Important information about sports. Athletics

Artistic gymnastics, athletics, skiing, skating, swimming, rowing, cycling, wrestling, boxing, weight lifting are main sports. Each of them has its own characteristics, which consist mainly in the effect it has on the body. When choosing, you should be guided by these features and take into account the individual inclinations of those starting to play sports. However, you should always remember that the health-improving effect mainly depends on the training method, that is, on how much and how a particular sport is practiced.

Characteristics of the main sports

Let us briefly describe main sports:

. The so-called basic gymnastics, which includes both morning hygienic and general developmental gymnastic exercises used by athletes of various sports specialties, pursues the goals of maintaining health and general physical development. Sports, or apparatus, gymnastics on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, rings and other apparatus brings human motor abilities to high perfection. Movements become precise, smooth, muscles are well developed. However, the presence of a large number breath holding exercises may have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in cases where the gymnast does not combine gymnastics with athletics exercises such as running, walking, skiing, skating, and swimming.

- This walking, running, jumping and throwing discus, javelin and shot. These natural types of movement are especially well dosed and can be widely used by beginners in sports.
In adolescence and adolescence, short-distance running (from 60 to 100 meters) is recommended. At the age of over 40 years, when speed qualities deteriorate, endurance running exercises are mainly recommended. Athletics activities held all year round outdoors have an extremely beneficial effect on the body: nervous system, heart , lungs , blood. This allows us to recommend athletics even to people who have some deviations in their health.

is one of the most popular and accessible types physical exercise. When skiing, people are involved in work large groups muscles, breathing and blood circulation are activated. The winter landscape has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Learning to ski is relatively easy. After the movements have been mastered, you can gradually increase the dosage of walking, mainly due to the distance. The age range for skiing is very wide. Skis can be recommended for children from 5–6 years of age. Sports activities are practiced from the age of 12.


Classes speed skating also have a beneficial effect on the body, like skiing. Ice skating is a fun form of active recreation for both schoolchildren and older people. Sliding on ice reduces the effort spent on movement during normal running, and this allows you to use speed skating, even with pronounced deviations in health. Speed ​​skating can be recommended in middle and even old age with a particularly gradual increase in load.

Hygienic value swimming very large. A person experiences a whole range of influences here:
  1. water affects the skin,
  2. air procedures,
  3. sunbathing.

The difference in temperature when entering and leaving the water hardens the body and accustoms it to proper thermoregulation. Overcoming water resistance with active movements is breathing exercises. At the same time, the chest becomes convex, which creates the most favorable conditions for the functioning of the lungs. The work of the heart during swimming due to difficulty in inhaling is increased more than in other sports. Therefore, in order to avoid negative effects on the cardiovascular system, it is necessary, first of all, practice proper breathing, and only then move on to speed swimming. Children can start swimming from the age of 6–7 years. At the age of 12 they can practice swimming and participate in competitions.

– one of the most tiring types of physical activity. All muscles of the body are involved in the work - arms, legs, back, abdominals. Therefore, rowing requires good preliminary general physical preparation. Rowing as a sport cannot be recommended for people with abnormalities in the cardiovascular system. You can learn rowing from the age of 10, and engage in rowing from the age of 14, very gradually increasing the load and under the guidance of experienced teachers. When rowing, like swimming, an important health element is natural breathing exercises. It is impossible not to mention rowing as the most an effective means of strengthening the abdominal muscles. Despite the very intense load, with systematic training and rowing you can do it until old age.

has some features that make you be very careful about this type of physical activity. The prolonged bent position of the cyclist and the work of the legs with a motionless torso create not entirely favorable conditions for blood circulation and breathing. Therefore, a cyclist should especially remember the need for versatile physical activity: systematic exercise general developmental gymnastics, running and so on. Only in this case will cycling bring the desired healing effect. When using a bicycle for walking, you only need to gradually increase the distance, without bringing yourself to clear signs of fatigue in the first weeks. Children as young as 8–9 years old can be taught to ride a two-wheeled bicycle. At 11–12 years old, you can allow them 30–40-minute bicycle walks, and at 13–14 years old, cycling.

Lifting weights, or weight-lifting, is very popular among the population due to the visual and quick effect of practicing it. Indeed, weightlifting exercises with barbells and kettlebells perfectly develop
body muscles, muscles of the arms, torso, chest. However, the impact on the nervous system, respiratory system and blood circulation with one-sided hobby of lifting weights may turn out to be negative, because associated with holding your breath. Success in this sport can only be achieved through long-term general physical training: gymnastic exercises in combination with other types of physical exercise and sports. And even when you start lifting weights, you need to systematically include them in your training. running, skiing, skating and so on. This sport is allowed to people who do not have significant health problems starting from the age of 16.

– one of the oldest sports. There are many types of national wrestling. The most widespread are classical or Greco-Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling. The impact on the body of all types of struggle is very great. Resistance exercises are good for developing muscles and intensively affect internal organs. However, one-sided training in wrestling, saturated with elements of tension, can, just like lifting weights, lead to overexertion nervous and cardiovascular systems. Required here thorough preparatory work and combination with other types of physical training of the athletics type(running, skiing and hiking). You can engage in wrestling from the age of 14, but the first 2-3 years of training should be of a preparatory nature - general developmental exercises and the study of technical and tactical techniques. In middle and old age, you can only continue the wrestling lessons you started in your youth. It is not recommended to start wrestling after 40 years of age, as this may have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system.

refers to the so-called speed-strength sports. The combination of alternating movements of the arms and torso with the work of the legs contributes to good muscle development. In the process of preparing to fight in the ring, boxers necessarily use athletics exercises - running, throwing, jumping, general developmental gymnastics. The boxing match itself is replete with various situational moments that foster speed. reactions, agility, determination, endurance and other moral and volitional qualities. With proper training management, boxing does not cause negative changes in health and perfectly strengthens the body. Boxing classes are allowed from the age of 13. From a brief overview of the health value of the main sports, it is clear that they are all good in their own way and the result of practicing them mainly depends on the correct organization of the training process in accordance with age, health, physical fitness and the regularity of training. Only systematic sports activities give lasting healing effect, ensure sports success, significantly prolong performance.

The whole world is watching. Athletes, skiers, racers and many other specialists spend all their time and energy on endless training, proper nutrition and preparation for new competitions. It’s safe to say that for most people, sporting events are an important part of life, whether it’s watching television broadcasts of competitions or doing physical exercise on their own.

But what is sport? The definition of this term has been rewritten many times, since today the boundaries of sports cultures are so blurred that even championships are held computer games. And e-sports has already been included in the list of competitions of the Olympic Games.

Meaning of the word

The definition of “sport” appeared in the Russian language quite a long time ago. It's no secret that it is an analogue English word sport. However, few people know that in foreign language it has been changed. Initially, the British said disport, which translated meant “game”, “entertainment”.

If we talk about today’s definition of sport in the Russian language, then this word means competitive gaming activity and preparation for it. Quite logical. Sport itself is based on the use of physical exercise, and its main goal is to achieve best results in one industry or another. In addition, the word implies the disclosure of a person’s sporting potential and increased physical activity.

If we talk in simple language, the definition of sport would be competition, specialization, entertainment and a focus on high achievement. That is, over many years the meaning of this concept has not changed; innovations affected only the list of crops that are classified as sports.

Kinds of sports

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, the definition of a sport is a separate sphere public relations based on special rules. This activity environment involves the use of certain sports equipment or equipment that does not require the use of personal protective equipment.

Again, in simple terms, a sport is its specific direction.

There are a huge number of types of sporting events. Consider:

  • Individual gaming (badminton, tennis, squash, golf, chess and others).
  • Cycling (cycling, swimming, speed skating).
  • Team games (basketball, football, paintball, hockey, etc.).
  • Combat sports (boxing, aikido, fencing, capoeira).
  • Strength (bodybuilding, weightlifting, arm wrestling).
  • Difficult coordination (figure skating, trampolining and gymnastics).
  • Extreme (boxing, kiting, base jumping, snowboarding, kayaking and others).
  • Technical (aeronautics, rallying, archery, drone control).
  • Applied (yachting, sailing and equestrian sports).

Also today there is cheerleading, zorbing and e-sports. All these areas can be classified as “sport”.

The origins of the sport

This direction appeared long before our era. The very first competitions were held in ancient Babylon. At that time, such sports competitions were dedicated to the worship of the gods. The patron saint of Babylon was Marduk, which is why sometimes very bloody competitions were held in his honor.

A few centuries later, the first Olympics opened in Greece. It is believed that it was the Greeks who came up with the definition of sport. Initially they only held competitions in archery, fencing, chariot racing, belt wrestling and spear throwing. Later, the list of sports crops was expanded.

Sports in different historical times

In the Middle Age Catholic Church, which dominates society, decided to ban the cult of the body and all sporting events. However, fencing, swimming and long jump still remained very popular. All competitions were held not to demonstrate the physical development of athletes, but purely for the sake of spectacle.

Intellectual sports appeared during the Renaissance, and at the end of the 19th century the Olympic Games, known to this day, were revived.

Physical culture and sports: different definitions

These concepts are very often confused. In fact, sport involves a competitive moment. An athlete or gymnast will always compare his results with the achievements of his opponent. The same applies to the Olympic Games - it is a sporting event. The winner receives a medal, and the loser goes to improve his skills.

If we talk about physical culture, then it lacks a competition component. It is aimed exclusively at improving health and improving your body. A person running in the park in sneakers is not necessarily an athlete. However, he takes care of his health and wants his body to be beautiful. Accordingly, he is engaged in physical education.

Goals and objectives of mass sports

As can be seen from the above, the word “sport” is very multifaceted. It does not imply specific activities. Knowing the definition and concepts of sport, it will also be useful to learn about such a phenomenon as mass competitions.

The objectives of such events completely coincide with the goals of Mass sports - this is an excellent opportunity for a huge number of people to bring their health and physical fitness back to normal. There is also no competitive component in this type of exercise. the main objective and the task is to strengthen your health, but at the same time bringing yourself to nervous exhaustion. This means eating right, good dream and rest.

Essay on the topic of sports in everyone's life. and got the best answer

Answer from Diana Grosheva[active]
Sport is important in a person's life. He gives us strength, healthy and long life. Everyone needs sports always and everywhere. Everyone must be able to run, jump and gallop, etc. Sports as well as tradition. We can say that each country has its own sports. For example, in Japan the martial sport is developed. And in our country there are many types of sports.

Let's start with the most popular of them - Kazaksha-kures. In 1938, for the first time in the history of this sport, weight categories were introduced: light weight (up to 65 kg), medium (up to 76 kg)...

Answer from Dmitry Chernikov[newbie]
.Sport is important in a person’s life. He gives us strength, healthy and long life. Everyone needs sports always and everywhere. Everyone must be able to run, jump and gallop, etc. Sports as well as tradition. We can say that each country has its own sports. For example, in Japan the martial sport is developed. And in our country there are many types of sports.
From baiga to the Olympics. National sports and their internationality.
The old local and national isolation is being replaced... by comprehensive communication and comprehensive dependence of nations on each other. This is in equally refers to both material and spiritual production. The fruits of individual nations become common property.
In pre-revolutionary Kazakhstan, all physical culture, all means of physical education were used by the people on an amateur basis, since there were no governing bodies for these processes. Therefore, the original folk practice of education could not take shape into a developed system. In conditions of a nomadic lifestyle, the main forms physical culture and the main means of physical education remained equestrian sports and games, and among children - outdoor games, again reflecting in their content the nomadic way of life
In modern society, when other social and relations of production, such a level of development of physical culture could no longer satisfy the new and much more high requirements education of the younger generation.
Sports organizations pursued the only correct policy not for “national culture”, but for “international culture”, which includes only a part of each national culture, namely: only the consistently democratic and socialist content of each national culture.
International forms of physical culture do not interfere with the development of national forms of physical culture, but, on the contrary, contribute to their development and improvement. Thus, the Kazakh kures was already included in the program of the First All-Kazakhstan Spartakiad, held in 1928. And such popular national sports as baiga, kyz-kuu, audaryspak, kokpar, which were included in the program of the XIII anniversary All-Kazakhstan Spartakiad in 1970, became the object of general attention. This indicates high general level development of national forms of physical culture in the republic.
And this process is a necessary condition formation of a new person, comprehensive development of personality, improvement of lifestyle using all types of physical education. Physical culture and sports, actively involved in this process, thus acting as one of the important factors in the internationalization of the entire spiritual life of our peoples.
In Kazakhstan, all aspects of physical culture and sports are subject to internationalization. A striking example of this is the fact that we are also internationalizing national sports and games, diverse national forms and means of physical education.
The main, leading trend in this case is the emergence and development common features V national cultures. It is this trend that leads to progress in the national sports and games of the peoples of Kazakhstan, opening up new prospects for them, especially since Kazakhstan has some experience in the internationalization of certain national species sports
Let's start with the most popular of them - Kazaksha-kures. In 1938, for the first time in the history of this sport, weight categories were introduced: light weight (up to 65 kg), medium (up to 76 kg)...

1. Badminton is the fastest racquet sport: the shuttlecock's flight speed can reach 270 km/h.

2. If you are bowling, don't try to knock down the pins as hard as possible. For a bowling pin to fall, a deflection of 7.5 degrees is enough.

3. Boxing was only legalized as a sport in 1900. Before this, he was considered too cruel and not suitable for public presence. In the 20th century, boxing became the most popular sport in cinema.

4. Ancient Greek Olympic athletes competed completely naked. All Olympic competitions included complete nudity for athletes. The name itself modern word"gymnastics" comes from the ancient Greek "gymos", that is, "naked", "naked". Somehow they tried to dress the athletes, but this innovation did not catch on.

5. It is noteworthy that the first hockey puck was square shape! For a certain period, hockey was played with round wooden pucks. Modern Hockey puck made of vulcanized rubber and weighs 200 grams. Before the game starts, it is frozen so that it does not spring back.

6. The first products of the Dassler family, the founders of the Adidas company, were sleeping slippers.

7. The fastest man in the world is Usain Bolt (Jamaica). Three-time Olympic champion of the 2008 Beijing Olympics - in the sprint at distances of 100 and 200, he set a record, running these distances in 9.69 and 19.30 seconds, respectively.

8. In the Spanish second league match between San Isidro and Olimpico Carrante, a few minutes before the end of the game, the players of the two teams, dissatisfied with the refereeing, surrounded the referee to explain to him how to referee. And not only with words and gestures. In this critical situation, the referee, remaining completely calm, took out a red card and showed it to all twenty-two participants in the match.

9. Ski jumping athletes should not wish for a fair wind - it only harms them. Much better is a headwind, thanks to which an air cushion is created in front of the skier in flight, and he flies further. To start the jump, athletes are given a certain time, during which the coaches try to choose the optimal starting moment, taking into account the wind. Changes in the wind during the competition can make the conditions unequal for the participants: if a skier only gets a tailwind, his chances of winning medals, even with the best technique, are sharply reduced.

10. The rules of horse racing state that the name of a racing horse must not exceed eighteen letters. Names that are too long are cumbersome to record.

11. There are 336 dimples in a standard golf ball.

12. In the football championship of the Vatican State, teams such as “Telemail”, “Guardsmen”, “Bank”, “Library”, “Museum Team” play.

13. FIVB rules prohibit holding competitions in classic volleyball at temperatures in the hall above +25 and below +16, but for beach volleyball there are no temperature restrictions.

14. People began playing bowling as early as 3200 BC, as evidenced by a collection of objects resembling primitive bowling implements found in an Egyptian tomb.

15. The billiard game snooker declined in the mid-20th century. However, interest in it increased greatly again after the BBC chose it to demonstrate the advantages of color television and began broadcasting all championships. The green table and multi-colored snooker balls were perfect for this purpose.

16. Holland is considered the birthplace of figure skating. It was there, in the 13-14th centuries, that the first iron skates appeared. The appearance of a new type of skates gave a powerful impetus to the development of figure skating, which at that time consisted of the ability to draw intricate figures on the ice and at the same time maintain a beautiful pose.

17. In 1912, at the Stockholm Olympics, Japanese marathon runner Shitso Kanaguri felt unbearably thirsty at the thirty kilometer. He ran to the nearest house and asked the owner to pour water. The Swedish peasant escorted the runner into the room, but when he returned, he saw the guest fast asleep. Kanaguri slept for more than a day. In 1967, a 76-year-old runner was given the opportunity to run the rest of the distance - total time was 54 years 8 months 6 days 8 hours 32 minutes 20.3 seconds.

18. In classical wrestling there is no draw; a winner must always be determined.

19.On average, a football player runs 11 kilometers per game, and over the course of his entire playing career, the mileage can reach 300,000 km.

20. A billiard ball that has been hit accelerates from 0 to 30 km/h in a split second, and due to friction between the ball and the table covering, the temperature can reach 250 degrees!

21. In the Formula 1 peloton there is no car number 13; after 12th there is 14th. In total, only five people used number 13 in the World Championship. It is noteworthy that Formula 1 driver Pastor Maldonado is currently driving number 13. Alas, just as unsuccessful as his non-superstitious predecessors

22. In the 19th century, the game of 9-pin balls appeared in the USA and gained such popularity that spectators began to place bets. The authorities of some states banned the game, then the players, to circumvent the ban, added a tenth pin and gave the game a new name - bowling.

23. At the 1904 III Olympics in St. Louis, American marathon runner Fred Lortz ran about 14 km and got into a waiting car. 2 km before the finish the athlete again entered the treadmill and finished first. The fraud was discovered only after Lorz received the gold medal.

Emerging in its process.

Sport is a specific type of physical and intellectual activity performed for the purpose of competition, as well as targeted preparation for them through warm-up and training. Combined with rest, the desire to gradually improve physical health, increase the level of intelligence, obtain moral satisfaction, strive for excellence, improve personal, group and absolute records, fame, improve one’s own physical capabilities and skills. Sport is intended to improve the physical and mental characteristics of a person.

From the time of Ancient Greece and to this day the history of the sport can be easily traced. Over time, the sport became more organized and regulated. New types and subtypes of sports appeared and were formed, the rules were clarified, the sport acquired traditions and supporters.

Sports in Russia

According to data for 2008, in Russia there were 2,687 stadiums with stands for 1,500 seats or more, 3,762 swimming pools, 123.2 thousand flat sports facilities. In 2008, the number of people working in sports sections and groups amounted to 22.6 million people, including 8.1 million women.

see also

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