Ex-Rostelecom employee Prokopenko was left in custody based on witness testimony. Ex-Rostelecom employee Prokopenko was left in custody based on witness testimony Transfer from pre-trial detention center to house arrest at the request of the investigator

(1925-09-16 )

Vasily Fedorovich Prokopenko(09/16/1925, Ukraine - 06/09/1979, Ivano-Frankivsk region) - commander of the anti-tank rifle section of the 1054th Infantry Regiment of the 301st Infantry Stalin Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree division of the 9th Red Banner Rifle Corps, senior sergeant.


Born on September 16, 1925 in the village of Minchikur, Veselovsky district, Zaporozhye region of Ukraine, into a peasant family. Ukrainian. Lived in the city of Makeevka, Donetsk region of Ukraine, education - secondary.

In the Red Army since April 1944. In the active army since June 1944.

The commander of the PTR squad of the 1054th Infantry Regiment, Sergeant Vasily Prokopenko, on January 14, 1945, in the area of ​​the Polish settlement of Cherwonka, located twelve kilometers west of the city of Magnushev, suppressed five machine guns and disabled an anti-tank gun.

By order of the 301st Infantry Division dated March 30, 1945, Sergeant Vasily Fedorovich Prokopenko was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, for courage and bravery shown in battle.

The commander of the anti-tank rifle squad of the 1054th Infantry Regiment, senior sergeant Vasily Prokopenko, on April 16, 1945 in the battle for the Verbig railway station, locality Noylangzov, located four kilometers north-east of the German city of Seelow, destroyed over ten enemy soldiers and officers from a captured German machine gun, suppressed several machine guns, and blew up an armored personnel carrier with an anti-tank grenade.

By order of the 5th Shock Army of May 26, 1945, Sergeant Vasily Fedorovich Prokopenko was awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree, for the courage and bravery shown in battle.

On April 24-28, 1945, in battles in the area of ​​the capital city of Berlin, senior sergeant Vasily Prokopenko, together with the crew members, hit a squad of manpower, knocked out and burned an assault gun, and suppressed four enemy firing points.

By order of the 5th Shock Army of June 12, 1945, Sergeant Vasily Fedorovich Prokopenko was re-awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree, for the courage and bravery shown in battle.

In 1950, V.F. Prokopenko was demobilized. Lived in the city of Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine. He worked at a factory as a foreman of toolmakers.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 18, 1971, for exemplary performance of command tasks in battles with German enemy invaders, retired sergeant Vasily Fedorovich Prokopenko was awarded the Order of Glory, 1st degree, becoming a full holder of the Order of Glory.

Member of the CPSU since 1969. Died on June 9, 1979.


Fear of Bribers

Ex-Rostelecom employee Prokopenko was left in custody based on witness testimony

Judge of the Central District Court of Chelyabinsk Mikhail Novoselov today extended by one month the period of detention of the ex-top manager of Rostelecom PJSC and the former director of the Chelyabinsk Center for Navigation and Information Technologies, Vasily Prokopenko, accused of taking bribes, accused of taking bribes. Businessman Oleg Vorobyov, who is charged with mediation in giving a bribe (Part 5 of Article 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), will also remain in the pre-trial detention center. One of the strongest arguments of the investigation was the fears expressed by previously interrogated witnesses - employees of the company, which, according to the Russian Investigative Committee, transferred money to Vasily Prokopenko.

The extension of the period of detention by only one month instead of the standard two is explained by bureaucratic reasons. As the investigator of the second department for the investigation of particularly important cases of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Chelyabinsk region Alexander Kozlov, the head of the department, has the right to extend the investigation period only up to three months, then these powers are transferred to the leadership of the regional investigative department. According to Kozlov, it is impossible to meet the deadline of November 30, today’s “extreme” date for the end of the investigation and at the same time the deadline for the arrest of Prokopenko and Vorobyov: the case is quite complex, there are many documents to be studied and a number of investigative actions to be carried out. Thus, the investigation’s petition, announced by Judge Novoselov and Prosecutor Alexander Mosin, mentioned plans to conduct searches at the workplaces of the accused and study data obtained from the phones of the defendants in the case.

“The investigator believes that there is no reason to change the preventive measure,” added Mikhail Novoselov. - The accused, having sufficient financial means, I can hide from the investigation. Once free, influence witnesses or destroy important documents.”

As investigator Kozlov clarified in a dialogue with the judge, the involvement of both accused in the criminal case is confirmed, in addition, a number of witnesses who pointed to them fear for their lives and health if Prokopenko and Vorobyov are released.

“Witness Alexander Boev stated that he was already under pressure from the accused even before the initiation of the criminal case,” said Alexander Kozlov.

Lawyers Olga Berezhnaya (her client Prokopenko) and Lyudmila Korotaeva (Vorobiev) insisted on the possibility of releasing their charges under house arrest. According to the defenders, the investigation has already seized the cash accounts and property of both defendants, to the point that the family of Vasily Prokopenko (he has three minor children) now lives in a seized apartment, purchased in 2013 with maternity capital funds. It was all the easier for Berezhnaya’s lawyer to insist on mitigating the preventive measure because her client began to give confessions: from the documents read out by the judge and lawyer it follows that Vasily Prokopenko, while in a pre-trial detention center, on October 21 wrote an application for re-interrogation and gave confessions, including indicated where he was hiding “property acquired illegally” (that is, apparently acquired with bribes).

In addition, data was announced in court that in September-October Prokopenko was dismissed from his post as director of the OGBU, so he financial position at least seriously shaken.

Note that Oleg Vorobyov, unlike his colleague in misfortune, denies guilt and still refuses to testify. However, his defender Lyudmila Korotaeva noted that the director of Perspektiva and Dialog LLC Vorobiev is unlikely to put pressure on witnesses - employees of another company. The fact is that the witnesses named by the investigator who fear pressure from the accused - Boev, Kandakov and Kadochnikov - are all employees of the Lanit-Ural company (from which Prokopenko received a bribe for concluding a contract with Rostelecom).

As the site already reported, all these arguments did not impress Judge Novoselov: despite cooperation with the investigation and the seizure of property and accounts, Vasily Prokopenko and Oleg Vorobyov were unable to leave the pre-trial detention center; the period of detention for both of them was extended by one month.

Let us remind you that Prokopenko and Vorobyov were arrested on September 2 on charges of receiving a bribe of 5 million rubles (Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) for assistance in concluding a contract worth more than 360 million rubles and for mediation in obtaining this money. The funds, according to investigators, were transferred to Prokopenko when he was working at Rostelecom, from the company Lanit-Ural (the main contractor of the telecommunications holding in Chelyabinsk for the execution of government contracts). In return, Prokopenko ensured that the company won the competition dated November 27, 2015, announced by PJSC Rostelecom. The bribe givers got a contract worth 364 million rubles, concluded with the largest telecom operator for the supply, installation and commissioning of certain equipment, as well as for the development project documentation"Safe City" program.

Vasily Fedorovich Prokopenko(09/16/1925, Ukraine - 06/09/1979, Ivano-Frankivsk region) - commander of the anti-tank rifle section of the 1054th Infantry Regiment of the 301st Infantry Stalin Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree division of the 9th Red Banner Rifle Corps, senior sergeant.


Born on September 16, 1925 in the village of Minchikur, Veselovsky district, Zaporozhye region of Ukraine, into a peasant family. Ukrainian. Lived in the city of Makeevka, Donetsk region of Ukraine, secondary education.

In the Red Army since April 1944. In the active army since June 1944.

The commander of the PTR squad of the 1054th Infantry Regiment, Sergeant Vasily Prokopenko, on January 14, 1945, in the area of ​​the Polish settlement of Cherwonka, located twelve kilometers west of the city of Magnushev, suppressed five machine guns and disabled an anti-tank gun.

By order of the 301st Infantry Division dated March 30, 1945, Sergeant Vasily Fedorovich Prokopenko was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, for the courage and courage shown in battle.

The commander of the PTR section of the 1054th Infantry Regiment, senior sergeant Vasily Prokopenko, on April 16, 1945, in the battle for the Verbig railway station, the settlement of Noylangzov, located four kilometers north-east of the German city of Seelow, destroyed over ten enemy soldiers from a captured German machine gun and officers, suppressed several machine guns, and blew up an armored personnel carrier with an anti-tank grenade.

By order of the 5th Shock Army of May 26, 1945, Sergeant Vasily Fedorovich Prokopenko was awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree, for the courage and bravery shown in battle.

On April 24-28, 1945, in battles in the area of ​​the capital city of Berlin, senior sergeant Vasily Prokopenko, together with the crew members, hit a squad of manpower, knocked out and burned an assault gun, and suppressed four enemy firing points.

By order of the 5th Shock Army of June 12, 1945, Sergeant Vasily Fedorovich Prokopenko was re-awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree, for the courage and bravery shown in battle.

In 1950, V.F. Prokopenko was demobilized. Lived in the city of Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine. He worked at a factory as a foreman of toolmakers.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 18, 1971, for exemplary performance of command tasks in battles with German enemy invaders, retired sergeant Vasily Fedorovich Prokopenko was awarded the Order of Glory, 1st degree, becoming a full holder of the Order of Glory.

Member of the CPSU since 1969. Died on June 9, 1979.

Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree, Glory, 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree, medals.

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Website "Heroes of the Country". Retrieved August 23, 2014.


  • Knights of the Order of Glory of three degrees: Brief biographical dictionary / Prev. ed. Collegium D. S. Sukhorukov. - M.: Military Publishing House, 2000. - 703 p. - 10,000 copies.

- ISBN 5-203-01883-9.

Excerpt characterizing Prokopenko, Vasily Fedorovich
Petya wiped the sweat that covered his face with his hands and straightened his sweat-soaked collars, which he had arranged so well at home, like the big ones.
Petya felt that he had an unpresentable appearance, and was afraid that if he presented himself like that to the chamberlains, he would not be allowed to see the sovereign. But there was no way to recover and move to another place due to the cramped conditions. One of the passing generals was an acquaintance of the Rostovs. Petya wanted to ask for his help, but thought that it would be contrary to courage. When all the carriages had passed, the crowd surged and carried Petya out to the square, which was completely occupied by people. Not only in the area, but on the slopes, on the roofs, there were people everywhere. As soon as Petya found himself in the square, he clearly heard the sounds of bells and joyful folk talk filling the entire Kremlin.
At one time the square was more spacious, but suddenly all their heads opened, everything rushed forward somewhere else. Petya was squeezed so that he could not breathe, and everyone shouted: “Hurray! Hurray! hurray! Petya stood on tiptoes, pushed, pinched, but could not see anything except the people around him.
There was one common expression of tenderness and delight on all faces. One merchant's wife, standing next to Petya, was sobbing, and tears flowed from her eyes.
- Father, angel, father! – she said, wiping away tears with her finger.
- Hooray! - they shouted from all sides. For a minute the crowd stood in one place; but then she rushed forward again.
Petya, not remembering himself, clenched his teeth and brutally rolled his eyes, rushed forward, working with his elbows and shouting “Hurray!”, as if he was ready to kill himself and everyone at that moment, but exactly the same brutal faces climbed from his sides with the same shouts of “Hurray!”
“So this is what a sovereign is! - thought Petya. “No, I can’t submit a petition to him myself, it’s too bold!” Despite this, he still desperately made his way forward, and from behind the backs of those in front he glimpsed an empty space with a passage covered with red cloth; but at that time the crowd wavered back (in front the police were pushing away those who were advancing too close to the procession; the sovereign was passing from the palace to the Assumption Cathedral), and Petya unexpectedly received such a blow to the side in the ribs and was so crushed that suddenly everything in his eyes became blurred and he lost consciousness. When he came to his senses, some kind of clergyman, with a bun of graying hair back, in a worn blue cassock, probably a sexton, held him under his arm with one hand, and with the other protected him from the pressing crowd.
- The youngster was run over! - said the sexton. - Well, that’s it!.. it’s easier... crushed, crushed!
The Emperor went to the Assumption Cathedral. The crowd smoothed out again, and the sexton led Petya, pale and not breathing, to the Tsar’s cannon. Several people took pity on Petya, and suddenly the whole crowd turned to him, and a stampede began around him. Those who stood closer served him, unbuttoned his frock coat, placed a gun on the dais and reproached someone - those who crushed him.
“You can crush him to death this way.” What is this! To do murder! “Look, cordial, he’s become white as a tablecloth,” said the voices.
Petya soon came to his senses, the color returned to his face, the pain went away, and for this temporary trouble he received a place on the cannon, from which he hoped to see the sovereign who was about to return. Petya no longer thought about submitting a petition. If only he could see him, he would consider himself happy!
During the service in the Assumption Cathedral - a combined prayer service on the occasion of the arrival of the sovereign and a prayer of thanks for the conclusion of peace with the Turks - the crowd spread out; Shouting sellers of kvass, gingerbread, and poppy seeds appeared, which Petya was especially keen on, and ordinary conversations could be heard. One merchant's wife showed her torn shawl and said how expensive it was bought; another said that nowadays all silk fabrics have become expensive. The sexton, Petya’s savior, was talking with the official about who and who was serving with the Reverend today. The sexton repeated the word soborne several times, which Petya did not understand. Two young tradesmen joked with the courtyard girls gnawing nuts. All these conversations, especially jokes with girls, which had a special attraction for Petya at his age, all these conversations did not interest Petya now; ou sat on his gun dais, still worried at the thought of the sovereign and his love for him. The coincidence of the feeling of pain and fear when he was squeezed with a feeling of delight further strengthened in him the awareness of the importance of this moment.

Since April 2013, Vasily Prokopenko worked at Rostelecom, holding the position of deputy director of the Chelyabinsk branch. Responsible for the development management of the regional project “Information Society”.

In the summer of 2016, he was appointed director of the Chelyabinsk Regional Center for Navigation and Information Technologies.

Accusation of taking a bribe

In September 2016, the investigative authorities of the Chelyabinsk region reported that Vasily Prokopenko had been charged with a crime under Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (taking a bribe in special large size). The investigation established that in 2016, Prokopenko, acting as deputy director of the Chelyabinsk branch of Rostelecom, through the mediation of the director commercial organization received a bribe on an especially large scale for performing actions that were part of his official duties.

Prokopenko was arrested, in particular, on charges of receiving a bribe of 5 million rubles for assistance in concluding a contract worth more than 360 million rubles. The money, according to investigators, was transferred to Prokopenko when he was working at Rostelecom, from the company Lanit-Ural (the main contractor of the telecommunications holding in Chelyabinsk for the execution of government contracts). In return, Prokopenko ensured the company victory in the competition dated November 27, 2015, announced by Rostelecom.

The bribers received a contract worth 364 million rubles, concluded with the largest telecom operator for the supply, installation and commissioning of certain equipment, as well as for the development of design documentation for the Safe City program.

The intermediary in the transfer of the bribe was the director of the Perspektiva company, Oleg Vorobyov, who was also arrested by court order. He was charged under Part 4 of Article 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (mediation in bribery committed on an especially large scale).

At the end of October 2016, Prokopenko pleaded guilty to receiving bribes for Safe City contracts. Vorobiev at that time categorically did not admit the accusation against him.

Transfer from pre-trial detention center to house arrest at the request of the investigator

In March 2017, investigator Alexander Kozlov went to court with a petition to soften Prokopenko’s preventive measure - from detention to house arrest. The Central District Court of Chelyabinsk granted this petition.

The investigator of the bribe case, Prokopenko, was himself arrested for attempting to take a bribe.

In July 2017, the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Chelyabinsk Region announced the initiation of a criminal case against investigator Alexander Kozlov, who led the case of Vasily Prokopenko receiving a bribe. The investigator is suspected of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 30, Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (preparation to receive a bribe on an especially large scale).

According to investigators, in the period from April 2017 to July 2017, Kozlov had a criminal intent to receive, through intermediaries, a bribe on an especially large scale from persons against whom he had previously investigated a criminal case. He was unable to complete his criminal intent due to the fact that he was detained, the department said in a statement.

According to sources of the Znak.com portal in security forces, the detention is related to the criminal case against the former top manager of Rostelecom Vasily Prokopenko, which was under investigation by Kozlov. One of the publication’s sources clarifies that Kozlov’s detention is connected with his attempt to help one of the defendants in the case, who transferred a bribe to Prokopenko. The amount of the bribe to the investigator, according to the publication, was supposed to be 4 million rubles.

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