Motivation letter for the lyceum. How to write a motivation letter for university

This motivation letter was compiled for admission to study abroad in English by a student applying for a place in the master's program of a prestigious British university - and, with the permission of the student, translated into Russian specifically for Smapse. Using this letter of approximately 500-600 words as an example, you can see how to effectively apply all the tips we gave you in.

“I received a higher education at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) with a degree in International Management in the Fuel and Energy Complex and now I am applying for the MSc master's program (here you can insert the full name of your specialty, faculty and university where you plan to enroll). I want to gain in-depth knowledge and skills in the energy business through the MSc program in order to start working in an international company in the fuel and energy sector. Energy is one of the main manufacturing sectors in Russia, and therefore I chose “Management in the Energy Sector” as my bachelor’s specialty.

While receiving my bachelor's degree at MGIMO, I realized that I wanted to build my successful career in the international sector, striving to change the planet for the better. I am confident that the development of alternative energy sources will be able to solve key problems in global energy, ecology and environmental management - for example, overcome limited resources, minimize harm to our planet, and reduce the cost of global production. In the Western world, the issue of alternative energy sources is given much more attention than in Russia, unfortunately, so I expect to make a tangible contribution to the development of this sector in my home country.

To achieve my goal, I plan to build a career in companies that are world leaders in the energy sector: Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil or British Petroleum. It seems to me that the most suitable option is to start working in a team of internal consultants: this way I can gain comprehensive experience, learn all the functions and features of this business. My interest in this topic and determination will help me in a few years to lead this team and stimulate the development of alternative energy sources in Russia. In the future, I plan to work as a managing director of a representative office of one of these companies in Russia, or to found my own company developing services in the field of alternative energy production.

I am confident that the MSc program will strengthen, deepen, and update the knowledge I already have, plus it will give me unique, special skills for conducting international business and cooperation. I want to acquire the basic knowledge of the alternative energy sector in the Western world, since I consider the Western economy to be more developed than the Russian one. I plan to obtain the bulk of the necessary knowledge in the areas of “Energy Markets” and “Economics and Trade in the Fuel and Energy Sector,” as well as in the financial field (since this will help me better understand the complex, complex processes of international energy business).

I believe that the MSc Energy, Trade and Finance program will serve as an effective link between my undergraduate degree and a future successful career in the international energy community. I am confident in my abilities and am aware of the complexity of the chosen course - I am ready to do everything possible to become a successful and promising student, a member of the student community of my university, and a qualified specialist. I plan to take the IELTS exam shortly before admission (here you can indicate the date of the scheduled test).”

Don’t forget to watch the video on how to write a motivation letter quickly and efficiently

Participating in volunteer projects, studying or practicing abroad, receiving a grant for scientific research - wherever you send your application, you will need to write a motivation letter, or Personal Statement, as a supplement. But you shouldn’t take this mandatory item as just another test.

A well-written motivation letter plays a key role in the selection of candidates. This is your chance to add information on the most important positions in: your education, experience, intentions and goals.

Lifehacker shares secrets that will help you tell about yourself on one A4 page so that your candidacy stands out from hundreds or even thousands of applicants.

1. The motivation letter must be yours

The letter accompanying your application should be special, so do not try to use other people's thoughts and tailor them to your own. It's worth looking at the examples, but nothing more. When compiling, follow the standard structure: introduction, main part, conclusion.

Introduce yourself, tell us about yourself in two sentences, but do not rewrite your resume, especially if it is included in the package of documents. It is ideal when the first paragraphs immediately hold attention. In the main part, focus on the chosen program and your motivation.

Write about your goals and how participation will help you achieve them.

Place your goals in a global context, indicate how your participation in the program can benefit your country, university or company. And then talk about your abilities to prove that you not only want, but can achieve what you want.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning how you can be useful to the foundation or program organizers or why you share their values ​​and want to be on their team. This will help you understand why you need to invest in your candidacy. End the letter with a short story about your plans after training or practice: how you will implement it.

Write only the truth about yourself. Check that you fully meet the eligibility criteria and be sure that you really need to participate.

2. The letter must be relevant to the program to which you are applying.

Read the curriculum or internship requirements carefully. Make sure the letter reflects your sincere interest.

Imagine that you have already been chosen: what courses will you take? How will the program help you unlock your potential?

If you apply to study at different universities, then the motivation letter should be new each time. Even if the major is the same, the course structure or area of ​​research may differ significantly.

The committee needs to understand why you are interested in participating, how this program will help you become a better person, and why your choice was not random. It is possible that your plans will change once you receive your grant. But a detailed description proves that you make your choice consciously and do not just want to take advantage of the benefits of being a member.

3. The letter should stand out

Now your task is to prove that you are the right candidate. You can have endlessly long lists of achievements and have serious experience, but before the commission there are hundreds of applications and very little time. In order for her to want to study your application in detail, you need to convince her of this.

Simply listing skills and intentions is not enough: demonstrate your great desire to participate, your passion for your chosen field. Tell us that you are under 25, but you have already received a second education and participated in international projects.

Let your weaknesses become strengths.

For example, if you have not trained abroad, this can also be used to your advantage: when you return from the program, you will be a different person, more open and flexible.

Reinforce your strengths with specific examples. If you write that you are willing to work hard, mention your most successful project. The main thing is that your arguments consistently convince the commission: all the accumulated experience will be very useful in this particular program. Write briefly and logically, avoid templates: let the text be yours, this will make it lively and memorable.

4. The motivation letter should be diplomatic

Many foundations and grant-making organizations are affiliated with a political party or promote specific values. Each person has his own opinion, and the organizers will certainly appreciate it.

However, in a motivation letter you should not sharply express your views or take extreme positions on sensitive issues.

You will be able to discuss with the organizers and other participants when you become a participant in the program. Who knows, maybe your views will change? But getting to know the specifics of the organization, its mission and projects, can help you understand what kind of person is required for this program and become one.

5. Writing a successful letter takes time.

And one more important secret: do not leave writing the letter until the last days before the deadline, otherwise the fear of not being able to do it in time will prevent you from focusing on the content and concentrating on your work. Rest assured: you most likely won’t write anything good in one evening. You may need additional time to edit the letter or completely rewrite it. Inspiration will definitely come to you, all you have to do is...

Has the letter been written? Put it aside for a while, and then test yourself by answering a few questions.

  1. Have I formulated briefly and clearly where exactly I am applying, what kind of place I want to get?
  2. Was I able to clearly explain my motivation? Why do I want to participate, how will the chosen program expand my personal and professional prospects?
  3. Can you tell from my letter what makes me different from other candidates?
  4. Are the examples I use to support my points sufficiently specific and brief?
  5. What impression will my letter leave about me?
  6. Are there grammatical, syntactical, factual or other errors in the letter? Are there any discrepancies with the resume?

If you're worried that you're not being objective enough about yourself, ask one of your friends to get an outside perspective. Maybe you will find contacts of people who have already participated in this program. Try asking them about special requirements for applicants and other pitfalls.

Share your experience and secrets of writing motivation letters in the comments. What role did a motivation letter play in your life?

In the fight for a good internship, the brave one wins - the one who specifically contacts the company and says: “Here I am, a promising specialist who can do this, and this, and this. I want to work for you, I can do this and that. For me this is a valuable experience, for you - a fresh look at things, ideas, knowledge and a responsible, inquisitive employee for an agreed period of time.”

To contact an employer you need a motivation letter.

Example of a motivation letter for an intern

Specialty: translator. The desired internship is in a translation agency. The letter is addressed to the director.

“Good afternoon, dear Elena Vasilievna!

My name is Stas Narizhny, I am a student at Tver State University, majoring in Philology, 5th year (full-time).

I would like to offer myself as an intern. Languages: English, German.

Translation is my calling. I enthusiastically studied for 4.5 years and am going for a “honorable” diploma. I have always dreamed of becoming a good translator in order to help representatives of different countries and cultures communicate effectively, exchange experiences, and find compromises in solving important issues.

One of my strengths is simultaneous translation. Five months ago, as an intern, I worked as a translator at the international conference “Financial Aspects of Entrepreneurship”. I consider this experience successful: I translated the speeches of two speakers and took part in the round table (12 participants). I am attaching the conference organizer's review of my work (attachment).

I am aiming for an internship at the translation agency “From A to Z” for 2 reasons:

  1. In the professional community of translators, your agency is considered the best - in terms of staffing and quality of work.
  2. It will be a great advantage and honor for me to work side by side with experts - to learn from practical experience, to see difficulties and solutions.

In exchange for experience I offer:

  • Your knowledge of two languages,
  • Knowledge of translation theory,
  • The experience gained at the university, during practice, and outside universities is minimal, but allows you to successfully perform typical tasks: promptly, competently, responsibly,
  • Personal qualities that I use in my work: the ability to easily find a common language with colleagues, build team relationships with mutual responsibility and mutual assistance, respect for the client as an individual, the ability to constructively communicate with management in terms of “you need a result - this is the result.”

I am ready to work remotely for a month (from 02/01/18 to 04/01/18), devoting at least 4 hours a day to work. If necessary, I will be happy to come to the office once a week, at a time convenient for the internship supervisor. I promise the level of responsibility is the same as if I were a full-time employee.

I will be glad to receive a reward for the work done if you consider it necessary to entrust me with real tasks. On the other hand, I am ready to work in exchange for experience and your recommendations based on the results of my work.

I will be glad if you find the opportunity to answer me by email [email protected] or by phone [telephone].

Considering the importance of this issue, I will take the liberty and call your secretary on Monday, March 3. 18, after 14.00, to learn about the results of consideration of my proposal.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Sincerely, Stanislav Narizhny.”

Structure of a motivation letter

  1. Who am I. What is my name, where do I study: university, specialty, form of study, course.
  2. “I want to get an internship.”
  3. Why do I want to get a job here?
  4. What can I give to the company/project (what can I do, what problems can I solve, what benefits can I bring).
  5. When I plan an internship, how long it could be. How I imagine this organizationally (relevant for a full-time student who cannot sit in the office for a day in a row, because at some point he needs to study).
  6. Recommendations, if any.
  7. Expressing gratitude for your attention.
  8. Please respond by email or call (contact number is attached).
  9. Remark: “I’ll call you on Monday afternoon, if you don’t mind. If you are busy on Monday afternoon, please let me know when I can learn about the outcome of my review.”
  10. A polite farewell.
  11. Signature (last name, first name).

The internship search process step by step

1) Compile a list of companies

First, we think about where it would be nice to work as an intern. Someone needs a prestigious company so that a line mentioning it on a resume will shine like a star in the night and attract the attention of employers. For some, a narrow specialization is more useful (for example, accounting in a business selling spare parts and tires).

We determine what skills are needed and compile a list of companies. It is better to immediately format the data in the form of a table: company name, website, general e-mail (which is listed on the website in the “Contacts” section, e-mail of the HR department, e-mail of the head of the department of interest). And several more columns to mark where and when letters were sent - to track the results.

By the way, you can search for coordinates not only of the company as a whole or of a separate division. What if you got creative and searched for the department head you're interested in on LinkedIn? The manager will be impressed when he receives, “in person,” a message from a competent young specialist who knows how to search for information and is able to communicate constructively to achieve his goals.

2) Writing a motivation letter template

This will be an example text. It will contain a general part - which can be copied from the template into letters, changing minimally or not changing at all. And there will be a variable part - which you need to write taking into account the specifics of the company and your goals.

3) Create a high-quality resume

High-quality means that it fully corresponds to the status of a professional. No experience? This does not mean that the text should be uninformative, careless, or template. You will have to do the work manually and carefully write in the resume:

  • skills,
  • any practical experience: professional, volunteer, public,
  • achievements - everything that exists, achieved in the professional and public fields (olympiads, grants, certificates, diplomas, etc.),
  • personal qualities that may be of interest to the employer.

4) We send employers a resume and motivation letter

The text of the letter can be written in the “body” of the e-mail, and a resume can be attached.

5) Mark the sent letters in the table

This is useful so as not to contact the same company twice (three times), in the same section. Perseverance is a useful quality until it becomes obsessive.

6) We ask whether the letter was received

If there is a contact phone number, we use it: don’t be shy, call and politely clarify whether the addressee has received the letter. This only needs to be done once.

A separate question: is it worth looking for an unpaid internship or counting on payment? Of course, if there is an opportunity to receive a reward for the work done, you should not refuse it. On the other hand, it is easier to get an unpaid internship. Think about the fact that the time and effort you put in is an investment in your future professional development and career. If you are offered an internship at a large, prestigious company without pay, it makes sense to agree, because just mentioning this company in your resume can significantly increase the number of offers from employers when you really enter the labor market.

For those who have not encountered this genre before, writing a motivation letter in Russian or a foreign language can be difficult.

A motivation letter is a type of accompanying document that is required when applying for a job and is considered as part of an application for master's studies or an educational grant.

Tips on how to write a motivation letter vary slightly depending on what your ultimate goal is:

  • motivation letter to the university (or other educational institution);
  • motivation letter for receiving a grant;
  • motivation letter for employment.

In general, the principles for composing these letters are quite similar.

How to write a motivation letter for university

Today, many of the leading universities in Russia have borrowed the experience of their Western colleagues and, increasingly, when applying to a master’s program, they require not only to submit a certain package of documents, but also to write a motivation letter for admission. It is assessed along with the results of entrance exams and helps the commission understand how interested the applicant is in enrolling, what motivates him when choosing an educational institution and a specific field of study.

A motivation letter for entering a university is usually of two types:

  • motivation letter - essay in free form;
  • A motivation letter is a structured essay in which you need to answer specific questions.

Among required points of a structured essay The following are usually found:

  • justification for choosing a master's program at a particular university;
  • information about the vector and area of ​​scientific interests of the applicant;
  • information about plans to implement the acquired knowledge in future professional activities;
  • information about the applicant’s key achievements and merits.

This type of motivational essay is usually simpler because... it already implies the presence of a certain structure - the applicant has a ready-made plan according to which he needs to compose a letter.

How to start a motivation letter

It is best to start a motivation letter of any type with a brief presentation: present data about your previous education and area of ​​interest, provide a brief summary of your achievements (publications, participation in conferences, methodological work).

Next, in both types of motivation letter (in a structured essay this point is stated, in a free essay its mandatory presence is implied) it is necessary to reflect the main idea of ​​such a letter - why you want to enroll in a specific educational institution for a specific program.

The “knot” is the main part of the motivation letter.

The main idea of ​​a motivation letter for study should become a certain “knot” that will connect the applicant’s personality and his chosen direction of study. The key feature of this node is that it should not be banal, i.e. should not talk only about your “hobby” or the financial side of the future specialty that you will receive after graduation.

“I want to enroll in a master’s program in English Philology, because... I’ve been interested in learning English since childhood” or “I want to enroll in a master’s program in English Philology, because translator is a prestigious profession and they earn a lot” - examples of those very banalities that will not attract the attention of the commission to your letter.

To make a really interesting “knot”, to “hook” the admissions committee, you need to reflect the connection between your life and your intentions to continue studying at this university, and also demonstrate the ultimate goal - what exactly you want to achieve by working in your chosen field.

Sample motivation letter

It might look like this:

« During my school years, I took part in English theater productions, and this showed me the beauty of the English language and made me interested in its semantics and grammar. I would like to develop and polish my skills and abilities in the field of English philology, acquired at the undergraduate level at the relevant university, in the master's program. I am sure that after graduation I will be able to become a qualified translator - a person who mediates between different cultural spaces, helps people of different nationalities to hear and understand each other».

This formulation has everything you need: it explains your interest in language in a non-banal, “personal” form, talks about previous education, and also demonstrates the applicant’s idea of ​​his future profession, i.e. shows it directly motivation.

How to justify your choice of university

Another important element of the motivation letter to the institute should be the rationale for choosing a specific university. The admissions committee must understand what exactly the applicant values ​​in their educational institution, besides the same platitudes: “prestige”, “long history”, “qualified teaching staff”.

To make this section of the letter constructive, you need to familiarize yourself with the description of the master's program you have chosen and its curriculum.

After this, you will be able to operate with specific data: “Having studied various options for master’s programs, I chose this particular university, because... its master's program provides for the presence in the curriculum of such important disciplines as “...”; and fundamental theoretical training is organically combined with a broad base of practice, where you can gain the necessary experience and apply the acquired knowledge and skills.”

It is these points that are decisive when analyzing the motivation letter by the commission, so they should be given maximum attention. Of course, the design of the motivation letter is also of certain importance: it should be in a business style, written in a classic black font, and it is recommended to use font highlighting of important information in the text.

Motivation letter for receiving a grant

A motivation letter for receiving a grant generally follows the same pattern. You also need to find and reflect the “node” that will connect your aspirations to the opportunities provided by the grant. This type of writing should focus on the problem solving that the grant will facilitate.

A word of advice: if you are applying to study abroad and are a scholarship applicant, you must indicate that your foreign education will help you become a qualified specialist in the relevant field that your home country needs so much.

Motivation letter for an employer

As for the motivation letter for employment, its key “node” should be your connection as a specialist with the chosen organization. The letter should reflect your previous professional experience, current knowledge and skills that make you a suitable candidate for the relevant vacancy (i.e., how you will be useful to the company).

As in the case of a university, you should definitely indicate why you chose this particular organization, what attracts you to it: an interesting field of employment, the opportunity for professional growth and self-development, solving important production problems, etc. (you should not indicate only the salary level or conditions work). In addition, such a letter should indicate your career prospects in the company: what growth points do you see in this job.

If the tips given in the article did not help, and you doubt your abilities, the student service will help you write an effective motivation letter. Do not neglect the services of professionals, because their help will help you get a quality education at a prestigious university or your dream job.

If you decide to go to work for a serious organization or enroll in a prestigious educational institution, you will need not only a resume, but also a motivational essay. This supplement is mandatory and must contain an explanation of why you would be the best candidate, as well as reflect your aspirations and motives that prompted you to apply for yourself.

Be concise and convincing. This document should arouse interest in you and distinguish you from other candidates.

If your history of moving towards the topic of the essay began in school, then we recommend that you indicate this in this letter, flavoring the story with interesting details about your achievements.

How to write a motivational essay correctly

There are certain requirements for drawing up such a document. Remember that the text should be short, easy to read and emotionally charged. Below are the points that must be observed:

Motivational essay (example)

"Ivanova Anna

Vatutina Ave., 210/12


135999, Russia

[email protected]

On your company’s website, I came across information about a vacant vacancy for a HR manager. I hope that my experience in this area will be useful to your company.

My experience in recruitment and human resource management, as well as my skills in identifying the best potential of employees and assigning them responsibility for the area in which they are genetically located, has allowed me to achieve significant success in my career as a human resources manager.

I started my recruitment career while still in school. As a child, I had to select candidates for competitions and school development programs, and my teams always took honorable first places. After school, I realized that personnel selection is an activity that interests me, and I want to develop in this direction, so the choice of university was not accidental.

I received my basic education in management management at the Moscow Academy of Management, but every year I continue to improve my qualifications by attending “Mastery Human Resources Management” courses.

Having carefully studied the requirements that you place on the candidate and the range of his responsibilities, I assume that the skills and experience I have acquired will allow your company to reach new heights and productivity, and for me to continue my professional and financial growth.


Ivanova Anna


A motivational essay should be short, clear, truthful and logical in presentation. The information you provide will be reviewed and repeated several times throughout your employment interviews. In any case, the ability to write a motivational essay well is only half the battle. It is important to match what you described there.

Motivational essay on society

There are essays not only about admission to a job or an educational institution, but also about decisive issues of social orientation. Essentially, it is an outline on a given topic that represents your reflection on a given topic or problem. A motivational essay encourages intellectual search, expresses your free opinion and individual position on the topic of the issue.

When writing an essay, you must show not only your good information or competence, but also your personal emotions, desires, feelings and experiences. When writing an essay on the topic of society, you yourself expand your vision in some direction and help readers look at the issue and the author of the essay with different eyes.

An essay is considered good when its text and message help break the patterns of the usual vision of the world. Such a creation is intended to help you understand a certain serious problem yourself and convey your opinion to others.

How to write a motivational essay on society

  1. Selecting a topic, defining a problem.
  2. Selection of material.
  3. Draft.
  4. Completion, creation of the final version of the essay.
  5. Examination.

I would like to explain the last point separately. If you have to write an essay, don’t put it off until the day before it’s due. You should have enough time to complete the first four points, and then re-read it several times at intervals of 1 day. When you put a text aside for a day, you then look at it with fresh eyes and make adjustments.

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