Devices for normalizing blood pressure in humans. Hypertension (Hypertension, high blood pressure)

The device (“Comb Massager”) is a self-healing therapeutic device for aligning the field structure and lowering arterial blood pressure. This device is the winner of 8 international gold medals for scientific and technological invention and design (Mr. Gao Jiadun).

I. Five features when using the device:
does not create a magnetic field;
does not require an external power source;
no wire needed to connect to the network;
does not need exact knowledge of the location of acupuncture points, since it has a significant area of ​​​​contact with the surface of the body;
There is no time limit, it can be used anytime, anywhere.

II. WITHreduction blood pressure in 3-5 minutes.

Blood pressure in stage 1 hypertensive patients decreases after 3-5 minutes of using the device. Long-term use of the device can replace drug treatment, thereby eliminating or reducing side effect from taking medications.

III. Has a double regulating effect.

The device eliminates hypertension, and in case of hypotension (low blood pressure), it brings blood pressure closer to the physiological norm.

IV. Rapid reduction in baldness and pattern baldness.

Long-term use of the device can help prevent general baldness and alopecia. In some young and middle-aged patients, long-term use can even stimulate the growth of new hair, as well as the gradual restoration of the original color of gray hair. According to clinical observations and reviews from more than a thousand patients, the device is effective in the treatment of hypertension, baldness and alopecia, provided that it is used daily and the instructions are followed. At the same time, its use can prevent baldness, stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, improve nutrition of the hair roots, and promote hair growth on the scalp.

Caution: Patients who have lost hair follicles will not be able to re-grow hair or restore hair follicles.

V. A device that brings health and joy of life.

The device for normalizing blood pressure "Tiens" is useful for use by students to stimulate blood circulation in the cerebral cortex, improve memory, increase immunity, etc. Young and middle-aged people using this device can prevent hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and relieve headaches caused by using a cell phone.

Treatment principle

From the point of view modern science The human cell, like the entire organism, is a kind of electric capacitor, which includes both positive and negative charges that determine the potential of the cell membrane. This internal biological electricity is a source of vital energy called the biofield human body. The loss of biocurrents leads to the extinction of life. Based on this modern methods diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Figuratively speaking, if a child has 6 volts of energy, a middle-aged person has 3 volts, then an elderly person has 2 volts. The energy of an aging person decreases, and with it weakens life force. When the cell membrane potential becomes 0, the cell dies. The biofield of the human body disappears, and life stops. The state of balance of positive and negative charges in the body determines the process of normal metabolism in the cell and ensures the protection of all important systems body.

Scientists have proven that during the course of life, a person constantly loses negatively charged ions and electrons with loss of energy. This leads to an imbalance of positive and negative charges. The resulting spasms and constrictions of blood vessels interfere with blood circulation and are the main cause of hypertension. The study found that high blood pressure is directly related to the unbalanced potential of blood vessel cells.

Treatment with the device gives excellent results thanks to modern scientific developments of its constituent elements. Therapeutic metal biocontacts (total number - 21) act as terminal channels and are organized into three groups, each of which is equally spaced and ordered. They are arranged regularly and linearly according to the principle of a dish antenna. This creates good conditions, allowing you to capture weak signals from damaged cells. Upon contact with a person, the device, having created a single closed system, conducts bioelectricity through itself and sends the converted energy flow back to the body. By saturating diseased arterial cells with charged ions, the device thereby replenishes their constant deficiency in the body and equalizes the balance of opposite charges.

Mode of application

1. Hands on both sides of the holder.

Grasp the metal contour with five fingers of one hand, while the five fingers of the other hand are in a natural position, place the fingertips on top of 3 groups of healing biocontacts and contact for 3-5 minutes.

2. Position of the device on the wrist area.

Grasp the metal contour of the device with one hand. Place three groups of treatment contacts tightly on the Nei-Guan point (3 cm above the transverse wrist line) for 3-5 minutes.

3. Position of the device on the heart area.

Grasp the metal contour of the device with one hand. Place three groups of biocontacts on the skin in the heart area for 3-5 minutes.
This method is most effective for patients suffering from angina and heart failure.

4. Combing your head.

Grasp the metal contour of the device with one hand. Place three groups of treatment biocontacts on the scalp along the front hairline and comb back along midline to the bottom hairline for 3-5 minutes, slowly, at a speed of 1-2 strokes per minute.

5. Position of the device on the carotid artery.

Grasp the metal body of the device with one hand. Place three groups of healing biocontacts on the carotid artery and contact for 3-5 minutes.

6. Treatment of palms and soles.

Grasp the metal contour of the device with one hand. Place three groups of healing biocontacts on the bioenergy channels located on the palms. Starting from your wrist, make slow movements towards your fingertips for 3-5 minutes. Apply the device to the soles of your feet in the same way, moving the metal healing biocontacts from the heel towards the toes for 3-5 minutes.

7. Treatment of the spine and joints.

For pain in the joints and lower back, it is recommended to treat the painful areas of the body for 10-15 minutes. When treating the spine, it is necessary to use the help of others. One hand of the assistant should be on the patient's shoulder, and the other should slowly move the device along the spine and back. The operation of the device should be confirmed by the indicator lighting.

8. Cosmetic effects on the face.

Place the device with biocontacts in your palm, smooth your face with a metal contour as if you were applying cream, slowly, along the massage lines, for 10-15 minutes.


While using the device, patients reduce or completely stop taking antihypertensive medications. For people suffering from stage 1 hypertension, the device can be used 1-2 times a day. Blood pressure may be normal and balanced after 2-3 weeks of treatment, and taking medicines almost stopped. The level of effectiveness of using the device for stage 1 hypertension is 98%.

For patients with stage 2 hypertension, the device should be used 2-3 times a day for 5-7 weeks. After this period, when the blood pressure is manageable and stable, it will be possible to stop taking medicines, having agreed with the doctor. The level of effectiveness of the drug for stage 2 hypertension is 93.5%.

For patients with third-degree hypertension, the treatment time increases to 7-9 weeks, and the frequency of use is 3-4 times a day. The pressure will gradually decrease to normal values, and the dosage of medications, in agreement with the attending physician, should be reduced until it stops completely. The level of effectiveness of using the device for stage 3 hypertension is 90%.

For the best effect in treating hypertension, it is recommended to increase the frequency and time of use, and for patients with advanced stages of the disease, the frequency should be at least 3 to 5 times a day. In the same time side effects this won't do it. It is recommended to continue using the device even after the blood pressure becomes normal. This will help cleanse blood vessels, improve overall well-being and relieve headaches. The level of effectiveness of using the device for people suffering from headaches is 97%.

Hello, dear friends and site visitors, I want to tell you about the INFERUM device or device for normalizing blood pressure. Did you know that approximately 80% of people have deviations from normal blood pressure. This is hypertension, high blood pressure. Or the disease hypotension is low or low blood pressure. Moreover, many do not even know about their disease.

I will tell you about the company's device. A device that can help increase blood pressure during hypotension and help in the treatment of hypertension. A blood pressure stabilizer is designed to keep blood pressure normal.

Normal (optimal) pressure is considered to be 80x120; theoretically, at any age, the pressure should be like this. Blood pressure 70x110 and below is low blood pressure, hypotension disease. There is an opinion that it is good to be hypotensive. People with low blood pressure - hypotensive people - live a long time, but unfortunately they live poorly. In fact, there are not many hypotensive people, about 20 percent of the total population. Of those who have low blood pressure, 80 percent suffer terribly in the morning. They feel bad because they have low blood pressure.

People who have blood pressure of 140x90 and higher are much worse off for them. They have hypertension. And unfortunately, these people do not live as long as they would like. And our device should give you the opportunity to take care of your blood pressure. For both hypotensive and hypertensive patients in order to keep blood pressure in check. Every day you need to use a blood pressure normalizer. It's small, cute, takes a bit of battery power, and works great.

Normalizing blood pressure using the INFERUM NBP-050 device is a very simple procedure that does not require any special skills. There are only 2 buttons on the device: a button for hypotensive patients to increase the pressure, and a button for hypertensive patients to lower the pressure. Of course, hypotensive patients should use a normalizer every day, not to increase, but to maintain normal blood pressure. in that main meaning normalizer. It should not be used to lower blood pressure, it lowers blood pressure, but should be used every day to maintain normal blood pressure and prevent pressure from increasing.

Daily use of a normalizer protects a person from increased blood pressure and gives him the opportunity to maintain normal blood pressure.

How it works. We install the device on the wrist. Impact occurs electric shock of a certain purity, the signal enters the brain, after which this signal travels throughout the body, through all the smallest vessels, changing their tone, due to this, blood pressure decreases. This is the principle of operation of the device for normalizing pressure.

Any artery has a muscular layer, and it is these muscles that are affected. The tone of the vessel decreases, the pressure decreases. The tone of the vessel increases, the vessel contracts, becomes narrower - blood pressure increases. This is the biological meaning of the work of a pressure normalizer.

For hypotensive patients, the device increases vascular tone, for hypertensive patients it lowers it, and helps to avoid complications.

The blood pressure normalizer is safe and does not affect the heart rhythm. It affects only vascular tone and nothing else. It is very easy to use: only 2 buttons. One for hypertensive patients, the other for hypotensive patients. It is impossible to mix up these buttons even in the dark. The buttons are marked with raised dots.

Currently, there are already positive reviews about the use of a blood pressure normalizer. Some use a device to normalize blood pressure in combination with drug therapy, others use only a normalizer, and note a significant improvement in their well-being; a decrease in blood pressure is observed. Among those who started using a blood pressure normalizer, there are people who had not been treated before, who generally found out that they were hypertensive or hypotensive only thanks to the device. And hypertension is someone who has twice a year in calm atmosphere pressure was recorded at 140x90. This is a diagnosis of hypertension.

So, there are people who only thanks to the device found out that they are hypertensive, they began to actively use the device to normalize blood pressure and at the same time use it, and got very good results in the treatment of blood pressure.

It is known that some of the hypotensive people, people with low blood pressure, could not get out of bed abruptly in the morning, they became dizzy, and they could fall. Now, when they wake up, they put on a normalizer lying next to them on the bedside table, and after 9 minutes the hypotensive patients calmly get out of bed. I feel completely different now.

This new development Russian company Inferum LLC, but within a short period of time from the date of release the device already has good feedback consumers.

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Hypertensive patients

One of the common diseases today is hypertension, which affects not only the older generation, but also young people. To monitor your own health, there are special devices for the prevention of hypertension that you should always have on hand.

According to doctors, timely prevention of a crisis can be carried out at home if you know exactly the cardiac arrhythmia, monitor your diet and listen to the advice of your doctor.

Causes and consequences of hypertension

There are several causes of this disease:

  • age-related changes, when loans lose their elasticity;
  • genetic predisposition of the body;
  • constant abuse of tobacco products and alcohol;
  • overweight person;
  • high blood cholesterol;
  • pathology.

The main reason and insidiousness of hypertension is that it may not manifest itself if the pressure is not measured. All problems will arise at once or lead to stroke and coronary artery disease at any age.

Today there are products for patients with hypertension that you can always buy at an affordable price. The presence of these devices will allow timely detection of the disease and prevent its development in the future. early stages. Some tips from professionals for disease prevention:

  • It is imperative to reduce weight if it is above normal. Standard weight It is not difficult to determine an adult: height in cm is 100 - 10%. This indicator is considered ideal and is considered acceptable norm deviation of 10 - 15%. For weighing there are convenient floor scales, massagers for passive weight loss, dietary products, which calculate the calorie content of food and many new technologies for human convenience.
  • Be sure to remember physical activity, which should be moderate, but daily. Morning work-out will help disperse stagnant blood, daily walks with a pedometer will allow you to determine the distance traveled, and visiting the pool is recommended for all categories of citizens, regardless of age.
  • All bad habits must be excluded completely.
  • Be sure to have an automatic blood pressure monitor in your bag or home that can be used without electricity and at any time.
  • You also need to remember your diet and try to eliminate all preservatives and fried foods.

This device to normalize blood pressureis a high-tech product based on the research base of modern biomedicine and based on the Chinese national medical theory "Jingluo". This device is a self-medicating therapeutic drug for lowering blood pressure.

Massager comb is a self-medicating therapeutic device for leveling the field structure and lowering arterial blood pressure. This device is the winner of 8 international gold medals for scientific and technical invention and design.

When using this device after docking with the body, the electrical circuit stimulates the bioclosed circuit located in the body. Hence the decrease in the magnetism and viscosity of the blood, which reduces the degree of blockage in the blood vessels, normalizes cholesterol, neutral fat, and cleanses the blood vessels. A quick blood pressure lowering effect can be obtained, and a long-term effect can also be easily achieved.
The secret of the device lies in 21 therapeutic teeth located in three groups.

A pressure normalization device has a double regulating effect:The device is effective not only for reducing blood pressure, but also in case of hypotension (low blood pressure), it brings blood pressure closer to the physiological norm.

Upon contact with a person, the device converts the energy flow and saturates diseased artery cells with charged ions. By restoring the balance of charges in the body, the device thereby relieves spasm of the arteries, destroys cholesterol deposits, restores the elasticity of the walls and cleanses the blood vessels. All this leads to stabilization of blood pressure and provides a long-term therapeutic effect.

Since 1992, the device has undergone clinical trials in various medical institutions and has been successfully used throughout the world.

Features when using the device:

  1. no magnetic influence;
  2. not needed external source nutrition;
  3. does not require external control there are no remote controls or control cords, i.e. the device is completely autonomous;
  4. There is no need to specifically point the device at acupuncture points, since when it comes into contact with the body, it affects the areas where these points are located.
  5. There is no need for outside help and no time restrictions on using the device.


  • has a small size: the diameter of the device does not exceed 10 cm, easily fits in one hand.
  • Massager comb Light weight: Can be carried with you. The device is very easy to use.
  • regulates pressure in 3 minutes: Patients suffering from hypertension (hypertension), using the device for 3-5 minutes, achieve a decrease in pressure.
  • Massager comb effective for seborrhea and alopecia: Prevention of alopecia (baldness). Long-term use of the device allows you to control the process of baldness. In young and middle age, the use of the device can stimulate hair growth and promote pigmentation gray hair. The device stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, improves nutrition of hair follicles, and improves hair growth.
  • pressure normalization apparatus helps maintain health and beauty in general: stabilizes blood pressure, relieves joint pain, relieves toothache and stomach pain, reduces shortness of breath, strengthens the kidneys, improves brain activity, strengthens memory and has a cosmetic effect.

    Health functions of the device:

  • pressure normalization apparatus eliminates hypertension, headache, dizziness;
  • pressure normalization apparatus with hypotension (low blood pressure), it brings blood pressure closer to the physiological norm;
  • pressure normalization apparatus aligns the human field structure (biofield, aura) - what psychics do with their hands or other procedures; after leveling the field, energy blockages, vascular spasms and other uncomfortable conditions of the body are removed;
  • pressure normalization apparatus has the effect of improving brain function; the work of brain cells is stimulated, their blood supply improves, and memory improves.
  • pressure normalization apparatus reduces the risk of developing heart disease vascular system and shortens the recovery period after a stroke and heart attack.
  • pressure normalization apparatus effective for diseases of the heart and arteries;
  • pressure normalization apparatus cares for hair, effective against hair loss, seborrhea, and early gray hair;
  • pressure normalization apparatus can be used beneficially for arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • pressure normalization apparatus can be used for any diseases that have a YIN or YANG character, i.e. both in inflammatory and stagnant and destructive-degenerative processes, signaling disturbances in the passage of Qi energy through the body, which led to an imbalance of YIN - YANG in the organs or systems of the body. The device eliminates the root cause of the disease.
  • pressure normalization apparatus gives vigor, relieves fatigue;
  • pressure normalization apparatus eliminates the feeling of tightness in the head caused by talking on a cell phone, reduces headaches and dizziness;
  • pressure normalization apparatus has a pronounced cosmetic effect.

Methods of using the device:

Method 1 (effect on the head area)
In the head area we perform movements similar to combing for 3 minutes 3-4 times a day. It is necessary that the teeth are in close contact with the scalp. This method eliminates headaches, dizziness, etc.

Method 2 (using fingers)

Method 3 (effect on the heart area)

Method 4 (effect on the wrists)

What you need to know about using the device:

  1. During the procedure, the patient must be at rest.
  2. Hold pressure normalization apparatus follows the metal ring with one hand;
  3. When the teeth of the massager come into contact with the skin, a bioclosed electrical circuit is activated and a static field is formed. When moving the massager over the surface of the body, we improve biophysical and biochemical processes.
  4. When teeth touch pressure normalization apparatus with the body (we hold the metal ring with our hand), the indicator should light up, confirming that the device is in working condition. If the indicator is not lit, check: the presence and quality of batteries in the device; For correct use of the device, see clause 2 and 3, check the cleanliness of your hands, wash them, thereby increasing conductivity, and repeat the procedure again, first wiping your hands dry.
  5. Moisture must not get inside the device;
  6. Do not allow shock impacts on the device;
  7. Do not disassemble pressure normalization apparatus ;
  8. Pressure normalization device With closed lid is in the off state practically without consuming battery energy, however, if you do not use the device for a long time, remove the batteries, because Batteries tend to leak during long-term storage, damaging the device itself.

Contents of delivery

  1. Myself pressure normalization apparatus
  2. Set of batteries pressure normalization apparatus
  3. Case for storage and transportation
  4. Instructions for use pressure normalization device .

The cost of the device is 7,150 rubles.

How to cope with hypertension using DENAS therapy devices?

Hypertension is a disease that affects quite a lot of people today most of The population and age of patients has decreased greatly. Learning to coexist peacefully with this disease and assess the real risk of developing complications is the main task of a hypertensive patient.

The basis of hypertension (HTN) is an increase in the tension of the walls of all small arteries, which causes a decrease in their lumen, making it difficult for blood to move through the vessels. As a result, blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases.

In this case, the body cannot independently control blood pressure levels, for example, during stress. Patients are helped by medications that reduce blood pressure and regulate its level. However, everyone knows that over the years, hypertensive patients have to take more and more pills.

DENAS-Cardio device

The Denas-Cardio device gently corrects and normalizes blood pressure, restores normal vascular tone, cleanses them of cholesterol, and improves the quality and fluidity of blood.

Users suffering from hypertension and regularly conducting treatment sessions with DENAS-Cardio devices note the following results:

  • stress relief
  • normalization of sleep
  • mood boost
  • increased performance
  • getting rid of headaches
  • improvement in weather dependence
  • reduction in the number of crises or their complete cessation
  • varicose veins go away

How to use the DENAS-Cardio device?

DENAS-Cardio has two automated treatment programs that are designed to affect areas of biologically active points on the forearm (program No. 1) and lower leg (program No. 2).

According to program No. 1 influences biologically active point nei-guan on inner surface wrists (at a distance of 3 cm from the wrist fold). Stimulation of Nei Guan with a weak pulse current, which is produced by DENAS-Cardio, has a sedative, anti-stress effect, due to which blood pressure is normalized.

Before the session in program No. 2 the DENAS-Cardio device is placed on the leg. On inside the lower leg is biologically active san yin jiao point, stimulation of which corrects blood pressure by normalizing renal blood flow.

One program ideally complements the other, therefore, to obtain a greater effect during a session, it is recommended to carry out treatment first in program No. 1, then in program No. 2. To conduct such a session, you need to change the location of the device (from the wrist to the shin) and manually switch the treatment program - from first to second - using the button on the front panel.

DENAS-Cardio programs can be used not only together, but also separately.

Recommendations for use for course treatment: perform 1–2 sessions per day for 10–15 days, regardless of blood pressure readings before the procedure. For stable arterial hypertension, repeat courses monthly.

The programs of the DENAS-Cardio device use frequencies of 9.2; 8.1; 3.3; 77; 20; 10 Hz, which are traditionally recommended for the treatment of arterial hypertension, correction of blood pressure and obtaining a general sedative, calming effect.

Use of the DENAS-Cardio device. Video.

In order for the device to be as effective as possible, several rules must be followed.

1. Do not stop taking medications.

Even if the blood pressure has returned to normal after the first session, you cannot stop taking medications. “You need to contact your doctor and he will reduce the dose. Remember that there are drugs that cannot be stopped. But to reduce their use to a minimum is the most important task of people living with hypertension,” advises Marina Umnikova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant at the Department of Therapy of the FKK PP Ural State Medical Academy.

2. Keep a constant blood pressure diary.

Other typical mistake: Patients forget to write down the data that the tonometer shows them and note how they feel. In these cases, the course of the disease remains poorly controlled. Keeping a diary will allow you to approach the course of the disease systematically, provide the doctor with complete information about the level and fluctuations of blood pressure, and assess the adequacy of blood pressure reduction while taking antihypertensive drugs.

3. Follow the blood pressure measurement regimen

Patients often violate the blood pressure measurement regimen. So, we remind you once again: it is advisable to measure your blood pressure three times a day during periods of quiet time, and not during active wakefulness. Increased pressure is caused by loads, worries, and stress. Therefore, immediately before measurement it is necessary to rest for 10-15 minutes; do not drink invigorating drinks and avoid physical activity.

4. Do not “link” the DENS procedure with blood pressure measurement.

“A hypertensive person is a very complex psycho-emotional person: his blood pressure may increase simply due to the expectation of the effect of the device. Therefore, blood pressure should be measured in the morning, afternoon and evening, and the procedure is carried out at the time when the highest rise in blood pressure is determined from the diary,” explains M.V. Umnikova.

DENAS in the treatment of hypertension. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yulia Kotovskaya.

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