10 products for pregnant women. Healthy foods for pregnant women in early and late stages

One of the main nutrition rules for pregnant women should be the consumption of food in which the largest amount of unchanged food and biologically active substances is preserved - fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, freshly prepared juices, sprouts of wheat grains, rye, etc. Judge for yourself: when heating food, on average, it decreases by 30-60%. the amount of vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid, protein is denatured. At temperatures above 54°C, regardless of the duration of culinary processing, the hydrolase enzyme, which takes part in the process of digesting food in the gastrointestinal tract, is completely destroyed, and the product becomes “dead”, which, in turn, requires more stress on the digestive organs and energy for its processing. The more often you eat porridge, pies or fried meat, the more the digestive tract becomes “polluted” with the remnants of incompletely digested foods.
In fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and juices, nutrients remain unchanged; They are also preserved in fresh frozen fruits. However, perhaps the healthiest thing is dishes made from sprouted grains. When grain germinates, enzymes are sharply activated, causing the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates with the formation of easily digestible sugars, fatty acids, amino acids and vitamins. In particular, vitamin E found in sprouts and green shoots is absorbed by the body at least ten times more intensely than from synthetic preparations. Therefore, such food is the most valuable supplier of all these substances for the female body during pregnancy.

An important place in the diet of the expectant mother is occupied by dairy.

It is better to use low-fat or calcined cottage cheese. Low-fat cottage cheese contains about 17% protein - this is more than some types of meat. Cottage cheese contains a lot of methionine, which is so necessary for the fetus, and there are less nitrogenous substances that increase the load on the liver and kidneys than in meat. Calcined cottage cheese can be prepared at home (see recipes).

Fermented milk drinks- an indispensable product for a pregnant woman. They help improve immunity, perfectly normalize motor activity and intestinal microflora, and allow you to get rid of constipation without resorting to laxatives. The best laxative is a glass of kefir or yogurt with the addition of a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Kefir or curdled milk should become a regular component of a pregnant woman’s diet at night.
Curdled milk is best prepared at home by fermenting with two tablespoons of sour cream, kefir or curdled milk industrial production. The milk is allowed to stand in dark place several hours, then put in the refrigerator. “On its own” (using the self-kvass method), milk sours due to microflora coming from environment, and not just due to lactic acid bacteria. It’s not difficult to make natural fermented milk cocktails at home. To do this, mix kefir or yogurt with fresh juice carrots, apples, raspberries, etc. This product is a good substitute for yoghurts, which are so loved by many people and which do not have any special advantages over kefir or curdled milk, but do contain food additives (to create a taste sensation or extend shelf life). If you cannot refuse yogurt, then choose one that has the shortest shelf life, since a long shelf life always implies the presence of preservatives.

It is better to choose low-fat ryazhenka - 2.5% fat. Buttermilk and whey contain a large number of amino acids with pronounced lipotropic properties (

Video. Peculiarities of nutrition of a pregnant woman. Part 1

A pregnant woman's nutrition should be complete. In the first months of the term, it is problematic to eat everything you like due to toxicosis, but gradually the appetite improves, and it becomes more and more difficult for a woman to resist overeating and all sorts of tasty “harmful” things.

The diet of the expectant mother should consist of healthy foods; it is best to cook them by steaming, in the oven, stewing or boiling, but it is better to abstain from smoked and fried foods and not allow yourself to consume them daily. During pregnancy you need to eat little by little, but often: a hearty dinner after a day of fasting or constant dry snacks are not the best healthy food for the expectant mother. Focus on fresh fruits and raw vegetables, after all heat treatment destroys most useful substances.

So, we bring to your attention the TOP 10 most useful products for pregnant women

1. Broccoli. This annual plant The cabbage family is known for its beneficial properties for a very long time now. There are several varieties of broccoli with green or purple florets. This vegetable is very healthy: first of all, it contains 1.5 times more vitamin C than an orange. Broccoli is also a source of beta-carotene, magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, vitamins U, PP, K, E. Broccoli is low-calorie, prevents the development of cardiovascular and nervous system. Broccoli also contains amino acids, fiber, which improves digestion, and chlorophyll, which has a positive impact on blood composition. This vegetable also contains folic acid, which is necessary for fetal development.

Eggs. This is the source of many nutrients, including folic acid, selenium, choline, biotin, easily digestible proteins and amino acids. Eggs contain vitamin A, E, D, B12, B3, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium. Pregnant women are not recommended to eat raw eggs; heat treatment is very important. Another thing - quail eggs, they are no less useful and have a balanced composition. Eating eggs helps prevent vision problems, they help remove cholesterol and fats from the body, and have a high energy value. It is not recommended to consume more than 2 eggs per day.

3. Dairy products. In particular, yogurt, cottage cheese and kefir are sources of useful microelements, vitamins, calcium, vitamin D. It is better to choose calcined or low-fat cottage cheese; it additionally contains protein. Fermented milk drinks enriched with artificial microflora, low-fat fermented baked milk, kefir and yogurt are useful. Don't forget about hard cheese - it is a powerful source of calcium and fluorine.

4. Fish of moderate fat content. Fish contains proteins, amino acids, and is easily digested. Also, moderately fatty varieties of sea fish contain iodine, fluorine, zinc, copper and other minerals. Unlike meat, boiled and baked fish in foil is useful for everyone, but it is better not to consume fish broths for women who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with high acidity.

5. Seafood. For the expectant mother, seafood is a source of microelements and complete proteins, their content is even higher than in many types of meat. Women who suffer from kidney and gastrointestinal diseases should not overuse seafood. In general, crabs, shrimp, mussels, squid, scallops, and seaweed are of great benefit to both the mother and her unborn child. They contain hematopoietic substances and help normalize metabolism.

6. Mushrooms. Oddly enough, mushrooms are considered very useful for pregnant women, because they contain proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, and glycogen. It’s not for nothing that mushrooms are called “forest meat”, because their composition is very similar to animal products, and they are much easier to digest. Mushrooms contain vitamins A, C, B1, B2, E, PP, phosphorus, potassium, nicotinic acid, zinc.

7. Rabbit meat. Without meat, a pregnant woman’s diet will be incomplete, so let it be tasty and dietary rabbit meat. This is white meat, which contains less fat and a lot of protein. In terms of mineral and vitamin composition, it is superior to all analogues: it contains vitamins B, C, fluorine, iron, cobalt, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, nicotinic acid, sodium salts. At the same time, rabbit meat is a low-calorie product, from which almost 97% of the protein is absorbed.

8. Cereals and grain products. Brown rice, wholemeal bread, oatmeal, and sprouted wheat are very healthy foods. They help alleviate toxicosis, enrich the body with vitamins, proteins, and complex carbohydrates. They also contain a lot of plant fiber, they help improve digestion and normalize liver function. Many cereals contain calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, B vitamins and much more.

9. Oil. Butter, olive, sunflower, corn oil are useful. It is enough for pregnant women to consume up to 30 g of butter per day; choose unrefined vegetable oil - these are healthy fatty acids, vitamins E, A, P. Expectant mothers should not consume refractory fats like pork or lamb, give preference to cream (up to 30 g per day) or sour cream (up to 80 g per day).

10. Leguminous plants. Beans, lentils, and peas are used both in the form of cereals and whole. Before cooking, they need to be soaked for several hours in cold water. Legumes help remove excess cholesterol from the body, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, they contain proteins, fiber, calcium, zinc, iron and other minerals. Legumes are useful for diseases of the heart and circulatory system, and participate in hematopoietic processes.

Be careful and responsible when choosing your diet, because your health and the health of your unborn baby depends on the quality of the food you eat. We wish you an easy pregnancy and childbirth!

Pregnancy is one of the best periods in a woman's life. This is the expectation of a miracle, this thrill of a baby emerging under your heart and a calming warmth throughout your body. That is why it is so important during this period not to disturb your inner comfort and the comfort of the child. And that is why it is necessary to balance and.

The main rule is to get all the necessary substances, vitamins and microelements, although this is not a reason to double the portion.

During pregnancy, eat whenever you feel like it. It is better to eat often - up to 5-6 times - but little by little. Don't overeat, chew your food thoroughly, don't rush, and don't overeat at night. Say yes to boiled, baked, steamed. But refuse fried, smoked and canned food.

First of all, both the expectant mother and her baby need protein, because it is construction material cells, helps the baby grow. The daily norm is 75-100 grams of protein per day. If we translate all this into “food equivalent”, then this is about three glasses of milk, half a kilo, two eggs and one hundred grams of fish. To get enough protein, cook yourself lean meat, poultry (it’s better to take domestic than imported), treat yourself to fish - shrimp, lobsters, crabs; Boil eggs or make yourself an omelet. Consume vegetables, fruits and berries, but preferably from your lane. Click on nuts - pine nuts, hazelnuts - and seeds. Don't avoid legumes.

To help your body with energy, consume carbohydrates. But be careful with them - too much of them can be harmful. There are carbohydrates that instantly relieve hunger, but they don’t last long. These are chocolates, sweets, sugar. In the body, such carbohydrates are stored as fat deposits. Of course, don’t give up sweets completely, but it’s better to eat very little of them, replace them with porridge, pasta, vegetables and potatoes - especially boiled in their jackets. These carbohydrates are called unrefined. They eliminate, do not lift weight and hold. It is better to cook porridge from unrefined cereals, whole grains and sprouted wheat. And the bread is coarsely ground or with bran.

To maintain normal blood levels in the expectant mother and baby, consume carbohydrates. It contains liver, sardines, and spinach. This is especially good in combination with vitamin C. It is found in citrus fruits - by the way, the highest content is in grapefruits, and they are hypoallergenic - in sorrel, spinach, and sweet peppers. Vitamin C heals wounds, and is useful for the baby because it promotes its growth and makes the skeleton and teeth strong.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, the menu should contain fats, but unsaturated ones. Add creamy, bright yellow and solid oil to porridge, fry with refined oil, and season salads with unrefined oil.

Be sure to consume A, E and B. Calcium strengthens bones - if the baby has enough of it, then it does not harm the mother’s teeth and bones, and does not take it away from them. Calcium is found in milk, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, almonds and peanuts. Folic acid is found in yellow vegetables, fruits and greens. It helps the skin, eyes and bones, and has a positive effect on the baby’s brain development. B vitamins are found in porridges - very good if you eat buckwheat and brown rice - in black bread and cabbage. By the way, the latter is very useful if you feel that you are gaining excess weight. It prevents the deposition of fats in the body - consume it boiled, stewed, or in salads. Pineapple also does not allow fats to linger.

During pregnancy, focus not only on nutrition, but also on fluid intake. Drink at least two liters a day. Soup, teas and also count.

Eliminate harmful foods from your diet. Swordfish, shark, cabezon, king mackerel, and canned white tuna can be hazardous to the health of a pregnant woman. In them high level metal that is harmful to the baby’s nervous system and brain. A safe dose is 150 grams per week of white tuna or 300 grams of salmon and shrimp. Be wary of fish caught in rivers and lakes. Never eat raw or undercooked meat, even if it is homemade. And, of course, refuse fast food: hot dogs, dubious-looking ham are not the best better food for a pregnant woman. Do not eat unpasteurized dairy products, juices, or chilled smoked foods. Tobacco is also strictly contraindicated, and even just breathing in its vapor is harmful. Do not drink tap water: it can only be consumed purified and filtered. Doctors have not fully studied the effect of herbal supplements and teas on the body of a pregnant woman.

In the first half of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s diet is virtually no different from what she ate before pregnancy. But still, it should be varied and include all the necessary (we listed them above) substances. Allow yourself some salty food if you really want it, but do not overuse it so that the salts are not deposited. The daily diet for the first half of pregnancy is 2400 - 2700 kcal.

In the second, the fetus grows quickly, the load on all organs and systems of the mother increases, so eat more. But exclude salty, spicy, smoked and processed foods. The daily diet for the second half of pregnancy is 2800 - 3000 kcal.

Remember: a properly composed diet will help the baby to be born strong and healthy, and the mother to bear an heir without harm to health or appearance, with good health throughout the pregnancy. Poor nutrition in the early stages of pregnancy can affect the survival of the embryo, and in later stages it can affect the development of the baby.

Especially for- Maria Dulina

A woman who decides to become a mother must know that the process of feeding a child begins from the moment of conception. That is why she needs to eat exclusively healthy foods during pregnancy, this will help the baby develop properly and keep the expectant mother in good shape.

The most important thing for a woman during the period of bearing a baby is to give preference to natural products and not be lazy to cook on her own; you need to be completely confident in the quality of the food. Nutrition should be balanced and contain daily requirements of minerals and vitamins.

Milk and dairy products

Hard cheese and cottage cheese contain a lot of useful substances:

  1. Protein , which is a necessary component of the composition of blood and lymph.
  2. Vitamins B , increasing the “breathing” of body tissues, endurance and performance of the mother.
  3. Iron and calcium , necessary for the formation of bones, hair, skin and nails of the baby.
  4. Folic acid is very important for the proper formation of the fetus and preventing the risk of developing pathologies, strengthening the mother’s heart muscle.

Natural yogurt contains much more bone-healthy calcium than regular cow's milk, and everything you need for normal operation intestinal bifidobacteria. Yogurt is rich in zinc and proteins, it will quench your thirst and reduce hunger. You can replace yogurts with high-quality kefir.

They are a storehouse of nutrients necessary for the development of the baby of various microelements:

However, they have high calorie content, and it is not advisable for an expectant mother to abuse nuts!

Fish and seafood

Everyone knows that it is a source of phosphorus. Also found in fish products one of the most useful vitamins D, which strengthens the bones and nervous system of a pregnant woman .

During pregnancy, it is better for women to eat lean white fish, preferably sea fish rich in iodine.

Meat, liver

An important building material for the cells of the unborn child's body
– protein, which is found in sufficient quantities in meat products. You should eat lean meats - chicken, rabbit, beef, lean pork. When preparing meat dishes, it is better to do without seasonings.

Liver contains iron and B vitamins . This must-have product not only for the baby, but also for the mother herself - she endures great stress during the happy months of bearing her child. Many pregnant women may experience a drop in hemoglobin concentration and develop anemia; eating liver dishes will help cope with this problem.


They contain more than 10 useful vitamins and microelements , for example, choline has an effect on mental ability future baby. In getting rid of the nausea that torments the mother in the first months " interesting situation", the chromium contained in this product will help. It is important to regularly eat eggs – both chicken and quail.

But not raw ones!

Rich in vitamins, fiber, microelements and organic acids . You can eat it in any form - raw, boiled, baked, in salads, which are best seasoned vegetable oil or sour cream, but not mayonnaise.

Particular attention should be paid to carrots, broccoli and avocados.

These vegetables contain the greatest amount of:

Fruits and berries

Especially useful during pregnancy! Contains minerals and vitamins vital for baby development. The most important thing is to remember to wash the fruits thoroughly before eating them.

A small daily portion of strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries increases the baby’s body’s defenses. I would like to note the benefits of mango, it contains a lot of vitamin A, you can eat it in any form - raw, boiled, salty or sweet.


Lentils from the entire “legume family” will bring the greatest benefits to the body of the expectant mother. It contains vitamin B-6, folic acid and iron which are necessary during pregnancy.


For example, Oatmeal is rich in fiber, iron and B vitamins . It is very useful to cook milk porridges with this cereal and add the flakes to homemade baked goods. Oatmeal will help normalize digestion.


In the green leaves of this useful herb contains:

  • Folic acid.
  • Calcium.
  • Vitamin A.

It is not difficult to grow spinach in your garden, on your balcony or on your windowsill. He occupies one of the most worthy places in the TOP-12 list! You can make a lot from this herb healthy dishes in the form of purees, soups, side dishes.


They are called “forest meat” and contain simply a huge amount of vitamins B, E, C, PP, nicotinic acid and microelements:

  • Yoda.
  • Zinc.
  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.

Mushrooms are very rich in proteins - leucine, tyrosine, histidine, arginine . Mushrooms should be consumed with caution only from trusted manufacturers.


  • The most useful thing for expectant mothers is olive “liquid gold”, it has a beneficial effect on the process of formation of the baby’s nervous system.
  • Sunflower oil saturates the body of a pregnant woman with vitamins E, A, D, improves appearance hair and skin.
  • And here butter There is no need to abuse it - it contains a lot of calories. For normal development of the baby, 50 grams per day is enough.

It is important for a pregnant woman to remember that good nutrition is the key not only to her health, but also proper development baby.

Pregnancy is not only a happy period of waiting for a child. For most women, this is also a great opportunity to reconsider their lifestyle and qualitatively change it in better side. In truth, just seeing the coveted two lines on the test, many for the first time in their lives think about what they eat, what they breathe and what they surround themselves with in everyday life.

With particular care and selectivity, expectant mothers approach the preparation of their own diet. And this is completely justified. After all, the mother’s feeding of the child does not begin when he is born, but from the moment of conception.

Healthy foods for pregnant women

All experts agree that the diet of expectant mothers should be varied and properly balanced. Every day, to maintain the normal function of all systems and organs, which, by the way, during pregnancy have to work twice as hard, a pregnant woman needs:

  • Meat and fish products;
  • Eggs (chicken or quail);
  • Milk and fermented milk products (it is better to choose those with lower fat content);
  • Fats of vegetable and animal origin (butter and all kinds of vegetable oils);
  • Beans, cereal products (bread, preferably whole grain or with bran, sprouted wheat grains, whole grain pasta, etc.);
  • Vegetables, fruits, natural juices.

However, creating a menu of foods that are healthy during pregnancy is only half the battle. It is equally important for all expectant mothers to accustom themselves to a certain diet. Firstly, it will help smooth out the unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy. Secondly, it will allow you to clearly control the quality and quantity of food you eat. And thirdly, it will minimize the need for snacks and, as a result, will have a beneficial effect on your figure. Who doesn’t want to show off a toned stomach and slender legs just a couple of months after giving birth?

Products for pregnant women: fruits and vegetables

The basic rule of nutrition for all nine months of bearing a child is that foods for pregnant women should preserve the beneficial nutritional and biological properties contained in them as much as possible. active substances. It should be remembered that heat treatment of foods significantly reduces the amount of vitamins in them and can destroy hydrolase, a special enzyme that plays an important role in the process of digesting food. That is why a variety of fruits, vegetables and natural juices have always been considered the most important products for pregnant women.

They contain a huge supply of vitamins, organic acids, essential microelements and fiber, which is very important, given the frequency of gastrointestinal problems in pregnant women. And, most importantly, they belong to the group of foods useful during pregnancy that you can eat without limiting yourself. The only warning here concerns allergenic products. They should not be abused to avoid development allergic reactions both for the expectant mother and subsequently for the baby. The most allergenic are citrus fruits (grapefruits, oranges, lemons and tangerines), persimmons, grapes (especially dark varieties), strawberries, mulberries, blackberries, tomatoes, celery and parsley.

Fruits and vegetables can be eaten either fresh or cooked (optimally baked or steamed). The benefits of a fresh vegetable salad will be greater if it is seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil - olive or sunflower. And to compensate for the need for iodine, instead of regular salt, it is better to take iodized salt.

Products for pregnant women: meat, fish and eggs

Meat and fish are irreplaceable and very healthy foods for pregnant women, since they are the main source of protein foods of animal origin. In addition, their use allows you to reduce the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia and meet the expectant mother's need for B vitamins. It is better to take meat and fish not frozen, but simply chilled. This is due to the fact that refrigerated foods retain much more nutrients than frozen foods.

Eggs are truly a storehouse of useful microelements and vitamins. And this despite the fact that one egg has only 90 calories. Researchers believe that the choline contained in egg yolks has a beneficial effect on the development of the unborn child's intelligence. In addition, egg yolks are one of the effective means combating early toxicosis. However raw eggs However, you should not consume it to avoid salmonella infection.

Products for pregnant women: milk and dairy products

One of the healthiest foods for pregnant women is yogurt. It contains a large amount of calcium (more than the same volume of fresh milk) and is an excellent tool for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. You can drink yogurt, or use it as a dressing for breakfast cereals or vegetable and fruit salads. In addition, it is important to include milk, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir and fermented baked milk in your diet.

In general, it is believed that dairy products and food plant origin- These are the main products for pregnant women.

Foods for pregnant women: grains and beans

Legumes, and especially black and other types of beans, as well as lentils, are foods that contain huge amounts of protein and healthy fiber. They are necessary to ensure normal gastrointestinal and kidney function, and also help reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Whole grains (including, by the way, popcorn) are also a source of fiber and beneficial elements necessary for the body, including vitamin E, selenium and phytonutrients that protect the body from harmful effects.

Blood thinners during pregnancy

One of the most common problems Pregnant women have thick blood, which leads to hypertension, varicose veins, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other diseases. This condition is provoked by insufficient fluid intake, as well as low levels of certain enzymes in the body, without which the breakdown of proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates entering the body is disrupted. However, pregnant women should not be prescribed medicines, the action of which is aimed at thinning the blood. Therefore, it is very important to review your diet so that it contains a sufficient amount of blood thinning foods during pregnancy. 4.7 out of 5 (27 votes)

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