Yuriy Lutsenko became the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. Lutsenko Yuri Vitalievich

Birth: December 14 ( 1964-12-14 ) (48 years old)
Rivne, Ukrainian SSR, USSR Father: Vitaly Ivanovich Lutsenko (1937 - 1999) Mother: Zhuk Vera Mikhailovna (1936-2000), Spouse: Irina Stepanovna Lutsenko (1966) Children: Alexander (1989) and Vitaly (1999) The consignment: 1) SPU (1991-2006)
2) “People's self-defense” (since 2006) Education: Profession: electronics engineer Awards:


By education, he is an electronics engineer.

Wife Irina Stepanovna Lutsenko (1966), raising two sons Alexander (1989) and Vitaly (1999)

Political activity

The rapid rise in politics of the young engineer (1989-1994 - site foreman, head of the technical bureau of the workshop, chief designer of the Rivne Gazotron plant) is directly related to political activity his father - Lutsenko Vitaly Ivanovich, who, holding various leadership positions, was repeatedly elected as a deputy of the Rivne city and regional councils, from November to September 1991 was the first secretary of the Rivne regional committee, in 1993, after the resumption of the activities of the Communist Party, he again headed the regional committee and became member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. In March 1994, Yuri Lutsenko's father was elected as a people's deputy of Ukraine. From that moment on, the active growth of his son’s political career began.

It is believed that Lutsenko led the "right wing" of the Socialist Party, advocating cooperation with the non-communist opposition to Kuchma, in opposition to Joseph Vinsky, who advocated support for the Communist Party of Ukraine.

One of the organizers of street protests during the “Ukraine without Kuchma” actions after the “cassette scandal” in, and the “Orange Revolution”.

Minister of the Interior (4 February 2005-1 December 2006)

The next step is an “innovative approach” to conducting the investigation - public “invitations” of witnesses and suspects to a “conversation”, which light hand Lutsenko has taken root in investigative practice. True, after statements on television about an “invitation” to interrogation at the prosecutor’s office, General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexei Pukach fled abroad and shot himself (according to the official version of the investigation) former manager Ministry of Internal Affairs Yuriy Kravchenko and Minister of Transport and Communications of Ukraine Georgy Kirpa. Later, Lutsenko admitted that the practice of public invitations should be stopped, although it gave the desired result.

Lutsenko also promised to complete the investigation into the circumstances of the poisoning of Viktor Yushchenko: “It is already known who smuggled the poison across the border, which deputy accompanied it, which official brought it to the scene of the crime and who mixed it into the food.” These promises remained unfulfilled. Explaining this, Lutsenko referred to the ineffectiveness and direct sabotage of the investigation of “high-profile” criminal cases by General Prosecutor's Office Ukraine, which, according to the law, carries out investigations in cases of most serious crimes, while the Ministry of Internal Affairs is entrusted only with the function of conducting an inquiry (initial collection of evidence). .

In an interview with the Izvestia-Ukraine newspaper, Lutsenko stated: “I have been appointed a political terminator, I am not familiar with the mentality and specific aspects of the work of the police. I hope that my human and political qualities will be enough to bring me closer to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I dream of speaking in the Verkhovna Rada in a year and reporting to the deputies and the president: “The police are with the people.” It will become best result my work."

However, already in August, when Lutsenko was again appointed to the post of Minister of Internal Affairs, he promised to work in the Yanukovych government with the same energy with which he worked in Yekhanurov’s office: “Sneaking, hiding, playing it safe - I never had such a habit and I will not have any more.” He emphasized that he intends to complete the cleansing of society from criminal elements.

Lutsenko was the only member of the new cabinet who, before his appointment, repeatedly publicly announced that he did not intend to work in the “Yanukovych team”: “I cannot allow work book an entry appeared: a member of Yanukovych’s cabinet. I don’t have hatred for him personally, but I have a lack of perception of the political and moral values ​​that this team carries.” Lutsenko did not even come to the government voting procedure in the Verkhovna Rada on the night of August 5, citing a hypertensive crisis.

On November 2, 2006, a temporary investigative commission was created in the Verkhovna Rada to verify facts of corruption and abuse of official position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The commission recommended that the government suspend Lutsenko from his duties as minister for two months.

Activities after dismissal from the post of minister

He named his main tasks (literal translation from Ukrainian):

  • restoring order on roads;
  • strengthening the fight against illegal migration;
  • resolving the issue of bringing the initiated cases to completion by the prosecutor's office and preventing impunity;
  • effective use of special police units and Internal Troops to ensure law and order;
  • preventing confrontation between the police and the Internal Troops, who are integral part internal affairs bodies.

In the summer of 2007, a scandal between BYuT and Lutsenko: the latter stated that among the candidates for deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea, 45 people had been identified who had problems with the law, seven of them were going to parliament on the BYuT lists, to which BYuT leader Tymoshenko announced her intention to sue him , and the head of the central election headquarters of BYuT Turchynov called his statement a lie and a provocation.

Lutsenko himself considers himself right in this situation: “ I will remain Lutsenko and am not going to apologize to the scoundrels and thieves. I acted like a man, like a citizen" The assessments of others are contradictory, from complete understanding to absolute rejection:

People's Deputy from the Party of Regions faction Yuriy Miroshnichenko believes that the actions of the Minister of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko should be condemned not only by his fellow party members, but also by the entire society. In his opinion, as long as there are people like Yu. Lutsenko in our politics, “Ukraine will never be a member of the European community.”

Incident at Frankfurt am Main airport

Spreading slander by Yuriy Lutsenko

In June 2009, the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv made a decision that obliged Yuriy Lutsenko to refute the false information he disseminated after the victory of the “Orange Revolution” in 2005 regarding MP from the Party of Regions Boris Kolesnikov (about extortion). Yuriy Lutsenko officially referred to a foreign business trip, due to which he will not be able to fulfill this decision court


Later Court of Appeal Kyiv extended the arrest period to 5 months. After this decision, Lutsenko went on a hunger strike.

During the trial, Yuriy Lutsenko and his lawyers repeatedly filed petitions to disqualify judges, change the preventive measure, demand a jury trial, and summon a number of high-ranking officials to the trial as witnesses.

During the court hearings, almost all the witnesses in the Lutsenko case categorically renounced their testimony given during the pre-trial investigation. Moreover, the victims in the case no longer consider themselves as such. The Prosecutor General's Office checked the facts of pressure on witnesses by the defense.

Statements by Yuriy Lutsenko

Statement regarding the actions of the Prosecutor General's Office in February 2010

Statement regarding the actions of Party of Regions faction deputy Andrei Pinchuk

According to Yuriy Lutsenko, deputy of the Party of Regions faction, chairman of the Union of Youth of the Regions of Ukraine Andrey Pinchuk took the oath of allegiance to serving the people on April 27, 2010, and on the morning of April 28 he became involved in the following incident. At his house on Irpinskaya Street, 66, he, his assistant and driver, while in a Lexus car with Verkhovna Rada license plates, listened to music loudly. His 19-year-old neighbor Valentin Semenchuk called the police on the phone, providing the license plate number of the car, but they refused to respond to the call. Then the young man came out to the company and reprimanded them. After that, all three men from the deputy’s company attacked the guy. As a result of the collision, Valentin Semenchuk received a concussion, a broken jaw, and internal organs. Later, at the hospital, doctors also diagnosed him with retinal detachment.

Yuriy Lutsenko reported that a criminal case had been opened regarding the incident in accordance with Part 2 of Article 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (hooliganism).

Yuriy Lutsenko said: “This is the first signal that they are trying to slow down the case. I am sure that this case should be classified as attempted murder under Art. 115 of the Criminal Code. Moreover, this [fight] took place in a state of intoxication by a group of people.”

On April 30, 2010, a statement was published by the Union of Youth of the Regions of Ukraine that Yuriy Lutsenko’s statement about the beating of Valentin Semenchuk by People’s Deputy from the Party of Regions Andrey Pinchuk is untrue. Valentin Semenchuk himself said this when journalists approached him.

As the press service of the Union of Youth of the Regions of Ukraine reported, People's Deputy of Ukraine Andrey Pinchuk cannot personally refute the statement of Yuriy Lutsenko because he is on vacation with his family, although for the period from April 26 to April 30, 2010, People's Deputies of Ukraine are scheduled to work in the districts.


In the same interview he explained the difference between Russians and Ukrainians of the 18th century:

Russians, due to their geography, history, and vastness, consider the state to be the main thing. Even if the roof of a Russian is leaking in his house, his cow is underfed, his goat is dead, his children are underfed, but he knows that Moscow is the Third Rome, and there will never be a fourth. And he is on his knees in front of the icon, praying for Moscow and the Tsar-Father and the state, which is the only one! - can protect him.

Ukraine is a country of runaway slaves. From the king, king, prince, wife and any lawlessness. Here, if a family works well, then regardless of the dependence of the state, it will survive. The main thing is that no one interferes. That's why main value- Liberty .


  1. Lutsenko Yuri - General Staff
  2. Lutsenko_Yuriy_Vitaliyovych
  3. The court will decide whether Lutsenko was legally arrested
  4. Lutsenko's wife curses Yushchenko
  5. Irina Lutsenko, wife of the ex-minister
  6. Lutsenko Yuri. DOSSIER
  7. http://www.from-ua.com/images/articles/img32085_lutsenko1.jpg
  8. The apartment of Lutsenko’s parents in Rivne came under arrest
  9. Lentapedia, Yuriy Lutsenko
  10. Father of Yuri Lutsenko, Lutsenko Vitaly Ivanovich (Ukrainian)
  11. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will suspend public invitations for interrogations
  12. http://www.regnum.ru/news/402616.html Lutsenko knows who poisoned Yushchenko. IA REGNUM, 02/07/2005
  13. http://www.fraza.com.ua/news/07.10.05/11986.html Lutsenko made excuses before the Fraza deputies 10/07/2005
  14. http://www.podrobnosti.ua/power/govt/2005/02/11/179870.html The new head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: “I have been appointed as a political terminator.” Podrobnosti.ua, February 11, 2005
  15. http://www.pravda.ru/news/world/20-01-2006/74362-0 Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: officials wanted by Interpol receive Russian citizenship. Pravda.ru, January 20, 2006
  16. http://www.kommersant.ua/doc.html?DocID=690135&IssueId=35687 Yuriy Lutsenko rid the SPU of himself. Kommersant-Ukraine No. 119 dated July 14, 2006
  17. http://www.lenta.ru/news/2006/07/14/lutsenko/ Yuriy Lutsenko left the ranks of the SPU because of “Sicilism”. Lenta.ru, July 14, 2006
  18. http://www.lenta.ru/news/2006/08/07/lutsenko/ Lutsenko promised Yanukovych not to “suck.” Lenta.ru, August 7, 2006
  19. http://www.kommersant.ru/doc.aspx?DocsID=695848 Test of security forces. Kommersant, August 8, 2006
  20. http://korrespondent.net/ukraine/politics/170897 The court found Lutsenko guilty of corruption “Newspaper in Ukrainian” 11/20/2006
  21. Decree of the President of Ukraine
  22. http://www.gpu-ua.info/index.php?&id=155460&lang=ru The court overturned the decision of the Prosecutor General's Office to initiate a case against Lutsenko “Newspaper in Ukrainian” 03/27/2007
  23. http://mignews.com.ua/articles/244316.html Lutsenko announces general mobilization! MIGnews.com.ua. February 24, 2007
  24. http://www.kommersant.ru/doc.aspx?DocsID=751662 “Self-defense” has exceeded its limits. Kommersant. March 21, 2007
  25. http://www.kommersant.ua/doc.html?docId=751913 They came for Lutsenko. Kommersant-Ukraine. March 21, 2007
  26. Chief Rabbi of Ukraine: I heard that Medvedev is a Jew, but I was not invited to his circumcision: UNIAN News
  27. http://www.kommersant.ua/doc-y.html?docId=780238&issueId=41342 Yuriy Lutsenko: “We didn’t do it the Khokhlyat way, but the smart way.” Kommersant-Ukraine, July 5, 2007

Prosecutor General of Ukraine


Born on December 14, 1964 in the city of Rivne in the family of Vera Zhuk (1936-2000), who was a veterinarian, and Vitaly Lutsenko (1937-1999), who was the secretary of the Rivne regional party committee, later a people’s deputy, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine.

In 1989 he graduated from the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute with a diploma in electronic engineering. In 1984-1986, interrupting his studies at the institute, he served in the army.


In 2014, in early elections to the Verkhovna Rada, he ran on list number 2. Since November 2014, people's deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation. He headed the BPP faction in parliament.

On May 12, 2016, Lutsenko was appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine. For this purpose, changes were made to the legislation. The position of Prosecutor General can now be held by a citizen of Ukraine without higher education. legal education.


In May 2009, Lutsenko, along with his 19-year-old son Alexander, was detained by police at Frankfurt am Main airport, according to the German tabloid Bild, in a state of alcohol intoxication.Lutsenko then said that this was a “domestic conflict”: allegedly his son was grabbed by the recently operated neck at the airport, and about n how the father intervened. At Lutsenko’s request, the Ukrainian consul and police leadership arrived at the airport, who later apologized for the conflict. After this incident, Lutsenko submitted his resignation from the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but then Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko did not accept it.


In order to appoint a person without a legal background to this post, we had to quickly change the laws

The Verkhovna Rada, with 264 votes, approved the decree of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on the appointment of Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, who had previously received four years in prison for particularly large embezzlement, but was pardoned. Lutsenko does not have a legal education - he is an electronics engineer by training.

Yuriy Lutsenko

The whole of Ukraine followed an extraordinary event today: the Verkhovna Rada’s attempt to approve a person without special legal education as head of the General Prosecutor’s Office. The parliamentary tribune was blocked by members of the Radical Party faction, demanding the formation of a special investigative commission to investigate the extent of Poroshenko’s involvement in the “offshore Panama scandal.”

At 17.03, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy announced: the President of the country and Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army Petro Poroshenko is participating in the evening plenary session. For the sake of speaking before the deputy corps, Pyotr Alekseevich postponed his visit to Great Britain. All official media wrote about this.

Poroshenko - amid chants: “Shame! A shame!" performed by deputies from the Radical Party - thanked parliament for adopting the “revolutionary” law on the prosecutor’s office. The law will finally put an end to “the Stalinist practice of general supervision” and will launch the process of radical reform of the prosecutor’s office.

Having announced that Yuriy Lutsenko, the leader of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction, will become the new Prosecutor General, the President of Ukraine outlined his most important tasks. Among them is an investigation into the death of forty-eight people in the Odessa House of Trade Unions on May 2, 2014, the events on the Kiev Maidan in 2013-2014, a huge array of “anti-corruption cases” and so on.

In order to have the opportunity to vote for the appointment of Lutsenko as Prosecutor General today, May 12, immediately after the adoption by parliament at the morning meeting of the law “On amendments to certain legislative acts regarding the activities of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine” (No. 4645), it was signed by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy, and for him - President Petro Poroshenko. The point, in fact, was to prosecutor general could become a citizen without a law degree.

Then the changes to the law on the prosecutor's office were published in a special issue of the parliamentary newspaper "Voice of Ukraine", published at approximately 15:20 and dated today - May 12, 2016.

This has never happened before in the parliamentary practice of Ukraine - to publish a special newspaper with the necessary law on voting day in order to be able to hold the next vote on the same day on the basis of this law!

Almost simultaneously, the Secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada registered draft resolution No. 4654 on the Verkhovna Rada’s consent to the President for the appointment of Yuriy Lutsenko to the post of Prosecutor General.

In a 10-minute speech to the deputy corps, Yuriy Lutsenko promised: on his desk there will always be an aluminum mug from which the future Prosecutor General drank tea for several years, first in the Lukyanovsky pre-trial detention center in Kyiv, and then in the Menskaya correctional colony (in common parlance “in the red zone” - because in the past Lutsenko served as the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine). “Yulia Vladimirovna, you and I were put in a colony by people with higher legal education!” - Lutsenko reminded the leader of the Batkivshchyna faction, Yulia Tymoshenko. The politician, who previously warmly supported Lutsenko the minister, is now categorically against his approval...

Let me remind you that the first attempt to pass the “Lutsenko Law” on May 10 failed; The day before yesterday, only two parliamentary votes were missing.

Contrary to the regulations of the Verkhovna Rada, on May 11, a similar bill was submitted to parliament for consideration.

The law was adopted after the maximum number of deputies of the coalition factions were mobilized and recalled from business trips in the Rada. Through political bargaining, the authorities attracted the “Renaissance”, “Will of the People” factions and even partially the “Opposition Bloc” to the vote.

At 17.29, having heard speaker Parubiy’s gratitude for participating in the parliamentary meeting, President Poroshenko left the session hall.

30 minutes were allotted to discuss the candidacy of the new head of the GPU. As a result, he was confirmed as Prosecutor General.

Help "MK". Lutsenko is a native of Rivne, born in 1964. He worked as a designer at a factory, then became a local deputy, and then became an official. He was an active participant in the “Orange Revolution” and the events on the Maidan. He worked as head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2005-6, both under Tymoshenko and Yanukovych as Prime Minister.

Lutsenko, under President Yanukovych, was arrested in 2010 for embezzlement (among other things, he protected his driver by illegally allocating him an apartment), and was convicted 2 years later (the sentence included confiscation of property). He received another sentence in 2012 - two years in prison for negligence in the investigation of Yushchenko's poisoning. In 2013, he was pardoned by Yanukovych's presidential decree. Now Lutsenko is considered a rehabilitated political prisoner.

Lutsenko has excellent relations with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and, until his current appointment, headed the presidential faction in the Rada.

“A tough ruler does not rule for long,” wrote the German philosopher and poet. And politician Yuri Vitalievich Lutsenko has been illustrating this quote for more than twenty years. It would be difficult to find a more controversial personality in politics. This is a man who went through two “orange revolutions”, one of the commanders of the Kyiv Maidan, a prosecutor general without the appropriate education, a victim of the presidential regime and a violator of public order at Frankfurt am Main airport.

Yuri Vitalievich Lutsenko was born into the family of the secretary of the party committee of the Rivne region on December 14, 1964, in the city of Rivne. He received his basic secondary education at gymnasium No. 7 in the city of Rivne, upon completion of which he received a gold medal for academic success. After high school, Yura entered the Polytechnic Institute of the city of Lvov, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

In 1989, Yuri received a diploma in electrical engineering. Yuri began his work as a site foreman at a plant in his hometown of Rivne. Then he received the position of head of the technical bureau of the workshop, and a little later - chief designer.


Yuri's career in politics began at the age of 30, with the position of Deputy Chairman of the Council people's deputies Rivne region. Further, Lutsenko’s career develops more and more rapidly and unexpectedly. Soon Yuri received the position of head of the economic committee of the Rivne regional administration. And in 1997 he was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister for Science and Technology. At the same time, he went to parliamentary elections for the first time, but unsuccessfully.

In 1998, Yuri became an assistant to the current Prime Minister Valery Pustovoitenko and advised Alexander Moroz. Since 1991 it became part of the SPU. Since the late 1990s, the politician has been actively fighting the regime of the current president of Ukraine and even becomes one of the chairmen of the “Ukraine without” action.

Yuri Vitalievich liked the role of a rebel, and already in 2004 he became one of the leaders of the first “Orange Revolution” in Kyiv, in support. During the same period, the politician was the editor of the Ukrainian weekly Grani Plus.

The unpredictable and powerful “Orange Revolution” brought Yuri to the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, despite the lack of specialized education. Yuri's first legal act in his new post was a decree on personnel purges. It is with this step, according to the politician, that order begins in the country. But things did not go beyond slogans: the new head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs initiated a number of cases against politicians who supported the previous government, but none of them ended in anything.

And Ukrainian drivers remember Yuri for his reforms regarding the traffic police: purges of personnel, confiscation of driver’s licenses for non-compliance with the rules traffic, anti-corruption measures. His position remained unchanged even when heads of government changed, including under Yanukovych, with whom Lutsenko categorically refused to work. Only in 2006 was the politician relieved of his post.

Field of resignation Lutsenko created and headed the People's Self-Defense Organization, which was in opposition to the current government. Closer to the early elections, they merged with Our Ukraine, forming the NUNS electoral bloc.

In 2007, a coalition of the NUNS with the bloc was created. And in 2010, criminal proceedings were opened against the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who so zealously fought against corruption in power, for abuse of power and seizure of state property in special areas. large sizes. After his arrest, the politician went on a hunger strike.

In 2012, the court sentenced former head Ministry of Internal Affairs: four years in prison and complete confiscation of property. And a year later, in 2013, the next president of Ukraine, about whom Lutsenko spoke so unflatteringly, signed a pardon for him. Yuri was rehabilitated only after the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovych.

And in 2014, Yuri becomes an adviser to the new president and head of the newly created political party, called the “Petro Poroshenko Bloc”. Supporting Euromaidan in 2013, Lutsenko suffered from the opposition for his proposals to promote the protest to the east of the country - the politician was doused with brilliant green in Kharkov. In September 2014, Yuriy Lutsenko called the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics a cancer and called for resolving the political conflict by force.

Attorney General

In May 2016, Yuri Vitalievich Lutsenko was appointed to the position of Prosecutor General.

One day before the appointment, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted changes to the law that made it possible to appoint persons to this position who do not have the necessary education and work experience. IN new position Yuri again promises to rid the department of corruption.

Personal life

Yuri Vitalievich is married to Irina Stepanovna Lutsenko. The future spouses met while studying at the Polytechnic Institute in Lvov. By the way, Irina Stepanovna also takes an active political position in the government of Ukraine. In the early 2000s, she defended gender rights and the rights of national minorities, and since 2017 she has been a member of the Verkhovna Rada from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc.

The Lutsenko family has two children - Alexander (born in 1989) and Vitaly (born in 1999). In September 2017, the wedding of the eldest son, Alexander Yuryevich Lutsenko, and marketer Anastasia, whom the newly-made father-in-law calls his daughter, took place. The celebration took place in one of the best restaurant complexes in Ukraine with the world name “Queen Country Club”.

Among those invited were such persons as President Petro Poroshenko and others. In addition, at the wedding of the son of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, journalists who intended to show how executive Yuriy Lutsenko uses state resources for personal purposes.

Wedding or family photos on a Facebook page and others in social networks no – the politician does not want to show his personal life to the public. And the politician’s biography is not replete with details of leisure and recreation.

Yuriy Lutsenko now

Citizens of Ukraine still remember Yuriy Lutsenko’s loud statements about anti-corruption measures at the post of Prosecutor General, but, in fact, neither criminal liability of officials nor even dismissals followed. The Ukrainian press considers the case of major killers Petrosyan and Tolstosheev, who committed a fatal accident and remained unpunished, as another proof of the prosecutor general’s unfoundedness.

Directly in 2017, the Prosecutor General took part in monitoring the ATO and the construction of fortifications. In addition, information about the work of the department has been published on the official website of the Prosecutor General’s Office, where successes in the fight against corruption are noted. In particular, since the beginning of 2017, 7,475 cases of bribery of Ukrainian officials have been identified, of which 2,323 cases have been referred to court.


  • 1997-1998 - Deputy Minister of Ukraine for Science and Technology
  • 2000 – co-chairman of the “Ukraine without Kuchma” action
  • 2002 – elected as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
  • 2005 – Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
  • 2004 – Advisor to Viktor Yushchenko
  • 2007-2010 - Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
  • 2010 – a criminal case was initiated for abuse of power
  • 2012 – sentenced to four years in prison
  • 2013 – amnestied by Viktor Yanukovych
  • 213-2014 – co-chairman of Euromaidan in Kyiv
  • 2016 – appointed to the position of Prosecutor General of Ukraine

Through the Verkhovna Rada, the decision to appoint his godfather Yuriy Lutsenko to the post of Prosecutor General of Ukraine. The new head of the law enforcement agency is a very close ally of the head of state, but does not have a higher legal education or experience working in the prosecutor's office, and his political career was marked by a number of scandalous incidents. Lenta.ru recalls the main milestones in the biography of the new Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

Communist engineer

Electronics engineer Yuriy Lutsenko began political career immediately after Ukraine gained independence in 1991, joining the Socialist Party. This choice can be explained simply: his father held prominent positions in Communist Party, which was then banned for some time. Therefore, the family defected to the closest political camp. At the same time, again under the patronage of an influential relative, Lutsenko occupied more and more high positions in his native Rivne region, and the public campaign “Ukraine without Kuchma” in 2002 helped him reach the central level in Kyiv.

Large-scale street protests broke out in Ukraine after the so-called cassette scandal related to the investigation into the murder of journalist Georgy Gongadze. Lutsenko was one of the coordinators of the protesters. On this wave, in 2002, he managed to become a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada and was very active in the “Orange Revolution”, for which he was awarded the post of Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Lutsenko headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 2005 to 2010 with a short break in 2006-2007. The first civilian head of a law enforcement agency in the history of Ukraine, he held this position under three prime ministers.

However, after winning presidential elections Viktor Yanukovych in 2010, the politician had serious troubles, he even ended up in jail. True, in the spring of 2013 he was released due to a pardon. And then Euromaidan broke out. Of course, Lutsenko was in the forefront. After the coup, which led to protests, he helped Petro Poroshenko with all his might. After the parliamentary re-elections, he headed the faction of the presidential bloc in the Verkhovna Rada.

Photo: Vladislav Sodel / Kommersant


The first serious scandal involving Lutsenko occurred in 2008: during a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, he beat the then mayor of Kyiv Leonid Kosmos Chernovetsky. According to eyewitnesses, while discussing land issues, Chernovetsky suddenly announced that Lutsenko demanded land for himself in the capital of Ukraine, threatening to put the son of the mayor of Kyiv in prison. When President Viktor Yushchenko and his chief of staff, Viktor Baloga, left the meeting room, Lutsenko hit the mayor. According to one version, he dealt one blow to the face, according to another, two blows: to the face and below the belt. Eyewitnesses said that the Kyiv mayor had blood all over his face. There was a suspicion of a concussion.

“Such savage behavior is a shame for all of Ukraine. I... will definitely bring the criminal case to an end... either a mental hospital or prison awaits this gentleman,” Chernovetsky promised then. Lutsenko did not remain in debt, expressing his vision of the incident. He said that the mayor of Kyiv is “a liar and just a scoundrel,” and besides, under the table he hit him in the knee, which has been hurting since the days of the Maidan. “I slapped a man in the face with an open palm who lies and acts vilely... I’m not going to apologize, I acted like a person, like a citizen,” said the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After a heated discussion, the matter was hushed up.

However, in 2009, a scandal broke out at the international level when Lutsenko, still the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, spent half a day on May 6 at the police station of the German Frankfurt am Main airport. A representative of the Ukrainian government was detained in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication after a clash with local law enforcement officers. Lutsenko and his 19-year-old son were not allowed to board the plane due to clearly inappropriate behavior, after which the family started a fight with swearing and throwing mobile phones. The scale of the performance was such that the shocked police had to call for reinforcements. As a result, the rowdies were neutralized with enormous efforts; Lutsenko Jr.’s alcohol content was recorded at three ppm, but the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs himself avoided the test. The most interesting thing is that in the end, Lutsenko not only did not suffer from the scandal, but even benefited: he spent several weeks of the “investigation”, enjoying his vacation, and at the end of May he returned to his workplace as if nothing had happened.

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Like most of his colleagues, Soviet children's writers and poets, Samuil Marshak did not immediately begin writing for children. He was born in 1887...

Breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method help cope with attacks of high blood pressure. Correct execution of exercises -...
About the university Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky is the largest university in the region, with more than 14...