What is barley groats made from? What are the benefits of barley porridge?

Porridge is a Russian national dish, very nutritious and quite high in calories. Even in ancient Rus', our ancestors ate porridge with butter, mainly from whole grains; thanks to this diet, strong and healthy heroes grew up. Today, this dish has become less in demand, but, nevertheless, we still continue to prepare buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat and semolina porridge for our children.

But for some reason, barley porridge is not so popular among Russian citizens; it is cooked much less often, and many mistakenly believe that this grain crop is more suitable for low-income people. This, of course, is a deep misconception about this cereal, because it is very rich in useful micro- and macroelements and a complex of vitamins.

Barley porridge contains a large amount of dietary fiber, protein, starch, complex carbohydrates, natural sugars and especially a lot of folic acid, vitamins B, E, A, D, PP. In addition, it contains: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, fluorine, manganese, copper, cobalt, chromium, silicon, iron, boron, zinc and many other minerals necessary for health.

As you know, for the normal functioning of brain activity it is necessary to eat foods rich in fluoride, but barley porridge can compensate for the deficiency of this vital element. According to scientists, boron, zinc, silicon, chromium and fluorine are biologically significant for our body; they are contained in sufficient quantities in this cereal crop.

Good digestion requires fiber; barley contains about 6%. It helps remove decay products, harmful waste and toxins that pollute the body. All these beneficial properties are found in cereals practically unchanged, which is why it is often prescribed to diabetics and people on a diet.

Butter 50 g;

Sugar to taste;

Eggs 3 pcs;

Chopped nuts - 100 gr. (almonds and walnuts);

Cream 10%.

Gently pour the cereal into the boiled milk and cook until thickened (15-20 minutes). Add butter to the prepared porridge and let cool slightly. Then add sugar, beaten eggs and nuts - place the mixture on a baking sheet sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Sprinkle sugar on top and brush with egg - bake until golden brown (10 minutes at 180C). Serve the treat with whipped cream - a very tasty and nutritious dish!

Barley groats are the grains of barley, an annual plant with incredible tolerance to growing conditions. It can grow anywhere: in the cold climate of the northern regions of Russia, in the hot climate of equatorial America. Exceptional resistance to weather conditions made barley the first cereal crop to be used by humans as food.

Mentions of barley porridge can be found in the works of the ancient Roman historian Pliny the Elder. The crop was cultivated in the fields of Greece and Egypt, and in the Roman Empire it was considered the main food of the population. It was barley porridge that Roman gladiators consumed as a source of quick energy and strength. Even the term “gladiator” or hordearii means “barley men,” which indicates the high status of the product in the ancient culture of mankind.

Cereals in modern cooking

What is barley groats made from and what are its benefits? In the modern world, huge fields of barley, cultivated everywhere until the 11th century, have given way to other cereals. The history of valuable culture is paradoxical. Due to its high resistance to environmental conditions and availability, barley groats were considered a cheap product. It was impossible to raise significant funds from its sale. Because of this, in the Middle Ages, areas cultivated with barley were subjected to artificial destruction, and they were replaced by expensive and more valuable wheat.

Truly tragic was the departure of barley groats from the fields of modern Russia, where barley porridge served as the basis of the table of the Finno-Ugric peoples. After they were displaced by the Slavic population, not only barley fields, but also significant areas of forests were cleared for wheat. This caused a sharp change in climate in the region, which moved from temperate to cold, continental.

Barley survived in small quantities as a fodder crop and the most affordable peasant food. Hence the attitude towards him - as a simple, peasant, army porridge. How many names have been invented for it in budget cooking! And “fraction 16”, and tarpaulin porridge, and shrapnel. The reason for this is the loss of the culture of its preparation, the loss of understanding of why barley porridge is useful.

The Japanese scientist Yoshihie Hagiwara studied this issue for 13 years. He analyzed the properties of 150 cereals and concluded that there is no product more useful than barley, and no product more valuable for nutrition than porridge made from it. The author based his conclusions on the following statements. What is the correct name for barley groats?

  • Barley porridge - a product made from barley, subject to minimal mechanical processing. It retains the bulk of the fruit shells and valuable fiber. In terms of quantity, its cereal is ahead of oatmeal.
  • and barley porridge are not the same thing. Although the products are obtained from one grain, pearl barley is intensively ground. It loses a significant amount of fiber during production. More similar in composition to barley porridge. The latter is subjected only to crushing without grinding.
  • The composition of the cereal is balanced. Moreover, a Japanese researcher stated that its nutritional value is the highest among other types of cereals. The reason for this is the maximum proportion of vegetable protein, fiber and microelements.

Barley groats are not available for sale. You can only find pearl barley and barley. If you are planning to buy the healthiest product, choose a box. It is as similar as possible to barley in composition. Or dark colored pearl barley. Such kernels will indicate minimal grinding of the grains during production.

Benefits and harms

The composition of the cereal will tell you how valuable barley porridge is in the diet.

  • Vegetable protein - 11% by weight. It is easier to digest than animal grains, so cereal restores strength faster.
  • Fiber - more than 10%, but this indicator depends on the intensity of mechanical processing of the nuclei. The less they were polished, the more valuable insoluble fibers that carry out rough cleansing of the intestines remained in them.
  • Carbohydrates - up to 66%. Long lasting carbohydrates are important for full saturation of the body and a long-term feeling of fullness. They are absorbed gradually, without causing a sudden release of glucose. This property of the product allows us to recommend it in therapeutic nutrition for people with diabetes. Barley porridge is indispensable for people engaged in intense physical labor.
  • Lysine. A valuable amino acid that can only be obtained from food. It stimulates the production of collagen - the main building material of skin, bones and joints. Lysine is involved in the formation of immunity.
  • Microelements. The product contains a huge amount of potassium and phosphorus. The level of the latter reaches 353 mg, which no other food product can offer. Along with calcium, iron, copper and other microelements, it ensures bone strength, participates in the hematopoietic system, and improves the condition of blood vessels.

Not only porridges are useful, but also decoctions of barley grains. When cereals are cooked, a substance called hordecin is released. It is considered a natural antibiotic that is effective in treating skin diseases.

The protein- and fiber-rich cereal has no contraindications for consumption. And to get to know it better and appreciate its luxurious taste, it is enough to know the correct recipe for barley porridge.

Calories and nutritional value

How to cook

What are the recipes for making porridge? The product can be prepared on the stove or in the oven. Barley porridge in a slow cooker is very convenient to prepare. It gets ready faster than other methods. But in each case, the cereal needs to be prepared.

  1. Rinse the barley. This will remove dust from the kernels.
  2. Soak in cold water. It is necessary to soak the grains for 12 hours. It is ideal to leave a glass of cereal in a liter of cold water overnight. The kernels will swell but retain their shape. After such preparation they will arrive faster and will not become hard.
  3. Cook with milk. The barley taste is perfectly complemented by milk and cream. Transfer the cereal to milk and simmer over low heat. An old recipe suggests simmering it for 6 hours in a water bath. A multicooker significantly reduces cooking time. It will cook barley porridge in 40 minutes.
  4. Use appropriate proportions. The swollen kernels will make a crumbly side dish if you pour two glasses of liquid over them. To obtain a sticky porridge, use 2 times more milk.
  5. Season with butter. Barley loves oil, and the more of it, the richer the taste. In dietary nutrition, butter can be replaced with vegetable oil.

We hope you don’t have any questions about how to cook barley porridge. And this most valuable dish with a luxurious taste will regularly appear on your table.

Similar materials

Cereals are considered an important part of a healthy human diet. Depending on their composition, they have different calorie content, glycemic index, and can be beneficial or harmful when consumed. On store shelves you can often find buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, corn, wheat, rice, and millet. Barley porridge is inexpensive, but can bring significant beneficial effects to the human body.

Description of the cereal

Barley is one of the crops that have been cultivated since ancient times. Currently, the area under barley ranks fourth in the world in terms of popularity of cultivation. This plant belongs to the genus of cereals and can be either an annual, biennial or perennial herb.

Common barley is a popular agricultural crop. Its grains are used for food, technical, feed, and brewing purposes. It is also used in the production of cereals, which are called pearl barley and barley. Today you can find many dishes not only of European cuisine, but also of many other countries of the world, the basis of which is this culture.

The plant can reach from thirty to sixty centimeters in height. The stem is straight and bare. The foliage is long and can reach 0.3 meters. Barley produces single-colored spikelets, each of which can consist of four or six sides. The culture is classified as a self-pollinating species; its flowering period occurs in June. The harvest period is considered to be from the end of July to the beginning of August.

Barley grains contain a large number of substances necessary for the body:

  • fiber;
  • selenium;
  • vitamins;
  • copper;
  • chromium;
  • phosphorus.

1 kg of barley food grain contains 290 kcal. Grains are considered to be most useful when sprouted. This is an important food product not only for humans, but also for animals.

Types of cereals and their differences

Several types of cereals are made from barley, the difference between which is significant. Each product has its own characteristics, and therefore has earned great popularity in the kitchen. Barley groats differ in the types of processing and the size of the grains.

  • Pearl barley. It is considered a traditional and indispensable type of porridge on any table. It has the appearance of barley grains that are freed from bran. The features of this product are ease of preparation, good taste, and quick saturation of the body when consumed. This type of porridge can be in the form of small and large fractions, with the former being better absorbed.

It is better to cook large pearl barley after preliminary soaking.

  • Barley. This type of cereal is ground, crushed pearl barley. The grain is not polished, therefore it retains all the beneficial properties of the cereal. The porridge from it turns out homogeneous and soft. The grains can also be processed according to the “Dutch grits” type, as a result of which they are rolled into a spherical shape. This type of cereal cooks faster than pearl barley, but retains excellent taste. Barley porridge can be cooked for about 45 minutes, but its volume increases 5 times.

The calorie content of 100 grams of barley is 32.4 kcal, while pearl barley is 32.0. The vitamin content of barley is superior to pearl barley, and the same conclusion can be drawn about the mineral composition.

Beneficial features

If a person consistently eats barley cereals, this can have a beneficial effect on the body. Cooked barley and pearl barley porridge contain a large amount of fiber. In addition, the rich vitamin and mineral composition of cereals is an excellent way to improve many processes in the body. The benefits of eating barley cereals are wide-ranging.

  • Improved digestion. Due to the presence of fiber in this product, constipation and diarrhea can be avoided. For people of different sexes, monthly consumption of pearl barley and barley leads to normalization of intestinal motility and fat metabolism.
  • Weight regulation. Since the fiber found in these products is not digested, there is no increase in body weight. With constant consumption of barley porridge, weight loss is observed and the digestibility of carbohydrates improves.
  • Reduced cholesterol levels. Due to the presence of components that are part of barley cereals, the process of absorption of cholesterol in its harmful form is slowed down. This order of things helps reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases. The presence of fiber forms propionic acid, which can suppress the protein that synthesizes cholesterol in the liver. Beta-glucan acts as a binding agent between cholesterol and bile, which is subsequently easily excreted from the body.
  • Normalization of blood sugar. Since cereals from this cereal help control sugar levels, the product becomes ideal for people who suffer from diabetes or metabolic syndrome. The essential acids in barley are the basis for building proteins, and beta-glucan helps slow down the absorption of sugar.
  • Prevention of heart and vascular diseases. With regular consumption of barley cereals, you can significantly reduce the risk of diseases of the heart and vascular systems. The presence of niacin, thymine, copper and magnesium in cereals can not only lower cholesterol, but also normalize blood pressure. Thanks to its rich mineral composition, pearl barley and barley porridge reduces the risk of heart disease, normalizes cholesterol metabolism, improves the condition of the arteries, and is considered a means of preventing atherosclerosis.

  • Filling the body with antioxidants. Since barley cereals contain a large amount of lignans, which are considered important antioxidants, their consumption reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. Thanks to lignans, the bacterial flora in the intestines is normalized, possible inflammation is reduced and the general condition of the body improves. Barley antioxidants help increase the level of those substances that control hormonal levels and contribute to the preventive function of cancer.
  • Saturation of the body with minerals and vitamins. A large amount of copper in the cereal helps preserve cognitive functions, maintain metabolism, produce red blood cells and normalize the nervous system. Selenium is necessary to improve a person’s appearance, it maintains the condition of hair and skin, and prevents stress.

Possible harm

Barley cereals contain gluten, so consumption of this product is contraindicated and may be harmful to some people. Due to the high gluten content, barley porridge is contraindicated for those who are sensitive to this element.

Some digestive problems such as bloating and constipation may occur when consuming this food product. This is why people who suffer from irritable leaky gut syndrome should be very careful about consuming this type of cereal.

How to cook porridge correctly

Barley porridge is beneficial for human health. They can be consumed not only for breakfast, but also served for lunch or dinner, the main thing is to prepare the cereal dish correctly.

Pearl barley

To prepare pearl barley, a special approach is required and it depends on its further use. In order for the dish to be tender and viscous, the cereal should be soaked in advance with cold water for a period of about twelve hours. Before soaking, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the cereal.

If you want the porridge to be crumbly, which can later be used for soup, salad or side dish, then you can use one of the following methods.

  • “Brewing” pearl barley. For this purpose, the cereal is poured with cold water in a ratio of 1: 2, then brought to a boil and boiled for about 4 minutes. After this, the cereal is washed in a colander under running water. The washed pearl barley is placed in a pan, filled with cold water in a ratio of 1:3 and seasoned with salt to taste. Bring the cereal to a boil, reduce the heat and cook. Cooking time averages 50 minutes. When all the liquid has boiled away, cover the pan with a lid, first remove it from the heat and leave to simmer for about twenty minutes.

  • "Steaming". First you need to rinse the pearl barley, place it in an iron colander, cover with a lid and leave for about half an hour. Next, the cereal is transferred to a pan with salted water (1: 2) and cooked until completely cooked over medium heat.

  • "Languor". The cereal is poured with salted boiling water, brought to a boil and cooked over medium heat for about a quarter of an hour. After this, the water must be drained, the barley should be placed in a pan, adding boiling water or broth, cover with a lid and simmer in the oven, which is heated to 140 degrees for three or even four hours. Having completed this process, wrap the saucepan with the cereal in a towel, cover it with something very warm, and leave it for 8 hours.

Barley grits

In order to successfully cook barley, It's worth using a few tips.

  • Before cooking, the cereal should be sorted and washed thoroughly.
  • Laying the cell should be done when the water is well heated.
  • After the porridge is cooked, it should be left in a closed, wrapped pan for 30 minutes.
  • It is better to leave the process of adding oil for a while before serving to the table on each plate.

To prepare the dish, you need to pour the cereal into boiling water. Then add salt to taste and cook for about 20 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. After this, the container along with the porridge should be placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and served after 30 minutes.

Stages of preparing crumbly barley porridge in water:

  • Place salted water in a saucepan on fire.
  • The cereal is fried in a dry hot frying pan until the water boils.
  • The cereal product is poured into the pan and stirred.

  • The fire is set to minimum.
  • The porridge is cooked until the liquid has completely boiled away.
  • Add butter to the dish to taste.
  • The container is wrapped and left for 20 minutes, after which it can be served.

Each person, according to his preferences, can prepare a tasty and very healthy dish from barley groats. At the same time, such a product is inexpensive, but can saturate the body with energy, vitamins and useful elements.

For a recipe for delicious barley porridge, watch the following video.

Barley is rightfully considered the most ancient crop cultivated by mankind. Mentions of this cereal can be found on the pages of the Bible and other ancient treatises. Due to its benefits for the human body, barley was used by ancient healers, as evidenced by archaeological finds in the territories belonging to Ancient Rome and Jordan. Cereal grains collected 5 thousand years BC. e. scientists recovered from Egyptian burials, which confirmed the fact of their use as a staple food and medicinal raw material.

In modern agriculture, barley sown areas occupy 4th place in the world after wheat, corn and rice. The short growing season, the plant’s undemanding requirements for soil composition, and its ability to withstand drought and frost allow the crop to be grown even in northern regions.

The benefits and harms of barley for our health, due to the presence of a large amount of biologically active components in the cereal: vitamins, dietary fiber, macro and microelements, have been used for many millennia to maintain the full existence and health of humans.

In medieval Europe, barley was considered a peasant food, while wheat was eaten only by the “upper” strata of the population. Only much later did potatoes replace barley dishes on the tables of the poor class.

Benefits of barley - 10 beneficial properties

  1. Regulates the functioning of the digestive tract

    A distinctive feature of barley cereal is that it contains about 10% vegetable protein, which our body absorbs completely. Also, one grain of cereal contains 5–6% fiber, an important component for the normal functioning of the intestines.

    On our tables there is often food with a low fiber content, which is not able to give a long-term feeling of fullness, as a result, we overeat and gain unwanted kilograms. Barley, rich in dietary fiber, helps to quickly saturate the body and, in addition, fiber helps maintain optimal microflora in the intestines, participating in the synthesis of such essential substances for the body as vitamins, amino acids and hormones.

    Eating grains in the diet will have a positive effect on intestinal activity; barley helps speed up the progress of the colon and allows you to quickly cleanse the stomach, while eliminating the risk of constipation and hemorrhoids.

    Nutritionists say that eating barley dishes helps a person feel better and live much longer. After all, it is roughage that helps the coordinated functioning of the entire digestive tract. It was not for nothing that in ancient Rome barley porridge was considered a gladiator dish.

  2. Helps maintain stable body weight

    Barley grains, due to the presence of dietary fiber (B glucans), active enzymes and amino acids, prevent the process of increasing blood sugar peaks, which helps reduce fat accumulation. Compared to other cereals, barley contains fewer calories, so barley cereal porridge is recommended to be consumed to control body weight.

    When preparing barley porridge, the grains of the cereal swell and increase in volume, and when they enter the stomach, they allow you to get full faster and not feel hungry for a long time, which will make it possible to give up frequent snacking and not gain excess weight.

  3. Reduces symptoms of arthritis

    The chemical composition of cereal contains copper. This element is especially important in the diet of people suffering from arthritis. Having the ability to disarm free radicals, copper promotes the process of regeneration of body cells, and also participates in the synthesis of collagen, without which the process of building skeletal bones is not possible. For people suffering from arthritis and osteoporosis, eating barley dishes will help get rid of brittle bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

  4. Prevention of colon cancer

    In the 20th century, scientists discovered a group of phenolic compounds in barley - lingans, which have antitumor activity and can resist the development of cancer in the body. Scientists have found that people who regularly include barley and other grains in their diet are less susceptible to prostate cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer.

    As a preventative measure at home, you can prepare a decoction of barley cereals. Pre-washed grains are filled with water at room temperature at the rate of 2 liters of water per 200 grams of grains and infused for about 6 hours. The settled mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for 15 minutes, then filtered and taken three times during the day before meals.

  5. Benefits for gallstone disease

    On the pages of an old Russian magazine about herbs, you can find a description of the beneficial properties of barley cereal for gallstones: “Barley decoction is useful in severe bile diseases...” Barley grains, filled with insoluble fiber, help reduce bile acid secretion, which reduces the risk of formation in the gall bladder stones.

  6. Anti-inflammatory qualities

    The composition of barley grains contains a wide range of active biological substances, enzymes and vitamins: copper, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, copper, vitamins B, PP, D. Nature has generously endowed the plant with such a rich list of useful substances, thanks to which cereals have anti-inflammatory, softening and enveloping properties.

    A mucilaginous barley decoction prepared from coarsely ground grains is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. A handful of cereals is poured with water so that it covers all the seeds, allowed to brew for 3-4 hours, then brought to a boil. Remove from heat and wait until the mass has cooled, filter through a sieve and take 2 - 3 tablespoons. If desired, you can add a decoction of silent honey and a few drops of lemon juice. This remedy will be useful for skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis and pyoderma. It is also used to treat fungal infections on the skin.

  7. For the endocrine system

    High levels of fiber distinguish barley from grains such as wheat, corn and rye; only oats can compete with it in terms of dietary fiber. This feature allows us to consider the culture a good dietary product and an excellent preventive measure for type 2 diabetes. Eating barley dishes helps normalize insulin levels in the blood and accelerate the elimination of glucose.

    Studies conducted in this area have shown that people consuming barley dishes had significantly reduced insulin and glucose readings compared to other subjects.

  8. Strengthens the body's immune forces

    There is an indisputable truth - “Proper nutrition guarantees an increase in the body’s defenses.”

    Barley grains, filled with ligan phenolic compounds, support “friendly” intestinal microflora, supporting the body’s immune forces. In addition, the presence of vitamin C in cereals, a powerful antioxidant (its amount is 2 times greater than in an orange), will strengthen the defenses and reduce the likelihood of contracting flu and colds. The presence of iron will prevent the development of conditions of anemia, anemia and exhaustion. So, do not refuse a plate of barley porridge during cold weather and colds.

  9. Benefits for the female body

    British scientists noted in their studies that consumption of foods rich in fiber, which includes barley, has a beneficial effect on the health of premenopausal women. One study claims that such a diet reduces the development of breast cancer by up to 59%.

    High levels of vitamin E in cereal will have a positive effect on maintaining the healthy condition of women’s skin, protecting its cells from oxygen deficiency and activating the production of additional collagen, which will certainly give not only the skin, but also hair and nails a fresh, healthy look.

  10. Help with childhood asthma

    Infusions and decoctions of barley are an effective remedy against asthmatic attacks in children. The combination of vitamin C and E in cereals saturates barley drinks with powerful antioxidant qualities aimed at normalizing the functioning of the respiratory system and reducing the spread of wheezing. These homemade remedies can reduce the likelihood of an asthma attack by 50%.

Barley - harm and contraindications

According to the results of the study, barley has no special contraindications for use and cannot cause harm to the body, except that some people may have an individual intolerance to its components.

Barley, like all other cereals, contains gluten, which is not recommended by doctors for people intolerant to this component. Otherwise, for those who adhere to a healthy diet and monitor their health, cereal will be a desirable product in their daily diet.

7 medicinal recipes with barley

  1. Normalizing stool

    In case of problems with stool, prepare the following composition: 4 - 5 finely chopped pears (can be grated), mixed with half a glass of barley and 1.5 liters of water.

  2. Eliminate coughing attacks due to bronchitis and pneumonia

    Grind barley, oats and millet grains in equal quantities using a coffee grinder, add 2 tablespoons of raisins and fill everything with 1.5 liters of water. Boil the resulting mixture until the liquid has completely evaporated. Let the mixture cool and add a spoonful of honey, chicory and a little baked milk. We accept it warm.

  3. Strengthening the body's immune forces in the postoperative period

    For those who have undergone surgery, strengthening immune forces becomes a particularly pressing problem. For this purpose, prepare the following remedy: pour 40–50 grams of ground barley cereal into half a liter of hot water, leave the remedy for 5–6 hours, and then cook for 15 minutes over low heat. The strained drink is taken up to 3 times a day before meals.

  4. Supplement for bottle-fed babies

    For small children who are fed artificially, a decoction of barley is prepared. Pre-chopped 1 teaspoon of cereals is poured into a glass of water and boiled until the grains are completely softened. The resulting decoction is added to ready-made milk formulas. Pediatricians recommend this kind of complementary feeding until the baby reaches one year.

On the pages of the Bible, barley is mentioned 20 times.
Roman gladiators ate dishes made from cereals, thereby increasing their muscle mass.
The well-known pearl barley and barley porridge are prepared from barley.
Fishermen use steamed barley as bait for fish.
Cereal flour is used in the production of cosmetics - women's powder and eye shadow.

Barley was grown by the ancient Egyptians, Jews, and Romans. They used this grain not only for grinding for flour or beer malt, but also for preparing tasty and healthy porridges. We'll tell you what barley grain is, what types of cereals are produced from it, and what else this grain crop is good for.

Chemical composition, trace elements and beneficial properties of barley

Barley grain contains:

  • protein – up to 16%;
  • carbohydrates – about 75%;
  • vegetable fats – 3-5%;
  • fiber – up to 10%.

Barley grains contain quite a lot of vitamins of groups A, B, D, E. The calorie content of a serving of 100 g of whole grain is about 288 kcal. This is approximately 18% of the daily value for an adult. Depending on the region, soil and growing conditions, barley also contains microelements - copper, iron, potassium, selenium, zinc, etc.

Barley has a number of beneficial properties:

  1. Thanks to the abundance of fiber, it normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stabilizes body weight, and prevents the development of colon cancer.
  2. Normalizes blood sugar levels.
  3. Prevents the development of arthritis. The grain contains copper, which is involved in the synthesis of collagen, necessary for the restoration of cartilage tissue.
  4. Increases immunity and stabilizes the functioning of the endocrine system.

What types of cereals are obtained from barley?

Whole barley grains are eaten. It is enough to peel it, winnow it and put it on the fire. However, barley converted into cereal, a product made from purified and crushed grain, brings more benefits to humans. Next, we’ll figure out what kind of cereal it is and what else is made from barley.

Pearl barley

The most famous barley cereal is pearl barley. It is obtained from seed kernels as follows:

  1. Achenes of vitreous and semi-vitreous (having a high protein content) varieties are carefully peeled.
  2. Then they are crushed so that the kernels remain, in fact only the endosperm (seed protein) with minor remains of the shells.
  3. They are ground against each other, resulting in smooth round granules of white or yellowish color.

Pearl barley got its name because the grains are similar in color and shine to small pearls - pearls.

The finished product is sorted using a sieve. The most valuable is considered to be cereals with grains from 1.5 to 2.5 mm. The larger the grain size, the cheaper the pearl barley.

Pearl barley porridge is a traditional Russian dish. Due to the fact that back in the 30s of the last century, the industrial production of cheap and long-storable cereals was established in the USSR, pearl barley was actively used in canteens of schools, military units and correctional institutions. For this reason, pearl barley porridge is often perceived as a low-value product. Of course, this is not true: properly prepared pearl barley is both tasty and healthy.

In addition to the countries of the former USSR, pearl barley is actively used in Italy for the preparation of orzotto (analogous to rice risotto), in Sweden, Denmark and Finland. There they prepare porridges, side dishes from it, and also add it to cereal soups.

Important! When cooked, the pearl barley grains only swell, but do not boil into a homogeneous mass, like those of the barley.

Barley grits

Another type of barley groats is barley. It is produced as follows:

  1. Any barley grains are cleaned of debris and winnowed.
  2. Then they are crushed using a mill.

Unlike pearl barley, barley is not ground or polished, so it:

  • has an irregular shape and sharp edges;
  • consists of the entire grain - not only the endosperm, but also the shells.

Yachka is used to prepare porridges, less often - as an ingredient in puddings and casseroles. In Scandinavian and Finnish cuisine it is added to soups.

Due to the high content of starch, which boils into a paste, barley porridge turns out lumpy, homogeneous, and when cooled, it quickly hardens and becomes tasteless. In addition, yachka is even cheaper than pearl barley, and the majority of Russians have an even more negative attitude towards it. If pearl barley is considered tasteless army food, then yachka is even considered as gruel for prisoners.


Barley and pearl barley account for the bulk of barley processing into food products.

However, there are several more options for cereals:

  1. Rolled egg. It is obtained by passing grains not through millstones, but through a pair of rapidly rotating rollers. The result is a cereal made from flat grains, more like flakes.
  2. "Dutch". In fact, this is the same pearl barley, but of especially small size, which has undergone careful selection. Unlike ordinary pearl barley, it is considered an elite grain for haute cuisine.

What other ways to use barley are there?

Not only cereals, but also other products are obtained from barley grain:

  1. . Its production in volume is not inferior to cereals, and the best varieties of this grain, when delivered to elevators, are classified as “malting barley.” In Great Britain, Ireland, and the USA, it is also used to make whiskey.
  2. Flour. The dough does not rise from it; at best, flat, hard cakes are obtained. Therefore, it is added to wheat or rye flour. In Finland, traditional Rieska bread is baked using barley flour.
  3. Raw materials for the production of kvass. Due to its high carbohydrate content, barley grain ferments well.
  4. Barley– roasted barley powder. When brewed, the resulting drink is vaguely reminiscent of coffee. It does not have full taste and is considered a surrogate, but it is often used by people who are prohibited from caffeine for medical reasons.
  5. Raw materials for use in cosmetology and medicine. It is obtained from barley and is used internally and externally.

A significant amount of barley with a low protein content is used.

Barley grains are used for feeding animals in the following forms:

  • whole– boiled or steamed with boiling water;
  • as a raw material for the production of animal feed– then they are ground, mixed with flour of other cultures, enriched with premixes and granulated.

Possible harm and contraindications of barley

Barley cereals, grain decoctions and other products can cause harm if:

  1. Individual intolerance. No one is immune from it, so people with such indications can only follow a barley-free diet.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases. If you have gastritis, duodenal or stomach ulcers, cholecystitis, it is better to abstain from barley porridges or decoctions. Use them only after consultation with your doctor.

According to folk medicine, barley decoction with honey reduces libido.


Now you know what grain pearl barley and beer malt are made from. Barley is an ancient cereal crop. Cereals from it have been consumed by people for many thousands of years.

In most cases, barley products are tasty and healthy, but occasionally they can cause harm. When using them, carefully monitor your health and if in any doubt, go to a doctor.

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Your Zodiac sign makes up only 50% of your personality. The remaining 50% cannot be known by reading general horoscopes. You need to create an individual...

Description of the white mulberry plant. Composition and calorie content of berries, beneficial properties and expected harm. Delicious recipes and uses...

Like most of his colleagues, Soviet children's writers and poets, Samuil Marshak did not immediately begin writing for children. He was born in 1887...

Breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method help cope with attacks of high blood pressure. Correct execution of exercises -...
About the university Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky is the largest university in the region, with more than 14...
Girls and women almost always associate white shoes with a wedding dress, although the white color of shoes has long been no longer required. A...