If your mouth is too dry. Constant dry mouth: causes of the phenomenon and how to get rid of the problem? Consequences of nocturnal xerostomia

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, can develop as an independent disorder, provoked by a certain lifestyle, or become the first, and sometimes the only, manifestation of other more serious diseases that affect the condition of the entire body.

To correctly identify the cause, you need to evaluate all risk factors.

Why is there Sugar in your mouth?

To identify the cause, specialists first find out at what time of day the salivation disorder occurs. It is this criterion that is often decisive in diagnosis:

The mouth often gets dry for the following reasons:

Series application medicines, especially during complex therapy with several drugs, also provoke dry mouth. Antibacterial and antifungal agents, drugs to lower blood pressure, antidepressants and sedatives, muscle relaxants, antipsychotics, antihistamines, painkillers, bronchodilators, antidiarrheals and antiemetics can cause drying of the mucous membrane. As you can see, the list is quite wide.

Xerostomia as a sign of another disease

If the feeling of dry mouth does not go away over time and the discomfort continues for a long period, you should pay attention to the presence of additional symptoms such as cracks in the oral mucosa, burning and itching of the tongue, a feeling of dryness in the throat, since such symptoms require immediate elimination by selection of the correct therapy.

If delayed, mucosal atrophy may develop.

First, you should contact a therapist, who will draw up a plan for consultations with a dentist, infectious disease specialist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist or other specialized specialists.

When making a diagnosis, the presence of accompanying symptoms such as frequent urination, thirst, difficulty swallowing, diction disorders, and changes in taste perception must be taken into account. Based on the totality of symptoms, the following pathologies can be diagnosed.

Refers to rare autoimmune diseases in which the connective tissue of the body is damaged. More often, the pathology is diagnosed in women over 50 years of age, when menopause occurs.

A clear sign of the disease is dryness not only in the oral cavity, but also in the area of ​​all mucous membranes, so patients complain of pain in the eyes, the appearance of dry throat. As a result, excessive dryness leads to constant tracheobronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, and disorders of the internal organs.


When dry mouth is accompanied by constant thirst and frequent urge to urinate, one may suspect diabetes.

Additional symptoms of the disease are sharp set weight and increased appetite or rapid weight loss, itchy skin, constant weakness, pustular rashes on the skin, itching in the genital area.

To confirm or exclude the diagnosis, you need to take a blood sugar test (glucose level is determined).

Food poisoning and gastrointestinal diseases

Most gastrointestinal diseases are accompanied by a feeling of severe dryness in the oral cavity, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of a bitter taste;
  • formation of yellow or white coating on the tongue;
  • constant belching;
  • severe heartburn.

If drying out of the mucous membrane is accompanied by such phenomena, it is important to undergo a full diagnosis to exclude dyskinesia of the bile ducts, gallbladder diseases, duodenitis, cholecystitis or pancreatitis.

When dryness and bitterness in the mouth are combined with pain in the right side, doctors may suspect the presence of gallbladder cameos.

If there is nausea along with dry mouth, pay attention to the pain of the stomach, the feeling of fullness, which indicate an exacerbation of gastritis (the pathology can be caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, so timely diagnosis is important).

Sometimes disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is caused by thyroid disease, which affects the motor activity of the biliary tract, provoking accelerated peristalsis and spasm of the bile ducts.

Food poisoning with intoxication of the body is also accompanied by impaired saliva production. In such situations, dryness is accompanied by symptoms in the form of diarrhea that provokes dehydration, nausea, vomiting, and severe cutting pain in the abdomen.

In addition to intoxication, dryness is associated with irritable bowel syndrome or dysbiosis, which are characterized by long-term digestive disorders that last for several months.

A preliminary diagnosis can be made based on the presence of the following signs:

  • epigastric pain that occurs after eating;
  • relief after bowel movement;
  • morning diarrhea;
  • difficulty defecating in the afternoon;
  • bloating and constant belching;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • headache;
  • exacerbation of the listed symptoms after physical exertion or severe stress.

Hypotension and related phenomena

If your mouth dries out and this is accompanied by dizziness, the cause of the condition may be decreased arterial pressure or hypotension.

Often, a decrease in pressure does not cause discomfort, but in some cases, with a sharp drop in readings, weakness and dizziness occur.

If the sensations do not go away in a lying position, you need to immediately take measures to prevent the development of a hypotensive crisis, which threatens not only health, but also life in general.

Typically, hypotensive patients complain of morning dry mouth, which is caused by insufficient function of the salivary glands due to muscle flaccidity. A therapist and cardiologist will help you cope with discomfort by selecting supportive therapy.

Menopause - female factor

During menopause, women, along with dryness of the oral mucosa, experience a feeling of pain in the eyes, dizziness, and rapid heartbeat. Such phenomena are associated with reduced production of sex hormones and the decline of reproductive functions.

As a rule, the first symptoms are detected after 45 years, when the function of the autonomic system changes nervous system. After stressful situations, serious injuries, exacerbation of chronic diseases, the symptoms of menopause can be significantly worsened.

Doctors call this condition climacteric syndrome, which is characterized by:

  • feeling of anxiety;
  • causeless chills or fever;
  • joint and heart pain;
  • sleep disorders;
  • excessive dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, throat, and genitals.

It is possible to reduce the intensity of symptoms by taking special medications - hormonal, homeopathic, sedatives, vitamins. Also, bodyflex exercises, breathing exercises, and yoga provide effective results.

If these symptoms appear, it is important to review your diet and physical exercise, providing the body with proper rest and a balanced diet.

In addition to the diseases described, xerostomia may indicate the development of psychosis, neurosis or other neurotic disorders. In this case, direct correction of the state of the nervous system is required.

If dryness of the oral mucosa is accompanied by a metallic taste and burning of the gums, the reason may be a problem, which a dentist will help eliminate.

What are the dangers of long-term dry mouth?

Untimely treatment of xerostomia and delaying the process can result in the following negative reactions of the body:

  • development of gingivitis, fungal;
  • development of chronic tonsillitis;
  • frequent infection of the oral cavity and prolonged tissue healing.

What can be done?

How can you get rid of dry mouth, depending on the triggering factors:

  • when diagnosing impaired nasal breathing, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or diabetes mellitus, treatment is selected by appropriate specialized specialists, assessing the degree of the pathological process and the condition of the body;
  • it is important to minimize or completely eliminate bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • if mouth breathing is not associated with pathology of the nasal passages and is a habit, you should accustom yourself to nasal breathing;
  • the consumption of fried and salty foods, offered in a wide range of nuts, crackers and crispbreads with additives harmful to the body, is excluded;
  • daily fluid intake necessarily increases; experts recommend drinking a glass of pure or still mineral water half an hour before each meal;
  • during the heating season, the humidity in the rooms increases through the use of special devices;
  • if dry mouth is accompanied by the appearance of cracks on the lips, special natural balms are used for lubrication;
  • V difficult situations for xerostomia, saliva substitutes are indicated for use, restoring the necessary balance in the oral cavity;
  • Proper and regular oral hygiene, brushing teeth using fluoride-containing toothpastes, and using microflora-normalizing products after meals are of great importance.

Saliva substitutes - a solution for acute xerostomia

You can increase salivation through the following activities:

  • eating hot peppers containing capsaicin, which activates the salivary glands;
  • sucking sugar-free candy in your mouth or eating chewing gum (the presence of sugar in the composition is unacceptable);
  • minimal consumption of sweet foods.

If xerostomia is caused by local causes, its elimination is carried out in a fairly short time, after which it is enough to adhere to the right lifestyle. In other situations, the situation can only be corrected by complex treatment, without postponing therapy “for later”.

Dryness of the mucous membranes of the body is an unpleasant phenomenon that most often goes unnoticed, but in vain. This symptom is a signal from your body that a certain problem has arisen that requires elimination. However, in fairness, it is worth saying that dryness can also occur due to unfavorable climatic conditions and other incorrect actions of the person himself.

But whatever it is, this phenomenon can significantly complicate a person’s life, causing constant discomfort. Next, we’ll talk about dry mucous membranes of the body, the causes of its occurrence and methods of treatment.

Perhaps almost every one of us has encountered this phenomenon -. Moreover, this is also the most common complaint that doctors hear.

Deviation can be caused by various reasons

More often this state occurs with colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, etc.

Just remember how this terrible dryness is added to a sore throat and nasal congestion, as if a whole desert had formed inside.

However, this is not the only reason for the development of this phenomenon. Since everything in our body is interconnected, the reason may be completely unexpected, as it seems to us, but quite logical in the opinion of our body.

Dry mouth

The medical name for this deviation is xerostomia., which is defined as dryness of the oral mucosa as a result of a decrease or cessation of the functioning of the glands that produce saliva.

Reference. If the phenomenon is chronic, then it is difficult for the patient to talk, eat, and taste, which turns ordinary everyday activities into hard labor.

Dry oral mucosa is characterized by the following distinctive features:

  • strong feeling of thirst;
  • feeling of “stickiness” in the mouth;
  • a feeling of dryness not only in the mouth, but also in the throat;
  • itching and burning, especially on the tongue;
  • cracks on the lips and corners of the mouth;
  • redness and dryness of the tongue, roughness;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • halitosis.

Constant dryness of the oral mucosa causes some discomfort and causes the development of certain pathological processes

The oral mucosa primarily reflects the development of various pathologies and malfunctions in the functioning of many systems.

Drying factors not related to disease Pathologies of which this phenomenon may be a symptom
Consumption of water in small quantities, especially in the hot season, and also when eating highly salted foods Diseases of the salivary glands(, Mikulicz's disease, sialolithiasis), characterized by impaired saliva formation, even before complete cessation
Use of drugs, the side effect of which is dry mouth Infectious pathologies(flu, sore throat, etc.) – this phenomenon develops due to a lack of water in the body due to high temperature, increased sweating
Mouth breathing(due to the inability to breathe through the nose due to polyps, deviated nasal septum, etc.) Systemic diseases(Sjögren's disease, cystic fibrosis, systemic scleroderma)
Rinsing the mouth for no reason Tumor formations in the oral cavity– salivary glands (parotid and submandibular) are often affected
Smoking Endocrine diseases(thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus)
Alcohol intoxication Anemia(lack of iron causes not only dry mouth, but also dizziness and pale skin)
Menopause Dehydration due to bleeding, burns, fever, vomiting, diarrhea

In addition to the above factors, it is also possible to identify the following conditions that cause the development of such a condition:

  1. Lack of vitamin A.
  2. Injury to the salivary glands.
  3. Damage to various types of nerves (facial and glossopharyngeal).
  4. Strong psycho-emotional stress (excitement, stress).

Reference. The feeling of constant dryness in the mouth can cause the development of various gum pathologies (periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis).

Dry nose

Dry nose brings a lot of discomfort to a person’s life.

Dry nasal mucous membranes make breathing difficult and prevent them from performing their main purpose: filtering, warming and humidifying the inhaled air before it enters the lungs.

It follows that this phenomenon causes an almost 100% chance of “catching” any infection by airborne droplets, since the mucosal epithelium in such a situation is not able to retain pathogens.

Dry nose is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • cracked skin on the nostrils;
  • burning sensation and formation of dry crusts in the nose;
  • sneezing;
  • deterioration of sense of smell;
  • headache;
  • nosebleeds.

As for the factors for the development of dryness in the nasal cavity, they can be absolutely diverse. The most common ones are:

  1. Climatewinter frosts and too hot summers with low humidity are real tests for the respiratory system.
  2. Inappropriate indoor climate– this problem can be caused by dry air in the home, especially if it has an air conditioner.
  3. Harmful working conditionschemical substances, Construction Materials or the constant presence of dust has an impact negative impact on the mucous membrane of the nose and respiratory organs. Therefore, a respirator in this situation is a must.
  4. Long-term use of medications– excessive use of nasal vasoconstrictor drops, especially when the dosage is exceeded, causes the formation of dryness in the nose. In addition to local medications, this phenomenon can also be caused by systemic medications: hormonal and antihistamines.
  5. Pathological conditions- atrophic and hypertrophic rhinitis, rhinoscleroma, keratoconjunctivitis, Sjogren's disease and diabetes mellitus.
  6. Stressful situations and weak protective functions body– against the background of frequent or constant emotional overload, this condition may develop.
  7. Damage to the walls of the nasal passagesmechanical impact, burns, thermal effects.

In addition, deviations can provoke allergic reactions to various types of irritants (pollen, dust, animal hair) and excessive passion for cleanliness of the nasal cavity(endless nose blowing and rinsing for no apparent reason).

Reference. Dryness can occur in older people (thinning of the mucous membrane) and in expectant mothers (hormonal changes).

Treatment of dry mucous membranes

First of all, in such a situation, treatment should begin with neutralizing the main cause of this deviation.

Reference. For pathologies respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, you must seek appropriate medical help.

Since this phenomenon can be a symptom of many systemic pathologies, and may also be a consequence of exposure external factors, a person is not able to determine this on his own.

Thus, whenever possible, in as soon as possible It is better to consult a doctor, where you will receive a full consultation and a plan of action in each specific case.

Only a doctor can determine the true cause of the phenomenon

Treatment for dry mouth

Treatment of dry mouth is always carried out comprehensively, under the guidance of a physician and includes the following items that are mandatory for the patient to complete:

Treatment of the phenomenon begins with searching for the disease and following a list of rules

  • therapy for the underlying disease (if any);
  • complete refusal bad habits(smoking, alcohol);
  • if the reason is taking certain medications, then the doctor can either reduce the dose or select another remedy;
  • reduce consumption of highly salted foods;
  • consume enough fluid;
  • Avoid alcohol-based mouthwashes;
  • Peach, apricot, and sunflower oil and honey applications;
  • use drugs that replace saliva (at the discretion of a specialist).

In addition, it is necessary to support certain climatic conditions in the house: temperature regime and humidity. To do this, you need to frequently carry out wet cleaning and ventilation of the living space. Special devices will also help with humidification of the room.

Reference. Seasoning food with hot pepper also helps to activate salivation, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to cause problems with the digestive system.

Treatment for dry nose

The choice of therapeutic measures largely depends on the factors in the development of dryness. Only a doctor can select a complex of effective drugs.

However, the basis of treatment for this problem will always consist of local symptomatic treatment to moisturize the mucous membrane, reduce swelling and restore breathing.

To eliminate this condition, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Eliminate provoking factors– increase the humidity in the house (using humidifiers or wet towels and containers of water);
  2. Compliance with drinking regime– consume more water, decoctions, rose hips, tea.
  3. The use of drugs that prevent dryness– drops and sprays from sea ​​water(“Aquamaris”, “Humer”, “Salin”), as well as ointments (“Pinosol”, “Traumel S”).
  4. Inhalations– you can mitigate drying if you do inhalations using essential oils(sage, mint, eucalyptus) or herbal infusions (calendula, chamomile).
  5. Application of solutions– you can instill sea buckthorn oil, olive oil, and also lubricate the nasal passages with cotton or gauze (pre-soaked).

Drugs that relieve dry nasal mucosa

The above measures will help alleviate a person’s condition while the underlying factor is identified and treated (if dryness is a symptom of the disease).

This problem can either arise or disappear on its own. However, if dryness torments you constantly or occurs with systemic frequency, then it is still worth paying attention to it.

A visit to the doctor may take a lot of time, and treatment of the problem itself may not take much time, but you will get rid of the unpleasant feeling, significantly increasing the quality of your life.

Dry mouth is familiar to almost everyone. But not everyone knows that this condition has a medical name “xerostomia”, that is, insufficient hydration with saliva.

The reason is bad job glands that secrete saliva. And the reason for this, in turn, may be stress or taking certain medications, undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, immune and autoimmune disorders, and smoking. As you can see, there are many reasons.

On the one hand, there may be no reason for concern, since this rarely happens to any person with strong anxiety. The phrase “My mouth is dry from excitement” is familiar to many.

However, if severe dry mouth constantly haunts you, then there is a reason to analyze your health, as this may be a signal of the onset of a serious illness. After all, saliva is directly related to the functioning of the digestive tract and protects teeth from caries and infections.

Main reasons

There are a number of reasons why the salivary glands do not perform their functions well. This may be a consequence of taking medications. There are approximately 400 drugs that inhibit the salivary glands. These are antihistamines, lower blood pressure, etc.

If we talk about dry mouth as a harbinger of diseases, then among them there are very unpleasant diseases, which primarily affect the functions of salivation. These are diabetes mellitus, lymphorganulomatosis, HIV, Parkinson's and Sjögren's disease.

Dysfunction of the salivary glands and dry mouth are consequences of radiation therapy to the head and neck for oncology. In such cases, impaired salivation may be temporary or permanent. Chemotherapy causes approximately the same symptoms.

Hormonal changes, caused, for example, by menopause, also have a depressing effect on salivation, causing a feeling of dry mouth in women at this time. Tobacco smoke, inhaled daily by smokers, is the cause of dry mouth in heavy smokers.

The only way to get rid of the problem is to remove the causes of the disease. If these are certain medications prescribed by a doctor, you should discuss with him the issue of reducing the dosage or prescribing another medicine. If eliminating the cause of dryness requires more long time, that is, there are several ways to solve this problem.

Ways to solve the problem

Use mouth moisturizers, something like a saliva substitute. Using rinses will also significantly reduce the symptoms of dryness. Consume more tea and sugar-free drinks.

It is necessary to avoid caffeinated drinks and all sugary carbonated drinks; drinking them only increases thirst and dry mouth. You can suck on sugar-free candies or chewing gum to stimulate saliva production. You will have to give up smoking and drinking alcohol. Still, health is more valuable.

It's no secret that eating spicy and salty foods can cause pain if a person suffers from dry mouth. Or cause a condition when they say that there is a “lump in the throat.”

Now we have looked at those moments of dry mouth that do not pose a particular health hazard. Now let's look in more detail at those points that require a more careful approach, since ignoring them can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Pre-morbid symptoms

In pregnant women

Dry mouth also occurs in pregnant women. In general, in pregnant women who follow a drinking regime, this phenomenon is extremely rare, due to the fact that salivation, as is known, only increases during pregnancy. If dryness is caused by hot weather, then there is no cause for concern.

But when dryness is accompanied by sourness and a metallic taste, this indicates a gestational form of diabetes. It can be diagnosed by glucose tests.

Also, dry mouth in pregnant women, accompanied by frequent urination, is a sign of an excess of magnesium and a severe deficiency of potassium.

Diabetes and gastrointestinal problems

Dry mouth and constant thirst are signs of diabetes. The same symptoms, accompanied by abdominal pain, indicate intestinal pathology. If to this is added a yellow-white coating on the tongue, plus heartburn and increased gas formation, then we can talk about pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and a number of other diseases, including problems with the gallbladder and biliary dyskinesia.

Various forms of neuroses, psychoses and other problems of a neuropsychological nature are also characterized by these signs. If they are present, coupled with pain on the right side, we can talk about cholelithiasis or cholecystitis.

Pathologies of the thyroid gland, as a result of which the bile duct spasms, which causes bitterness in the mouth, and the tongue becomes covered with a yellow-white coating, also leads to a decrease in the functioning of the salivary glands. Gastritis can also be accompanied by stomach pain, nausea, heartburn, and severe dryness and bitterness in the mouth. In most of these cases, the culprit is the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.


Hypotension is also accompanied by signs of dry mouth. Added to this is dizziness. This problem is last years struck the majority of the planet's inhabitants and many simply do not pay attention to it. But weakness, dizziness and pain in the occipital region should alert anyone who has these signs. This can lead to hypotensive crisis or shock. Hypotonic and hypertensive patients quite often suffer from dizziness, weakness and dry mouth, especially in the evening.

As you can see, a seemingly simple problem, seemingly associated only with the mouth, can warn of many quite serious diseases that are beginning. If alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately contact your doctor and undergo an appropriate examination. It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later.

We recommend drinking at least 2 liters per day clean water. Add to your diet hot peppers, if there are no contraindications. Pepper activates salivation, as it contains capsaicin, which stimulates the salivary glands.

We hope that in this material you did not find any symptoms that you might have!

A single case of dry mouth is not a reason to panic, but if the discomfort bothers you over a long period of time and there are other warning signs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Insufficient functioning of the salivary glands causes xerostomia - a feeling of dryness in the mouth, including the tongue. This manifestation can occur in various pathological and physiological conditions of the body, and can also be caused by a number of provoking factors.

Frequent dry mouth is not a disease, but a sign of problems in the body. Drying of the mucous membrane can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Use of certain dosage forms. Very often, dryness manifests itself as a side effect when taking antihistamines, antidepressants, vasoconstrictors, and diuretics. To eliminate the cause of dry tongue and mouth, in this case, it is enough just to stop taking medications, replacing them with analogues or other forms (after consultation with the specialist who is observing you).
  2. Age-related manifestations. Sometimes drying of the oral mucosa can occur in older people.
  3. Insufficient consumption of clean water, especially in the hot season. A banal lack of fluid and violation of the drinking regime can provoke this symptom.
  4. Inadequate dental care.
  5. Smoking.
  6. Passion for hot, spicy and salty dishes.
  7. Snoring, prolonged breathing through the mouth. The cause of dry mouth at night may be due to drying out of the mucous membrane by keeping the mouth open for a long time, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, etc.
  8. Insufficient air humidity in the room, especially in heating season or when operating heating devices.
  9. Withdrawal syndrome. Excessive doses of strong drinks taken the day before always provoke dry mouth.

When is dry mouth caused by disease?

Dry mouth – causes of what disease?

1. Swelling of the nasal mucosa. Often with rhinitis, adenoids or allergic reaction the person begins to breathe through his mouth. This is why dryness and burning in the mouth may occur.

2. Dehydration of the body. Dryness occurs when dehydration is caused by severe intoxication and conditions in which body temperature increases significantly, for example, in acute infectious diseases. In addition to this symptom, severe headache, general weakness, loss of performance, lack of appetite, sleep disturbances and dizziness are observed.

3. Diabetes mellitus. The first symptom of the development of the disease (regardless of its type) is precisely dry mucous membranes, as well as constant thirst. At the same time, there may be increased frequency of urination, loss of body weight without visible reasons and general weakness.

4. Disruption of the salivary glands. The adult body normally produces approximately 1.5 liters of saliva. This volume is produced by three pairs of large salivary glands - parotid, submandibular and sublingual.

In addition, the oral cavity also contains microscopic salivary glands, which are located on the mucous membranes of the palate, cheeks, tongue and lips.

Blockage of their work can be caused by the following pathologies: Sjogren's disease, salivary stone disease, mumps, neoplasms (benign and malignant). As a rule, a feeling of dryness occurs when eating, when damaged salivary glands must produce additional portions of secretion.

5. Gastrointestinal diseases. White tongue and dry mouth are the causes of problems in the functioning of the entire digestive system. The appearance of a whitish or yellow coating on the tongue may indicate pancreatitis, gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, peptic ulcer, etc.

With biliary dyskinesia and problems in the gallbladder, a sensation of bitter taste in the mouth and pain in the right hypochondrium simultaneously appears.

6. Cystic fibrosis. A hereditary disease accompanied by disruption of the functioning of all endocrine glands, which include the salivary glands. Along with dry tongue, problems in the gastrointestinal tract and bronchopulmonary system are observed.

7. Malfunctions of the genitourinary system. Dry mouth often accompanies diseases such as urethritis, cystitis, renal failure, prostatitis, nephritis, etc.

8. Vitamin deficiency. A lack of ascorbic acid, carotenoids, tocopherol, B vitamins and some trace elements negatively affects the functioning of the salivary glands.

What to do? When to see a doctor?

In cases where dry mucous membranes are not associated with painful conditions of the body, it can be eliminated by eliminating the provoking causes.

In a situation where, in addition to dry mouth, you are concerned about other manifestations of problems in the functioning of organs and systems described above, it is advisable to read a full medical examination for timely detection of diseases and initiation of treatment.

If you are experiencing nausea, dry mouth, white coating in the tongue, then visit an experienced gastroenterologist. If you have increased thirst and weight loss, get examined by an endocrinologist. In case of infectious diseases, drink as much fluid as possible and take appropriate medications.

Eliminating the causes of dry mouth at night associated with mouth breathing or snoring comes down to normalizing and controlling night breathing. It is possible to use special anti-snoring clips.

  • If you experience discomfort, suck a piece of ice, a piece of candy, or chew sugar-free gum in your mouth.
  • Carefully read the instructions for all medications you take, especially the section side effects. If dryness is caused by medication, consult your doctor to determine an adequate replacement.
  • Use air humidifiers indoors. It is also recommended to place wet terry towels to increase the humidity in the room.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a quality toothpaste. Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  • Drink enough water - an adult should drink at least 8 glasses of free fluid per day.
  • Take multivitamin complexes with microelements to prevent hypovitaminosis, eat as many different fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and leafy greens as possible.
  • Enrich your diet with healthy vegetable oils containing omega-3 PUFAs, and nut oils.
  • Be sure to eat food with rough dietary fiber– cereals, fruits, bran, fiber, as they increase the production of saliva during chewing.
  • Eat solid foods, because when eating liquid foods, a person makes minimal movements of the jaws, and this leads to a slowdown in the functioning of the salivary glands.
  • Give up spicy and salty foods, quit smoking, don’t abuse alcohol, and dry mouth will stop bothering you.

In cases where the listed measures and recommendations do not give a positive result, and dry mucous membranes do not cool down on their own for a long time, then you should think about your health condition and contact a medical institution.

In any case, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe therapy, including medication. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, as this can lead to harmful consequences.

Don’t ignore your body’s signals, start taking care of your own health as early as possible, and then active longevity and you are guaranteed to feel great!

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Dry mouth (xerostomia) - this unpleasant sensation can be temporary or signal the presence of certain pathological conditions occurring in the body. Dry mouth occurs due to a lack of saliva production by the glands. Normal saliva production per day is 2000 ml.


Xerostomia can occur for the following reasons that are not associated with diseases:

Why can dry mouth be a constant pain? Pathological conditions that cause dry mouth:

  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Neoplasms in the oral cavity, which affect the submandibular and parotid salivary glands;
  • Anemia (anemia);
  • Endocrine diseases, in particular, diabetes mellitus, in which the level of glucose in the blood increases and carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted. Xerostomia occurs against the background of a decrease in fluid levels in the body and suppression of the functions of the salivary glands;
  • Sjögren's disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes dry mucous membranes and a disorder of the functioning of the exocrine glands;
  • Diseases of the salivary glands: sialostasis, mumps, Mikulicz's disease. Characteristic features pathologies are soreness and enlargement of the gland, partial or complete extinction of the functions of saliva production;
  • Disturbance of innervation - after surgery, the nerve fibers of the neck or head may be damaged, which leads to disruption of the glands;
  • Infectious diseases which are accompanied by intoxication (dehydration) of the body;
  • Injury to the major salivary glands - can lead to rupture of tissues and gland ducts;
  • Vitamin A (retinol) deficiency – epithelial tissue grows, which clogs the lumens of the salivary glands;
  • Nervous overexcitation - xerostomia goes away along with signs of depression;
  • Surgical resection (removal) of the salivary glands(for neoplasms, extensive injuries);
  • HIV - the virus affects the salivary glands, inhibiting their functions, and the body is depleted;
  • Cystic fibrosis is a genetic (transmitted from parents to children) disease that is characterized by damage to the exocrine glands;
  • Systemic scleroderma - fibrosis (overgrowth of connective tissue) of the skin and mucous membranes occurs.

During pregnancy, the causes of xerostomia can be:

  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • Gestosis (toxicosis on later, pathological condition);
  • Violation of water-salt metabolism (excessive consumption of smoked, salty foods);
  • Pressure of the uterus on the bladder, leading to frequent urination;
  • Excess magnesium;
  • Potassium deficiency.

Associated symptoms

Most often, xerostomia is combined with other symptoms:

What gastrointestinal diseases may this indicate?

Xerostomia occurs with the following gastrointestinal diseases:

  • Pancreatitis (inflammatory process in the pancreas);
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • (infection of the duodenum);
  • Dyskinesia (motor function disorder) of the biliary tract;
  • Intestinal dysbiosis.

Treatment methods

Treatment of dry mouth directly depends on the cause of its occurrence; usually, 3 therapeutic areas are distinguished for these purposes:

  • Curing the underlying disease that caused xerostomia. If the condition occurs while taking medications, then a new drug is selected and the dosage is adjusted, but if it is not possible to adjust the course of treatment (after injury, surgery), then measures are prescribed to increase salivation;
  • Rejection of bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • Prevention of caries - brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day, cleaning the interdental spaces with floss. It is also recommended to use mouth rinses, use fluoride toothpaste, and undergo a preventive examination with a dentist at least 2 times a year;
  • Moisturizing lips with hygienic lipsticks, wet wipes;
  • Increased salivation - artificial saliva substitutes are prescribed in the form of aerosols, rinses, moisturizing gels: evoxac, salajen, pilogel.

Quick relief from dryness

In order to get rid of dry mouth as soon as possible, you can use the following recommendations:


Meals for xerostomia should be fractional, in minimal portions at least 5 times a day, food should be warm, pureed. Dishes are boiled, stewed or baked.

Authorized products:

  • Bread 1st and 2nd grade;
  • Legumes;
  • Lean meat, fish, poultry;
  • Cereals, cereals;
  • Soft-boiled eggs;
  • Fermented milk drinks;
  • Butter, vegetable oil, ghee;
  • Vegetarian soups;
  • Vegetables, non-acidic berries, fruits;
  • Honey, jam, jam, marmalade;
  • Tea, rosehip decoction, juices, mineral water.

Prohibited products:

  • Salted, smoked, pickled, fatty, fried foods;
  • Spices, herbs;
  • Ice cream, chocolate;
  • Sausages;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Bread, crackers, cookies;
  • Pastries, cakes;
  • Pasta;
  • Canned food;
  • Cottage cheese products;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Coffee, sour juices, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.


For xerostomia, the following alternative medicine recipes are used:

  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon of sage, chamomile, calamus root, blueberries, brew each ingredient separately in a mug hot water except blueberries. Leave for 40–60 minutes, filter, rinse your mouth with decoctions throughout the day, and eat the berries;
  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon plantain, rosehip, chamomile, mint, calendula, sea buckthorn and red rowan. Grind everything, 1 tbsp. spoon ready mixture Brew ½ liter of boiling water, leave for 2–4 hours, filter. Take ¼ cup throughout the day; you can rinse your mouth with this decoction;
  • 1st Art. Brew a spoonful of rose hips with a mug of hot water, leave for a couple of hours, filter. Buy an oil solution of chlorophyllipt at the pharmacy, alternately drip these 2 products into the nasal passages: first rose hips, after 15 minutes the pharmaceutical solution. After instillation, you need to take a horizontal position;
  • Extract juice from fresh vegetables and fruits: White cabbage, apple, potato. Add ¼ cup of juice with water to make ½ volume, take warm before each meal.


If dry mouth bothers you for a long time, consult a doctor!

If xerostomia is observed for a long time and there is no treatment, the following complications may occur:

  • Caries, tooth loss;
  • Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums);
  • Infectious processes in the oral cavity (thrush).
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