Tyutchev's cherry tree did not wake up in the spring, what should I do? Why cherries dry out: improper care, weather, pests and diseases

No specialist can give a clear answer to the question of why cherries dry out. Since this is facilitated by a number of reasons: illiterate agrotechnical measures, climatic conditions, the condition of the seedling, fungal diseases, attack by harmful insects.

It is believed that abundant flowering can also weaken the tree. Cherries become susceptible to infections and pests. Fungi disrupt intercellular processes, and insects deprive the plant vitality. As a result, the tree does not have enough nutrition and gradually begins to turn black and die.

Despite the fact that cherries are considered an unpretentious fruit tree, when choosing a variety you should pay attention to the territorial characteristics of its growth. There are species with high frost resistance, while others are suitable for warm growing areas.

Young specimens planted in the fall may not overwinter well due to poor quality selection of seedlings. Preference should be given to grafted cuttings with a well-developed root system; they are more resistant to diseases and are characterized by high productivity.


Any incomprehensible yellowing or spontaneous drying of foliage is a symptom of the disease. And before taking action, you should conduct a diagnosis based on external signs. Find out how to grow Chinese cucumbers.


In this case, it is important to determine the degree of freezing and the nature of the damage. Signs of frostbite:

During frostbite, only small amounts of nutrients and moisture reach the crown. Thus causing: delayed bud opening, uneven shoot growth, poor leaf development.

The degree of frostbite of branches is determined by making a cut on the bark of the trunk, or by the color of the cambium. Rhizomes are checked in the same way, after the soil has thawed. If the main roots are damaged, the tree is cut down.

The cherry root system does not tolerate temperatures below -12°C.

Damage by fungi and pests

Cherry orchards are planted on large areas, so any infectious disease develops rapidly. Also applies harmful insects, which easily move from one tree to another.

Fungal diseases moniliosis and cytosporosis develop in damp, cool spring. In such cases, comprehensive preventive measures are carried out. After all, an unkempt garden is a breeding ground for diseases that insects spread to neighboring areas.

The main external signs of the presence of infections and pests:

  • deformed fruits;
  • damaged leaves;
  • the presence of brown spots on the crown;
  • blackening of the kidneys;
  • yellowing and falling leaves;
  • manifestation of putrefactive processes;
  • drying of berries;
  • the appearance of ulcers and cracks on the branches.


Unfortunately, cherries, like other stone fruit trees, are often susceptible to diseases that cause drying out. In order not to lose a tree, it is important to understand the reasons for what is happening.

Poor care

Cherries and pears, like other fruit trees, turn black and dry out due to a violation of the irrigation system.
This plant does not like overly moist soil. When planting, you should pay attention to the choice of site for growth. It is not recommended to use areas with flooding. Make sure that the groundwater level is below 1.5 meters from the ground surface.

Negative factors may occur as a result of lack of nutrition. The soil should be fertilized in specific proportions and in a timely manner. When starved, the plant gradually stops bearing fruit, the leaves become smaller and dry out. Depending on the fertility of the soil, climatic conditions a particular tree needs additional nutrition. He will tell you why the cherry tree does not bloom or bear fruit.

To prevent violations of the irrigation regime and lack of nutrition, the following measures must be taken.

  1. Watering carried out once every 10-14 days at the rate of 2-3 buckets per tree.
  2. During flowering fertilize urea solution in proportions of 10 grams per 5 liters of water (for one tree).
  3. After flowering watered with nutrient mixture, diluting 30 grams of ammophoska in 10 liters of water (for one tree).
  4. IN summer time better produce foliar feeding. Spray the crown with potassium-phosphorus preparations.

If there is excess liquid, the fruits may burst. Oversaturation with fertilizers leads to freezing of cherries in winter.

Violation of landing rules

Rooting of the roots can be attributed to incorrect actions on the part of the gardener, as a result of which the entire cherry dries out. As a rule, this occurs due to violation of planting recommendations:

  • due to excess watering;
  • deep landing;
  • application into the planting hole large quantity organic fertilizers.

In this case, it will not be possible to revive the seedling. It is important to strictly adhere to the recommended rules. Auria will tell you about the tomato variety.


There are a number of cherry diseases that, without proper treatment, can cause great damage to the crop and the trees themselves. Dangerous diseases can provoke sudden leaf fall, drying out of foliage and shoots, and fruit rot. Read about the care and cultivation of the Karatal onion variety.


This disease mainly affects fruits. Activated in wet, windy weather. At first, spots of small diameter form on the berries. Over time, the dull appearance increases, forming bumps with a pinkish coating. Under the influence of the sun, the affected fruits mummify. And if summer season It turned out to be rainy, anthracnose can destroy up to 80% of the crop.

Collect and burn diseased fruits.


Monilial burn is a serious disease that affects both stone fruit and pome tree species, such as and other varieties of pears. External signs of the disease:

Treatment. Treatment involves spraying with systemic fungicides: “Chorus”; "Topsin-M"; "Rovral"; "Cuprozan". Garden work should be started during the period of kidney swelling with mandatory repetition after 2 weeks. After harvesting the fruits, perform the procedure twice more with an interval of 14 days. During the growing season, use safe biological preparations: Fitosporin-M, Alirin, Fitolavin. Cut off affected branches and burn immediately.

Trees should be treated with fungicides according to the instructions and the concentration of the solution should be strictly observed.


A fungal disease that affects branches, leaves, fruits, roots. Fungal spores overwinter in fallen leaves. Symptoms of cherry disease:

  • the appearance of red dots on the berries;
  • on back side the leaf has a noticeable brownish-gray coating;
  • during the ripening process, the berry becomes deformed and does not fill;
  • premature drying and falling of leaves.

Treatment of cherries is carried out according to the following scheme.

  1. During bud formation, treat with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  2. At the end of flowering, use fungicides: “Ordan”, “Skor”, “Horus”.
  3. After fruiting, spray with copper oxychloride or Bordeaux mixture.
  4. Water the root part of the trunk with urea, diluted 40 grams in water per 10 liters, respectively.

Coccomycosis of the cherry tree.

false mulberry

This disease causes rot inside the tree. Symptoms:

  • flat perennial growth on the trunk;
  • presence of dark colored veins;
  • fragility of branches;
  • the appearance of a pale yellow mushroom with small veins.

The disease cannot be treated. Therefore, infected cherries must be uprooted and burned. Find out how to grow Cherry tomatoes on a windowsill.


The fight against harmful insects occurs throughout the season. After all, they will cause enormous harm if they are not recognized and eliminated in time.

Shoot moth

In the spring, the caterpillars of this insect bite into unopened cherry buds, causing them to dry out. They also eat young, green leaves, inflorescences and ovaries. Eggs are laid in cracks in the trunk.

The destruction of the pest consists of treating cherries with the preparations “Aktara”, “Iskra”, “Decis” during the period of bud formation.

Cherry aphid

It sucks the juice from the leaves, which leads to deformation of the shoots and drying out of the branches. The presence of aphids can be easily determined by the curled leaves of the cherry tree. The larvae of this insect appear with the opening of the buds on the tree.

You can prevent aphids by removing the growth around the tree. If the insect population is high, then the foliage should be treated with insecticides.

Gum treatment

Or gommosis is a disease that damages the branches of exclusively felt cherry trees, as a result of which they dry out. Occurs when overwatering or excess fertilizer.

Gum discharge appears on branches, trunks, berries, and in places where the bark is damaged. Externally, the disease looks like streaks of amber resin. Causes the tree to stop growing.

  1. Cut off the resin.
  2. Treat the damaged area with a 1% solution of copper sulfate, sorrel juice or garden varnish.
  3. Cut down severely damaged branches completely.

How to reanimate after winter

Among the measures to restore a frozen tree after winter, the first place is pruning damaged branches. After all, they interfere with the further development of the tree, consuming nutrients.

At the beginning of the growing season, cherries need to be in moist soil, so regular watering should be organized. At the beginning of summer, perform foliar feeding with complex fertilizers, such as: “Sudarushka”, “Rastvorin”. A heavily frozen tree is deprived of all flowers and ovaries, allowing it to grow stronger.

Restoration of buds and branches

Trunk and roots

Damage to the trunk by low air temperatures is characterized by frost holes. For mild frostbite, cover the barrel with cloth. If a crack appears on the trunk, then the bark is removed, the wound is cleaned, and treated step by step:

  • 2% Bordeaux mixture;
  • garden var;
  • a mixture of clay and mullein in a 1:1 ratio.

In case of transverse frost damage, it is recommended to vaccinate with cuttings.

If the root cambium is damaged and aboveground part tree - the cherry tree is uprooted.

In the process of preparing cherries for the winter season, reduce the frequency of watering and reduce the amount of fertilizing. As a fertilizer in autumn period use charcoal. Before digging up tree trunk circles, apply universal mineral fertilizers before winter. Perform preventive pruning of branches. Remove dry, weak shoots.

Preparing for winter

Young cherries need protection from frost. For the winter, one- and two-year-old individuals are completely covered; older trees are not covered. Install nets on trunks as protection against rodents. The ground around the trunk is mulched with hay or straw. You can protect the tree from recurrent frosts by pouring snow into the hole near the trunk and compacting it well. This event will delay the onset of flowering and save flower buds from frostbite.


Video about freezing of fruit trees.


  1. The causes of drying out may be: poor care, insect pests, fungal infections, weather conditions.
  2. Restoring frozen cherries directly depends on the degree of damage.
  3. It is worth choosing varieties of fruit trees based on climatic features region. Read about.
  4. Carrying out preventive measures will increase the resistance of cherries to diseases.

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The root collar gets warm when the seedling is planted deep, when it is watered too often, when the tree trunk circles are mulched with too thick a layer of manure. It is impossible to cure such a disease - you just need to prevent it. For example, by arranging irrigation not in bowls, but in furrows dug along the periphery of the crown. https://vk.com/wall-52962135?offset=60&own=1&w=wall-52962135_21344​

It happens that the branches are not in a hurry to dry, but become covered with gum. Here you need to pay attention to the bark. Surely there are small round holes on it under the gum. This is a sure sign that the bark beetle is working. He is a very big hunter of feeding on dying trees and branches. If the tree is old, then you need to think about replacing it.​


Why does cherry dry? How to prevent cherries from drying out?

A k s i n y a

​It happens that cherries begin to dry out for another reason. For example, they lose leaves. Early leaf fall is one of the signs of coccomycosis (a dangerous disease of stone fruits).​

​The usual picture is that in the second half of summer the branches of the cherry tree suddenly begin to wither and dry out. You can literally lose the entire tree or part of the crown in just a couple of days. A fungus called moniliosis is to blame for such a rapid death of trees. It affects trees especially hard in years with mild winters and rainy summers.​

​due to lack of moisture in the soil.​

There can be many reasons why cherries dry out, the most important of which are insufficient watering, overwatering and pests. Eliminate these problems and I think you will be able to prevent further drying out of the cherries.​

​Here everything is described in detail and clearly visible:​


​Secondly, moderate watering is needed in hot weather. (We usually water every day).​

​The most severe case is the unexpected drying out of the entire tree at once. The reason for this phenomenon is the heating of the root collar. It is no longer possible to save such trees; you can only prevent the occurrence of this disease. Since the cause of overheating is improper planting of the tree, improper multiplication or watering, you just need to adjust the watering, do not cover the trees with too thick a layer of manure and try not to bury the cuttings too deeply when planting.


​A common picture for many gardeners is when in the second half of summer the branches of the cherry tree begin to dry out and literally in two or three days the tree loses a third or even half of its crown. In most cases, the cause is moniliosis - a fungus.

In the spring we transplanted the cherry tree, it dried out and the leaves fell off.

​This is a fungal disease that develops more strongly in rainy summers. Remove old, diseased branches and bushes. Dried fruits. (I read this in a book back in the fall.) Today, too, many people were amazed. Summer is like that. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, spray 2 cups of urea per bucket.​


A young tree can still be saved by cutting out and burning shoots that are especially abundantly covered with gum. And for the rest, declare a hunt for the bark beetle by taking a solution of Bi-58 into a syringe and injecting it into each hole. If you walk carefully along the branches, you can easily get rid of this pest, and the trees will quickly heal the wounds left by it.​


Shedding of leaves is only the first sign; the shoots do not ripen, having lost their foliage, and freeze out in winter.

Moniliosis also occurs on other stone fruits, such as apricots and cherries. But there it begins with drying out of the tops and extremely rarely ends with the death of an entire tree or entire branch. On cherry, everything happens much faster and more seriously.

Nikolai Sosiura

​Sometimes drying of cherries is associated with now very common diseases - monliosis and coccomycosis. These are fungal diseases that can lead to the complete death of stone fruit plants, including cherries. Cherries are affected by coccomycosis and monliosis every year. With moniliosis, cherry branches dry out completely, the branches seem to be scorched by fire. Therefore, there is a second name for this dangerous disease - monilial burn. Cherry fruits rot, wrinkle and often remain hanging in this form until spring.​

The first reason why cherries may dry out is dry soil due to dry, hot weather. In this case, the cherries need to be watered daily.

​And thirdly, maybe there is simply not enough fertilizer for the root system.​

Cherries can dry out for various reasons.



Moniliosis is a fungus that mainly affects trees in years with rainy summers and warm winter. The favorite trees of this fungus are stone fruits in the form of cherries, apricots and cherries; on the latter, moniliosis spreads the fastest. To save the trees, you need to cut off all the affected branches 5-10 centimeters from the fungus on the healthy part, then spray the entire tree with “Horus”, and after a week, repeat the spraying, but with a different preparation - “Skor”. Usually this treatment is enough to ensure that the tree does not die and produces a harvest in subsequent years.​

​Is there a chance that she will come back to life, and what needs to be done for this?​

​Little moisture (rain)​

​●Take care of your neck.​
Trees are saved at the very beginning of leaf fall by treating the plantings with Ridomil, Oksikhom, Ordan or other copper-containing preparations. Two or three sprays are enough to avoid many problems.​

​To save the tree, you need to cut out all the affected shoots and branches as quickly as possible, including 5-10 cm of the healthy part. And the rest - spray with Horus. After two weeks, you need to repeat the treatment with Skor. This should be enough so that you don’t have to part with the tree.​

​Last year, a young cherry tree died from one of these diseases, which was apparently grafted onto an already diseased cherry.​

Measures to combat cherry diseases: in the summer, affected cherry leaves, branches, and fruits are collected and burned. Before and after flowering, cherries are sprayed with chorus (3.5 g per 10 liters of water), and after picking the berries, the cherry bushes are treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture.​
MONILIOSIS is a cherry disease; it can manifest itself as leaf burn or fruit rot. In this case, you need to burn the dried branches, spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture with 50-100 grams of soap per 10 liters of water.​

​My advice to you, just replant the cherries in another soil and water them, fertilizers are always handy.​

​This is not good soil for tree growth.​
It happens that cherry trees suddenly begin to lose leaves in abundance in the middle of summer. Early leaf fall is a sign of coccomycosis (fungal disease). This fungus most often affects leaves and fruits. First of all, small brown dots appear on the leaves, which grow into large spots, the lower part of the leaves becomes covered with a white or pinkish coating, and the tree rapidly loses its foliage. With this disease, fruits become deformed and do not ripen. The pathogen of this fungus overwinters in fallen leaves. It is necessary to treat cherries only at the end of summer, after harvesting. First of all, you need to collect all the fallen leaves around the diseased trees and burn them, and spray the soil with a urea solution (400 grams of urea per 10 liters of water). In the spring, it is very important not to miss the “green cone” (budding) and treat with 3% Bordeaux mixture, and immediately after flowering - with a 0.1% Topsin-M solution or 1% Bordeaux mixture.​

​Did you transplant a cherry tree seedling last spring? When did the leaves dry out and fall off, in summer or autumn? Or did you transplant the seedling now, this spring, and the leaves have fallen off? If you replanted it last year and the cherry dried out in the summer and now shows no signs of life (the buds do not swell), try cutting the cherry branch lower, look at the cut. If the tissue is alive, then your task is to loosen the soil around the tree well and water it. Maybe it will go away. And if the tissue is dry, dig up the seedling and inspect the roots. They will immediately tell you whether this seedling will live or not. If, after all, the roots are alive, then I would suggest you, before transplanting, trim the roots a little to open access to new living cells, and place the seedling itself in a bucket with a solution of camphor alcohol for 4 hours (15 drops of alcohol per 0.5 l . water).

Cherry - why do the fruits dry out during the ripening period when they turn red?


​And here not only is there not enough moisture in the ground, but also in the air, the last two summers are very hot, so everything dries out = (the air is quite “heavy”​

Fox Mulder.

​The worst case is when, for no apparent reason, the whole tree dries out at once. Usually the reason for this is the heating of the root collar. It is no longer possible to save such trees. We'll have to plant a replacement.​

Alexey Lyundin

​●Control on the bark beetle.​


​●Early autumn.​

How to revive a dried cherry seedling?

​It’s a pity to watch how plants die that have not yet had time to please with a large harvest.​

The cherry is drying

​COCOMYOSIS is a disease of cherries and cherries; spraying with Folpan helps.​


Perhaps the cherry tree does not have enough moisture, and because of this the leaves dry out. But if this is not the case, then the reason may be much more serious. Perhaps it's a disease. It is called monliosis or coccomycosis. With this disease, the cherries completely dry out, the leaves first wither, then turn yellow and fall off completely. Therefore, at the first signs, you need to cut off diseased branches to a healthy place and spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture.​

After severe frosts, the tree may be damaged and stop bearing fruit. Some gardeners try to immediately remove the plant from the garden plot, but this is not worth doing, because... if the cherry is frozen, you can revive it, you just need to know effective methods.

Signs of frostbite

Before you begin to revive the tree, you should determine the extent of the damage and its nature. Remember, if your kidneys are frozen, this is the simplest option that can occur in the process of frostbite.

First you need to determine percentage dead kidneys to living ones. To do this, you should different parts cut a few branches of cherries, put them at home in warm water and observe how many buds will develop.

To determine how frozen a branch is, you need to cut it and look at the cut. If you see yellow on the cut, this will indicate that the cherry has frozen a little. The light brown color of the cut will indicate a medium degree of damage. If the cut itself and the cambium have a brown tint, this indicates that the branches are completely frozen and it is impossible to revive them.

If frostbite occurs on the entire tree and its individual elements, this will indicate that the crown and even the lower parts of the plant will have poor access to moisture and the necessary substances for development. This may lead to adverse consequences:

  1. The growth process of both shoots and buds will be slow and delayed.
  2. The regrowth of shoots will occur on the lower branches, and not as expected at the top of the tree crown.
  3. The constant process of breaking off leaves and their weak formation.

If the shoots and branches are severely frozen, you need to cut a control sample on the bark of the trunk. The degree of frostbite can be determined by the color of the cambium. The wound that remains after the cut needs to be lubricated oil paint natural type or brilliant green. If the root system has been damaged by frost, it is no longer possible to revive the tree.

Restoring a frozen tree

At the growing season in the spring, each fruit tree, incl. and cherries require regular and timely watering. You need to ensure that the soil around the plant is constantly moist.

In June, it is necessary to water the cherries with a solution of sodium humate. To revive the entire vegetative system of the plant, leaves and shoots need to be sprayed with complex fertilizers, among which are: “Kemira Lux”, “Sudarushka”, “Solution”.

If a tree that has already bloomed freezes in the spring, it is imperative to remove all flowers and ovaries. This will allow the tree to better strengthen after exposure to cold.

Most effective way A method that allows you to restore cherries, other fruit trees and even bushes after frostbite is the method of cutting branches. You should get rid of those branches that are severely frostbitten. This is necessary so that the dead parts of the tree do not waste all the nutrients in vain and do not slow down the restoration of the plant. At the stage of cutting branches, you need to avoid large cuts, which are 5 cm in diameter. If this is not done, all kinds of diseases will quickly penetrate the tree, and the healing process will be long.

If a minimum number of buds that are frostbitten is found on the cherry, then the shoots need to be shortened in the spring. It is important to consider the percentage of living kidneys to dead ones. If you find that the cherry has about 70% frostbitten buds, then the tree should be pruned at the flowering stage, approximately in May - June. This is due to the fact that during this period all the kidneys that are damaged will be maximally visible.

If the buds are completely frostbitten, then after a year the cherries need to be thinned until healthy tissue appears, taking into account the age of the tree.

It is worth using a garden varnish to treat all the resulting sections after trimming the buds. This is done so that the juices do not go out and are distributed as much as possible over the surface of the entire plant.

If peripheral branches are severely damaged, they need to be pruned to the level of 3-year-old wood. As soon as the process of shoots begins to appear, you need to make additional pruning of frozen excess branches.

Restoring frozen roots and trunk of a cherry tree

The cherry tree develops trunk damage - frost holes - due to low temperatures in winter. Often we don't know what to do with such a tree. A mild degree of frostbite on the trunk will be characterized by the fact that a crack does not form on the bark.

In this case, cover the cherry tree trunk with some fabric. If frostbite is severe, then the bark needs to be removed. The wound must be cleaned and treated sequentially with the following means:

  • solution of Bordeaux mixture with a concentration of 2-3%;
  • garden var;
  • mullein with clay in a 1:1 ratio.

To make the regeneration process in the trunk much faster, you can rejuvenate up to 3-5-year-old wood. If there are transverse type frost holes, then you need to graft using cuttings.


If the cherry still has root system, but the trunk is frostbitten, you should cut it off, but leave the stump. If the entire aerial part, cambium and trunk are frostbitten, then there is no point in saving the cherry. You can safely uproot it and plant a new tree in its place.

Problems with regular and timely flowering of cherries in your garden may be due to various factors– from age and climate to care. Let's try together to figure out all the possible reasons and find ways to correct the situation.

Cherry blossoms - what could be more beautiful than these spring white and pink clouds? In Japan, there is a whole national holiday of admiring cherry blossoms, Hanami. It dates back to the 3rd century AD, but even today the tradition is alive - great amount Japanese and foreign tourists fill parks and squares with only one purpose - to see this aerial miracle. However, on your own garden plot Fruit trees do not always please with abundant flowering.

Why don't the cherry blossoms bloom? Cherry blossoms well in spring, but the flowers fall off - what is the reason? How to help cherry blossoms bloom? What to change in care so that the cherry tree finally blooms? Is it possible to save a tree? The answers to these and many other questions are in our article.

Reason 1: improper planting of cherry seedlings

Improper planting is the very first reason that you should pay attention to for any problems in the garden. How to avoid this?

First, before “populating” your site with new trees, make sure that the selected cherry varieties are suitable for your climate and soils. Suitable for cherries sunny plot with light sandy loam soil, which has a close to neutral reaction, and with groundwater not higher than 1.5 m.

Secondly, follow the planting technology and do not ruin the tree already initial stage his life. Cherry seedlings are planted in the spring in such a way as not to expose or deepen the root collar, not to “rest” the roots on the dead horizon of the soil and not to “drown” them in groundwater. After planting, the seedling is mulched with sawdust and watered with warm, settled water.

Reason 2: the tree is too young

Oddly enough, this is one of the fairly common reasons for “non-blooming”. Inexperienced gardeners may begin to worry as early as 2-3 years. It seems that the tree has taken root well, is beautiful and healthy, but it still doesn’t bloom! Don't worry at this stage - your cherry may just be young. Depending on the variety and growing conditions, some cherries, even with proper care, begin to bear fruit in the 4th, 5th, or even only the 6th year. Check the qualities of the variety you choose and make sure you are caring for the tree correctly.

Reason 3: bad year for cherries

Does your cherry tree not bloom after winter, although everything was fine before? Perhaps the reason was a bad weather year.

For example, we may be talking about too warm autumn. Lingering sunny autumn days with positive temperatures can force cherries, instead of entering a dormant period, to “awaken” again before winter. And then new weak shoots with flower buds freeze with the inevitable sharp onset of cold weather. In this case, next spring, with a high degree of probability, ovaries will not form.

Another common cause of problems with cherry blossoms is late spring frosts. Even a temperature of -1°C can cause irreparable damage to a tree ready to bloom, and at a thermometer reading of -4–5°C, even formed buds and flowers can die.

If such frosts are not uncommon in your latitudes, choose late-flowering varieties ( Generous, Beauty of the North, Bagryannaya, Ural ruby, Orlais, Lyubskaya etc.) or take care of containment early flowering(for example, whiten the trunk and the bases of the skeletal branches, which will not allow the tree tissue to get too hot in the sun). In early spring cherries can be pre-treated with special stimulants to increase resistance to adverse weather (Epin Extra, Novosil, etc.).

Also, when warm weather has already established, but there is a sudden forecast of sharp frosts, smoke or sprinkling methods are used. In the first case, before dawn and for a couple of hours after it, the tree is fumigated with warm smoke from smoldering fires or special smoke bombs placed nearby in advance. In the second, simulating natural precipitation, the garden is sprayed with water from a fine sprinkler at night before sunrise so that the frozen water retains heat on the branches.

Very cold or hot temperatures in the spring, excess rain and other weather disturbances can also interfere with flowering. All this negatively affects both the viability of flower pollen and the activity of pollinating insects.

Or perhaps your cherry is just tired and is now resting. She could get tired from the difficult climate or, for example, poor soil. Quite often, to save the strength of fruit trees, nature provides the following mechanism: they bear fruit every other year, resting from time to time, and then again please with a good harvest.

Reason 4: improper care of cherries

How to create conditions for cherry blossoms to bloom? To a large extent proper care. Let's look at the mistakes that lead to poor flowering, which you may not pay attention to due to inexperience.

Incorrect watering. A constant excess of moisture is just like its lack or high level groundwater at the planting site can have a negative impact on the health of your tree. The cherry tree should be watered several times a season, offering it 2-6 buckets of non-cold water, depending on the size of the tree. The first is immediately after flowering (simultaneously with fertilizing). The second is after the berries are formed. Further watering is carried out depending on temperature, amount of precipitation, and soil characteristics. The last (pre-winter) watering is carried out on the eve of autumn frosts, after the leaves have fallen - usually this period falls at the beginning of October.

a lack of nutrients can also negatively affect a tree preparing to flower. If the cherry tree is planted on poor or unsuitable soil, it must be systematically and properly fertilized. The acidity of the soil should be brought closer to neutral if possible (lime acidic peat, add organic matter and clay to sandy soil). To improve the quality of the soil, dig it thoroughly, add ground eggshells or chalk, mulch trunk circle. To enrich the soil, apply fertilizer in the spring organic fertilizers(humus, rotted manure, wood ash).

Untimely pruning. We have already repeatedly mentioned that competent and timely pruning of any fruit tree is one of the conditions for its health, which extends the productive period of life. Cherry is no exception, rather the opposite, because its crown quickly thickens. Do not forget about timely shaping and rejuvenating pruning of your garden.

Weakening of the cherry can also cause excessive gum leakage, which is formed due to mechanical damage to wood or improper maintenance conditions. In this case, you should carefully examine the tree, find all wound surfaces, remove the resin from them and treat them with a 1% solution of copper sulfate. The damaged area should then be cleaned down to living tissue, and cuts and cracks should be “sealed” with garden varnish.

Reason 5: fungal diseases of cherries

Also possible reason The absence of cherry blossoms can weaken the tree due to disease. For example, fungal. The most common of them are coccomycosis and moniliosis. Carefully inspect your fruit trees and if you find the following: negative signs take appropriate treatment measures.

Visually manifested by the presence of yellow-brown spots of various sizes on outside leaves. At this time, on the lower part, fungal spores ripen and are carried by the wind to neighboring flowers and leaves, as well as to nearby trees. May result in massive (up to 80%) loss of leaves and flowers.

Control measures. Initially, select cherry varieties that are resistant to coccomycosis. If there are signs of disease, treat with special preparations: before flowering, spray with 3% Bordeaux mixture or solution iron sulfate(per 10 liters of water 300 g of substance); after the end of flowering - with Fundazol, Horus or Skor; After harvesting, spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture. Promptly collect and burn the affected parts of the tree - leaves, ovaries, fruits.

Moniliosis (monilial burn) of cherries

Cherry moniliosis also appears mass destruction and falling leaves and flowers, rotting berries, cracking and drying of wood. The affected parts look as if they have received a severe burn. At this time, there are no cherry varieties resistant to moniliosis.

Control measures. If there are signs of disease, treat with special preparations: before flowering, spray the tree and the soil underneath with 3% Bordeaux mixture; after flowering, treat with 1% Bordeaux mixture. If necessary, additionally use appropriate medications: Phthalan, Horus, Cuprozan. Promptly collect and burn the affected parts of the tree - branches, leaves, flowers, fruits.

A healthy cherry, which is properly cared for, can bear fruit for up to 15-20 years! Do not let the development of your garden take its course - this is a guarantee of no problems with flowering and a good harvest.

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Why don't buds bloom in cherries?

The cherries stopped growing. Help me understand what is the reason? - answers from 7dach.ru experts

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I bought two cherries from the nursery. Dali Valery Skolov and Bryansk pink. It turned out one was early, the other was late. Will they be able to pollinate each other? Or do something urgently?

Tell me, what's wrong with the cherries? variety "Yaroslavna", growing for the second year. The ends of the branches are drying up (the leaves were devoured by cockchafers), last year the leaves turned yellow and some withered. What could it be? Infection, pests? Wrong soil? The landing pit was being prepared....

In June, the three-year-old cherry tree began to dry out and fall off its leaves. What to do? Need to prune in summer fruit trees?

The young tops of a cherry seedling have been eaten, a caterpillar has settled in the trunk of the branches, what is it and how to fight it? I'm a beginner gardener. Elena


Cherries don’t wake up after winter, what should I do? - answers from 7dach.ru experts

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My young garden has been producing fruits for two years now. The cherry tree bears fruit for the first time; last year it bloomed, but there was no ovary. And in this one - admire the branches strewn with berries! The tree is a little more than 2 m in height, and the berries collected from it...

Please help me with advice. Last year, cherry blossoms bloomed profusely for the first time (Karelia). The berries also seemed to have set, but slowly they all began to fall off. As a result, only one berry was fully ripened. What is my tree missing? How...

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Why cherries dry out, verticillium wilt and other reasons

Cherries often begin to dry out. Why? There can be many reasons. The disease verticillium (wilt, wilt) can be noticed already in the spring (primarily in trees up to 7 summer age). The inflorescences turn black and wither, never developing. On the trunk, skeletal branches and forks, gum leaking from spots of rusty color can be seen. With severe damage, cherries can dry out within a year. The section will show browning of the vessels, that is, necrosis of wood tissue. In older trees the disease progresses slowly. Gradually, the bark peels off in strips. Severe gum production is noted. Within 3–8 years, the trees die.

To prevent drying out of cherries, first of all, pay attention correct selection landing places. It all starts with the planting hole and location. If groundwater lies close, then drain it. But the following predecessors can be considered unfavorable - strawberries, nightshades, melons, sunflowers - all those vegetable crops and plants that are damaged by Verticillium wilt. It can also occur as a result of poor breathing of the root system. Therefore, the soil should be breathable, not heavy, not saline.

Spores of the Verticillium wilt fungus overwinter on the buds of the tops of shoots and enter the soil with plant debris. It lands on small roots and rises up through the vessels. When cultivating the soil around the tree, make sure that the roots are not damaged. Wounds are a path for illness. For prevention, carry out early spring spraying with cuproxate or 3% Bordeaux mixture. And after the buds open, use only a 1% solution. Timing after flowering, after half a month, at the end of summer - beginning of autumn with cold rains. We carry out the last treatment before leaf fall, and in October there may even be two of them. If the disease occurs with great intensity, then use Radomil, Polychrome, Polycarbacin, Fundazol, Topsin, Vectra. To eradicate the disease so that the cherries do not dry out, carry out the entire range of spraying in one season. It is better to be left without a crop than without a tree. Places where gum leaks out must be cleaned and covered with a diluted mixture. copper sulfate(2%) of equal parts mullein and clay. Grease the sections that remain after trimming with oil paint or garden varnish. Pruning during the formation of cherries should be carried out from the end of May to September. But only in dry and warm weather. Because with high humidity, fungal diseases develop. You must remember to disinfect tools (secateurs, saws, knives). To do this, use carbolic acid, copper sulfate 10% solution.

Verticillium wilt can appear in areas of sunburn and frost damage. Therefore, be sure to whitewash with lime and copper sulfate before frost. This is not a cosmetic, but a preventive measure. Therefore, doing this in the spring is not correct, one might even say it’s too late. The most dangerous for trees will be winter thaws, with a sharp decrease in night temperatures.

Other reasons answering the question - why do cherries dry? If passages are visible on drying branches, then this is a bark beetle infestation.

Sometimes the surface of the shoots may be covered with small scutes various shapes. With severe damage, they unite into a continuous crust (the color is almost like that of the bark). Gradually, the cherry branches dry out and die. This is a scale insect pest. See how to deal with it in a separate article.

But thin branches can be damaged by frost. Therefore, in the spring, the buds may not develop or the blossoming leaves will almost immediately wither and die. Frost holes in stone fruit crops are covered with drops of gum. The tops of shoots that were affected by cherry aphids this year are often susceptible to freezing. At first in summer, damaged leaves gradually curl and dry out. The tips of young growth may also dry out. But in winter such weakened shoots will freeze. Gum discharge is the secretion of a viscous liquid, which, after drying, forms transparent lumps of a yellowish or brownish tint. This liquid is called gum. First of all, it is observed on cherries affected by frost, moniliosis, clasterosporiosis, sunburn. May occur due to excessive soil moisture or excessive fertilization. A weakened tree may die. In the event of a nutritional disorder, if frequent freezing is observed as a result of return frosts, when the planting holes are not arranged correctly with close groundwater, simply when weakened, the cherries dry out, but not completely, but only the branches up to the trunk, the tops of the shoots.

Why do the cherries dry out, but there are no visible signs of pests or diseases? But because you don't see them. If the soil is very populated with eastern May beetle, then they can gnaw the roots of even a 5-6 year old tree. Of course the plant will die.

If your tree stands as if burned by fire, then it is a monilial burn. First, the browning leaves dry, then the small twigs. And only then the damaged branches dry out.


The cherry tree does not bear fruit. What could be the reason? - answers from 7dach.ru experts

Other posts about cherries

Hello, dear experts. I have an emergency. On my cherry tree the leaves have begun to turn yellow, it seems that there is not enough light, there is rust on some leaves, the fruits themselves are in in perfect order. I sprayed it 3 times with some kind of solution, my husband bought it in a special....

Good afternoon I am still only a very young gardener, and so far my experience has not been entirely successful. This year we planted young cherry tree seedlings, but instead of sand we actually have pebbles. Not exactly according to your rules, but I also read it on the Internet and did it as...

Good afternoon. We planted 2 cherries in the spring, one has already developed leaves, and the other stands unchanged. Is it possible to somehow “revive” it? Thank you in advance.

We planted a Revna cherry seedling at the beginning of May. It had small leaves. It’s already the end of June, the cherry tree is not moving, neither is it dying, nor is it sprouting new foliage. How to revive cherries?

I bought a cherry tree with an open root, did everything as they said in the nursery, it doesn’t take root well, it gets sick. A month has passed, the leaf is still in the same condition - it is not growing. Tell me what to do?

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