To get a good result, you need to know how to pickle herring. Salted herring: benefits and harm to the body Why do you want herring

Herrings in jars versus loose herrings

On the eve of the upcoming May holidays, the editors of Delovoy Mius decided to conduct a tasting of preserved salted herring.

Six types of herring from four producers were purchased from Matveev Kurgan retail chains. All samples had a valid expiration date and were under appropriate storage conditions at the time of sale. The packaging of all samples was sealed. The taste and smell of the samples were assessed by the editorial staff blindly - without information about the brand and manufacturer.

Participants and procurement results

1. Herring fillet "FishHouse"(1st place according to the results of the editorial tasting)

Net weight: 250 g

Fish weight: 190 g

Price: 109.0 rub.

Cost per kilogram of fish: 573.0 rub.

Average employee rating: 4.8

Reviews from employees: “Cultural” taste”, “Normal”, “Maybe a little salty”, “Tasty, you can feel the vinegary sourness”

2. Herring fillet "Mathias", family pack

Manufacturer: JV "Santa Bremor", Belarus

Ingredients: herring fillet, oil, salt, flavor enhancer, acidity regulator, preservative

Net weight: 500 g

Fish weight: 400 g

Price: 229.0 rub.

Cost per kilogram of fish: 572.5 rubles.

Average employee rating: 4.6

Reviews from employees: “The taste is absolutely identical to the herring from another large pack” (we are talking about the “Fish House” brand from the same manufacturer), “Pleasant, you can hear the vinegar”

3. Herring "Queen Fish"

Manufacturer: VOOI "Sintez", Voronezh

Ingredients: herring, oil, salt, flavor enhancer, acidity regulator, preservative,

Net weight: 180 g

Weight of fish: not indicated

Price: 69.95 rub.

Cost per kilogram of fish: about 699.5 rubles. (based on approximately 100 grams of fish in a jar)

Employee reviews: “Pleasant, salty taste, a bit fatty”, “Nothing wrong, even a little sweet”

4. Herring with dill “RIK”

Ingredients: herring, oil, flavor enhancer, preservative, dill

Net weight: 180 g

Fish weight: 108 g

Price: 83.99 rub.

Average employee rating: 3.6

Employee reviews: “Disintegrates too quickly in the mouth”, “Tastes ordinary”

5. Herring fillet “RIK”

Manufacturer: LLC "RIK", Rostov region, Aksai district, Verkhnetemernitsky village

Ingredients: herring, oil, flavor enhancer, preservative

Net weight: 180 g

Fish weight: 108 g

Price: 83.99 rub.

Cost per kilogram of fish: 466.6 rubles.

Average employee rating: 3.6

Employee reviews: “Nothing”, “You can eat”

6. Herring fillet “Teftida”

Manufacturer: Teftida LLC, Rostov region, Taganrog

Ingredients: herring, oil, salt, sugar, preservative

Net weight: 180 g

Fish weight: 95 g

Price: 50.95 rub.

Cost per kilogram of fish: 536.2 rubles.

Average employee rating: 3.5

Employee reviews: “Something over-marinated”, “Sweetish taste, but pleasant”, “Smells like fish”, “Strange taste, not very pleasant”

A little about loose herring

To compare prices for salted herring, the editors also purchased one herring by weight from the store. Of course, this herring is not preserved. And it is most often quite difficult for an ordinary buyer to determine exactly either its manufacturer or the composition that is included in the curing mixture, although it is these factors that determine its taste, which can be different every time even in the same store. For this reason, it was decided not to include loose herring in the vote, but to purchase it “out of competition,” only in order to compare exactly how much an ordinary buyer has to overpay “for the service.” This is when the manufacturer removes the skin from the herring, removes the head, tail and large bones, cuts the fish and puts it in a portion box, filling it with oil. The results, to be honest, are quite impressive:

Net weight of one herring: 414 g

Price: 76.18 rub.

Cost per kilogram: 184 rub.

It turns out that even if you roughly throw out a third of its weight - all the inedible parts - from the herring by cutting fillets into pieces, and then pour them along with not just “vegetable” vinegar, as the manufacturers indicate, but expensive olive oil, it is unlikely Will the cost of fish be more than 250 - maximum, 300 rubles per “kilo”...

For me personally, this factor alone became decisive. Not to mention the fact that you should not once again eat preservatives, which, as can be seen from the composition of the samples, are found in absolutely all preserves, and “flavor enhancers”, which are put in five out of six cans.

What to check on preserves packaging

The fattest, tastiest and healthiest herring is the one that has not reached sexual maturity. The word “mathieu” speaks about this on the preserves label. It tells you that this is a young fish that boasts the highest content of fat, protein, polyunsaturated acids and vitamins. At the same time, “mattier” is also a way of preparing such fish. Real “Mathieu” belongs to expensive premium products.

If the preserves are packaged in a transparent container, shake it slightly. Is the brine or marinade foaming? The fish is spoiled. In high-quality herring, the filling is always transparent. If the brine has turned sour, it becomes cloudy and dark.

If the herring is not weighed, the main requirement for its packaging is vacuum sealing. Fresh air is strictly contraindicated for preserves, and if there are obvious traces of brine stains on the jar, you should not buy such a product. Good packaging will never get your hands dirty.

The shelf life of herring in a tin can is up to 4 months, in a plastic can up to 3 months, in vacuum packaging up to 35 days. Regardless of packaging, herring should be stored at a temperature no higher than 4-6 degrees, otherwise its shelf life will be dramatically reduced. In practice, it is always better to buy herring as close to the production date as possible. Otherwise, there is a possibility that even preserved food that is good for its expiration date may turn out to be spoiled in fact. Moreover, if there is a choice, it is better to make it in favor of loose fish - you can always not only evaluate it “by eye”, but also smell it.

How to choose the most delicious loose fish

Gills are an indicator of the quality of any fish. In high-quality ones, they are ALWAYS dark red in color, without a single light one. If, when you press on the gills, a blood smudge forms or an unpleasant odor is heard from them: notes of bitterness or rot, the fish has already spoiled. Herring should not contain any third-party odors other than its own and the spices that were used during salting.

Scales. It must be free of rust. Rust on the surface of the herring occurs due to the oxidation of fat. Moreover, this is not a surface defect: if there is rust on the skin, rest assured that the muscle tissue has also been damaged.

Carcass. The “correct” herring will be elastic and hard, without damage, abrasions or cracks. Otherwise, this means that the fish was not only overexposed in salt, but also stored at a temperature significantly higher than necessary. You should not take fish if you see a white coating on its skin - low-grade salt was used for salting! Pay attention to the “figure” - herring with a thick, wide back is always much tastier than its “slender” relative.

Brine. If the brine is cloudy and even smells suspicious, go to another store, since the shelf life of this herring has long expired. But if you see that the brine is transparent, good!

Eyes. The criterion helps in choosing from the point of view of taste preferences. If you prefer lightly salted herring, choose fish with red eyes. Firstly, it is perfect for a “fur coat”, and secondly, its fat content will be significantly higher than average. A sign of medium- and highly salted herring will be cloudy eyes, which, by the way, also indicate the presence of caviar in the fish. Such fish will be lean, since during the spawning period all its vital forces were spent on the production of eggs.

Floor. It is generally accepted that males are much tastier and fattier than females, so you can quite calmly ask for a “male” to be packaged for you. It is quite possible to distinguish them: females have a round mouth, while males have an elongated and narrow mouth. The thick belly of the fish also indicates the content of caviar or milt. If you want to choose something specific, press on the abdomen: in the lower abdomen, closer to the caudal fin, caviar or milt will appear from the hole.

Elena Motyzheva

Potato tartlets with herring on a minimalist coat

“Herring under a fur coat” is one of the most popular salted herring dishes. Since spring is just around the corner - the traditional time for picnics in nature - we propose to slightly change the traditional recipe, turning it from a salad into an original appetizer.

Ingredients for 12 servings:

For 12 tartlets: tartlet dough: 3 medium potatoes (approx. 400 g), salt to taste, 15 g butter, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. flour

For a minimalist fur coat: 1 medium boiled beet, 1 clove of garlic, 50 g of cottage cheese (mine with herbs), 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 tbsp. mayonnaise, 1 tsp. mustard, freshly ground pepper, 1 whole herring or 2 herring fillets, 1 onion and a few green onions for serving


For tartlets, peel the potatoes and boil in salted water until tender and drain the water. Then grind into puree with the addition of a small amount of butter, then beat in a raw egg and mix the puree thoroughly. If the puree turns out runny, add a tablespoon of flour and mix thoroughly again. Leave the puree to cool.

For a fur coat you will need one hard-boiled egg, and you need to boil it accordingly.

While the puree is cooling, you can prepare a minimalist fur coat. Grate the beets, boiled egg and clove of garlic on a fine grater. Mix the grated products with cottage cheese, mayonnaise, mustard and a pinch of freshly ground pepper.

Make tartlets from the cooled puree. To do this, you will need muffin molds; if the molds are not silicone, then grease them with vegetable oil first.

Place small portions of mashed potatoes into molds and, with hands moistened in water, gently mash the potatoes inside the mold over the entire area. Try not to make the puree layer too thin, but it shouldn’t be too thick either. Place in the oven (180°C). Bake until browned (about 15 minutes).

Remove the finished tartlets from the oven, carefully remove from the molds and leave to cool completely on a wire rack.

While the tartlets are cooling, peel the herring and remove the bones; cut the resulting fillets diagonally into small pieces.

Fill the cooled tartlets with the beetroot-egg-curd mixture, place a piece of herring on top, place onion rings on top and sprinkle with green onions.

The appetizer is ready and can be served. Bon appetit!

Salted herring is a great holiday appetizer, as well as an excellent addition to dinner or lunch with potatoes. It is not always possible to treat yourself to delicious herring from a store or market, since sometimes it is too salty, and you are not always sure of its freshness. That's why we We have put together the best selection of recipes for pickling herring in different ways.

The main thing in the article

How to properly prepare herring for salting?

To prepare delicious herring at home, you first need to buy it. You can find fresh frozen fish at the market (supermarket). That's what we need. The carcass must be intact, not dented, without external defects or damage to the skin.

After purchasing, the carcass must be defrosted. There is no need to resort to shock defrosting. Leave the fish in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for a day . If the herring has not yet defrosted, then move it to the kitchen table for a few more hours.

After the fish has thawed, wash and clean it. You can salt fish in any form:

  • Entirely;
  • Sirloins;
  • In pieces.

Well, below you will find recipes that will help you decide on salt and spices.

How to quickly pickle herring at home: the easiest way

We offer a recipe for quickly preparing herring in just a day. In this case, you use a minimum of ingredients, and in the end you get a very tasty lightly salted herring.

How to pickle herring like in a store?

Salting as in a store provides for long-term storage of the product. Therefore, large volumes of fish can be salted. So, for 5 kg of herring you need to make a brine from the following products:

  • 15 tbsp salt.
  • 5 tbsp granulated sugar.
  • 25 allspice peas.
  • 15 pcs bay leaves.
  • Ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife.

How to pickle herring in brine?

Whole carcasses are usually salted in brine. This method of salting is good because the fish lasts a long time. Therefore, it is salted a lot, for example, for the holidays. Although the process of such salting is quite long, the result is worth the days of waiting. So, for 2 kg of fresh herring necessary 4 liters of brine, which is made from:

  • 4 liters of water.
  • 12 tbsp salt.
  • 10 tbsp granulated sugar.
  • 5–8 bay leaves.
  • 10–15 pieces of allspice peas.

Now about the preparation:

  1. Boil water, dissolve salt and sugar in it, add the remaining spices.
  2. Cool the brine to room temperature and pour it over the fish, which must first be thawed, washed and placed in a salting container.
  3. Keep the container with fish warm for 6–8 hours. Afterwards, put the herring in a cold place to salt for 3 days.

Tip: If the carcass has a strong fishy aroma, treat it with lemon juice or vinegar when washing.

How to dry pickle herring

We suggest trying an interesting recipe for dry pickling of herring in a bag. Fish can be prepared using this method either in fillets or in portioned pieces. Let's consider both options. We prepare everything you need:

  • 2 large herring carcasses.
  • 1.5 tbsp salt.
  • 1.5 tbsp granulated sugar.
  • 3 bay leaves.

This fish turns out to be moderately salted. If you want lightly salted herring, then reduce the proportion of salt and sugar. Also, to obtain a spicy taste of fish, you can add spicy spices (coriander, paprika, suneli hops, etc.).

How to properly salt Caspian herring with photo

Caspian herring is distinguished by its large size and excellent taste. Do you know how to pickle such a beauty? No? Then we’ll share the classic recipe for pickling Caspian herring. On 2 herrings will need 1 liter of brine. And it is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of water.
  • 6 tbsp salt
  • 3 tbsp granulated sugar.
  • 1 tbsp allspice.
  • 2 pcs cloves.
  • 1 tbsp mustard seeds.
  • 4 pcs bay leaves.

You can also salt ordinary herring in this way, but it will be ready in 2 days.

How to pickle herring with salt?

As you know, fish love salt. Therefore, we suggest trying an old recipe that was used by fishermen in the distant past. This method of pickling is very simple and does not require any knowledge of cooking. To prepare this herring you will need:

  • two large carcasses;
  • regular kitchen salt.
  1. Wash the herring, gut it and cut it lengthwise. If desired, the central bone can be removed.
  2. In the container where the fish will be placed, add a layer of salt to the bottom.
  3. Place the fish in one layer.
  4. Sprinkle salt on top too. If all the fish is not laid out in one layer, then make two tiers, sprinkling salt well between them.
  5. Cover the fish generously with a salt “blanket”.
  6. Cover the container with the fish and place it in the refrigerator for 10–12 hours.
  7. After this time, take out the fish, wash off the salt under running water and you can help yourself.

How to pickle whole herring

The method of salting whole herring can be called easy, since you do not need to gut it, remove the bones, or cut it into pieces. It is enough to defrost the carcasses, wash them well and salt them. We will use the dry salting method.

For 1 kg of herring you need:

  • 2–3 tbsp salt;
  • 1 tbsp sugar.

Mix the bulk mixtures together and generously sprinkle the carcasses with them. Place in a container and leave for a day at room temperature. Afterwards, transfer the herring to the refrigerator and wait another 2-3 days. The herring can be cleaned and eaten, or you can leave it for later, since with this salting it can be stored for a long time.

How to pickle herring pieces in a jar: step-by-step photo recipe

To prepare portioned herring in a jar, you need to prepare the following list of products:

  • Fresh frozen herring – 3 pcs.

For the brine:

  • 1 liter of water.
  • 3 tbsp salt.
  • Two bay leaves.
  • Three peppercorns.
  • Three umbrellas of carnations.
  • Five peas of coriander.

How to pickle herring with vinegar?

Before we start work, we prepare the products. For herring with vinegar you will need:

  • Two carcasses of herring.
  • One large onion.
  • 500 ml water.
  • 1 tbsp salt.
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar.
  • 1 tbsp vinegar.
  • 5 peas each of black and allspice.
  • 3–5 pcs bay leaves.
  1. Pour peppers, salt, bay leaves and sugar into water and boil for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Pour vinegar into the still hot brine and leave to cool.
  3. While the brine is cooling, work on the fish. Clean it, gut it, wash it.
  4. Cut the fish into portions and the onion into half rings.
  5. Place fish and onions in layers in a container (bowl, jar).
  6. Pour cooled brine over everything, seal and refrigerate for two days.
  7. After this time, the herring with vinegar is ready. You can help yourself.

How to properly salt lightly salted herring: recipe with photo

Scientists have proven that herring contains the hormone of joy. So why not treat yourself to a delicious dish, namely lightly salted herring, and at the same time recharge yourself with a good mood and positivity for the whole day? To get lightly salted herring, you need the following products:

  • 2 carcasses of herring.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 3 tbsp salt.
  • 4 tbsp granulated sugar.
  • 8 peppercorns.
  • 3 bay leaves.
  • Cloves optional.

How to properly salt spicy herring?

Spiced herring is made in brine using many different seasonings. We present to your attention a delicious way to cook spicy fish at home.

Will need for 1 kg of herring:

  • 1 tbsp water.
  • 3 tbsp salt.
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar.
  • 2 tbsp dry dill.
  • 7–10 black peppercorns.
  • 5 bay leaves.
  • 3 pieces of cloves.
  • 1 tbsp white mustard grains.
  • 0.5 tbsp coriander beans.
  • 2 tbsp vinegar.
  1. Preparing the brine: Place all spices, except dill, in water and boil. Pour in vinegar.
  2. Wash, peel and fillet the herring, removing the central bone.
  3. Place herring fillets in a container, sprinkling each layer with dry dill.
  4. Pour the cooled brine over the herring and leave for a day in a cold place.
  5. The herring turns out surprisingly tasty and looks great on the holiday table.

Pickled herring is a traditional dish. Initially, people were worried about how to salt herring so that it would be stored for a long time and would not spoil, and for some time they generally considered it the food of the poor. The fact is that with classical methods of preparing this fish, bitterness is felt if the gills are not removed. Later, when fishermen learned to properly cut and salt herring, noble people did not neglect it. Today everyone has the opportunity to learn how to deliciously pickle herring at home and serve it to the table.

How to choose herring for pickling?

In stores you can choose a ready-made product, which you just have to take out of the package and place on a dish. However, every housewife is concerned about the quality of the fish and its taste, and the best way to be confident in the product is to cook it yourself. The freshness of the fish and the composition of the brine remain in question if you do not participate in all stages of preparing the dish.

Before you pickle herring at home, you need to choose the right fish:

  1. Fresh herring at the market or in a store should not emit an unpleasant odor. It is better to choose whole carcasses with the head on - the freshness of the fish can be judged by the condition of its eyes and gills.
  2. Frozen fish should be purchased from stores, indicating the date of freezing and the expiration date of the product. Her skin should be clean, without damage or a yellow tint.
  3. High-quality herring in any form has a silvery sheen, clear, unclouded eyes, fins and gills that fit tightly to the body.
  4. If you have a choice, it is better to take herring caught in the ocean. Sea water is more saturated with toxins, heavy metals and harmful products of the processing of various substances.
  5. Herring caught in winter has a denser fat layer.

Fresh herring is the best option, especially if you can buy it close to where it was caught. If this is not possible, the only option is to pickle fresh-frozen herring at home. In any case, it is better to choose large fish with round sides and a thick back - it will have the most tasty meat.

Preparing for pickling

The first rule applies to frozen herring - it must be thawed so that it does not lose its taste. To do this, the fish is left in the refrigerator overnight. This temperature will be enough for the ice to melt, but it will preserve the structure and taste of the herring. It is not recommended to defrost it at high temperatures.

Before salting a herring, the gills must be removed. They are the ones who impart unwanted bitterness to the finished product, due to which it could not be cooked tasty for a long time. This procedure can be done with your hands, a knife or scissors.

If the herring is not gutted before salting, the salt and spices will be evenly distributed throughout the carcass. Of course, you can remove the insides so that you can simply cut the fish. If fish with entrails is salted, the caviar and milt are left and also placed in the brine.

There is a separate preparation method before quickly salting herring. It is cleaned of gills and entrails, the head, intestines and membranes are removed, and then placed in brine. The meat quickly absorbs salt and spices and is ready to eat in 3-4 hours. This is an express option when you need to quickly prepare fish for the holiday table. Such salted herring cannot be stored for a long time, and its taste may be less vibrant than if salted for a long time.

Recipes for home cooking

It must be said that recipes differ depending on the type and size of fish. Before salting the Don herring, a brine is prepared, which is not suitable for ocean fish. The concentration of ingredients can be changed slightly to taste.

Classic recipe

Classically salted herring, without additional spices, can be used in any dish. It is added to “Olivier” and “herring under a fur coat” salads, as well as separately with a side dish. This is a method of salting whole herring at home, that is, it will need to be gutted and cleaned before use. For this recipe you will need 2 large fish, 1-2 tablespoons of salt and sugar and 700 ml of water.

Salting herring lasts from several days to a week, it depends on the personal taste preferences of the housewife. In 2-3 days the fish will become lightly salted, and within a week it will absorb a large amount of salt.

Spicy salted herring

The next recipe for pickling herring is spicy herring, which is obtained with a bright taste and characteristic smell. You can experiment with spices, but the traditional method of preparing spicy fish requires:

  • 2 large fish;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • salt (3 spoons) and sugar (1 or 2 spoons);
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 4 large bay leaves;
  • several dry, uncrushed clove flowers.

Further, the process does not differ from the previous method. The fish are poured with brine, left warm for an hour, then placed in the refrigerator. Salting time is from 2 to 7 days.

Herring with mustard

Using this recipe, you can pickle whole herring at home. In addition to two fish, you will need 1 liter of water, 5 tbsp. l. salt, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 spoon of black pepper, and herbs to taste.

  1. The fish are thawed, the gills are removed, but not gutted. They are completely coated with mustard sauce while the rest of the ingredients simmer and cool. The herring is filled with brine and placed in the refrigerator.
  2. The herring is cleaned, the entrails, gills and head are removed. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan except mustard powder (add it after boiling). Cool the brine and pour it over the herring.

Properly prepared brine for pickling herring is the main goal. You can add any combination of ingredients to it. The main thing is that they do not spoil and do not change the consistency of the brine. Therefore, only mustard powder can be added to the liquid - it will completely dissolve and be evenly absorbed into the meat. If you use mustard as a sauce, it is better to distribute it over the carcasses by hand.

Herring in brine

Brine is a strong salt solution that keeps fish fresh for a long time. This is one of the complex recipes for salting herring at home. A liter of water is heated in a saucepan, and after boiling, salt is added to it. The brine is considered ready when the salt no longer dissolves but settles to the bottom. Next, the fish, ready for salting, is poured with brine and placed in the refrigerator for 2-7 days.

If you put an egg in the brine, it should float on the surface and not sink.

Dry pickling

There is also a method for dry salting fish, without preparing the brine. For one medium fish you will need a spoonful of salt and sugar, as well as spices to taste.

The process of salting herring:

If you don’t have time to wait a week, there is a way to pickle herring quickly and tasty. If you defrost and clean the fish in the morning, it will be ready by evening. The carcass is rubbed with a mixture of seasonings (2 teaspoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar), wrapped in film and sent to the refrigerator for several hours. Next, they take it out, wash it under water, season it with onion rings and sunflower oil and put it back in the cold. After half an hour it can already be served.

Salting Don herring

Don herring is a good option for pickling because it is fattier and has a mild, creamy flavor. Traditionally, Don or Black Sea herring are salted in brine and left in barrels for the winter. The home-style method of salting herring in brine is slightly different from the classic one, since the fish is kept in a small glass container. For brine you will need at least 100 g of salt per 1 liter of water, as well as spices to taste.

Salted herring is not only an ingredient in salads and sandwiches, but also an independent dish. In order not to worry about the quality of store-bought fish, you can spend a small amount of time and cook it yourself. The main thing is fresh, high-quality herring and properly prepared brine. The concentration of the solution varies depending on the type and size of herring: recipes for pickling Don herring at home are not the same as for other types. There are methods for quick and dry salting, with spices and mustard, lightly salted and salted herring.

HERRING - No. 2 Author - Natalya Nadezhdina “A school of a million tails is swimming, A school of a billion tails is approaching, Don’t think that this is not true: There are also three billion.... Do you think this is a lot or not - To every resident of our country “Twenty herrings per bag?!” (Alexey Samsonov) I don’t know about you, but when I read this poem, I started thinking about how many herrings I buy in a year. I haven’t really counted it, but I’ll say one thing - a LOT, a LOT. Herring, cooked in any form, is a constant success, despite the fact that everyone has different tastes. Perhaps everyone loves this fish!!! Herring is a dream! It's better than meat! And people call her taste wonderful! ABOUT! Wonderful wonder! Oh wonderful miracle! Salted Herring is a huge dish!! Nowadays it is impossible to calculate how enormously important the invention of herring salting was for humanity, in which this fish is not only preserved for a long time (for years, in barrels), but also acquires a wonderful taste and can be transported over vast distances. The invention of salting herring belongs to a simple Dutch fisherman Bekel, who lived 600 years ago - in the 14th century. In his honor, the best Dutch herring is still called “Böckling”. In Russia, herring has been known since the 15th century, and already at the end of the 17th century, herring became one of the main dishes of the national table. THE KING FISH IS THE HERRING. One of the fattest fish. But there is no need to be afraid of this for two reasons. Firstly, even the fattest herring contains much fewer calories than a lean brisket. Secondly, herring contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which protect us from aging and serious heart and vascular diseases. These acids must be present in the food of a person who monitors his health. It is advisable to eat herring at least once a week - do not forget to have a fish day. The thicker it is, the richer it is in beneficial acids. It is no coincidence that in Sweden, where this fish is very popular, there is a saying “The herring is on the table, the doctor is on the sidelines.” 1. Beetroot appetizer with herring. Boil 1-2 beets and beat with a blender. Dissolve gelatin (1 teaspoon) in a small amount of boiled water. Heat, but do not boil. Mix with beets, add 100 grams of sour cream and any curd cheese (mix everything well). Cover the mold with cling film and put the mixture in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Cut the herring into cubes. Place the appetizer on a plate, place the herring on top. 2. Herring in sauce -1. Peel and cut the herring. Pour in the sauce and let sit in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Sauce: plain yogurt (200 ml), mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon, apple - 1 pc (I took green, mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. Grated the apple on a fine grater. Mix everything. The sauce is ready. It turned out delicious. 3. Herring under the "sheep coat" Peeled the herring, cut it and put it on a dish. Boiled a couple of potatoes and cut into cubes, chopped onions, laid in layers - herring, potatoes, onions and sprinkled with vegetable oil, decorated with chopped herbs and served 4. Herring in sauce-2 I bought herring, but it was not the best. quality (this happens very often) I came up with a marinade: Mayonnaise - 3-4 tablespoons, mustard - 2 teaspoons, honey - 1 teaspoon (I have liquid honey), cut black pepper, poured over the marinade and left in the refrigerator overnight. . The herring was soaked overnight and we really liked it. 5. “Classic of the genre” - Herring pieces + onion + vegetable oil + vinegar. 6. A quick snack with vodka. One boiled carrot and one potato were left. I peeled the carrots, heated a frying pan without (!!!) oil and fried the carrots and potatoes (I didn’t remove the skins). Cleaned and cut the herring. I placed vegetables and herring on a plate. Garnished with onion, quail egg, tomato and herbs. Before serving, pour over vegetable oil. Just. Cheap. And very tasty. TO BE CONTINUED.......

Salted herring: benefits and harm to the body

Useful properties of herring

Let's look at how herring is beneficial for the human body. Here are 5 scientifically proven beneficial properties of herring:

1. Supports Cardiovascular Health

Consuming salted herring may actually help you maintain a healthy heart. The leading cause of death for adult men in developed countries today is coronary heart disease, which is usually associated with poor diet and is treated with dangerous drugs that cause significant side effects.

Luckily, salted herring is one food that can help reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Due to its presence in herring, this fish is a preferable source of protein compared to red meat, such as beef, for people with an increased risk of developing heart disease ().

Eating herring protects the heart due to the presence of large amounts of herring, which reduce triglyceride levels. is a type of fat in the blood that must remain at a certain level to protect heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids in high doses may also help reduce high blood pressure in addition to reducing the risk of heart attacks and arrhythmias (). Herring even helps.

The large amount of vitamin D in salted herring also helps protect your heart. affects up to 90% of people in developed countries and is very closely associated with the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Low selenium levels are also linked to heart disease ().

2. Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent

Inflammation is a huge problem in modern society because so many people are conditioned to eat foods that promote chronic inflammation, which is at the root of most diseases. It is also responsible for pain in several medical conditions, including nonspecific neck and/or back pain.

In one study, researchers found that people suffering from back and neck pain experienced similar results when treating inflammatory pain with ibuprofen or omega-3 supplements (). Eating anti-inflammatory foods like salted herring can help reduce pain-causing inflammation due to its omega-3 fatty acids, as well as high levels of selenium, another anti-inflammatory nutrient. As you can see, the benefit of herring also lies in its anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Protects mental health

Omega-3 also has a very positive effect on your mental health. There is a lot of scientific evidence linking consuming significant amounts of omega-3 (with an appropriate ratio of omega-3 to omega-6) to reduced levels of depression. One of the reasons why this treatment has been studied recently is the high prevalence of health problems associated with psychotropic drugs, including high rates of smoking, obesity, and heart problems as side effects (,).

Although omega-3s have not been accepted as a primary treatment for ADHD or other related neurodestructive diseases, fatty acids like those found in salted herring are being considered as complementary treatments for these disorders. Taking omega-3s has a significant effect on reducing the symptoms of these disorders without the side effects of medications. Some studies even show improved academic performance in children whose diets were well supplemented with omega-3s ().

Vitamin D also plays a role in preventing and treating brain dysfunction. Although the method is unclear, high levels of vitamin D and omega-3s appear to increase the release of serotonin, reducing the severity of several diseases, including ADHD, schizophrenia, and impulsive behavior ().

Perhaps related to this same function, vitamin D has also been shown to regulate mood, improve concentration, improve memory and learning ability.

Interestingly, one type of medication used to treat depression, called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), reacts poorly to salted herring ().

4. Helps Prevent Age-Related Diseases

As people age, they often forget about one important element: skeletal muscle health. Over time, the quality of skeletal muscle can deteriorate due to poor diet and lack of exercise. Muscle degradation is associated with age-related diseases, but research shows that eating fish, such as herring, that are high in omega-3s may actually reverse the loss of skeletal muscle tissue and slow the aging process ().

Omega-3 fatty acids may also delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease or slow its onset. This appears to be due to omega-3's ability to reduce overall inflammation ().

The high levels of vitamin D found in lightly salted herring also help slow aging. Vitamin D is an important element for maintaining bone health, as it helps prevent the development of osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

Selenium is also believed to promote longevity. Even though it is a trace mineral of which not much is required, the body regularly loses it, requiring constant replenishment.

5. May Help Reduce Cancer Risk

A known risk factor for the development of breast cancer is the predominance of omega-3 fatty acids and their incorrect ratio in the diet. Both acids are important in many body systems, but the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 should be approximately 2:1. Most people today get too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3 from their diet.

This ratio in certain tissue types is a biomarker (biological sign) of breast cancer risk. Higher levels of omega-3 are associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer. This finding is also significant because this tissue marker is reversible with dietary adjustments ().

Once diagnosed with breast cancer, the omega-3s in salted herring may also help you by relieving several post-diagnosis problems, including heart problems, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, and cognitive decline. It is also possible that salted herring and similar foods may help increase overall body weight and muscle mass gain after chemotherapy ().

People consuming large amounts of vitamin D also reduce the risk of developing colon and prostate cancer, and since herring contains a lot of this vitamin, it can be called an anti-cancer food ().

As you can see, the benefit of herring is that its regular consumption can prevent the development of breast, colon, prostate and other types of cancer.

Facts about salted herring

Herring is a small fish of the Herring family. Fish belong to the same family. Within the classification of "herring" (Latin: Clupea), you will find three main varieties: Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), Araucanian herring (Clupea bentincki) and Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii). Atlantic and Pacific herring are the most common types of herring that we usually eat in salted form.

Just 85 grams of salted herring contains almost 150% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D, as well as more than 100% of the omega-3 fatty acids your body needs every day. Additionally, it contains several other nutrients that make this fish very beneficial for human health.

How many calories are in herring and what important nutrients does it contain? 100 grams of Atlantic salted herring has the following calorie content and contains approximately: ()

  • Calories: 262 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 9.6 g
  • Protein: 14.2 g
  • Fat: 18 g
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: 1468 mg
  • Vitamin D: 680 IU (170% of RDA)
  • Selenium: 58.5 mcg (84% RDA)
  • : (71% of RDI)
  • Vitamin A: 860 IU (17% of RDA)
  • Niacin: 3.3 mg (16% of RDI)

Toxicity and salted herring

Today, many people are rightly concerned about overfishing and unhealthy levels of mercury found in some fish species.

Herring has very low levels of mercury compared to most fish, amounting to only 0.04 milligrams of mercury per kilogram of fish. Up to 0.3 milligrams of mercury per kilogram of fish is considered a safe amount ().

In most cases, herring are not farmed but wild caught, so you do not risk losing significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which is a common problem when eating farmed fish (,).

History of salted herring and interesting facts

Salted herring have been around for quite some time and have actually appeared in various works of art over the centuries, including this painting created in 1891.

Fishing and salting of herring began during the Middle Ages and is still practiced in much of Europe. Herring is also available in the United States, but it is much less common there and is not a regular part of the diet for most Americans.

Depending on where they live, people even eat salted herring differently. If you visit Holland, you can see how the Dutch, without hesitation, eat salted herring right on the street. If you come from Russia, Poland or Ukraine, then you know very well that in these countries salted herring takes pride of place among fish dishes, and can be served with mayonnaise.

In Scandinavia, salted herring on rye bread is more common, and many Jews living in New York City tend to enjoy the fattiest version of this tasty fish. Because of its popularity in the Jewish community, pickled herring is often found at social and religious gatherings—and on restaurant menus ().

Residents of Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine traditionally serve salted herring on Christmas Eve. Scandinavians prefer to enjoy it on New Year's Eve.

Harm to herring - contraindications

Salted herring is not a highly allergenic food, but there are known cases of histamine toxicity reactions due to poorly stored and refrigerated herring. This "fish poisoning" can cause redness, swelling, and blemishes on the skin; headache; and pain in the gastrointestinal tract ().

As mentioned earlier, herring fish should not be consumed by people taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) to treat depression or other disorders. This is due to the fact that the tyramine it contains can interact with MOAs and cause adverse reactions.

Final thoughts on the benefits of salted herring

  • Herring is a small, wild fish common in European cuisine.
  • This fish belongs to the same family as sardines.
  • Salted herring contains a large amount of important nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and selenium.
  • The nutrients in salted herring are important for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease, as well as some types of cancer.
  • Many mood disorders and mental illnesses show promising results when treated with large amounts of omega-3 foods, such as salted herring.
  • Eating salted herring helps prevent several age-related problems and may slow down the aging process.
  • Some research suggests that herring may be helpful in preventing inflammation and reducing associated pain.
  • Salted herring is often served in Europe, where it is seen as part of the staple diet, as well as a dish served on certain holidays.
  • Salted herring is a wild caught fish with very low levels of toxicity.
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