Pontine azalea: growing in the garden. "FLORA-GREEN" Plants we love Soil requirements

These decorative flowers bloom very profusely. Sometimes during abundant flowering you can't even see the leaves in this a huge number colors. Azalea flowers are very beautiful, and if I may say so, practical. They don’t need any special care, they don’t need a lot of space, just enough small area land.

Unfortunately, azalea is not as popular with us as other flowers of the Rhododendron genus, and this is in vain. If we talk about how diverse and beautiful this flower is, listing all its colors, it’s simply too much to count. Probably only the rose can compete with the azalea in beauty. And what can we say about the advantages of azaleas in growing. Firstly, for everyone who is afraid that our weather conditions are not suitable for azaleas, we can inform you that this plant is very resistant to low temperatures and can easily endure the winter period.

In scientific terms, we can say that azalea is not a separate genus of plant. After all, it belongs to rhododendrons.
This genus is directly related to the heather family. There are more than a thousand species of rhododendrons. But Azaleas are special rhododendrons. The types of azaleas are very different, so their length can reach two meters. Such flowers can bloom in both August and February.
Azaleas can shed their leaves, or, on the contrary, they can constantly be green. Of course, the most common are evergreen azaleas. They are usually called Japanese. They are quite short in stature and usually grow in large bushes. This species usually blooms in late spring.
Evergreen azaleas are divided into two types: kurume and deyka. The color of a plant flower can be of almost any shade. But the most basic colors are white, red, blue and orange. Deciduous plants are usually divided into three types: Exbury, Mollis and Nap Hill.

How to care for Azalea

Caring for these flowers is not very difficult. In the fall, if the plant is grown at home or in a greenhouse, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering and, if possible, reduce the temperature to eight or even six degrees. This is due to the fact that the buds mature during this period. After two months have passed, the temperature will need to be increased to fifteen degrees. If you do everything correctly, buds will soon appear on the bushes. When the plant begins to bloom, it is best to cover it with pieces of ice. When the azalea fades, it will need to be replanted in acidic soil. You can either buy it or make it yourself. To do this, you need to mix soil, pine needles and peat, and also add a little sand from the river. You need to be careful not to damage the roots. It is best to plant the plant in a large, but not high, pot. After all root system his is superficial.
In the first month of summer, you need to pinch and leave only five leaves, then in a year there will be much more flowers. Water the plant only with water room temperature. Once a month you will need to add citric acid or vinegar to the water. Flowers need to be fed once every six months.

Azalea Reproduction

Flower propagation occurs in the summer, when the cuttings of the plant become hard. To do this, they need to be planted in acidic soil. This is either soil mixed with pine needles, or soil with sand and peat. When the cuttings are planted, they need to be covered with glass and constantly watered. After two months the cuttings should take root. For good rooting of cuttings and normal development of the plant, the temperature must be maintained at twenty degrees Celsius, and the air humidity must be at least eighty percent.

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Azalea- branched deciduous shrub (evergreen). Typically, bushes range from 0.6 m to 2.5 meters in height, have medium elliptical leaves and tubular funnel-shaped flowers, sometimes flat flowers can be found. Flowers usually appear on the tops of shoots, most often these are last year's shoots. Shrub flower bowls azalea belong to the family of one-colored, less often two-colored, some species Azaleas emit an aroma. Typically bloom azaleas start from mid-February to mid-July, but in different climate zones this time period may vary slightly.

Azalea- beautiful shrubs, in the spring, when the bush blooms, open flower buds azaleas, the leaves are almost completely hidden and the entire bush is painted in a variety of shades of lilac, pink, red, orange and yellow color. In regions with warm, humid climates azaleas, as a rule, is grown in the garden, as an ornamental plant, and in countries with cool climates - as a greenhouse or indoor plant.

Azalea prefers soil with high acidity. Breeding specialists Azaleas It is recommended to grow shrubs in suitable sized tubs or in specially organized flower beds filled with acidic soil. In the garden azaleas Lightweight, structured, humus-rich and moist soil with good water permeability should be provided, as well as protection from piercing cold winds and direct sun rays. Majority azalea will easily grow in light shade, although they will also happily accept bright sun, provided there is high soil moisture. Ideal for azalea alpine hill with a slope on north side to provide shade for the plant.

Propagate small alpine species azalea can be seeds that are sown immediately after ripening into light sandy soil, cover with glass and keep in a cool place, protecting from direct sunlight. When the plants grow, they carry out small formative pruning, shortening the tips of the shoots. Such plants bloom in the 2nd or 3rd year. Other methods of reproduction azalea- summer cuttings (young shoots are used), layering (which take a long time to take root, some up to two years) and grafting into the trunk (this requires young plant a certain species that does not produce lateral growth). But the best solution There will be a purchase of an already mature bush in a special nursery.

Many good partners for azaleas in the garden include: shade-loving plants. in spring azaleas look great next to others flowering shrubs: rhododendron, camellia, pieris, mahonia, magnolia, Erica, wolfberry. Good to plant next to azaleas spring bulbous and primroses or summer shade-loving perennials - hosta, astilbe, geranium, foxglove.

Reading time: 2 minutes

Swamp Azalea or Rhododendron Viscosum- branched ornamental shrub, which can grow up to 3.5 meters in height, but its average height is 1.5 meters. Currently, the name of this species includes two other forms that were previously considered certain types: Rhododendron Serrulatum and Rhododendron Oblongifolium.

Swamp Azalea grows in damp lowlands, swamps and wetlands. Its glossy green leaves are up to 3 centimeters in size and its tubular white flowers with five petals appear between May and July and are very fragrant. The aroma is reminiscent of cloves or bay rum.

Attention! Rhododendron is toxic and unsuitable for consumption, including the honey obtained from the nectar of its flowers. Since it contains chemical compound called Grayanotoxin. It can cause paralysis, difficulty breathing and heart problems.

Bolotnaya Azalea loves moist, acidic soils(pH 4.5-5.5) with high content organic matter. It tolerates shade well, is flood resistant and suits clay soil.

Water the bushes generously, as The roots of the plant should not dry out. But do not allow standing water, otherwise root rot will appear. On hot days summer days you need to increase the frequency of watering to several times a week.

Blooming Rhododendron Glutinous

As mulch use crushed bark, pine needles or wood shavings.

Although the tree is resistant to frost, young shoots can freeze. Therefore, it is better to plant the bushes in a place protected from heavy winds, cover it for the winter, and also mulch the soil before the onset of frost, otherwise budding will be weak.

Young plants need to be fed in the first half of spring with diluted fertilizer for acid-loving plants. And for adult plants fertilizing with a special long-acting fertilizer is suitable.

Azaleas - a fabulous miracle of miracles

Season: blooms from May to September, some varieties change leaf color in autumn

Peculiarities: Some varieties smell very nice, there are evergreen varieties.

Place and soil: loves partial shade, acidic, loose soil, distance between plants 80-200 cm, reaches a height of 30-200 cm.


Buy seedlings in containers in spring. The soil in containers should be moist. Do not buy weak or diseased plants. Carefully pull the stem; if the plant is easily removed with a lump of earth, it means it has not taken root well.

Selecting a location

Penumbra. Azaleas prefer partial shade and do not tolerate direct sunlight. Acidic soil. On clay soils The azaleas are turning yellow. They prefer acidic soil. If the pH is too high, the soil is treated with special preparations.


Mulch with pine needles or oak leaves. If the soil is on your garden plot contains a lot of alkali, then azaleas can be planted on high bed. Before planting, peat or a special mixture for rhododentrons is added to the hole.

Gardener's calendar

Spring. Landing

First prepare the soil. It should be rich in humus, moist and acidic. Water the plant regularly and mulch the soil.

Summer. Care

Regularly remove faded flowers, dead and overlong shoots. Water the plant if the soil becomes dry to the touch. Azaleas need high humidity.

Autumn. Winter protection

Mulch. The mulch layer should reach 3 cm. Some types need winter shelter. Azaleas are covered with spruce branches.


Pale green or yellow leaves appear in azaleas growing on calcareous soils. This is a sign of a disease - calcareous chlorosis. The disease is prevented by adding peat to the soil and enriching it with the missing components.

Blooming splendor

Azaleas bloom so profusely that it is almost impossible to see the foliage behind the buds.

Colors and varieties

The genus Rhododendron belongs to the heath family and has about 1000 species. Some species are classified into a separate group – azaleas. Azaleas are the graceful forms of the genus Rhododendron. Depending on the type, the height of azalea bushes can vary from 30 cm to 2 m, and the flowering period is from February to August.

Azaleas are deciduous and evergreen. Most large group Evergreen, or Japanese, azaleas are low plants that grow in spreading bushes. Japanese azaleas bloom in May. Evergreen azaleas are divided into two groups - Dyck and Kurume hybrids. Azaleas flowers come in a wide variety of colors - blue, red, orange or white. Deciduous azaleas belong to the Nep Hill, Mollis and Exbury hybrid groups.


In a bright, slightly shaded place, for example, among trees, deciduous azaleas take root well and delight the eye with their flowers. Japanese azaleas need more sunny areas. They are best planted in partial shade, in a place where the sun shines on them for at least four hours a day. In too shady places, all types of azaleas bloom much worse. If plants are planted in the sun, they will quickly fade. If to high temperature If a slight increase in air humidity occurs, the plant will also dry out.


In relation to azaleas, the motto is true: “Plant whatever suits you.” The best partners are plants with similar requirements regarding soil acidity and lighting, for example, turf.

Planting and care

You will need: azaleas in containers, peat or a special product for rhododendrons, drainage, such as pebbles, mulch.

Plant nursery "Sign of the Earth"

Landscape design of the site

Landscape design of a site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscape design is distinguished by individuality, because you are unlikely to find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding area and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams are realized. Landscape design is only limited by your imagination. For example, you need to beautifully decorate your terrace for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you dream of a small pond with a cascade of murmuring water. If the project includes a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped a fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. For some, the presence of bodies of water personal plot is not necessary, then a landscape design specialist can create the appearance of the presence of water using a “dry” stream. The imagination of our landscape designers is limitless, and a photo gallery of our completed projects will help you in determining what your summer cottage should be like.
Our company employs creative individuals who are experienced and highly qualified specialists who are ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring the joy of communicating with it for many years. Our studio landscape design strives to preserve and improve the existing natural environment on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, at your request, will become integral organic elements of the new garden design.

Our specialists love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance! Nursery

ornamental plants We are engaged landscaping personal plots, dachas, suburban and urban areas. Our task is integrated approach to landscaping

. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but to deliver them and plant them.

Our plant nursery employs only competent and qualified specialists in various fields. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and replanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for your garden and give recommendations on landscape design.
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