contract. Thus, according to Law No. 255-FZ (Article 11, paragraph 2), pregnant women can count on maximum size payments for both the main and additional place of work.

Persons who occupy leadership positions in organizations, you can perform part-time paid work only with the consent of the authorized legal entity(body) or owner of the company. Previously, before the decision of the Supreme Court dated December 14, 2000 No. GKPI2000-1293, part-time work was prohibited. According to Article 276 of the Labor Code, a manager who holds senior positions in several organizations should not be a member of the bodies that exercise control and supervision in a given company.

For whom is part-time work prohibited?

Despite the widespread use of this type of employment, the law establishes some restrictions. They are used to indicate who is and is not authorized to perform such work. A list of persons for whom part-time work is not permitted has been established. These include:

Documents required for registration

Article 283 of the Labor Code contains a list of documents required for employment. This documentation contains all personal information that may be requested by the employer. To apply you need to submit:

  • identification document (passport or any other);
  • document confirming education (diplomas, certificates or their certified copies);
  • documents confirming qualifications, level vocational training(or certified copies thereof);
  • documents depending on the specific position for which the applicant is applying (if the work will take place in difficult or hazardous conditions, you will need a certificate from the main place of work about the nature and working conditions)

In addition to those listed above, you may need:

  • for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription - military registration documents;
  • insurance certificate of state pension insurance.

Do not forget about Article 65 of the Labor Code, which states that it is prohibited to demand documents that are not contained in laws and regulations (codes, regulations, decrees). The employer does not have the right to request documents not established by law.

Conclusion of an employment contract

When applying for a part-time job, presentation of a work book is not required. At the request of the employee, information about the place of main activity can be entered into it. The part-time agreement is concluded in general procedure. It must be drawn up in two copies and signed by the parties. The employment contract must include a note that the job is a part-time job. Each party takes one copy.

If part-time work is expected at the place of main work, then it is possible to conclude fixed-term contract. The initiator of such an agreement can be either an employee or an employer. Article 57 of the Labor Code contains a list of information that must be included in the contract. These include:

  • information about the employee and employer (full name, name);
  • information about employer and employee identification documents;
  • date and place of conclusion of the contract;
  • labor function (position);
  • compensation;
  • operating mode;
  • conditions of rest, vacation, etc.

A contract concluded for an indefinite period with a part-time person can be terminated if a full-time employee is hired for the position held. The manager is obliged to notify the part-time employee of this in writing two weeks in advance.

Article 284 establishes the duration of working hours. As stated in the law, it cannot exceed four hours a day. This restriction does not apply if the employee is not employed at his main place of work (temporarily suspended - Article 73, part one or four of the Labor Code; suspended work - Article 142, part two of the Labor Code). On days when an employee is free from performing duties at his main job, he can work part-time full time. When recalculated to the total number of hours, part-time work should not exceed half the time spent on the main job, for reporting period(month, six months, etc.).

Salary and vacation

The main document that determines the procedure and amount of salary is the employment contract. It specifies the indicators on which the calculation will be made. These may be hours worked, volume completed, or other specified conditions. If there are any allowances or wage coefficients, they are also taken into account for part-time employees. Part-time employees are subject to the same rules labor law, as for ordinary workers.

Part-time workers are expected to be granted leave. As a rule, it is issued at the same time as vacation from the main job. If an employee holds a position for less than six months, leave is granted in advance. If the annual paid leave at the main job is greater than at the combined job, then an extension of the leave is provided without the possibility of saving wages.

Part-time work is one of the ways to increase your income. For employers, it is an opportunity to reduce their tax burden. Additional employment within the limits established by law helps the employee to realize himself in his or her related fields. A part-time contract can be concluded either with the current employer or with a new one. However, their number is not limited. An employee has the right to combine several jobs subject to compliance with the requirements established by law.

How to pay part-time workers is a pressing question for many employers. The employee works regularly, but is not a primary employee. What payments, benefits and guarantees are he entitled to by law?

Many organizations have part-time workers on their staff. These can be both existing employees and entities brought in from outside.

The nuances of the activities of such employees, as a rule, are discussed during employment. But when it comes to remuneration, many employers still don’t know how to do it right.

Is it necessary to pay a part-time worker sick leave, how to arrange vacation pay, is such an employee entitled to an advance? How is payment made for part-time work?

Basic moments

How is a part-time employee paid? The main indicator when calculating wages is the work schedule.

But if you compare part-time workers and main workers, you shouldn’t strictly separate them. Part-time workers are not at all a separate category of employees.

The only difference is the incomplete work time As a rule, this is a part-time work week or a shortened day.

When paying for part-time work, all payments due to a regular employee are taken into account. These include allowances, stipulated coefficients, and standard surcharges.

Necessary concepts

It's called part-time work activity, which the employee carries out additionally, during the time not occupied by the main work activity.

The concept of “wages” predetermines. In the statement of law under wages Of course, reward for the work performed.

In this case, the following is taken into account:

  • employee qualification level;
  • the circumstances and complexity of the work performed;
  • volume and quality of duties performed;
  • incentive payments.

Compensation payments mean, for example, compensation for:

  • performing duties in conditions other than normal (overtime, night work);
  • activities in unusual climatic conditions;
  • work in areas with unfavorable background radiation;
  • other similar surcharges.

Incentive payments are intended to motivate employees and increase production efficiency. It can be:

  • bonuses for exceeding the plan;
  • bonuses for successful work;
  • incentive payments for distinguished employees;
  • other payments.


An employee working part-time is registered in the same way as the main employee. That is, an employment contract is concluded with him.

Based on this, the employee is assigned a personnel number and started. The main regulator for payroll is becoming.

Its text must contain information about the procedure and conditions of remuneration. This is how the following data is written:

  • position according to the staffing table;
  • required salary;
  • allowances;
  • bonus payments;
  • other additional payments.

As a rule, part-time workers are assigned a salary in the amount of fifty percent of the salary amount due to the main employee in this position.

However, the employer has the right to apply other payment options, in particular:

  • time payment;
  • payment for actual products produced;
  • payments based on performance results.

Employment contract certified by the signature and seal of the head. Published by organizations.

After this, the part-time worker is considered a full-time part-time employee. His salary is calculated by analogy with the main employees.

Normative base

The norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation do not establish any special conditions payment for part-time work.

If a time-based payment system is used, then the actual time worked is taken into account and the salary is directly proportional to it.

At piecework payment work, the salary amount is determined by the terms of the contract. All requirements regarding the remuneration of part-time workers are specified in.

If the part-time worker is paid on a time-based basis with standardized tasks, then in this case the activity is paid for the amount of work actually performed, regardless of the time spent.

For example, if the part-time worker is a cleaner and for her the amount of space to be cleaned is clearly limited, then the work can be completed in two hours while maintaining the established salary.

When carrying out part-time activities, the employee has the absolute right to any increases and additional payments established by law.

Also, a part-time worker, on an equal basis with the main employees, must receive compensation determined by local regulatory acts of management.

Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the monthly salary of an employee cannot be less than the established minimum wage. Regarding the remuneration of part-time workers, the law does not have such a clear definition.

But it is logical to assume that if the employee is accepted at half the rate, then the payment should be accordingly.

That is, if the subject carries out part-time work, the minimum wage is determined in the amount of ½ of the established norm.

IN this document contains information about all hours worked by employees. The timesheet is maintained by a person authorized by the manager.

The accounting employee who calculates the salary, after submitting the accounting sheet, checks it for compliance.

That is, the correctness of the indication of enrollment, registration and sick days, indication of working hours at night and holidays, etc. is checked.

The accuracy of the calculation of hours worked for each employee is also verified.

Part-time worker working on conditions time payment, the amount of wages is determined by multiplying the hours worked by the tariff rate. Then the required allowances and surcharges are added to the amount received.

For example, if work was carried out at night, then this period is additionally paid by multiplying night hours and the surcharge coefficient.

Work on holidays and non-working days, if any, is paid like the main employees. That is tariff rate doubled.


The salary level of a part-time worker is determined by the conditions.

At the same time, the employer is free not only to follow generally accepted standards, but also to establish his own calculation procedure.

For example, a part-time worker may be given a fixed salary without taking into account the actual time worked.

But regardless of the form of remuneration, a part-time worker is entitled to all regional coefficients and allowances applicable to main employees.

If what is the salary for part-time work? Labor Code It is proposed to make an additional payment for the actual volume, then in case of part-time work, the recommendations of the law are different.

The Labor Code proposes to pay for part-time work in proportion to the time worked. In this situation, monthly salary rates are applied (0.5; 0.25 and others).

If a part-time worker works four hours a day every day, then he is given a rate of 0.5%.

For lower daily output, a lower rate is established. Consequently, the salary of a part-time worker is, in principle, less than the salary of the main employee.

Nuances on incentive payments

Can a part-time worker receive a full-time salary? If payment is made on a time basis, then definitely not.

In this case, it turns out that the employee works full time, which means that he is, in fact, the main employee, which requires documentation.

However, the salary of a part-time worker can be increased due to incentive payments. In addition to the bonus for qualifications, these may include additional payments for the amount of work actually done, if it exceeds the norm.

An employee can also be encouraged to high performance activities and so on. In this case, the assignment of additional payments is entirely at the discretion of the employer.

The upper salary threshold for a part-time worker is not limited by law. But speaking of incentive payments, we cannot ignore the fact that the salary of a part-time worker is less than the norm established by law.

By labor legislation the main employee cannot receive a salary lower than the minimum wage, the minimum wage.

Consequently, a part-time worker must receive a salary no less than the established minimum wage, but taking into account the rate determined for him.

At the same time, the part-time employee pays, like the main employees, all required contributions and taxes. As a result, the amount he receives may be less than the norm required by law.

The employer must pay the remaining amount. For example, an employee working at a quarter rate is entitled to minimum wage at 1/4 of the minimum wage. As of January 1, 2016, the minimum wage was set at 6,204 rubles.

With a salary of 5,200 rubles, the “net” salary of a part-time worker who does not receive bonuses and other payments will be 1,300 rubles, which is less than the norm.

In this case, the employer must pay an additional 251 rubles in order for the salary to comply with the requirements of the law.

Receiving an advance

Concerning the receipt of an advance by part-time workers, disputes do not subside. Some people think that a part-time worker’s salary is already not great, so there is no need to divide it into parts.

The law is clear on this matter - part-time workers should receive wages on a par with essential workers. Therefore, the advance payment to the part-time employee is paid simultaneously with all employees.

As for the amount of the advance, as usual it is equal to forty percent of the salary.

It is advisable to specify the amount of the advance payment in the employment contract. This will eliminate possible misunderstandings.

What is the minimum incentive amount?

According to the employer, the employer has the right to reward employees who excel in certain criteria.

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