What is the true beauty of a woman?! What is the beauty of a person and his soul.

How often do we say: “What a beautiful person!” What does “beauty” mean? It seems to me that this capacious concept includes, first of all, internal, spiritual content, when a person lives in harmony with the world around him and himself, does what he loves, realizes his benefit to society, is self-sufficient, he does not need to stupefy himself with alcohol and drugs in order to feel happiness. Beauty, if true, is always self-realizing. After all, it doesn’t matter what a person does, if he creates goodness and beauty around himself, does the assigned work with complete dedication, but it’s impossible to do otherwise, if it’s good and interesting to be with him, you want to imitate him.
I think that the true beauty of a person is inner beauty, his soul, warm, responsive, kind heart. After all, if one person is ready to do everything for another, to give what is most precious to him, to respond to any request, to help in any situation, without thinking about gratitude, then this is a beautiful person, for whom even external unattractiveness will not prevent him from doing good. I am for sincerity, justice and the true beauty of man. There should be a lot of such people, then the world will change into something else, good side, there will be no evil, fights, murders, wars.
One cannot be beautiful in whose heart there is anger, cruelty, envy, meanness, greed or hypocrisy. All these low qualities will certainly leave their mark on even the most ideal and Beautiful face. We cannot call beautiful a lazy person who spends whole days “doing nothing”, whose life is absolutely aimless and useless. In my opinion, an indifferent person cannot be truly beautiful. No thought is reflected on his face, there is no sparkle in his gaze, there is no emotion in his speeches. A person with a blank look and a trace of boredom on his face is unattractive.
And vice versa, even the most modest, inconspicuous person, who does not naturally have ideal beauty, but is endowed with spiritual beauty, is without a doubt beautiful. A kind, sympathetic heart, significant deeds, and useful deeds adorn and illuminate any face with inner light. Everything in a person should be perfect. This means that there must be harmony between body and soul, thoughts and actions, aspirations and lifestyle. This is the kind of person that others will call truly beautiful.
“Beauty will save the world!” I think true beauty is harmony. And if it exists always and in everything, then it will really not allow our complex and ambiguous, seething with passions, crazy and so beautiful world to perish!
It is difficult to answer the question of what human beauty is, if only because for everyone beauty is expressed in something different. For some, appearance is very important, for others, external “expensive” surroundings in the form of clothes, others, oddly enough, value beauty according to their liking, the so-called “inner” beauty.
The beauty of a person is in everything. In eyes. In actions. In words and deeds. You just need to notice this beauty.
It is ideal when a person is harmonious, but this does not happen often.

Is a career, the desire to climb career ladder, to show their physical perfection and business qualities; for women, the main thing in life is perfection and irresistibility of appearance, the admiration of men. Every woman wants to be charming and charming, but not everyone knows how to achieve this.

Many people believe that the main thing is to dress beautifully and use fashionable clothing. But along with this great importance has the ability to “present” himself and emphasize his own merits. A woman with beautiful legs, a light gait, and the ability to move freely and naturally attracts the attention of men.

For a seated woman, the lines of the legs look most impressive: knee to knee with feet slightly oblique next to you, or leg to leg, with attention focused on the knees and feet. Spreading legs produce an unpleasant, unaesthetic impression, even if they are very beautiful.

“Almighty makeup”, which has conquered the minds and hearts of many women, is still inferior in the power of its impact to the eloquence of the gaze, facial expressions, and crying, which emphasize or, on the contrary, disfigure the feminine. With laughter, a woman can charm and disarm any stubborn man. And even a woman’s tears have a huge impact on a man’s psyche.

The image of the Beautiful Lady is completed by refined manners, a pleasant timbre of her voice and perfume. All these advantages will be effective only when they are subordinated to a single image - your style. Fashion passes, but style remains.

So, for self-affirmation, a woman needs: to have a beautiful gait, to be relaxed and easy in her movements, to be able to dress tastefully, to use makeup, to control herself - her behavior, etc.

The figure of normal-boned women is distinguished by proportionality and beauty.

Any type of woman can have beautiful figure, but for this you need to control your weight, strengthen your muscles, and maintain their elasticity.

You can determine your body type by measuring the circumference of your wrist. If, with a height of 165-175 cm, the wrist circumference is 16-18 cm, then you have a normo-boned type, if less than 16 - thin-boned, more than 18 - broad-boned.

The length of the legs is measured from the tuberosity of the femur to the floor. It is generally accepted that the most long legs in thin-boned ones, and the shortest in large-boned ones. The higher the height, the longer the legs. It is considered normal if the length of the legs is more than half the length of the body for large-boned people by 2-4 cm, and for thin-boned ones - by 6-9 cm. These proportions may be different if your height is above 175 cm or below 160 cm.

The chest circumference is measured at the level of the fourth rib, this is below the collarbone by the width of three fingers, at the level of the nipples, the waist at the thinnest point, and the hips at the widest point. When determining the circumference of the chest, take a small breath and hold. The circumference of the thigh and lower leg is measured at the widest point in a standing position.

The circumference of the body allows us to judge the beauty of the figure. For young women of normal bone type good indicator it is considered: chest circumference equal to half the height plus 2-5 cm, bust - 8-10 cm more, waist - height minus 100 cm, and hips - about 30 cm more. For thin-boned people, the norm is different: the chest circumference is from 84 to 86 cm, and the bust is 4-6 cm larger, the waist is usually thin - 60-64 cm, and the hip circumference is about 30 cm larger. In big-boned girls, the waist may be slightly higher than normal, and in thin-boned girls, the waist circumference should not exceed 62-64 cm.

Sports give you a beautiful figure, ease of movement and grace. It is especially useful to engage in skiing. If there are no mountains or snow in your area, you can purchase a special ski simulator and practice skiing at home.

If you play tennis, make sure that one (right) side of your body does not develop better than the left.

You can get yourself a beautiful figure by dancing. Professional dancers can usually be easily recognized even on the street, their gait is so graceful and smooth, their gestures are so precise and measured. Dancing will completely transform your figure, change your posture and gait. You can join any dance club, you can take up rhythmic gymnastics, ballet or modern dances. The choice here is great, and the lottery is a win-win.

Gives the fastest return gymnastics. Here physical exercise not as great as in sports, the exercises are not repeated, but are your guide, inspire you, make your body weightless.

On September 19, 1888, the first ever beauty contest was held in Belgium. 21 contenders for the title of “beauty queen” took part in the final part, and girls were selected for the final based on photographs sent to the jury. According to a reporter from one of the Scandinavian newspapers who covered the results of those unusual competitions, “the competition was extremely modest. The competition participants had to remain unknown to the general public, so they lived in a separate house, access to which was closed to outsiders, and they were transported to the competition in a closed carriage.” Moreover, all the men present at the competition were dressed in tailcoats, the women in long dresses.

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What do you think female beauty depends on!? Agree, it is difficult to immediately give a complete and exhaustive answer to this question. Let us in this article try to find the correct answer and give advice to girls on how to achieve this beauty.

So, what are the parameters of a woman’s beauty?

1. Appearance

The first thing people always pay attention to when they see a girl is her face. When a girl has beautiful facial features from birth, this is very good, but what about those girls who have shortcomings in this regard? Everything is quite simple, you can hide your shortcomings using correct application makeup. To do this, you can practice yourself at home using different ways applying makeup, or seek help from a professional makeup artist.

But whatever your appearance, in order to always look beautiful, you need to constantly and carefully take care of yourself. In addition to makeup, it is necessary to take care of the skin using special foams, gels and tonics. Also use day creams before applying makeup, which protect the skin from harmful effects, such as external factors: sun rays and chapping of the skin, and local: protecting the skin from harmful effects cosmetics, as well as to refresh the skin. Night creams should be used 2 hours before bedtime, applied to cleansed skin, so that the skin receives additional nutrition. Use scrubs to cleanse your face of dead skin particles. Special masks will help ensure that your facial skin is nourished and remains “fresh”. Pay special attention to the choice of cosmetics, which should not include any kind of harmful components and have been correctly selected for your skin.

Many Russian girls envy Eastern girls because they always look beautiful, even despite their advanced age, at which women after 40 look 10 years younger. Actually beauty secrets oriental women It’s far from a secret, the whole point is that they take very good care of themselves, making all kinds of scrubs and creams from natural products. There are a lot of such recipes on the Internet.

2. Figure

A beautiful body is another component of female beauty that should not be forgotten. To care for your body skin, as in the previous case, use special gels, creams and milk so that your skin receives nutrition with useful components and is smooth and beautiful. As a rule, these cosmetics are applied after taking a shower. Perform a contrast shower, which increases blood circulation and tones the skin.

Handsome gives a woman some attractiveness, but at the same time it is better to receive natural sunbathing, and not thanks to a solarium.

Separately, it is worth noting such delicate topics as manicure and depilation. The listed procedures are necessary for every girl who wants to look beautiful and attractive.

A beautiful girl should also have a beautiful figure: slender legs, not large hips, etc. To keep your body in good shape, perform a complex at least 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes a day to maintain a slim figure and its grace.

To have a slim figure, you also need to exercise the correct and balanced diet. Proper nutrition directly affects your beauty and health, and especially your skin. In order to be beautiful you need to give up junk food: food instant cooking, limit the intake of fatty and high-calorie foods. IN summer time Load up on fruits and vegetables, which are good for both your skin and overall health, filling your body with vitamins.

3. Inner world

Appearance is a beautiful wrapper, but it’s what’s inside that counts, isn’t it!? The beauty of a woman’s inner world is also important: soul, character, upbringing, intellect, etc. For some, it is the girl’s inner beauty that plays an important role in the choice, and for others, it is an integral or main component.

There is now a stereotype that beautiful girls have a meager inner world, and in most cases, this is so. Beauty alone cannot make up for everything that a girl’s beautiful inner world can give. It is very interesting when there is something to talk about with her, especially if the fair sex is a comprehensively developed personality.

The formation of inner peace depends on genes, upbringing and personal development. In principle, if a girl has good inclinations, then she just needs to develop them and that’s it, but if she doesn’t have any, then nothing will help.

As you can see, the beauty of a woman lies not only in appearance, but this concept includes very large group other equally important factors. In addition, the beauty of a woman through the eyes of men is seen not only in appearance, but also in inner world when he will be interested in communicating with you and getting to know your inner world.

What is true beauty? This problem is raised by Yuri Markovich Nagibin, a Russian Soviet writer - prose writer, journalist and screenwriter.

The author, reflecting on the problem, writes about how many famous literary figures in their works did not mention the details of the appearance of their heroines, but despite this, we consider them beautiful, guided by the actions and behavior of these characters. Yuri Nagibin also notes that the Mona Lisa, which was painted by the famous artist Leonardo da Vinci, does not have a cold, generalizing type of beauty, but a hot, bottomless life of a single soul.

The heroine of the novel - L. N. Tolstoy's epic "War and Peace" Ellen Kuragina is an attractive girl with ideal features faces. She has external, cold, faceless beauty, while being deceitful, selfish and calculating. You cannot fall in love with the beauty of such a person; it cannot elevate a person.

Sometimes a person may be ugly on the outside, but his inner beauty is amazing.

An example is main character story by A.P. Platonov “Yushka”. He looks much older than his age due to illness, he is unprepossessing and weak. People mock him, and after his death they forget about him. Everything changes when a girl comes to town, whom Yushka helped a lot. Her intentions are to get a job as a doctor in this city in memory of the wonderful deed that Yushka did. His inner beauty is incredibly surprising. This is a man with a big heart and a pure soul. This is where real beauty lies.

So, one cannot help but appreciate the importance of the problem raised by Yuri Nagibin. True beauty is the one that comes from within, illuminates the world with goodness and makes it brighter.

(293 words)

Updated: 2018-02-10

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I often think about the question: “Why did I come into this world, what is the meaning of my existence? What good can I do for people? How to decorate our native land? That's right: to decorate, and not to pass by it indifferently! But in order to be useful, to create goodness and beauty, one should, in my opinion, have a sincere and beautiful soul, and be a highly moral person.

And this, first of all, is pure thoughts, aspirations, actions and conscience. This is a deep respect for people, for native land with its glorious history. This is the ability to warmly respond to someone else’s pain, the desire to help, to protect someone: either a chick, or an old man, my own mother or a stranger. This includes admiring the beauty of nature and the desire to create beauty yourself. And above all this rises a severe demand for oneself, for one’s own actions.

I am very grateful to my parents, who instilled in me the desire to live according to my conscience, without being ashamed of my thoughts and actions. And still, every day I come across situations where it’s hard to resist some temptation. Remember what was written on the inside of King Solomon's ring? "This too shall pass". This expression helps me a lot - I often remember it in moments of temptation. This temptation will pass, but a mistake will be made. But then what to do with your own conscience, with your soul?..

This is how I invented a way to deal with my own shortcomings. And how hard it is to realize your powerlessness in the face of shortcomings in public life! Sometimes you want to close your eyes so as not to see beggars, villains, cover your ears so as not to hear a swear word, hide so as not to face injustice, not to be inflated by your own ideals! This is probably when for the first time you are surprised to compare the harmony of a person’s spiritual beauty and the manifestations of society’s shortcomings.

Of course, at my age, I cannot interfere in solving “adult” matters, since I don’t understand them enough. But is everything so crystal beautiful in the lives of my peers? Don’t we, high school students at the beginning of the 21st century, have shortcomings that we ourselves can correct? Neither I nor my peers should, we simply do not have the right to be indifferent observers of social shortcomings (even at the level of our age for now).

And when the time comes, we will not be ashamed of our passivity and inactivity. This will be, I am sure, the time for our best dreams to come true. I admit that for many, perhaps, these will be purely personal dreams. But the main thing is what you came into this world for: the improvement of humanity, the improvement of their lives. Through your own actions you need to prove that your star lit up for a reason (I believe in the legend according to which the birth of a person is marked by the birth of a star). And even if this is just a beautiful legend, your star, like Danko’s heart, should shine for people, radiating goodness.

...For now we are still just schoolchildren. With your hobbies, tastes, with your favorite (and not so favorite) activities and responsibilities. For example, I really love the art of dance; I have been attending a dance ensemble for many years. When you spin in a cheerful dance, it seems that the whole world is rejoicing with you - and then you want to make it even happier.

And I believe that I can make this dream come true. To do this, I try to study well, improve my knowledge, so that in the future I can become an experienced specialist and benefit society. And if my dream of becoming a journalist comes true, I will try to excite people with my truthful words. best feelings, calling them to worthy actions.

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