What is physical labor and mental labor. Labor Code heavy physical labor

Although these words are attributed to the pen of V. Belinsky, at one time they were reproduced in different ways by many: Marx, Tolstoy, Goebbels, etc.

What does this thought convey and how does physical and mental labor affect a person? What are the differences between physical and mental labor? You can learn about all this in our article.

Hygiene of mental and physical work

In medicine, or more precisely, in sanitary and hygienic matters, there is a separate section, which is called occupational hygiene. Its task is to study the impact of various types of work on the human body and develop preventive, hygienic and therapeutic measures in order to maintain and strengthen the health of working people, and also strives to increase their endurance and productivity.

Scientists who study this issue say that it is important to distinguish between the concepts of “work” and “labor.” Work is, rather, a term from physics, which is the process of converting one type of energy into another. And when they talk about work and a person, they mean his muscular system. Labor, in turn, is aimed at creating something, values; what has weight in social life (despite the fact that the basis of labor is the same physiological processes of the body).

Friedrich Engels, in his world-famous work, “The Role of Labor in the Process of Transforming Ape into Man,” wrote that labor activity, taking place in favorable conditions, stimulated the development of both the human body, sensory organs, hand motor skills, and intelligence and ability to abstract thinking.

Now not only experts from all over the world say that a rational combination of physical and mental labor leads to a harmonious existence and allows to the human body develop in all directions. All people who have managed to combine one with the other are convinced of this.

Be that as it may, the differences between physical and mental labor are significant and we have to become familiar with them.

Physical labor is characterized by the involvement of the muscular system and various systems body. And the main characteristic of physical labor is the severity of the work.

The severity of labor is a characteristic of the level labor process, which reflects the amount of load on the musculoskeletal system and life support systems of the body (respiratory, cardiovascular, etc.).

The severity of labor has the following characteristics, which are fundamentally important in the process of determining the level of load:

    The mass of the load that is lifted and moved

    Number of repetitions

    Nature of the pose

    Body tilt depth

    Moving in space

    Load value at rest

With what physical work useful? First of all, it helps keep the body in shape. Anyway. And this, by the way, increases self-esteem. People engaged in manual labor are more adapted to life and “survival”. Also, the benefit of physical labor is that it makes a person more disciplined and patient. And what can I say, when a person sees the result of his efforts and it brings joy and benefit to others, then this makes him happy.

And don’t forget about such a useful and enjoyable form of physical activity as... sex. And why exactly it is so good for health, you can read in our article.

Harm... in addition to the category “occupational diseases” established by hygienists (that is, certain diseases that can arise from a certain type of activity), there is another significant disadvantage that physical work can conceal - injuries. And, as you understand, it can have significant consequences.

Another adverse reaction (common to all types of physical activity) is fatigue. It is difficult to say in which type of activity fatigue can cause more harm, but in the case of physical labor, it can cause injury. Therefore, it is very important to rationally alternate physical activity and rest (sleep).

Features of nutrition of people engaged in physical labor

Manual labor, or more precisely, labor that is associated with physical activity, requires a lot of strength, because during its execution muscle energy is consumed. Taking this into account, the energy value of consumed foods, as well as the amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates increases in proportion to the work performed.

For this purpose, during the development of hygienic standards for human nutrition, 4 groups of labor intensity were identified, depending on which they determined how much nutrients a particular person should receive, based on his age, gender and occupation. This is to go very deep, but in general you should know that people who work intensively physically need to consume: chicken eggs, fermented milk products, fruits (bananas, kiwi, pineapples), oysters and salmon, cereals (oatmeal is a priority), nuts and dried fruits, tomato and orange juice, ginger, dark chocolate, honey.

How many calories (kcal) are spent during various types of activity can be easily found on the Internet; all this data is presented in the form of varied and easy-to-read tables.

To know how to properly organize a mental work regime and extract from it maximum benefit, you need to know its criteria.

The intensity of intellectual work is characterized by:

    The amount of information that needs to be processed/remembered

    Speed ​​of information receipt

    Decision speed

    Degree of responsibility for the decision made and possible errors

During mental work, the main load falls on the brain (more precisely, on its cortex).

Representatives of mental work lead a sedentary lifestyle and most often do not engage in physical activity or sports. Physical inactivity, psychophysiological fatigue, tension in the visual and auditory analyzers, nervous tension - all this accompanies people who work mentally.

The benefit of mental work lies in the fact that a person constantly stimulates his brain and “pumps up” his abilities: memory, abstract thinking, fantasy, etc.

Peculiarities of nutrition of people engaged in mental work

People whose destiny is intellectual work, as a rule, lead a sedentary lifestyle; this must be taken into account when organizing their nutrition. Therefore, when compiling their menu, you need to remember that the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, along with the energy value of the products, should be significantly lower than that of people engaged in physical labor. At the same time, the amount of vitamins and minerals should be identical, because intellectual work requires a sufficient amount of hormones and enzymes.

People involved in mental work need to eat fish (salmon), green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale), eggs, carrots, tomatoes, beets, brown rice, oatmeal, beans, blueberries, nuts and seeds (walnuts, almonds, pumpkin ), avocados, apples, grapes, dark chocolate, green tea. So, sometimes try replacing everyone’s favorite coffee with more.

As you can see (or perhaps you have already experienced it yourself), you cannot do just one type of work. You need to alternate. Physical work with mental work (reading books, solving various problems, art) and mental work with physical work (visiting gym, swimming pool, jogging, fitness, some kind of martial arts).

Even the healthiest and most cheerful person sometimes experiences a breakdown. Try implementing it into your daily routine.

But it is also important to remember to give the body a chance to rest from your hectic activities and gain strength for new achievements.

physical work, brainwork,

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Rostov State Economic University "RINH"

Faculty of Information and Management


in the discipline "Life Safety"

on the topic: "Mental and physical labor of a person"

Completed by: student of group 311

Avksentyev M.A.

Checked by: Belokopytov I.A.

Rostov-on-Don 2010


1. Human functional activity and the relationship between physical and mental activity

2. Means physical culture, providing resistance to mental and physical performance

3. Fatigue during physical and mental work. Recovery


List of used literature


Even in ancient times, doctors and philosophers believed that it was impossible to be healthy without physical exercise. Ancient Greek philosopher Plato called the movement “the healing part of medicine,” and the writer and historian Plutarch called it “the storehouse of life.” Do we always appreciate that this “storehouse” is not emptied? Unfortunately no.

On various stages As development progresses, people move further and further away from physical labor. So previously, the share of manual labor in the production process was 95%, the rest was accounted for by the use of a few steam engines and pack animals. Today, in the age of the scientific and technological process, humanity has practically moved away from the large-scale use of manual labor, thereby “giving a free hand” to the so-called diseases of the century.

Many people try to cut themselves off from exercise entirely, thinking that the less exercise they do, the healthier they will become. Many knowledge workers and students are trying to reduce physical exercise, thereby undermining your health. They try in every possible way to obtain certificates of release and at the same time find support from their parents and, worst of all, from doctors. body psyche mental fatigue

It is known that constant neuropsychic overstrain and chronic mental fatigue without physical relaxation cause severe functional disorders in the body, decreased performance and the onset of premature old age.

It has been found that regular exercise reduces the amount of cholesterol in the bloodstream, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. At the same time, the anticoagulation system is activated, preventing the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Due to a moderate increase in the total content of potassium ions in the blood and a decrease in sodium ions, the contractile function of the myocardium is normalized. The adrenal glands release the “good mood hormone” into the blood. If we take all this into account, it is not surprising that, for example, in the Swiss city of Blatendorf, located in the mountains, where residents can only walk and run, not a single case of cardiovascular disease has been registered.

1. Human functional activity and the relationship between physical and mental activity

Human functional activity is characterized by various motor acts: contraction of the heart muscle, movement of the body in space, movement of the eyeballs, swallowing, breathing, as well as the motor component of speech and facial expressions.

The development of muscle functions is greatly influenced by the forces of gravity and inertia, which the muscle is constantly forced to overcome. The time during which muscle contraction unfolds and the space in which it occurs play an important role.

It is assumed and proven by a number of scientific works that labor created man. The concept of “labor” includes its various types. Meanwhile, there are two main types of human labor activity - physical and mental labor and their intermediate combinations.

Physical labor is “a type of human activity, the characteristics of which are determined by a complex of factors that distinguish one type of activity from another, associated with the presence of any climatic, production, physical, information and similar factors” Balsevich V.A., Zaporozhanov V.A. . Human physical activity. -Kyiv. .Health, 1987. - P. 102. . Performing physical work is always associated with a certain severity of labor, which is determined by the degree of involvement in the work skeletal muscles and reflecting the physiological cost of predominantly physical activity. According to the degree of severity, work is distinguished between physically light, moderate, hard and very hard work. The criteria for assessing the severity of work are ergometric indicators (values external work, transported cargo, etc.) and physiological (levels of energy consumption, heart rate, other functional changes).

Mental work is “a person’s activity to transform the conceptual model of reality formed in his mind by creating new concepts, judgments, conclusions, and on their basis - hypotheses and theories” Balsevich V.A., Zaporozhanov V.A. Human physical activity. -Kyiv. .Health, 1987. - P. 105. . The result of mental work is scientific and spiritual values ​​or solutions that, through control actions on tools, are used to satisfy social or personal needs. Mental work appears in various forms, depending on the type of conceptual model and the goals that a person faces (these conditions determine the specifics of mental work).

Non-specific features of mental work include the reception and processing of information, comparison of the received information with that stored in human memory, its transformation, determination problematic situation, ways to solve the problem and form the goal of mental work. Depending on the type and methods of converting information and developing solutions, reproductive and productive (creative) types of mental work are distinguished. In reproductive types of labor, previously known transformations with fixed action algorithms are used (for example, counting operations); in creative work, the algorithms are either completely unknown or given in an unclear form.

A person’s assessment of himself as a subject of mental work, the motives of activity, the significance of the goal and the work process itself constitute the emotional component of mental work. Its effectiveness is determined by the level of knowledge and the ability to implement it, a person’s abilities and his volitional characteristics. With high intensity of mental work, especially if it is associated with a lack of time, phenomena of mental blockade (temporary inhibition of the process of mental work) may occur, which protect the functional systems of the central nervous system from dissociation.

One of the most important personality characteristics is intelligence. The condition for intellectual activity and its characteristics are mental abilities that are formed and developed throughout life. Intelligence is manifested in cognitive and creative activity, including the process of acquiring knowledge, experience and the ability to use it in practice.

Another, no less important side of personality is the emotional-volitional sphere, temperament and character. The ability to regulate personality formation is achieved through training, exercise and education. And systematic physical exercises, and even more so educational and training sessions in sports, have positive impact on mental functions, from childhood they form mental and emotional resistance to strenuous activity. Numerous studies on the study of the parameters of thinking, memory, stability of attention, the dynamics of mental performance in the process of production activity in persons adapted (trained) to systematic physical activity and in non-adapted (untrained) individuals indicate that the parameters of mental performance directly depend on the level of general and special physical fitness . Mental activity will be less susceptible to the influence of unfavorable factors if you purposefully use the means and methods of physical culture (for example, physical training breaks, active rest, etc.) Matveev L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture. - M.: FiS, 1991. - P. 33. .

The school day for most people is filled with significant mental and emotional stress. Forced working posture, when the muscles that hold the torso in a certain state are for a long time tense, frequent violations of the work and rest regime, inadequate physical activity - all this can cause fatigue, which accumulates and turns into overwork. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to replace one type of activity with another. The most effective form of rest during mental work is active rest in the form of moderate physical labor or physical exercise.

In the theory and methodology of physical education, methods of directed influence on individual muscle groups and on entire body systems. The problem is presented by means of physical culture, which would directly influence the preservation of active activity of the human brain during intense mental work.

Physical exercise significantly affects changes in mental performance and sensorimotor skills in first-year students, and to a lesser extent in second- and third-year students. Freshmen get more tired during the process training sessions in conditions of adaptation to university education. Therefore, for them, physical education classes are one of the most important means of adapting to the conditions of life and study at a university. Physical education classes increase the mental performance of students in those faculties where theoretical classes, and less - those in curriculum in which practical and theoretical classes alternate Physical education (course of lectures): Tutorial/ Under general ed. L.M. Volkova, P.V. Polovnikova: St. Petersburg State Technical University, St. Petersburg, 1998.- P. 76. .

Students’ independent exercise in daily routine is also of great preventive importance. Daily morning work-out, a walk or jog in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on the body, increases muscle tone, improves blood circulation and gas exchange, and this has a positive effect on increasing the mental performance of students. Active recreation during the holidays is important: after relaxing in a sports and recreation camp, students begin academic year, having higher performance.

2. Means of physical culture that provide resistance to mental and physical performance

The main means of physical culture is physical exercise. There is a physiological classification of exercises, in which all the diverse muscle activities are combined into separate groups of exercises according to physiological characteristics.

The body's resistance to adverse factors depends on congenital and acquired properties. It is very mobile and amenable to training, both through muscular exercise and various external influences (temperature fluctuations, lack or excess of oxygen, carbon dioxide). It has been noted, for example, that physical training by improving physiological mechanisms increases resistance to overheating, hypothermia, hypoxia, and the effects of certain toxic substances, reduces morbidity and increases performance. Trained skiers, when their bodies are cooled to 35°C, maintain high performance. If untrained people are unable to perform work when their temperature rises to 37-38°C, then trained people successfully cope with the load even when their body temperature reaches 39°C or more Amosov N.M. Thoughts about health. - M.: FiS, 1987. - P. 90.

People who regularly and actively engage in physical exercise increase their mental, mental and emotional resilience when performing strenuous mental or physical activities.

The main physical (or motor) qualities that ensure a high level of human physical performance include strength, speed and endurance, which manifest themselves in certain proportions depending on the conditions for performing a particular motor activity, its nature, specificity, duration, power and intensity . To these physical qualities should be added flexibility and dexterity, which largely determine the success of certain types of physical exercises. The diversity and specificity of the effects of exercise on the human body can be understood by familiarizing yourself with the physiological classification of physical exercise (from the point of view of sports physiologists). It is based on certain physiological classification characteristics that are inherent in all types of muscle activity included in a specific group.

Thus, according to the nature of muscle contractions, muscle work can be static or dynamic in nature. Muscle activity while maintaining a stationary position of the body or its parts, as well as muscle exercise while holding a load without moving it, is characterized as static work (static effort). Static efforts are characterized by maintaining various body poses, and muscle efforts during dynamic work are associated with movements of the body or its parts in space. Physical culture of the student. Textbook for university students./ Under. ed. IN AND. Ilyinich. - M.: Gardariki, 1999. - P. 227. .

A significant group of physical exercises is performed under strictly constant (standard) conditions, both in training and in competitions; motor acts are performed in a certain sequence. Within the framework of a certain standardization of movements and the conditions for their implementation, the execution of specific movements is improved with the manifestation of strength, speed, endurance, and high coordination when performing them.

There is also a large group of physical exercises, the peculiarity of which is their non-standard, inconsistent conditions for their implementation, in a changing situation that requires an instant motor reaction (martial arts, sport games). Two large groups physical exercises associated with standard or non-standard movements, in turn, are divided into exercises (movements) of a cyclic nature (walking, running, swimming, rowing, skating, skiing, cycling, etc.) and exercises of an acyclic nature (exercises without the obligatory continuous repetition of certain cycles that have a clearly defined beginning and end of the movement: jumping, throwing, gymnastic and acrobatic elements, lifting weights).

What cyclic movements have in common is that they all represent work of constant and variable power with varying durations. The diverse nature of the movements does not always make it possible to accurately determine the power of the work performed (i.e., the amount of work per unit of time associated with the strength of muscle contractions, their frequency and amplitude); in such cases, the term “intensity” is used. The maximum duration of work depends on its power, intensity and volume, and the nature of the work is associated with the process of fatigue in the body. If the power of work is high, then its duration is short due to the rapid onset of fatigue, and vice versa.

When working cyclically, sports physiologists distinguish a zone of maximum power (the duration of work does not exceed 20-30 s, and fatigue and decreased performance mostly occur within 10-15 s); submaximal (from 20-30 to 3-5 s); large (from 3-5 to 30-50 minutes) and moderate (duration 50 minutes or more) Nifontova L.N., Pavlova G.V. Physical education for people engaged in sedentary work. - M.: Soviet sport, 1993. - P. 85. .

Features of functional changes in the body when performing various types cyclic operation in different power zones determines sports result. So, for example, the main characteristic feature work in the zone of maximum power is that muscle activity occurs in oxygen-free (anaerobic) conditions. The power of work is so great that the body is not able to ensure its completion through oxygen (aerobic) processes. If such power was achieved through oxygen reactions, then the circulatory and respiratory organs would have to ensure the delivery of more than 40 liters of oxygen per minute to the muscles. But even in a highly qualified athlete, with full strengthening of respiratory and circulatory function, oxygen consumption can only approach the indicated figure.

During the first 10-20 seconds of work, oxygen consumption in terms of 1 minute. reaches only 1-2 liters. Therefore, the work of maximum power is performed “in debt”, which is eliminated after the end of muscular activity. The processes of breathing and blood circulation during work of maximum power do not have time to intensify to a level that provides the required amount of oxygen to give energy to the working muscles. During sprinting, only a few shallow breaths are taken, and sometimes such running is performed while holding the breath completely.

At the same time, the afferent and efferent parts of the nervous system function with maximum tension, causing fairly rapid fatigue of the cells of the central nervous system. The reason for the fatigue of the muscles themselves is associated with a significant accumulation of anaerobic metabolic products and depletion of energy substances in them. The main mass of energy released during maximum power operation is formed due to the energy of the breakdown of ATP and CP. The oxygen debt, eliminated during the recovery period after work performed, is used for oxidative resynthesis (reduction) of these substances. Human Anatomy. Textbook for physical education institutes. / Ed. IN AND. Kozlova. - M.: FiS, 1978. - P. 547. .

The decrease in power and increase in work duration is due to the fact that in addition to the anaerobic reactions of energy supply to muscle activity, the processes of aerobic energy formation also unfold. This increases (up to complete satisfaction of the need) the supply of oxygen to the working muscles. Thus, when performing work in a zone of relatively moderate power (long and ultra-long distance running), the level of oxygen consumption can reach approximately 85% of the maximum possible. In this case, part of the oxygen consumed is used for the oxidative resynthesis of ATP, CP and carbohydrates.

With prolonged (sometimes many hours) work of moderate power, the body's carbohydrate reserves (glycogen) are significantly reduced, which leads to a decrease in blood glucose, negatively affecting the activity of nerve centers, muscles and other working organs. To replenish the body's carbohydrate reserves during long runs and swims, special nutrition is provided with solutions of sugar, glucose, and juices.

Acyclic movements do not have a continuous repeatability of cycles and are stereotypically the following phases of movements with a clear completion. To perform them, it is necessary to show strength, speed, and high coordination of movements (movements of a power and speed-power nature). The success of performing these exercises is associated with the manifestation of either maximum strength, or speed, or a combination of both, and depends on the required level of functional readiness of the body systems as a whole. Human Anatomy. Textbook for physical education institutes. / Ed. IN AND. Kozlova. - M.: FiS, 1978. - P. 584. .

The means of physical culture include not only physical exercise, but also the healing forces of nature (sun, air and water), hygienic factors (work, sleep, nutrition, sanitary and hygienic conditions). The use of the healing powers of nature helps to strengthen and activate the body's defenses, stimulates metabolism and the activity of physiological systems and individual organs. To increase the level of physical and mental performance, you need to be in the fresh air, give up bad habits, exercise physical activity, and do hardening. Systematic physical exercises under stressful conditions educational activities relieve neuropsychic stress, and systematic muscle activity increases the mental, mental and emotional stability of the body during intense academic work.

3. Fatigue during physical and mental work. Recovery

Any muscular activity, physical exercise, or sports increase the activity of metabolic processes, train and maintain at a high level the mechanisms that carry out metabolism and energy in the body, which has a positive effect on a person’s mental and physical performance. However, with an increase in physical or mental stress, the amount of information, as well as the intensification of many types of activity, a special condition called fatigue develops in the body.

Fatigue is “a functional state that temporarily arises under the influence of prolonged and intense work and leads to a decrease in its effectiveness” Vilensky M.Ya., Ilyinich V.I. Physical culture of knowledge workers. - M.:3science, 1987. - P. 28. . Fatigue manifests itself in the fact that muscle strength and endurance decreases, coordination of movements worsens, energy costs increase when performing work of the same nature, the speed of information processing slows down, memory deteriorates, and the process of concentrating and switching attention and mastering theoretical material becomes more difficult. Fatigue is associated with a feeling of tiredness, and at the same time it serves as a natural signal of possible exhaustion of the body and a safety biological mechanism that protects it from overexertion. Fatigue that occurs during exercise is also a stimulant, mobilizing both the reserves of the body, its organs and systems, and recovery processes.

Fatigue occurs during physical and mental activity. It can be acute, i.e. manifest itself in a short period of time, and chronic, i.e. be of a long-term nature (up to several months); general, i.e. characterizing changes in the functions of the body as a whole, and local, affecting any limited muscle group, organ, analyzer.

There are two phases of fatigue: compensated (when there is no obvious decrease in performance due to the fact that the body’s reserve capacities are activated) and uncompensated (when the body’s reserve capacities are exhausted and performance is clearly reduced). Systematic performance of work against the background of under-recovery, ill-conceived work organization, excessive neuropsychic and physical stress can lead to overwork, and consequently to overstrain of the nervous system, exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and peptic ulcers, decreased protective properties body. The physiological basis of all these phenomena is an imbalance of excitatory-inhibitory nervous processes. Mental fatigue is especially dangerous for a person’s mental health; it is associated with the ability of the central nervous system to work under overload for a long time, and this can ultimately lead to the development of extreme inhibition and disruption of the coherence of the interaction of autonomic functions Vilensky M.Ya., Ilyinich V.I. Physical culture of knowledge workers. - M.:3science, 1987. - P. 39. .

It is possible to eliminate fatigue by increasing the level of general and specialized training of the body, optimizing its physical, mental and emotional activity.

The prevention and removal of mental fatigue is facilitated by the mobilization of those aspects of mental activity and motor activity that are not associated with those that led to fatigue. It is necessary to actively rest, switch to other activities, and use an arsenal of recovery tools.

Recovery is “a process that occurs in the body after cessation of work and consists in a gradual transition of physiological and biochemical functions to the initial state” Nifontova L.N., Pavlova G.V. Physical education for people engaged in sedentary work. - M.: Soviet sport, 1993. - With. 105. . The time during which the physiological status is restored after performing a certain job is called the recovery period. It should be remembered that in the body, both during work and in pre-work and post-work rest, at all levels of its vital activity, interconnected processes of consumption and restoration of functional, structural and regulatory reserves continuously occur. During work, the processes of dissimilation prevail over assimilation, and the more, the greater the intensity of the work and the less readiness of the body to perform it.

During the recovery period, assimilation processes predominate, and recovery energy resources occurs in excess of the initial level (super-recovery, or supercompensation). It has great value to increase the fitness of the body and its physiological systems, ensuring increased performance.

Schematically, the recovery process can be represented in the form of three complementary links: 1) elimination of changes and disturbances in neurohumoral regulation systems; 2) removal of decay products formed in the tissues and cells of the working organ from the places of their origin; 3) elimination of decay products from the internal environment of the body.

Throughout life, the functional state of the body changes periodically. Such periodic changes may occur at short intervals or over long periods. Periodic recovery is associated with biorhythms, which are determined by the daily periodicity, time of year, age-related changes, gender characteristics, influence of natural conditions, environment. Thus, changes in time zone, temperature conditions, and geomagnetic storms can reduce recovery activity and limit mental and physical performance.

There are early and late recovery phases. The early phase ends a few minutes after light work, after hard work - after a few hours; late recovery phases can last up to several days.

Fatigue is accompanied by a phase of reduced performance, and after some time it can be replaced by a phase of increased performance. The duration of these phases depends on the degree of training of the body, as well as on the work performed.

The functions of various body systems are not restored simultaneously. For example, after a long run, the external respiration function (frequency and depth) is the first to return to its original parameters; after a few hours the heart rate stabilizes and arterial pressure; indicators of sensorimotor reactions return to the original level after a day or more; In marathon runners, the basal metabolism is restored three days after the race.

A rational combination of stress and rest is necessary in order to maintain and develop the activity of recovery processes. Additional means of recovery can be factors of hygiene, nutrition, massage, biological active substances(vitamins). Main criterion positive dynamics of recovery processes is readiness for repeated activity, and the most objective indicator of restoration of working capacity is the maximum volume of repeated work. Particular care must be taken into account the nuances of recovery processes when organizing physical exercises and planning training loads. It is advisable to perform repeated loads in the phase of increased performance. Too long rest intervals reduce the effectiveness of the training process. Thus, after a speed run of 60-80 m, the oxygen debt is eliminated within 5-8 minutes. The excitability of the central nervous system remains at a high level during this time. Therefore, an interval of 5-8 minutes will be optimal for repeating speed work. Nifontova L.N., Pavlova G.V. Physical education for people engaged in sedentary work. - M.: Soviet sport, 1993. - With. 120

To speed up the recovery process, active rest is used in sports practice, i.e. switching to another type of activity. The importance of active rest for restoring performance was first established by the Russian physiologist I.M. Sechenov (1829-1905). He showed, for example, that a tired limb recovers quickly not with passive rest, but with work with another limb.


In our age of the atom and cybernetics, mental labor is increasingly replacing physical labor or closely merging with it. But, as I tried to show, intense mental work requires very good physical preparation of a person.

“All my life,” wrote I.P. Pavlov, I loved and love mental work, and physical work, and, perhaps, even more than the second. And I especially felt satisfied when I contributed some good guess to the latter, i.e. .connected his head with his hands" Ilyinich V.I. Professionally applied physical training university students M.: Higher School, 1978. - P. 199. .

The founder of the cause of physical education in Russia, the outstanding physician and teacher P.F. Lesgraf has repeatedly emphasized that the discrepancy between a weak body and developed mental activity - “body and spirit” will sooner or later have a negative impact on the general condition and health of a person. “Such a violation of harmony... he wrote, does not go unpunished - it inevitably entails the impotence of external manifestations: there may be thought and understanding, but there will not be the proper energy for consistent testing of ideas and persistent implementation and application of them in practice.”

Many people believe that special “brain gymnastics” helps maintain high mental performance. We are talking about the so-called headstand. This exercise is combined with rhythmic flexion and extension of the legs at the knees and hip joints not only increases blood flow to brain cells, strengthens blood vessels, but also promotes the outflow of venous blood from lower limbs and pelvic organs, i.e. is an important means of preventing varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and kidney stones.

List of used literature

1. Life safety: A textbook for secondary vocational students. textbook establishments /S.V. Belov, V.A. Devisilov, A.F. Kozyakov and others; Under general ed. S.V. Belova. - 5th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Higher. school, 2006. - 423 p.: ill.

2. Life safety: Textbook for universities / S.V. Belov, A.V. Ilnitskaya, A.F. Kozyakov, L.L. Morozova and others; Under the general editorship. S.V. Belova. - 5th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Higher School, 2005. - 606 p.

3. Great medical encyclopedia. Main ed. B.V. Petrovsky. Ed. 3rd. T. 1-30, M., "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1974.

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    The main factors influencing the performance of management employees. The influence of increased levels of psychological stress. Four phases of performance level throughout the day. Rules of hygiene for mental work, requirements for the microclimate of premises.

Scientific and technological progress has a significant impact on the professional structure of the working population. The number of people employed increases every year mental labor.

In many professions of predominantly physical labor, the share of the intellectual component is increasing. Drawing a clear line between the physical and mental forms of people’s work is becoming increasingly difficult.

Meanwhile, the generally accepted division of labor into physical and mental still remains in force. It is customary to refer to mental work as work related to the process of receiving, processing and storing information, on the basis of which various kinds of theoretical and practical problems are solved, which requires predominantly straining the functions of perception, attention, memory, thinking and the emotional-volitional sphere of a person.

Currently, there are two main groups of forms of human mental (intellectual) activity: in the sphere of material production and beyond.

The first includes engineering professions associated with the design of the production process (for example, designers), as well as with the performance of operational (engineers, technicians, foremen, operators), accounting (accountants, statisticians) and management (managers of enterprises, associations) functions.

The second - professions engaged in the field of scientific activity (scientists), applied knowledge (teachers, doctors, psychologists), literature and art (writers, actors, painters).

All forms of intellectual work are based on the internal mental activity of a person, which has as its material substrate the work of the brain. The predominant load on the central nervous system and insignificant, in comparison with physical labor, muscle activity determine the relative energy efficiency of intellectual activity.
Nevertheless, all forms of mental work are accompanied by certain energy expenditures, causing fatigue in working people. Wherein different professions require different expenditure of energy resources of the human body.

Depending on the amount of energy consumption, intellectual work can be, by analogy with the severity of physical work, of varying degrees of intensity, which is determined by quantitative and qualitative indicators of loads on human mental functions.

The first include: the duration of concentrated observation (as a percentage of the shift time), the number of information signals received by the employee, the size of objects of labor, their number and many others.

The second is the level of emotional and volitional tension, personal risk, responsibility for the safety of others, the degree of complexity of the production tasks being solved.

The shift schedule is also taken into account, on the basis of which work with alternating shifts, including night shifts, typical, in particular, for the majority of maritime professions.

As you know, the life of every person is subject to a certain rhythm, which manifests itself in communication, knowledge, and work. In other words, human activity is organized in time, forming unified system daily, weekly, monthly and long-term rhythms. They manifest a strict biological periodicity of the physical and mental functions of all living things, caused by natural cyclical phenomena (the change of day and night).

Disruption of this natural rhythmic process causes tension in the body's regulatory systems (primarily the brain), which are responsible for the restructuring of its temporal organization. Thus, a labor regime imposed on a person for a long time that does not correspond to normal biological rhythms, is one of the factors that increases workloads.

Any profession requires a person to master certain action programs. And in this sense, the main features of intellectual work include complexity and variability or excessive simplification of such programs associated with the technicalization of modern production.

Concept "program complexity" may include, firstly, the number of signals received by the employee from various objects of the social and industrial environment surrounding him and carrying information about their properties and connections.
Secondly, these can be various ideas and concepts that a person operates in the process of practical activity. The more different kinds of components there are in a performer’s program of labor actions, the more complex the content side of mental work.

For example, The captain’s labor functions include a variety of mental work operations: plotting the ship's course on the map, assessing the navigation situation, accepting non-standard solutions in difficult production situations (accident, accident, injury), direct participation in resolving interpersonal conflicts between members of the crew and many others.

Representatives of creative professions are also guided by complex action programs(scientists, architects, designers) who establish new connections between phenomena and objects of the real world, discovering new patterns. Creative work is associated with high emotional stress on the performer, which often leads to large expenditures of energy and the development of significant fatigue and overwork. Therefore, creative professions are among the most stressful.

All the examples discussed above give an idea of "program changes" labor actions as the second important feature many types of mental activity. The ability to restructure existing programs and create new ones depending on the type of work is not always possible. For example, the professions of ship radio operators, telegraph operators (when working with a key), and accountants are, as a rule, characterized by constant action programs. This is one of the leading factors of monotony - monotony of activity. The more pronounced the uniformity of work functions, the higher the degree of monotony of labor and its intensity.

MENTAL AND PHYSICAL WORK are two interconnected aspects of human activity. Unlike the instinctive actions of animals, man builds his practical activities consciously, in accordance with a previously developed goal, program. In primitive society, mental and physical labor acted in direct unity. However, at low levels productive forces the possibility and necessity of their development could only be realized on the basis of the division of labor, the deepest expression of which is the separation of mental labor from physical labor. With the emergence of private property, classes and the state, mental labor becomes the privilege of the ruling class, and the entire burden of physical labor falls to the share of the oppressed masses. Thus, the opposition between mental and physical labor arises. In different socio-economic formations this opposition has a different character. In a slave-owning society, where all work was considered the lot of slaves, exploiters even tried to shift part of the functions of mental labor to them, preparing managers, doctors, and artists from them. In feudal society, the opposition between mental and physical labor basically coincides with class labor and is masked by class division. The peasantry is doomed to physical labor as the lower class, the “black bone,” and mental labor is the lot of the “noble classes” - the nobility and clergy. In the capitalist formation, mental labor becomes a professional activity of a special social group of people - the intelligentsia, used by capital as a means of domination over physical labor. The division of bourgeois society into mental and physical workers and its main class division do not coincide, since a significant part of the intelligentsia is among the hired workers and is closer in position to the working class and peasantry. In the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, increasingly significant layers of the intelligentsia are beginning to participate in direct production process, acting in effect as white-collar workers. At the same time, the emergence of a new complex technology requires the formation of a new worker who combines mental and physical labor in his activities. Under socialism, the process of forming a new intelligentsia is underway, although there are still significant differences between workers in the nature of work and the level of cultural and technical development. At the same time, conditions are being created that promote the convergence of mental and physical labor, raising the educational level, and the spiritual development of workers. However, the final overcoming of these differences will be possible only on the basis of liberating a person from hard and monotonous physical labor, automating production, transferring algorithmized functions of mental labor to a machine and developing creative principles in work. It will not mean the elimination of the specificity of different types of activities, but it will be able to put an end to the lifelong attachment of various individuals to only one professional looking activities. Both types of labor will become elements of the holistic activity of a comprehensively developed person, for whom participation in the affairs of society is the first vital need.

Philosophical Dictionary. Ed. I.T. Frolova. M., 1991, p. 471-472.

Based on the results of the certification, an action plan is developed to improve and improve working conditions in the organization. After certification of workplaces for working conditions, it is planned to carry out certification of labor protection work with the issuance of a safety certificate (SSOT) for five years, which is carried out in accordance with the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia “On the creation of a Certification System for labor protection work in organizations” dated April 24, 2002 G.

All workplaces available in the organization are subject to certification for working conditions; certification is carried out at least once every 5 years. Workplaces are subject to mandatory recertification after replacement of production equipment, changes technological process, as well as at the request of the labor conditions certification bodies of the Russian Federation, which revealed violations during the certification of workplaces for working conditions.

Light labor during pregnancy: from when?

Alas, many expectant mothers downplay the seriousness of the situation, when the transition to light labor during pregnancy is simply necessary (after all, the intrauterine formation of the baby is involved here). They still work, hiding their condition at work until it can no longer be hidden, even on a subconscious level they take credit for themselves: oh, how tireless, healthy I am, I work just like everyone else. But still, we must not delude ourselves that every work will be suitable during pregnancy.

It is imperative to take into account the fact that when transferring to lighter work during pregnancy, the employee’s previous wages are strictly preserved. If the work of the expectant mother causes the risk of excessive physical strain and is fraught with some harm, then at least for the duration of pregnancy she must be registered and transferred to a more comfortable workplace.

Labor Code harmful and dangerous working conditions

The Labor Code defines certain types of work activities as harmful or difficult. What does it mean? Naturally, this means that the work that a person performs, due to violations of hygiene and safety standards, can damage both his health and affect future offspring.

Negative factors influencing the inclusion of a particular profession in the list of hazardous working conditions can also include the severity of physical labor performed by a person, because this can also lead to temporary or complete loss of ability to work.

Remuneration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

  • Reward payments for labor activity, which in one way or another depend on the employee’s position, the complexity of the work he performs, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor, climatic and other conditions.
  • Payments of a compensatory nature. Be it an additional payment, an allowance, etc. Also suitable here are additional payments for the fact that working conditions differ from normal, or are harmful to the employee’s body due to emissions, or it is simply an extremely harsh climatic work zone.
  • Any benefits designed to stimulate work activity. In this case, we are talking about bonuses to employees, accrual of various types of allowances or additional payments in the form of incentives for overtime hours of work.

From this we can conclude that salary amounts (tariff rates, salary, etc.), various types of additional payments and allowances, incentive payments must be described in the employment contract of each employee. Also, all this is supported by the drawing up of a collective agreement/agreement/local regulatory act.

Heavy physical labor and women's reproductive health Text of a scientific article in the specialty - Medicine and Healthcare

by 8.3%, the number of complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period - by 27.1%, the number of registered cases of infertility in women increased by about a third. Such “preconditions”, along with negative influence diseases complicating pregnancy and childbirth largely determine the fact that currently in Russia about 40% of children are born sick (see).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 253) limits the use of women’s labor in heavy work ah and prohibits such if we are talking about work related to lifting and moving heavy objects manually and exceeding the maximum permissible norms for women. Resolution of the Council of Ministers and the Government of the Russian Federation No. 105 of February 6, 1993 “On new standards for maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving

Labor Code heavy physical labor

  1. Professions associated primarily with mental work(company managers, medical workers, except for surgeons, nurses, orderlies; teachers, educators, except for sports; workers in science, literature, press, planning and accounting, secretaries, etc.)
  2. Professions involving light physical labor(workers engaged in automated processes, in the electronics and watch industries, the service sector, seamstresses, agronomists, veterinarians, nurses, orderlies, department store salespeople, physical education and sports instructors, coaches, etc.)
  3. Professions involving moderate physical labor(machine operators involved in metalworking and woodworking, mechanics, adjusters, surgeons, chemists, textile workers, drivers of various types of transport, workers Food Industry, public utilities and public catering, food sellers, railway workers, hoisting and transport machinery operators, etc.)
  4. Professions involving heavy physical labor(builders, the bulk of agricultural workers and machine operators, miners working on the surface, workers in the oil and gas, pulp and paper and woodworking industries, metallurgists and foundry workers, etc.)
  5. Professions involving heavy physical labor(miners employed directly in underground work, steelworkers, fellers and wood cutting workers, masons, concrete workers, diggers, loaders whose work is not mechanized, workers engaged in the production of building materials whose work is not mechanized).

According to the recruiting company HeadHunter, it is currently easier for manual workers to find work than for white-collar workers. Today in Russia there is a shortage of representatives of blue-collar professions, and employers are ready to pay their work even higher than representatives of mental work. In addition, for performing heavy work, work with harmful or hazardous conditions Labor The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for increased pay.

Labor Code: labor protection

  • conducting briefings and training of personnel,
  • provision of special clothing and personal protective equipment,
  • safe workplaces,
  • certified equipment,
  • annual certification at workplaces and testing of workers' knowledge.

If workers are engaged in work that is considered heavy or harmful conditions labor, as a rule, these are works related to the movement of transport, they must be carried out periodically medical examinations. During the examination, the person’s suitability for further performance of his duties is determined.. Cost of honey The employer must pay for the inspection. If the cost of honey inspection is deducted from the employee’s salary, then this is a reason to turn to specialists.

Women's work

Hygienic requirements for women’s working conditions determine that the mass of heavy lifting per work shift for pregnant women it can reach 1.25 kg, when alternating forms of work - 2.5 kg. During a shift, a pregnant woman should not walk more than 2 km; the pace of movement should be free.

Maternity leave is 70 calendar days before and after childbirth. In case of multiple pregnancy, the leave before birth is 84 days, and after birth – 110. For childbirth with complications after childbirth, the leave increases to 86 days. This type of rest is given to the woman completely, regardless of the prenatal days actually used.


Overtime work is work beyond working hours. They are allowed only with the consent of the employee. Minors and pregnant women are not allowed. Disabled people, women with children under 7 years old, a disabled child under 16 years old, are involved in overtime work with their written consent.

The employer sets a probationary period of no more than 3 months from the date of signing the contract. If after probationary period If the employee continues to work, he is considered to have completed the probationary period. The employer must notify the employee of failure to complete the probationary period 7 calendar days before dismissal.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Production activity is a set of actions of workers using means of labor necessary to transform resources into finished products, including the production and processing of various types of raw materials, construction, and the provision of various types of services.

  • to the relevant state labor inspectorate;
  • to the prosecutor's office at the place of registration of the ship;
  • to the federal executive body in charge of fisheries issues;
  • to territorial associations of trade union organizations;
  • to the insurer on issues of compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases.
25 Jul 2018 1623
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