Rough finishing of the house. What is rough finishing of an apartment - why is it needed and what kind of work does it involve? For finishing

At the time of buying new apartment its finishing is assessed. In this case, the apartment can be either rough or fine finished. How quickly you can move into your new home depends on the specific type of it. Also subsequent finishing work when different types finishing can have different costs and take different times.

Rough finish

It involves a minimum amount of work required. It can be called a basic repair. You cannot live in an apartment where only rough finishing has been done immediately from the moment of purchase.

The rough finishing of the apartment includes “raw” renovation work. Builders are screeding the floor, leveling the walls and ceiling, installing front door, windows, glazing the balcony.

However, sometimes an apartment is installed exclusively bearing structures, and workers mark the floor. Of course, already rough finishing involves laying communications: water supply, heating, electrical cables, gas supply. However, this type of finishing does not include the installation of plumbing fixtures. There is no bathtub or sink at this stage. Interior doors too.

Buying an apartment in which only rough finishing has been done opens up wide scope for imagination. The buyer has the opportunity to initially equip the home in accordance with his ideas. For many buyers, the initial finishing is much easier to do from scratch. Carrying out a complete renovation of such a home yourself can be quite interesting. In this case, you will not need to first spend money on paying for the finishing done by the developer, then think about how to remove the materials, and buy new building materials. But there are also pitfalls for apartments with an open plan - this is the need to obtain a technical passport at the BTI after the walls are erected.


Housing where held fine finishing, originally livable from the moment of purchase. In such a situation, the buyer spends money on housing and can move in, while immediate finishing to his taste is not so important for him. Or he simply does not yet have time to change the renovation at his own discretion, so for a certain time the buyer is ready to live with the finishing with which the apartment was sold.

An approximate set of works included in this concept involves screeding the floor, plastering the walls, covering them with wallpaper, laying the floor covering, painting or whitewashing the ceiling, installing interior doors, painting the walls in the bathroom and laying tiles on its floor, installing a kitchen stove. In some cases (but not always), the finishing touches include the installation of an intercom. In general, the list of finishing works varies among different developers and is stipulated in the contract.

Often the most vulnerable spot of a purchased apartment that has been finished is the floor. Sometimes it needs to be redesigned. It is better to wait until it is completed and check-in. It often involves laying a new coating: tiles, linoleum, parquet, laminate - at the discretion of the owner.

For finishing an apartment building, building materials are purchased in very large quantities, so they cost the developer company less. Finishing work for this reason becomes cheaper than with their independently conducting. The price of 1 m2 of housing is largely determined not by the volume of work performed, but by the type of house itself: apartment buildings presented as economy, standard, comfort or prestige class. However, regardless of the class of the house in which the purchased property is located, the rough finishing of the apartment may have different quality.

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Quite often, when buying a new home, people learn about the concept of “rough finishing”. Primary (rough) finishing is a set of works to prepare surfaces for subsequent finishing. But not in all cases you need to immediately go to inspect a new apartment in order to understand what rough finishing is and what this type of repair includes. You just need to find out more about it.

Features of housing with rough finishing

Wall surfaces in such residential buildings, as a rule, are already covered with plaster, but they are still very far from ideal. Because all the defects you will have to level it with a plaster mixture and putty. With ceiling structures, everything is much worse, since the differences in these surfaces can be very significant.

Electrical wiring in the “rough” apartments has already been carried out, and all electrical points have been installed in areas necessary cables. The flooring in new apartment buildings deserves special attention, since:

  • a lot of dust and construction debris has accumulated on it;
  • often it needs leveling.

Heating radiators in such rooms are installed at the cheapest prices, so you will most likely decide to replace them with cheaper ones. modern models. This is what an apartment with rough work often looks like. Representatives of the developer company are not particularly interested in the quality of repairs, so the owners of new housing have a lot of work to do.

What to do before repair

Before you begin the rough finishing of the apartment, you should think carefully and depict on the diagram the locations of furniture items, indicate points for mounting switches and electrical outlets, and also decide where it will be more convenient for you to place your TV, landline telephone, personal computer and lighting equipment.

You will also have to think about appearance and interior dimensions door designs, select high-quality plumbing fixtures and diagrammatically depict its installation. Take into account the type of ceiling that will be installed in the new apartment: plaster, suspended, tension. The walls also deserve attention: wallpapering, painting, tiling or decorative plaster. Don’t forget about the flooring: underfloor heating system, parquet, laminate, linoleum, etc.

Rough finishing must be done using high-quality and reliable materials according to a specific algorithm. If you neglect this, then later you will have to redo something when furniture and household appliances are already delivered to your home.

List of facing activities

In fact, rough finishing represents preparation apartments for decorative (finishing) design. Such repairs may involve a variety of repair and preparatory activities, so rooms with rough cladding can be very different from each other. However, there is a mandatory set of works that must be carried out so that the new owner can begin cosmetic cladding immediately after concluding the purchase/sale agreement.

In order for real estate to be sold to a future owner, it must be built in full accordance with the terms of the project from one of the design institutes. That is, the actual layout of the apartment must fully comply with all design and calculation solutions. Today, the real estate market mainly presents apartments with an open plan. Thus, only load-bearing wall structures are erected, and the construction of partitions between rooms is the work of the new owner.

The mandatory components of any rough finishing include:

This is just an approximate list of what rough work involves. Premises that are much less prepared for subsequent repairs are very rare.

Features of rough wall finishing

It is generally accepted that walls are the most important surfaces in any apartment, because they are responsible for its overall attractiveness and have significant functional purpose, separating zones and rooms from each other. Wall structures in modern high-rise buildings they can be made from a variety of building materials. Often on the market there are apartments with plasterboard, concrete, panel, block or brick partitions.

The most important task of any rough processing of walls is their alignment. During the construction of buildings, workers are not very keen to make them perfectly level, so partitions are often not without flaws. Developers often try to save money on renovations and meet deadlines. as soon as possible, therefore the rough finish in most cases is not particularly smooth.

The owner is very interested in maximizing quality repairs. Therefore, it is not advisable to immediately finish wall surfaces with a rough finish with wallpaper, decorative plaster or paint. Experts advise re-leveling the planes yourself using high-quality consumables, or turning to the services of a team of workers.

Rough ceiling and floor cladding

The initial finishing in this case involves a conventional screed device. To do this, the simplest and most economical method of pouring the concrete mixture is used, followed by leveling using beacons. The mixture is supplied to the room by a special compressor. Leveling is carried out through vibration. In general, this technology gives pretty good results - the floor turns out to be very smooth, but defects often remain on its surface due to minor differences in height and the presence of unevenness.

Such a screed can provide the floor with fairly good performance properties. The apartment owner must decide for himself whether to lay the flooring material directly on the rough finish or to level the surface first. If a decision has been made to eliminate floor defects, they can be eliminated using a self-leveling floor system or special mixtures with a self-leveling effect.

The ceiling is the most problematic element of any rough finishing of a home in a new building. Structures built in accordance with the design may have very significant deviations and shortcomings. Even in the most modern buildings, the evenness of this surface can amaze even experienced repairmen. Draft ceiling trim often involves sealing cracks and crevices between floor tiles, then the coating can be whitewashed or covered with a plaster mixture.

For that, to save energy and time, some owners use a trick - install suspended ceiling structures. This technology involves installing finishing sheets on a pre-assembled structure, that is, the evenness of the overlapping slabs will not have any effect on the visual parameters of the room. When installing suspended ceilings, there is also no need to level the floor. However, in other cases, the surface often requires preliminary preparation.

In general, the primary finishing, which prepares the apartment for subsequent finishing cladding, significantly facilitates repair work and relieves the construction site of most of the shortcomings and defects that appeared during the construction stages.

Rough apartment finishing allows you to make a full-fledged room from a concrete box, which contains:

  • water supply;
  • heating;
  • doors and windows.

It can also connect electrical equipment, install plumbing, connect a radio, telephone, etc. However, this does not mean that repairs can begin immediately after signing a real estate purchase and sale agreement. Often the surfaces need to be thoroughly leveled in order to create a truly attractive and high-quality interior after the finishing cladding.

Rough finishing is understood as a set of measures aimed at obtaining surfaces ready for cladding decorative materials. In fact, this term is largely conditional, because there is no unambiguous and clear definition that would be recorded in regulatory documents, No. This is why all sorts of confusion arises.

What is included in the rough finish? This often means a different list of work, but there is a certain set of activities that has come into use as a basic one. It is this that is mandatory.

So, this set of works includes:

floors Naturally, if the screed is not suitable for a particular situation, then another method is used.
. It is worth considering that polymer-based solutions have now appeared. The walls and ceiling are plastered. The end result should be a surface that is ready for cladding with decorative materials.
  • After rough finishing, differences in height should not exceed 2 mm per 1 m² Thermal insulation works.
  • Although they are included in the list of rough finishing, they are not always mandatory.
  • Waterproofing. This procedure is especially necessary for bathrooms and shower rooms. The creation of a waterproofing layer often occurs at the stage of pouring the screed, but it all depends on the specific situation and type of object. Installation of communications. This is a fairly large list that includes all the systems necessary for comfortable stay. In this case, gas, sewerage and a source of water supply can only be supplied to premises specially designed for this, without creating a common junction. Heating system must be completely installed, with

installed radiators
  • . The power supply network is distributed to all rooms, and power consumption points are created. But most often, switches and sockets are installed at the next stage. Important stages in the rough preparation of an apartment include heating installation and electrical wiring. Installation of doors and windows. If the work was carried out in newly built housing by developers, then the cheapest materials were most likely used in the process. It often happens that they are mounted only

plastic windows

, without doors.

The finishing of various surfaces has some peculiarities, but in any case a holistic result should be obtained, which allows you to create high-quality decorative cladding.

Working with walls

Walls can be built from different materials, while the load-bearing structures and partitions of rooms can vary significantly. It rarely happens that surfaces are perfectly flat, so they need to be created as a single plane.

Rough finishing of walls consists of plastering. For this work, special tools and devices can be used that make it possible to quickly lay the leveling layer. Of course, the manual method can also be used, when beacons are pre-installed.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, the resulting surface is not always perfectly flat, so at the pre-finishing stage it becomes necessary to apply a finishing putty solution.

Alignment plaster mixture along beacons gives even, but not perfect coverage


Working with the floor involves creating a screed. If the process is large-scale, then it is used concrete mixture. General technology is as follows:

  1. The floors are cleared of all excess. If necessary, a waterproofing layer is created.
  2. A reinforcing mesh is laid or a bundle of reinforcement is mounted.
  3. The concrete solution is poured using certain equipment. If necessary, beacons are pre-installed.
  4. Alignment is carried out with a special tool that creates a vibration effect.

To facilitate and speed up the work process on large volumes, special equipment is used

Of course, the subfloor rarely turns out perfect, so subsequently pouring self-leveling mixtures is required.

In fact, wet screed is not always the only solution. If the design requires it, then leveling the flooring is carried out using wooden logs and planks. In individual construction, the dry screed method is becoming increasingly popular.

Ceiling surface

It is the ceilings that are considered the most problematic area. The fact is that when constructing multi-storey buildings floor slabs are laid with significant deviations, this leads to the formation of significant differences in heights. This situation is typical not only for new buildings, but also for those erected several decades ago.

The starting ceiling finish is as follows:

  1. The surface is covered with a layer of primer.
  2. The joints between the plates are sealed with special compounds.
  3. A general layer of plaster is created.

In case of large unevenness, plastering of the ceiling is carried out using beacons

But even after such leveling, the ceiling coverings have the most deviations. Therefore, further work will require either high-quality correction of existing defects or the installation of a suitable suspended structure.

Based on all of the above, it becomes clear what rough finishing of an apartment is. Of course, this list of works is considered conditional, but this is what you should focus on.

When buying an apartment, many are faced with the concept of “apartment with rough finishing,” but not everyone clearly understands what is meant by this. However, not only owners of new apartments are faced with this concept. When performing renovations in residential apartments, the estimate can include so-called rough work and materials. We will look at what the rough finishing of premises looks like and what it includes using examples.

The walls in such apartments are already plastered, but they are still far from ideal, so minor unevenness will have to be sealed with plaster and finally leveled with putty. With ceilings the situation is usually worse; differences can exceed 5 cm.

Electrical wiring in apartments with a rough finish is usually already done and wires are installed in places where electrical points are installed. We should also talk about the flooring in a new building. Firstly, it contains great amount dust. Secondly, in most cases it requires additional alignment. Radiators in apartments with a rough finish are cheap, most likely you will want to replace them with more modern ones. This is what, in most cases, an apartment in a new building looks like with the rough work done. The developer's builders are not very interested in the quality of the work, so it is avoided.

Rough finishing of residential apartments

Rough work in residential apartments is carried out to eliminate unevenness in walls, ceilings and floors. This prepares the basis for finishing apartments: painting walls and ceilings, wallpapering, etc.

What kind of work does rough finishing of a room include:

  • plastering walls and ceilings;
  • floor screed;
  • laying heated floors;
  • installation of a heating system;
  • installation of water supply and sewerage systems;
  • electric installation work;
  • installation of windows.

Rough work begins immediately after dismantling all structures and old coatings.

What you need to know before you start finishing:

  1. Where will the furniture be located?
  2. Locations of electrical appliances (sockets, switches, lamps, etc.);
  3. Type of plumbing equipment and location of its installation;
  4. Ceiling finishing option;
  5. Wall finishing option;
  6. Type of flooring;

As you can see, the rough finishing of an apartment depends on the finishing materials used.

Wall decoration

In most cases, the walls are plastered. The best results are obtained when plastering walls along beacons. Then all the smallest irregularities are eliminated using putty. In some types of premises, instead of plaster, they install plasterboard sheets- this process is faster, but reduces usable area rooms.

Ceiling finishing

In most cases, the ceiling is plastered and then the surface is puttied. However, it’s faster to get flat surface possible using suspended ceilings from plasterboard. And if you plan to install suspended ceiling, then you can completely leave the surface in its original form.

Floor finishing

If there are large differences in the floor covering, the floor is screeded. Screeding is done using dry building mixtures. If the unevenness of the floor is small, then an even coating can be obtained using self-leveling mixtures. When shaping the floor surface, it is important to monitor the level. If there are tiles in one room, and in another parquet board, then it is obvious that the level of screed in these rooms should be different (due to the different thickness of the floor covering). The floor screed gains strength within a month and under no circumstances should this process be accelerated.

Electrical and plumbing work must be carried out using modern materials: the wires are copper and the pipes are plastic.

The main thing to remember is that the rough finishing of apartments should not be rushed. The more thoroughly the rough work is done, the better the finishing will be.

What does rough finishing include: highlights

When buying a home, most people today give preference

New buildings.

And this is not at all surprising, because not only can such an apartment be purchased for quite a favorable conditions, and the layout in them, as a rule, is much more competent and comfortable.

Almost every advertisement for such a sale states that the apartments are rented with rough finishing.

Many people do not know what exactly is meant by this phrase and have no idea in what form they will receive housing, and this is where all sorts of doubts begin to torment them.

So, let's try to figure out what the rough finishing of a house includes, and what it should be like.


It should be said right away that this term does not have a clear definition, but in general, in construction, “rough finishing” is mandatory work, which cannot be avoided when the building is commissioned.

Many builders perceive this concept in their own way, and therefore each apartment can be rented in in various forms, but of course there won’t be any significant difference.

But in any case, if you are thinking about purchasing a home in a new building, you need to have at least some idea of ​​what work will be done and how the room will generally look.

Basic moments

In most cases, rough finishing refers to the preparation of a room for final repairs and the application of final decorative coatings.

Construction of interior partitions according to the original design. In the same case, if apartments with an open plan are built in your house, only load-bearing walls.

In this case, you will have to think about partitions yourself.

Floor screed. Carried out using cement-sand mortar and is carried out using beacons. Most often, the floors in the apartment are simply poured at the same level.

Leveling walls with plaster. It is made with the same composition as the screed; in some cases, lime mortar can be used.

Gas, water supply and sewerage connections. Water supply and drainage risers will be installed, but the wiring will also need to be done independently.

As for gas, it will be supplied to the apartment, but to connect gas stove you will have to do it yourself.

Heating installation. Supply pipes will be installed in the apartment hot water with connected radiators. Which radiator will be installed in your case depends only on you, since this detail is discussed in advance in the project.

Installation of windows and doors. You should not count on the fact that a new building will have high-quality double-glazed windows and doors.

Most likely, the developer will settle on the cheapest and simple version. By the way, in some cases the windows can even be wooden.

Electrical supply. They will install an electricity meter for you, and also connect wires to sockets and chandeliers.

The wires themselves will be removed, and their ends will be insulated.

If the house is modern, then there may also be external thermal insulation of the walls and waterproofing of the floors in the bathroom and kitchen.

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Of course, if desired, the rough finishing may include some changes, but this will also need to be discussed separately and on initial stage. Of course, you will have to pay for all services.

When all the load-bearing walls are built, the apartments are laid out with rooms, each of which is separated from each other by partitions. Most often they are built from:

It’s worth saying right away that they will most likely not be aligned. in the best possible way, and if you want your apartment to have perfect walls, then you will need to do it yourself or hire professionals.

When constructing such buildings, they try to cope with all the work as quickly as possible, so special attention is not always paid to quality, because builders often simply do not have time to level the walls.

The floor screed will also be carried out using the most conventional technology, and the finished surface will be smoothed along the beacons.

In most cases, concrete is poured into apartments using a concrete pump, and then it is simply leveled due to vibrations.

By the way, for the sake of fairness, it is worth saying that this method is really very effective and the floor will ultimately be smooth.

The only negative is that the surface may not be ideal, with small differences and notches.

In order to eliminate all these flaws, you will have to cover the floor with self-leveling mixtures or compositions for self-leveling floors.

Also take note that if you want the apartment to have heated floors, this point will also need to be discussed at the initial stage.

This stage of finishing is the most problematic; very often there are significant differences in the ceilings that will literally catch your eye.

All this is due to the fact that during repairs, builders simply seal the seams between concrete slabs, and sometimes they are also plastered and whitewashed.

But in any case, such work will not be completed perfectly and you will probably want to redo the ceiling as soon as possible.

This can be done using a suspended multi-level ceiling, which is assembled from plasterboard sheets.

But, of course, you will need to pre-assemble metal carcass. Stretch ceilings, which can be installed on any surface, even the most uneven, are also very popular today.

We found out what the rough finishing of a house includes. Roughly speaking, such processing simply prepares the apartment for further full renovation.

In any case, you will have to glue wallpaper or paint the walls yourself, and also take care of the floor covering.

But if you want it all to be done really well, you will most likely have to re-level the walls and floor, since they usually leave much to be desired.

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The same applies to windows and doors; it would be much wiser to replace them immediately rather than redo it all after a couple of years.

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What is rough finishing of an apartment?

Buying an apartment with a rough finish actually allows you to purchase housing cheaper than if its renovation is carried out by a developer. However, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises as a result of such an acquisition, it is useful to understand what exactly is included in the concept of “rough finishing”.

The concept of rough finishing

The concept of rough finishing is very common today construction market, therefore, a certain set of apartment characteristics has developed that are usually included in it. As a rule, this set includes fully completed construction and a minimum amount of finishing work.

The walls in an apartment where rough finishing has been carried out are usually plastered with rough plaster, that is, they have a fairly smooth surface, but at the same time require treatment with finishing putty before applying decorative coating, for example, wallpapering or painting. There is a screed on the floor in the apartment, which makes it suitable for flooring installation work. The premises have windows and doors; however, it should be borne in mind that while the windows are usually made of plastic, the door is a simple wooden or plywood structure, which residents most often change.

All communications, including electricity, water supply and sewerage, are usually connected to such an apartment, radiators or other heating devices are installed. However, at the same time electrical devices They are usually not installed in the apartment, and the remaining cables - television, telephone and others, if provided, require wiring throughout the apartment.

Legal definition of rough finishing

Some uncertainty regarding such a concept as rough finishing is created by the absence of a corresponding term in the current legislation. Therefore, in fact, this concept today represents a certain collective set of characteristics that was established during the practice of communication between developers and buyers in the housing market under construction.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that in each specific case the developer can put his own meaning into the concept of rough finishing, which does not necessarily coincide with what the buyer understands by it. Therefore, when purchasing an apartment for rough finishing, carefully study the share participation agreement, which must necessarily record all the characteristics of the apartment that the developer undertakes to provide at the time of its transfer to the buyer.

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  • What is rough finishing of an apartment?

    When buying an apartment, many are faced with the concept of “apartment with rough finishing,” but not everyone clearly understands what is meant by this. However, not only owners of new apartments are faced with this concept. When performing renovations in residential apartments, the estimate can include so-called rough work and materials. We will look at what the rough finishing of premises looks like and what it includes using examples.

    Apartment with rough finishing

    The walls in such apartments are already plastered, but they are still far from ideal, so minor unevenness will have to be sealed with plaster and finally leveled with putty. With ceilings the situation is usually worse; differences can exceed 5 cm.

    Electrical wiring in apartments with a rough finish is usually already done and wires are installed in places where electrical points are installed. We should also talk about the flooring in a new building. Firstly, it contains a huge amount of dust. Secondly, in most cases it requires additional alignment. Radiators in apartments with a rough finish are cheap, most likely you will want to replace them with more modern ones. This is what, in most cases, an apartment in a new building looks like with the rough work done. The developer's builders are not very interested in the quality of the work, so renovation of the apartment is avoided.

    Rough finishing of residential apartments

    Rough work in residential apartments is carried out to eliminate unevenness in walls, ceilings and floors. In this way, the basis is prepared for the final finishing of the apartment: painting the walls and ceiling, wallpapering, etc.

    What kind of work does rough finishing of a room include:

    • plastering walls and ceilings;
    • floor screed;
    • laying heated floors;
    • installation of a heating system;
    • installation of water supply and sewerage systems;
    • electric installation work;
    • installation of windows.

    Rough work begins immediately after dismantling all structures and old coatings.

    What you need to know before you start finishing:

  • Where will the furniture be located?
  • Locations of electrical appliances (sockets, switches, lamps, etc.);
  • Type of plumbing equipment and location of its installation;
  • Ceiling finishing option;
  • Wall finishing option;
  • Type of flooring;
  • As you can see, the rough finishing of an apartment depends on the finishing materials used.

    Wall decoration

    In most cases, the walls are plastered. The best results are obtained when plastering walls along beacons. Then all the smallest irregularities are eliminated using putty. In some types of premises, instead of plaster, plasterboard sheets are installed on the walls - this process is faster, but reduces the usable area of ​​the room.

    Ceiling finishing

    In most cases, the ceiling is plastered and then the surface is puttied. However, you can quickly get a flat surface using suspended ceilings made of plasterboard. And if you plan to install a suspended ceiling, then you can completely leave the surface in its original form.

    Floor finishing

    If there are large differences in the floor covering, the floor is screeded. The screed is carried out using dry construction mixtures. If the unevenness of the floor is small, then an even coating can be obtained using self-leveling mixtures. When shaping the floor surface, it is important to monitor the level. If there are tiles in one room and parquet boards in another, then it is obvious that the level of screed in these rooms should be different (due to the different thickness of the floor covering). The floor screed gains strength within a month and under no circumstances should this process be accelerated.

    Electrical and plumbing work must be carried out using modern materials: copper wires and plastic pipes.

    The main thing to remember is that the rough finishing of apartments should not be rushed. The more thoroughly the rough work is done, the better the finishing will be.


    "AS Remonta" comprehensive renovation of apartments and houses

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